Fork 0

Don't replay from EX stage.

EX replays are now handled from MEM.  We may move them to WB.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Waterman 2011-12-09 19:42:58 -08:00
parent 218f63e66e
commit c01e1f1cef
7 changed files with 921 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -19,13 +19,10 @@ object Constants
val PC_BTB = UFix(1, 4);
val PC_EX4 = UFix(2, 4);
val PC_BR = UFix(3, 4);
val PC_J = UFix(4, 4);
val PC_JR = UFix(5, 4);
val PC_PCR = UFix(6, 4);
val PC_MEM = UFix(7, 4);
val PC_MEM4 = UFix(8, 4);
val PC_EX = UFix(9, 4);
val PC_EVEC = UFix(10, 4);
val PC_JR = UFix(4, 4);
val PC_PCR = UFix(5, 4);
val PC_MEM = UFix(6, 4);
val PC_EVEC = UFix(7, 4);
val KF_Y = UFix(1, 1);
val KF_N = UFix(0, 1);

View File

@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ class rocketProc extends Component
// connect DTLB to D$ arbiter, ctrl+dpath
dtlb.io.cpu.invalidate := dpath.io.ptbr_wen;
dtlb.io.cpu.status := dpath.io.ctrl.status;
dtlb.io.cpu.req_val := ctrl.io.dmem.req_val;
dtlb.io.cpu.req_val := ctrl.io.dtlb_val;
dtlb.io.cpu.req_cmd := ctrl.io.dmem.req_cmd;
dtlb.io.cpu.req_asid := Bits(0,ASID_BITS); // FIXME: connect to PCR
dtlb.io.cpu.req_vpn := dpath.io.dmem.req_addr(VADDR_BITS-1,PGIDX_BITS);
ctrl.io.xcpt_dtlb_ld := dtlb.io.cpu.xcpt_ld;
ctrl.io.xcpt_dtlb_st := dtlb.io.cpu.xcpt_st;
ctrl.io.dtlb_busy := dtlb.io.cpu.resp_busy;
ctrl.io.dtlb_rdy := dtlb.io.cpu.req_rdy;
ctrl.io.dtlb_miss := dtlb.io.cpu.resp_miss;
ctrl.io.xcpt_ma_ld := io.dmem.xcpt_ma_ld;
ctrl.io.xcpt_ma_st := io.dmem.xcpt_ma_st;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class rocketProc extends Component
arb.io.cpu.req_val := ctrl.io.dmem.req_val;
arb.io.cpu.req_cmd := ctrl.io.dmem.req_cmd;
arb.io.cpu.req_type := ctrl.io.dmem.req_type;
arb.io.cpu.dtlb_miss := dtlb.io.cpu.resp_miss;
arb.io.cpu.dtlb_miss := ctrl.io.dpath.killm;
arb.io.cpu.req_idx := dpath.io.dmem.req_addr(PGIDX_BITS-1,0);
arb.io.cpu.req_ppn := dtlb.io.cpu.resp_ppn;
arb.io.cpu.req_data := dpath.io.dmem.req_data;

View File

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class ioCtrlAll extends Bundle()
val imem = new ioImem(List("req_val", "req_rdy", "resp_val")).flip();
val dmem = new ioDmem(List("req_val", "req_rdy", "req_cmd", "req_type", "resp_miss")).flip();
val host = new ioHost(List("start"));
val dtlb_busy = Bool('input);
val dtlb_val = Bool('output)
val dtlb_rdy = Bool('input);
val dtlb_miss = Bool('input);
val flush_inst = Bool('output);
val xcpt_dtlb_ld = Bool('input);
@ -297,10 +298,10 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
val id_raddr1 = io.dpath.inst(26,22);
val id_waddr = io.dpath.inst(31,27);
val id_ren2 = id_renx2;
val id_ren1 = id_renx1;
val id_ren2 = id_renx2.toBool;
val id_ren1 = id_renx1.toBool;
val id_console_out_val = id_wen_pcr & (id_raddr2 === PCR_CONSOLE);
val id_console_out_val = id_wen_pcr.toBool && (id_raddr2 === PCR_CONSOLE);
val wb_reg_div_mul_val = Reg(){Bool()};
val dcache_miss = Reg(io.dmem.resp_miss);
@ -355,6 +356,7 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
val mem_reg_xcpt_privileged = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val mem_reg_xcpt_fpu = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val mem_reg_xcpt_syscall = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val mem_reg_replay = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
when (!io.dpath.stalld) {
when (io.dpath.killf) {
@ -432,10 +434,6 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
val jr_taken = (ex_reg_br_type === BR_JR);
val j_taken = (ex_reg_br_type === BR_J);
io.dpath.ex_jmp := j_taken;
io.dmem.req_val := ex_reg_mem_val && ~io.dpath.killx;
io.dmem.req_cmd := ex_reg_mem_cmd;
io.dmem.req_type := ex_reg_mem_type;
val mem_reg_div_mul_val = Reg(){Bool()};
val mem_reg_eret = Reg(){Bool()};
@ -526,40 +524,40 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
io.dpath.exception := mem_exception;
io.dpath.cause := mem_cause;
io.dpath.badvaddr_wen := io.xcpt_dtlb_ld || io.xcpt_dtlb_st;
// replay mem stage PC on a DTLB miss
val mem_hazard = io.dtlb_miss
val replay_mem = mem_hazard || mem_reg_replay;
val kill_mem = mem_hazard || mem_exception;
// control transfer from ex/mem
val take_pc_ex = (ex_reg_btb_hit != br_taken) || jr_taken || j_taken
val take_pc_mem = mem_exception || mem_reg_eret || replay_mem
val take_pc = take_pc_ex || take_pc_mem
// replay execute stage PC when the D$ is blocked, when the D$ misses,
// for privileged instructions, and for fence.i instructions
val replay_ex = (ex_reg_mem_val && !io.dmem.req_rdy) || io.dmem.resp_miss || mem_reg_flush_inst || mem_reg_privileged;
// replay mem stage PC on a DTLB miss
val replay_mem = io.dtlb_miss;
val kill_mem = mem_exception || replay_mem;
val kill_ex = replay_ex || kill_mem;
val ex_hazard = io.dmem.resp_miss || mem_reg_privileged || mem_reg_flush_inst
val mem_kill_ex = kill_mem || take_pc_mem
val kill_ex = mem_kill_ex || ex_hazard || !(io.dmem.req_rdy && io.dtlb_rdy) && ex_reg_mem_val
val kill_dtlb = mem_kill_ex || ex_hazard || !io.dmem.req_rdy
val kill_dmem = mem_kill_ex || ex_hazard || !io.dtlb_rdy
mem_reg_replay <== kill_ex && !mem_kill_ex
io.dpath.sel_pc :=
Mux(replay_mem, PC_MEM, // dtlb miss
Mux(mem_exception, PC_EVEC, // exception
Mux(mem_reg_eret, PC_PCR, // eret instruction
Mux(replay_ex, PC_EX, // D$ blocked, D$ miss, privileged inst
Mux(!ex_reg_btb_hit && br_taken, PC_BR, // mispredicted taken branch
Mux(j_taken, PC_BR, // jump
Mux(ex_reg_btb_hit && !br_taken, PC_EX4, // mispredicted not taken branch
