Update Debug Module registers (#1296)
* Debug: update versions of the files generated from the spec, mostly to get new SBA registers * Debug: Clean up Halt Summary to use new terminology * Debug: correct the address of HALTSUM1 * Debug: use simpler expression for numHaltedStatus * Debug: remove now defunct haltStatus addr
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ object DMIConsts{
// This is used outside this block
// to indicate 'busy'.
def dmi_RESP_RESERVED = "b11".U
def dmi_haltStatusAddr = 0x40
object DsbBusConsts {
@ -329,7 +327,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
} .otherwise {
when (DMCONTROLWrEn) {
DMCONTROLNxt.ndmreset := DMCONTROLWrData.ndmreset
DMCONTROLNxt.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel
DMCONTROLNxt.hartsello := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsello
DMCONTROLNxt.haltreq := DMCONTROLWrData.haltreq
DMCONTROLNxt.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
DMCONTROLNxt.ackhavereset := DMCONTROLWrData.ackhavereset
@ -376,14 +374,14 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
when (~dmactive) {
debugIntNxt(component) := false.B
}. otherwise {
when (DMCONTROLWrEn && DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel === component.U) {
when (DMCONTROLWrEn && DMCONTROLWrData.hartsello === component.U) {
debugIntNxt(component) := DMCONTROLWrData.haltreq
io.innerCtrl.valid := DMCONTROLWrEn
io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel
io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsello
io.innerCtrl.bits.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
io.innerCtrl.bits.ackhavereset := DMCONTROLWrData.ackhavereset
@ -560,7 +558,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
HARTINFORdData.dataaddr := DsbRegAddrs.DATA.U
HARTINFORdData.nscratch := cfg.nScratch.U
//----HALTSUM (and halted registers)
val numHaltedStatus = ((nComponents - 1) / 32) + 1
val haltedStatus = Wire(Vec(numHaltedStatus, Bits(width = 32)))
@ -569,7 +567,12 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
val haltedSummary = Cat(haltedStatus.map(_.orR).reverse)
val HALTSUMRdData = (new HALTSUMFields()).fromBits(haltedSummary)
val HALTSUM1RdData = (new HALTSUM1Fields()).fromBits(haltedSummary)
val selectedHaltedStatus = Mux((selectedHartReg >> 5) > numHaltedStatus.U, 0.U, haltedStatus(selectedHartReg >> 5))
val HALTSUM0RdData = (new HALTSUM0Fields()).fromBits(selectedHaltedStatus)
// Since we only support 1024 harts, we don't implement HALTSUM2 or HALTSUM3
@ -729,7 +732,8 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
(DMI_DMSTATUS << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, DMSTATUSRdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_dmstatus", ""))),
//TODO (DMI_CFGSTRADDR0 << 2) -> cfgStrAddrFields,
(DMI_HARTINFO << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HARTINFORdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_hartinfo", "" /*, reset=Some(HARTINFORdData.litValue)*/))),
(DMI_HALTSUM << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HALTSUMRdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_haltsum", ""))),
(DMI_HALTSUM0 << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HALTSUM0RdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_haltsum0", ""))),
(DMI_HALTSUM1 << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HALTSUM1RdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_haltsum1", ""))),
Some(RegFieldDesc("dmi_abstractcs", "" /*, reset=Some(ABSTRACTCSReset.litValue)*/)))),
@ -743,8 +747,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
(DMI_PROGBUF0 << 2) -> RegFieldGroup("dmi_progbuf", None, programBufferMem.zipWithIndex.map{case (x, i) => RWNotify(8, x, programBufferNxt(i),
Some(RegFieldDesc(s"dmi_progbuf_$i", "", reset = Some(0))))}),
(DMIConsts.dmi_haltStatusAddr << 2) -> RegFieldGroup("dmi_halt_status", None, haltedStatus.zipWithIndex.map{case (x, i) => RegField.r(32, x, RegFieldDesc(s"halt_status_$i", ""))})
Some(RegFieldDesc(s"dmi_progbuf_$i", "", reset = Some(0))))})
abstractDataMem.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (x, i) =>
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ class ACCESS_REGISTERFields extends Bundle {
If \Fsize specifies a size larger than the register's actual size,
then the access must fail. If a register is accessible, then reads of \Fsize
less than or equal to the register's actual size must be supported.
