Refactor Tile to use cake pattern (#502)
* [rocket] Refactor Tile into cake pattern with traits * [rocket] cacheDataBits &etc in HasCoreParameters * [rocket] pass TLEdgeOut implicitly rather than relying on val edge in HasCoreParameters * [rocket] frontend and icache now diplomatic * [rocket] file name capitalization * [rocket] re-add hook for inserting externally-defined Cores * [rocket] add FPUCoreIO * [groundtest] move TL1 Config instances to where they are used * [unittest] remove legacy unit tests * [groundtest] remove legacy device tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ endif
ifeq ($(SUITE),UnittestSuite)
CONFIGS=JunctionsUnitTestConfig UncoreUnitTestConfig TLSimpleUnitTestConfig TLWidthUnitTestConfig TLXbarUnitTestConfig
CONFIGS=UncoreUnitTestConfig TLSimpleUnitTestConfig TLWidthUnitTestConfig TLXbarUnitTestConfig
ifeq ($(SUITE), JtagDtmSuite)
@ -4,16 +4,10 @@ package coreplex
import Chisel._
import config._
import junctions._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink._
import rocket.{TileInterrupts, XLen}
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.converters._
import rocket._
import util._
/** Widths of various points in the SoC */
@ -56,102 +50,17 @@ trait HasCoreplexParameters {
case class CoreplexParameters(implicit val p: Parameters) extends HasCoreplexParameters
abstract class BareCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
abstract class BareCoreplexBundle[+L <: BareCoreplex](_outer: L) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(_outer) {
val outer = _outer
implicit val p = outer.p
abstract class BareCoreplexModule[+L <: BareCoreplex, +B <: BareCoreplexBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends LazyModuleImp(_outer) {
val outer = _outer
val io = _io ()
trait CoreplexNetwork extends HasCoreplexParameters {
val module: CoreplexNetworkModule
val l1tol2 = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val l1tol2_beatBytes = l1tol2Config.beatBytes
val l1tol2_lineBytes = p(CacheBlockBytes)
val cbus = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val cbus_beatBytes = cbusConfig.beatBytes
val cbus_lineBytes = l1tol2_lineBytes
val intBar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
val mmio = TLOutputNode()
val mmioInt = IntInputNode()
intBar.intnode := mmioInt
cbus.node :=
TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = true)( // disable once TLB uses TL2 metadata
mmio :=
trait CoreplexNetworkBundle extends HasCoreplexParameters {
val outer: CoreplexNetwork
val mmio = outer.mmio.bundleOut
val interrupts = outer.mmioInt.bundleIn
trait CoreplexNetworkModule extends HasCoreplexParameters {
val outer: CoreplexNetwork
val io: CoreplexNetworkBundle
println("\nGenerated Address Map")
for (manager <- outer.l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0).manager.managers) {
val prot = (if (manager.supportsGet) "R" else "") +
(if (manager.supportsPutFull) "W" else "") +
(if (manager.executable) "X" else "") +
(if (manager.supportsAcquire) " [C]" else "")
manager.address.foreach { a =>
println(f"\t${}%s ${a.base}%x - ${a.base+a.mask+1}%x, $prot")
trait BankedL2CoherenceManagers extends CoreplexNetwork {
val module: BankedL2CoherenceManagersModule
require (isPow2(l2Config.nBanksPerChannel))
require (isPow2(l1tol2_lineBytes))
val mem = Seq.fill(l2Config.nMemoryChannels) {
val bankBar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val output = TLOutputNode()
output := bankBar.node
val mask = ~BigInt((l2Config.nBanksPerChannel-1) * l1tol2_lineBytes)
for (i <- 0 until l2Config.nBanksPerChannel) {
val (in, out) = l2Config.coherenceManager(p)
in := TLFilter(AddressSet(i * l1tol2_lineBytes, mask))(l1tol2.node)
bankBar.node := out
trait BankedL2CoherenceManagersBundle extends CoreplexNetworkBundle {
val outer: BankedL2CoherenceManagers
require (l2Config.nMemoryChannels <= 1, "Seq in Chisel Bundle needed to support > 1") // !!!
val mem = // .headOption should be removed !!!
trait BankedL2CoherenceManagersModule extends CoreplexNetworkModule {
val outer: BankedL2CoherenceManagers
val io: BankedL2CoherenceManagersBundle
abstract class BaseCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BareCoreplex
with CoreplexNetwork
with BankedL2CoherenceManagers {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import rocket.{TileInterrupts, XLen}
import uncore.tilelink2._
import util.GenericParameterizedBundle
abstract class BareTile(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
abstract class BareTileBundle[+L <: BareTile](_outer: L) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(_outer) {
val outer = _outer
implicit val p = outer.p
abstract class BareTileModule[+L <: BareTile, +B <: BareTileBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends LazyModuleImp(_outer) {
val outer = _outer
val io = _io ()
// Uses a tile-internal crossbar to provide a single TileLink master port
trait TileNetwork {
implicit val p: Parameters
val module: TileNetworkModule
val l1backend = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val masterNodes = List(TLOutputNode())
masterNodes.head := l1backend.node
trait TileNetworkBundle {
val outer: TileNetwork
val master = outer.masterNodes.head.bundleOut
trait TileNetworkModule {
val outer: TileNetwork
val io: TileNetworkBundle
abstract class BaseTile(implicit p: Parameters) extends BareTile
with TileNetwork {
override lazy val module = new BaseTileModule(this, () => new BaseTileBundle(this))
class BaseTileBundle[+L <: BaseTile](_outer: L) extends BareTileBundle(_outer)
with TileNetworkBundle {
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts()(p).asInput
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
class BaseTileModule[+L <: BaseTile, +B <: BaseTileBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BareTileModule(_outer, _io)
with TileNetworkModule
@ -6,14 +6,10 @@ package coreplex
import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import junctions.PAddrBits
import rocket._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util._
import util._
@ -44,15 +40,8 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config ((site, here, up) => {
case DCacheKey => DCacheConfig(nMSHRs = 2)
case DataScratchpadSize => 0
//L2 Memory System Params
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
case NAcquireTransactors => 7
case L2StoreDataQueueDepth => 1
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new NullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
//Tile Constants
case BuildRoCC => Nil
case RoccNMemChannels => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nMemChannels).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNPTWPorts => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nPTWPorts).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
//Rocket Core Constants
case CoreInstBits => if (site(UseCompressed)) 16 else 32
case FetchWidth => if (site(UseCompressed)) 2 else 1
@ -76,37 +65,15 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config ((site, here, up) => {
case MtvecInit => Some(BigInt(0))
case MtvecWritable => true
//Uncore Paramters
