2017-11-20 17:42:06 -08:00

243 lines
9.8 KiB

// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.tile
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.coreplex._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
case class RocketTileParams(
core: RocketCoreParams = RocketCoreParams(),
icache: Option[ICacheParams] = Some(ICacheParams()),
dcache: Option[DCacheParams] = Some(DCacheParams()),
rocc: Seq[RoCCParams] = Nil,
btb: Option[BTBParams] = Some(BTBParams()),
dataScratchpadBytes: Int = 0,
trace: Boolean = false,
hcfOnUncorrectable: Boolean = false,
name: Option[String] = Some("tile"),
hartid: Int = 0,
blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
boundaryBuffers: Boolean = false // if synthesized with hierarchical PnR, cut feed-throughs?
) extends TileParams {
abstract class HartedTile(tileParams: TileParams, val hartid: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTile(tileParams)(p) {
require (log2Up(hartid + 1) <= p(MaxHartIdBits), s"p(MaxHartIdBits) of ${p(MaxHartIdBits)} is not enough for hartid ${hartid}")
class RocketTile(val rocketParams: RocketTileParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HartedTile(rocketParams, rocketParams.hartid)(p)
with HasExternalInterrupts
with HasLazyRoCC // implies CanHaveSharedFPU with CanHavePTW with HasHellaCache
with CanHaveScratchpad { // implies CanHavePTW with HasHellaCache with HasICacheFrontend
nDCachePorts += 1 // core TODO dcachePorts += () => module.core.io.dmem ??
private def ofInt(x: Int) = Seq(ResourceInt(BigInt(x)))
private def ofStr(x: String) = Seq(ResourceString(x))
private def ofRef(x: Device) = Seq(ResourceReference(x.label))
val cpuDevice = new Device {
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val block = p(CacheBlockBytes)
val m = if (rocketParams.core.mulDiv.nonEmpty) "m" else ""
val a = if (rocketParams.core.useAtomics) "a" else ""
val f = if (rocketParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty) "f" else ""
val d = if (rocketParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty && p(XLen) > 32) "d" else ""
val c = if (rocketParams.core.useCompressed) "c" else ""
val isa = s"rv${p(XLen)}i$m$a$f$d$c"
val dcache = rocketParams.dcache.filter(!_.scratch.isDefined).map(d => Map(
"d-cache-block-size" -> ofInt(block),
"d-cache-sets" -> ofInt(d.nSets),
"d-cache-size" -> ofInt(d.nSets * d.nWays * block))).getOrElse(Map())
val dtim = scratch.map(d => Map(
"sifive,dtim" -> ofRef(d.device))).getOrElse(Map())
val itim = if (frontend.icache.slaveNode.edges.in.isEmpty) Map() else Map(
"sifive,itim" -> ofRef(frontend.icache.device))
val incoherent = if (!rocketParams.core.useAtomicsOnlyForIO) Map() else Map(
"sifive,d-cache-incoherent" -> Nil)
val icache = rocketParams.icache.map(i => Map(
"i-cache-block-size" -> ofInt(block),
"i-cache-sets" -> ofInt(i.nSets),
"i-cache-size" -> ofInt(i.nSets * i.nWays * block))).getOrElse(Map())
val dtlb = rocketParams.dcache.filter(_ => rocketParams.core.useVM).map(d => Map(
"d-tlb-size" -> ofInt(d.nTLBEntries),
"d-tlb-sets" -> ofInt(1))).getOrElse(Map())
val itlb = rocketParams.icache.filter(_ => rocketParams.core.useVM).map(i => Map(
"i-tlb-size" -> ofInt(i.nTLBEntries),
"i-tlb-sets" -> ofInt(1))).getOrElse(Map())
val mmu = if (!rocketParams.core.useVM) Map() else Map(
"tlb-split" -> Nil,
"mmu-type" -> ofStr(p(PgLevels) match {
case 2 => "riscv,sv32"
case 3 => "riscv,sv39"
case 4 => "riscv,sv48"
// Find all the caches
val outer = masterNode.edges.out
val nextlevel: Option[(String, Seq[ResourceValue])] =
if (outer.isEmpty) None else
Some("next-level-cache" -> outer.map(l => ResourceReference(l)).toList)
Description(s"cpus/cpu@${hartid}", Map(
"reg" -> resources("reg").map(_.value),
"device_type" -> ofStr("cpu"),
"compatible" -> Seq(ResourceString("sifive,rocket0"), ResourceString("riscv")),
"status" -> ofStr("okay"),
"clock-frequency" -> Seq(ResourceInt(rocketParams.core.bootFreqHz)),
"riscv,isa" -> ofStr(isa))
++ dcache ++ icache ++ nextlevel ++ mmu ++ itlb ++ dtlb ++ dtim ++ itim ++ incoherent)
val intcDevice = new Device {
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
Description(s"cpus/cpu@${hartid}/interrupt-controller", Map(
"compatible" -> ofStr("riscv,cpu-intc"),
"interrupt-controller" -> Nil,
"#interrupt-cells" -> ofInt(1)))
ResourceBinding {
Resource(cpuDevice, "reg").bind(ResourceInt(BigInt(hartid)))
