
182 lines
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package Top {
2011-11-09 23:52:17 +01:00
import Chisel._;
import Node._;
2011-11-09 23:52:17 +01:00
import Constants._;
import scala.math._;
// interface between I$ and pipeline/ITLB (32 bits wide)
class ioImem(view: List[String] = null) extends Bundle (view)
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val itlb_miss = Bool('input);
val req_val = Bool('input);
val req_rdy = Bool('output);
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val req_idx = Bits(PGIDX_BITS, 'input);
val req_ppn = Bits(PPN_BITS, 'input);
val resp_data = Bits(32, 'output);
val resp_val = Bool('output);
// interface between I$ and memory (128 bits wide)
class ioIcache(view: List[String] = null) extends Bundle (view)
2011-11-09 23:52:17 +01:00
val req_addr = UFix(PADDR_BITS, 'input);
val req_val = Bool('input);
val req_rdy = Bool('output);
val resp_data = Bits(128, 'output);
val resp_val = Bool('output);
2011-11-05 04:52:21 +01:00
class ioICacheDM extends Bundle()
val cpu = new ioImem();
val mem = new ioIcache().flip();
// single port SRAM i/o
class ioSRAMsp (width: Int, addrbits: Int) extends Bundle {
val a = UFix(addrbits, 'input); // address
val d = Bits(width, 'input); // data input
val bweb = Bits(width, 'input); // bit write enable mask
val ce = Bool('input); // chip enable
val we = Bool('input); // write enable
val q = Bits(width, 'output); // data out
// single ported SRAM
class rocketSRAMsp(entries: Int, width: Int) extends Component {
val addrbits = ceil(log10(entries)/log10(2)).toInt;
val io = new ioSRAMsp(width, addrbits);
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val sram = Mem(entries, io.we, io.a, io.d, wrMask = io.bweb, resetVal = null);
val rdata = Reg(Mux(io.ce, sram.read(io.a), Bits(0,width)));
io.q := rdata;
// basic direct mapped instruction cache
// 32 bit wide cpu port, 128 bit wide memory port, 64 byte cachelines
// parameters :
// lines = # cache lines
2011-11-09 23:52:17 +01:00
class rocketICacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
val io = new ioICacheDM();
2011-11-09 23:52:17 +01:00
val addrbits = PADDR_BITS;
val indexbits = ceil(log10(lines)/log10(2)).toInt;
val offsetbits = 6;
val tagmsb = addrbits - 1;
val taglsb = indexbits+offsetbits;
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val tagbits = addrbits-taglsb;
val indexmsb = taglsb-1;
val indexlsb = offsetbits;
val offsetmsb = indexlsb-1;
val offsetlsb = 2;
val databits = 32;
val s_reset :: s_ready :: s_request :: s_refill_wait :: s_refill :: s_resolve_miss :: Nil = Enum(6) { UFix() };
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_reset);
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val r_cpu_req_idx = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, PGIDX_BITS));
val r_cpu_req_ppn = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, PPN_BITS));
val r_cpu_req_val = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
when (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy) {
r_cpu_req_idx <== io.cpu.req_idx;
2011-11-13 00:00:45 +01:00
when (state === s_ready && r_cpu_req_val && !io.cpu.itlb_miss) {
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
r_cpu_req_ppn <== io.cpu.req_ppn;
when (io.cpu.req_rdy) {
r_cpu_req_val <== io.cpu.req_val;
2011-11-05 04:52:21 +01:00
otherwise {
r_cpu_req_val <== Bool(false);
// refill counter
val refill_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0,2));
2011-11-05 04:52:21 +01:00
when (io.mem.resp_val) {
refill_count <== refill_count + UFix(1);
// tag array
val tag_array = new rocketSRAMsp(lines, tagbits);
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val tag_addr =
Mux((state === s_refill_wait), r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits),
val tag_we = (state === s_refill_wait) && io.mem.resp_val;
tag_array.io.a := tag_addr;
tag_array.io.d := r_cpu_req_ppn;
tag_array.io.we := tag_we;
tag_array.io.bweb := ~Bits(0,tagbits);
tag_array.io.ce := (io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy);
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val tag_rdata = tag_array.io.q;
// valid bit array
val vb_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, lines));
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
when (tag_we) {
vb_array <== vb_array.bitSet(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits).toUFix, UFix(1,1));
2011-11-05 04:52:21 +01:00
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
val tag_valid = Reg(vb_array(tag_addr)).toBool;
val tag_match = (tag_rdata === io.cpu.req_ppn);
// data array
val data_array = new rocketSRAMsp(lines*4, 128);
data_array.io.a :=
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
Mux((state === s_refill_wait) || (state === s_refill), Cat(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), refill_count),
io.cpu.req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1)).toUFix;
data_array.io.d := io.mem.resp_data;
data_array.io.we := io.mem.resp_val;
data_array.io.bweb := ~Bits(0,128);
2011-11-13 00:00:45 +01:00
data_array.io.ce := (io.cpu.req_rdy && io.cpu.req_val) || (state === s_resolve_miss);
val data_array_rdata = data_array.io.q;
// output signals
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
io.cpu.resp_val := !io.cpu.itlb_miss && (state === s_ready) && r_cpu_req_val && tag_valid && tag_match;
io.cpu.req_rdy := !io.cpu.itlb_miss && (state === s_ready) && (!r_cpu_req_val || (tag_valid && tag_match));
io.cpu.resp_data :=
MuxLookup(r_cpu_req_idx(offsetmsb-2, offsetlsb).toUFix, data_array_rdata(127, 96),
Array(UFix(2) -> data_array_rdata(95,64),
UFix(1) -> data_array_rdata(63,32),
UFix(0) -> data_array_rdata(31,0)));
io.mem.req_val := (state === s_request);
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
io.mem.req_addr := Cat(r_cpu_req_ppn, r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), Bits(0,2)).toUFix;
// control state machine
switch (state) {
is (s_reset) {
state <== s_ready;
is (s_ready) {
2011-11-13 00:00:45 +01:00
when (io.cpu.itlb_miss) {
state <== s_ready;
when (r_cpu_req_val && !(tag_valid && tag_match)) {
state <== s_request;
is (s_request)
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
when (io.mem.req_rdy) {
state <== s_refill_wait;
is (s_refill_wait) {
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
when (io.mem.resp_val) {
state <== s_refill;
is (s_refill) {
2011-11-12 09:25:06 +01:00
when (io.mem.resp_val && (refill_count === UFix(3,2))) {
state <== s_resolve_miss;
is (s_resolve_miss) {
state <== s_ready;