case LNEndpoints => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers + site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nClients
case LNHeaderBits => log2Ceil(site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers) +
case CBusConfig => TLBusConfig(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8)
case L1toL2Config => TLBusConfig(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8) // increase for more PCIe bandwidth
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1
coherencePolicy = (
if (useMEI) new MEICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(BankedL2Config).nBanks + 1 /* MMIO */,
nCachingClients = 1,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = List(
// L1 cache
site(DCacheKey).nMSHRs + 1 /* IOMSHR */,
// RoCC
if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else site(RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts)).max,
maxClientsPerPort = if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else 2,
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / site(XLen),
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case BootROMFile => "./bootrom/bootrom.img"
case NTiles => 1
case NTiles => site(RocketConfigs).size
case RocketConfigs => List(RocketConfig(site(XLen)))
case BuildCore => (c: RocketConfig, p: Parameters) => new Rocket(c)(p)
case BroadcastConfig => BroadcastConfig()
case BankedL2Config => BankedL2Config()
case CacheBlockBytes => 64
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(site(CacheBlockBytes))
case EnableL2Logging => false
class WithNCores(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
@ -185,7 +152,7 @@ class WithStatelessBridge extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case DCacheKey => up(DCacheKey, site).copy(nMSHRs = 0)
class WithL2Capacity(size_kb: Int) extends Config(Parameters.empty)
class WithL2Capacity(size_kb: Int) extends Config(Parameters.empty) // TODO
class WithNL2Ways(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case CacheName("L2") => up(CacheName("L2"), site).copy(nWays = n)
@ -205,7 +172,6 @@ class WithSmallCores extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case FPUKey => None
case UseVM => false
case BtbKey => BtbParameters(nEntries = 0)
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case CacheName("L1D") => up(CacheName("L1D"), site).copy(nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4)
case CacheName("L1I") => up(CacheName("L1I"), site).copy(nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4)
case DCacheKey => up(DCacheKey, site).copy(nMSHRs = 0)
@ -4,69 +4,43 @@ package coreplex
import Chisel._
import config._
import junctions._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util._
import util._
import rocket._
trait L2MasterPort extends CoreplexNetwork
val module: L2MasterPortModule
val l2in = TLInputNode()
l1tol2.node := l2in
trait L2MasterPortBundle extends CoreplexNetworkBundle
val outer: L2MasterPort
val l2in = outer.l2in.bundleIn
trait L2MasterPortModule extends CoreplexNetworkModule
val outer: L2MasterPort
val io: L2MasterPortBundle
class DefaultCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
with CoreplexRISCVPlatform
with L2MasterPort
with RocketTiles {
with HasL2MasterPort
with HasSynchronousRocketTiles {
override lazy val module = new DefaultCoreplexModule(this, () => new DefaultCoreplexBundle(this))
class DefaultCoreplexBundle[+L <: DefaultCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BaseCoreplexBundle(_outer)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle
with L2MasterPortBundle
with RocketTilesBundle
with HasL2MasterPortBundle
with HasSynchronousRocketTilesBundle
class DefaultCoreplexModule[+L <: DefaultCoreplex, +B <: DefaultCoreplexBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BaseCoreplexModule(_outer, _io)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule
with L2MasterPortModule
with RocketTilesModule
with HasL2MasterPortModule
with HasSynchronousRocketTilesModule
class MultiClockCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
with CoreplexRISCVPlatform
with L2MasterPort
with AsyncRocketTiles {
with HasL2MasterPort
with HasAsynchronousRocketTiles {
override lazy val module = new MultiClockCoreplexModule(this, () => new MultiClockCoreplexBundle(this))
class MultiClockCoreplexBundle[+L <: MultiClockCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BaseCoreplexBundle(_outer)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle
with L2MasterPortBundle
with AsyncRocketTilesBundle
with HasL2MasterPortBundle
with HasAsynchronousRocketTilesBundle
class MultiClockCoreplexModule[+L <: MultiClockCoreplex, +B <: MultiClockCoreplexBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BaseCoreplexModule(_outer, _io)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule
with L2MasterPortModule
with AsyncRocketTilesModule
with HasL2MasterPortModule
with HasAsynchronousRocketTilesModule
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package coreplex
import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util._
import util._
trait CoreplexNetwork extends HasCoreplexParameters {
val module: CoreplexNetworkModule
val l1tol2 = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val l1tol2_beatBytes = l1tol2Config.beatBytes
val l1tol2_lineBytes = p(CacheBlockBytes)
val cbus = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val cbus_beatBytes = cbusConfig.beatBytes
val cbus_lineBytes = l1tol2_lineBytes
val intBar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
val mmio = TLOutputNode()
val mmioInt = IntInputNode()
intBar.intnode := mmioInt
cbus.node :=
TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = true)( // disable once TLB uses TL2 metadata
mmio :=
trait CoreplexNetworkBundle extends HasCoreplexParameters {
val outer: CoreplexNetwork
val mmio = outer.mmio.bundleOut
val interrupts = outer.mmioInt.bundleIn
trait CoreplexNetworkModule extends HasCoreplexParameters {
val outer: CoreplexNetwork
val io: CoreplexNetworkBundle
println("\nGenerated Address Map")
for (manager <- outer.l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0).manager.managers) {
val prot = (if (manager.supportsGet) "R" else "") +
(if (manager.supportsPutFull) "W" else "") +
(if (manager.executable) "X" else "") +
(if (manager.supportsAcquire) " [C]" else "")
manager.address.foreach { a =>
println(f"\t${}%s ${a.base}%x - ${a.base+a.mask+1}%x, $prot")
trait BankedL2CoherenceManagers extends CoreplexNetwork {
val module: BankedL2CoherenceManagersModule
require (isPow2(l2Config.nBanksPerChannel))
require (isPow2(l1tol2_lineBytes))
val mem = Seq.fill(l2Config.nMemoryChannels) {
val bankBar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val output = TLOutputNode()
output := bankBar.node
val mask = ~BigInt((l2Config.nBanksPerChannel-1) * l1tol2_lineBytes)
for (i <- 0 until l2Config.nBanksPerChannel) {
val (in, out) = l2Config.coherenceManager(p)
in := TLFilter(AddressSet(i * l1tol2_lineBytes, mask))(l1tol2.node)
bankBar.node := out
trait BankedL2CoherenceManagersBundle extends CoreplexNetworkBundle {
val outer: BankedL2CoherenceManagers
require (l2Config.nMemoryChannels <= 1, "Seq in Chisel Bundle needed to support > 1") // !!!
