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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package sifive.fpgashells.devices.xilinx.xilinxml507mig
import Chisel._
import chisel3.core.{Input, Output}
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{AsynchronousCrossing, HasCrossing}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
case class XilinxML507MIGParams(
address: Seq[AddressSet]
class MemoryController extends BlackBox {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val sys = new MemorySysIO
val ddr2 = new MemoryDDR2IO
val request_addr = Input(UInt(28.W))
val request_type = Input(Bool())
val request_data = Input(UInt(256.W))
val request_mask = Input(UInt(32.W))
val request_valid = Input(Bool())
val request_ready = Output(Bool())
val response_data = Output(UInt(256.W))
val response_valid = Output(Bool())
// no ready, as the mig does not wait
override def desiredName: String = "memory_controller"
class XilinxML507MIGToTL(c: XilinxML507MIGParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasCrossing {
// Corresponds to MIG interface with 64 bit width and a burst length of 4
val width = 256
val beatBytes = width/8 // 32 byte (half a cache-line, fragmented)
val crossing = AsynchronousCrossing(8)
val device = new MemoryDevice
val node = TLManagerNode(
address = c.address,
resources = device.reg,
regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED,
executable = true,
supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
fifoId = Some(0) // in-order
beatBytes = beatBytes
// We could possibly also support supportsPutPartial, as we need support
// for masks anyway because of the possibility of transfers smaller that
// the data width (size signal, see below).
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val port_sys = new MemorySysIO
val port_ddr2 = new MemoryDDR2IO
val controller = Module(new MemoryController)
io.port_sys <> controller.io.sys
io.port_ddr2 <> controller.io.ddr2
// in: TLBundle, edge: TLEdgeIn
val (in, edge) = node.in(0)
// Due to the Fragmenter defined above, all messages are 32 bytes or
// smaller. The data signal of the TL channels is also 32 bytes, so
// all messages will be transfered in a single beat.
// Also, TL guarantees (see TL$4.6) that the payload of a data message
// is always aligned to the width of the beat, e.g. in case of a 32
// byte data signal, data[7:0] will always have address 0x***00000 and
// data[255:247] address 0x***11111. It is also guaranteed that the
// mask bits always correctly reflect the active bytes inside the beat
// with respect to the size and address.
// So we can directly forward the mask, (relative) address and possibly
// data to the MIG interface.
// Put requests can be acknowledged as soon as they are latched into
// the write fifo of the MIG (possibly combinatorily).
// For read requests, we have to store the source id and size in a
// queue for later acknowledgment.
// We are ready if both the MIG and the response data queue are not
// full.
// Widths of the A channel:
// addressBits: 32
// dataBits: 256
// sourceBits: 6
// sinkBits: 1
// sizeBits: 3
// source (from): in.a.bits.source
// adresse (to): edgeIn.address(in.a.bits)
// size: edgeIn.size(in.a.bits)
// isPut: edgeIn.hasData(in.a.bits)
// bits kommt von Decoupled: ready, valid + bits
println("a parameters: " + in.a.bits.params)
in.a.ready := Bool(false)
in.d.valid := Bool(false)
// Tie off unused channels
in.b.valid := Bool(false)
in.c.ready := Bool(true)
in.e.ready := Bool(true)
class XilinxML507MIG(c : XilinxML507MIGParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
// The Fragmenter will not fragment messages <= 32 bytes, so all
// slaves have to support this size. 64 byte specifies the maximum
// supported transfer size that the slave side of the fragmenter supports
// against the master (here the main memory bus). Specifying alwaysMin as
// true results in all messages being fragmented to the minimal size
// (32 byte). In TL1 terms, slaves correspond roughly to managers and
// masters to clients (confusingly).
val fragmenter = LazyModule(new TLFragmenter(32, 64, alwaysMin=true))
val island = LazyModule(new XilinxML507MIGToTL(c))
val node: TLInwardNode =
island.node := island.crossTLIn := fragmenter.node
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val port_sys = new MemorySysIO
val port_ddr2 = new MemoryDDR2IO
io.port_sys <> island.module.io.port_sys
io.port_ddr2 <> island.module.io.port_ddr2
// The MIGToTL module lives in a separate clock domain together with
// the MIG, which is why it is called "island".
island.module.clock := io.port_sys.clk0
island.module.reset := io.port_sys.reset

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package sifive.fpgashells.devices.xilinx.xilinxml507mig
import Chisel._
import chisel3.core.{Input, Output}
import chisel3.experimental.Analog
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Field
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.BaseSubsystem
case object MemoryML507Key extends Field[XilinxML507MIGParams]
trait HasMemoryML507 { this: BaseSubsystem =>
val memory = LazyModule(new XilinxML507MIG(p(MemoryML507Key)))
memory.node := memBuses.head.toDRAMController(Some("xilinxml507mig"))()
class MemorySysIO extends Bundle {
val clk0 = Input(Clock())
val clk90 = Input(Clock())
val clkdiv0 = Input(Clock())
val clk_locked = Input(Bool())
val clk_idelay = Input(Clock())
val reset = Input(Bool())
class MemoryDDR2IO extends Bundle {
val dq = Analog(64.W)
val a = Output(Bits(13.W))
val ba = Output(Bits(2.W))
val ras_n = Output(Bits(1.W))
val cas_n = Output(Bits(1.W))
val we_n = Output(Bits(1.W))
val cs_n = Output(Bits(1.W))
val odt = Output(Bits(1.W))
val cke = Output(Bits(1.W))
val dm = Output(Bits(8.W))
val dqs = Analog(8.W)
val dqs_n = Analog(8.W)
val ck = Output(Bits(2.W))
val ck_n = Output(Bits(2.W))
trait HasMemoryML507Bundle {
val ddr_sys: MemorySysIO
val ddr2: MemoryDDR2IO
trait HasMemoryML507ModuleImp extends LazyModuleImp with HasMemoryML507Bundle {
val outer: HasMemoryML507
val ddr_sys = IO(new MemorySysIO)
val ddr2 = IO(new MemoryDDR2IO)
ddr_sys <> outer.memory.module.io.port_sys
ddr2 <> outer.memory.module.io.port_ddr2

