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package rocket
import Chisel._
import Constants._
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
class ioReplacementWayGen extends Bundle {
val pick_new_way = Bool(dir = INPUT)
val way_en = Bits(width = NWAYS, dir = INPUT)
val way_id = UFix(width = log2up(NWAYS), dir = OUTPUT)
class RandomReplacementWayGen extends Component {
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val io = new ioReplacementWayGen()
2012-01-24 23:39:52 +01:00
//TODO: Actually limit selection based on which ways are allowed (io.ways_en)
if(NWAYS > 1)
val rand_way_id = UFix(width = log2up(NWAYS))
rand_way_id := LFSR16(io.pick_new_way)(log2up(NWAYS)-1,0)
when (rand_way_id >= UFix(NWAYS, width = log2up(NWAYS)+1)) { io.way_id := UFix(0, width = log2up(NWAYS)) }
.otherwise { io.way_id := rand_way_id }
else io.way_id := UFix(0)
class StoreMaskGen extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val typ = Bits(3, INPUT)
val addr = Bits(3, INPUT)
val wmask = Bits(8, OUTPUT)
val word = (io.typ === MT_W) || (io.typ === MT_WU)
val half = (io.typ === MT_H) || (io.typ === MT_HU)
val byte = (io.typ === MT_B) || (io.typ === MT_BU)
io.wmask := Mux(byte, Bits( 1,1) << io.addr(2,0).toUFix,
Mux(half, Bits( 3,2) << Cat(io.addr(2,1), Bits(0,1)).toUFix,
Mux(word, Bits( 15,4) << Cat(io.addr(2), Bits(0,2)).toUFix,
class StoreDataGen extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val typ = Bits(3, INPUT)
val din = Bits(64, INPUT)
val dout = Bits(64, OUTPUT)
val word = (io.typ === MT_W) || (io.typ === MT_WU)
val half = (io.typ === MT_H) || (io.typ === MT_HU)
val byte = (io.typ === MT_B) || (io.typ === MT_BU)
io.dout := Mux(byte, Fill(8, io.din( 7,0)),
Mux(half, Fill(4, io.din(15,0)),
Mux(word, Fill(2, io.din(31,0)),
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
// this currently requires that CPU_DATA_BITS == 64
class LoadDataGen extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val typ = Bits(3, INPUT)
val addr = Bits(log2up(MEM_DATA_BITS/8), INPUT)
val din = Bits(MEM_DATA_BITS, INPUT)
val dout = Bits(64, OUTPUT)
val r_dout = Bits(64, OUTPUT)
val r_dout_subword = Bits(64, OUTPUT)
val sext = (io.typ === MT_B) || (io.typ === MT_H) ||
(io.typ === MT_W) || (io.typ === MT_D)
val word = (io.typ === MT_W) || (io.typ === MT_WU)
val half = (io.typ === MT_H) || (io.typ === MT_HU)
val byte = (io.typ === MT_B) || (io.typ === MT_BU)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val shifted = io.din >> Cat(io.addr(io.addr.width-1,2), Bits(0, 5)).toUFix
val extended =
Mux(word, Cat(Fill(32, sext & shifted(31)), shifted(31,0)), shifted)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val r_extended = Reg(extended)
val r_sext = Reg(sext)
val r_half = Reg(half)
val r_byte = Reg(byte)
val r_addr = Reg(io.addr)
val shifted_subword = r_extended >> Cat(r_addr(1,0), Bits(0, 3)).toUFix
val extended_subword =
Mux(r_byte, Cat(Fill(56, r_sext & shifted_subword( 7)), shifted_subword( 7,0)),
Mux(r_half, Cat(Fill(48, r_sext & shifted_subword(15)), shifted_subword(15,0)),
io.dout := extended
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
io.r_dout := r_extended
io.r_dout_subword := extended_subword
class RPQEntry extends Bundle {
val offset = Bits(width = OFFSET_BITS)
val cmd = Bits(width = 4)
val typ = Bits(width = 3)
val sdq_id = UFix(width = log2up(NSDQ))
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val tag = Bits(width = DCACHE_TAG_BITS)
class Replay extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val offset = Bits(width = OFFSET_BITS)
val cmd = Bits(width = 4)
val typ = Bits(width = 3)
val sdq_id = UFix(width = log2up(NSDQ))
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val tag = Bits(width = DCACHE_TAG_BITS)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val way_oh = Bits(width = NWAYS)
class DataReq extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val offset = Bits(width = OFFSET_BITS)
val cmd = Bits(width = 4)
val typ = Bits(width = 3)
val data = Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS)
class DataArrayReq extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val offset = Bits(width = log2up(REFILL_CYCLES))
val rw = Bool()
val wmask = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS/8)
val data = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
class DataArrayArrayReq extends Bundle {
val inner_req = new DataArrayReq()
val way_en = Bits(width = NWAYS)
class WritebackReq extends Bundle {
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val ppn = Bits(width = TAG_BITS)
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val way_oh = Bits(width = NWAYS)
class MetaData extends Bundle {
val state = UFix(width = 2)
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val tag = Bits(width = TAG_BITS)
2011-12-10 16:01:47 +01:00
class MetaArrayReq extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val rw = Bool()
val data = new MetaData()
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
class MetaArrayArrayReq extends Bundle {
val inner_req = new MetaArrayReq()
val way_en = Bits(width = NWAYS)
class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with ThreeStateIncoherence {
val io = new Bundle {
val req_pri_val = Bool(INPUT)
val req_pri_rdy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val req_sec_val = Bool(INPUT)
val req_sec_rdy = Bool(OUTPUT)
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val req_ppn = Bits(TAG_BITS, INPUT)
val req_idx = Bits(IDX_BITS, INPUT)
val req_offset = Bits(OFFSET_BITS, INPUT)
val req_cmd = Bits(4, INPUT)
val req_type = Bits(3, INPUT)
val req_sdq_id = UFix(log2up(NSDQ), INPUT)
val req_tag = Bits(DCACHE_TAG_BITS, INPUT)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val req_way_oh = Bits(NWAYS, INPUT)
val idx_match = Bool(OUTPUT)
val idx = Bits(IDX_BITS, OUTPUT)
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val tag = Bits(TAG_BITS, OUTPUT)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val way_oh = Bits(NWAYS, OUTPUT)
val mem_resp_val = Bool(INPUT)
val mem_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new TransactionInit }.flip
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }.flip
val replay = (new ioDecoupled) { new Replay() }.flip
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val state = Reg { UFix() }
val requested = Reg { Bool() }
val refilled = Reg { Bool() }
val ppn = Reg { Bits() }
val idx_ = Reg { Bits() }
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val way_oh_ = Reg { Bits() }
val req_load = (io.req_cmd === M_XRD) || (io.req_cmd === M_PFR)
val req_use_rpq = (io.req_cmd != M_PFR) && (io.req_cmd != M_PFW)
val next_state = Mux(io.req_sec_val && io.req_sec_rdy, newStateOnSecondaryMiss(io.req_cmd, state), state)
val sec_rdy = io.idx_match && !refilled && (needsWriteback(state) || !requested || req_load)
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
// XXX why doesn't this work?