val mem = // .headOption should be removed !!!
trait BankedL2CoherenceManagersModule extends CoreplexNetworkModule {
val outer: BankedL2CoherenceManagers
val io: BankedL2CoherenceManagersBundle
trait HasL2MasterPort extends CoreplexNetwork {
val module: HasL2MasterPortModule
val l2in = TLInputNode()
l1tol2.node := l2in
trait HasL2MasterPortBundle extends CoreplexNetworkBundle {
val outer: HasL2MasterPort
val l2in = outer.l2in.bundleIn
trait HasL2MasterPortModule extends CoreplexNetworkModule {
val outer: HasL2MasterPort
val io: HasL2MasterPortBundle
@ -5,86 +5,67 @@ package coreplex
import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.coherence._
import rocket._
import uncore.devices.NTiles
import uncore.tilelink2._
trait RocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val module: RocketTilesModule
case object RocketConfigs extends Field[Seq[RocketConfig]]
val rocketTiles = List.tabulate(p(NTiles)) { i => LazyModule(new RocketTile(i)) }
val tileIntNodes = { _ => IntInternalOutputNode() }
trait HasSynchronousRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val module: HasSynchronousRocketTilesModule
val rocketTiles: Seq[RocketTile] = p(RocketConfigs).map { c =>
LazyModule(new RocketTile(c)(p.alterPartial {
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0)
case PAddrBits => l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0).bundle.addressBits
tileIntNodes.foreach { _ := plic.intnode }
rocketTiles.foreach { r =>
r.masterNodes.foreach { l1tol2.node := _ }
r.slaveNode.foreach { _ := cbus.node }
l1tol2.node := r.cachedOut
l1tol2.node := r.uncachedOut
val rocketTileIntNodes = { _ => IntInternalOutputNode() }
rocketTileIntNodes.foreach { _ := plic.intnode }
trait RocketTilesBundle extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle {
val outer: RocketTiles
trait HasSynchronousRocketTilesBundle extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle {
val outer: HasSynchronousRocketTiles
trait RocketTilesModule extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule {
val outer: RocketTiles
val io: RocketTilesBundle
trait HasSynchronousRocketTilesModule extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule {
val outer: HasSynchronousRocketTiles
val io: HasSynchronousRocketTilesBundle
|||| { case (tile, i) =>
|||| := UInt(i)
|||| := io.resetVector
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := outer.tileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(0)
|||| := outer.tileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(1))
|||| := outer.rocketTileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(0)
|||| := outer.rocketTileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(1))
class AsyncRocketTile(tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val rocket = LazyModule(new RocketTile(tileId))
trait HasAsynchronousRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val module: HasAsynchronousRocketTilesModule
val cachedOut = TLAsyncOutputNode()
val uncachedOut = TLAsyncOutputNode()
val slaveNode = => TLAsyncInputNode())
val rocketTiles: Seq[AsyncRocketTile] = p(RocketConfigs).map { c =>
LazyModule(new AsyncRocketTile(c)(p.alterPartial {
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0)
case PAddrBits => l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0).bundle.addressBits
cachedOut := TLAsyncCrossingSource()(rocket.cachedOut)
uncachedOut := TLAsyncCrossingSource()(rocket.uncachedOut)
(rocket.slaveNode zip slaveNode) foreach { case (r,n) => r := TLAsyncCrossingSink()(n) }
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val cached = cachedOut.bundleOut
val uncached = uncachedOut.bundleOut
val slave =
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts()(rocket.coreParams).asInput
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
|||| := ShiftRegister(io.interrupts, 3)
// signals that do not change:
|||| := io.hartid
|||| := io.resetVector
trait AsyncRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val module: AsyncRocketTilesModule
val rocketTiles = List.tabulate(p(NTiles)) { i => LazyModule(new AsyncRocketTile(i)) }
val tileIntNodes = { _ => IntInternalOutputNode() }
tileIntNodes.foreach { _ := plic.intnode }
rocketTiles.foreach { r =>
r.masterNodes.foreach { l1tol2.node := TLAsyncCrossingSink()(_) }
r.slaveNode.foreach { _ := TLAsyncCrossingSource()(cbus.node) }
l1tol2.node := TLAsyncCrossingSink()(r.cachedOut)
l1tol2.node := TLAsyncCrossingSink()(r.uncachedOut)
val rocketTileIntNodes = { _ => IntInternalOutputNode() }
rocketTileIntNodes.foreach { _ := plic.intnode }
trait AsyncRocketTilesBundle extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle {
val outer: AsyncRocketTiles
trait HasAsynchronousRocketTilesBundle extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle {
val outer: HasAsynchronousRocketTiles
val tcrs = Vec(nTiles, new Bundle {
val clock = Clock(INPUT)
@ -92,9 +73,9 @@ trait AsyncRocketTilesBundle extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle {
trait AsyncRocketTilesModule extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule {
val outer: AsyncRocketTiles
val io: AsyncRocketTilesBundle
trait HasAsynchronousRocketTilesModule extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule {
val outer: HasAsynchronousRocketTiles
val io: HasAsynchronousRocketTilesBundle
|||| { case (tile, i) =>
tile.clock := io.tcrs(i).clock
@ -103,7 +84,7 @@ trait AsyncRocketTilesModule extends CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule {
|||| := io.resetVector
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := outer.tileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(0)
|||| := outer.tileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(1))
|||| := outer.rocketTileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(0)