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@ -114,6 +114,17 @@ class ml507_dvi_clock extends BlackBox {
class ml507_ddr2_clock extends BlackBox {
val io = new Bundle {
val CLKIN_P_IN = Clock(INPUT)
val CLKIN_N_IN = Clock(INPUT)
val CLK0_OUT = Clock(OUTPUT)
val CLK90_OUT = Clock(OUTPUT)
// vc707_sys_clock_mmcm

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@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import sifive.blocks.devices.uart._
import sifive.blocks.devices.chiplink._
import sifive.blocks.devices.terminal._
import sifive.fpgashells.ip.xilinx.{PowerOnResetFPGAOnly, sdio_spi_bridge, ml507_dvi_clock, ml507_sys_clock, vc707reset}
import sifive.fpgashells.devices.xilinx.xilinxml507mig._
import sifive.fpgashells.ip.xilinx.{PowerOnResetFPGAOnly, sdio_spi_bridge, ml507_ddr2_clock, ml507_dvi_clock, ml507_sys_clock, vc707reset}
// ML507Shell
@ -56,6 +57,10 @@ abstract class ML507Shell(implicit val p: Parameters) extends RawModule {
// 100Mhz sysclk
val sys_clock = IO(Input(Clock()))
// 200MHz ddrclk
val ddr_clock_p = IO(Input(Clock()))
val ddr_clock_n = IO(Input(Clock()))
// active high async reset
val reset = IO(Input(Bool()))
@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ abstract class ML507Shell(implicit val p: Parameters) extends RawModule {
val reset_led = IO(Output(Bool()))
val dvi = IO(new TerminalDVIIO)
val ddr2 = IO(new MemoryDDR2IO)
// Wire declrations
@ -95,6 +101,12 @@ abstract class ML507Shell(implicit val p: Parameters) extends RawModule {
val dvi_clock = Wire(Clock())
val dvi_reset = Wire(Bool())
val ddr_clk0 = Wire(Clock())
val ddr_clk90 = Wire(Clock())
val ddr_clkdiv0 = Wire(Clock())
val ddr_clk_locked = Wire(Bool())
val ddr_reset = Wire(Bool())
val sd_spi_sck = Wire(Bool())
val sd_spi_cs = Wire(Bool())
val sd_spi_dq_i = Wire(Vec(4, Bool()))
@ -124,9 +136,19 @@ abstract class ML507Shell(implicit val p: Parameters) extends RawModule {
ml507_dvi_clock.io.CLKIN_IN := sys_clock
dvi_clock := ml507_dvi_clock.io.CLKFX_OUT
// 200 MHz (DDR2 and IDELAY clock)
val ml507_ddr2_clock = Module(new ml507_ddr2_clock)
ml507_ddr2_clock.io.CLKIN_P_IN := ddr_clock_p
ml507_ddr2_clock.io.CLKIN_N_IN := ddr_clock_n
ddr_clk0 := ml507_ddr2_clock.io.CLK0_OUT
ddr_clk90 := ml507_ddr2_clock.io.CLK90_OUT
ddr_clkdiv0 := ml507_ddr2_clock.io.CLKDV_OUT
ddr_clk_locked := ml507_ddr2_clock.io.LOCKED_OUT
// Clocks locked?
clk_locked := ml507_sys_clock.io.LOCKED_OUT &
ml507_dvi_clock.io.LOCKED_OUT &
// System reset
@ -138,7 +160,8 @@ abstract class ML507Shell(implicit val p: Parameters) extends RawModule {
val safe_reset = Module(new vc707reset)
safe_reset.io.areset := do_reset
safe_reset.io.clock1 := dut_clock
safe_reset.io.clock1 := ddr_clk0
ddr_reset := safe_reset.io.reset1
safe_reset.io.clock2 := dut_clock
safe_reset.io.clock3 := dvi_clock
dvi_reset := safe_reset.io.reset3
@ -159,6 +182,21 @@ abstract class ML507Shell(implicit val p: Parameters) extends RawModule {
dut.terminal.reset := dvi_reset
// Memory controller
def connectDDRMemory(dut: HasMemoryML507ModuleImp): Unit = {
ddr2 <> dut.ddr2
dut.ddr_sys.clk0 := ddr_clk0
dut.ddr_sys.clk90 := ddr_clk90
dut.ddr_sys.clkdiv0 := ddr_clkdiv0
dut.ddr_sys.clk_locked := ddr_clk_locked
dut.ddr_sys.clk_idelay := ddr_clk0
dut.ddr_sys.reset := ddr_reset