Mux(jr_taken, PC_JR, // jump register
Mux(io.dpath.btb_hit, PC_BTB, // predicted PC from BTB
PC_4))))))))); // PC+4
PC_4)))))))); // PC+4
io.dpath.wen_btb := ~ex_reg_btb_hit & br_taken & ~kill_ex & ~kill_mem;
val take_pc =
~ex_reg_btb_hit & br_taken |
ex_reg_btb_hit & ~br_taken |
jr_taken |
j_taken |
mem_exception |
mem_reg_eret |
replay_ex |
io.dpath.stallf :=
~take_pc &
@ -574,8 +572,8 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
val lu_stall_ex =
ex_mem_cmd_load &&
((id_ren1.toBool && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2.toBool && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)));
((id_ren1 && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2 && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)));
val mem_mem_cmd_load_bh =
mem_reg_mem_val &&
@ -587,47 +585,48 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
val lu_stall_mem =
mem_mem_cmd_load_bh &&
((id_ren1.toBool && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2.toBool && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)));
((id_ren1 && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2 && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)));
val lu_stall = lu_stall_ex || lu_stall_mem;
// check for divide and multiply instructions in ex,mem,wb stages
val dm_stall_ex =
ex_reg_div_mul_val &&
((id_ren1.toBool && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2.toBool && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)));
((id_ren1 && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2 && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.ex_waddr)));
val dm_stall_mem =
mem_reg_div_mul_val &&
((id_ren1.toBool && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2.toBool && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)));
((id_ren1 && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2 && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.mem_waddr)));
val dm_stall_wb =
wb_reg_div_mul_val &&
((id_ren1.toBool && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.wb_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2.toBool && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.wb_waddr)));
((id_ren1 && (id_raddr1 === io.dpath.wb_waddr)) ||
(id_ren2 && (id_raddr2 === io.dpath.wb_waddr)));
val dm_stall = dm_stall_ex || dm_stall_mem || dm_stall_wb;
val ctrl_stalld =
~take_pc &
!take_pc &&
dm_stall |
lu_stall |
id_ren2 & id_stall_raddr2 |
id_ren1 & id_stall_raddr1 |
(id_sel_wa === WA_RD) & id_stall_waddr |
(id_sel_wa === WA_RA) & id_stall_ra |
id_mem_val & (~io.dmem.req_rdy | io.dtlb_busy) |
(id_sync === SYNC_D) & ~io.dmem.req_rdy |
id_console_out_val & ~io.console.rdy |
id_div_val & ~io.dpath.div_rdy |
io.dpath.div_result_val |
dm_stall ||
lu_stall ||
id_ren2 && id_stall_raddr2 ||
id_ren1 && id_stall_raddr1 ||
(id_sel_wa === WA_RD) && id_stall_waddr ||
(id_sel_wa === WA_RA) && id_stall_ra ||
id_mem_val.toBool && !(io.dmem.req_rdy && io.dtlb_rdy) ||
(id_sync === SYNC_D) && !io.dmem.req_rdy ||
id_console_out_val && !io.console.rdy ||
id_div_val.toBool && !io.dpath.div_rdy ||
io.dpath.div_result_val ||
val ctrl_killd = take_pc | ctrl_stalld;
val ctrl_killd = take_pc || ctrl_stalld;
val ctrl_killf = take_pc || !io.imem.resp_val;
// for divider, multiplier writeback
val mul_wb = io.dpath.mul_result_val;
@ -635,15 +634,15 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
io.flush_inst := mem_reg_flush_inst;
io.dpath.stalld := ctrl_stalld.toBool;
io.dpath.killf := take_pc | ~io.imem.resp_val;
io.dpath.killd := ctrl_killd.toBool;
io.dpath.killx := kill_ex.toBool;
io.dpath.killm := kill_mem.toBool;
io.dpath.stalld := ctrl_stalld;
io.dpath.killf := ctrl_killf;
io.dpath.killd := ctrl_killd;
io.dpath.killx := kill_ex;
io.dpath.killm := kill_mem;
io.dpath.mem_load := mem_reg_mem_val && ((mem_reg_mem_cmd === M_XRD) || mem_reg_mem_cmd(3).toBool);
io.dpath.ren2 := id_ren2.toBool;
io.dpath.ren1 := id_ren1.toBool;
io.dpath.ren2 := id_ren2;
io.dpath.ren1 := id_ren1;
io.dpath.sel_alu2 := id_sel_alu2;
io.dpath.sel_alu1 := id_sel_alu1.toBool;
io.dpath.fn_dw := id_fn_dw.toBool;
@ -663,6 +662,11 @@ class rocketCtrl extends Component
io.dpath.mem_eret := mem_reg_eret;
io.dpath.irq_disable := mem_reg_inst_di && !kill_mem;
io.dpath.irq_enable := mem_reg_inst_ei && !kill_mem;
io.dtlb_val := ex_reg_mem_val && !kill_dtlb;
io.dmem.req_val := ex_reg_mem_val && !kill_dmem;
io.dmem.req_cmd := ex_reg_mem_cmd;
io.dmem.req_type := ex_reg_mem_type;

View File

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class rocketDCacheDM_flush(lines: Int) extends Component {
dcache.io.cpu.req_tag := Mux(flushing, r_cpu_req_tag, io.cpu.req_tag);
dcache.io.cpu.req_type := io.cpu.req_type;
dcache.io.cpu.req_data ^^ io.cpu.req_data;
dcache.io.cpu.dtlb_miss := io.cpu.dtlb_miss;
dcache.io.cpu.dtlb_miss := io.cpu.dtlb_miss && !flush_waiting;
dcache.io.mem ^^ io.mem;
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_ld := dcache.io.cpu.xcpt_ma_ld;

View File

@ -135,16 +135,14 @@ class rocketDpath extends Component
btb.io.correct_target := ex_branch_target;
val if_next_pc =
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_4, if_pc_plus4,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_BTB, if_btb_target,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_EX, ex_reg_pc,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_EX4, ex_reg_pc_plus4,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_BR, ex_branch_target,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_JR, ex_jr_target.toUFix,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_PCR, mem_reg_wdata(VADDR_BITS-1,0), // only used for ERET