|||| := outer.rocketTileIntNodes(i).bundleOut(0)(1))
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import uncore.util._
import uncore.devices.NTiles
import junctions._
import config._
import scala.math.max
import coreplex._
import rocketchip._
@ -74,24 +73,6 @@ class Edge32BitMemtestConfig extends Config(
/* Composable Configs to set individual parameters */
class WithGroundTest extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case TLKey("L1toL2") => {
val useMEI = site(NTiles) <= 1
val dataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / site(XLen)
coherencePolicy = (
if (useMEI) new MEICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))
else new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation))),
nManagers = site(BankedL2Config).nBanks + 1,
nCachingClients = 1,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = ((site(DCacheKey).nMSHRs + 1) +:
.reduce(max(_, _)),
maxClientsPerPort = site(GroundTestKey).map(_.uncached).sum,
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBeats = dataBeats,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
case FPUKey => None
case UseAtomics => false
case UseCompressed => false
@ -6,19 +6,41 @@ import Chisel._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import coreplex._
import uncore.devices.NTiles
import rocket._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.tilelink.TLId
import uncore.util._
import scala.math.max
case object TileId extends Field[Int]
class GroundTestCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex {
val tiles = List.tabulate(p(NTiles)) { i =>
LazyModule(new GroundTestTile()(p.alterPartial({
case TLId => "L1toL2"
LazyModule(new GroundTestTile()(p.alter { (site, here, up) => {
case TileId => i
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(site(CacheBlockBytes))
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0)
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case TLKey("L1toL2") =>
coherencePolicy = new MESICoherence(new NullRepresentation(site(NTiles))),
nManagers = site(BankedL2Config).nBanks + 1,
nCachingClients = 1,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = ((site(DCacheKey).nMSHRs + 1) +:
.reduce(max(_, _)),
maxClientsPerPort = site(GroundTestKey).map(_.uncached).sum,
maxManagerXacts = 8,
dataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / site(XLen),
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
tiles.foreach { lm =>
l1tol2.node := lm.cachedOut
l1tol2.node := lm.uncachedOut
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package groundtest
import Chisel._
import coreplex.BareTile
import rocket._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util.CacheName
@ -105,11 +106,10 @@ abstract class GroundTest(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
class GroundTestTile(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasGroundTestParameters {
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial {
case CacheName => CacheName("L1D")
case rocket.TLCacheEdge => cachedOut.edgesOut(0)
val slave = None
val dcache = HellaCache(p(DCacheKey))(dcacheParams)
val ucLegacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy()(p))
val ucLegacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy)
val cachedOut = TLOutputNode()
val uncachedOut = TLOutputNode()
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.devices.NTiles
import junctions._
import rocket._
import util.{Timer, DynamicTimer}
import scala.util.Random
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ import Chisel._
import config._
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case class MemAttr(prot: Int, cacheable: Boolean = false)
sealed abstract class MemRegion {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package rocket
import Chisel._
import config._
import uncore.tilelink2.TLEdgeOut
import uncore.util.{CacheName, CacheBlockBytes}
import util._
case object BuildCore extends Field[(RocketConfig, Parameters) => CoreModule with HasCoreIO]
case object SharedMemoryTLEdge extends Field[TLEdgeOut]
trait HasCoreParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val xLen = p(XLen)
val fLen = xLen // TODO relax this
val usingVM = p(UseVM)
val usingUser = p(UseUser) || usingVM
val usingDebug = p(UseDebug)
val usingMulDiv = p(MulDivKey).nonEmpty
val usingFPU = p(FPUKey).nonEmpty
val usingAtomics = p(UseAtomics)
val usingCompressed = p(UseCompressed)
val usingRoCC = !p(BuildRoCC).isEmpty
val fastLoadWord = p(FastLoadWord)
val fastLoadByte = p(FastLoadByte)
val fastJAL = p(FastJAL)
val nBreakpoints = p(NBreakpoints)
val nPerfCounters = p(NPerfCounters)
val nPerfEvents = p(NPerfEvents)
val usingDataScratchpad = p(DataScratchpadSize) > 0
val retireWidth = p(RetireWidth)
val fetchWidth = p(FetchWidth)
val coreInstBits = p(CoreInstBits)
val coreInstBytes = coreInstBits/8
val coreDataBits = xLen
val coreDataBytes = coreDataBits/8
val dcacheArbPorts = 1 + usingVM.toInt + usingDataScratchpad.toInt + p(BuildRoCC).size
val coreDCacheReqTagBits = 6
val dcacheReqTagBits = coreDCacheReqTagBits + log2Ceil(dcacheArbPorts)
def pgIdxBits = 12
def pgLevelBits = 10 - log2Ceil(xLen / 32)
def vaddrBits = pgIdxBits + pgLevels * pgLevelBits
val paddrBits = p(PAddrBits)
def ppnBits = paddrBits - pgIdxBits
def vpnBits = vaddrBits - pgIdxBits
val pgLevels = p(PgLevels)
val asIdBits = p(ASIdBits)
val vpnBitsExtended = vpnBits + (vaddrBits < xLen).toInt
val vaddrBitsExtended = vpnBitsExtended + pgIdxBits
val coreMaxAddrBits = paddrBits max vaddrBitsExtended
val nCustomMrwCsrs = p(NCustomMRWCSRs)
// fetchWidth doubled, but coreInstBytes halved, for RVC
val decodeWidth = fetchWidth / (if (usingCompressed) 2 else 1)
// Print out log of committed instructions and their writeback values.
// Requires post-processing due to out-of-order writebacks.
