Merge remote-tracking branch 'uncore/master' into mono-repo
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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Copyright (c) 2012-2014, The Regents of the University of California
(Regents). All Rights Reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the Regents nor the
names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Uncore Library
This is the repository for uncore components assosciated with Rocket chip
project. To uses these modules, include this repo as a git submodule within
the your chip repository and add it as a project in your chip's build.scala.
These components are only dependent on the ucb-bar/chisel repo, i.e.
lazy val uncore = project.dependsOn(chisel)
ScalaDoc for the uncore library is available <a href="">here</a>
and an overview of the TileLink Protocol is available <a href="">here</a>, with associated CoherencePolicy documentation <a href="">here</a>.
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
organization := "edu.berkeley.cs"
version := "2.0"
name := "uncore"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
// Provide a managed dependency on X if -DXVersion="" is supplied on the command line.
libraryDependencies ++= (Seq("chisel","junctions","cde").map {
dep: String => sys.props.get(dep + "Version") map { "edu.berkeley.cs" %% dep % _ }}).flatten
git.remoteRepo := ""
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
resolvers += "jgit-repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-ghpages" % "0.5.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-site" % "0.8.1")
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
import cde.{Config, Parameters, ParameterDump, Knob, Dump}
import junctions.PAddrBits
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.coherence._
object UncoreBuilder extends App with FileSystemUtilities {
val topModuleName = args(0)
val configClassName = args(1)
val config = try {
} catch {
case e: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException =>
throwException("Unable to find configClassName \"" + configClassName +
"\", did you misspell it?", e)
val world = config.toInstance
val paramsFromConfig: Parameters = Parameters.root(world)
val gen = () =>
||||, gen)
val pdFile = createOutputFile(s"$topModuleName.prm")
class DefaultL2Config extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
pname match {
case PAddrBits => 32
case CacheId => 0
case CacheName => "L2Bank"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC"
case "N_CACHED" => Dump("N_CACHED",here[Int]("CACHED_CLIENTS_PER_PORT"))
case "N_UNCACHED" => Dump("N_UNCACHED",here[Int]("MAX_CLIENTS_PER_PORT") - here[Int]("N_CACHED"))
case "MAX_CLIENT_XACTS" => 4
case TLKey("L1toL2") =>
coherencePolicy = new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation)),
nManagers = 1,
nCachingClients = here[Int]("N_CACHED"),
nCachelessClients = here[Int]("N_UNCACHED"),
maxClientXacts = here[Int]("MAX_CLIENT_XACTS"),
maxClientsPerPort = here[Int]("MAX_CLIENTS_PER_PORT"),
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8,
dataBeats = 2)
case TLKey("L2toMC") =>
coherencePolicy = new MEICoherence(new NullRepresentation(1)),
nManagers = 1,
nCachingClients = 1,
nCachelessClients = 0,
maxClientXacts = 1,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
maxManagerXacts = 1,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8,
dataBeats = 2)
case CacheBlockBytes => 64
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case "L2_SETS" => Knob("L2_SETS")
case NSets => Dump("L2_SETS",here[Int]("L2_SETS"))
case NWays => Knob("L2_WAYS")
case RowBits => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
case CacheIdBits => Dump("CACHE_ID_BITS",1)
case L2StoreDataQueueDepth => 1
case NAcquireTransactors => Dump("N_ACQUIRE_TRANSACTORS",2)
case NSecondaryMisses => 4
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new FullRepresentation(here[Int]("N_CACHED"))
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqRandom(site(NWays))
case ECCCode => None
case AmoAluOperandBits => 64
case SplitMetadata => false
// case XLen => 128
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => 1
case "L2_SETS" => 1024
case "NTILES" => 2
case "N_CACHED_TILES" => 2
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 256
class WithPLRU extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqPLRU(site(NSets), site(NWays))
class PLRUL2Config extends Config(new WithPLRU ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class With1L2Ways extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 1 })
class With2L2Ways extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 2 })
class With4L2Ways extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 4 })
class With1Cached extends Config(knobValues = { case "N_CACHED_TILES" => 1 })
class With2Cached extends Config(knobValues = { case "N_CACHED_TILES" => 2 })
class W1Cached1WaysConfig extends Config(new With1L2Ways ++ new With1Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class W1Cached2WaysConfig extends Config(new With2L2Ways ++ new With1Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class W2Cached1WaysConfig extends Config(new With1L2Ways ++ new With2Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class W2Cached2WaysConfig extends Config(new With2L2Ways ++ new With2Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore
package constants
import Chisel._
object MemoryOpConstants extends MemoryOpConstants
trait MemoryOpConstants {
val MT_SZ = 3
val MT_X = BitPat("b???")
