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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.Instructions
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
/** Constant values used by both Debug Bus Response & Request
object DMIConsts{
def dmiDataSize = 32
def dmiOpSize = 2
def dmi_OP_NONE = "b00".U
def dmi_OP_READ = "b01".U
def dmi_OP_WRITE = "b10".U
def dmiRespSize = 2
def dmi_RESP_SUCCESS = "b00".U
def dmi_RESP_FAILURE = "b01".U
def dmi_RESP_HW_FAILURE = "b10".U
// This is used outside this block
// to indicate 'busy'.
def dmi_RESP_RESERVED = "b11".U
object DsbBusConsts {
def sbAddrWidth = 12
def sbIdWidth = 10
object DsbRegAddrs{
// These are used by the ROM.
def HALTED = 0x100
def GOING = 0x104
def RESUMING = 0x108
def EXCEPTION = 0x10C
def WHERETO = 0x300
// This needs to be aligned for up to lq/sq
// This shows up in HartInfo, and needs to be aligned
// to enable up to LQ/SQ instructions.
def DATA = 0x380
// We want DATA to immediately follow PROGBUF so that we can
// use them interchangeably. Leave another slot if there is an
// implicit ebreak.
def PROGBUF(cfg:DebugModuleParams) = {
val tmp = DATA - (cfg.nProgramBufferWords * 4)
if (cfg.hasImplicitEbreak) (tmp - 4) else tmp
// This is unused if hasImpEbreak is false, and just points to the end of the PROGBUF.
def IMPEBREAK(cfg: DebugModuleParams) = { DATA - 4 }
// We want abstract to be immediately before PROGBUF
// because we auto-generate 2 instructions.
def ABSTRACT(cfg:DebugModuleParams) = PROGBUF(cfg) - 8
def FLAGS = 0x400
def ROMBASE = 0x800
/** Enumerations used both in the hardware
* and in the configuration specification.
object DebugModuleAccessType extends scala.Enumeration {
type DebugModuleAccessType = Value
val Access8Bit, Access16Bit, Access32Bit, Access64Bit, Access128Bit = Value
import DebugModuleAccessType._
object DebugAbstractCommandError extends scala.Enumeration {
type DebugAbstractCommandError = Value
val Success, ErrBusy, ErrNotSupported, ErrException, ErrHaltResume = Value
import DebugAbstractCommandError._
object DebugAbstractCommandType extends scala.Enumeration {
type DebugAbstractCommandType = Value
val AccessRegister, QuickAccess = Value
import DebugAbstractCommandType._
/** Parameters exposed to the top-level design, set based on
* external requirements, etc.
* This object checks that the parameters conform to the
* full specification. The implementation which receives this
* object can perform more checks on what that implementation
* actually supports.
* nComponents : The number of components to support debugging.
* nDMIAddrSize : Size of the Debug Bus Address
* nAbstractDataWords: Number of 32-bit words for Abstract Commands
* nProgamBufferWords: Number of 32-bit words for Program Buffer
* hasBusMaster: Whethr or not a bus master should be included
* The size of the accesses supported by the Bus Master.
* supportQuickAccess : Whether or not to support the quick access command.
* supportHartArray : Whether or not to implement the hart array register.
* hartIdToHartSel: For systems where hart ids are not 1:1 with hartsel, provide the mapping.
* hartSelToHartId: Provide inverse mapping of the above
* hasImplicitEbreak: There is an additional RO program buffer word containing an ebreak
case class DebugModuleParams (
nDMIAddrSize : Int = 7,
nProgramBufferWords: Int = 16,
nAbstractDataWords : Int = 4,
nScratch : Int = 1,
//TODO: Use diplomacy to decide if you want this.
hasBusMaster : Boolean = false,
hasAccess128 : Boolean = false,
hasAccess64 : Boolean = false,
hasAccess32 : Boolean = false,
hasAccess16 : Boolean = false,
hasAccess8 : Boolean = false,
supportQuickAccess : Boolean = false,
supportHartArray : Boolean = false,
hartIdToHartSel : (UInt) => UInt = (x:UInt) => x,
hartSelToHartId : (UInt) => UInt = (x:UInt) => x,
hasImplicitEbreak : Boolean = false
) {
if (hasBusMaster == false){
require (hasAccess128 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess64 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess32 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess16 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess8 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require ((nDMIAddrSize >= 7) && (nDMIAddrSize <= 32), s"Legal DMIAddrSize is 7-32, not ${nDMIAddrSize}")
require ((nAbstractDataWords > 0) && (nAbstractDataWords <= 16), s"Legal nAbstractDataWords is 0-16, not ${nAbstractDataWords}")
require ((nProgramBufferWords >= 0) && (nProgramBufferWords <= 16), s"Legal nProgramBufferWords is 0-16, not ${nProgramBufferWords}")
if (supportQuickAccess) {
// TODO: Check that quick access requirements are met.
object DefaultDebugModuleParams {
def apply(xlen:Int /*TODO , val configStringAddr: Int*/): DebugModuleParams = {
new DebugModuleParams().copy(
nAbstractDataWords = (if (xlen == 32) 1 else if (xlen == 64) 2 else 4)
case object DebugModuleParams extends Field[DebugModuleParams]
// *****************************************
// Module Interfaces
// *****************************************
/** Structure to define the contents of a Debug Bus Request
class DMIReq(addrBits : Int) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(addrBits.W)
val data = UInt(DMIConsts.dmiDataSize.W)
val op = UInt(DMIConsts.dmiOpSize.W)
override def cloneType = new DMIReq(addrBits).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Structure to define the contents of a Debug Bus Response
class DMIResp( ) extends Bundle {
val data = UInt(DMIConsts.dmiDataSize.W)
val resp = UInt(DMIConsts.dmiRespSize.W)
/** Structure to define the top-level DMI interface
* of DebugModule.
