DebugModule: translate to TL2 with {32,64}-bit XLen width
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import util._
import regmapper._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Field}
// *****************************************
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import cde.{Parameters, Config, Field}
object DbRegAddrs{
def DMRAMBASE = UInt(0x0)
def DMCONTROL = UInt(0x10)
def DMINFO = UInt(0x11)
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ object DsbBusConsts {
// See $RISCV/riscv-tools/riscv-isa-sim/debug_rom/debug_rom.h/S
// The code assumes 64 bytes of Debug RAM.
def defaultRomContents : Array[Byte] = Array(
def xlenAnyRomContents : Array[Byte] = Array(
0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x04, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0xf0, 0xff,
0x6f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f,
0xf3, 0x24, 0x00, 0xf1, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x04, 0x00, 0x83, 0x24, 0xc0, 0x43,
@ -121,10 +123,10 @@ object DsbBusConsts {
object DsbRegAddrs{
def CLEARDEBINT = UInt(0x100)
def SETHALTNOT = UInt(0x10C)
def SERINFO = UInt(0x110)
def SERBASE = UInt(0x114)
def CLEARDEBINT = 0x100
def SETHALTNOT = 0x10C
def SERINFO = 0x110
def SERBASE = 0x114
// For each serial, there are
// 3 registers starting here:
@ -132,9 +134,11 @@ object DsbRegAddrs{
// ...
def SERTX_OFFSET = UInt(0)
def SERRX_OFFSET = UInt(4)
def RAMBASE = 0x400
def ROMBASE = 0x800
@ -302,6 +306,24 @@ class DebugBusIO(implicit val p: cde.Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p
val resp = new DecoupledIO(new DebugBusResp).flip()
trait HasDebugModuleParameters {
val params : Parameters
implicit val p = params
val cfg = p(DMKey)
/** Debug Module I/O, with the exclusion of the RegisterRouter
* Access interface.
trait DebugModuleBundle extends Bundle with HasDebugModuleParameters {
val db = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip()
val debugInterrupts = Vec(cfg.nComponents, Bool()).asOutput
val ndreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
val fullreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
// *****************************************
// The Module
@ -313,7 +335,7 @@ class DebugBusIO(implicit val p: cde.Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p
* DebugModule is a slave to two masters:
* The Debug Bus -- implemented as a generic Decoupled IO with request
* and response channels
* The System Bus -- implemented as Uncached Tile Link.
* The System Bus -- implemented as generic RegisterRouter
* DebugModule is responsible for holding registers, RAM, and ROM
* to support debug interactions, as well as driving interrupts
@ -321,10 +343,9 @@ class DebugBusIO(implicit val p: cde.Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p
* It is also responsible for some reset lines.
class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val cfg = p(DMKey)
trait DebugModule extends Module with HasDebugModuleParameters with HasRegMap {
val io: DebugModuleBundle
// Import constants for shorter variable names
@ -344,6 +365,7 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
require (cfg.hasBusMaster == false)
require (cfg.nDebugRamBytes <= 64)
require (cfg.authType == DebugModuleAuthType.None)
require((DbBusConsts.dbRamWordBits % 8) == 0)
// Private Classes (Register Fields)
@ -403,17 +425,6 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
// Module I/O
val io = new Bundle {
val db = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip()
val debugInterrupts = Vec(cfg.nComponents, Bool()).asOutput
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val ndreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
val fullreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
// Register & Wire Declarations
@ -455,47 +466,21 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
// --- Debug RAM
// Since the access size from Debug Bus and System Bus may not be consistent,
// use the maximum to build the RAM, and then select as needed for the smaller
// size.
