* coreplex collapse: peripherals now in coreplex
* coreplex: better factoring of TLBusWrapper attachement points
* diplomacy: allow monitorless :*= and :=*
* rocket: don't connect monitors to tile tim slave ports
* rename chip package to system
* coreplex: only sbus has a splitter
* TLFragmenter: Continuing my spot battles on requires without explanatory strings
* pbus: toFixedWidthSingleBeatSlave
* tilelink: more verbose requires
* use the new system package for regression
* sbus: add more explicit FIFO attachment points
* delete leftover top-level utils
* cleanup ResetVector and RTC
* [rocket] Refactor Tile into cake pattern with traits
* [rocket] cacheDataBits &etc in HasCoreParameters
* [rocket] pass TLEdgeOut implicitly rather than relying on val edge in HasCoreParameters
* [rocket] frontend and icache now diplomatic
* [rocket] file name capitalization
* [rocket] re-add hook for inserting externally-defined Cores
* [rocket] add FPUCoreIO
* [groundtest] move TL1 Config instances to where they are used
* [unittest] remove legacy unit tests
* [groundtest] remove legacy device tests
* Configs: use a uniform syntax without Match exceptions
The old style of specifying Configs used total functions. The only way to
indicate that a key was not matched was to throw an exception. Not only was
this a performance concern, but it also caused confusing error messages
whenever you had a match failure from a lookup within a lookup. The
exception could get handled by an outer-lookup that then reported the wrong
key as missing.
* [unittest] Parallelize UnitTestSuite so all tests have their own timer, runs until all finish or any timeout. Adds SimpleTimer.
* [util] Timer spacing cleanup
* [unittest] Remove Config reference to UnitTestTimeout