Completed Chisel RTL (not tested yet)
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package sifive.blocks.devices.i2c
import Chisel._
import config._
import util._
import regmapper._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import rocketchip.PeripheryBusConfig
@ -35,22 +36,477 @@ trait I2CBundle extends Bundle with HasI2CParameters {
trait I2CModule extends Module with HasI2CParameters with HasRegMap {
val io: I2CBundle
val prescaler_lo = Reg(UInt(8.W)) // low byte clock prescaler register
val prescaler_hi = Reg(UInt(8.W)) // high byte clock prescaler register
val control = Reg(UInt(8.W)) // control register
val data = Reg(UInt(8.W)) // write: transmit byte, read: receive byte
val cmd_status = Reg(UInt(8.W)) // write: command, read: status
val I2C_CMD_NOP = UInt(0x00)
val I2C_CMD_START = UInt(0x01)
val I2C_CMD_STOP = UInt(0x02)
val I2C_CMD_WRITE = UInt(0x04)
val I2C_CMD_READ = UInt(0x08)
class PrescalerBundle extends Bundle{
val hi = UInt(8.W)
val lo = UInt(8.W)
class ControlBundle extends Bundle{
val coreEn = Bool()
val intEn = Bool()
val reserved = UInt(6.W)
class CommandBundle extends Bundle{
val start = Bool()
val stop = Bool()
val read = Bool()
val write = Bool()
val ack = Bool()
val reserved = UInt(2.W)
val irqAck = Bool()
class StatusBundle extends Bundle{
val receivedAck = Bool() // received aknowledge from slave
val busy = Bool()
val arbLost = Bool()
val reserved = UInt(3.W)
val transferInProgress = Bool()
val irqFlag = Bool()
// control state visible to SW/driver
val prescaler = Reg(init = (new PrescalerBundle).fromBits(0xFFFF.U))
val control = Reg(init = (new ControlBundle).fromBits(0.U))
val transmitData = Reg(init = UInt(0, 8.W))
val receivedData = Reg(init = UInt(0, 8.W))
val cmd = Reg(init = (new CommandBundle).fromBits(0.U))
val status = Reg(init = (new StatusBundle).fromBits(0.U))
//////// Bit level ////////
io.port.scl.out := false.B // i2c clock line output
io.port.sda.out := false.B // i2c data line output
// filter SCL and SDA signals; (attempt to) remove glitches
val filterCnt = Reg(init = UInt(0, 14.W))
when ( !control.coreEn ) {
filterCnt := 0.U
} .elsewhen (~(filterCnt.orR)) {
filterCnt := Cat(prescaler.hi, prescaler.lo) >> 2 //16x I2C bus frequency
} .otherwise {
filterCnt := filterCnt - 1.U
val fSCL = Reg(init = UInt(0x7, 3.W))
val fSDA = Reg(init = UInt(0x7, 3.W))
when (~(filterCnt.orR)) {
fSCL := Cat(fSCL,
fSDA := Cat(fSDA,
val sSCL = Reg(init = Bool(true), next = (new Majority(fSCL.toBools.toSet)).out)
val sSDA = Reg(init = Bool(true), next = (new Majority(fSDA.toBools.toSet)).out)
val dSCL = Reg(init = Bool(true), next = sSCL)
val dSDA = Reg(init = Bool(true), next = sSDA)
val dSCLOen = Reg(next = io.port.scl.oe) // delayed scl_oen
// detect start condition => detect falling edge on SDA while SCL is high
// detect stop condition => detect rising edge on SDA while SCL is high
val startCond = Reg(init = Bool(false), next = !sSDA && dSDA && sSCL)
val stopCond = Reg(init = Bool(false), next = sSDA && !dSDA && sSCL)
// master drives SCL high, but another master pulls it low
// master start counting down its low cycle now (clock synchronization)
val sclSync = dSCL && !sSCL && io.port.scl.oe
// slave_wait is asserted when master wants to drive SCL high, but the slave pulls it low
// slave_wait remains asserted until the slave releases SCL
val slaveWait = Reg(init = Bool(false))
slaveWait := (io.port.scl.oe && !dSCLOen && !sSCL) || (slaveWait && !sSCL)
val clkEn = Reg(init = Bool(true)) // clock generation signals
val cnt = Reg(init = UInt(0, 16.W)) // clock divider counter (synthesis)
// generate clk enable signal
when (~(cnt.orR) || !control.coreEn || sclSync ) {
cnt := Cat(prescaler.hi, prescaler.lo)
clkEn := true.B
.elsewhen (slaveWait) {
clkEn := false.B
.otherwise {
cnt := cnt - 1.U
clkEn := false.B
val sclOen = Reg(init = Bool(true))
io.port.scl.oe := sclOen
val sdaOen = Reg(init = Bool(true))
io.port.sda.oe := sdaOen
