Add performance counter support
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 745e74afb56ecba090669615d4ac9c9b9b96c653
Subproject commit 95332642272844a5aa0a20a47d725b00b3ae388a
@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case UseUser => true
case UseDebug => true
case NBreakpoints => 1
case NPerfCounters => 0
case NPerfEvents => 0
case FastLoadWord => true
case FastLoadByte => false
case XLen => 64
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import Util._
import uncore.util._
import Instructions._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import uncore.devices._
@ -106,6 +107,14 @@ object CSR
require(debugIntCause >= Causes.all.max)
val firstCtr = CSRs.cycle
val firstHPM = 3
val firstHPC = CSRs.cycle + firstHPM
val firstHPE = CSRs.mucounteren + firstHPM
val firstMHPC = CSRs.mcycle + firstHPM
val nHPM = 29
val nCtr = firstHPM + nHPM
class CSRFileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
@ -139,6 +148,7 @@ class CSRFileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)
val interrupt_cause = UInt(OUTPUT, xLen)
val bp = Vec(nBreakpoints, new BP).asOutput
val events = Vec(nPerfEvents, Bool()).asInput
class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
@ -197,15 +207,18 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val reg_tselect = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(nBreakpoints)))
val reg_bp = Reg(Vec(1 << log2Up(nBreakpoints), new BP))
val reg_mie = Reg(init=UInt(0, xLen))
val reg_mideleg = Reg(init=UInt(0, xLen))
val reg_medeleg = Reg(init=UInt(0, xLen))
val reg_mie = Reg(UInt(width = xLen))
val reg_mideleg = Reg(UInt(width = xLen))
val reg_medeleg = Reg(UInt(width = xLen))
val reg_mip = Reg(new MIP)
val reg_mepc = Reg(UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended))
val reg_mcause = Reg(Bits(width = xLen))
val reg_mbadaddr = Reg(UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended))
val reg_mscratch = Reg(Bits(width = xLen))
val reg_mtvec = Reg(init=UInt(p(MtvecInit), paddrBits min xLen))
val reg_mucounteren = Reg(UInt(width = 32))
val reg_mscounteren = Reg(UInt(width = 32))
val delegable_counters = (BigInt(1) << (nPerfCounters + CSR.firstHPM)) - 1
val reg_sepc = Reg(UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended))
val reg_scause = Reg(Bits(width = xLen))
@ -219,7 +232,9 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val reg_frm = Reg(UInt(width = 3))
val reg_instret = WideCounter(64, io.retire)
val reg_cycle: UInt = if (enableCommitLog) { reg_instret } else { WideCounter(64) }
val reg_cycle = if (enableCommitLog) reg_instret else WideCounter(64)
val reg_hpmevent = Seq.fill(nPerfCounters)(if (nPerfEvents > 1) Reg(UInt(width = log2Ceil(nPerfEvents))) else UInt(0))
val reg_hpmcounter = => WideCounter(64, ((UInt(0) +: Seq[UInt])(e)))
val mip = Wire(init=reg_mip)
mip.rocc := io.rocc.interrupt
@ -243,6 +258,7 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val system_insn = === CSR.I
val cpu_ren = =/= CSR.N && !system_insn
val cpu_wen = cpu_ren && =/= CSR.R
val isa_string = "IM" +
(if (usingVM) "S" else "") +
@ -263,10 +279,6 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
CSRs.mvendorid -> UInt(0),
CSRs.mcycle -> reg_cycle,
CSRs.minstret -> reg_instret,