val enableCommitLog = false
val maxPAddrBits = xLen match {
case 32 => 34
case 64 => 50
require(paddrBits <= maxPAddrBits)
require(!fastLoadByte || fastLoadWord)
abstract class CoreModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoreParameters
abstract class CoreBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCoreParameters
trait HasCoreIO {
implicit val p: Parameters
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts().asInput
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val imem = new FrontendIO()(p.alterPartial({case CacheName => CacheName("L1I") }))
val dmem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => CacheName("L1D") }))
val ptw = new DatapathPTWIO().flip
val fpu = new FPUCoreIO().flip
val rocc = new RoCCCoreIO().flip
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class DCacheDataArray(implicit p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModule()(p) {
class DCache(cfg: DCacheConfig, val scratch: () => Option[AddressSet])(implicit p: Parameters) extends HellaCache(cfg)(p) {
class DCache(cfg: DCacheConfig, val scratch: () => Option[AddressSet] = () => None)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HellaCache(cfg)(p) {
override lazy val module = new DCacheModule(this)
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class FPUDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
sigs zip decoder map {case(s,d) => s := d}
class FPUIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
class FPUCoreIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val inst = Bits(INPUT, 32)
val fromint_data = Bits(INPUT, xLen)
@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ class FPUIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
val sboard_set = Bool(OUTPUT)
val sboard_clr = Bool(OUTPUT)
val sboard_clra = UInt(OUTPUT, 5)
class FPUIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUCoreIO ()(p) {
val cp_req = Decoupled(new FPInput()).flip //cp doesn't pay attn to kill sigs
val cp_resp = Decoupled(new FPResult())
@ -729,3 +731,14 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
when (ex_ctrl.div || ex_ctrl.sqrt) { io.illegal_rm := true }
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that may have an FPU external to the core pipeline */
trait CanHaveSharedFPU {
implicit val p: Parameters
trait CanHaveSharedFPUModule {
val outer: CanHaveSharedFPU
val fpuOpt = outer.p(FPUKey).map(cfg => Module(new FPU(cfg)(outer.p)))
// TODO fpArb could go here instead of inside LegacyRoccComplex
@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import config._
import coreplex._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util.CacheName
import util._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
@ -149,3 +151,23 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
io.cpu.resp.bits.btb.valid := s2_btb_resp_valid
io.cpu.resp.bits.btb.bits := s2_btb_resp_bits
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that have an ICache-based pipeline frontend */
trait HasICacheFrontend extends CanHavePTW with TileNetwork {
val module: HasICacheFrontendModule
val frontend = LazyModule(new Frontend()(p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => CacheName("L1I")
l1backend.node := frontend.node
nPTWPorts += 1
trait HasICacheFrontendBundle extends TileNetworkBundle {
val outer: HasICacheFrontend
trait HasICacheFrontendModule extends CanHavePTWModule with TileNetworkModule {
val outer: HasICacheFrontend
//val io: HasICacheFrontendBundle
ptwPorts +=
@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import config.{Parameters, Field}
import coreplex._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.tilelink.{TLKey, TLId}
import util.ParameterizedBundle
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
case class DCacheConfig(
nMSHRs: Int = 1,
@ -146,3 +147,26 @@ object HellaCache {
else LazyModule(new NonBlockingDCache(cfg))
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that have a HellaCache */
trait HasHellaCache extends TileNetwork {
val module: HasHellaCacheModule
implicit val p: Parameters
def findScratchpadFromICache: Option[AddressSet]
var nDCachePorts = 0
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => CacheName("L1D") })
val dcache = HellaCache(p(DCacheKey), findScratchpadFromICache _)(dcacheParams)
l1backend.node := dcache.node
trait HasHellaCacheBundle extends TileNetworkBundle {
val outer: HasHellaCache
trait HasHellaCacheModule extends TileNetworkModule {
val outer: HasHellaCache
//val io: HasHellaCacheBundle
val dcachePorts = ListBuffer[HellaCacheIO]()
val dcacheArb = Module(new HellaCacheArbiter(outer.nDCachePorts)(outer.dcacheParams))
|||| <>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
trait HasL1CacheParameters extends HasCacheParameters with HasCoreParameters {
val cacheBlockBytes = p(CacheBlockBytes)
val lgCacheBlockBytes = log2Up(cacheBlockBytes)
val cacheDataBits = p(TLCacheEdge).bundle.dataBits
val cacheDataBits = p(SharedMemoryTLEdge).bundle.dataBits
val cacheDataBeats = (cacheBlockBytes * 8) / cacheDataBits
val refillCycles = cacheDataBeats
@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore.util.PseudoLRU
import config._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.util.PseudoLRU
import util._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import config._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class PTWReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val prv = Bits(width = 2)
@ -217,3 +218,17 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that might have a PTW */
trait CanHavePTW extends HasHellaCache {
implicit val p: Parameters
val module: CanHavePTWModule
var nPTWPorts = 1
trait CanHavePTWModule extends HasHellaCacheModule {
val outer: CanHavePTW
val ptwPorts = ListBuffer(
val ptwOpt = if (outer.p(UseVM)) { Some(Module(new PTW(outer.nPTWPorts)(outer.p))) } else None
ptwOpt foreach { ptw => dcachePorts += }
@ -4,16 +4,159 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.util.CacheName
import util._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import config._
import coreplex._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util._
import util._
case object RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts extends Field[Int]
case object RoccNMemChannels extends Field[Int]
case object RoccNPTWPorts extends Field[Int]
case object BuildRoCC extends Field[Seq[RoccParameters]]
trait CanHaveLegacyRoccs extends CanHaveSharedFPU with CanHavePTW with TileNetwork {
val module: CanHaveLegacyRoccsModule
val legacyRocc = if (p(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) None
else Some(LazyModule(new LegacyRoccComplex()(p.alter { (site, here, up) => {
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(site(CacheBlockBytes))
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
case RoccNMemChannels => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nMemChannels).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNPTWPorts => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nPTWPorts).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case TLKey("L1toL2") =>