val sdaChk = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // check SDA output (Multi-master arbitration)
val transmitBit = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val receivedBit = Reg(Bool())
when (sSCL && !dSCL) {
receivedBit := sSDA
val bitCmd = Reg(init = UInt(0, 4.W)) // command (from byte controller)
val bitCmdStop = Reg(init = Bool(false))
when (clkEn) {
bitCmdStop := bitCmd === I2C_CMD_STOP
val bitCmdAck = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val (s_bit_idle ::
s_bit_start_a :: s_bit_start_b :: s_bit_start_c :: s_bit_start_d :: s_bit_start_e ::
s_bit_stop_a :: s_bit_stop_b :: s_bit_stop_c :: s_bit_stop_d ::
s_bit_rd_a :: s_bit_rd_b :: s_bit_rd_c :: s_bit_rd_d ::
s_bit_wr_a :: s_bit_wr_b :: s_bit_wr_c :: s_bit_wr_d :: Nil) = Enum(UInt(), 18)
val bitState = Reg(init = s_bit_idle)
val arbLost = Reg(init = Bool(false), next = (sdaChk && !sSDA && sdaOen) | ((bitState === s_bit_idle) && stopCond && !bitCmdStop))
// bit FSM
when (arbLost) {
bitState := s_bit_idle
bitCmdAck := false.B
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
.otherwise {
bitCmdAck := false.B
when (clkEn) {
switch (bitState) {
is (s_bit_idle) {
switch (bitCmd) {
is (I2C_CMD_START) { bitState := s_bit_start_a }
is (I2C_CMD_STOP) { bitState := s_bit_stop_a }
is (I2C_CMD_WRITE) { bitState := s_bit_wr_a }
is (I2C_CMD_READ) { bitState := s_bit_rd_a }
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_start_a) {
bitState := s_bit_start_b
sclOen := sclOen
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_start_b) {
bitState := s_bit_start_c
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_start_c) {
bitState := s_bit_start_d
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := false.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_start_d) {
bitState := s_bit_start_e
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := false.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_start_e) {
bitState := s_bit_idle
bitCmdAck := true.B
sclOen := false.B
sdaOen := false.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_stop_a) {
bitState := s_bit_stop_b
sclOen := false.B
sdaOen := false.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_stop_b) {
bitState := s_bit_stop_c
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := false.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_stop_c) {
bitState := s_bit_stop_d
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := false.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_stop_d) {
bitState := s_bit_idle
bitCmdAck := true.B
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_rd_a) {
bitState := s_bit_rd_b
sclOen := false.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_rd_b) {
bitState := s_bit_rd_c
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_rd_c) {
bitState := s_bit_rd_d
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_rd_d) {
bitState := s_bit_idle
bitCmdAck := true.B
sclOen := false.B
sdaOen := true.B
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_wr_a) {
bitState := s_bit_wr_b
sclOen := false.B
sdaOen := transmitBit
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_wr_b) {
bitState := s_bit_wr_c
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := transmitBit
sdaChk := false.B
is (s_bit_wr_c) {
bitState := s_bit_wr_d
sclOen := true.B
sdaOen := transmitBit
sdaChk := true.B
is (s_bit_wr_d) {
bitState := s_bit_idle
bitCmdAck := true.B
sclOen := false.B
sdaOen := transmitBit
sdaChk := false.B
//////// Byte level ///////
val load = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // load shift register
val shift = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // shift shift register
val cmdAck = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // also done
val receivedAck = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // from I2C slave
val go = ( | cmd.write | cmd.stop) & ~cmdAck // CHECK: why stop instead of start?