Resource(intcDevice, "reg").bind(ResourceInt(BigInt(hartid)))
intNode.edges.in.flatMap(_.source.sources).map { case s =>
for (i <- s.range.start until s.range.end) {
csrIntMap.lift(i).foreach { j =>
s.resources.foreach { r =>
r.bind(intcDevice, ResourceInt(j))
override lazy val module = new RocketTileModule(this)
class RocketTileBundle(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileBundle(outer)
with HasExternalInterruptsBundle
with CanHaveScratchpadBundle
with CanHaltAndCatchFire {
val halt_and_catch_fire = outer.rocketParams.hcfOnUncorrectable.option(Bool(OUTPUT))
class RocketTileModule(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModule(outer, () => new RocketTileBundle(outer))
with HasExternalInterruptsModule
with HasLazyRoCCModule
with CanHaveScratchpadModule {
val core = Module(p(BuildCore)(outer.p))
val uncorrectable = RegInit(Bool(false))
decodeCoreInterrupts(core.io.interrupts) // Decode the interrupt vector
outer.busErrorUnit.foreach { beu => core.io.interrupts.buserror.get := beu.module.io.interrupt }
core.io.hartid := io.hartid // Pass through the hartid
io.trace.foreach { _ := core.io.trace }
io.halt_and_catch_fire.foreach { _ := uncorrectable }
outer.frontend.module.io.cpu <> core.io.imem
outer.frontend.module.io.reset_vector := io.reset_vector
outer.frontend.module.io.hartid := io.hartid
outer.dcache.module.io.hartid := io.hartid
dcachePorts += core.io.dmem // TODO outer.dcachePorts += () => module.core.io.dmem ??
fpuOpt foreach { fpu => core.io.fpu <> fpu.io }
core.io.ptw <> ptw.io.dpath
roccCore.cmd <> core.io.rocc.cmd
roccCore.exception := core.io.rocc.exception
core.io.rocc.resp <> roccCore.resp
core.io.rocc.busy := roccCore.busy
core.io.rocc.interrupt := roccCore.interrupt
when(!uncorrectable) { uncorrectable :=
List(outer.frontend.module.io.errors, outer.dcache.module.io.errors)
.flatMap { e => e.uncorrectable.map(_.valid) }
// TODO eliminate this redundancy
val h = dcachePorts.size
val c = core.dcacheArbPorts
val o = outer.nDCachePorts
require(h == c, s"port list size was $h, core expected $c")
require(h == o, s"port list size was $h, outer counted $o")
// TODO figure out how to move the below into their respective mix-ins
dcacheArb.io.requestor <> dcachePorts
ptw.io.requestor <> ptwPorts
class RocketTileWrapperBundle[+L <: RocketTileWrapper](_outer: L) extends BaseTileBundle(_outer)
with CanHaltAndCatchFire {
val halt_and_catch_fire = _outer.rocket.module.io.halt_and_catch_fire.map(_.cloneType)
class RocketTileWrapper(
params: RocketTileParams,
val crossing: CoreplexClockCrossing)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTile(params) with HasCrossing {
val rocket = LazyModule(new RocketTile(params))
// The buffers needed to cut feed-through paths are microarchitecture specific, so belong here
val masterBuffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.none, BufferParams.flow, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.flow, BufferParams(1)))
val masterNode: TLOutwardNode = crossing match {
case _: AsynchronousCrossing => rocket.masterNode
case SynchronousCrossing(b) =>
require (!params.boundaryBuffers || (b.depth >= 1 && !b.flow && !b.pipe), "Buffer misconfiguration creates feed-through paths")
case RationalCrossing(dir) =>
require (dir != SlowToFast, "Misconfiguration? Core slower than fabric")
if (params.boundaryBuffers) {
masterBuffer.node :=* rocket.masterNode
} else {
val slaveBuffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.flow, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none))
val slaveNode: TLInwardNode = crossing match {
case _: SynchronousCrossing => rocket.slaveNode // requirement already checked
case _: AsynchronousCrossing => rocket.slaveNode
case _: RationalCrossing =>
if (params.boundaryBuffers) {
DisableMonitors { implicit p => rocket.slaveNode :*= slaveBuffer.node }
} else {
val intXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
rocket.intNode := intXbar.intnode
override lazy val module = new BaseTileModule(this, () => new RocketTileWrapperBundle(this)) {
// signals that do not change based on crossing type:
rocket.module.io.hartid := io.hartid
rocket.module.io.reset_vector := io.reset_vector
io.trace.foreach { _ := rocket.module.io.trace.get }
io.halt_and_catch_fire.foreach { _ := rocket.module.io.halt_and_catch_fire.get }