// val rpq = (new queue(NRPQ)) { new RPQEntry() }
val rpq_enq_bits = Cat(io.req_offset, io.req_cmd, io.req_type, io.req_sdq_id, io.req_tag)
val rpq = (new queue(NRPQ)) { Bits(width = rpq_enq_bits.getWidth) }
rpq.io.enq.valid := (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy || io.req_sec_val && sec_rdy) && req_use_rpq
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
rpq.io.enq.bits := rpq_enq_bits
rpq.io.deq.ready := io.replay.ready && refilled
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
var rpq_deq_bits = rpq.io.deq.bits
io.replay.bits.tag := rpq_deq_bits
rpq_deq_bits = rpq_deq_bits >> UFix(io.req_tag.width)
io.replay.bits.sdq_id := rpq_deq_bits.toUFix
rpq_deq_bits = rpq_deq_bits >> UFix(io.req_sdq_id.width)
io.replay.bits.typ := rpq_deq_bits
rpq_deq_bits = rpq_deq_bits >> UFix(io.req_type.width)
io.replay.bits.cmd := rpq_deq_bits
rpq_deq_bits = rpq_deq_bits >> UFix(io.req_cmd.width)
io.replay.bits.offset := rpq_deq_bits
rpq_deq_bits = rpq_deq_bits >> UFix(io.req_offset.width)
when (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
valid := Bool(true)
state := newStateOnPrimaryMiss(io.req_cmd)
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
requested := Bool(false)
refilled := Bool(false)
ppn := io.req_ppn
idx_ := io.req_idx
way_oh_ := io.req_way_oh
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
.otherwise {
when (io.mem_req.valid && io.mem_req.ready) {
requested := Bool(true)
when (io.mem_resp_val) {
refilled := Bool(true)
when (io.meta_req.valid && io.meta_req.ready) {
valid := Bool(false)
state := next_state
2012-01-22 05:13:15 +01:00
io.idx_match := valid && (idx_ === io.req_idx)
io.idx := idx_
io.tag := ppn
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
io.way_oh := way_oh_
io.req_pri_rdy := !valid
io.req_sec_rdy := sec_rdy && rpq.io.enq.ready
io.meta_req.valid := valid && refilled && !rpq.io.deq.valid
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(true)
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.idx := idx_
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.data.state := state
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.data.tag := ppn
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
io.meta_req.bits.way_en := way_oh_
io.mem_req.valid := valid && !requested
io.mem_req.bits.t_type := Mux(needsWriteback(next_state), X_READ_EXCLUSIVE, X_READ_SHARED)
io.mem_req.bits.has_data := Bool(false)
io.mem_req.bits.address := Cat(ppn, idx_).toUFix
io.mem_req.bits.tile_xact_id := Bits(id)
io.replay.valid := rpq.io.deq.valid && refilled
io.replay.bits.idx := idx_
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
io.replay.bits.way_oh := way_oh_
class MSHRFile extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req_val = Bool(INPUT)
val req_rdy = Bool(OUTPUT)
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val req_ppn = Bits(TAG_BITS, INPUT)
val req_idx = Bits(IDX_BITS, INPUT)
val req_offset = Bits(OFFSET_BITS, INPUT)
val req_cmd = Bits(4, INPUT)
val req_type = Bits(3, INPUT)
val req_tag = Bits(DCACHE_TAG_BITS, INPUT)
val req_sdq_id = UFix(log2up(NSDQ), INPUT)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val req_way_oh = Bits(NWAYS, INPUT)
val mem_resp_val = Bool(INPUT)
2012-02-28 03:36:09 +01:00
val mem_resp_tag = Bits(MEM_TAG_BITS, INPUT)
val mem_resp_idx = Bits(IDX_BITS, OUTPUT)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val mem_resp_way_oh = Bits(NWAYS, OUTPUT)
val fence_rdy = Bool(OUTPUT)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val mem_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new TransactionInit }.flip()
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }.flip()
val replay = (new ioDecoupled) { new Replay() }.flip()
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val tag_mux = (new Mux1H(NMSHR)){ Bits(width = TAG_BITS) }
2012-02-01 22:24:28 +01:00
val mem_resp_idx_mux = (new Mux1H(NMSHR)){ Bits(width = IDX_BITS) }
val mem_resp_way_oh_mux = (new Mux1H(NMSHR)){ Bits(width = NWAYS) }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val meta_req_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }
val mem_req_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { new TransactionInit }
val replay_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { new Replay() }
val alloc_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { Bool() }
val tag_match = tag_mux.io.out === io.req_ppn
var idx_match = Bool(false)
var pri_rdy = Bool(false)
var fence = Bool(false)
var sec_rdy = Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 to NMSHR-1) {
val mshr = new MSHR(i)
tag_mux.io.sel(i) := mshr.io.idx_match
tag_mux.io.in(i) := mshr.io.tag
alloc_arb.io.in(i).valid := mshr.io.req_pri_rdy
mshr.io.req_pri_val := alloc_arb.io.in(i).ready
mshr.io.req_sec_val := io.req_val && tag_match