CSRs.mucounteren -> UInt(0),
CSRs.mutime_delta -> UInt(0),
CSRs.mucycle_delta -> UInt(0),
CSRs.muinstret_delta -> UInt(0),
CSRs.misa -> UInt(isa),
CSRs.mstatus -> read_mstatus,
CSRs.mtvec -> reg_mtvec,
@ -280,19 +292,27 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
CSRs.mcause -> reg_mcause,
CSRs.mhartid ->
val debug_csrs = collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int,Bits](
val debug_csrs = collection.immutable.ListMap(
CSRs.dcsr -> reg_dcsr.asUInt,
CSRs.dpc -> reg_dpc.asUInt,
CSRs.dscratch -> reg_dscratch.asUInt
CSRs.dscratch -> reg_dscratch.asUInt)
val fp_csrs = collection.immutable.ListMap(
CSRs.fflags -> reg_fflags,
CSRs.frm -> reg_frm,
CSRs.fcsr -> Cat(reg_frm, reg_fflags))
if (usingDebug)
read_mapping ++= debug_csrs
if (usingFPU) {
read_mapping += CSRs.fflags -> reg_fflags
read_mapping += CSRs.frm -> reg_frm
read_mapping += CSRs.fcsr -> Cat(reg_frm, reg_fflags)
if (usingFPU)
read_mapping ++= fp_csrs
for (((e, c), i) <- (reg_hpmevent.padTo(CSR.nHPM, UInt(0))
zip => x: UInt).padTo(CSR.nHPM, UInt(0))) zipWithIndex) {
read_mapping += (i + CSR.firstHPE) -> e // mhpmeventN
read_mapping += (i + CSR.firstMHPC) -> c // mhpmcounterN
if (usingUser) read_mapping += (i + CSR.firstHPC) -> c // hpmcounterN
if (usingVM) {
@ -317,22 +337,21 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
read_mapping += CSRs.sptbr -> reg_sptbr.asUInt
read_mapping += CSRs.sepc -> reg_sepc.sextTo(xLen)
read_mapping += CSRs.stvec -> reg_stvec.sextTo(xLen)
read_mapping += CSRs.mscounteren -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.mstime_delta -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.mscycle_delta -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.msinstret_delta -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.mscounteren -> reg_mscounteren
if (usingUser) {
read_mapping += CSRs.mucounteren -> reg_mucounteren
read_mapping += CSRs.cycle -> reg_cycle
read_mapping += CSRs.instret -> reg_instret
if (xLen == 32) {
read_mapping += CSRs.mcycleh -> (reg_cycle >> 32)
read_mapping += CSRs.minstreth -> (reg_instret >> 32)
read_mapping += CSRs.mutime_deltah -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.mucycle_deltah -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.muinstret_deltah -> UInt(0)
if (usingVM) {
read_mapping += CSRs.mstime_deltah -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.mscycle_deltah -> UInt(0)
read_mapping += CSRs.msinstret_deltah -> UInt(0)
if (usingUser) {
read_mapping += CSRs.cycleh -> (reg_cycle >> 32)
read_mapping += CSRs.instreth -> (reg_instret >> 32)
@ -345,9 +364,11 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val decoded_addr = read_mapping map { case (k, v) => k -> ( === k) }
val addr_valid = decoded_addr.values.reduce(_||_)
val fp_csr =
if (usingFPU) decoded_addr(CSRs.fflags) || decoded_addr(CSRs.frm) || decoded_addr(CSRs.fcsr)
else Bool(false)
val fp_csr = if (usingFPU) decoded_addr.filterKeys(fp_csrs contains _ ).values reduce(_||_) else Bool(false)
val hpm_csr = if (usingUser) >= CSR.firstCtr && < CSR.firstCtr + CSR.nCtr else Bool(false)
val hpm_en = reg_debug || reg_mstatus.prv === PRV.M ||
(reg_mstatus.prv === PRV.S && reg_mscounteren(, 0))) ||
(reg_mstatus.prv === PRV.U && reg_mucounteren(, 0)))
