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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import diplomacy._
import scala.math.max
import util.RationalDirection
case class TLManagerParameters(
address: Seq[AddressSet],
2017-03-01 04:49:39 +01:00
resources: Seq[Resource] = Seq(),
regionType: RegionType.T = RegionType.GET_EFFECTS,
executable: Boolean = false, // processor can execute from this memory
nodePath: Seq[BaseNode] = Seq(),
// Supports both Acquire+Release+Finish of these sizes
supportsAcquireT: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsAcquireB: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsArithmetic: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsLogical: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsGet: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsPutFull: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsHint: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
// If fifoId=Some, all accesses sent to the same fifoId are executed and ACK'd in FIFO order
fifoId: Option[Int] = None,
customDTS: Option[String]= None)
require (!address.isEmpty)
address.foreach { a => require (a.finite) }
Heterogeneous Tiles (#550) Fundamental new features: * Added tile package: This package is intended to hold components re-usable across different types of tile. Will be the future location of TL2-RoCC accelerators and new diplomatic versions of intra-tile interfaces. * Adopted [ModuleName]Params convention: Code base was very inconsistent about what to name case classes that provide parameters to modules. Settled on calling them [ModuleName]Params to distinguish them from config.Parameters and config.Config. So far applied mostly only to case classes defined within rocket and tile. * Defined RocketTileParams: A nested case class containing case classes for all the components of a tile (L1 caches and core). Allows all such parameters to vary per-tile. * Defined RocketCoreParams: All the parameters that can be varied per-core. * Defined L1CacheParams: A trait defining the parameters common to L1 caches, made concrete in different derived case classes. * Defined RocketTilesKey: A sequence of RocketTileParams, one for every tile to be created. * Provided HeterogeneousDualCoreConfig: An example of making a heterogeneous chip with two cores, one big and one little. * Changes to legacy code: ReplacementPolicy moved to package util. L1Metadata moved to package tile. Legacy L2 cache agent removed because it can no longer share the metadata array implementation with the L1. Legacy GroundTests on life support. Additional changes that got rolled in along the way: * rocket: Fix critical path through BTB for I$ index bits > pgIdxBits * coreplex: tiles connected via :=* * groundtest: updated to use TileParams * tilelink: cache cork requirements are relaxed to allow more cacheless masters
2017-02-09 22:59:09 +01:00
address.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x,y) => require (!x.overlaps(y), s"$x and $y overlap.") }
require (supportsPutFull.contains(supportsPutPartial))
require (supportsPutFull.contains(supportsArithmetic))
require (supportsPutFull.contains(supportsLogical))
require (supportsGet.contains(supportsArithmetic))
require (supportsGet.contains(supportsLogical))
require (supportsAcquireB.contains(supportsAcquireT))
// Make sure that the regionType agrees with the capabilities
require ((regionType == RegionType.CACHED || regionType == RegionType.TRACKED) != supportsAcquireB.none)
require (regionType != RegionType.UNCACHED || supportsGet)
// Largest support transfer of all types
val maxTransfer = List(
val maxAddress = address.map(_.max).max
val name = nodePath.lastOption.map(_.lazyModule.name).getOrElse("disconnected")
// Generate the config string (in future device tree)
lazy val dts = customDTS.getOrElse {
val header = s"${name} {\n"
val middle = address.map { a =>
require (a.contiguous) // Config String is not so flexible
" addr 0x%x;\n size 0x%x;\n".format(a.base, a.mask+1)
val footer = "}\n"
header + middle.reduce(_ + _) + footer
// The device had better not support a transfer larger than it's alignment
val minAlignment = address.map(_.alignment).min
require (minAlignment >= maxTransfer)
2017-03-01 04:49:39 +01:00
def toResource: ResourceAddress = {
r = supportsAcquireB || supportsGet,
w = supportsAcquireT || supportsPutFull,
x = executable)
case class TLManagerPortParameters(
managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters],
beatBytes: Int,
endSinkId: Int = 1,
minLatency: Int = 0)
require (!managers.isEmpty)
require (isPow2(beatBytes))
require (endSinkId > 0)
require (minLatency >= 0)
// Bounds on required sizes
def maxAddress = managers.map(_.maxAddress).max
def maxTransfer = managers.map(_.maxTransfer).max
// Operation sizes supported by all outward Managers