mshr.io.req_ppn := io.req_ppn
mshr.io.req_tag := io.req_tag
mshr.io.req_idx := io.req_idx
mshr.io.req_offset := io.req_offset
mshr.io.req_cmd := io.req_cmd
mshr.io.req_type := io.req_type
mshr.io.req_sdq_id := io.req_sdq_id
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
mshr.io.req_way_oh := io.req_way_oh
mshr.io.meta_req <> meta_req_arb.io.in(i)
mshr.io.mem_req <> mem_req_arb.io.in(i)
mshr.io.replay <> replay_arb.io.in(i)
val mem_resp_val = io.mem_resp_val && (UFix(i) === io.mem_resp_tag)
mshr.io.mem_resp_val := mem_resp_val
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
mem_resp_idx_mux.io.sel(i) := (UFix(i) === io.mem_resp_tag)
mem_resp_idx_mux.io.in(i) := mshr.io.idx
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
mem_resp_way_oh_mux.io.sel(i) := (UFix(i) === io.mem_resp_tag)
mem_resp_way_oh_mux.io.in(i) := mshr.io.way_oh
pri_rdy = pri_rdy || mshr.io.req_pri_rdy
sec_rdy = sec_rdy || mshr.io.req_sec_rdy
fence = fence || !mshr.io.req_pri_rdy
idx_match = idx_match || mshr.io.idx_match
alloc_arb.io.out.ready := io.req_val && !idx_match
meta_req_arb.io.out <> io.meta_req
mem_req_arb.io.out <> io.mem_req
replay_arb.io.out <> io.replay
io.req_rdy := Mux(idx_match, tag_match && sec_rdy, pri_rdy)
io.mem_resp_idx := mem_resp_idx_mux.io.out
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
io.mem_resp_way_oh := mem_resp_way_oh_mux.io.out
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
io.fence_rdy := !fence
class ReplayUnit extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val sdq_enq = (new ioDecoupled) { Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS) }
val sdq_id = UFix(log2up(NSDQ), OUTPUT)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val way_oh = Bits(NWAYS, OUTPUT)
val replay = (new ioDecoupled) { new Replay() }
val data_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataReq() }.flip()
val cpu_resp_val = Bool(OUTPUT)
val cpu_resp_tag = Bits(DCACHE_TAG_BITS, OUTPUT)
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
val sdq_val = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, NSDQ))
2012-03-01 01:13:14 +01:00
val sdq_alloc_id = PriorityEncoder(~sdq_val(NSDQ-1,0))
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
val rpq = Queue(io.replay, 1, pipe = true)
rpq.ready := io.data_req.ready
val (rp_read, rp_write) = cpuCmdToRW(rpq.bits.cmd)
val sdq_wen = io.sdq_enq.valid && io.sdq_enq.ready
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
val sdq = Mem(NSDQ, sdq_wen, sdq_alloc_id, io.sdq_enq.bits)
2012-01-14 03:18:48 +01:00
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
val sdq_free = rpq.valid && rpq.ready && rp_write
sdq_val := sdq_val & ~(sdq_free.toUFix << rpq.bits.sdq_id) | (sdq_wen.toUFix << sdq_alloc_id)
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
io.sdq_enq.ready := !sdq_val.andR
io.sdq_id := sdq_alloc_id
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
io.data_req.valid := rpq.valid
io.way_oh := rpq.bits.way_oh
io.data_req.bits.idx := rpq.bits.idx
io.data_req.bits.offset := rpq.bits.offset
io.data_req.bits.cmd := rpq.bits.cmd
io.data_req.bits.typ := rpq.bits.typ
io.data_req.bits.data := sdq.read(Mux(rpq.valid && !rpq.ready, rpq.bits.sdq_id, io.replay.bits.sdq_id))
2012-03-02 03:49:00 +01:00
io.cpu_resp_val := Reg(rpq.valid && rpq.ready && rp_read, resetVal = Bool(false))
io.cpu_resp_tag := Reg(rpq.bits.tag)
class WritebackUnit extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
2011-12-10 16:01:47 +01:00
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new WritebackReq() }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val data_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataArrayArrayReq() }.flip()
val data_resp = Bits(MEM_DATA_BITS, INPUT)
val refill_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new TransactionInit }
val mem_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new TransactionInit }.flip
val mem_req_data = (new ioDecoupled) { new TransactionInitData }.flip
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val data_req_fired = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val cnt = Reg() { UFix(width = log2up(REFILL_CYCLES+1)) }
val addr = Reg() { new WritebackReq() }
data_req_fired := Bool(false)
when (io.data_req.valid && io.data_req.ready) { data_req_fired := Bool(true); cnt := cnt + UFix(1) }
when (data_req_fired && !io.mem_req_data.ready) { data_req_fired := Bool(false); cnt := cnt - UFix(1) }
when ((cnt === UFix(REFILL_CYCLES)) && io.mem_req_data.ready) { valid := Bool(false) }
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
when (io.req.valid && io.req.ready) { valid := Bool(true); cnt := UFix(0); addr := io.req.bits }
io.req.ready := !valid && io.mem_req.ready
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
io.data_req.valid := valid && (cnt < UFix(REFILL_CYCLES))