val csr_addr_priv =,8)
val debug_csr_mask = 0x090 // only debug CSRs have address bits 7 and 4 set
@ -356,8 +377,7 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val csr_debug = Bool(usingDebug) && ( & debug_csr_mask) === debug_csr_mask
val priv_sufficient = reg_debug || (!csr_debug && reg_mstatus.prv >= csr_addr_priv)
val read_only =,10).andR
val cpu_wen = cpu_ren && =/= CSR.R && priv_sufficient
val wen = cpu_wen && !read_only
val wen = cpu_wen && priv_sufficient && !read_only
val wdata = (Mux(, CSR.C),, UInt(0)) |
Mux( =/= CSR.C,, UInt(0))) &
@ -372,7 +392,7 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val insn_wfi = do_system_insn && opcode(5)
io.csr_xcpt := (cpu_wen && read_only) ||
(cpu_ren && (!priv_sufficient || !addr_valid || fp_csr && !io.status.fs.orR)) ||
(cpu_ren && (!priv_sufficient || !addr_valid || (hpm_csr && !hpm_en) || (fp_csr && !io.status.fs.orR))) ||
(system_insn && !priv_sufficient) ||
insn_call || insn_break
@ -506,6 +526,15 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mtvec)) { reg_mtvec := wdata >> 2 << 2 }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mcause)) { reg_mcause := wdata & UInt((BigInt(1) << (xLen-1)) + 31) /* only implement 5 LSBs and MSB */ }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mbadaddr)) { reg_mbadaddr := wdata(vaddrBitsExtended-1,0) }
for (((e, c), i) <- (reg_hpmevent zip reg_hpmcounter) zipWithIndex) {
writeCounter(i + CSR.firstMHPC, c, wdata)
if (nPerfEvents > 1)
when (decoded_addr(i + CSR.firstHPE)) { e := wdata }
writeCounter(CSRs.mcycle, reg_cycle, wdata)
writeCounter(CSRs.minstret, reg_instret, wdata)
if (usingFPU) {
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.fflags)) { reg_fflags := wdata }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.frm)) { reg_frm := wdata }
@ -547,6 +576,10 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.sbadaddr)) { reg_sbadaddr := wdata(vaddrBitsExtended-1,0) }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mideleg)) { reg_mideleg := wdata & delegable_interrupts }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.medeleg)) { reg_medeleg := wdata & delegable_exceptions }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mscounteren)) { reg_mscounteren := wdata & delegable_counters }
if (usingUser) {
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mucounteren)) { reg_mucounteren := wdata & delegable_counters }
if (nBreakpoints > 0) {
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.tselect)) { reg_tselect := wdata }
@ -600,4 +633,14 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
def trimPrivilege(priv: UInt): UInt =
if (usingVM) priv
else legalizePrivilege(priv)
def writeCounter(lo: Int, ctr: WideCounter, wdata: UInt) = {
if (xLen == 32) {
val hi = lo + CSRs.mcycleh - CSRs.mcycle
when (decoded_addr(lo)) { ctr := Cat(ctr(63, 32), wdata) }
when (decoded_addr(hi)) { ctr := Cat(wdata, ctr(31, 0)) }
} else {
when (decoded_addr(lo)) { ctr := wdata }
@ -250,6 +250,35 @@ object CSRs {
val cycle = 0xc00
val time = 0xc01
val instret = 0xc02
val hpmcounter3 = 0xc03
val hpmcounter4 = 0xc04
val hpmcounter5 = 0xc05
val hpmcounter6 = 0xc06
val hpmcounter7 = 0xc07
val hpmcounter8 = 0xc08
val hpmcounter9 = 0xc09
val hpmcounter10 = 0xc0a