val allSupportAcquireT = managers.map(_.supportsAcquireT) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportAcquireB = managers.map(_.supportsAcquireB) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportArithmetic = managers.map(_.supportsArithmetic).reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportLogical = managers.map(_.supportsLogical) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportGet = managers.map(_.supportsGet) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportPutFull = managers.map(_.supportsPutFull) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportPutPartial = managers.map(_.supportsPutPartial).reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportHint = managers.map(_.supportsHint) .reduce(_ intersect _)
// Operation supported by at least one outward Managers
val anySupportAcquireT = managers.map(!_.supportsAcquireT.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportAcquireB = managers.map(!_.supportsAcquireB.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportArithmetic = managers.map(!_.supportsArithmetic.none).reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportLogical = managers.map(!_.supportsLogical.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportGet = managers.map(!_.supportsGet.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportPutFull = managers.map(!_.supportsPutFull.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportPutPartial = managers.map(!_.supportsPutPartial.none).reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportHint = managers.map(!_.supportsHint.none) .reduce(_ || _)
// Which bits suffice to distinguish between all managers
lazy val routingMask = AddressDecoder(managers.map(_.address))
// These return Option[TLManagerParameters] for your convenience
def find(address: BigInt) = managers.find(_.address.exists(_.contains(address)))
// The safe version will check the entire address
def findSafe(address: UInt) = Vec(managers.map(_.address.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// The fast version assumes the address is valid
def findFast(address: UInt) = Vec(managers.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// Note: returns the actual fifoId + 1 or 0 if None
def findFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), managers.map(m => UInt(m.fifoId.map(_+1).getOrElse(0))))
def hasFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), managers.map(m => Bool(m.fifoId.isDefined)))
// Does this Port manage this ID/address?
def containsSafe(address: UInt) = findSafe(address).reduce(_ || _)
private def safe_helper(member: TLManagerParameters => TransferSizes)(address: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val allSame = managers.map(member(_) == member(managers(0))).reduce(_ && _)
if (allSame) containsSafe(address) && member(managers(0)).containsLg(lgSize) else {
Mux1H(findSafe(address), managers.map(member(_).containsLg(lgSize)))
private def fast_helper(member: TLManagerParameters => TransferSizes)(address: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val allSame = managers.map(member(_) == member(managers(0))).reduce(_ && _)
if (allSame) member(managers(0)).containsLg(lgSize) else {
Mux1H(findFast(address), managers.map(member(_).containsLg(lgSize)))
// Check for support of a given operation at a specific address
val supportsAcquireTSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsAcquireT) _
val supportsAcquireBSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsAcquireB) _
val supportsArithmeticSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsArithmetic) _
val supportsLogicalSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsLogical) _
val supportsGetSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsGet) _
val supportsPutFullSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsPutFull) _
val supportsPutPartialSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsPutPartial) _
val supportsHintSafe = safe_helper(_.supportsHint) _
val supportsAcquireTFast = fast_helper(_.supportsAcquireT) _
val supportsAcquireBFast = fast_helper(_.supportsAcquireB) _
val supportsArithmeticFast = fast_helper(_.supportsArithmetic) _
val supportsLogicalFast = fast_helper(_.supportsLogical) _
val supportsGetFast = fast_helper(_.supportsGet) _
val supportsPutFullFast = fast_helper(_.supportsPutFull) _
val supportsPutPartialFast = fast_helper(_.supportsPutPartial) _
val supportsHintFast = fast_helper(_.supportsHint) _
case class TLClientParameters(
sourceId: IdRange = IdRange(0,1),
nodePath: Seq[BaseNode] = Seq(),
// Supports both Probe+Grant of these sizes
supportsProbe: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsArithmetic: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsLogical: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsGet: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsPutFull: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsHint: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none)