This field controls the Argument Width as referenced in
val size = UInt(3.W)
@ -14,16 +14,33 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
Harts are nonexistent if they will never be part of this system, no
matter how long a user waits. Eg. in a simple single-hart system only
one hart exists, and all others are nonexistent.
one hart exists, and all others are nonexistent. Debuggers may assume
that a system has no harts with indexes higher than the first
nonexistent one.
Harts are unavailable if they might exist/become available at a later
time. Eg. in a multi-hart system some might temporarily be powered
down, or a system might support hot-swapping harts.
time, or if there are other harts with higher indexes than this one. Eg.
in a multi-hart system some might temporarily be powered down, or a
system might support hot-swapping harts. Systems with very large number
of harts may permanently disable some during manufacturing, leaving
holes in the otherwise continuous hart index space. In order to let the
debugger discover all harts, they must show up as unavailable even if
there is no chance of them ever becoming available.
def DMI_DMSTATUS = 0x11
/* This register controls the overall debug module
as well as the currently selected harts, as defined in \Fhasel.
Throughout this document we refer to \Fhartsel, which is \Fhartselhi
combined with \Fhartsello. While the spec allows for 20 \Fhartsel bits,
an implementation may choose to implement fewer than that. The actual
width of \Fhartsel is called {\tt HARTSELLEN}. It must be at least 0
and at most 20. A debugger should discover {\tt HARTSELLEN} by writing
all ones to \Fhartsel (assuming the maximum size) and reading back the
value to see which bits were actually set.
def DMI_DMCONTROL = 0x10
@ -40,15 +57,6 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
def DMI_HARTINFO = 0x12
/* This register contains a summary of which harts are halted.
Each bit contains the logical OR of 32 halt bits. When there are a
large number of harts in the system, the debugger can first read this
register, and then read from the halt region (0x40--0x5f) to determine
which hart is the one that is halted.
def DMI_HALTSUM = 0x13
/* This register selects which of the 32-bit portion of the hart array mask register
is accessible in \Rhawindow.
@ -116,11 +124,20 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
/* Basic read/write registers that may be read or changed by abstract
/* If there is more than one DM accessible on this DMI, this register
contains the base address of the next one in the chain, or 0 if this is
the last one in the chain.
def DMI_NEXTDM = 0x1d
Accessing them while an abstract command is executing causes \Fcmderr
to be set.
/* \Rdatazero through \Rdataeleven are basic read/write registers that may
be read or changed by abstract commands. \Fdatacount indicates how many
of them are implemented, starting at \Rsbdatazero, counting up.
Table~\ref{tab:datareg} shows how abstract commands use these
Accessing these registers while an abstract command is executing causes
\Fcmderr to be set.
Attempts to write them while \Fbusy is set does not change their value.
@ -133,11 +150,12 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
def DMI_DATA11 = 0x0f
/* The {\tt progbuf} registers provide read/write access to the optional
program buffer.
/* \Rprogbufzero through \Rprogbuffifteen provide read/write access to the
optional program buffer. \Fprogbufsize indicates how many of them are
implemented starting at \Rprogbufzero, counting up.
Accessing them while an abstract command is executing causes \Fcmderr
to be set.
Accessing these registers while an abstract command is executing causes
\Fcmderr to be set.
Attempts to write them while \Fbusy is set does not change their value.
@ -154,50 +172,114 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
def DMI_AUTHDATA = 0x30
/* Each bit in this read-only register indicates whether one specific hart
is halted or not.
The LSB reflects the halt status of hart \{hartsel[19:5],5'h0\}, and the
MSB reflects halt status of hart \{hartsel[19:5],5'h1f\}.
def DMI_HALTSUM0 = 0x40
/* Each bit in this read-only register indicates whether any of a group of
harts is halted or not.
This register may not be present in systems with fewer than
33 harts.