val MT_B = UInt("b000")
val MT_H = UInt("b001")
val MT_W = UInt("b010")
val MT_D = UInt("b011")
val MT_BU = UInt("b100")
val MT_HU = UInt("b101")
val MT_WU = UInt("b110")
val MT_Q = UInt("b111")
val NUM_XA_OPS = 9
val M_SZ = 5
val M_X = BitPat("b?????");
val M_XRD = UInt("b00000"); // int load
val M_XWR = UInt("b00001"); // int store
val M_PFR = UInt("b00010"); // prefetch with intent to read
val M_PFW = UInt("b00011"); // prefetch with intent to write
val M_XA_SWAP = UInt("b00100");
val M_FLUSH_ALL = UInt("b00101") // flush all lines
val M_XLR = UInt("b00110");
val M_XSC = UInt("b00111");
val M_XA_ADD = UInt("b01000");
val M_XA_XOR = UInt("b01001");
val M_XA_OR = UInt("b01010");
val M_XA_AND = UInt("b01011");
val M_XA_MIN = UInt("b01100");
val M_XA_MAX = UInt("b01101");
val M_XA_MINU = UInt("b01110");
val M_XA_MAXU = UInt("b01111");
val M_FLUSH = UInt("b10000") // write back dirty data and cede R/W permissions
val M_PRODUCE = UInt("b10001") // write back dirty data and cede W permissions
val M_CLEAN = UInt("b10011") // write back dirty data and retain R/W permissions
def isAMO(cmd: UInt) = cmd(3) || cmd === M_XA_SWAP
def isPrefetch(cmd: UInt) = cmd === M_PFR || cmd === M_PFW
def isRead(cmd: UInt) = cmd === M_XRD || cmd === M_XLR || cmd === M_XSC || isAMO(cmd)
def isWrite(cmd: UInt) = cmd === M_XWR || cmd === M_XSC || isAMO(cmd)
def isWriteIntent(cmd: UInt) = isWrite(cmd) || cmd === M_PFW || cmd === M_XLR
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore
package object constants extends uncore.constants.MemoryOpConstants
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
package object Util {
implicit class UIntIsOneOf(val x: UInt) extends AnyVal {
def isOneOf(s: Seq[UInt]): Bool = === _).reduce(_||_)
def isOneOf(u1: UInt, u2: UInt*): Bool = isOneOf(u1 +: u2.toSeq)
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.coherence._
case object NReleaseTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NProbeTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NAcquireTransactors extends Field[Int]
trait HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val nReleaseTransactors = 1
val nAcquireTransactors = p(NAcquireTransactors)
val nTransactors = nReleaseTransactors + nAcquireTransactors
val blockAddrBits = p(PAddrBits) - p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val outerTLId = p(OuterTLId)
val outerTLParams = p(TLKey(outerTLId))
val outerDataBeats = outerTLParams.dataBeats
val outerDataBits = outerTLParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val outerBeatAddrBits = log2Up(outerDataBeats)
val outerByteAddrBits = log2Up(outerDataBits/8)
val outerWriteMaskBits = outerTLParams.writeMaskBits
val innerTLId = p(InnerTLId)
val innerTLParams = p(TLKey(innerTLId))
val innerDataBeats = innerTLParams.dataBeats
val innerDataBits = innerTLParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val innerWriteMaskBits = innerTLParams.writeMaskBits
val innerBeatAddrBits = log2Up(innerDataBeats)
val innerByteAddrBits = log2Up(innerDataBits/8)
val innerNCachingClients = innerTLParams.nCachingClients
val maxManagerXacts = innerTLParams.maxManagerXacts
require(outerDataBeats == innerDataBeats) //TODO: fix all xact_data Vecs to remove this requirement
abstract class CoherenceAgentModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoherenceAgentParameters
abstract class CoherenceAgentBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends junctions.ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCoherenceAgentParameters
trait HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
def doOutputArbitration[T <: TileLinkChannel](
out: DecoupledIO[T],
ins: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]]) {
def lock(o: T) = o.hasMultibeatData()
val arb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(out.bits, ins.size, out.bits.tlDataBeats, Some(lock _)))
out <>
|||| <> ins
def doInputRouting[T <: Bundle with HasManagerTransactionId](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
outs: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]]) {
val idx = in.bits.manager_xact_id
|||| := in.bits)
|||| { case (o,i) => o.valid := in.valid && idx === UInt(i) }
in.ready := Vec(
/** Broadcasts valid messages on this channel to all trackers,
* but includes logic to allocate a new tracker in the case where
* no previously allocated tracker matches the new req's addr.