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
io.data_req.bits.way_en := addr.way_oh
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.data_req.bits.inner_req.idx := addr.idx
io.data_req.bits.inner_req.offset := cnt
io.data_req.bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(false)
io.data_req.bits.inner_req.wmask := Bits(0)
io.data_req.bits.inner_req.data := Bits(0)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val wb_req_val = io.req.valid && !valid
io.refill_req.ready := io.mem_req.ready && !wb_req_val
io.mem_req.valid := io.refill_req.valid || wb_req_val
io.mem_req.bits.t_type := Mux(wb_req_val, X_WRITE_UNCACHED, io.refill_req.bits.t_type)
io.mem_req.bits.has_data := wb_req_val
io.mem_req.bits.address := Mux(wb_req_val, Cat(io.req.bits.ppn, io.req.bits.idx).toUFix, io.refill_req.bits.address)
io.mem_req.bits.tile_xact_id := Mux(wb_req_val, Bits(NMSHR), io.refill_req.bits.tile_xact_id)
io.mem_req_data.valid := data_req_fired
io.mem_req_data.bits.data := io.data_resp
class FlushUnit(lines: Int) extends Component with ThreeStateIncoherence{
val io = new Bundle {
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { Bits(width = DCACHE_TAG_BITS) }
val resp = (new ioDecoupled) { Bits(width = DCACHE_TAG_BITS) }.flip()
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }.flip()
val meta_resp = (new MetaData).asInput()
2011-12-10 16:01:47 +01:00
val wb_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new WritebackReq() }.flip()
val s_reset :: s_ready :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_wait :: s_meta_write :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(6) { UFix() }
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_reset)
val tag = Reg() { Bits() }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val idx_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2up(lines)))
val next_idx_cnt = idx_cnt + UFix(1)
val way_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2up(NWAYS)))
val next_way_cnt = way_cnt + UFix(1)
switch (state) {
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
is(s_reset) {
when (io.meta_req.ready) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
state := Mux(~way_cnt === UFix(0) && ~idx_cnt === UFix(0), s_ready, s_reset);
when (~way_cnt === UFix(0)) { idx_cnt := next_idx_cnt };
way_cnt := next_way_cnt;
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
is(s_ready) { when (io.req.valid) { state := s_meta_read; tag := io.req.bits } }
is(s_meta_read) { when (io.meta_req.ready) { state := s_meta_wait } }
is(s_meta_wait) { state := Mux(needsWriteback(io.meta_resp.state) && !io.wb_req.ready, s_meta_read, s_meta_write) }
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
is(s_meta_write) {
when (io.meta_req.ready) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
state := Mux(~way_cnt === UFix(0) && ~idx_cnt === UFix(0), s_done, s_meta_read);
when (~way_cnt === UFix(0)) { idx_cnt := next_idx_cnt };
way_cnt := next_way_cnt;
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
is(s_done) { when (io.resp.ready) { state := s_ready } }
2011-12-10 16:01:47 +01:00
io.req.ready := state === s_ready
io.resp.valid := state === s_done
io.resp.bits := tag
io.meta_req.valid := (state === s_meta_read) || (state === s_meta_write) || (state === s_reset)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.meta_req.bits.way_en := UFixToOH(way_cnt, NWAYS)
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.idx := idx_cnt
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.rw := (state === s_meta_write) || (state === s_reset)
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.data.state := newStateOnFlush()
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.data.tag := UFix(0)
io.wb_req.valid := state === s_meta_wait && needsWriteback(io.meta_resp.state)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
io.wb_req.bits.ppn := io.meta_resp.tag
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.wb_req.bits.idx := idx_cnt
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
io.wb_req.bits.way_oh := UFixToOH(way_cnt, NWAYS)
class MetaDataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
2011-12-10 16:01:47 +01:00
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayReq() }
val resp = (new MetaData).asOutput()
val state_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayReq() }
val permissions_array = Mem(lines){ Bits(width = 2) }
permissions_array.write(io.state_req.bits.idx, io.state_req.bits.data.state, io.state_req.valid && io.state_req.bits.rw)
val permissions_rdata1 = permissions_array.rw(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data.state, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw)
2011-12-30 08:46:21 +01:00
// don't allow reading and writing of vd_array in same cycle.