val hpmcounter11 = 0xc0b
val hpmcounter12 = 0xc0c
val hpmcounter13 = 0xc0d
val hpmcounter14 = 0xc0e
val hpmcounter15 = 0xc0f
val hpmcounter16 = 0xc10
val hpmcounter17 = 0xc11
val hpmcounter18 = 0xc12
val hpmcounter19 = 0xc13
val hpmcounter20 = 0xc14
val hpmcounter21 = 0xc15
val hpmcounter22 = 0xc16
val hpmcounter23 = 0xc17
val hpmcounter24 = 0xc18
val hpmcounter25 = 0xc19
val hpmcounter26 = 0xc1a
val hpmcounter27 = 0xc1b
val hpmcounter28 = 0xc1c
val hpmcounter29 = 0xc1d
val hpmcounter30 = 0xc1e
val hpmcounter31 = 0xc1f
val sstatus = 0x100
val sie = 0x104
val stvec = 0x105
@ -259,10 +288,8 @@ object CSRs {
val sbadaddr = 0x143
val sip = 0x144
val sptbr = 0x180
val scycle = 0xd00
val stime = 0xd01
val sinstret = 0xd02
val mstatus = 0x300
val misa = 0x301
val medeleg = 0x302
val mideleg = 0x303
val mie = 0x304
@ -272,14 +299,6 @@ object CSRs {
val mcause = 0x342
val mbadaddr = 0x343
val mip = 0x344
val mucounteren = 0x310
val mscounteren = 0x311
val mucycle_delta = 0x700
val mutime_delta = 0x701
val muinstret_delta = 0x702
val mscycle_delta = 0x704
val mstime_delta = 0x705
val msinstret_delta = 0x706
val tselect = 0x7a0
val tdata1 = 0x7a1
val tdata2 = 0x7a2
@ -287,27 +306,135 @@ object CSRs {
val dcsr = 0x7b0
val dpc = 0x7b1
val dscratch = 0x7b2
val mcycle = 0xf00
val mtime = 0xf01
val minstret = 0xf02
val misa = 0xf10
val mcycle = 0xb00
val minstret = 0xb02
val mhpmcounter3 = 0xb03
val mhpmcounter4 = 0xb04
val mhpmcounter5 = 0xb05
val mhpmcounter6 = 0xb06
val mhpmcounter7 = 0xb07
val mhpmcounter8 = 0xb08
val mhpmcounter9 = 0xb09
val mhpmcounter10 = 0xb0a
val mhpmcounter11 = 0xb0b
val mhpmcounter12 = 0xb0c
val mhpmcounter13 = 0xb0d
val mhpmcounter14 = 0xb0e
val mhpmcounter15 = 0xb0f
val mhpmcounter16 = 0xb10
val mhpmcounter17 = 0xb11
val mhpmcounter18 = 0xb12
val mhpmcounter19 = 0xb13
val mhpmcounter20 = 0xb14
val mhpmcounter21 = 0xb15
val mhpmcounter22 = 0xb16
val mhpmcounter23 = 0xb17
val mhpmcounter24 = 0xb18
val mhpmcounter25 = 0xb19
val mhpmcounter26 = 0xb1a
val mhpmcounter27 = 0xb1b
val mhpmcounter28 = 0xb1c
val mhpmcounter29 = 0xb1d
val mhpmcounter30 = 0xb1e
val mhpmcounter31 = 0xb1f
val mucounteren = 0x320
val mscounteren = 0x321
val mhpmevent3 = 0x323
val mhpmevent4 = 0x324
val mhpmevent5 = 0x325
val mhpmevent6 = 0x326
val mhpmevent7 = 0x327
val mhpmevent8 = 0x328
val mhpmevent9 = 0x329
val mhpmevent10 = 0x32a
val mhpmevent11 = 0x32b
val mhpmevent12 = 0x32c
val mhpmevent13 = 0x32d
val mhpmevent14 = 0x32e
val mhpmevent15 = 0x32f
val mhpmevent16 = 0x330
val mhpmevent17 = 0x331
val mhpmevent18 = 0x332
val mhpmevent19 = 0x333
val mhpmevent20 = 0x334
val mhpmevent21 = 0x335
val mhpmevent22 = 0x336
val mhpmevent23 = 0x337
val mhpmevent24 = 0x338
val mhpmevent25 = 0x339
val mhpmevent26 = 0x33a
val mhpmevent27 = 0x33b
val mhpmevent28 = 0x33c
val mhpmevent29 = 0x33d
val mhpmevent30 = 0x33e
val mhpmevent31 = 0x33f
val mvendorid = 0xf11
val marchid = 0xf12
val mimpid = 0xf13
val mhartid = 0xf14
val mreset = 0x7c2
val cycleh = 0xc80
val timeh = 0xc81
val instreth = 0xc82
val mucycle_deltah = 0x780
val mutime_deltah = 0x781
val muinstret_deltah = 0x782
val mscycle_deltah = 0x784
val mstime_deltah = 0x785
val msinstret_deltah = 0x786
val mcycleh = 0xf80
val mtimeh = 0xf81
val minstreth = 0xf82