* DebugModule is the consumer of this interface.
* Therefore it has the 'flipped' version of this.
class DMIIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = new DecoupledIO(new DMIReq(p(DebugModuleParams).nDMIAddrSize))
val resp = new DecoupledIO(new DMIResp).flip()
/* structure for passing hartsel between the "Outer" and "Inner"
class DebugInternalBundle ()(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val resumereq = Bool()
val hartsel = UInt(10.W)
val ackhavereset = Bool()
/* structure for top-level Debug Module signals which aren't the bus interfaces.
class DebugCtrlBundle (nComponents: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val debugUnavail = Vec(nComponents, Bool()).asInput
val ndreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
val dmactive = Bool(OUTPUT)
// *****************************************
// Debug Module
// *****************************************
/** Parameterized version of the Debug Module defined in the
* RISC-V Debug Specification
* DebugModule is a slave to two asynchronous masters:
* The Debug Bus (DMI) -- This is driven by an external debugger
* The System Bus -- This services requests from the cores. Generally
* this interface should only be active at the request
* of the debugger, but the Debug Module may also
* provide the default MTVEC since it is mapped
* to address 0x0.
* DebugModule is responsible for control registers and RAM, and
* Debug ROM. It runs partially off of the dmiClk (e.g. TCK) and
* the TL clock. Therefore, it is divided into "Outer" portion (running
* of off dmiClock and dmiReset) and "Inner" (running off tlClock and tlReset).
* This allows DMCONTROL.haltreq, hartsel, dmactive, and ndreset to be
* modified even while the Core is in reset or not being clocked.
* Not all reads from the Debugger to the Debug Module will actually complete
* in these scenarios either, they will just block until tlClock and tlReset
* allow them to complete. This is not strictly necessary for
* proper debugger functionality.
// Local reg mapper function : Notify when written, but give the value as well.
object WNotifyWire {
def apply(n: Int, value: UInt, set: Bool, name: String, desc: String) : RegField = {
RegField(n, UInt(0), RegWriteFn((valid, data) => {
set := valid
value := data
}), Some(RegFieldDesc(name = name, desc = desc,
access = RegFieldAccessType.W)))
// Local reg mapper function : Notify when accessed either as read or write.
object RWNotify {
def apply (n: Int, rVal: UInt, wVal: UInt, rNotify: Bool, wNotify: Bool, desc: Option[RegFieldDesc] = None): RegField = {
RegReadFn ((ready) => {rNotify := ready ; (Bool(true), rVal)}),
RegWriteFn((valid, data) => {
wNotify := valid
when (valid) {wVal := data}
), desc)
class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
// For Shorter Register Names
import DMI_RegAddrs._
val intnode = IntNexusNode(
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
outputRequiresInput = false)
val dmiNode = TLRegisterNode (
address = AddressSet.misaligned(DMI_DMCONTROL << 2, 4),
device = device,
beatBytes = 4,
executable = false
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
require (intnode.edges.in.size == 0, "Debug Module does not accept interrupts")
val nComponents = intnode.out.size
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val ctrl = (new DebugCtrlBundle(nComponents))
val innerCtrl = new DecoupledIO(new DebugInternalBundle())
//----DMCONTROL (The whole point of 'Outer' is to maintain this register on dmiClock (e.g. TCK) domain, so that it
// can be written even if 'Inner' is not being clocked or is in reset. This allows halting
// harts while the rest of the system is in reset. It doesn't really allow any other
// register accesses, which will keep returning 'busy' to the debugger interface.
val DMCONTROLReset = Wire(init = (new DMCONTROLFields().fromBits(0.U)))
val DMCONTROLNxt = Wire(init = new DMCONTROLFields().fromBits(0.U))
val DMCONTROLReg = Wire(init = new DMCONTROLFields().fromBits(AsyncResetReg(updateData = DMCONTROLNxt.asUInt,
resetData = BigInt(0),
enable = true.B,
name = "DMCONTROL"
val DMCONTROLRdData = Wire(init = DMCONTROLReg)
val DMCONTROLWrDataVal = Wire(init = 0.U(32.W))
val DMCONTROLWrData = (new DMCONTROLFields()).fromBits(DMCONTROLWrDataVal)
val DMCONTROLWrEn = Wire(init = false.B)
val DMCONTROLRdEn = Wire(init = false.B)
val dmactive = DMCONTROLReg.dmactive
when (~dmactive) {
} .otherwise {
when (DMCONTROLWrEn) {
DMCONTROLNxt.ndmreset := DMCONTROLWrData.ndmreset
DMCONTROLNxt.hartsello := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsello
DMCONTROLNxt.haltreq := DMCONTROLWrData.haltreq
DMCONTROLNxt.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
DMCONTROLNxt.ackhavereset := DMCONTROLWrData.ackhavereset
// Put this last to override its own effects.
when (DMCONTROLWrEn) {
DMCONTROLNxt.dmactive := DMCONTROLWrData.dmactive
// DMCONTROL is the only register, so it's at offset 0.