coherencePolicy = new MESICoherence(new NullRepresentation(site(NTiles))),
nManagers = site(BankedL2Config).nBanks + 1 /* MMIO */,
nCachingClients = 1,
nCachelessClients = 1,
maxClientXacts = List(
site(DCacheKey).nMSHRs + 1 /* IOMSHR */,
if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else site(RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts)).max,
maxClientsPerPort = if (site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 1 else 2,
maxManagerXacts = 8,
dataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / site(XLen),
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8)
// TODO for now, all legacy rocc mem ports mapped to one external node
legacyRocc foreach { lr =>
lr.masterNodes.foreach { l1backend.node := _ }
nPTWPorts += lr.nPTWPorts
nDCachePorts += lr.nRocc
trait CanHaveLegacyRoccsModule extends CanHaveSharedFPUModule with CanHavePTWModule with TileNetworkModule {
val outer: CanHaveLegacyRoccs
fpuOpt foreach { fpu =>
outer.legacyRocc.orElse {
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := Bool(false)
} foreach { lr =>
|||| <>
|||| <>
outer.legacyRocc foreach { lr =>
ptwPorts ++=
dcachePorts ++=
class LegacyRoccComplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasCoreParameters {
val buildRocc = p(BuildRoCC)
val usingRocc = !buildRocc.isEmpty
val nRocc = buildRocc.size
val nFPUPorts = buildRocc.filter(_.useFPU).size
val nMemChannels = + nRocc
val nPTWPorts =
val roccOpcodes =
val legacies = List.fill(nMemChannels) { LazyModule(new TLLegacy) }
val masterNodes = => TLOutputNode())
|||| { case(l,m) => m := TLHintHandler()(l.node) }
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl =
val dcache = Vec(nRocc, new HellaCacheIO)
val fpu = new Bundle {
val cp_req = Decoupled(new FPInput())
val cp_resp = Decoupled(new FPResult()).flip
val ptw = Vec(nPTWPorts, new TLBPTWIO)
val core = new Bundle {
val cmd = Decoupled(new RoCCCommand).flip
val resp = Decoupled(new RoCCResponse)
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)
val exception = Bool(INPUT)
val respArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new RoCCResponse, nRocc))
io.core.resp <>
val cmdRouter = Module(new RoccCommandRouter(roccOpcodes))
|||| <> io.core.cmd
val roccs = { case (accelParams, i) =>
val rocc = accelParams.generator(p.alterPartial({
case RoccNMemChannels => accelParams.nMemChannels
case RoccNPTWPorts => accelParams.nPTWPorts
val dcIF = Module(new SimpleHellaCacheIF)
|||| <>
|||| := io.core.exception
|||| <>
io.dcache(i) :=
legacies(i) <>
|||| <> Queue(
(nRocc to legacies.size) zip foreach { case(i, utl) =>
legacies(i) <> utl
io.core.busy := || || _)
io.core.interrupt := || _)
if (usingFPU && nFPUPorts > 0) {
val fpArb = Module(new InOrderArbiter(new FPInput, new FPResult, nFPUPorts))
val fp_rocc_ios =
.filter { case (_, params) => params.useFPU }
.map { case (rocc, _) => }
|||| <>
|||| {
case (rocc, arb) => rocc.fpu_resp <> arb
io.fpu.cp_req <>
|||| <> io.fpu.cp_resp
} else {
io.fpu.cp_req.valid := Bool(false)
io.fpu.cp_resp.ready := Bool(false)
case class RoccParameters(
opcodes: OpcodeSet,
generator: Parameters => RoCC,
nMemChannels: Int = 0,
nPTWPorts : Int = 0,
useFPU: Boolean = false)
class RoCCInstruction extends Bundle
@ -39,26 +182,30 @@ class RoCCResponse(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val data = Bits(width = xLen)
class RoCCInterface(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
class RoCCCoreIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val cmd = Decoupled(new RoCCCommand).flip
val resp = Decoupled(new RoCCResponse)
val mem = new HellaCacheIO
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)
val exception = Bool(INPUT)
override def cloneType = new RoCCCoreIO()(p).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class RoCCIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends RoCCCoreIO()(p) {
// These should be handled differently, eventually
val autl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val utl = Vec(p(RoccNMemChannels), new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
val ptw = Vec(p(RoccNPTWPorts), new TLBPTWIO)
val fpu_req = Decoupled(new FPInput)
val fpu_resp = Decoupled(new FPResult).flip
val exception = Bool(INPUT)
override def cloneType = new RoCCInterface().asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def cloneType = new RoCCIO()(p).asInstanceOf[this.type]
abstract class RoCC(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
val io = new RoCCInterface
val io = new RoCCIO
io.mem.req.bits.phys := Bool(true) // don't perform address translation
io.mem.invalidate_lr := Bool(false) // don't mess with LR/SC
@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.util.{CacheName, CacheBlockBytes}
import config._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import util._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import config._
case class RocketConfig(xLen: Int)
// TODO replace some of below fields with above Config
case object XLen extends Field[Int]
case object FetchWidth extends Field[Int]
case object RetireWidth extends Field[Int]
@ -33,72 +32,6 @@ case object NBreakpoints extends Field[Int]
case object NPerfCounters extends Field[Int]
case object NPerfEvents extends Field[Int]
case object DataScratchpadSize extends Field[Int]
case object TLCacheEdge extends Field[TLEdgeOut]
trait HasCoreParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val xLen = p(XLen)
val fLen = xLen // TODO relax this
val usingVM = p(UseVM)
val usingUser = p(UseUser) || usingVM
val usingDebug = p(UseDebug)
val usingMulDiv = p(MulDivKey).nonEmpty
val usingFPU = p(FPUKey).nonEmpty
val usingAtomics = p(UseAtomics)
val usingCompressed = p(UseCompressed)
val usingRoCC = !p(BuildRoCC).isEmpty
val fastLoadWord = p(FastLoadWord)
val fastLoadByte = p(FastLoadByte)
val fastJAL = p(FastJAL)
val nBreakpoints = p(NBreakpoints)
val nPerfCounters = p(NPerfCounters)
val nPerfEvents = p(NPerfEvents)
val usingDataScratchpad = p(DataScratchpadSize) > 0
val retireWidth = p(RetireWidth)
val fetchWidth = p(FetchWidth)
val coreInstBits = p(CoreInstBits)
val coreInstBytes = coreInstBits/8
val coreDataBits = xLen
val coreDataBytes = coreDataBits/8
val dcacheArbPorts = 1 + usingVM.toInt + usingDataScratchpad.toInt + p(BuildRoCC).size
val coreDCacheReqTagBits = 6
val dcacheReqTagBits = coreDCacheReqTagBits + log2Ceil(dcacheArbPorts)
def pgIdxBits = 12
def pgLevelBits = 10 - log2Ceil(xLen / 32)
def vaddrBits = pgIdxBits + pgLevels * pgLevelBits
val paddrBits = p(TLCacheEdge).bundle.addressBits
def ppnBits = paddrBits - pgIdxBits
def vpnBits = vaddrBits - pgIdxBits
val pgLevels = p(PgLevels)
val asIdBits = p(ASIdBits)
val vpnBitsExtended = vpnBits + (vaddrBits < xLen).toInt
val vaddrBitsExtended = vpnBitsExtended + pgIdxBits
val coreMaxAddrBits = paddrBits max vaddrBitsExtended
val nCustomMrwCsrs = p(NCustomMRWCSRs)
// fetchWidth doubled, but coreInstBytes halved, for RVC
val decodeWidth = fetchWidth / (if (usingCompressed) 2 else 1)
// Print out log of committed instructions and their writeback values.