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_EVEC, pcr.io.evec,
Mux(io.ctrl.sel_pc === PC_MEM, mem_reg_pc,
UFix(0, VADDR_BITS))))))))));
if_pc_plus4))))))); // PC_4
when (!io.ctrl.stallf && io.host.start) {
if_reg_pc <== if_next_pc.toUFix;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ class ioDTLB_CPU(view: List[String] = null) extends Bundle(view)
val req_asid = Bits(ASID_BITS, 'input);
val req_vpn = UFix(VPN_BITS, 'input);
// lookup responses
val resp_busy = Bool('output);
val resp_miss = Bool('output);
// val resp_val = Bool('output);
val resp_ppn = UFix(PPN_BITS, 'output);
@ -154,12 +153,10 @@ class rocketDTLB(entries: Int) extends Component
io.cpu.xcpt_st := access_fault_st;
// (lookup && (req_store || req_amo) && outofrange) || access_fault_st;
io.cpu.req_rdy := Mux(status_vm, (state === s_ready) && !tlb_miss, Bool(true));
io.cpu.resp_busy := tlb_miss || (state != s_ready);
io.cpu.req_rdy := (state === s_ready) && !tlb_miss;
io.cpu.resp_miss := tlb_miss;
io.cpu.resp_ppn :=
Mux(status_vm, Mux(req_flush, Bits(0,PPN_BITS), tag_ram(tag_hit_addr)),
Mux(status_vm, tag_ram(tag_hit_addr), r_cpu_req_vpn(PPN_BITS-1,0)).toUFix;
io.ptw.req_val := (state === s_request);
io.ptw.req_vpn := r_refill_tag(VPN_BITS-1,0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
package Top {
import Chisel._
import Node._;
import Constants._;
import scala.math._;
class rocketNBDCacheStoreGen extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req_type = Bits(3, 'input)
val req_addr_lsb = Bits(3, 'input)
val req_data = Bits(64, 'input)
val store_wmask = Bits(8, 'output)
val store_data = Bits(64, 'output)
// generate write mask and store data signals based on store type and address LSBs
val wmask = Wire { Bits(8) }
switch (io.req_type(1,0))
is (MT_B) { wmask <== Bits( 1,1) << io.req_addr_lsb(2,0).toUFix }
is (MT_H) { wmask <== Bits( 3,2) << Cat(io.req_addr_lsb(2,1), Bits(0,1)).toUFix }
is (MT_W) { wmask <== Bits( 15,4) << Cat(io.req_addr_lsb(2,2), Bits(0,2)).toUFix }
otherwise { wmask <== Bits(255,8) } // MT_D
val data = Wire { Bits(64) }
switch (io.req_type(1,0))
is (MT_B) { data <== Fill(8, io.req_data( 7,0)) }
is (MT_H) { data <== Fill(4, io.req_data(15,0)) }
is (MT_W) { data <== Fill(2, io.req_data(31,0)) }
otherwise { data <== io.req_data } // MT_D
io.store_wmask := wmask
io.store_data := data
class DataMemCmd extends Bundle {
val offset = Bits(width = OFFSET_BITS)
val cmd = Bits(width = 4)
val typ = Bits(width = 3)
class RPQEntry extends Bundle {
val cmd = new DataMemCmd()
val sdq_id = UFix(width = ceil(log(NSDQ)/log(2)).toInt)
class Replay extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val cmd = new DataMemCmd()
val sdq_id = UFix(width = ceil(log(NSDQ)/log(2)).toInt)
class DataReq extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val cmd = new DataMemCmd()
val data = Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS)
class DataArrayReq extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val offset = Bits(width = ceil(log(REFILL_CYCLES)/log(2)).toInt)
val rw = Bool()
val wmask = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS/8)
val data = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS)
class MemReq extends Bundle {
val rw = Bool()
val addr = Bits(width = PPN_BITS+IDX_BITS)
class WritebackReq extends Bundle {
val ppn = Bits(width = PPN_BITS)
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
class MetaData extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
val dirty = Bool()
val tag = Bits(width = PPN_BITS)
class MetaReq extends Bundle {
val idx = Bits(width = IDX_BITS)
val rw = Bool()
val data = new MetaData()
class MSHR extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req_pri_val = Bool('input)
val req_pri_rdy = Bool('output)
val req_sec_val = Bool('input)
val req_sec_rdy = Bool('output)
val req_ppn = Bits(PPN_BITS, 'input)
val req_idx = Bits(IDX_BITS, 'input)
val req_cmd = new RPQEntry().asInput
val req_tag = Bits(CPU_TAG_BITS, 'input)
val idx_match = Bool('output)
val tag = Bits(PPN_BITS, 'output)
val mem_resp_val = Bool('input)
val mem_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MemReq() }.flip
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaReq() }.flip
val replay = (new ioDecoupled) { new Replay() }.flip
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val dirty = Reg { Bool() }
val requested = Reg { Bool() }
val refilled = Reg { Bool() }
val ppn = Reg { Bits() }
val idx = Reg { Bits() }
val req_load = (io.req_cmd.cmd.cmd === M_XRD) || (io.req_cmd.cmd.cmd === M_PRD) || (io.req_cmd.cmd.cmd === M_PFR)
val req_use_rpq = (io.req_cmd.cmd.cmd != M_PFR) && (io.req_cmd.cmd.cmd != M_PFW)
val next_dirty = io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy && !req_load || io.req_sec_val && io.req_sec_rdy && (!req_load || dirty)
val sec_rdy = io.idx_match && !refilled && (dirty || !requested || req_load)
val rpq = (new queueSimplePF(NRPQ)) { new RPQEntry() }
rpq.io.q_reset := Bool(false)
rpq.io.enq.valid := (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy || io.req_sec_val && sec_rdy) && req_use_rpq
io.req_cmd ^^ rpq.io.enq.bits
rpq.io.deq.ready := io.replay.ready && refilled
when (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy) {
valid <== Bool(true)
requested <== Bool(false)
