TileLink utility objects should not take implicit parameters

We have a handful of TileLink-related helper objects
(wrappers, unwrappers, width adapters, and enqueuers). Previously, using
them could be error-prone, because you had to make sure the implicit
parameters they took in had the same TLId as the TileLinkIO bundles
passed in as inputs. This is rather silly, we should just use the
parameters in the bundle.
This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2016-09-23 10:06:09 -07:00
parent 803739a95c
commit ea9f0a868f
6 changed files with 45 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ abstract class BaseCoreplexModule[+L <: BaseCoreplex, +B <: BaseCoreplexBundle](
val outerTLParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "L2toMC" })
val backendBuffering = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0)
for ((bank, icPort) <- managerEndpoints zip mem_ic.io.in) {
val unwrap = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper()(outerTLParams))
unwrap.io.in <> TileLinkEnqueuer(bank.outerTL, backendBuffering)(outerTLParams)
TileLinkWidthAdapter(icPort, unwrap.io.out)
val enqueued = TileLinkEnqueuer(bank.outerTL, backendBuffering)
val unwrapped = TileLinkIOUnwrapper(enqueued)
TileLinkWidthAdapter(icPort, unwrapped)
io.master.mem <> mem_ic.io.out

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@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ trait DirectConnection {
val ultBuffering = UncachedTileLinkDepths(1,2)
(tiles zip uncoreTileIOs) foreach { case (tile, uncore) =>
(uncore.cached zip tile.io.cached) foreach { case (u, t) => u <> TileLinkEnqueuer(t, tlBuffering)(t.p) }
(uncore.uncached zip tile.io.uncached) foreach { case (u, t) => u <> TileLinkEnqueuer(t, ultBuffering)(t.p) }
tile.io.slave.foreach { _ <> TileLinkEnqueuer(uncore.slave.get, 1)(uncore.slave.get.p) }
(uncore.cached zip tile.io.cached) foreach { case (u, t) => u <> TileLinkEnqueuer(t, tlBuffering) }
(uncore.uncached zip tile.io.uncached) foreach { case (u, t) => u <> TileLinkEnqueuer(t, ultBuffering) }
tile.io.slave.foreach { _ <> TileLinkEnqueuer(uncore.slave.get, 1) }
tile.io.interrupts <> uncore.interrupts

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@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ case class PeripheryBusConfig(arithAMO: Boolean, beatBytes: Int = 4)
case object PeripheryBusKey extends Field[PeripheryBusConfig]
object PeripheryUtils {
def addQueueAXI(source: NastiIO)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val sink = Wire(new NastiIO)
def addQueueAXI(source: NastiIO) = {
val sink = Wire(source)
sink.ar <> Queue(source.ar, 1)
sink.aw <> Queue(source.aw, 1)
sink.w <> Queue(source.w)
@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ object PeripheryUtils {
source.b <> Queue(sink.b, 1)
def convertTLtoAXI(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val bridge = Module(new NastiIOTileLinkIOConverter())
def convertTLtoAXI(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO) = {
val bridge = Module(new NastiIOTileLinkIOConverter()(tl.p))
bridge.io.tl <> tl
def convertTLtoAHB(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, atomics: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val bridge = Module(new AHBBridge(atomics))
def convertTLtoAHB(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, atomics: Boolean) = {
val bridge = Module(new AHBBridge(atomics)(tl.p))
bridge.io.tl <> tl
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMemModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
// Abuse the fact that zip takes the shorter of the two lists
((io.mem_axi zip coreplexIO.master.mem) zipWithIndex) foreach { case ((axi, mem), idx) =>
val axi_sync = PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAXI(mem)(outermostParams)
val axi_sync = PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAXI(mem)
axi_sync.ar.bits.cache := CACHE_NORMAL_NOCACHE_BUF
axi_sync.aw.bits.cache := CACHE_NORMAL_NOCACHE_BUF
axi <> (
@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMemModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
(io.mem_ahb zip coreplexIO.master.mem) foreach { case (ahb, mem) =>
ahb <> PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAHB(mem, atomics = false)(outermostParams)
ahb <> PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAHB(mem, atomics = false)
(io.mem_tl zip coreplexIO.master.mem) foreach { case (tl, mem) =>
tl <> TileLinkEnqueuer(mem, 2)(outermostParams)
tl <> TileLinkEnqueuer(mem, 2)
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMMIOModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
val pBus: TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect
val mmio_ports = p(ExtMMIOPorts) map { port =>
TileLinkWidthAdapter(pBus.port(port.name), "MMIO_Outermost")
TileLinkWidthAdapter(pBus.port(port.name), innerMMIOParams)
val mmio_axi_start = 0
@ -227,17 +227,17 @@ trait PeripheryMasterMMIOModule extends HasPeripheryParameters {
for (i <- 0 until mmio_ports.size) {
if (mmio_axi_start <= i && i < mmio_axi_end) {
val idx = i-mmio_axi_start
val axi_sync = PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAXI(mmio_ports(i))(outermostMMIOParams)
val axi_sync = PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAXI(mmio_ports(i))
io.mmio_axi(idx) <> (
if (!p(AsyncMMIOChannels)) axi_sync
else AsyncNastiTo(io.mmio_clk.get(idx), io.mmio_rst.get(idx), axi_sync)
} else if (mmio_ahb_start <= i && i < mmio_ahb_end) {
val idx = i-mmio_ahb_start
io.mmio_ahb(idx) <> PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAHB(mmio_ports(i), atomics = true)(outermostMMIOParams)
io.mmio_ahb(idx) <> PeripheryUtils.convertTLtoAHB(mmio_ports(i), atomics = true)
} else if (mmio_tl_start <= i && i < mmio_tl_end) {
val idx = i-mmio_tl_start
io.mmio_tl(idx) <> TileLinkEnqueuer(mmio_ports(i), 2)(outermostMMIOParams)
io.mmio_tl(idx) <> TileLinkEnqueuer(mmio_ports(i), 2)
} else {
require(false, "Unconnected external MMIO port")

