refactor Metadata, clean and expand coherence API

This commit is contained in:
Henry Cook 2014-05-28 13:30:48 -07:00
parent 8bc1c33540
commit dab675b231

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class LoadGen(typ: Bits, addr: Bits, dat: Bits, zero: Bool)
class MSHRReq(implicit val cacheconf: DCacheConfig) extends HellaCacheReq {
val tag_match = Bool()
val old_meta = new L1MetaData
val old_meta = new L1Metadata
val way_en = Bits(width = cacheconf.ways)
@ -98,20 +98,23 @@ class DataWriteReq(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends DataReadReq {
val data = Bits(width = conf.encrowbits)
object L1MetaData {
def apply(tag: Bits, state: UInt)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) = {
val meta = new L1MetaData
meta.state := state
class L1MetaReadReq(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends MetaReadReq {
val tag = Bits(width = conf.tagbits)
class L1MetaWriteReq(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends
MetaWriteReq[L1Metadata](new L1Metadata)
object L1Metadata {
def apply(tag: Bits, coh: ClientMetadata)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) = {
val meta = new L1Metadata
meta.tag := tag
meta.coh := coh
class L1MetaData(implicit val conf: DCacheConfig) extends MetaData {
val state = UInt(width = conf.statebits)
class L1MetaReadReq(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends MetaReadReq {
val tag = Bits(width = conf.tagbits)
class L1Metadata(implicit val conf: DCacheConfig) extends Metadata {
val coh = conf.tl.co.clientMetadataOnFlush.clone
class InternalProbe(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Probe()(conf)
@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
val mem_req = Decoupled(new Acquire)
val mem_resp = new DataWriteReq().asOutput
val meta_read = Decoupled(new L1MetaReadReq)
val meta_write = Decoupled(new MetaWriteReq(new L1MetaData))
val meta_write = Decoupled(new L1MetaWriteReq)
val replay = Decoupled(new Replay)
val mem_grant = Valid(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
val mem_finish = Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish))
@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
val acquire_type = Reg(UInt())
val release_type = Reg(UInt())
val line_state = Reg(UInt())
val line_state = Reg(new ClientMetadata()(tl.co))
val refill_count = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(conf.refillcycles))) // TODO: zero-width wire
val req = Reg(new MSHRReq())
@ -169,6 +172,10 @@ class MSHR(id: Int)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
val refill_done = reply && (if(conf.refillcycles > 1) refill_count.andR else Bool(true))
val wb_done = reply && (state === s_wb_resp)
val meta_on_flush = tl.co.clientMetadataOnFlush
val meta_on_grant = tl.co.clientMetadataOnGrant(io.mem_grant.bits.payload, io.mem_req.bits)
val meta_on_hit = tl.co.clientMetadataOnHit(req_cmd, io.req_bits.old_meta.coh)
val rpq = Module(new Queue(new Replay, conf.nrpq))
rpq.io.enq.valid := (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy || io.req_sec_val && sec_rdy) && !isPrefetch(req_cmd)
rpq.io.enq.bits := io.req_bits
@ -189,7 +196,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
when (refill_done) { state := s_meta_write_req }
when (reply) {
if(conf.refillcycles > 1) refill_count := refill_count + UInt(1)
line_state := tl.co.newStateOnGrant(io.mem_grant.bits.payload, io.mem_req.bits)
line_state := meta_on_grant
when (io.mem_req.fire()) { // s_refill_req
@ -206,24 +213,24 @@ class MSHR(id: Int)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
when (io.req_sec_val && io.req_sec_rdy) { // s_wb_req, s_wb_resp, s_refill_req
acquire_type := tl.co.getAcquireTypeOnSecondaryMiss(req_cmd, tl.co.newStateOnFlush(), io.mem_req.bits)
acquire_type := tl.co.getAcquireTypeOnSecondaryMiss(req_cmd, meta_on_flush, io.mem_req.bits)
when (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy) {
line_state := tl.co.newStateOnFlush()