refilled <== Bool(false)
ppn <== io.req_ppn
idx <== io.req_idx
when (io.mem_req.valid && io.mem_req.ready) {
requested <== Bool(true)
when (io.mem_resp_val) {
refilled <== Bool(true)
when (io.meta_req.valid && io.meta_req.ready) {
valid <== Bool(false)
dirty <== next_dirty
io.idx_match := valid && (idx === io.req_idx)
io.tag := ppn
io.req_pri_rdy := !valid
io.req_sec_rdy := sec_rdy && rpq.io.enq.ready
io.meta_req.valid := valid && refilled && !rpq.io.deq.valid
io.meta_req.bits.rw := Bool(true)
io.meta_req.bits.idx := idx
io.meta_req.bits.data.valid := Bool(true)
io.meta_req.bits.data.dirty := dirty
io.meta_req.bits.data.tag := ppn
io.mem_req.valid := valid && !requested
//io.mem_req.bits.itm := next_dirty
io.mem_req.bits.rw := Bool(false)
io.mem_req.bits.addr := Cat(ppn, idx)
io.replay.valid := rpq.io.deq.valid && refilled
io.replay.bits.idx := idx
rpq.io.deq.bits.cmd ^^ io.replay.bits.cmd
io.replay.bits.sdq_id := rpq.io.deq.bits.sdq_id
class MSHRFile extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req_val = Bool('input)
val req_rdy = Bool('output)
val req_cmd = (new DataMemCmd).asInput
val req_ppn = Bits(PADDR_BITS, 'input)
val req_idx = Bits(IDX_BITS, 'input)
val req_data = Bits(64, 'input)
val req_tag = Bits(CPU_TAG_BITS, 'input)
val mem_resp_val = Bool('input)
val mem_resp_tag = Bits(DMEM_TAG_BITS, 'input)
val mem_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MemReq() }.flip()
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaReq() }.flip()
val replay = (new ioDecoupled) { new Replay() }.flip()
val idx_match = Wire { Bool() }
val pri_rdy = Wire { Bool() }
val sec_rdy = Wire { Bool() }
val tag_mux = new Mux1H(NMSHR, PPN_BITS)
val meta_req_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { new MetaReq() }
val mem_req_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { new MemReq() }
val replay_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { new RPQEntry() }
val alloc_arb = (new Arbiter(NMSHR)) { Bool() }
val tag_match = tag_mux.io.out === io.req_ppn
for (i <- 0 to NMSHR-1) {
val mshr = new MSHR()
val rpqe = new RPQEntry().asInput
rpqe.cmd.offset <== io.req_cmd.offset
rpqe.cmd.cmd <== Mux(io.req_cmd.cmd === M_PRD, M_XRD, io.req_cmd.cmd)
rpqe.cmd.typ <== io.req_cmd.typ
rpqe.sdq_id <== UFix(0)
tag_mux.io.sel(i) := mshr.io.idx_match
tag_mux.io.in(i) := mshr.io.tag
alloc_arb.io.in(i).valid := mshr.io.req_pri_rdy
mshr.io.req_pri_val := io.req_val && !idx_match && alloc_arb.io.in(i).ready
mshr.io.req_sec_val := io.req_val && tag_match
mshr.io.req_ppn := io.req_ppn
mshr.io.req_idx := io.req_idx
mshr.io.req_tag := io.req_tag
rpqe ^^ mshr.io.req_cmd
mshr.io.meta_req <> meta_req_arb.io.in(i)
mshr.io.mem_req <> mem_req_arb.io.in(i)
mshr.io.replay <> replay_arb.io.in(i)
mshr.io.mem_resp_val := io.mem_resp_val && (UFix(i) === io.mem_resp_tag)
when (mshr.io.req_pri_rdy) { pri_rdy <== Bool(true) }
when (mshr.io.req_sec_rdy) { sec_rdy <== Bool(true) }
when (mshr.io.idx_match) { idx_match <== Bool(true) }
pri_rdy <== Bool(false)
sec_rdy <== Bool(false)
idx_match <== Bool(false)
meta_req_arb.io.out ^^ io.meta_req
mem_req_arb.io.out ^^ io.mem_req
replay_arb.io.out ^^ io.replay
io.req_rdy := Mux(idx_match, tag_match && sec_rdy, pri_rdy)
class StoreDataUnit extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val sdq_enq = (new ioDecoupled) { Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS) }
val sdq_id = UFix(width = ceil(log(NSDQ)/log(2)).toInt, dir = 'output)
val replay = (new ioDecoupled) { new Replay() }
val data_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataReq() }.flip()
val cmdq = (new queueSimplePF(2)) { new Replay() }
val dataq = (new queueSimplePF(2)) { Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS) }
val next_dataq_enq_rdy = !dataq.io.deq.valid || dataq.io.enq.ready && (!dataq.io.enq.valid || dataq.io.deq.ready)
val next_dataq_enq_val = io.replay.valid && next_dataq_enq_rdy && (io.replay.bits.cmd.cmd != M_XRD) && cmdq.io.enq.ready
dataq.io.enq.valid := Reg(next_dataq_enq_val, resetVal = Bool(false))
dataq.io.enq.bits := sdq_dout
dataq.io.deq.ready := io.data_req.ready && (cmdq.io.deq.bits.cmd.cmd != M_XRD)
cmdq.io.enq.valid := io.replay.valid && ((io.replay.bits.cmd.cmd === M_XRD) || next_dataq_enq_rdy)
io.replay.bits ^^ cmdq.io.enq.bits
cmdq.io.deq.ready := io.data_req.ready && ((cmdq.io.deq.bits.cmd.cmd === M_XRD) || dataq.io.deq.valid)
val sdq = Mem4(NSDQ, io.sdq_enq.bits);
val sdq_addr = Mux(next_dataq_enq_val, io.replay.bits.sdq_id, io.sdq_id)
val sdq_wen = io.sdq_enq.valid && io.sdq_enq.ready
val sdq_dout = sdq.rw(sdq_addr, io.sdq_enq.bits, sdq_wen, cs = next_dataq_enq_val || sdq_wen);
val sdq_val = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, ceil(log(NSDQ)/log(2)).toInt))
when (next_dataq_enq_val) { sdq_val <== sdq_val.bitSet(io.replay.bits.sdq_id, Bool(false)) }
when (sdq_wen) { sdq_val <== sdq_val.bitSet(io.sdq_id, Bool(true)) }
def priority_enc(in: Bits, n: Int = 0): Bits = if (in.width == n-1) UFix(n-1) else if(in(n) == Bool(true)) UFix(n) else priority_enc(in, n+1)
io.sdq_id := priority_enc(~sdq_val)
io.sdq_enq.ready := ((~sdq_val) != UFix(0)) && !next_dataq_enq_val
io.replay.ready := cmdq.io.enq.ready && next_dataq_enq_rdy
io.data_req.valid := cmdq.io.deq.valid && ((cmdq.io.deq.bits.cmd.cmd === M_XRD) || dataq.io.deq.valid)
io.data_req.bits.idx := cmdq.io.deq.bits.idx
cmdq.io.deq.bits.cmd ^^ io.data_req.bits.cmd
io.data_req.bits.data := dataq.io.deq.bits
