fix up some things in tilelink.scala

This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2015-09-10 17:53:04 -07:00
parent 64717706a9
commit f9965648f2

@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ object Grant {
manager_xact_id: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
data: UInt): Grant = {
val gnt = new Grant
val gnt = Wire(new Grant)
gnt.is_builtin_type := is_builtin_type
gnt.g_type := g_type
gnt.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ class ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper extends TLModule {
io.out.acquire <> acqArb.io.out
val roq = Module(new ReorderQueue(
new ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapperInfo, tlClientXactIdBits, 4))
new ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapperInfo, tlClientXactIdBits, tlMaxClientsPerPort))
roq.io.enq <> roqArb.io.out
roq.io.deq.valid := io.out.grant.valid && needsRoqDeq(ognt)
roq.io.deq.tag := ognt.client_xact_id
@ -1375,6 +1375,15 @@ class NASTIMasterIOTileLinkIOConverter extends TLModule with NASTIParameters {
val nasti = new NASTIMasterIO
private def opSizeToXSize(ops: UInt) = MuxLookup(ops, UInt("b111"), Seq(
MT_B -> UInt(0),
MT_BU -> UInt(0),
MT_H -> UInt(1),
MT_HU -> UInt(1),
MT_W -> UInt(2),
MT_D -> UInt(3),
MT_Q -> UInt(log2Up(tlDataBytes))))
val dataBits = tlDataBits*tlDataBeats
val dstIdBits = params(LNHeaderBits)
require(tlDataBits == nastiXDataBits, "Data sizes between LLC and MC don't agree") // TODO: remove this restriction
@ -1405,28 +1414,23 @@ class NASTIMasterIOTileLinkIOConverter extends TLModule with NASTIParameters {
val tl_done_out = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val roq = Module(new ReorderQueue(
UInt(width = tlByteAddrBits), nastiRIdBits, 4))
UInt(width = tlByteAddrBits), nastiRIdBits, tlMaxClientsPerPort))
roq.io.enq.valid := io.tl.acquire.fire() && !acq_has_data && is_subblock
roq.io.enq.bits.tag := io.nasti.ar.bits.id
roq.io.enq.bits.data := io.tl.acquire.bits.addr_byte()
roq.io.deq.valid := io.nasti.r.fire() && !io.nasti.r.bits.id(0)
roq.io.deq.tag := io.nasti.r.bits.id
io.nasti.ar.bits.id := tag_out
io.nasti.ar.bits.addr := addr_out
io.nasti.ar.bits.len := Mux(has_data, UInt(tlDataBeats-1), UInt(0))
io.nasti.ar.bits.size := UInt(log2Ceil(tlDataBits))
io.nasti.ar.bits.burst := UInt("b01")
io.nasti.ar.bits.lock := Bool(false)
io.nasti.ar.bits.cache := UInt("b0000")
io.nasti.ar.bits.prot := UInt("b000")
io.nasti.ar.bits.qos := UInt("b0000")
io.nasti.ar.bits.region := UInt("b0000")
io.nasti.ar.bits.user := UInt(0)
io.nasti.ar.bits := NASTIReadAddressChannel(
id = tag_out,
addr = addr_out,
size = UInt(log2Ceil(tlDataBytes)),
len = Mux(has_data, UInt(tlDataBeats - 1), UInt(0)))
io.nasti.aw.bits := io.nasti.ar.bits
io.nasti.w.bits.strb := io.tl.acquire.bits.wmask()
io.nasti.w.bits.data := io.tl.acquire.bits.data
io.nasti.w.bits.last := tl_wrap_out || (io.tl.acquire.fire() && is_subblock)
io.nasti.w.bits := NASTIWriteDataChannel(
strb = io.tl.acquire.bits.wmask(),
data = io.tl.acquire.bits.data,
last = tl_wrap_out || (io.tl.acquire.fire() && is_subblock))
io.tl.acquire.ready := io.nasti.w.ready
@ -1452,7 +1456,7 @@ class NASTIMasterIOTileLinkIOConverter extends TLModule with NASTIParameters {
io.nasti.ar.bits.id := tag
io.nasti.ar.bits.addr := addr
io.nasti.ar.bits.len := Mux(!is_subblock, UInt(tlDataBeats-1), UInt(0))
io.nasti.ar.bits.size := io.tl.acquire.bits.op_size()
io.nasti.ar.bits.size := opSizeToXSize(io.tl.acquire.bits.op_size())
tag_out := tag
addr_out := addr