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@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ abstract class ManagerCoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAg
with HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
val io = new ManagerTLIO
def innerTL = io.inner
def outerTL = TileLinkIOWrapper(io.outer)(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def outerTL = TileLinkIOWrapper(io.outer)
def incoherent = io.incoherent

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@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import cde.Parameters
/** Utilities for safely wrapping a *UncachedTileLink by pinning probe.ready and release.valid low */
object TileLinkIOWrapper {
def apply(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOWrapper)
def apply(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOWrapper()(tl.p))
conv.io.in <> tl
def apply(tl: UncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): TileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new TileLinkIOWrapper)
def apply(tl: UncachedTileLinkIO): TileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new TileLinkIOWrapper()(tl.p))
conv.io.in <> tl
@ -150,29 +150,31 @@ class ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
object TileLinkIOUnwrapper {
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val unwrapper = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper)
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val unwrapper = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper()(in.p))
unwrapper.io.in <> in
object TileLinkWidthAdapter {
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, outerId: String)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val outerDataBits = p(TLKey(outerId)).dataBitsPerBeat
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, outerParams: Parameters) = {
val outerTLId = outerParams(TLId)
val outerDataBits = outerParams(TLKey(outerTLId)).dataBitsPerBeat
implicit val p = outerParams
if (outerDataBits > in.tlDataBits) {
val widener = Module(new TileLinkIOWidener(in.p(TLId), outerId))
val widener = Module(new TileLinkIOWidener(in.p(TLId), outerTLId))
widener.io.in <> in
} else if (outerDataBits < in.tlDataBits) {
val narrower = Module(new TileLinkIONarrower(in.p(TLId), outerId))
val narrower = Module(new TileLinkIONarrower(in.p(TLId), outerTLId))
narrower.io.in <> in
} else { in }
def apply(out: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): Unit = {
def apply(out: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO): Unit = {
require(out.tlDataBits * out.tlDataBeats == in.tlDataBits * in.tlDataBeats)
out <> apply(in, out.p(TLId))
out <> apply(in, out.p)
@ -684,8 +686,8 @@ class TileLinkFragmenter(depth: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModul
object TileLinkFragmenter {
// Pass the source/client to fragment
def apply(source: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depth: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val fragmenter = Module(new TileLinkFragmenter(depth))
def apply(source: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depth: Int = 1): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val fragmenter = Module(new TileLinkFragmenter(depth)(source.p))
fragmenter.io.in <> source

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@ -22,29 +22,29 @@ class TileLinkEnqueuer(depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters) extends M
object TileLinkEnqueuer {
def apply(in: TileLinkIO, depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters): TileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(depths))
def apply(in: TileLinkIO, depths: TileLinkDepths): TileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(depths)(in.p))
t.io.client <> in
def apply(in: TileLinkIO, depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): TileLinkIO = {
def apply(in: TileLinkIO, depth: Int): TileLinkIO = {
apply(in, TileLinkDepths(depth, depth, depth, depth, depth))
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO, depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new ClientTileLinkEnqueuer(depths))
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO, depths: TileLinkDepths): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new ClientTileLinkEnqueuer(depths)(in.p))
t.io.inner <> in
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO, depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO, depth: Int): ClientTileLinkIO = {
apply(in, TileLinkDepths(depth, depth, depth, depth, depth))
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depths: UncachedTileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkEnqueuer(depths))
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depths: UncachedTileLinkDepths): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkEnqueuer(depths)(in.p))
t.io.inner <> in
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depth: Int): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
apply(in, UncachedTileLinkDepths(depth, depth))