class WritebackUnit extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val wb_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new WritebackReq() }
val data_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataReq() }.flip()
val data_resp = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS, dir = 'input)
val mem_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MemReq() }.flip()
val wbq = (new queueSimplePF(REFILL_CYCLES)) { Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS) }
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val cnt = Reg() { UFix(ceil(log(REFILL_CYCLES)/log(2)).toInt) }
val addr = Reg() { new WritebackReq() }
wbq.io.enq.valid := valid && Reg(io.data_req.valid && io.data_req.ready)
wbq.io.enq.bits := io.data_resp
wbq.io.deq.ready := io.mem_req.ready && (~cnt === UFix(0))
when (io.wb_req.valid && io.wb_req.ready) { valid <== Bool(true); cnt <== UFix(0); addr <== io.wb_req.bits }
when (io.data_req.valid && io.data_req.ready) { cnt <== cnt + UFix(1) }
when ((~cnt === UFix(0)) && !wbq.io.deq.valid) { valid <== Bool(false) }
io.wb_req.ready := !valid
io.data_req.valid := valid && wbq.io.enq.ready
io.data_req.bits.idx := addr.idx
io.data_req.bits.cmd.offset := cnt * UFix(MEM_DATA_BITS/8)
io.data_req.bits.cmd.cmd := M_XRD
io.data_req.bits.cmd.typ := UFix(0)
io.data_req.bits.data := wbq.io.deq.bits
io.mem_req.valid := wbq.io.deq.valid && (~cnt === UFix(0))
io.mem_req.bits.rw := Bool(true)
io.mem_req.bits.addr := Cat(addr.ppn, addr.idx)
class FlushUnit extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val flush_req = (new ioDecoupled) { Bits(width = CPU_TAG_BITS) }
val flush_resp = (new ioDecoupled) { Bits(width = CPU_TAG_BITS) }.flip()
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaReq() }.flip()
val meta_resp = (new MetaData).asInput()
val wb_req_val = Bool(dir = 'output)
val wb_req_rdy = Bool(dir = 'input)
val s_reset :: s_ready :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_wait :: s_writeback :: s_meta_write :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(7) { UFix() }
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_reset)
val tag = Reg() { Bits(width = CPU_TAG_BITS) }
val cnt = Reg() { UFix(ceil(log(REFILL_CYCLES)/log(2)).toInt) }
val next_cnt = cnt + UFix(1)
switch (state) {
is(s_reset) { when (io.meta_req.ready) { state <== Mux(~cnt === UFix(0), s_ready, s_reset); cnt <== next_cnt } }
is(s_ready) { when (io.flush_req.valid) { state <== s_meta_read; tag <== io.flush_req.bits } }
is(s_meta_read) { when (io.meta_req.ready) { state <== s_meta_wait } }
is(s_meta_wait) { state <== Mux(io.meta_resp.valid && io.meta_resp.dirty, s_writeback, s_meta_write) }
is(s_writeback) { when (io.wb_req_rdy) { state <== s_meta_write } }
is(s_meta_write) { when (io.meta_req.ready) { state <== Mux(~cnt === UFix(0), s_done, s_meta_read); cnt <== next_cnt } }
is(s_done) { when (io.flush_resp.ready) { state <== s_ready } }
io.flush_req.ready := state === s_ready
io.flush_resp.valid := state === s_done
io.flush_resp.bits := tag
io.meta_req.valid := (state === s_meta_read) || (state === s_meta_write) || (state === s_reset)
io.meta_req.bits.idx := cnt
io.meta_req.bits.rw := (state === s_meta_write) || (state === s_reset)
io.meta_req.bits.data.valid := Bool(false)
io.meta_req.bits.data.dirty := Bool(false)
io.meta_req.bits.data.tag := UFix(0)
io.wb_req_val := state === s_writeback
class MetaDataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaReq() }
val resp = (new MetaData).asOutput()
val array = Mem4(lines, io.resp)
val rdata = array.rw(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw, cs = io.req.valid)
rdata ^^ io.resp
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
class DataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataArrayReq() }
val resp = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS, dir = 'output)
val wmask_array = Vec(MEM_DATA_BITS/8) { Wire() { Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS) } }
wmask_array(0) <== Fill(8, io.req.bits.wmask(0))
for (i <- 1 to MEM_DATA_BITS/8-1) {
wmask_array(i) <== Cat(Fill(8, io.req.bits.wmask(i)), wmask_array(i-1)(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i))
val wmask = wmask_array(MEM_DATA_BITS/8-1)
val array = Mem4(lines*REFILL_CYCLES, io.resp)
val addr = Cat(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.offset)
val rdata = array.rw(addr, io.req.bits.data, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw, wmask, cs = io.req.valid)
rdata ^^ io.resp
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
// state machine to flush (write back dirty lines, invalidate clean ones) the D$
class rocketNBDCacheDM_flush(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new ioDCacheDM();
val dcache = new rocketNBDCacheDM(lines);
val addrbits = PADDR_BITS;
val indexbits = ceil(log10(lines)/log10(2)).toInt;
val offsetbits = 6;
val tagmsb = addrbits - 1;
val taglsb = indexbits+offsetbits;
val tagbits = tagmsb-taglsb+1;
val indexmsb = taglsb-1;
val indexlsb = offsetbits;
val offsetmsb = indexlsb-1;
val offsetlsb = 3;
val flush_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, indexbits));
val flush_resp_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, indexbits));
val flushing = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val flush_waiting = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val r_cpu_req_tag = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, 5));