0 -> Seq(RWNotify(32, DMCONTROLRdData.asUInt(),
DMCONTROLWrDataVal, DMCONTROLRdEn, DMCONTROLWrEn, Some(RegFieldDesc("dmi_dmcontrol", "", reset=Some(0)))))
// Interrupt Registers
val debugIntNxt = Wire(init = Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val debugIntRegs = Wire(init = Vec(AsyncResetReg(updateData = debugIntNxt.asUInt,
resetData = 0,
enable = true.B,
name = "debugInterrupts").toBools))
debugIntNxt := debugIntRegs
val (intnode_out, _) = intnode.out.unzip
for (component <- 0 until nComponents) {
intnode_out(component)(0) := debugIntRegs(component)
// Halt request registers are set & cleared by writes to DMCONTROL.haltreq
// resumereq also causes the core to execute a 'dret',
// so resumereq is passed through to Inner.
// hartsel must also be used by the DebugModule state machine,
// so it is passed to Inner.
// It is true that there is no backpressure -- writes
// which occur 'too fast' will be dropped.
for (component <- 0 until nComponents) {
when (~dmactive) {
debugIntNxt(component) := false.B
}. otherwise {
when (DMCONTROLWrEn && DMCONTROLWrData.hartsello === component.U) {
debugIntNxt(component) := DMCONTROLWrData.haltreq
io.innerCtrl.valid := DMCONTROLWrEn
io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsello
io.innerCtrl.bits.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
io.innerCtrl.bits.ackhavereset := DMCONTROLWrData.ackhavereset
io.ctrl.ndreset := DMCONTROLReg.ndmreset
io.ctrl.dmactive := DMCONTROLReg.dmactive
class TLDebugModuleOuterAsync(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val dmi2tl = LazyModule(new DMIToTL())
val dmiXbar = LazyModule (new TLXbar())
val dmOuter = LazyModule( new TLDebugModuleOuter(device))
val intnode = IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered = true) :*= dmOuter.intnode
val dmiInnerNode = TLAsyncCrossingSource() := dmiXbar.node
dmiXbar.node := dmi2tl.node
dmOuter.dmiNode := dmiXbar.node
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val nComponents = dmOuter.intnode.edges.out.size
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dmi = new DMIIO()(p).flip()
val ctrl = new DebugCtrlBundle(nComponents)
val innerCtrl = new AsyncBundle(depth=1, new DebugInternalBundle())
dmi2tl.module.io.dmi <> io.dmi
io.ctrl <> dmOuter.module.io.ctrl
io.innerCtrl := ToAsyncBundle(dmOuter.module.io.innerCtrl, depth=1)
class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val dmiNode = TLRegisterNode(
address = AddressSet.misaligned(0, DMI_RegAddrs.DMI_DMCONTROL << 2) ++
AddressSet.misaligned((DMI_RegAddrs.DMI_DMCONTROL + 1) << 2, (0x200 - ((DMI_RegAddrs.DMI_DMCONTROL + 1) << 2))),
device = device,
beatBytes = 4,
executable = false
val tlNode = TLRegisterNode(
address=Seq(AddressSet(0, 0xFFF)), // This is required for correct functionality, it's not configurable.
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this){
val cfg = p(DebugModuleParams)
val nComponents = getNComponents()
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dmactive = Bool(INPUT)
val innerCtrl = (new DecoupledIO(new DebugInternalBundle())).flip
val debugUnavail = Vec(nComponents, Bool()).asInput
// Import constants for shorter variable names
import DMI_RegAddrs._
import DsbRegAddrs._
import DsbBusConsts._
import DMIConsts._
// Sanity Check Configuration For this implementation.
require (cfg.hasBusMaster == false, "No Bus Mastering support yet")
require (cfg.supportQuickAccess == false, "No Quick Access support yet")
require (cfg.supportHartArray == false, "No Hart Array support yet")
// Register & Wire Declarations (which need to be pre-declared)
val haltedBitRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val resumeReqRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val haveResetBitRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){true.B})
// --- regmapper outputs
val hartHaltedWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val hartHaltedId = Wire(UInt(sbIdWidth.W))
val hartGoingWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val hartGoingId = Wire(UInt(sbIdWidth.W))
val hartResumingWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val hartResumingId = Wire(UInt(sbIdWidth.W))
val hartExceptionWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val hartExceptionId = Wire(UInt(sbIdWidth.W))
val dmiProgramBufferRdEn = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nProgramBufferWords * 4){false.B})
val dmiProgramBufferAccessLegal = Wire(init = false.B)
val dmiProgramBufferWrEnMaybe = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nProgramBufferWords * 4){false.B})
val dmiAbstractDataRdEn = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nAbstractDataWords * 4){false.B})
val dmiAbstractDataAccessLegal = Wire (init = false.B)
val dmiAbstractDataWrEnMaybe = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nAbstractDataWords * 4){false.B})
// Registers coming from 'CONTROL' in Outer
val selectedHartReg = RegInit(0.U(10.W))
when (io.innerCtrl.fire()){
selectedHartReg := io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel
io.innerCtrl.ready := true.B
// DMI Registers
val DMSTATUSRdData = Wire(init = (new DMSTATUSFields()).fromBits(0.U))
DMSTATUSRdData.authenticated := true.B // Not implemented
DMSTATUSRdData.version := 2.U // Version 0.13
when (selectedHartReg >= nComponents.U) {
DMSTATUSRdData.allnonexistent := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.anynonexistent := true.B
}.elsewhen (io.debugUnavail(selectedHartReg)) {
DMSTATUSRdData.allunavail := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.anyunavail := true.B
}.elsewhen (haltedBitRegs(selectedHartReg)) {
DMSTATUSRdData.allhalted := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.anyhalted := true.B
}.otherwise {
DMSTATUSRdData.allrunning := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.anyrunning := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.allhavereset := haveResetBitRegs(selectedHartReg)
DMSTATUSRdData.anyhavereset := haveResetBitRegs(selectedHartReg)
val resumereq = io.innerCtrl.fire() && io.innerCtrl.bits.resumereq
when (io.innerCtrl.fire()){
when (io.innerCtrl.bits.ackhavereset) {
haveResetBitRegs(io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel) := false.B
DMSTATUSRdData.allresumeack := ~resumeReqRegs(selectedHartReg) && ~resumereq
DMSTATUSRdData.anyresumeack := ~resumeReqRegs(selectedHartReg) && ~resumereq
DMSTATUSRdData.devtreevalid := false.B
DMSTATUSRdData.impebreak := (cfg.hasImplicitEbreak).B
val HARTINFORdData = Wire (init = (new HARTINFOFields()).fromBits(0.U))
HARTINFORdData.dataaccess := true.B
HARTINFORdData.datasize := cfg.nAbstractDataWords.U
HARTINFORdData.dataaddr := DsbRegAddrs.DATA.U
HARTINFORdData.nscratch := cfg.nScratch.U
val numHaltedStatus = ((nComponents - 1) / 32) + 1
val haltedStatus = Wire(Vec(numHaltedStatus, Bits(width = 32)))
for (ii <- 0 until numHaltedStatus) {
haltedStatus(ii) := Cat(haltedBitRegs.slice(ii * 32, (ii + 1) * 32).reverse)
val haltedSummary = Cat(haltedStatus.map(_.orR).reverse)
val HALTSUM1RdData = (new HALTSUM1Fields()).fromBits(haltedSummary)
val selectedHaltedStatus = Mux((selectedHartReg >> 5) > numHaltedStatus.U, 0.U, haltedStatus(selectedHartReg >> 5))
val HALTSUM0RdData = (new HALTSUM0Fields()).fromBits(selectedHaltedStatus)
// Since we only support 1024 harts, we don't implement HALTSUM2 or HALTSUM3
val ABSTRACTCSReset = Wire(init = (new ABSTRACTCSFields()).fromBits(0.U))
ABSTRACTCSReset.datacount := cfg.nAbstractDataWords.U
ABSTRACTCSReset.progbufsize := cfg.nProgramBufferWords.U
val ABSTRACTCSReg = Reg(new ABSTRACTCSFields())
val ABSTRACTCSWrDataVal = Wire(init = 0.U(32.W))
val ABSTRACTCSWrData = (new ABSTRACTCSFields()).fromBits(ABSTRACTCSWrDataVal)
val ABSTRACTCSRdData = Wire(init = ABSTRACTCSReg)
val ABSTRACTCSRdEn = Wire(init = false.B)
val ABSTRACTCSWrEnMaybe = Wire(init = false.B)
val ABSTRACTCSWrEnLegal = Wire(init = false.B)
val errorBusy = Wire(init = false.B)
val errorException = Wire(init = false.B)
val errorUnsupported = Wire(init = false.B)
val errorHaltResume = Wire(init = false.B)
}.otherwise {
when (errorBusy){
ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr := DebugAbstractCommandError.ErrBusy.id.U
}.elsewhen (errorException) {
ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr := DebugAbstractCommandError.ErrException.id.U
}.elsewhen (errorUnsupported) {
ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr := DebugAbstractCommandError.ErrNotSupported.id.U
}.elsewhen (errorHaltResume) {
ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr := DebugAbstractCommandError.ErrHaltResume.id.U
}.otherwise {
ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr := ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr & ~(ABSTRACTCSWrData.cmderr);
// For busy, see below state machine.
val abstractCommandBusy = Wire(init = true.B)
ABSTRACTCSRdData.busy := abstractCommandBusy
val ABSTRACTAUTOReset = Wire(init = (new ABSTRACTAUTOFields()).fromBits(0.U))
val ABSTRACTAUTOWrDataVal = Wire(init = 0.U(32.W))
val ABSTRACTAUTORdEn = Wire(init = false.B)
val ABSTRACTAUTOWrEnMaybe = Wire(init = false.B)
val ABSTRACTAUTOWrEnLegal = Wire(init = false.B)
when (~io.dmactive) {
}.elsewhen (ABSTRACTAUTOWrEn) {
ABSTRACTAUTOReg.autoexecprogbuf := ABSTRACTAUTOWrData.autoexecprogbuf & ( (1 << cfg.nProgramBufferWords) - 1).U
ABSTRACTAUTOReg.autoexecdata := ABSTRACTAUTOWrData.autoexecdata & ( (1 << cfg.nAbstractDataWords) - 1).U
val dmiAbstractDataAccessVec = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nAbstractDataWords * 4){false.B})
dmiAbstractDataAccessVec := (dmiAbstractDataWrEnMaybe zip dmiAbstractDataRdEn).map{ case (r,w) => r | w}
val dmiProgramBufferAccessVec = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nProgramBufferWords * 4){false.B})
dmiProgramBufferAccessVec := (dmiProgramBufferWrEnMaybe zip dmiProgramBufferRdEn).map{ case (r,w) => r | w}
val dmiAbstractDataAccess = dmiAbstractDataAccessVec.reduce(_ || _ )
val dmiProgramBufferAccess = dmiProgramBufferAccessVec.reduce(_ || _)
// This will take the shorter of the lists, which is what we want.
