defined abstract coherence traits in base trait, added Incoherent trait, cleaned up incoherent policy
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,59 +50,99 @@ object cpuCmdToRW {
trait CoherencePolicy { }
trait CoherencePolicy {
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool
trait ThreeStateIncoherence extends CoherencePolicy {
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): UFix
def newStateOnWriteback(): UFix
def newStateOnFlush(): UFix
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply
def hasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool
def hasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool
def hasData (reply: TransactionReply): Bool
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
trait IncoherentPolicy extends CoherencePolicy {
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = state
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply = {
val reply = Wire() { new ProbeReply() }
reply.p_type := UFix(0)
reply.global_xact_id := UFix(0)
def hasData (reply: ProbeReply) = Bool(false)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = Bool(false)
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = Bits(0)
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix = UFix(0)
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
trait ThreeStateIncoherence extends IncoherentPolicy {
val tileInvalid :: tileClean :: tileDirty :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val xactInitReadShared = UFix(0, 2)
val xactInitReadExclusive = UFix(1, 2)
val xactInitWriteUncached = UFix(3, 2)
val xactReplyReadShared = UFix(0, X_REP_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val xactReplyReadExclusive = UFix(1, X_REP_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val xactReplyWriteUncached = UFix(3, X_REP_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val probeRepInvalidateAck = UFix(3, P_REP_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val xactInitReadClean :: xactInitReadDirty :: xactInitWriteback :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val xactReplyData :: xactReplyAck :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val probeRepInvalidateAck :: Nil = Enum(1){ UFix() }
def isHit ( cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
( state === tileClean || state === tileDirty)
def isHit ( cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = (state === tileClean || state === tileDirty)
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = {
state != tileInvalid
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit) = Bool(false)
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = state === tileDirty
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = state === tileDirty
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = {
state === tileDirty
def newStateOnWriteback() = tileInvalid
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = tileInvalid
def newState(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, tileDirty, Mux(read, Mux(state === tileDirty, tileDirty, tileClean), state))
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = newState(cmd, state)
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = tileInvalid //TODO
def newStateOnWriteback() = tileInvalid
def newStateOnFlush() = tileInvalid
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit) = {
MuxLookup(incoming.x_type, tileInvalid, Array(
xactReplyData -> Mux(outstanding.x_type === xactInitReadDirty, tileDirty, tileClean),
xactReplyAck -> tileInvalid
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write || cmd === M_PFW, xactInitReadExclusive, xactInitReadShared)
Mux(write || cmd === M_PFW, xactInitReadDirty, xactInitReadClean)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, xactInitReadExclusive, outstanding.x_type)
Mux(write, xactInitReadDirty, outstanding.x_type)
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool = Bool(false)
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
Mux(outstanding.x_type === xactInitReadExclusive, tileDirty, tileClean)
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = state
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, has_data: Bool): ProbeReply = {
val reply = Wire() { new ProbeReply() }
reply.p_type := probeRepInvalidateAck
reply.global_xact_id := UFix(0)
def probeReplyHasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool = Bool(false)
def transactionInitHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = (init.x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = xactInitWriteback //TODO
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = xactInitWriteback
def hasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = (init.x_type === xactInitWriteback)
def hasData (reply: TransactionReply) = (reply.x_type === xactReplyData)
trait FourStateCoherence extends CoherencePolicy {
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ abstract class CoherenceHub(ntiles: Int) extends Component with CoherencePolicy
class CoherenceHubNull extends CoherenceHub(1) with ThreeStateIncoherence
val x_init = io.tiles(0).xact_init
val is_write = x_init.bits.x_type === xactInitWriteUncached
val is_write = x_init.bits.x_type === xactInitWriteback
x_init.ready := io.mem.req_cmd.ready && !(is_write && io.mem.resp.valid) //stall write req/resp to handle previous read resp
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := x_init.valid && !(is_write && io.mem.resp.valid)
|||| := is_write
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class CoherenceHubNull extends CoherenceHub(1) with ThreeStateIncoherence
io.mem.req_data <> io.tiles(0).xact_init_data
val x_rep = io.tiles(0).xact_rep
x_rep.bits.x_type := Mux(io.mem.resp.valid, xactReplyReadExclusive, xactReplyWriteUncached)
x_rep.bits.x_type := Mux(io.mem.resp.valid, xactReplyData, xactReplyAck)
x_rep.bits.tile_xact_id := Mux(io.mem.resp.valid, io.mem.resp.bits.tag, x_init.bits.tile_xact_id)
x_rep.bits.global_xact_id := UFix(0) // don't care
|||| :=
Reference in New Issue
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