The LSB reflects the halt status of harts \{hartsel[19:10],10'h0\}
through \{hartsel[19:10],10'h1f\}.
The MSB reflects the halt status of harts \{hartsel[19:10],10'h3e0\}
through \{hartsel[19:10],10'h3ff\}.
def DMI_HALTSUM1 = 0x13
/* Each bit in this read-only register indicates whether any of a group of
harts is halted or not.
This register may not be present in systems with fewer than
1025 harts.
The LSB reflects the halt status of harts \{hartsel[19:15],15'h0\}
through \{hartsel[19:15],15'h3ff\}.
The MSB reflects the halt status of harts \{hartsel[19:15],15'h7c00\}
through \{hartsel[19:15],15'h7fff\}.
def DMI_HALTSUM2 = 0x34
/* Each bit in this read-only register indicates whether any of a group of
harts is halted or not.
This register may not be present in systems with fewer than
32769 harts.
The LSB reflects the halt status of harts 20'h0 through 20'h7fff.
The MSB reflects the halt status of harts 20'hf8000 through 20'hfffff.
def DMI_HALTSUM3 = 0x35
/* If \Fsbasize is less than 97, then this register is not present.
When the system bus master is busy, writes to this register will set
\Fsbbusyerror and don't do anything else.
def DMI_SBADDRESS3 = 0x37
def DMI_SBCS = 0x38
/* If \Fsbasize is 0, then this register is not present.
When the system bus master is busy,
writes to this register will set \Fsberror.
When the system bus master is busy, writes to this register will set
\Fsbbusyerror and don't do anything else.
If \Fsberror is 0 and \Fsbautoread is set then the system bus
master will start
to read after updating the address from \Faddress. The access size is
controlled by \Fsbaccess in \Rsbcs.
If \Fsbsingleread is set, the bit is cleared.
\begin{steps}{If \Fsberror is 0, \Fsbbusyerror is 0, and \Fsbreadonaddr
is set then writes to this register start the following:}
\item Set \Fsbbusy.
\item Perform a bus read from the new value of {\tt sbaddress}.
\item If the read succeeded and \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment
{\tt sbaddress}.
\item Clear \Fsbbusy.
def DMI_SBADDRESS0 = 0x39
/* If \Fsbasize is less than 33, then this register is not present.
When the system bus master is busy, writes to this register will set
\Fsbbusyerror and don't do anything else.
def DMI_SBADDRESS1 = 0x3a
/* If \Fsbasize is less than 65, then this register is not present.
When the system bus master is busy, writes to this register will set
\Fsbbusyerror and don't do anything else.
def DMI_SBADDRESS2 = 0x3b
/* If all of the {\tt sbaccess} bits in \Rsbcs are 0, then this register
is not present.
Any successful system bus read updates the data in this register, and
marks it no longer stale.
Any successful system bus read updates the data in this register.
If \Fsberror isn't 0 then accesses do nothing.
If \Fsberror or \Fsbbusyerror both aren't 0 then accesses do nothing.
\begin{steps}{Writes to this register:}
\item If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsberror, and
don't do anything else.
\item Start a bus write of {\tt sbdata} to {\tt sbaddress}.
\item If \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment {\tt sbaddress}.
If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsbbusyerror, and don't do
anything else.
\begin{steps}{Writes to this register start the following:}
\item Set \Fsbbusy.
\item Perform a bus write of the new value of {\tt sbdata} to {\tt sbaddress}.
\item If the write succeeded and \Fsbautoincrement is set,
increment {\tt sbaddress}.
\item Clear \Fsbbusy.
\begin{steps}{Reads from this register:}
\item If the register is marked stale, then set \Fsberror and don't
do anything else.
\begin{steps}{Reads from this register start the following:}
\item ``Return'' the data.
\item Mark the register stale.
\item Set \Fsbbusy.
\item If \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment {\tt sbaddress}.
\item If \Fsbautoread is set, start another system bus read.
\item If \Fsbreadondata is set, perform another system bus read.
\item Clear \Fsbbusy.