when (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy && (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_FLA))
r_cpu_req_tag <== io.cpu.req_tag;
flushing <== Bool(true);
flush_waiting <== Bool(true);
when (dcache.io.cpu.req_rdy && (flush_count === ~Bits(0, indexbits))) {
flushing <== Bool(false);
when (dcache.io.cpu.resp_val && (dcache.io.cpu.resp_tag === r_cpu_req_tag) && (flush_resp_count === ~Bits(0, indexbits))) {
flush_waiting <== Bool(false);
when (flushing && dcache.io.cpu.req_rdy) {
flush_count <== flush_count + UFix(1,1);
when (flush_waiting && dcache.io.cpu.resp_val && (dcache.io.cpu.resp_tag(5,0) === r_cpu_req_tag)) {
flush_resp_count <== flush_resp_count + UFix(1,1);
dcache.io.cpu.req_val := (io.cpu.req_val && (io.cpu.req_cmd != M_FLA) && !flush_waiting) || flushing;
dcache.io.cpu.req_cmd := Mux(flushing, M_FLA, io.cpu.req_cmd);
dcache.io.cpu.req_idx := Mux(flushing, Cat(flush_count, Bits(0,offsetbits)), io.cpu.req_idx);
dcache.io.cpu.req_ppn := Mux(flushing, UFix(0,PPN_BITS), io.cpu.req_ppn);
dcache.io.cpu.req_tag := Mux(flushing, r_cpu_req_tag, io.cpu.req_tag);
dcache.io.cpu.req_type := io.cpu.req_type;
dcache.io.cpu.req_data ^^ io.cpu.req_data;
dcache.io.cpu.dtlb_miss := io.cpu.dtlb_miss;
dcache.io.mem ^^ io.mem;
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_ld := dcache.io.cpu.xcpt_ma_ld;
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_st := dcache.io.cpu.xcpt_ma_st;
io.cpu.req_rdy := dcache.io.cpu.req_rdy && !flush_waiting;
io.cpu.resp_miss := dcache.io.cpu.resp_miss;
io.cpu.resp_data := dcache.io.cpu.resp_data;
io.cpu.resp_tag := dcache.io.cpu.resp_tag;
io.cpu.resp_val := dcache.io.cpu.resp_val &
!(flush_waiting && (io.cpu.resp_tag === r_cpu_req_tag) && (flush_count != ~Bits(0, addrbits)));
class rocketNBDCacheAMOALU extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val cmd = Bits(4, 'input)
val wmask = Bits(64/8, 'input)
val lhs = UFix(64, 'input)
val rhs = UFix(64, 'input)
val result = UFix(64, 'output)
val signed = (io.cmd === M_XA_MIN) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MAX)
val sub = (io.cmd === M_XA_MIN) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MINU) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MAX) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MAXU)
val min = (io.cmd === M_XA_MIN) || (io.cmd === M_XA_MINU)
val addsub_rhs = Mux(sub, ~io.rhs, io.rhs)
val adder_lhs = Cat(io.lhs(63,32), io.wmask(3) & io.lhs(31), io.lhs(30,0)).toUFix;
val adder_rhs = Cat(addsub_rhs(63,32), io.wmask(3) & addsub_rhs(31), addsub_rhs(30,0)).toUFix;
val adder_out = adder_lhs + adder_rhs + sub.toUFix
val cmp_lhs = Mux(io.wmask(7), io.lhs(63), io.lhs(31))
val cmp_rhs = Mux(io.wmask(7), io.rhs(63), io.rhs(31))
val cmp_diff = Mux(io.wmask(7), adder_out(63), adder_out(31))
val less = Mux(cmp_lhs === cmp_rhs, cmp_diff, Mux(signed, cmp_lhs, cmp_rhs))
val cmp_out = Mux(min === less, io.lhs, io.rhs)
val alu_out = Wire() { UFix() };
switch (io.cmd) {
is (M_XA_ADD) { alu_out <== adder_out }
is (M_XA_SWAP) { alu_out <== io.rhs }
is (M_XA_AND) { alu_out <== io.lhs & io.rhs }
is (M_XA_OR) { alu_out <== io.lhs | io.rhs }
alu_out <== cmp_out
io.result := alu_out
// XXX broken for CPU_DATA_WIDTH != 64
class AMOUnit extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataReq() }
val lhs = Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS)
val rhs = Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS)
val wmask = Bits(width = CPU_DATA_BITS/8, dir = 'input)
val data_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new DataReq() }.flip()
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val r_cmd = Reg() { new DataMemCmd() }
val r_idx = Reg() { Bits(width = IDX_BITS) }
val r_lhs = Reg() { Bits(width = 64) }
val r_rhs = Reg() { Bits(width = 64) }
val r_wmask = Reg() { Bits(width = 64/8) }
when (io.req.valid && io.req.ready) {
valid <== Bool(true);
r_idx <== io.req.bits.idx
r_lhs <== io.lhs;
r_rhs <== io.rhs;
r_cmd <== io.req.bits.cmd;
r_wmask <== io.wmask
when (io.data_req.valid && io.data_req.ready) {
valid <== Bool(false)
val alu = new rocketNBDCacheAMOALU
alu.io.cmd := r_cmd.cmd
alu.io.wmask := r_wmask
alu.io.lhs := r_lhs
alu.io.rhs := r_rhs
io.req.ready := !valid
io.data_req.valid := valid
io.data_req.bits.idx := r_idx
r_cmd ^^ io.data_req.bits.cmd
io.data_req.bits.data := alu.io.result
class rocketNBDCacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new ioDCacheDM();
val addrbits = PADDR_BITS;
val indexbits = ceil(log(lines)/log(2)).toInt;
val offsetbits = OFFSET_BITS;
val tagmsb = PADDR_BITS-1;
val taglsb = indexbits+offsetbits;
val tagbits = tagmsb-taglsb+1;
val indexmsb = taglsb-1;
val indexlsb = offsetbits;
val offsetmsb = indexlsb-1;
val offsetlsb = ceil(log(CPU_DATA_BITS/8)/log(2)).toInt;
val s_reset :: s_ready :: s_replay_load :: s_write_amo :: s_start_writeback :: s_writeback :: s_req_refill :: s_refill :: s_resolve_miss :: Nil = Enum(9) { UFix() };
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_reset);
// idx arrives one clock cycle prior to ppn b/c of DTLB
val r_cpu_req_idx = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, PGIDX_BITS));
val r_cpu_req_ppn = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, PPN_BITS));
val r_cpu_req_val = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val r_cpu_req_cmd = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,4));
val r_cpu_req_type = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,3));
val r_cpu_req_tag = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,5));
