emulator,Makefile-verilator: add --output-split-cfuncs flag

* Originally verilator will generate a large cpp file containing a large
  function, which costs about 13 min to compile. By using --output-split-cfuncs,
  this large function will be splitted into several functions in servral
  files. This will greatly improve the compile time with 'make -j'. By '-j32',
  the compile time can be reduced to about 1 min.
This commit is contained in:
Zihao Yu 2017-06-26 14:29:29 +08:00
parent 7a0655ae88
commit fc85a3ce02

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ VERILATOR_FLAGS := --top-module $(MODEL) \
+define+PRINTF_COND=\$$c\(\"verbose\",\"\&\&\"\,\"done_reset\"\) \
+define+STOP_COND=\$$c\(\"done_reset\"\) --assert \
--output-split 20000 \
--output-split-cfuncs 20000 \
-Wno-STMTDLY --x-assign unique \
-I$(base_dir)/vsrc \
-O3 -CFLAGS "$(CXXFLAGS) -DVERILATOR -DTEST_HARNESS=V$(MODEL) -include $(base_dir)/csrc/verilator.h"