Wesley W. Terpstra 9804bdc34e tilelink: remove obsolete addr_lo signal (#895)
When we first implemented TL, we thought this was helpful, because
it made WidthWidgets stateless in all cases. However, it put too
much burden on all other masters and slaves, none of which benefitted
from this signal. Furthermore, even with addr_lo, WidthWidgets were
information lossy because when they widen, they have no information
about what to fill in the new high bits of addr_lo.
2017-07-26 16:01:21 -07:00

310 lines
13 KiB

// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import scala.math.{min,max}
class TLBroadcast(lineBytes: Int, numTrackers: Int = 4, bufferless: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
require (lineBytes > 0 && isPow2(lineBytes))
require (numTrackers > 0)
val node = TLAdapterNode(
clientFn = { cp =>
cp.copy(clients = Seq(TLClientParameters(
name = "TLBroadcast",
sourceId = IdRange(0, 1 << log2Ceil(cp.endSourceId*4)))))
managerFn = { mp =>
endSinkId = numTrackers,
managers = mp.managers.map { m =>
// We are the last level manager
require (!m.supportsAcquireB)
// We only manage addresses which are uncached
if (m.regionType == RegionType.UNCACHED) {
// The device had better support line transfers
val lowerBound = max(m.supportsPutFull.min, m.supportsGet.min)
require (!m.supportsPutFull || m.supportsPutFull.contains(lineBytes), s"${m.name} only supports PutFull(${m.supportsPutFull}), which does not include $lineBytes")
require (!m.supportsGet || m.supportsGet .contains(lineBytes), s"${m.name} only supports Get(${m.supportsGet}), which does not include $lineBytes")
regionType = RegionType.TRACKED,
supportsAcquireB = TransferSizes(lowerBound, lineBytes),
supportsAcquireT = if (m.supportsPutFull) TransferSizes(lowerBound, lineBytes) else TransferSizes.none,
// truncate supported accesses to lineBytes (we only ever probe for one line)
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(m.supportsPutFull .min, min(m.supportsPutFull .max, lineBytes)),
supportsPutPartial = TransferSizes(m.supportsPutPartial.min, min(m.supportsPutPartial.max, lineBytes)),
supportsGet = TransferSizes(m.supportsGet .min, min(m.supportsGet .max, lineBytes)),
supportsHint = TransferSizes(m.supportsHint .min, min(m.supportsHint .max, lineBytes)),
supportsArithmetic = TransferSizes(m.supportsArithmetic.min, min(m.supportsArithmetic.max, lineBytes)),
supportsLogical = TransferSizes(m.supportsLogical .min, min(m.supportsLogical .max, lineBytes)),
fifoId = None // trackers do not respond in FIFO order!
} else {
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
((io.in zip io.out) zip (node.edgesIn zip node.edgesOut)) foreach { case ((in, out), (edgeIn, edgeOut)) =>
val clients = edgeIn.client.clients
val managers = edgeOut.manager.managers
val lineShift = log2Ceil(lineBytes)
import TLBroadcastConstants._
require (lineBytes >= edgeOut.manager.beatBytes)
// For the probe walker, we need to identify all the caches
val caches = clients.filter(_.supportsProbe).map(_.sourceId)
val cache_targets = caches.map(c => UInt(c.start))
// Create the request tracker queues
val trackers = Seq.tabulate(numTrackers) { id =>
Module(new TLBroadcastTracker(id, lineBytes, log2Up(caches.size+1), bufferless, edgeIn, edgeOut)).io
// We always accept E
in.e.ready := Bool(true)
(trackers zip UIntToOH(in.e.bits.sink).toBools) foreach { case (tracker, select) =>
tracker.e_last := select && in.e.fire()
// Depending on the high source bits, we might transform D
val d_high = log2Ceil(edgeIn.client.endSourceId)
val d_what = out.d.bits.source(d_high+1, d_high)
val d_drop = d_what === DROP
val d_hasData = edgeOut.hasData(out.d.bits)
val d_normal = Wire(in.d)
val d_trackerOH = Vec(trackers.map { t => !t.idle && t.source === d_normal.bits.source }).asUInt
assert (!out.d.valid || !d_drop || out.d.bits.opcode === TLMessages.AccessAck)
out.d.ready := d_normal.ready || d_drop
d_normal.valid := out.d.valid && !d_drop
d_normal.bits := out.d.bits // truncates source
when (d_what(1)) { // TRANSFORM_*