val r_cpu_resp_val = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val r_amo_data = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,64));
val p_store_data = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,64));
val p_store_idx = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,PGIDX_BITS));
val p_store_type = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0,3));
val p_store_valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val req_store = (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_XWR);
val req_load = (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_XRD) || (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_PRD);
val req_flush = (io.cpu.req_cmd === M_FLA);
val req_amo = io.cpu.req_cmd(3).toBool;
val r_req_load = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_XRD) || (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_PRD);
val r_req_store = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_XWR);
val r_req_flush = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_FLA);
val r_req_ptw_load = (r_cpu_req_cmd === M_PRD);
val r_req_amo = r_cpu_req_cmd(3).toBool;
when (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy) {
r_cpu_req_idx <== io.cpu.req_idx;
r_cpu_req_cmd <== io.cpu.req_cmd;
r_cpu_req_type <== io.cpu.req_type;
r_cpu_req_tag <== io.cpu.req_tag;
when ((state === s_ready) && r_cpu_req_val && !io.cpu.dtlb_miss) {
r_cpu_req_ppn <== io.cpu.req_ppn;
when (io.cpu.req_rdy) {
r_cpu_req_val <== io.cpu.req_val;
otherwise {
r_cpu_req_val <== Bool(false);
when (((state === s_resolve_miss) && (r_req_load || r_req_amo)) || (state === s_replay_load)) {
r_cpu_resp_val <== Bool(true);
otherwise {
r_cpu_resp_val <== Bool(false);
// refill counter
val rr_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,2));
val rr_count_next = rr_count + UFix(1);
when (((state === s_refill) && io.mem.resp_val) || ((state === s_writeback) && io.mem.req_rdy)) {
rr_count <== rr_count_next;
// tag array
val tag_addr =
Mux((state === s_ready), io.cpu.req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits),
val tag_we =
((state === s_refill) && io.mem.resp_val && (rr_count === UFix(3,2))) ||
((state === s_resolve_miss) && r_req_flush);
val tag_array = Mem4(lines, r_cpu_req_ppn);
// tag_array.setTarget('inst);
val tag_rdata = tag_array.rw(tag_addr, r_cpu_req_ppn, tag_we);
// valid bit array
val vb_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, lines));
when (tag_we && !r_req_flush) {
vb_array <== vb_array.bitSet(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix, UFix(1,1));
when (tag_we && r_req_flush) {
vb_array <== vb_array.bitSet(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix, UFix(0,1));
val vb_rdata = vb_array(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix).toBool;
val tag_valid = r_cpu_req_val && vb_rdata;
val tag_match = (tag_rdata === io.cpu.req_ppn);
val tag_hit = tag_valid && tag_match;
val miss = r_cpu_req_val && (!vb_rdata || !tag_match);
// load/store addresses conflict if they are to any part of the same 64 bit word
val addr_match = (r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetlsb) === p_store_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetlsb));
val ldst_conflict = tag_valid && tag_match && (r_req_load || r_req_amo) && p_store_valid && addr_match;
val store_hit = r_cpu_req_val && !io.cpu.dtlb_miss && tag_hit && r_req_store ;
// write the pending store data when the cache is idle, when the next command isn't a load
// or when there's a load to the same address (in which case there's a 2 cycle delay:
// once cycle to write the store data and another to read the data back)
val drain_store =
((store_hit || p_store_valid) && (!io.cpu.req_val || req_store || req_flush)) ||
(p_store_valid && (miss || ldst_conflict));
// write pending store data from a store which missed
// after the cache line refill has completed
val resolve_store = (state === s_resolve_miss) && r_req_store;
// pending store data
when (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy && req_store) {
p_store_idx <== io.cpu.req_idx;
p_store_data <== io.cpu.req_data;
p_store_type <== io.cpu.req_type;
when (store_hit && !drain_store) {
p_store_valid <== Bool(true);
when (drain_store) {
p_store_valid <== Bool(false);
// AMO operand
when (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy && req_amo) {
r_amo_data <== io.cpu.req_data;
// dirty bit array
val db_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, lines));
val tag_dirty = db_array(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix).toBool;
when ((r_cpu_req_val && !io.cpu.dtlb_miss && tag_hit && r_req_store) || resolve_store) {
db_array <== db_array.bitSet(p_store_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix, UFix(1,1));
when (state === s_write_amo) {
db_array <== db_array.bitSet(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix, UFix(1,1));
when (tag_we) {
db_array <== db_array.bitSet(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix, UFix(0,1));
val mshr = new MSHRFile()
mshr.io.req_val := r_cpu_req_val
mshr.io.req_ppn := r_cpu_req_ppn
mshr.io.req_idx := r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits)
mshr.io.req_cmd.offset := r_cpu_req_idx(offsetbits-1, 0)
mshr.io.req_cmd.cmd := r_cpu_req_cmd
mshr.io.req_cmd.typ := r_cpu_req_type
// generate write mask and data signals for stores and amos
val storegen = new rocketDCacheStoreGen();