val hpmcounter3h = 0xc83
val hpmcounter4h = 0xc84
val hpmcounter5h = 0xc85
val hpmcounter6h = 0xc86
val hpmcounter7h = 0xc87
val hpmcounter8h = 0xc88
val hpmcounter9h = 0xc89
val hpmcounter10h = 0xc8a
val hpmcounter11h = 0xc8b
val hpmcounter12h = 0xc8c
val hpmcounter13h = 0xc8d
val hpmcounter14h = 0xc8e
val hpmcounter15h = 0xc8f
val hpmcounter16h = 0xc90
val hpmcounter17h = 0xc91
val hpmcounter18h = 0xc92
val hpmcounter19h = 0xc93
val hpmcounter20h = 0xc94
val hpmcounter21h = 0xc95
val hpmcounter22h = 0xc96
val hpmcounter23h = 0xc97
val hpmcounter24h = 0xc98
val hpmcounter25h = 0xc99
val hpmcounter26h = 0xc9a
val hpmcounter27h = 0xc9b
val hpmcounter28h = 0xc9c
val hpmcounter29h = 0xc9d
val hpmcounter30h = 0xc9e
val hpmcounter31h = 0xc9f
val mcycleh = 0xb80
val minstreth = 0xb82
val mhpmcounter3h = 0xb83
val mhpmcounter4h = 0xb84
val mhpmcounter5h = 0xb85
val mhpmcounter6h = 0xb86
val mhpmcounter7h = 0xb87
val mhpmcounter8h = 0xb88
val mhpmcounter9h = 0xb89
val mhpmcounter10h = 0xb8a
val mhpmcounter11h = 0xb8b
val mhpmcounter12h = 0xb8c
val mhpmcounter13h = 0xb8d
val mhpmcounter14h = 0xb8e
val mhpmcounter15h = 0xb8f
val mhpmcounter16h = 0xb90
val mhpmcounter17h = 0xb91
val mhpmcounter18h = 0xb92
val mhpmcounter19h = 0xb93
val mhpmcounter20h = 0xb94
val mhpmcounter21h = 0xb95
val mhpmcounter22h = 0xb96
val mhpmcounter23h = 0xb97
val mhpmcounter24h = 0xb98
val mhpmcounter25h = 0xb99
val mhpmcounter26h = 0xb9a
val mhpmcounter27h = 0xb9b
val mhpmcounter28h = 0xb9c
val mhpmcounter29h = 0xb9d
val mhpmcounter30h = 0xb9e
val mhpmcounter31h = 0xb9f
val all = {
val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
res += fflags
@ -316,6 +443,35 @@ object CSRs {
res += cycle
res += time
res += instret
res += hpmcounter3
res += hpmcounter4
res += hpmcounter5
res += hpmcounter6
res += hpmcounter7
res += hpmcounter8
res += hpmcounter9
res += hpmcounter10
res += hpmcounter11
res += hpmcounter12
res += hpmcounter13
res += hpmcounter14
res += hpmcounter15
res += hpmcounter16
res += hpmcounter17
res += hpmcounter18
res += hpmcounter19
res += hpmcounter20
res += hpmcounter21
res += hpmcounter22
res += hpmcounter23
res += hpmcounter24
res += hpmcounter25
res += hpmcounter26
res += hpmcounter27
res += hpmcounter28
res += hpmcounter29
res += hpmcounter30
res += hpmcounter31
res += sstatus
res += sie
res += stvec
@ -325,10 +481,8 @@ object CSRs {
res += sbadaddr
res += sip
res += sptbr
res += scycle
res += stime
res += sinstret
res += mstatus
res += misa
res += medeleg
res += mideleg
res += mie
@ -338,14 +492,6 @@ object CSRs {
res += mcause
res += mbadaddr
res += mip
res += mucounteren
res += mscounteren
res += mucycle_delta
res += mutime_delta
res += muinstret_delta
res += mscycle_delta
res += mstime_delta
res += msinstret_delta
res += tselect
res += tdata1
res += tdata2
@ -354,14 +500,71 @@ object CSRs {
res += dpc
res += dscratch
res += mcycle
res += mtime
res += minstret
res += misa
res += mhpmcounter3
res += mhpmcounter4
res += mhpmcounter5
res += mhpmcounter6
res += mhpmcounter7
res += mhpmcounter8
res += mhpmcounter9
res += mhpmcounter10
res += mhpmcounter11
res += mhpmcounter12
res += mhpmcounter13
res += mhpmcounter14
res += mhpmcounter15
res += mhpmcounter16
res += mhpmcounter17
res += mhpmcounter18