// Requires post-processing due to out-of-order writebacks.
val enableCommitLog = false
val maxPAddrBits = xLen match {
case 32 => 34
case 64 => 50
require(paddrBits <= maxPAddrBits)
require(!fastLoadByte || fastLoadWord)
abstract class CoreModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoreParameters
abstract class CoreBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCoreParameters
class RegFile(n: Int, w: Int, zero: Boolean = false) {
private val rf = Mem(n, UInt(width = w))
@ -141,16 +74,7 @@ object ImmGen {
class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts().asInput
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, xLen)
val imem = new FrontendIO()(p.alterPartial({case CacheName => CacheName("L1I") }))
val dmem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => CacheName("L1D") }))
val ptw = new DatapathPTWIO().flip
val fpu = new FPUIO().flip
val rocc = new RoCCInterface().flip
class Rocket(val c: RocketConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) with HasCoreIO {
val decode_table = {
(if (usingMulDiv) new MDecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new M64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
@ -520,7 +444,7 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
|||| := io.hartid
io.fpu.fcsr_rm :=
|||| := io.fpu.fcsr_flags
|||| <> io.rocc.interrupt
|||| := io.rocc.interrupt
|||| := wb_reg_pc
|||| := encodeVirtualAddress(wb_reg_wdata, wb_reg_wdata)
io.ptw.ptbr :=
@ -101,3 +101,34 @@ class ScratchpadSlavePort(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
tl_in.e.ready := Bool(true)
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that have optional scratchpads */
trait CanHaveScratchpad extends HasHellaCache with HasICacheFrontend {
val module: CanHaveScratchpadModule
val slaveNode = if (p(DataScratchpadSize) == 0) None else Some(TLInputNode())
val scratch = if (p(DataScratchpadSize) == 0) None else Some(LazyModule(new ScratchpadSlavePort()(dcacheParams)))
(slaveNode zip scratch) foreach { case (node, lm) => lm.node := TLFragmenter(p(XLen)/8, p(CacheBlockBytes))(node) }
def findScratchpadFromICache: Option[AddressSet] = { s =>
val finalNode = frontend.node.edgesOut(0).manager.managers.find(_.nodePath.last == s.node)
require (finalNode.isDefined, "Could not find the scratch pad; not reachable via icache?")
require (finalNode.get.address.size == 1, "Scratchpad address space was fragmented!")
nDCachePorts += 1 // core TODO dcachePorts += () => ??
trait CanHaveScratchpadBundle extends HasHellaCacheBundle with HasICacheFrontendBundle {
val outer: CanHaveScratchpad
val slave =
trait CanHaveScratchpadModule extends HasHellaCacheModule with HasICacheFrontendModule {
val outer: CanHaveScratchpad
val io: CanHaveScratchpadBundle
outer.scratch.foreach { lm => dcachePorts += }
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import diplomacy._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.tilelink2._
case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevels extends Field[Int]
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int]
@ -4,161 +4,72 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import config._
import coreplex._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util.{CacheName, CacheBlockBytes}
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import util._
import config._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
case object BuildRoCC extends Field[Seq[RoccParameters]]
class RocketTile(val c: RocketConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTile()(p)
with CanHaveLegacyRoccs // implies CanHaveSharedFPU with CanHavePTW with HasHellaCache
with CanHaveScratchpad { // implies CanHavePTW with HasHellaCache with HasICacheFrontend
case class RoccParameters(
opcodes: OpcodeSet,
generator: Parameters => RoCC,
nMemChannels: Int = 0,
nPTWPorts : Int = 0,
useFPU: Boolean = false)
nDCachePorts += 1 // core TODO dcachePorts += () => ??
class RocketTile(tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val coreParams = p.alterPartial {
case TLCacheEdge => cachedOut.edgesOut(0)
val dcacheParams = coreParams.alterPartial({
case CacheName => CacheName("L1D")
case TLId => "L1toL2"
val icacheParams = coreParams.alterPartial({
case CacheName => CacheName("L1I")
case TLId => "L1toL2"
override lazy val module = new RocketTileModule(this)
val slaveNode = if (p(DataScratchpadSize) == 0) None else Some(TLInputNode())
val scratch = if (p(DataScratchpadSize) == 0) None else Some(LazyModule(new ScratchpadSlavePort()(dcacheParams)))
def findScratch() = { s =>
val finalNode = uncachedOut.edgesOut(0).manager.managers.find(_.nodePath.last == s.node)
require (finalNode.isDefined, "Could not find the scratch pad; not reachable via icache?")
require (finalNode.get.address.size == 1, "Scratchpad address space was fragmented!")
class RocketTileBundle(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileBundle(outer)
with CanHaveScratchpadBundle
class RocketTileModule(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModule(outer, () => new RocketTileBundle(outer))
with CanHaveLegacyRoccsModule
with CanHaveScratchpadModule {
val core = Module(p(BuildCore)(outer.c, outer.p))
|||| := io.interrupts
|||| := io.hartid
|||| <>
|||| := io.resetVector
dcachePorts += // TODO outer.dcachePorts += () => ??
fpuOpt foreach { fpu => <> }
ptwOpt foreach { ptw => <> }
outer.legacyRocc foreach { lr =>
|||| <>
|||| :=
|||| <>
|||| :=
|||| :=
val dcache = HellaCache(p(DCacheKey), findScratch)(dcacheParams)
val frontend = LazyModule(new Frontend()(icacheParams))
val ucLegacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy()(icacheParams))
val tileXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
tileXbar.node := TLHintHandler()(ucLegacy.node)
tileXbar.node := frontend.node
// TODO figure out how to move the below into their respective mix-ins
require(dcachePorts.size == core.dcacheArbPorts)
|||| <> dcachePorts
ptwOpt foreach { ptw => <> ptwPorts }
val cachedOut = TLOutputNode()
val uncachedOut = TLOutputNode()
cachedOut := dcache.node
uncachedOut := tileXbar.node
val masterNodes = List(cachedOut, uncachedOut)
class AsyncRocketTile(c: RocketConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val rocket = LazyModule(new RocketTile(c))
(slaveNode zip scratch) foreach { case (node, lm) => lm.node := TLFragmenter(p(XLen)/8, p(CacheBlockBytes))(node) }
val masterNodes = => TLAsyncOutputNode())
val slaveNode = => TLAsyncInputNode())
(rocket.masterNodes zip masterNodes) foreach { case (r,n) => n := TLAsyncCrossingSource()(r) }
(rocket.slaveNode zip slaveNode) foreach { case (r,n) => r := TLAsyncCrossingSink()(n) }
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val cached = cachedOut.bundleOut