// this could be eliminated if the read port were combinational.
val permissions_conflict = io.state_req.valid && (io.req.bits.idx === io.state_req.bits.idx)
2011-12-30 08:46:21 +01:00
val tag_array = Mem(lines){ Bits(width=TAG_BITS) }
2012-01-14 03:18:48 +01:00
val tag_rdata = tag_array.rw(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data.tag, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw, cs = io.req.valid)
io.resp.state := permissions_rdata1.toUFix
io.resp.tag := tag_rdata
io.req.ready := !permissions_conflict
class MetaDataArrayArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }
val resp = Vec(NWAYS){ (new MetaData).asOutput }
val state_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val way_en = Bits(width = NWAYS, dir = OUTPUT)
val way_en_ = Reg { Bits(width=NWAYS) }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
when (io.req.valid && io.req.ready) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
way_en_ := io.req.bits.way_en
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
var tag_ready = Bool(true)
var state_ready = Bool(true)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
for(w <- 0 until NWAYS) {
val way = new MetaDataArray(lines)
way.io.req.bits <> io.req.bits.inner_req
tag_ready = tag_ready && way.io.req.ready
way.io.req.valid := io.req.valid && io.req.bits.way_en(w).toBool
way.io.state_req.bits <> io.state_req.bits.inner_req
state_ready = state_ready && way.io.state_req.ready
way.io.state_req.valid := io.state_req.valid && io.state_req.bits.way_en(w).toBool
way.io.resp <> io.resp(w)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
io.way_en := way_en_
io.req.ready := tag_ready
io.state_req.ready := state_ready
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
class DataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataArrayReq() }
val resp = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS, dir = OUTPUT)
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, io.req.bits.wmask)
val array = Mem(lines*REFILL_CYCLES){ Bits(width=MEM_DATA_BITS) }
2012-01-14 03:18:48 +01:00
val addr = Cat(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.offset)
val rdata = array.rw(addr, io.req.bits.data, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw, wmask, cs = io.req.valid)
io.resp := rdata
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
class DataArrayArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataArrayArrayReq() }
val resp = Vec(NWAYS){ Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS, dir = OUTPUT) }
val way_en = Bits(width = NWAYS, dir = OUTPUT)
val way_en_ = Reg { Bits(width=NWAYS) }
when (io.req.valid && io.req.ready) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
way_en_ := io.req.bits.way_en
//val data_ready_arr = Vec(NWAYS){ Bool() }
var data_ready = Bool(true)
for(w <- 0 until NWAYS) {
val way = new DataArray(lines)
way.io.req.bits <> io.req.bits.inner_req
//data_ready_arr(w) := way.io.req.ready
data_ready = data_ready && way.io.req.ready
way.io.req.valid := io.req.valid && io.req.bits.way_en(w).toBool
way.io.resp <> io.resp(w)
io.way_en := way_en_
//io.req.ready := Cat(data_ready_arr).andR.toBool
io.req.ready := data_ready
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
class AMOALU extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val cmd = Bits(4, INPUT)
val typ = Bits(3, INPUT)
val lhs = UFix(64, INPUT)
val rhs = UFix(64, INPUT)
val out = UFix(64, OUTPUT)
val sgned = (io.cmd === M_XA_MIN) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MAX)
val sub = (io.cmd === M_XA_MIN) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MINU) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MAX) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MAXU)
val min = (io.cmd === M_XA_MIN) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MINU)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val word = (io.typ === MT_W) || (io.typ === MT_WU)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val adder_out = (Cat(io.lhs, UFix(0,1)).toUFix + Cat(io.rhs ^ Fill(io.rhs.width, sub), sub).toUFix) >> UFix(1)
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
val cmp_lhs = Mux(word, io.lhs(31), io.lhs(63))
val cmp_rhs = Mux(word, io.rhs(31), io.rhs(63))
val cmp_diff = Mux(word, adder_out(31), adder_out(63))
val less = Mux(cmp_lhs === cmp_rhs, cmp_diff, Mux(sgned, cmp_lhs, cmp_rhs))
val cmp_out = Mux(min === less, io.lhs, io.rhs)
val out = Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_ADD, adder_out,
Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_SWAP, io.rhs,
Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_AND, io.lhs & io.rhs,
Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_OR, io.lhs | io.rhs,
/* MIN[U]/MAX[U] */ cmp_out))));
io.out := Mux(word, Cat(out(31,0), out(31,0)).toUFix, out)
// interface between D$ and processor/DTLB
class ioDmem(view: List[String] = null) extends Bundle(view) {
val req_kill = Bool(INPUT);
val req_val = Bool(INPUT);
val req_rdy = Bool(OUTPUT);
val req_cmd = Bits(4, INPUT);
val req_type = Bits(3, INPUT);
val req_idx = Bits(PGIDX_BITS, INPUT);
val req_ppn = Bits(PPN_BITS, INPUT);
val req_data = Bits(64, INPUT);
val req_tag = Bits(DCACHE_TAG_BITS, INPUT);
val xcpt_ma_ld = Bool(OUTPUT); // misaligned load
val xcpt_ma_st = Bool(OUTPUT); // misaligned store
val resp_miss = Bool(OUTPUT);
val resp_nack = Bool(OUTPUT);
val resp_val = Bool(OUTPUT);
val resp_replay = Bool(OUTPUT);
2012-02-13 08:31:50 +01:00
val resp_type = Bits(3, OUTPUT);
val resp_data = Bits(64, OUTPUT);
val resp_data_subword = Bits(64, OUTPUT);
val resp_tag = Bits(DCACHE_TAG_BITS, OUTPUT);
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
2012-02-16 21:34:51 +01:00
abstract class HellaCache extends Component {
def isHit ( cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool
def newStateOnWriteback(): UFix
def newStateOnFlush(): UFix
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
def newStateOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits): UFix
def newStateOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with ThreeStateIncoherence {
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new ioDmem()
val mem = new ioTileLink
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val lines = 1 << IDX_BITS
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val addrbits = PADDR_BITS
val indexbits = IDX_BITS
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val offsetbits = OFFSET_BITS
val tagmsb = PADDR_BITS-1
val taglsb = indexbits+offsetbits
val tagbits = tagmsb-taglsb+1
val indexmsb = taglsb-1
val indexlsb = offsetbits
val offsetmsb = indexlsb-1
val offsetlsb = log2up(CPU_DATA_BITS/8)
val ramindexlsb = log2up(MEM_DATA_BITS/8)
val early_nack = Reg { Bool() }
val r_cpu_req_val_ = Reg(io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy, resetVal = Bool(false))
val r_cpu_req_val = r_cpu_req_val_ && !io.cpu.req_kill && !early_nack
val r_cpu_req_idx = Reg() { Bits() }
val r_cpu_req_cmd = Reg() { Bits() }
val r_cpu_req_type = Reg() { Bits() }
val r_cpu_req_tag = Reg() { Bits() }
val r_amo_replay_data = Reg() { Bits() }
val r_way_oh = Reg() { Bits() }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val p_store_valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val p_store_data = Reg() { Bits() }