line_state := meta_on_flush
refill_count := UInt(0)
acquire_type := tl.co.getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(req_cmd, tl.co.newStateOnFlush())
acquire_type := tl.co.getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(req_cmd, meta_on_flush)
release_type := tl.co.getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback() //TODO downgrades etc
req := io.req_bits
when (io.req_bits.tag_match) {
when (tl.co.isHit(req_cmd, io.req_bits.old_meta.state)) { // set dirty bit
when (tl.co.isHit(req_cmd, io.req_bits.old_meta.coh)) { // set dirty bit
state := s_meta_write_req
line_state := tl.co.newStateOnHit(req_cmd, io.req_bits.old_meta.state)
line_state := meta_on_hit
}.otherwise { // upgrade permissions
state := s_refill_req
}.otherwise { // writback if necessary and refill
state := Mux(tl.co.needsWriteback(io.req_bits.old_meta.state), s_wb_req, s_meta_clear)
state := Mux(tl.co.needsWriteback(io.req_bits.old_meta.coh), s_wb_req, s_meta_clear)
@ -250,7 +257,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int)(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
io.meta_write.valid := state === s_meta_write_req || state === s_meta_clear
io.meta_write.bits.idx := req_idx
io.meta_write.bits.data.state := Mux(state === s_meta_clear, tl.co.newStateOnFlush(), line_state)
io.meta_write.bits.data.coh := Mux(state === s_meta_clear, meta_on_flush, line_state)
io.meta_write.bits.data.tag := io.tag
io.meta_write.bits.way_en := req.way_en
@ -292,7 +299,7 @@ class MSHRFile(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
val mem_req = Decoupled(new Acquire)
val mem_resp = new DataWriteReq().asOutput
val meta_read = Decoupled(new L1MetaReadReq)
val meta_write = Decoupled(new MetaWriteReq(new L1MetaData))
val meta_write = Decoupled(new L1MetaWriteReq)
val replay = Decoupled(new Replay)
val mem_grant = Valid(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
val mem_finish = Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish))
@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ class MSHRFile(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
val wbTagList = Vec.fill(conf.nmshr){Bits()}
val memRespMux = Vec.fill(conf.nmshr){new DataWriteReq}
val meta_read_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new L1MetaReadReq, conf.nmshr))
val meta_write_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new MetaWriteReq(new L1MetaData), conf.nmshr))
val meta_write_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new L1MetaWriteReq, conf.nmshr))
val mem_req_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new Acquire, conf.nmshr))
val mem_finish_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish), conf.nmshr))
val wb_req_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new WritebackReq, conf.nmshr))
@ -471,16 +478,16 @@ class ProbeUnit(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
val req = Decoupled(new InternalProbe).flip
val rep = Decoupled(new Release)
val meta_read = Decoupled(new L1MetaReadReq)
val meta_write = Decoupled(new MetaWriteReq(new L1MetaData))
val meta_write = Decoupled(new L1MetaWriteReq)
val wb_req = Decoupled(new WritebackReq)
val way_en = Bits(INPUT, conf.ways)
val mshr_rdy = Bool(INPUT)
val line_state = UInt(INPUT, 2)
val line_state = new ClientMetadata()(tl.co).asInput
val s_reset :: s_invalid :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_resp :: s_mshr_req :: s_release :: s_writeback_req :: s_writeback_resp :: s_meta_write :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 9)
val state = Reg(init=s_invalid)
val line_state = Reg(UInt())
val line_state = Reg(tl.co.clientMetadataOnFlush.clone)
val way_en = Reg(Bits())
val req = Reg(new InternalProbe)
val hit = way_en.orR
@ -522,7 +529,7 @@ class ProbeUnit(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
io.req.ready := state === s_invalid
io.rep.valid := state === s_release && !(hit && tl.co.needsWriteback(line_state))