require (supportsPutFull.contains(supportsPutPartial))
// We only support these operations if we support Probe (ie: we're a cache)
require (supportsProbe.contains(supportsArithmetic))
require (supportsProbe.contains(supportsLogical))
require (supportsProbe.contains(supportsGet))
require (supportsProbe.contains(supportsPutFull))
require (supportsProbe.contains(supportsPutPartial))
require (supportsProbe.contains(supportsHint))
val maxTransfer = List(
val name = nodePath.lastOption.map(_.lazyModule.name).getOrElse("disconnected")
case class TLClientPortParameters(
clients: Seq[TLClientParameters],
unsafeAtomics: Boolean = false,
minLatency: Int = 0) // Atomics are executed as get+put
require (!clients.isEmpty)
require (minLatency >= 0)
// Require disjoint ranges for Ids
clients.combinations(2).foreach({ case Seq(x,y) =>
require (!x.sourceId.overlaps(y.sourceId))
// Bounds on required sizes
def endSourceId = clients.map(_.sourceId.end).max
def maxTransfer = clients.map(_.maxTransfer).max
// Operation sizes supported by all inward Clients
val allSupportProbe = clients.map(_.supportsProbe) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportArithmetic = clients.map(_.supportsArithmetic).reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportLogical = clients.map(_.supportsLogical) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportGet = clients.map(_.supportsGet) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportPutFull = clients.map(_.supportsPutFull) .reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportPutPartial = clients.map(_.supportsPutPartial).reduce(_ intersect _)
val allSupportHint = clients.map(_.supportsHint) .reduce(_ intersect _)
// Operation is supported by at least one client
val anySupportProbe = clients.map(!_.supportsProbe.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportArithmetic = clients.map(!_.supportsArithmetic.none).reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportLogical = clients.map(!_.supportsLogical.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportGet = clients.map(!_.supportsGet.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportPutFull = clients.map(!_.supportsPutFull.none) .reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportPutPartial = clients.map(!_.supportsPutPartial.none).reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportHint = clients.map(!_.supportsHint.none) .reduce(_ || _)
// These return Option[TLClientParameters] for your convenience
def find(id: Int) = clients.find(_.sourceId.contains(id))
// Synthesizable lookup methods
def find(id: UInt) = Vec(clients.map(_.sourceId.contains(id)))
def contains(id: UInt) = find(id).reduce(_ || _)
private def safety_helper(member: TLClientParameters => TransferSizes)(id: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val allSame = clients.map(member(_) == member(clients(0))).reduce(_ && _)
if (allSame) member(clients(0)).containsLg(lgSize) else {
Mux1H(find(id), clients.map(member(_).containsLg(lgSize)))
// Check for support of a given operation at a specific id
val supportsProbe = safety_helper(_.supportsProbe) _
val supportsArithmetic = safety_helper(_.supportsArithmetic) _
val supportsLogical = safety_helper(_.supportsLogical) _
val supportsGet = safety_helper(_.supportsGet) _
val supportsPutFull = safety_helper(_.supportsPutFull) _
val supportsPutPartial = safety_helper(_.supportsPutPartial) _
val supportsHint = safety_helper(_.supportsHint) _
case class TLBundleParameters(
addressBits: Int,
dataBits: Int,
sourceBits: Int,
sinkBits: Int,
sizeBits: Int)
// Chisel has issues with 0-width wires
require (addressBits >= 1)
require (dataBits >= 8)
require (sourceBits >= 1)
require (sinkBits >= 1)
require (sizeBits >= 1)
require (isPow2(dataBits))
val addrLoBits = log2Up(dataBits/8)
def union(x: TLBundleParameters) =
max(addressBits, x.addressBits),
max(dataBits, x.dataBits),
max(sourceBits, x.sourceBits),
max(sinkBits, x.sinkBits),
max(sizeBits, x.sizeBits))
object TLBundleParameters
2017-01-20 03:36:39 +01:00
val emptyBundleParams = TLBundleParameters(
addressBits = 1,
dataBits = 8,
sourceBits = 1,
sinkBits = 1,
sizeBits = 1)
def union(x: Seq[TLBundleParameters]) = x.foldLeft(emptyBundleParams)((x,y) => x.union(y))
def apply(client: TLClientPortParameters, manager: TLManagerPortParameters) =
new TLBundleParameters(
addressBits = log2Up(manager.maxAddress + 1),
dataBits = manager.beatBytes * 8,
sourceBits = log2Up(client.endSourceId),
sinkBits = log2Up(manager.endSinkId),
sizeBits = log2Up(log2Ceil(max(client.maxTransfer, manager.maxTransfer))+1))
case class TLEdgeParameters(
client: TLClientPortParameters,
manager: TLManagerPortParameters)
val maxTransfer = max(client.maxTransfer, manager.maxTransfer)
val maxLgSize = log2Ceil(maxTransfer)
// Sanity check the link...