val p_store_idx = Reg() { Bits() }
val p_store_cmd = Reg() { Bits() }
val p_store_type = Reg() { Bits() }
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val p_store_way_oh = Reg() { Bits() }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val r_replay_amo = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val req_store = (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_XWR)
val req_load = (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_XRD)
val req_amo = io.cpu.req_cmd(3).toBool
val req_read = req_load || req_amo
val req_write = req_store || req_amo
val r_req_load = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_XRD)
val r_req_store = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_XWR)
val r_req_flush = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_FLA)
val r_req_fence = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_FENCE)
2012-02-24 07:37:13 +01:00
val r_req_prefetch = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_PFR) || (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_PFW)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val r_req_amo = r_cpu_req_cmd(3).toBool
val r_req_read = r_req_load || r_req_amo
val r_req_write = r_req_store || r_req_amo
2012-02-24 07:37:13 +01:00
val r_req_readwrite = r_req_read || r_req_write || r_req_prefetch
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// replay unit
val replayer = new ReplayUnit()
val replay_amo_val = replayer.io.data_req.valid && replayer.io.data_req.bits.cmd(3).toBool
when (io.cpu.req_val) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
r_cpu_req_idx := io.cpu.req_idx
r_cpu_req_cmd := io.cpu.req_cmd
r_cpu_req_type := io.cpu.req_type
r_cpu_req_tag := io.cpu.req_tag
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
when (replay_amo_val) {
r_cpu_req_idx := Cat(replayer.io.data_req.bits.idx, replayer.io.data_req.bits.offset)
r_cpu_req_cmd := replayer.io.data_req.bits.cmd
r_cpu_req_type := replayer.io.data_req.bits.typ
r_amo_replay_data := replayer.io.data_req.bits.data
r_way_oh := replayer.io.way_oh
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
val cpu_req_data = Mux(r_replay_amo, r_amo_replay_data, io.cpu.req_data)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// refill counter
val mem_resp_type = io.mem.xact_rep.bits.t_type
val refill_val = io.mem.xact_rep.valid && (mem_resp_type === X_READ_SHARED || mem_resp_type === X_READ_EXCLUSIVE)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val rr_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val rr_count_next = rr_count + UFix(1)
when (refill_val) { rr_count := rr_count_next }
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val misaligned =
(((r_cpu_req_type === MT_H) || (r_cpu_req_type === MT_HU)) && (r_cpu_req_idx(0) != Bits(0))) ||
(((r_cpu_req_type === MT_W) || (r_cpu_req_type === MT_WU)) && (r_cpu_req_idx(1,0) != Bits(0))) ||
((r_cpu_req_type === MT_D) && (r_cpu_req_idx(2,0) != Bits(0)));
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_ld := r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_read && misaligned
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_st := r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_write && misaligned
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// tags
val meta = new MetaDataArrayArray(lines)
val meta_arb = (new Arbiter(3)) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }
meta_arb.io.out <> meta.io.req
// data
val data = new DataArrayArray(lines)
val data_arb = (new Arbiter(5)) { new DataArrayArrayReq() }
data_arb.io.out <> data.io.req
// cpu tag check
meta_arb.io.in(2).valid := io.cpu.req_val
meta_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.idx := io.cpu.req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
meta_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(false)
meta_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.data.state := UFix(0) // don't care
meta_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.data.tag := UFix(0) // don't care
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
meta_arb.io.in(2).bits.way_en := ~UFix(0, NWAYS)
val early_tag_nack = !meta_arb.io.in(2).ready
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
val cpu_req_tag = Cat(io.cpu.req_ppn, r_cpu_req_idx)(tagmsb,taglsb)
val tag_match_arr = (0 until NWAYS).map( w => isHit(io.cpu.req_cmd, meta.io.resp(w).state) && (meta.io.resp(w).tag === cpu_req_tag))
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val tag_match = Cat(Bits(0),tag_match_arr:_*).orR
val tag_hit = r_cpu_req_val && tag_match
val tag_miss = r_cpu_req_val && !tag_match
val hit_way_oh = Cat(Bits(0),tag_match_arr.reverse:_*)(NWAYS-1, 0) //TODO: use Vec
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
val meta_resp_way_oh = Mux(meta.io.way_en === ~UFix(0, NWAYS), hit_way_oh, meta.io.way_en)
val data_resp_way_oh = Mux(data.io.way_en === ~UFix(0, NWAYS), hit_way_oh, data.io.way_en)
val meta_resp_mux = Mux1H(NWAYS, meta_resp_way_oh, meta.io.resp)
val data_resp_mux = Mux1H(NWAYS, data_resp_way_oh, data.io.resp)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// writeback unit
val wb = new WritebackUnit
val wb_arb = (new Arbiter(2)) { new WritebackReq() }
wb_arb.io.out <> wb.io.req
wb.io.data_req <> data_arb.io.in(3)
wb.io.data_resp <> data_resp_mux
// replacement policy
val replacer = new RandomReplacementWayGen()
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
replacer.io.way_en := ~UFix(0, NWAYS)
val replaced_way_id = replacer.io.way_id
val replaced_way_oh = UFixToOH(replaced_way_id, NWAYS)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val meta_wb_mux = meta.io.resp(replaced_way_id)
val needs_writeback = needsWriteback(meta_wb_mux.state)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// refill response
val block_during_refill = !refill_val && (rr_count != UFix(0))
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.inner_req.offset := rr_count
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.inner_req.rw := !block_during_refill
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.inner_req.wmask := ~UFix(0, MEM_DATA_BITS/8)
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.inner_req.data := io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data
data_arb.io.in(0).valid := refill_val || block_during_refill
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// load hits
data_arb.io.in(4).bits.inner_req.offset := io.cpu.req_idx(offsetmsb,ramindexlsb)
data_arb.io.in(4).bits.inner_req.idx := io.cpu.req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
data_arb.io.in(4).bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(false)
data_arb.io.in(4).bits.inner_req.wmask := UFix(0) // don't care
data_arb.io.in(4).bits.inner_req.data := io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data // don't care
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(4).valid := io.cpu.req_val && req_read
data_arb.io.in(4).bits.way_en := ~UFix(0, NWAYS) // intiate load on all ways, mux after tag check
val early_load_nack = req_read && !data_arb.io.in(4).ready
// store hits and AMO hits and misses use a pending store register.