val autoexecData = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nAbstractDataWords){false.B})
val autoexecProg = Wire(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nProgramBufferWords){false.B})
(autoexecData zip ABSTRACTAUTOReg.autoexecdata.toBools).zipWithIndex.foreach {case (t, i) => t._1 := dmiAbstractDataAccessVec(i * 4) && t._2 }
(autoexecProg zip ABSTRACTAUTOReg.autoexecprogbuf.toBools).zipWithIndex.foreach {case (t, i) => t._1 := dmiProgramBufferAccessVec(i * 4) && t._2}
val autoexec = autoexecData.reduce(_ || _) || autoexecProg.reduce(_ || _)
//---- COMMAND
val COMMANDReset = Wire(init = (new COMMANDFields()).fromBits(0.U))
val COMMANDReg = Reg(new COMMANDFields())
val COMMANDWrDataVal = Wire(init = 0.U(32.W))
val COMMANDWrData = Wire(init = (new COMMANDFields()).fromBits(COMMANDWrDataVal))
val COMMANDWrEnMaybe = Wire(init = false.B)
val COMMANDWrEnLegal = Wire(init = false.B)
val COMMANDRdEn = Wire(init = false.B)
when (~io.dmactive) {
}.otherwise {
when (COMMANDWrEn) {
// --- Abstract Data
// These are byte addressible, s.t. the Processor can use
// byte-addressible instructions to store to them.
val abstractDataMem = Reg(Vec(cfg.nAbstractDataWords*4, UInt(8.W)))
val abstractDataNxt = Wire(init = abstractDataMem)
// --- Program Buffer
val programBufferMem = Reg(Vec(cfg.nProgramBufferWords*4, UInt(8.W)))
val programBufferNxt = Wire(init = programBufferMem)
// These bits are implementation-specific bits set
// by harts executing code.
for (component <- 0 until nComponents) {
when (~io.dmactive) {
haltedBitRegs(component) := false.B
resumeReqRegs(component) := false.B
}.otherwise {
// Hart Halt Notification Logic
when (hartHaltedWrEn) {
when (cfg.hartIdToHartSel(hartHaltedId) === component.U) {
haltedBitRegs(component) := true.B
}.elsewhen (hartResumingWrEn) {
when (cfg.hartIdToHartSel(hartResumingId) === component.U) {
haltedBitRegs(component) := false.B
// Hart Resume Req Logic
// If you request a hart to resume at the same moment
// it actually does resume, then the request wins.
// So don't try to write resumereq more than once
when (hartResumingWrEn) {
when (cfg.hartIdToHartSel(hartResumingId) === component.U) {
resumeReqRegs(component) := false.B
when(resumereq) {
resumeReqRegs(io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel) := true.B
// Program Buffer Access (DMI ... System Bus can override)
(DMI_DMSTATUS << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, DMSTATUSRdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_dmstatus", ""))),
//TODO (DMI_CFGSTRADDR0 << 2) -> cfgStrAddrFields,
(DMI_HARTINFO << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HARTINFORdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_hartinfo", "" /*, reset=Some(HARTINFORdData.litValue)*/))),
(DMI_HALTSUM0 << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HALTSUM0RdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_haltsum0", ""))),
(DMI_HALTSUM1 << 2) -> Seq(RegField.r(32, HALTSUM1RdData.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc("dmi_haltsum1", ""))),
Some(RegFieldDesc("dmi_abstractcs", "" /*, reset=Some(ABSTRACTCSReset.litValue)*/)))),
Some(RegFieldDesc("dmi_abstractauto", "", reset=Some(0))))),
(DMI_COMMAND << 2) -> Seq(RWNotify(32, COMMANDRdData.asUInt(), COMMANDWrDataVal, COMMANDRdEn, COMMANDWrEnMaybe,
Some(RegFieldDesc("dmi_command", "", reset=Some(0))))),
(DMI_DATA0 << 2) -> RegFieldGroup("dmi_data", None, abstractDataMem.zipWithIndex.map{case (x, i) => RWNotify(8, x, abstractDataNxt(i),
Some(RegFieldDesc(s"dmi_data_$i", "", reset = Some(0))))}),
(DMI_PROGBUF0 << 2) -> RegFieldGroup("dmi_progbuf", None, programBufferMem.zipWithIndex.map{case (x, i) => RWNotify(8, x, programBufferNxt(i),
Some(RegFieldDesc(s"dmi_progbuf_$i", "", reset = Some(0))))})
abstractDataMem.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (x, i) =>
when (dmiAbstractDataWrEnMaybe(i) && dmiAbstractDataAccessLegal) {
x := abstractDataNxt(i)
programBufferMem.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (x, i) =>
when (dmiProgramBufferWrEnMaybe(i) && dmiProgramBufferAccessLegal) {
x := programBufferNxt(i)
// "Variable" ROM Generation
val goReg = Reg(Bool())
val goAbstract = Wire(init = false.B)
val jalAbstract = Wire(init = (new GeneratedUJ()).fromBits(Instructions.JAL.value.U))