val ramDataWidth = DbBusConsts.dbRamWordBits
val ramDataBytes = ramDataWidth / 8;
val ramAddrWidth = log2Up(cfg.nDebugRamBytes / ramDataBytes)
val dbRamDataWidth = DbBusConsts.dbRamWordBits
val sbRamDataWidth = tlDataBits
val dbRamAddrWidth = log2Up((cfg.nDebugRamBytes * 8) / dbRamDataWidth)
val sbRamAddrWidth = log2Up((cfg.nDebugRamBytes * 8) / sbRamDataWidth)
val sbRamAddrOffset = log2Up(tlDataBits/8)
val ramMem = Reg(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nDebugRamBytes){UInt(0, width = 8)})
val ramDataWidth = dbRamDataWidth max sbRamDataWidth
val ramAddrWidth = dbRamAddrWidth min sbRamAddrWidth
val ramMem = Mem(1 << ramAddrWidth , UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val ramAddr = Wire(UInt(width=ramAddrWidth))
val ramRdData = Wire(UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val ramWrData = Wire(UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val ramWrMask = Wire(UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val ramWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamAddr = Wire(UInt(width=dbRamAddrWidth))
val dbRamAddr = Wire(UInt(width=ramAddrWidth))
val dbRamAddrValid = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamRdData = Wire (UInt(width=dbRamDataWidth))
val dbRamWrData = Wire(UInt(width=dbRamDataWidth))
val dbRamRdData = Wire (UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val dbRamWrData = Wire(UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val dbRamWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamRdEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamWrEnFinal = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamRdEnFinal = Wire(Bool())
val sbRamAddr = Wire(UInt(width=sbRamAddrWidth))
val sbRamAddrValid = Wire(Bool())
val sbRamRdData = Wire (UInt(width=sbRamDataWidth))
val sbRamWrData = Wire(UInt(width=sbRamDataWidth))
val sbRamWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val sbRamRdEn = Wire(Bool())
val sbRamWrEnFinal = Wire(Bool())
val sbRamRdEnFinal = Wire(Bool())
val sbRomRdData = Wire(UInt(width=tlDataBits))
val sbRomAddrOffset = log2Up(tlDataBits/8)
// --- Debug Bus Accesses
val dbRdEn = Wire(Bool())
@ -513,16 +498,6 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
val rdCondWrFailure = Wire(Bool())
val dbWrNeeded = Wire(Bool())
// --- System Bus Access
val sbAddr = Wire(UInt(width=sbAddrWidth))
val sbRdData = Wire(UInt(width=tlDataBits))
val sbWrData = Wire(UInt(width=tlDataBits))
val sbWrMask = Wire(UInt(width=tlDataBits))
val sbWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val sbRdEn = Wire(Bool())
val stallFromDb = Wire(Bool())
val stallFromSb = Wire(Bool())
// Interrupt Registers
@ -622,63 +597,32 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
HALTSUMRdData.acks := haltnotSummary
// Debug RAM Access (Debug Bus & System Bus)
// Debug RAM Access (Debug Bus ... System Bus can override)
dbReq := io.db.req.bits
// Debug Bus RAM Access
// From Specification: Debug RAM is 0x00 - 0x0F
// 0x40 - 0x6F Not Implemented
dbRamAddr := dbReq.addr( dbRamAddrWidth-1 , 0)
dbRamAddr := dbReq.addr( ramAddrWidth-1 , 0)
dbRamWrData :=
dbRamAddrValid := Bool(true)
if (dbRamAddrWidth < 4){
dbRamAddrValid := (dbReq.addr(3, dbRamAddrWidth) === UInt(0))
if (ramAddrWidth < 4){
dbRamAddrValid := (dbReq.addr(3, ramAddrWidth) === UInt(0))
sbRamAddr := sbAddr(sbRamAddrWidth + sbRamAddrOffset - 1, sbRamAddrOffset)
sbRamWrData := sbWrData
sbRamAddrValid := Bool(true)
// From Specification: Debug RAM is 0x400 - 0x4FF
if ((sbRamAddrWidth + sbRamAddrOffset) < 8){
sbRamAddrValid := (sbAddr(7, sbRamAddrWidth + sbRamAddrOffset) === UInt(0))
val dbRamRdDataFields = List.tabulate(cfg.nDebugRamBytes / ramDataBytes) { ii =>
val slice = ramMem.slice(ii * ramDataBytes, (ii+1)*ramDataBytes)
slice.reduce[UInt]{ case (x: UInt, y: UInt) => Cat(y, x)}
require (dbRamAddrWidth >= ramAddrWidth) // SB accesses less than 32 bits Not Implemented.
val dbRamWrMask = Wire(init=Vec.fill(1 << (dbRamAddrWidth - ramAddrWidth)){Fill(dbRamDataWidth, UInt(1, width=1))})
dbRamRdData := dbRamRdDataFields(dbRamAddr)
if (dbRamDataWidth < ramDataWidth){
val dbRamSel = dbRamAddr(dbRamAddrWidth - ramAddrWidth - 1 , 0)
val rdDataWords = Vec.tabulate(1 << (dbRamAddrWidth - ramAddrWidth)){ ii =>
ramRdData((ii+1)*dbRamDataWidth - 1 , ii*dbRamDataWidth)}
dbRamWrMask := Vec.fill(1 << (dbRamAddrWidth - ramAddrWidth)){UInt(0, width = dbRamDataWidth)}
dbRamWrMask(dbRamSel) := Fill(dbRamDataWidth, UInt(1, width=1))
dbRamRdData := rdDataWords(dbRamSel)
} else {
dbRamRdData := ramRdData
when (dbRamWrEnFinal) {
for (ii <- 0 until ramDataBytes) {
ramMem(dbRamAddr * UInt(ramDataBytes) + UInt(ii)) := dbRamWrData((8*(ii+1)-1), (8*ii))
sbRamRdData := ramRdData
ramWrMask := Mux(sbRamWrEn, sbWrMask, dbRamWrMask.asUInt)
assert (!((dbRamWrEn | dbRamRdEn) & (sbRamRdEn | sbRamWrEn)), "Stall logic should have prevented concurrent SB/DB RAM Access")
// Make copies of DB RAM data before writing.
