graphML: CTO's like colour
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ object IntImp extends NodeImp[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, In
Vec(ei.size, Vec(, Bool())).flip
def colour = "#0000ff" // blue
def connect(bo: => Vec[Bool], bi: => Vec[Bool], ei: => IntEdge)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): (Option[LazyModule], () => Unit) = {
(None, () => {
// Cannot use bulk connect, because the widths could differ
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ abstract class LazyModule
val buf = new StringBuilder
buf ++= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
buf ++= "<graphml xmlns=\"\" xmlns:y=\"\">\n"
buf ++= " <key for=\"node\" id=\"d1\" yfiles.type=\"nodegraphics\"/>\n"
buf ++= " <key for=\"node\" id=\"n\" yfiles.type=\"nodegraphics\"/>\n"
buf ++= " <key for=\"edge\" id=\"e\" yfiles.type=\"edgegraphics\"/>\n"
buf ++= " <graph id=\"G\" edgedefault=\"directed\">\n"
nodesGraphML(buf, " ")
edgesGraphML(buf, " ")
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ abstract class LazyModule
private def nodesGraphML(buf: StringBuilder, pad: String) {
buf ++= s"""${pad}<node id=\"${index}\">\n"""
buf ++= s"""${pad} <data key=\"d1\"><y:ShapeNode><y:NodeLabel modelName=\"sides\" modelPosition=\"w\" fontSize=\"10\" borderDistance=\"1.0\" rotationAngle=\"270.0\">${}</y:NodeLabel></y:ShapeNode></data>\n"""
buf ++= s"""${pad} <data key=\"n\"><y:ShapeNode><y:NodeLabel modelName=\"sides\" modelPosition=\"w\" fontSize=\"10\" borderDistance=\"1.0\" rotationAngle=\"270.0\">${}</y:NodeLabel></y:ShapeNode></data>\n"""
buf ++= s"""${pad} <graph id=\"${index}::\" edgedefault=\"directed\">\n"""
nodes.filter(!_.omitGraphML).foreach { n =>
buf ++= s"""${pad} <node id=\"${index}::${n.index}\"/>\n"""
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ abstract class LazyModule
buf ++= pad
buf ++= "<edge"
buf ++= s""" source=\"${index}::${n.index}\""""
buf ++= s""" target=\"${o.lazyModule.index}::${o.index}\"/>\n"""
buf ++= s""" target=\"${o.lazyModule.index}::${o.index}\"><data key=\"e\"><y:PolyLineEdge><y:Arrows source=\"none\" target=\"standard\"/><y:LineStyle color=\"${o.colour}\" type=\"line\" width=\"1.0\"/></y:PolyLineEdge></data></edge>\n"""
} }
children.filter(!_.omitGraphML).foreach { c => c.edgesGraphML(buf, pad) }
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ trait InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data]
def edgeI(pd: DI, pu: UI): EI
def bundleI(ei: Seq[EI]): Vec[BI]
def mixI(pu: UI, node: InwardNode[DI, UI, BI]): UI = pu
def colour: String
def connect(bo: => BI, bi: => BI, e: => EI)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): (Option[LazyModule], () => Unit)
@ -42,11 +43,11 @@ abstract class BaseNode
lazyModule.nodes = this :: lazyModule.nodes
def name = + "." + getClass.getName.split('.').last
def colour = "blue"
def omitGraphML = outputs.isEmpty && inputs.isEmpty
protected[tilelink2] def outputs: Seq[BaseNode]
protected[tilelink2] def inputs: Seq[BaseNode]
protected[tilelink2] def colour: String
trait InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends BaseNode
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
extends BaseNode with InwardNode[DI, UI, BI] with OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]
// meta-data for printing the node graph
protected[tilelink2] def colour = inner.colour
protected[tilelink2] def outputs =
protected[tilelink2] def inputs =
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ object TLImp extends NodeImp[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TL
Vec(ei.size, TLBundle(
def colour = "#000000" // black
def connect(bo: => TLBundle, bi: => TLBundle, ei: => TLEdgeIn)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): (Option[LazyModule], () => Unit) = {
val monitor = LazyModule(new TLMonitor(() => new TLBundleSnoop(bo.params), () => ei, sourceInfo))
(Some(monitor), () => {
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ object TLAsyncImp extends NodeImp[TLAsyncClientPortParameters, TLAsyncManagerPor
Vec(ei.size, new TLAsyncBundle(ei(0).bundle)).flip
def colour = "#ff0000" // red
def connect(bo: => TLAsyncBundle, bi: => TLAsyncBundle, ei: => TLAsyncEdgeParameters)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): (Option[LazyModule], () => Unit) = {
(None, () => { bi <> bo })
Reference in New Issue
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