io.rep.bits := Release(tl.co.getReleaseTypeOnProbe(req, Mux(hit, line_state, tl.co.newStateOnFlush)), req.addr, req.client_xact_id, req.master_xact_id)
io.rep.bits := Release(tl.co.getReleaseTypeOnProbe(req, Mux(hit, line_state, tl.co.clientMetadataOnFlush)), req.addr, req.client_xact_id, req.master_xact_id)
io.meta_read.valid := state === s_meta_read
io.meta_read.bits.idx := req.addr
@ -531,14 +538,14 @@ class ProbeUnit(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
io.meta_write.valid := state === s_meta_write
io.meta_write.bits.way_en := way_en
io.meta_write.bits.idx := req.addr
io.meta_write.bits.data.state := tl.co.newStateOnProbe(req, line_state)
io.meta_write.bits.data.coh := tl.co.clientMetadataOnProbe(req, line_state)
io.meta_write.bits.data.tag := req.addr >> UInt(conf.idxbits)
io.wb_req.valid := state === s_writeback_req
io.wb_req.bits.way_en := way_en
io.wb_req.bits.idx := req.addr
io.wb_req.bits.tag := req.addr >> UInt(conf.idxbits)
io.wb_req.bits.r_type := tl.co.getReleaseTypeOnProbe(req, Mux(hit, line_state, tl.co.newStateOnFlush))
io.wb_req.bits.r_type := tl.co.getReleaseTypeOnProbe(req, Mux(hit, line_state, tl.co.clientMetadataOnFlush))
io.wb_req.bits.client_xact_id := req.client_xact_id
io.wb_req.bits.master_xact_id := req.master_xact_id
@ -766,10 +773,10 @@ class HellaCache(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
io.cpu.xcpt.pf.st := s1_write && dtlb.io.resp.xcpt_st
// tags
def onReset = L1MetaData(UInt(0), tl.co.newStateOnFlush)
val meta = Module(new MetaDataArray(onReset _))
def onReset = L1Metadata(UInt(0), ClientMetadata(UInt(0))(tl.co))
val meta = Module(new MetadataArray(onReset _))
val metaReadArb = Module(new Arbiter(new MetaReadReq, 5))
val metaWriteArb = Module(new Arbiter(new MetaWriteReq(new L1MetaData), 2))
val metaWriteArb = Module(new Arbiter(new L1MetaWriteReq, 2))
metaReadArb.io.out <> meta.io.read
metaWriteArb.io.out <> meta.io.write
@ -804,13 +811,13 @@ class HellaCache(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
// tag check and way muxing
def wayMap[T <: Data](f: Int => T) = Vec((0 until conf.ways).map(f))
val s1_tag_eq_way = wayMap((w: Int) => meta.io.resp(w).tag === (s1_addr >> conf.untagbits)).toBits
val s1_tag_match_way = wayMap((w: Int) => s1_tag_eq_way(w) && tl.co.isValid(meta.io.resp(w).state)).toBits
val s1_tag_match_way = wayMap((w: Int) => s1_tag_eq_way(w) && tl.co.isValid(meta.io.resp(w).coh)).toBits
s1_clk_en := metaReadArb.io.out.valid //TODO: should be metaReadArb.io.out.fire(), but triggers Verilog backend bug
val s1_writeback = s1_clk_en && !s1_valid && !s1_replay
val s2_tag_match_way = RegEnable(s1_tag_match_way, s1_clk_en)
val s2_tag_match = s2_tag_match_way.orR
val s2_hit_state = Mux1H(s2_tag_match_way, wayMap((w: Int) => RegEnable(meta.io.resp(w).state, s1_clk_en)))
val s2_hit = s2_tag_match && tl.co.isHit(s2_req.cmd, s2_hit_state) && s2_hit_state === tl.co.newStateOnHit(s2_req.cmd, s2_hit_state)
val s2_hit_state = Mux1H(s2_tag_match_way, wayMap((w: Int) => RegEnable(meta.io.resp(w).coh, s1_clk_en)))
val s2_hit = s2_tag_match && tl.co.isHit(s2_req.cmd, s2_hit_state) && s2_hit_state === tl.co.clientMetadataOnHit(s2_req.cmd, s2_hit_state)
// load-reserved/store-conditional
val lrsc_count = Reg(init=UInt(0))
@ -875,7 +882,7 @@ class HellaCache(implicit conf: DCacheConfig) extends Module {
mshrs.io.req.valid := s2_valid_masked && !s2_hit && (isPrefetch(s2_req.cmd) || isRead(s2_req.cmd) || isWrite(s2_req.cmd))
mshrs.io.req.bits := s2_req
mshrs.io.req.bits.tag_match := s2_tag_match
mshrs.io.req.bits.old_meta := Mux(s2_tag_match, L1MetaData(s2_repl_meta.tag, s2_hit_state), s2_repl_meta)
mshrs.io.req.bits.old_meta := Mux(s2_tag_match, L1Metadata(s2_repl_meta.tag, s2_hit_state), s2_repl_meta)
mshrs.io.req.bits.way_en := Mux(s2_tag_match, s2_tag_match_way, s2_replaced_way_en)
mshrs.io.req.bits.data := s2_req.data
when (mshrs.io.req.fire()) { replacer.miss }