res += mhpmcounter19
res += mhpmcounter20
res += mhpmcounter21
res += mhpmcounter22
res += mhpmcounter23
res += mhpmcounter24
res += mhpmcounter25
res += mhpmcounter26
res += mhpmcounter27
res += mhpmcounter28
res += mhpmcounter29
res += mhpmcounter30
res += mhpmcounter31
res += mucounteren
res += mscounteren
res += mhpmevent3
res += mhpmevent4
res += mhpmevent5
res += mhpmevent6
res += mhpmevent7
res += mhpmevent8
res += mhpmevent9
res += mhpmevent10
res += mhpmevent11
res += mhpmevent12
res += mhpmevent13
res += mhpmevent14
res += mhpmevent15
res += mhpmevent16
res += mhpmevent17
res += mhpmevent18
res += mhpmevent19
res += mhpmevent20
res += mhpmevent21
res += mhpmevent22
res += mhpmevent23
res += mhpmevent24
res += mhpmevent25
res += mhpmevent26
res += mhpmevent27
res += mhpmevent28
res += mhpmevent29
res += mhpmevent30
res += mhpmevent31
res += mvendorid
res += marchid
res += mimpid
res += mhartid
res += mreset
val all32 = {
@ -369,15 +572,66 @@ object CSRs {
res += cycleh
res += timeh
res += instreth
res += mucycle_deltah
res += mutime_deltah
res += muinstret_deltah
res += mscycle_deltah
res += mstime_deltah
res += msinstret_deltah
res += hpmcounter3h
res += hpmcounter4h
res += hpmcounter5h
res += hpmcounter6h
res += hpmcounter7h
res += hpmcounter8h
res += hpmcounter9h
res += hpmcounter10h
res += hpmcounter11h
res += hpmcounter12h
res += hpmcounter13h
res += hpmcounter14h
res += hpmcounter15h
res += hpmcounter16h
res += hpmcounter17h
res += hpmcounter18h
res += hpmcounter19h
res += hpmcounter20h
res += hpmcounter21h
res += hpmcounter22h
res += hpmcounter23h
res += hpmcounter24h
res += hpmcounter25h
res += hpmcounter26h
res += hpmcounter27h
res += hpmcounter28h
res += hpmcounter29h
res += hpmcounter30h
res += hpmcounter31h
res += mcycleh
res += mtimeh
res += minstreth
res += mhpmcounter3h
res += mhpmcounter4h
res += mhpmcounter5h
res += mhpmcounter6h
res += mhpmcounter7h
res += mhpmcounter8h
res += mhpmcounter9h
res += mhpmcounter10h
res += mhpmcounter11h
res += mhpmcounter12h
res += mhpmcounter13h
res += mhpmcounter14h
res += mhpmcounter15h
res += mhpmcounter16h
res += mhpmcounter17h
res += mhpmcounter18h
res += mhpmcounter19h
res += mhpmcounter20h
res += mhpmcounter21h
res += mhpmcounter22h
res += mhpmcounter23h
res += mhpmcounter24h
res += mhpmcounter25h
res += mhpmcounter26h
res += mhpmcounter27h
res += mhpmcounter28h
res += mhpmcounter29h
res += mhpmcounter30h
res += mhpmcounter31h
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ case object MtvecWritable extends Field[Boolean]
case object MtvecInit extends Field[BigInt]
case object ResetVector extends Field[BigInt]
case object NBreakpoints extends Field[Int]
case object NPerfCounters extends Field[Int]
case object NPerfEvents extends Field[Int]
trait HasCoreParameters extends HasAddrMapParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
@ -44,6 +46,8 @@ trait HasCoreParameters extends HasAddrMapParameters {
val fastLoadWord = p(FastLoadWord)
val fastLoadByte = p(FastLoadByte)
val nBreakpoints = p(NBreakpoints)
val nPerfCounters = p(NPerfCounters)
val nPerfEvents = p(NPerfEvents)
val retireWidth = p(RetireWidth)
val fetchWidth = p(FetchWidth)
Reference in New Issue
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