require (maxTransfer >= manager.beatBytes)
val bundle = TLBundleParameters(client, manager)
case class TLAsyncManagerPortParameters(depth: Int, base: TLManagerPortParameters) { require (isPow2(depth)) }
case class TLAsyncClientPortParameters(base: TLClientPortParameters)
2017-01-20 03:36:39 +01:00
case class TLAsyncBundleParameters(depth: Int, base: TLBundleParameters)
require (isPow2(depth))
def union(x: TLAsyncBundleParameters) = TLAsyncBundleParameters(
depth = max(depth, x.depth),
base = base.union(x.base))
object TLAsyncBundleParameters
val emptyBundleParams = TLAsyncBundleParameters(depth = 1, base = TLBundleParameters.emptyBundleParams)
def union(x: Seq[TLAsyncBundleParameters]) = x.foldLeft(emptyBundleParams)((x,y) => x.union(y))
case class TLAsyncEdgeParameters(client: TLAsyncClientPortParameters, manager: TLAsyncManagerPortParameters)
val bundle = TLAsyncBundleParameters(manager.depth, TLBundleParameters(client.base, manager.base))
case class TLRationalManagerPortParameters(direction: RationalDirection, base: TLManagerPortParameters)
case class TLRationalClientPortParameters(base: TLClientPortParameters)
case class TLRationalEdgeParameters(client: TLRationalClientPortParameters, manager: TLRationalManagerPortParameters)
val bundle = TLBundleParameters(client.base, manager.base)
object ManagerUnification
def apply(managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
// To be unified, devices must agree on all of these terms
case class TLManagerKey(
regionType: RegionType.T,
executable: Boolean,
lastNode: BaseNode,
supportsAcquireT: TransferSizes,
supportsAcquireB: TransferSizes,
supportsArithmetic: TransferSizes,
supportsLogical: TransferSizes,
supportsGet: TransferSizes,
supportsPutFull: TransferSizes,
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes,
supportsHint: TransferSizes)
def key(x: TLManagerParameters) = TLManagerKey(
regionType = x.regionType,
executable = x.executable,
lastNode = x.nodePath.last,
supportsAcquireT = x.supportsAcquireT,
supportsAcquireB = x.supportsAcquireB,
supportsArithmetic = x.supportsArithmetic,
supportsLogical = x.supportsLogical,
supportsGet = x.supportsGet,
supportsPutFull = x.supportsPutFull,
supportsPutPartial = x.supportsPutPartial,
supportsHint = x.supportsHint)
val map = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[TLManagerKey, TLManagerParameters]()
managers.foreach { m =>
val k = key(m)
map.get(k) match {
case None => map.update(k, m)
case Some(n) => {
map.update(k, m.copy(
address = m.address ++ n.address,
fifoId = None)) // Merging means it's not FIFO anymore!
map.values.map(m => m.copy(address = AddressSet.unify(m.address))).toList