d_normal.bits.opcode := Mux(d_hasData, TLMessages.GrantData, TLMessages.ReleaseAck)
d_normal.bits.param := Mux(d_hasData, Mux(d_what(0), TLPermissions.toT, TLPermissions.toB), UInt(0))
d_normal.bits.sink := OHToUInt(d_trackerOH)
assert (!d_normal.valid || (d_trackerOH.orR() || d_normal.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseAck))
// A tracker response is anything neither dropped nor a ReleaseAck
val d_response = d_hasData || !d_what(1)
val d_last = edgeIn.last(d_normal)
(trackers zip d_trackerOH.toBools) foreach { case (tracker, select) =>
tracker.d_last := select && d_normal.fire() && d_response && d_last
tracker.probedack := select && out.d.fire() && d_drop
// Incoming C can be:
// ProbeAck => decrement tracker, drop
// ProbeAckData => decrement tracker, send out A as PutFull(DROP)
// ReleaseData => send out A as PutFull(TRANSFORM)
// Release => send out D as ReleaseAck
val c_probeack = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ProbeAck
val c_probeackdata = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ProbeAckData
val c_releasedata = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseData
val c_release = in.c.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Release
val c_trackerOH = trackers.map { t => t.line === (in.c.bits.address >> lineShift) }
val c_trackerSrc = Mux1H(c_trackerOH, trackers.map { _.source })
// Decrement the tracker's outstanding probe counter
(trackers zip c_trackerOH) foreach { case (tracker, select) =>
tracker.probenack := in.c.fire() && c_probeack && select
val releaseack = Wire(in.d)
val putfull = Wire(out.a)
in.c.ready := c_probeack || Mux(c_release, releaseack.ready, putfull.ready)
releaseack.valid := in.c.valid && c_release
releaseack.bits := edgeIn.ReleaseAck(in.c.bits)
val put_what = Mux(c_releasedata, TRANSFORM_B, DROP)
val put_who = Mux(c_releasedata, in.c.bits.source, c_trackerSrc)
putfull.valid := in.c.valid && (c_probeackdata || c_releasedata)
putfull.bits := edgeOut.Put(Cat(put_what, put_who), in.c.bits.address, in.c.bits.size, in.c.bits.data)._2
// Combine ReleaseAck or the modified D
TLArbiter.lowest(edgeOut, in.d, releaseack, d_normal)
// Combine the PutFull with the trackers
TLArbiter.lowestFromSeq(edgeOut, out.a, putfull +: trackers.map(_.out_a))
// The Probe FSM walks all caches and probes them
val probe_todo = RegInit(UInt(0, width = max(1, caches.size)))
val probe_line = Reg(UInt())
val probe_perms = Reg(UInt(width = 2))
val probe_next = probe_todo & ~(leftOR(probe_todo) << 1)
val probe_busy = probe_todo.orR()
val probe_target = if (caches.size == 0) UInt(0) else Mux1H(probe_next, cache_targets)
// Probe whatever the FSM wants to do next
in.b.valid := probe_busy
if (caches.size != 0) {
in.b.bits := edgeIn.Probe(probe_line << lineShift, probe_target, UInt(lineShift), probe_perms)._2
when (in.b.fire()) { probe_todo := probe_todo & ~probe_next }
// Which cache does a request come from?
val a_cache = if (caches.size == 0) UInt(1) else Vec(caches.map(_.contains(in.a.bits.source))).asUInt
val a_first = edgeIn.first(in.a)
// To accept a request from A, the probe FSM must be idle and there must be a matching tracker
val freeTrackers = Vec(trackers.map { t => t.idle }).asUInt
val freeTracker = freeTrackers.orR()
val matchTrackers = Vec(trackers.map { t => t.line === in.a.bits.address >> lineShift }).asUInt
val matchTracker = matchTrackers.orR()
val allocTracker = freeTrackers & ~(leftOR(freeTrackers) << 1)
val selectTracker = Mux(matchTracker, matchTrackers, allocTracker)
val trackerReady = Vec(trackers.map(_.in_a.ready)).asUInt
in.a.ready := (!a_first || !probe_busy) && (selectTracker & trackerReady).orR()
(trackers zip selectTracker.toBools) foreach { case (t, select) =>
t.in_a.valid := in.a.valid && select && (!a_first || !probe_busy)
t.in_a.bits := in.a.bits
t.in_a_first := a_first
t.probe := (if (caches.size == 0) UInt(0) else Mux(a_cache.orR(), UInt(caches.size-1), UInt(caches.size)))
when (in.a.fire() && a_first) {
probe_todo := ~a_cache // probe all but the cache who poked us
probe_line := in.a.bits.address >> lineShift