val dbRamWrDataVec = Fill(1 << (dbRamAddrWidth - ramAddrWidth), dbRamWrData)
ramWrData := Mux(sbRamWrEn,
(ramWrMask & sbRamWrData ) | (~ramWrMask & ramRdData),
(ramWrMask & dbRamWrDataVec) | (~ramWrMask & ramRdData))
ramAddr := Mux(sbRamWrEn | sbRamRdEn, sbRamAddr,
dbRamAddr >> (dbRamAddrWidth - ramAddrWidth))
ramRdData := ramMem(ramAddr)
when (ramWrEn) { ramMem(ramAddr) := ramWrData }
ramWrEn := sbRamWrEnFinal | dbRamWrEnFinal
// Debug Bus Access
@ -813,8 +757,8 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
// -----------------------------------------
// DB Access State Machine Decode (Combo)
io.db.req.ready := !stallFromSb && ((dbStateReg === s_DB_READY) ||
(dbStateReg === s_DB_RESP &&
io.db.req.ready := (dbStateReg === s_DB_READY) ||
(dbStateReg === s_DB_RESP &&
io.db.resp.valid := (dbStateReg === s_DB_RESP)
io.db.resp.bits := dbRespReg
@ -844,172 +788,37 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
// Debug ROM
sbRomRdData := UInt(0)
if (cfg.hasDebugRom) {
val romRegFields = if (cfg.hasDebugRom) {
// Inspired by ROMSlave
val romContents = cfg.debugRomContents.get
val romByteWidth = tlDataBits / 8
val romByteWidth = ramDataWidth / 8
val romRows = (romContents.size + romByteWidth - 1)/romByteWidth
val romMem = Vec.tabulate(romRows) { ii =>
List.tabulate(romRows) { ii => {
val slice = romContents.slice(ii*romByteWidth, (ii+1)*romByteWidth)
UInt(slice.foldRight(BigInt(0)) { case (x,y) => ((y << 8) + (x.toInt & 0xFF))}, width = romByteWidth*8)
val line = UInt(slice.foldRight(BigInt(0)) { case (x,y) => ((y << 8) + (x.toInt & 0xFF))}, width = romByteWidth*8)
RegField.r(ramDataWidth, line)
val sbRomRdAddr = Wire(UInt())
if (romRows == 1) {
sbRomRdAddr := UInt(0)
} else {
sbRomRdAddr := sbAddr(log2Up(romRows) + sbRomAddrOffset - 1, sbRomAddrOffset)
sbRomRdData := romMem (sbRomRdAddr)
} else {
// System Bus Access
// -----------------------------------------
// SB Access Write Decoder
sbRamWrEn := Bool(false)
sbRamWrEnFinal := Bool(false)
SETHALTNOTWrEn := Bool(false)
CLEARDEBINTWrEn := Bool(false)
if (tlDataBits == 32) {
SETHALTNOTWrData := sbWrData
when (sbAddr(11, 8) === UInt(4)){ // 0x400-0x4ff is Debug RAM
sbRamWrEn := sbWrEn
sbRamRdEn := sbRdEn
when (sbRamAddrValid) {
sbRamWrEnFinal := sbWrEn
sbRamRdEnFinal := sbRdEn
}.elsewhen (sbAddr === SETHALTNOT){
}.elsewhen (sbAddr === CLEARDEBINT){
}.otherwise {
//Other registers/RAM are Not Implemented.
} else {
// Pick out the correct word based on the address.