// we nack new stores if a pending store can't retire for some reason.
// we drain a pending store if the CPU performs a store or a
// conflictig load, or if the cache is idle, or after a miss.
val p_store_idx_match = p_store_valid && (r_cpu_req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb) === p_store_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb))
val p_store_offset_match = (r_cpu_req_idx(indexlsb-1,offsetlsb) === p_store_idx(indexlsb-1,offsetlsb))
val p_store_match = r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_read && p_store_idx_match && p_store_offset_match
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val drain_store_val = (p_store_valid && (!io.cpu.req_val || !req_read || Reg(tag_miss))) || p_store_match
data_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.offset := p_store_idx(offsetmsb,ramindexlsb)
data_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.idx := p_store_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
data_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(true)
data_arb.io.in(2).valid := drain_store_val
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(2).bits.way_en := p_store_way_oh
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val drain_store = drain_store_val && data_arb.io.in(2).ready
2012-02-22 03:52:18 +01:00
val p_amo = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val p_store_rdy = !(p_store_valid && !drain_store) && !(replayer.io.data_req.valid || r_replay_amo || p_amo)
p_amo := tag_hit && r_req_amo && p_store_rdy && !p_store_match || r_replay_amo
p_store_valid := p_store_valid && !drain_store || (tag_hit && r_req_store && p_store_rdy) || p_amo
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// writeback
val wb_rdy = wb_arb.io.in(1).ready && !p_store_idx_match
wb_arb.io.in(1).valid := tag_miss && r_req_readwrite && needs_writeback && !p_store_idx_match
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
wb_arb.io.in(1).bits.ppn := meta_wb_mux.tag
wb_arb.io.in(1).bits.idx := r_cpu_req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
wb_arb.io.in(1).bits.way_oh := replaced_way_oh
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// tag update after a miss or a store to an exclusive clean line.
val set_wb_state = tag_miss && r_req_readwrite && isValid(meta_wb_mux.state) && (!needs_writeback || wb_rdy)
//val set_hit_state = tag_hit && meta_resp_mux.state != newStateOnHit(r_cpu_req_cmd)
val new_hit_state = newStateOnHit(r_cpu_req_cmd, meta_resp_mux.state)
val set_hit_state = tag_hit && meta_resp_mux.state != new_hit_state
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(true)
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.idx := r_cpu_req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.data.state := Mux(set_wb_state, newStateOnWriteback(), new_hit_state)
meta.io.state_req.bits.way_en := Mux(set_wb_state, replaced_way_oh, hit_way_oh)
meta.io.state_req.valid := set_wb_state || set_hit_state
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// pending store data, also used for AMO RHS
val amoalu = new AMOALU
when (tag_hit && r_req_write && p_store_rdy || r_replay_amo) {
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
p_store_idx := r_cpu_req_idx
p_store_type := r_cpu_req_type
p_store_cmd := r_cpu_req_cmd
p_store_way_oh := Mux(r_replay_amo, r_way_oh, hit_way_oh)
p_store_data := cpu_req_data
2012-02-12 02:20:33 +01:00
when (p_amo) {
p_store_data := amoalu.io.out
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// miss handling
val mshr = new MSHRFile()
mshr.io.req_val := tag_miss && r_req_readwrite && (!needs_writeback || wb_rdy) && (!r_req_write || replayer.io.sdq_enq.ready)
2012-02-02 06:11:45 +01:00
mshr.io.req_ppn := cpu_req_tag
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
mshr.io.req_idx := r_cpu_req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
mshr.io.req_tag := r_cpu_req_tag
mshr.io.req_offset := r_cpu_req_idx(offsetmsb,0)
mshr.io.req_cmd := r_cpu_req_cmd
mshr.io.req_type := r_cpu_req_type
mshr.io.req_sdq_id := replayer.io.sdq_id
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
mshr.io.req_way_oh := replaced_way_oh
mshr.io.mem_resp_val := refill_val && (~rr_count === UFix(0))
mshr.io.mem_resp_tag := io.mem.xact_rep.bits.tile_xact_id
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
mshr.io.mem_req <> wb.io.refill_req
mshr.io.meta_req <> meta_arb.io.in(1)
mshr.io.replay <> replayer.io.replay
replayer.io.sdq_enq.valid := tag_miss && r_req_write && (!needs_writeback || wb_rdy) && mshr.io.req_rdy
replayer.io.sdq_enq.bits := cpu_req_data
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.inner_req.idx := mshr.io.mem_resp_idx
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.way_en := mshr.io.mem_resp_way_oh
replacer.io.pick_new_way := !io.cpu.req_kill && mshr.io.req_val && mshr.io.req_rdy
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// replays
val replay = replayer.io.data_req.bits
2012-02-22 03:52:18 +01:00
val stall_replay = r_replay_amo || p_amo || p_store_valid
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
val replay_val = replayer.io.data_req.valid
val replay_rdy = data_arb.io.in(1).ready && !stall_replay
val replay_fire = replay_val && replay_rdy
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(1).bits.inner_req.offset := replay.offset(offsetmsb,ramindexlsb)
data_arb.io.in(1).bits.inner_req.idx := replay.idx
data_arb.io.in(1).bits.inner_req.rw := replay.cmd === M_XWR
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(1).valid := replay_val && !stall_replay
2012-02-01 22:26:04 +01:00
data_arb.io.in(1).bits.way_en := replayer.io.way_oh
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
replayer.io.data_req.ready := replay_rdy
r_replay_amo := replay_amo_val && replay_rdy
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
// store write mask generation.