Only \Rsbdatazero has this behavior. The other {\tt sbdata} registers
@ -209,14 +291,23 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
/* If \Fsbaccesssixtyfour and \Fsbaccessonetwentyeight are 0, then this
register is not present.
If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsbbusyerror, and don't do
anything else.
def DMI_SBDATA1 = 0x3d
/* This register only exists if \Fsbaccessonetwentyeight is 1.
If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsbbusyerror, and don't do
anything else.
def DMI_SBDATA2 = 0x3e
/* This register only exists if \Fsbaccessonetwentyeight is 1.
If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsbbusyerror, and don't do
anything else.
def DMI_SBDATA3 = 0x3f
@ -224,20 +315,7 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
class DMSTATUSFields extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = UInt(5.W)
/* Gets set if the Debug Module was accessed incorrectly.
0 (none): No error.
1 (badaddr): There was an access to an unimplemented Debug Module
7 (other): An access failed for another reason.
val dmerr = UInt(3.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(1.W)
val reserved0 = UInt(9.W)
/* If 1, then there is an implicit {\tt ebreak} instruction at the
non-existent word immediately after the Program Buffer. This saves
@ -248,7 +326,7 @@ class DMSTATUSFields extends Bundle {
val impebreak = Bool()
val reserved2 = UInt(2.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(2.W)
/* This field is 1 when all currently selected harts have been reset but the reset has not been acknowledged.
@ -317,7 +395,7 @@ class DMSTATUSFields extends Bundle {
val authbusy = Bool()
val reserved3 = UInt(1.W)
val reserved2 = UInt(1.W)
/* 0: \Rdevtreeaddrzero--\Rdevtreeaddrthree hold information which
is not relevant to the Device Tree.
@ -401,12 +479,17 @@ class DMCONTROLFields extends Bundle {
val hasel = Bool()
/* The DM-specific index of the hart to select. This hart is always part of the
currently selected harts.
/* The low 10 bits of \Fhartsel: the DM-specific index of the hart to
select. This hart is always part of the currently selected harts.
val hartsel = UInt(10.W)
val hartsello = UInt(10.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(14.W)
/* The high 10 bits of \Fhartsel: the DM-specific index of the hart to
select. This hart is always part of the currently selected harts.
val hartselhi = UInt(10.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(4.W)
/* This bit controls the reset signal from the DM to the rest of the
system. The signal should reset every part of the system, including
@ -468,6 +551,9 @@ class HARTINFOFields extends Bundle {
If \Fdataaccess is 1: Number of 32-bit words in the memory map
dedicated to shadowing the {\tt data} registers.
Since there are at most 12 {\tt data} registers, the value in this
register must be 12 or smaller.
val datasize = UInt(4.W)
@ -481,79 +567,11 @@ class HARTINFOFields extends Bundle {
class HALTSUMFields extends Bundle {
val halt1023_992 = Bool()
val halt991_960 = Bool()
val halt959_928 = Bool()
val halt927_896 = Bool()
val halt895_864 = Bool()
val halt863_832 = Bool()
val halt831_800 = Bool()
val halt799_768 = Bool()
val halt767_736 = Bool()
val halt735_704 = Bool()
val halt703_672 = Bool()
val halt671_640 = Bool()
val halt639_608 = Bool()
val halt607_576 = Bool()
val halt575_544 = Bool()
val halt543_512 = Bool()
val halt511_480 = Bool()
val halt479_448 = Bool()
val halt447_416 = Bool()
val halt415_384 = Bool()
val halt383_352 = Bool()
val halt351_320 = Bool()
val halt319_288 = Bool()
val halt287_256 = Bool()
val halt255_224 = Bool()
val halt223_192 = Bool()
val halt191_160 = Bool()
val halt159_128 = Bool()
val halt127_96 = Bool()
val halt95_64 = Bool()
val halt63_32 = Bool()
val halt31_0 = Bool()
class HAWINDOWSELFields extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = UInt(27.W)
val reserved0 = UInt(17.W)
val hawindowsel = UInt(5.W)
val hawindowsel = UInt(15.W)
@ -606,12 +624,12 @@ class ABSTRACTCSFields extends Bundle {
val cmderr = UInt(3.W)
val reserved3 = UInt(3.W)
val reserved3 = UInt(4.W)
/* Number of {\tt data} registers that are implemented as part of the
abstract command interface. Valid sizes are 0 - 12.
