* Adds support for a L2 cache with directory bits for tracking L1 coherence (DefaultL2Config), and new metadata-based coherence API. * Additional tests. * New virtual memory implementation, priviliged architecture (1.7), custom CSRs, FDivSqrt unit * Updated TileLink protocol, NASTI protocol SHIMs. * Lays groundwork for multiple top-level memory channels, superscalar fetch. * Bump all submodules.
107 lines
5.1 KiB
107 lines
5.1 KiB
base_dir = $(abspath ..)
sim_dir = .
output_dir = $(sim_dir)/output
PROJECT = rocketchip
CONFIG ?= DefaultCPPConfig
all: emulator-$(CONFIG)
debug: emulator-$(CONFIG)-debug
include $(base_dir)/Makefrag
CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -I$(RISCV)/include
CXXSRCS := emulator mm mm_dramsim2
CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) -I$(base_dir)/csrc -I$(base_dir)/dramsim2
LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -L$(RISCV)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(RISCV)/lib -L. -ldramsim -lfesvr -lpthread
OBJS := $(addsuffix .o,$(CXXSRCS) $(MODEL).$(CONFIG))
DEBUG_OBJS := $(addsuffix .debug.o,$(CXXSRCS) $(MODEL).$(CONFIG))
CHISEL_ARGS := $(MODEL) --W0W --noIoDebug --backend c --configInstance $(PROJECT).$(CONFIG) --compileInitializationUnoptimized --targetDir emulator/generated-src
CHISEL_ARGS_DEBUG := $(CHISEL_ARGS)-debug --debug --vcd --ioDebug
generated-src/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h: $(chisel_srcs)
cd $(base_dir) && $(SBT) "project $(PROJECT)" "elaborate $(CHISEL_ARGS)"
generated-src-debug/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h: $(chisel_srcs)
cd $(base_dir) && $(SBT) "project $(PROJECT)" "elaborate $(CHISEL_ARGS_DEBUG)"
$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).o: %.o: generated-src/%.h
$(MAKE) -j $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(shell ls generated-src/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG)-*.cpp))
$(LD) -r $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(shell ls generated-src/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG)-*.cpp)) -o $@
$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).debug.o: %.debug.o: generated-src-debug/%.h
$(MAKE) -j $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(shell ls generated-src-debug/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG)-*.cpp))
$(LD) -r $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(shell ls generated-src-debug/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG)-*.cpp)) -o $@
generated-src/%.o: generated-src/%.cpp generated-src/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -Igenerated-src -c -o $@ $<
generated-src-debug/%.o: generated-src-debug/%.cpp generated-src-debug/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -Igenerated-src-debug -c -o $@ $<
$(addsuffix .o,$(CXXSRCS)): %.o: $(base_dir)/csrc/%.cc $(base_dir)/csrc/*.h generated-src/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -include generated-src/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h -Igenerated-src -c -o $@ $<
$(addsuffix .debug.o,$(CXXSRCS)): %.debug.o: $(base_dir)/csrc/%.cc $(base_dir)/csrc/*.h generated-src-debug/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -include generated-src-debug/$(MODEL).$(CONFIG).h -Igenerated-src-debug -c -o $@ $<
emulator-$(CONFIG): $(OBJS) libdramsim.a
emulator-$(CONFIG)-debug: $(DEBUG_OBJS) libdramsim.a
rm -rf *.o *.a emulator-* emulator-*-debug generated-src generated-src-debug DVEfiles $(output_dir)
cd $(base_dir) && $(SBT) "~make $(CURDIR) run-fast $(CHISEL_ARGS)"
# Run assembly tests and benchmarks
$(output_dir)/%.run: $(output_dir)/%.hex emulator-$(CONFIG)
./emulator-$(CONFIG) +dramsim +max-cycles=$(timeout_cycles) +loadmem=$< none 2> /dev/null 2> $@ && [ $$PIPESTATUS -eq 0 ]
$(output_dir)/%.out: $(output_dir)/%.hex emulator-$(CONFIG)
./emulator-$(CONFIG) +dramsim +max-cycles=$(timeout_cycles) +verbose +loadmem=$< none $(disasm) $@ && [ $$PIPESTATUS -eq 0 ]
$(output_dir)/%.vcd: $(output_dir)/%.hex emulator-$(CONFIG)-debug
./emulator-$(CONFIG)-debug +dramsim +max-cycles=$(timeout_cycles) +verbose -v$@ +loadmem=$< none $(disasm) $(patsubst %.vcd,%.out,$@) && [ $$PIPESTATUS -eq 0 ]
$(output_dir)/%.vpd: $(output_dir)/%.hex emulator-$(CONFIG)-debug
rm -rf $@.vcd && mkfifo $@.vcd
vcd2vpd $@.vcd $@ > /dev/null &
./emulator-$(CONFIG)-debug +dramsim +max-cycles=$(timeout_cycles) +verbose -v$@.vcd +loadmem=$< none $(disasm) $(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$@) && [ $$PIPESTATUS -eq 0 ]
run-asm-tests: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .out, $(asm_p_tests) $(asm_pt_tests) $(asm_v_tests)))
@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' $^; echo;
run-bmarks-test: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .out, $(bmarks)))
@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' $^; echo;
run-mt-tests: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .out, $(mt_bmarks)))
@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' $^; echo;
run-asm-tests-debug: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .vpd, $(asm_p_tests) $(asm_pt_tests) $(asm_v_tests)))
@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' $(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$^); echo;
run-bmarks-test-debug: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .vpd, $(bmarks)))
@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' $(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$^); echo;
run-mt-tests-debug: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .vpd, $(mt_bmarks)))
@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' $(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$^); echo;
# UCB use only
-include Makefrag-refchip
run: run-asm-tests run-bmarks-test
run-debug: run-asm-tests-debug run-bmarks-test-debug
run-fast: $(addprefix $(output_dir)/, $(addsuffix .run, $(asm_p_tests) $(asm_v_tests) $(bmarks)))
.PHONY: run-asm-tests run-bmarks-test run-mt-tests
.PHONY: run-asm-tests-debug run-bmarks-test-debug run-mt-tests-debug
.PHONY: run run-debug run-fast