jalAbstract.setImm(ABSTRACT(cfg) - WHERETO)
when (~io.dmactive){
goReg := false.B
}.otherwise {
when (goAbstract) {
goReg := true.B
}.elsewhen (hartGoingWrEn){
assert(hartGoingId === 0.U, "Unexpected 'GOING' hart.")//Chisel3 #540 %x, expected %x", hartGoingId, 0.U)
goReg := false.B
class flagBundle extends Bundle {
val reserved = UInt(6.W)
val resume = Bool()
val go = Bool()
val flags = Wire(init = Vec.fill(1024){new flagBundle().fromBits(0.U)})
assert ((cfg.hartSelToHartId(selectedHartReg) < 1024.U),
"HartSel to HartId Mapping is illegal for this Debug Implementation, because HartID must be < 1024 for it to work.");
flags(cfg.hartSelToHartId(selectedHartReg)).go := goReg
for (component <- 0 until nComponents) {
val componentSel = Wire(init = component.U)
flags(cfg.hartSelToHartId(componentSel)).resume := resumeReqRegs(component)
// Abstract Command Decoding & Generation
val accessRegisterCommandWr = Wire(init = (new ACCESS_REGISTERFields()).fromBits(COMMANDWrData.asUInt()))
val accessRegisterCommandReg = Wire(init = (new ACCESS_REGISTERFields()).fromBits(COMMANDReg.asUInt()))
// TODO: Quick Access
class GeneratedI extends Bundle {
val imm = UInt(12.W)
val rs1 = UInt(5.W)
val funct3 = UInt(3.W)
val rd = UInt(5.W)
val opcode = UInt(7.W)
class GeneratedS extends Bundle {
val immhi = UInt(7.W)
val rs2 = UInt(5.W)
val rs1 = UInt(5.W)
val funct3 = UInt(3.W)
val immlo = UInt(5.W)
val opcode = UInt(7.W)
class GeneratedUJ extends Bundle {
val imm3 = UInt(1.W)
val imm0 = UInt(10.W)
val imm1 = UInt(1.W)
val imm2 = UInt(8.W)
val rd = UInt(5.W)
val opcode = UInt(7.W)
def setImm(imm: Int) : Unit = {
// TODO: Check bounds of imm.
require(imm % 2 == 0, "Immediate must be even for UJ encoding.")
val immWire = Wire(init = imm.S(21.W))
val immBits = Wire(init = Vec(immWire.toBools))
imm0 := immBits.slice(1, 1 + 10).asUInt()
imm1 := immBits.slice(11, 11 + 11).asUInt()
imm2 := immBits.slice(12, 12 + 8).asUInt()
imm3 := immBits.slice(20, 20 + 1).asUInt()
val abstractGeneratedMem = Reg(Vec(2, (UInt(32.W))))
val abstractGeneratedI = Wire(new GeneratedI())
val abstractGeneratedS = Wire(new GeneratedS())
val nop = Wire(new GeneratedI())
abstractGeneratedI.opcode := ((new GeneratedI()).fromBits(Instructions.LW.value.U)).opcode
abstractGeneratedI.rd := (accessRegisterCommandReg.regno & 0x1F.U)
abstractGeneratedI.funct3 := accessRegisterCommandReg.size
abstractGeneratedI.rs1 := 0.U
abstractGeneratedI.imm := DATA.U
abstractGeneratedS.opcode := ((new GeneratedS()).fromBits(Instructions.SW.value.U)).opcode
abstractGeneratedS.immlo := (DATA & 0x1F).U
abstractGeneratedS.funct3 := accessRegisterCommandReg.size
abstractGeneratedS.rs1 := 0.U
abstractGeneratedS.rs2 := (accessRegisterCommandReg.regno & 0x1F.U)
abstractGeneratedS.immhi := (DATA >> 5).U
nop := ((new GeneratedI()).fromBits(Instructions.ADDI.value.U))
nop.rd := 0.U
nop.rs1 := 0.U
nop.imm := 0.U
when (goAbstract) {
abstractGeneratedMem(0) := Mux(accessRegisterCommandReg.transfer,
// To write a register, we need to do LW.
// To read a register, we need to do SW.
abstractGeneratedMem(1) := Mux(accessRegisterCommandReg.postexec,
// System Bus Access
// This memory is writable.
HALTED -> Seq(WNotifyWire(sbIdWidth, hartHaltedId, hartHaltedWrEn,
"debug_hart_halted", "Debug ROM Causes hart to write its hartID here when it is in Debug Mode.")),
GOING -> Seq(WNotifyWire(sbIdWidth, hartGoingId, hartGoingWrEn,
"debug_hart_going", "Debug ROM causes hart to write 0 here when it begins executing Debug Mode instructions.")),
RESUMING -> Seq(WNotifyWire(sbIdWidth, hartResumingId, hartResumingWrEn,
"debug_hart_resuming", "Debug ROM causes hart to write 0 here when it leaves Debug Mode.")),
EXCEPTION -> Seq(WNotifyWire(sbIdWidth, hartExceptionId, hartExceptionWrEn,
"debug_hart_exception", "Debug ROM causes hart to write 0 here if it gets an exception in Debug Mode.")),
DATA -> RegFieldGroup("debug_data", Some("Data used to communicate with Debug Module"),
abstractDataMem.zipWithIndex.map {case (x, i) => RegField(8, x, RegFieldDesc(s"debug_data_$i", ""))}),
PROGBUF(cfg)-> RegFieldGroup("debug_progbuf", Some("Program buffer used to communicate with Debug Module"),
programBufferMem.zipWithIndex.map {case (x, i) => RegField(8, x, RegFieldDesc(s"debug_progbuf_$i", ""))}),
// These sections are read-only.