val sbWrDataWords = Vec.tabulate (tlDataBits / 32) {ii => sbWrData((ii+1)*32 - 1, ii*32)}
val sbWrMaskWords = Vec.tabulate (tlDataBits / 32) {ii => sbWrMask ((ii+1)*32 -1, ii*32)}
val sbWrSelTop = log2Up(tlDataBits/8) - 1
val sbWrSelBottom = 2
SETHALTNOTWrData := sbWrDataWords(SETHALTNOT(sbWrSelTop, sbWrSelBottom))
CLEARDEBINTWrData := sbWrDataWords(CLEARDEBINT(sbWrSelTop, sbWrSelBottom))
when (sbAddr(11,8) === UInt(4)){ //0x400-0x4ff is Debug RAM
sbRamWrEn := sbWrEn
sbRamRdEn := sbRdEn
when (sbRamAddrValid){
sbRamWrEnFinal := sbWrEn
sbRamRdEnFinal := sbRdEn
SETHALTNOTWrEn := sbAddr(sbAddrWidth - 1, sbWrSelTop + 1) === SETHALTNOT(sbAddrWidth-1, sbWrSelTop + 1) &&
(sbWrMaskWords(SETHALTNOT(sbWrSelTop, sbWrSelBottom))).orR &&
CLEARDEBINTWrEn := sbAddr(sbAddrWidth - 1, sbWrSelTop + 1) === CLEARDEBINT(sbAddrWidth-1, sbWrSelTop + 1) &&
(sbWrMaskWords(CLEARDEBINT(sbWrSelTop, sbWrSelBottom))).orR &&
// Local reg mapper function : Notify when written, but give the value.
def wValue (n: Int, value: UInt, set: Bool) : RegField = {
RegField(n, value, RegWriteFn((valid, data) => {set := valid ; value := data; Bool(true)}))
// -----------------------------------------
// SB Access Read Mux
sbRdData := UInt(0)
sbRamRdEn := Bool(false)
sbRamRdEnFinal := Bool(false)
when (sbAddr(11, 8) === UInt(4)) { //0x400-0x4FF Debug RAM
sbRamRdEn := sbRdEn
when (sbRamAddrValid) {
sbRdData := sbRamRdData
sbRamRdEnFinal := sbRdEn
}.elsewhen (sbAddr(11,8).isOneOf(UInt(8), UInt(9))){ //0x800-0x9FF Debug ROM
if (cfg.hasDebugRom) {
sbRdData := sbRomRdData
} else {
sbRdData := UInt(0)
}. otherwise {
// All readable registers are Not Implemented.
sbRdData := UInt(0)
// -----------------------------------------
// SB Access State Machine -- based on BRAM Slave
val sbAcqReg = Reg(
val sbAcqValidReg = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val (sbReg_get :: sbReg_getblk :: sbReg_put :: sbReg_putblk :: Nil) = Seq(
Acquire.getType, Acquire.getBlockType, Acquire.putType, Acquire.putBlockType
).map(sbAcqReg.isBuiltInType _)
val sbMultibeat = sbReg_getblk & sbAcqValidReg;
val sbBeatInc1 = sbAcqReg.addr_beat + UInt(1)
val sbLast = (sbAcqReg.addr_beat === UInt(tlDataBeats - 1))
sbAddr := sbAcqReg.full_addr()
sbRdEn := (sbAcqValidReg && (sbReg_get || sbReg_getblk))
sbWrEn := (sbAcqValidReg && (sbReg_put || sbReg_putblk))
sbWrData :=
sbWrMask := sbAcqReg.full_wmask()
// -----------------------------------------
// SB Access State Machine Update (Seq)
when ({
sbAcqReg :=
sbAcqValidReg := Bool(true)
} .elsewhen ( {
when (sbMultibeat){
sbAcqReg.addr_beat := sbBeatInc1
when (sbLast) {
sbAcqValidReg := Bool(false)
} . otherwise {
sbAcqValidReg := Bool(false)
|||| := sbAcqValidReg
|||| := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = sbAcqReg.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = sbAcqReg.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = sbAcqReg.addr_beat,
data = sbRdData
RAMBASE -> => RegField(8, x)),
ROMBASE -> romRegFields
stallFromDb := Bool(false) // SB always wins, and DB latches its read data so it is not necessary for SB to wait
stallFromSb := sbRamRdEn || sbRamWrEn // pessimistically assume that DB/SB are going to conflict on the RAM,
// and SB doesn't latch its read data to it is necessary for DB hold
// off while SB is accessing the RAM and waiting to send its result.
val sbStall = (sbMultibeat & !sbLast) || ( && ! || stallFromDb
|||| := !sbStall
// Misc. Outputs
@ -1019,6 +828,21 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
/** Create a concrete TL2 Slave for the DebugModule RegMapper interface.
class TLDebugModule(beatBytes: Int) (implicit p: Parameters)
extends TLRegisterRouter(0x0, beatBytes=beatBytes)(
new TLRegBundle(p, _ ) with DebugModuleBundle)(
new TLRegModule(p, _, _) with DebugModule)
/** Synchronizers for DebugBus
object AsyncDebugBusCrossing {
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain to the 'to' clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DebugBusIO, to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, depth: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3) = {
@ -1029,6 +853,7 @@ object AsyncDebugBusCrossing {
object AsyncDebugBusFrom { // OutsideClockDomain
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain and puts it into your clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3): DebugBusIO = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user