val datacount = UInt(5.W)
val datacount = UInt(4.W)
@ -631,14 +649,14 @@ class COMMANDFields extends Bundle {
class ABSTRACTAUTOFields extends Bundle {
/* When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses the corresponding {\tt progbuf} word
/* When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses to the corresponding {\tt progbuf} word
cause the command in \Rcommand to be executed again.
val autoexecprogbuf = UInt(16.W)
val reserved0 = UInt(4.W)
/* When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses the corresponding {\tt data} word
/* When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses to the corresponding {\tt data} word
cause the command in \Rcommand to be executed again.
val autoexecdata = UInt(12.W)
@ -651,6 +669,12 @@ class DEVTREEADDR0Fields extends Bundle {
class NEXTDMFields extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(32.W)
class DATA0Fields extends Bundle {
val data = UInt(32.W)
@ -669,17 +693,78 @@ class AUTHDATAFields extends Bundle {
class HALTSUM0Fields extends Bundle {
val haltsum0 = UInt(32.W)
class HALTSUM1Fields extends Bundle {
val haltsum1 = UInt(32.W)
class HALTSUM2Fields extends Bundle {
val haltsum2 = UInt(32.W)
class HALTSUM3Fields extends Bundle {
val haltsum3 = UInt(32.W)
class SBADDRESS3Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 127:96 of the physical address in {\tt sbaddress} (if
the system address bus is that wide).
val address = UInt(32.W)
class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = UInt(11.W)
/* 0: The System Bus interface conforms to mainline drafts of this
spec older than 1 January, 2018.
/* When a 1 is written here, triggers a read at the address in {\tt
sbaddress} using the access size set by \Fsbaccess.
1: The System Bus interface conforms to this version of the spec.
Other values are reserved for future versions.
val sbsingleread = Bool()
val sbversion = UInt(3.W)
/* Select the access size to use for system bus accesses triggered by
writes to the {\tt sbaddress} registers or \Rsbdatazero.
val reserved0 = UInt(6.W)
/* Set when the debugger attempts to read data while a read is in
progress, or when the debugger initiates a new access while one is
already in progress (while \Fsbbusy is set). It remains set until
it's explicitly cleared by the debugger.
While this field is non-zero, no more system bus accesses can be
initiated by the debug module.
val sbbusyerror = Bool()
/* When 1, indicates the system bus master is busy. (Whether the
system bus itself is busy is related, but not the same thing.) This
bit goes high immediately when a read or write is requested for any
reason, and does not go low until the access is fully completed.
To avoid race conditions, debuggers must not try to clear \Fsberror
until they read \Fsbbusy as 0.
val sbbusy = Bool()
/* When 1, every write to \Rsbaddresszero automatically triggers a
system bus read at the new address.
val sbreadonaddr = Bool()
/* Select the access size to use for system bus accesses.
0: 8-bit
@ -691,8 +776,8 @@ class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
4: 128-bit
If an unsupported system bus access size is written here, the DM
does not perform the access and sberror is set to 3.
If \Fsbaccess has an unsupported value when the DM starts a bus
access, the access is not performed and \Fsberror is set to 3.
val sbaccess = UInt(3.W)
@ -704,7 +789,7 @@ class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
/* When 1, every read from \Rsbdatazero automatically triggers a
system bus read at the (possibly auto-incremented) address.
val sbautoread = Bool()
val sbreadondata = Bool()
/* When the debug module's system bus
master causes a bus error, this field gets set. The bits in this
@ -719,10 +804,6 @@ class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
2: A bad address was accessed.
3: There was some other error (eg. alignment).
4: The system bus master was busy when one of the
{\tt sbaddress} or {\tt sbdata} registers was written,
or \Rsbdatazero was read when it had stale data.
val sberror = UInt(3.W)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user