storegen.io.req_addr_lsb := p_store_idx(2,0);
storegen.io.req_data := p_store_data;
storegen.io.req_type := p_store_type;
val store_data = Fill(2, storegen.io.store_data);
val store_wmask_d = storegen.io.store_wmask;
val store_wmask = Mux(p_store_idx(offsetlsb).toBool, Cat(store_wmask_d, Bits(0,64)), Cat(Bits(0,64), store_wmask_d));
// ALU for AMOs
val amo_alu = new rocketNBDCacheAMOALU();
val amo_alu_out = Cat(amo_alu.io.result,amo_alu.io.result);
val amo_wmask =
Mux(r_cpu_req_type === MT_D, ~Bits(0,8),
Mux(r_cpu_req_idx(2).toBool, Cat(~Bits(0,4), Bits(0,4)),
Cat(Bits(0,4), ~Bits(0,4))));
val amo_store_wmask_d = Cat(Fill(8, amo_wmask(7)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(6)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(5)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(4)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(3)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(2)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(1)),
Fill(8, amo_wmask(0)));
val amo_store_wmask = Mux(r_cpu_req_idx(offsetlsb).toBool, Cat(amo_store_wmask_d, Bits(0,64)), Cat(Bits(0,64), amo_store_wmask_d));
// data array
val data_addr =
Mux(drain_store || resolve_store, p_store_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1),
Mux((state === s_writeback) && io.mem.req_rdy, Cat(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), rr_count_next),
Mux((state === s_start_writeback) || (state === s_writeback) || (state === s_refill), Cat(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), rr_count),
Mux((state === s_resolve_miss) || (state === s_replay_load) || (state === s_write_amo), r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1),
io.cpu.req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1))))).toUFix;
val data_wdata =
Mux((state === s_refill), io.mem.resp_data,
Mux((state === s_write_amo), amo_alu_out,
val data_we =
((state === s_refill) && io.mem.resp_val) ||
(state === s_write_amo) ||
drain_store || resolve_store;
val data_wmask =
Mux((state === s_refill), ~Bits(0,128),
Mux((state === s_write_amo), amo_store_wmask,
val data_array = Mem4(lines*4, data_wdata);
// data_array.setTarget('inst);
val data_array_rdata = data_array.rw(data_addr, data_wdata, data_we, data_wmask);
val resp_data = Mux(r_cpu_req_idx(offsetlsb).toBool, data_array_rdata(127, 64), data_array_rdata(63,0));
val r_resp_data = Reg(resp_data);
amo_alu.io.cmd := r_cpu_req_cmd;
amo_alu.io.wmask := amo_wmask;
amo_alu.io.lhs := Mux(r_cpu_resp_val, resp_data, r_resp_data).toUFix;
amo_alu.io.rhs := r_amo_data.toUFix;
// signal a load miss when the data isn't present in the cache and when it's in the pending store data register
// (causes the cache to block for 2 cycles and the load or amo instruction is replayed)
val load_miss =
!io.cpu.dtlb_miss &&
(state === s_ready) && r_cpu_req_val && (r_req_load || r_req_amo) && (!tag_hit || (p_store_valid && addr_match));
// output signals
// busy when there's a load to the same address as a pending store, or on a cache miss, or when executing a flush
io.cpu.req_rdy := mshr.io.req_rdy && (state === s_ready) && !io.cpu.dtlb_miss && !ldst_conflict && (!r_cpu_req_val || (tag_hit && !(r_req_flush || r_req_amo)));
io.cpu.resp_val := !io.cpu.dtlb_miss &&
((state === s_ready) && tag_hit && (r_req_load || r_req_amo) && !(p_store_valid && addr_match)) ||
((state === s_resolve_miss) && r_req_flush) ||
val misaligned =
(((r_cpu_req_type === MT_H) || (r_cpu_req_type === MT_HU)) && r_cpu_req_idx(0).toBool) ||
(((r_cpu_req_type === MT_W) || (r_cpu_req_type === MT_WU)) && (r_cpu_req_idx(1,0) != Bits(0,2))) ||
((r_cpu_req_type === MT_D) && (r_cpu_req_idx(2,0) != Bits(0,3)));
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_ld := r_cpu_req_val && (r_req_load || r_req_amo) && misaligned;
io.cpu.xcpt_ma_st := r_cpu_req_val && (r_req_store || r_req_amo) && misaligned;
io.cpu.resp_miss := load_miss;
// tag MSB distinguishes between loads destined for the PTW and CPU
io.cpu.resp_tag := Cat(r_req_ptw_load, r_cpu_req_type, r_cpu_req_idx(2,0), r_cpu_req_tag);
io.cpu.resp_data := resp_data;
io.mem.req_val := (state === s_req_refill) || (state === s_writeback);
io.mem.req_rw := (state === s_writeback);
io.mem.req_wdata := data_array_rdata;
io.mem.req_tag := UFix(0);
io.mem.req_addr :=
Mux(state === s_writeback, Cat(tag_rdata, r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), rr_count),
Cat(r_cpu_req_ppn, r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), Bits(0,2))).toUFix;
// control state machine
switch (state) {
is (s_reset) {
state <== s_ready;
is (s_ready) {
when (io.cpu.dtlb_miss) {
state <== s_ready;
when (ldst_conflict) {
state <== s_replay_load;
when (!r_cpu_req_val || (tag_hit && !(r_req_flush || r_req_amo))) {
state <== s_ready;
when (tag_hit && r_req_amo) {
state <== s_write_amo;
when (tag_valid & tag_dirty) {
state <== s_start_writeback;
when (r_req_flush) {
state <== s_resolve_miss;
otherwise {
state <== s_req_refill;
is (s_replay_load) {
state <== s_ready;
is (s_write_amo) {
state <== s_ready;
is (s_start_writeback) {
state <== s_writeback;
is (s_writeback) {
when (io.mem.req_rdy && (rr_count === UFix(3,2))) {
when (r_req_flush) {
state <== s_resolve_miss;
otherwise {
state <== s_req_refill;
is (s_req_refill)
when (io.mem.req_rdy) { state <== s_refill; }
is (s_refill) {
when (io.mem.resp_val && (rr_count === UFix(3,2))) { state <== s_resolve_miss; }
is (s_resolve_miss) {
when (r_req_amo) {
state <== s_write_amo;
state <== s_ready;