val bitCnt = Reg(init = UInt(0, 3.W))
when (load) {
bitCnt := 0x7.U
.elsewhen (shift) {
bitCnt := bitCnt - 1.U
val bitCntDone = !(bitCnt.orR)
// receivedData is used as shift register directly
when (load) {
receivedData := transmitData
.otherwise {
receivedData := Cat(receivedData, receivedBit)
val (s_byte_idle :: s_byte_start :: s_byte_read :: s_byte_write :: s_byte_ack :: s_byte_stop :: Nil) = Enum(UInt(), 6)
val byteState = Reg(init = s_byte_idle)
when (arbLost) {
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_NOP
transmitBit := false.B
shift := false.B
load := false.B
cmdAck := false.B
byteState := s_byte_idle
receivedAck := false.B
.otherwise {
transmitBit := receivedData(7)
shift := false.B
load := false.B
cmdAck := false.B
switch (byteState) {
is (s_byte_idle) {
when (go) {
when (cmd.start) {
byteState := s_byte_start
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_START
.elsewhen ( {
byteState := s_byte_read
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_READ
.elsewhen (cmd.write) {
byteState := s_byte_write
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_WRITE
.otherwise { // stop
byteState := s_byte_stop
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_STOP
load := true.B
is (s_byte_start) {
when (bitCmdAck) {
when ( {
byteState := s_byte_read
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_READ
.otherwise {
byteState := s_byte_write
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_WRITE
load := true.B
is (s_byte_write) {
when (bitCmdAck) {
when (bitCntDone) {
byteState := s_byte_ack
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_READ
.otherwise {
byteState := s_byte_write
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_WRITE
shift := true.B
is (s_byte_read) {
when (bitCmdAck) {
when (bitCntDone) {
byteState := s_byte_ack
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_WRITE
.otherwise {
byteState := s_byte_read
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_READ
shift := true.B
transmitBit := cmd.ack
is (s_byte_ack) {
when (bitCmdAck) {
when (cmd.stop) {
byteState := s_byte_stop
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_STOP
.otherwise {
byteState := s_byte_idle
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_NOP
// generate command acknowledge signal
cmdAck := true.B
// assign ack_out output to bit_controller_rxd (contains last received bit)
receivedAck := receivedBit
transmitBit := true.B
.otherwise {
transmitBit := cmd.ack
is (s_byte_stop) {
when (bitCmdAck) {
byteState := s_byte_idle
bitCmd := I2C_CMD_NOP
// assign ack_out output to bit_controller_rxd (contains last received bit)
cmdAck := true.B
//////// Top level ////////
when (cmdAck || arbLost) {
cmd.start := false.B // clear command bits when done
cmd.stop := false.B // or when aribitration lost
|||| := false.B
cmd.write := false.B
cmd.irqAck := false.B // clear IRQ_ACK bit (essentially 1 cycle pulse b/c it is overwritten by regmap below)
when (stopCond) {
status.busy := false.B
.elsewhen (startCond) {
status.busy := true.B
when (arbLost) {
status.arbLost := true.B
.elsewhen (cmd.start) {
status.arbLost := false.B
status.transferInProgress := || cmd.write
status.irqFlag := (cmdAck || arbLost || status.irqFlag) && !cmd.irqAck
// hack
val nextCmd = Wire(UInt(8.W))
nextCmd := cmd.asUInt
cmd := (new CommandBundle).fromBits(nextCmd)
// Note that these are out of order.
I2CCtrlRegs.prescaler_lo -> Seq(RegField(8, prescaler_lo)),
I2CCtrlRegs.prescaler_hi -> Seq(RegField(8, prescaler_hi)),
I2CCtrlRegs.control -> Seq(RegField(8, control)),
|||| -> Seq(RegField(8, data)),
I2CCtrlRegs.cmd_status -> Seq(RegField(8, cmd_status))
I2CCtrlRegs.prescaler_lo -> Seq(RegField(8, prescaler.lo)),
I2CCtrlRegs.prescaler_hi -> Seq(RegField(8, prescaler.hi)),
I2CCtrlRegs.control ->{ case(name, e) => RegField(e.getWidth, e.asInstanceOf[UInt]) }.toSeq,
|||| -> Seq(RegField(8, r = RegReadFn(receivedData), w = RegWriteFn(transmitData))),
I2CCtrlRegs.cmd_status -> Seq(RegField(8, r = RegReadFn(status.asUInt), w = RegWriteFn(nextCmd)))
// tie off unused bits
control.reserved := 0.U
cmd.reserved := 0.U
status.reserved := 0.U
interrupts(0) := status.irqFlag & control.intEn
// Copied from UART.scala
class Majority(in: Set[Bool]) {
private val n = (in.size >> 1) + 1
private val clauses = in.subsets(n).map(_.reduce(_ && _))
val out = clauses.reduce(_ || _)
// Magic TL2 Incantation to create a TL2 Slave
class TLI2C(c: I2CConfig)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TLRegisterRouter(c.address, interrupts = 1, beatBytes = p(PeripheryBusConfig).beatBytes)(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user