IMPEBREAK(cfg)-> {if (cfg.hasImplicitEbreak) Seq(RegField.r(32, Instructions.EBREAK.value.U,
RegFieldDesc("debug_impebreak", "Debug Implicit EBREAK", reset=Some(Instructions.EBREAK.value)))) else Nil},
WHERETO -> Seq(RegField.r(32, jalAbstract.asUInt, RegFieldDesc("debug_whereto", "Instruction filled in by Debug Module to control hart in Debug Mode", volatile = true))),
ABSTRACT(cfg) -> RegFieldGroup("debug_abstract", Some("Instructions generated by Debug Module"),
abstractGeneratedMem.zipWithIndex.map{ case (x,i) => RegField.r(32, x, RegFieldDesc(s"debug_abstract_$i", "", volatile=true))}),
FLAGS -> RegFieldGroup("debug_flags", Some("Memory region used to control hart going/resuming in Debug Mode"),
flags.zipWithIndex.map{case(x, i) => RegField.r(8, x.asUInt(), RegFieldDesc(s"debug_flags_$i", "", volatile=true))}),
ROMBASE -> RegFieldGroup("debug_rom", Some("Debug ROM"),
DebugRomContents().zipWithIndex.map{case (x, i) => RegField.r(8, (x & 0xFF).U(8.W), RegFieldDesc(s"debug_rom_$i", "", reset=Some(x)))})
// Override System Bus accesses with dmactive reset.
when (~io.dmactive){
abstractDataMem.foreach {x => x := 0.U}
programBufferMem.foreach {x => x := 0.U}
// Abstract Command State Machine
object CtrlState extends scala.Enumeration {
type CtrlState = Value
val Waiting, CheckGenerate, Exec = Value
def apply( t : Value) : UInt = {
import CtrlState._
// This is not an initialization!
val ctrlStateReg = Reg(CtrlState(Waiting))
val hartHalted = haltedBitRegs(selectedHartReg)
val ctrlStateNxt = Wire(init = ctrlStateReg)
// DMI Register Control and Status
abstractCommandBusy := (ctrlStateReg =/= CtrlState(Waiting))
ABSTRACTCSWrEnLegal := (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Waiting))
COMMANDWrEnLegal := (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Waiting))
ABSTRACTAUTOWrEnLegal := (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Waiting))
dmiAbstractDataAccessLegal := (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Waiting))
dmiProgramBufferAccessLegal := (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Waiting))
errorBusy := (ABSTRACTCSWrEnMaybe && ~ABSTRACTCSWrEnLegal) ||
(COMMANDWrEnMaybe && ~COMMANDWrEnLegal) ||
(dmiAbstractDataAccess && ~dmiAbstractDataAccessLegal) ||
(dmiProgramBufferAccess && ~dmiProgramBufferAccessLegal)
// TODO: Maybe Quick Access
val commandWrIsAccessRegister = (COMMANDWrData.cmdtype === DebugAbstractCommandType.AccessRegister.id.U)
val commandRegIsAccessRegister = (COMMANDReg.cmdtype === DebugAbstractCommandType.AccessRegister.id.U)
val commandWrIsUnsupported = COMMANDWrEn && !commandWrIsAccessRegister;
val commandRegIsUnsupported = Wire(init = true.B)
val commandRegBadHaltResume = Wire(init = false.B)
when (commandRegIsAccessRegister) {
when (!accessRegisterCommandReg.transfer || (accessRegisterCommandReg.regno >= 0x1000.U && accessRegisterCommandReg.regno <= 0x101F.U)){
commandRegIsUnsupported := false.B
commandRegBadHaltResume := ~hartHalted
val wrAccessRegisterCommand = COMMANDWrEn && commandWrIsAccessRegister && (ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr === 0.U)
val regAccessRegisterCommand = autoexec && commandRegIsAccessRegister && (ABSTRACTCSReg.cmderr === 0.U)
// -----------------------
when (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Waiting)){
when (wrAccessRegisterCommand || regAccessRegisterCommand) {
ctrlStateNxt := CtrlState(CheckGenerate)
}.elsewhen (commandWrIsUnsupported) { // These checks are really on the command type.
errorUnsupported := true.B
}.elsewhen (autoexec && commandRegIsUnsupported) {
errorUnsupported := true.B
}.elsewhen (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(CheckGenerate)){
// We use this state to ensure that the COMMAND has been
// registered by the time that we need to use it, to avoid
// generating it directly from the COMMANDWrData.