// assumes store replays are higher-priority than pending stores.
val maskgen = new StoreMaskGen
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
val store_offset = Mux(!replay_fire, p_store_idx(offsetmsb,0), replay.offset)
maskgen.io.typ := Mux(!replay_fire, p_store_type, replay.typ)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
maskgen.io.addr := store_offset(offsetlsb-1,0)
val store_wmask_wide = maskgen.io.wmask << Cat(store_offset(ramindexlsb-1,offsetlsb), Bits(0, log2up(CPU_DATA_BITS/8))).toUFix
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
val store_data = Mux(!replay_fire, p_store_data, replay.data)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
val store_data_wide = Fill(MEM_DATA_BITS/CPU_DATA_BITS, store_data)
data_arb.io.in(1).bits.inner_req.data := store_data_wide
data_arb.io.in(1).bits.inner_req.wmask := store_wmask_wide
data_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.data := store_data_wide
data_arb.io.in(2).bits.inner_req.wmask := store_wmask_wide
// load data subword mux/sign extension.
// subword loads are delayed by one cycle.
val loadgen = new LoadDataGen
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
val loadgen_use_replay = Reg(replay_fire)
2012-01-19 00:07:36 +01:00
loadgen.io.typ := Mux(loadgen_use_replay, Reg(replay.typ), r_cpu_req_type)
loadgen.io.addr := Mux(loadgen_use_replay, Reg(replay.offset), r_cpu_req_idx)(ramindexlsb-1,0)
loadgen.io.din := data_resp_mux
amoalu.io.cmd := p_store_cmd
amoalu.io.typ := p_store_type
amoalu.io.lhs := loadgen.io.r_dout.toUFix
amoalu.io.rhs := p_store_data.toUFix
early_nack := early_tag_nack || early_load_nack || r_cpu_req_val && r_req_amo || replay_amo_val || r_replay_amo
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
// reset and flush unit
val flusher = new FlushUnit(lines)
val flushed = Reg(resetVal = Bool(true))
val flush_rdy = mshr.io.fence_rdy && wb_rdy && !p_store_valid
flushed := flushed && !r_cpu_req_val_ || r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_flush && flush_rdy && flusher.io.req.ready
flusher.io.req.valid := r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_flush && flush_rdy && !flushed
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
flusher.io.wb_req <> wb_arb.io.in(0)
flusher.io.meta_req <> meta_arb.io.in(0)
flusher.io.meta_resp <> meta_resp_mux
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
flusher.io.resp.ready := Bool(true) // we don't respond to flush requests
// we usually nack rather than reporting that the cache is not ready.
// fences and flushes are the exceptions.
val pending_fence = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
pending_fence := (r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_fence || pending_fence) && !flush_rdy
2012-02-27 05:20:45 +01:00
val nack_hit = p_store_match || replay_val || r_req_write && !p_store_rdy
val nack_miss = needs_writeback && !wb_rdy || !mshr.io.req_rdy || r_req_write && !replayer.io.sdq_enq.ready
val nack_flush = !flush_rdy && (r_req_fence || r_req_flush) ||
!flushed && r_req_flush
val nack = early_nack || r_req_readwrite && Mux(tag_match, nack_hit, nack_miss) || nack_flush
io.cpu.req_rdy := flusher.io.req.ready && !(r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_flush) && !pending_fence
io.cpu.resp_nack := r_cpu_req_val_ && !io.cpu.req_kill && nack
io.cpu.resp_val := (tag_hit && !nack_hit && r_req_read) || replayer.io.cpu_resp_val
2012-01-02 09:25:11 +01:00
io.cpu.resp_replay := replayer.io.cpu_resp_val
io.cpu.resp_miss := tag_miss && !nack_miss && r_req_read
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
io.cpu.resp_tag := Mux(replayer.io.cpu_resp_val, replayer.io.cpu_resp_tag, r_cpu_req_tag)
2012-02-13 08:31:50 +01:00
io.cpu.resp_type := loadgen.io.typ
io.cpu.resp_data := loadgen.io.dout
2011-12-17 12:26:11 +01:00
io.cpu.resp_data_subword := loadgen.io.r_dout_subword
io.mem.xact_init <> wb.io.mem_req
io.mem.xact_init_data <> wb.io.mem_req_data