val uncached = uncachedOut.bundleOut
val master =
val slave =
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts()(coreParams).asInput
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts()(p).asInput
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val buildRocc = p(BuildRoCC)
val usingRocc = !buildRocc.isEmpty
val nRocc = buildRocc.size
val nFPUPorts = buildRocc.filter(_.useFPU).size
val core = Module(new Rocket()(dcacheParams))
val ptwPorts = ListBuffer(,
val dcPorts = ListBuffer(
val uncachedArbPorts = ListBuffer[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO]()
|||| := io.interrupts
|||| := io.hartid
|||| <>
|||| := io.resetVector
val fpuOpt = p(FPUKey).map(cfg => Module(new FPU(cfg)(coreParams)))
fpuOpt.foreach(fpu => <>
if (usingRocc) {
val respArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new RoCCResponse()(coreParams), nRocc))
|||| <>
val roccOpcodes =
val cmdRouter = Module(new RoccCommandRouter(roccOpcodes)(coreParams))
|||| <>
val roccs = { case (accelParams, i) =>
val rocc = accelParams.generator(dcacheParams.alterPartial({
case RoccNMemChannels => accelParams.nMemChannels
case RoccNPTWPorts => accelParams.nPTWPorts
val dcIF = Module(new SimpleHellaCacheIF()(dcacheParams))
|||| <>
|||| :=
|||| <>
dcPorts +=
uncachedArbPorts +=
if (nFPUPorts > 0) {
fpuOpt.foreach { fpu =>
val fpArb = Module(new InOrderArbiter(new FPInput()(coreParams), new FPResult()(coreParams), nFPUPorts))
val fp_roccs =
.filter { case (_, params) => params.useFPU }
.map { case (rocc, _) => }
|||| <>
|||| {
case (rocc, fpu_resp) => rocc.fpu_resp <> fpu_resp
|||| <>
|||| <>
|||| := || || _)
|||| := || _)
|||| <> => Queue(
ptwPorts ++= roccs.flatMap(
uncachedArbPorts ++= roccs.flatMap( // TODO no difference between io.autl and io.utl for now
val uncachedArb = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(uncachedArbPorts.size)(icacheParams))
|||| <> uncachedArbPorts
|||| <>
} else {
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := Bool(false)
if (p(UseVM)) {
val ptw = Module(new PTW(ptwPorts.size)(dcacheParams))
|||| <> ptwPorts
|||| +=: dcPorts
|||| <>
scratch.foreach { lm => +=: dcPorts }
require(dcPorts.size == core.dcacheArbPorts)
val dcArb = Module(new HellaCacheArbiter(dcPorts.size)(dcacheParams))
|||| <> dcPorts
|||| <>
if (nFPUPorts == 0) {
fpuOpt.foreach { fpu =>
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := ShiftRegister(io.interrupts, 3)
// signals that do not change:
|||| := io.hartid
|||| := io.resetVector
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class CSRFileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
val time = UInt(OUTPUT, xLen)
val fcsr_rm = Bits(OUTPUT, FPConstants.RM_SZ)
val fcsr_flags = Valid(Bits(width = FPConstants.FLAGS_SZ)).flip
val rocc = new RoCCInterface().flip
val rocc_interrupt = Bool(INPUT)
val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)
val interrupt_cause = UInt(OUTPUT, xLen)
val bp = Vec(nBreakpoints, new BP).asOutput
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val reg_hpmcounter = => WideCounter(64, ((UInt(0) +: Seq[UInt])(e)))
val mip = Wire(init=reg_mip)
mip.rocc := io.rocc.interrupt
mip.rocc := io.rocc_interrupt
val read_mip = mip.asUInt & supported_interrupts
val pending_interrupts = read_mip & reg_mie
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import config._
import junctions.PAddrBits
import rocket.PAddrBits
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.coherence._
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import junctions.PAddrBits
import rocket.PAddrBits
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class AHBBridge(supportAtomics: Boolean = true)(implicit val p: Parameters) exte
// Hasti and TileLink widths must agree at this point in the topology
require (tlDataBits == hastiDataBits)
require (p(PAddrBits) == hastiAddrBits)
require (p(rocket.PAddrBits) == hastiAddrBits)
// AHB does not permit bursts to cross a 1KB boundary
require (tlDataBits * tlDataBeats <= 1024*8)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package uncore.converters
import Chisel._
import util.{ReorderQueue, DecoupledHelper}
import junctions.PAddrBits
import rocket.PAddrBits
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.constants._
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ trait HasTileLinkParameters {
val tlMaxManagerXacts = tlExternal.maxManagerXacts
val tlClientXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxClientXacts*tlMaxClientsPerPort)
val tlManagerXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxManagerXacts)
val tlBlockAddrBits = p(PAddrBits) - p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val tlBlockAddrBits = p(rocket.PAddrBits) - p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val tlDataBeats = tlExternal.dataBeats
val tlDataBits = tlExternal.dataBitsPerBeat
val tlDataBytes = tlDataBits/8
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package uncore.util
import Chisel._
import config.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions.PAddrBits
import rocket.PAddrBits
import util.ParameterizedBundle
import uncore.constants._
@ -4,30 +4,13 @@ package unittest
import Chisel._
import config._
import junctions._
import rocketchip.{BaseConfig, BasePlatformConfig}
class WithJunctionsUnitTests extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case HastiId => "HastiTest"
case HastiKey("HastiTest") => HastiParameters(addrBits = 32, dataBits = 64)
case NastiKey => NastiParameters(addrBits = 32, dataBits = 64, idBits = 4)
case junctions.PAddrBits => 32
case rocket.XLen => 64
case UnitTests => (p: Parameters) => Seq(
Module(new junctions.MultiWidthFifoTest),
Module(new junctions.HastiTest()(p)))
class JunctionsUnitTestConfig extends Config(new WithJunctionsUnitTests ++ new BasePlatformConfig)
class WithUncoreUnitTests extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case uncore.tilelink.TLId => "L1toL2"
case UnitTests => (q: Parameters) => {
implicit val p = q
Module(new uncore.devices.ROMSlaveTest()),
Module(new uncore.devices.TileLinkRAMTest()),
Module(new uncore.converters.TileLinkWidthAdapterTest()),
Module(new uncore.tilelink2.TLFuzzRAMTest),
Module(new uncore.ahb.AHBBridgeTest),
Module(new uncore.apb.APBBridgeTest),
@ -36,7 +19,7 @@ class WithUncoreUnitTests extends Config((site, here, up) => {
Module(new uncore.axi4.AXI4BridgeTest)) }
class UncoreUnitTestConfig extends Config(new WithUncoreUnitTests ++ new BaseConfig)
class UncoreUnitTestConfig extends Config(new WithUncoreUnitTests ++ new BasePlatformConfig)
class WithTLSimpleUnitTests extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case UnitTests => (q: Parameters) => {
Reference in New Issue
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