// This 'commandRegIsUnsupported' is really just checking the
// AccessRegisterCommand parameters (regno)
when (commandRegIsUnsupported) {
errorUnsupported := true.B
ctrlStateNxt := CtrlState(Waiting)
}.elsewhen (commandRegBadHaltResume){
errorHaltResume := true.B
ctrlStateNxt := CtrlState(Waiting)
}.otherwise {
ctrlStateNxt := CtrlState(Exec)
goAbstract := true.B
}.elsewhen (ctrlStateReg === CtrlState(Exec)) {
// We can't just look at 'hartHalted' here, because
// hartHaltedWrEn is overloaded to mean 'got an ebreak'
// which may have happened when we were already halted.
when(goReg === false.B && hartHaltedWrEn && (cfg.hartIdToHartSel(hartHaltedId) === selectedHartReg)){
ctrlStateNxt := CtrlState(Waiting)
when(hartExceptionWrEn) {
assert(hartExceptionId === 0.U, "Unexpected 'EXCEPTION' hart")//Chisel3 #540, %x, expected %x", hartExceptionId, 0.U)
ctrlStateNxt := CtrlState(Waiting)
errorException := true.B
when (~io.dmactive) {
ctrlStateReg := CtrlState(Waiting)
}.otherwise {
ctrlStateReg := ctrlStateNxt
// Wrapper around TL Debug Module Inner and an Async DMI Sink interface.
// Handles the synchronization of dmactive, which is used as a synchronous reset
// inside the Inner block.
// Also is the Sink side of hartsel & resumereq fields of DMCONTROL.
class TLDebugModuleInnerAsync(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule{
val dmInner = LazyModule(new TLDebugModuleInner(device, getNComponents, beatBytes))
val dmiXing = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth=1))
val dmiNode = dmiXing.node
val tlNode = dmInner.tlNode
dmInner.dmiNode := dmiXing.node
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
// These are all asynchronous and come from Outer
val dmactive = Bool(INPUT)
val innerCtrl = new AsyncBundle(1, new DebugInternalBundle()).flip
// This comes from tlClk domain.
val debugUnavail = Vec(getNComponents(), Bool()).asInput
val psd = new PSDTestMode().asInput
dmInner.module.io.innerCtrl := FromAsyncBundle(io.innerCtrl)
dmInner.module.io.dmactive := ~ResetCatchAndSync(clock, ~io.dmactive, "dmactiveSync", io.psd)
dmInner.module.io.debugUnavail := io.debugUnavail
/** Create a version of the TLDebugModule which includes a synchronization interface
* internally for the DMI. This is no longer optional outside of this module
* because the Clock must run when tlClock isn't running or tlReset is asserted.
class TLDebugModule(beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val device = new SimpleDevice("debug-controller", Seq("sifive,debug-013","riscv,debug-013")){
override val alwaysExtended = true
val dmOuter = LazyModule(new TLDebugModuleOuterAsync(device)(p))
val dmInner = LazyModule(new TLDebugModuleInnerAsync(device, () => {dmOuter.dmOuter.intnode.edges.out.size}, beatBytes)(p))
val node = dmInner.tlNode
val intnode = dmOuter.intnode
dmInner.dmiNode := dmOuter.dmiInnerNode
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val nComponents = dmOuter.dmOuter.intnode.edges.out.size
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val ctrl = new DebugCtrlBundle(nComponents)
val dmi = new ClockedDMIIO().flip
val psd = new PSDTestMode().asInput
dmOuter.module.io.dmi <> io.dmi.dmi
dmOuter.module.reset := io.dmi.dmiReset
dmOuter.module.clock := io.dmi.dmiClock
dmInner.module.io.innerCtrl := dmOuter.module.io.innerCtrl
dmInner.module.io.dmactive := dmOuter.module.io.ctrl.dmactive
dmInner.module.io.debugUnavail := io.ctrl.debugUnavail
dmInner.module.io.psd <> io.psd
io.ctrl <> dmOuter.module.io.ctrl
/** This includes the clock and reset as these are passed through the
* hierarchy until the Debug Module is actually instantiated.
class ClockedDMIIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p){
val dmi = new DMIIO()(p)
val dmiClock = Clock(OUTPUT)
val dmiReset = Bool(OUTPUT)
/** Convert DMI to TL. Avoids using special DMI synchronizers and register accesses
class DMIToTL(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = TLClientNode(Seq(TLClientPortParameters(Seq(TLClientParameters("debug")))))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dmi = new DMIIO()(p).flip()
val (tl, edge) = node.out(0)
val src = Wire(init = 0.U)
val addr = Wire(init = (io.dmi.req.bits.addr << 2))
val size = (log2Ceil(DMIConsts.dmiDataSize / 8)).U
val (_, gbits) = edge.Get(src, addr, size)
val (_, pfbits) = edge.Put(src, addr, size, io.dmi.req.bits.data)
// We force DMI NOPs to go to CONTROL register because
// Inner may be in reset / not have a clock,
// so we force address to be the one that goes to Outer.
// Therefore for a NOP we don't really need to pay the penalty to go
// across the CDC.
val (_, nbits) = edge.Put(src, toAddress = (DMI_RegAddrs.DMI_DMCONTROL << 2).U, size, data=0.U, mask = 0.U)
when (io.dmi.req.bits.op === DMIConsts.dmi_OP_WRITE) { tl.a.bits := pfbits
}.elsewhen (io.dmi.req.bits.op === DMIConsts.dmi_OP_READ) { tl.a.bits := gbits
}.otherwise { tl.a.bits := nbits
tl.a.valid := io.dmi.req.valid
io.dmi.req.ready := tl.a.ready
io.dmi.resp.valid := tl.d.valid
tl.d.ready := io.dmi.resp.ready
io.dmi.resp.bits.resp := Mux(tl.d.bits.error, DMIConsts.dmi_RESP_FAILURE, DMIConsts.dmi_RESP_SUCCESS)
io.dmi.resp.bits.data := tl.d.bits.data
// Tie off unused channels
tl.b.ready := false.B
tl.c.valid := false.B
tl.e.valid := false.B