probe_perms := MuxLookup(in.a.bits.opcode, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLMessages.PutFullData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.PutPartialData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.ArithmeticData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.LogicalData -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLMessages.Get -> TLPermissions.toB,
TLMessages.Hint -> MuxLookup(in.a.bits.param, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLHints.PREFETCH_READ -> TLPermissions.toB,
TLHints.PREFETCH_WRITE -> TLPermissions.toN)),
TLMessages.Acquire -> MuxLookup(in.a.bits.param, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLPermissions.NtoB -> TLPermissions.toB,
TLPermissions.NtoT -> TLPermissions.toN,
TLPermissions.BtoT -> TLPermissions.toN))))
// The outer TL connections may not be cached
out.b.ready := Bool(true)
out.c.valid := Bool(false)
out.e.valid := Bool(false)
class TLBroadcastTracker(id: Int, lineBytes: Int, probeCountBits: Int, bufferless: Boolean, edgeIn: TLEdgeIn, edgeOut: TLEdgeOut) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val in_a_first = Bool(INPUT)
val in_a = Decoupled(new TLBundleA(edgeIn.bundle)).flip
val out_a = Decoupled(new TLBundleA(edgeOut.bundle))
val probe = UInt(INPUT, width = probeCountBits)
val probenack = Bool(INPUT)
val probedack = Bool(INPUT)
val d_last = Bool(INPUT)
val e_last = Bool(INPUT)
val source = UInt(OUTPUT) // the source awaiting D response
val line = UInt(OUTPUT) // the line waiting for probes
val idle = Bool(OUTPUT)
val lineShift = log2Ceil(lineBytes)
import TLBroadcastConstants._
// Only one operation can be inflight per line, because we need to be sure
// we send the request after all the probes we sent and before all the next probes
val got_e = RegInit(Bool(true))
val sent_d = RegInit(Bool(true))
val opcode = Reg(io.in_a.bits.opcode)
val param = Reg(io.in_a.bits.param)
val size = Reg(io.in_a.bits.size)
val source = Reg(io.in_a.bits.source)
val address = RegInit(UInt(id << lineShift, width = io.in_a.bits.address.getWidth))
val count = Reg(UInt(width = probeCountBits))
val idle = got_e && sent_d
when (io.in_a.fire() && io.in_a_first) {
assert (idle)
sent_d := Bool(false)
got_e := io.in_a.bits.opcode =/= TLMessages.Acquire
opcode := io.in_a.bits.opcode
param := io.in_a.bits.param
size := io.in_a.bits.size
source := io.in_a.bits.source
address := io.in_a.bits.address
count := io.probe
when (io.d_last) {
assert (!sent_d)
sent_d := Bool(true)
when (io.e_last) {
assert (!got_e)
got_e := Bool(true)
when (io.probenack || io.probedack) {
assert (count > UInt(0))
count := count - Mux(io.probenack && io.probedack, UInt(2), UInt(1))
io.idle := idle
io.source := source
io.line := address >> lineShift
val i_data = Wire(Decoupled(new TLBroadcastData(edgeIn.bundle)))
val o_data = Queue(i_data, if (bufferless) 1 else (lineBytes / edgeIn.manager.beatBytes), pipe=bufferless)
io.in_a.ready := (idle || !io.in_a_first) && i_data.ready
i_data.valid := (idle || !io.in_a_first) && io.in_a.valid
i_data.bits.mask := io.in_a.bits.mask
i_data.bits.data := io.in_a.bits.data
val probe_done = count === UInt(0)
val acquire = opcode === TLMessages.Acquire
val transform = MuxLookup(param, Wire(UInt(width = 2)), Array(
TLPermissions.NtoB -> TRANSFORM_B,
TLPermissions.NtoT -> TRANSFORM_T,
TLPermissions.BtoT -> TRANSFORM_T))
o_data.ready := io.out_a.ready && probe_done
io.out_a.valid := o_data.valid && probe_done
io.out_a.bits.opcode := Mux(acquire, TLMessages.Get, opcode)
io.out_a.bits.param := Mux(acquire, UInt(0), param)
io.out_a.bits.size := size
io.out_a.bits.source := Cat(Mux(acquire, transform, PASS), source)
io.out_a.bits.address := address
io.out_a.bits.mask := o_data.bits.mask
io.out_a.bits.data := o_data.bits.data
object TLBroadcastConstants
def TRANSFORM_T = UInt(3)
def TRANSFORM_B = UInt(2)
def DROP = UInt(1)
def PASS = UInt(0)
class TLBroadcastData(params: TLBundleParameters) extends TLBundleBase(params)
val mask = UInt(width = params.dataBits/8)
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)