* When a match is reported, if ready is high the new transaction
* is merged; when ready is low the transaction is being blocked.
* When no match is reported, any high idles are presumed to be
* from trackers that are available for allocation, and one is
* assigned via alloc based on priority; if no idles are high then
* all trackers are busy with other transactions. If idle is high
* but ready is low, the tracker will be allocated but does not
* have sufficient buffering for the data.
def doInputRoutingWithAllocation[T <: TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkData](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
outs: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]],
allocs: Seq[TrackerAllocation],
dataOverrides: Option[Seq[UInt]] = None,
allocOverride: Option[Bool] = None,
matchOverride: Option[Bool] = None) {
val ready_bits = Vec(
val can_alloc_bits = Vec(
val should_alloc_bits = PriorityEncoderOH(can_alloc_bits)
val match_bits = Vec(
val no_matches = !match_bits.orR
val alloc_ok = allocOverride.getOrElse(Bool(true))
val match_ok = matchOverride.getOrElse(Bool(true))
in.ready := (Mux(no_matches, can_alloc_bits, match_bits) & ready_bits).orR && alloc_ok && match_ok
|||| { case((out, alloc), i) =>
out.valid := in.valid && match_ok && alloc_ok
out.bits := in.bits
dataOverrides foreach { d => := d(i) }
alloc.should := should_alloc_bits(i) && no_matches && alloc_ok
trait HasInnerTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val inner = new ManagerTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(InnerTLId)}))
val incoherent = Vec(inner.tlNCachingClients, Bool()).asInput
def iacq(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.acquire.bits
def iprb(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.probe.bits
def irel(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.release.bits
def ignt(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.grant.bits
def ifin(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.finish.bits
trait HasUncachedOuterTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val outer = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def oacq(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.acquire.bits
def ognt(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.grant.bits
trait HasCachedOuterTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val outer = new ClientTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def oacq(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.acquire.bits
def oprb(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.probe.bits
def orel(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.release.bits
def ognt(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.grant.bits
class ManagerTLIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentBundle()(p)
with HasInnerTLIO
with HasUncachedOuterTLIO
abstract class CoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule()(p) {
def innerTL: ManagerTileLinkIO
def outerTL: ClientTileLinkIO
def incoherent: Vec[Bool]
abstract class ManagerCoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgent()(p)
with HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
val io = new ManagerTLIO
def innerTL = io.inner
def outerTL = TileLinkIOWrapper(io.outer)(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def incoherent = io.incoherent
class HierarchicalTLIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentBundle()(p)
with HasInnerTLIO
with HasCachedOuterTLIO
abstract class HierarchicalCoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgent()(p)
with HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
val io = new HierarchicalTLIO
def innerTL = io.inner
def outerTL = io.outer
def incoherent = io.incoherent
// TODO: Remove this function (and all its calls) when we support probing the L2
def disconnectOuterProbeAndFinish() {
io.outer.probe.ready := Bool(false)
io.outer.finish.valid := Bool(false)
assert(!io.outer.probe.valid, "L2 agent got illegal probe")
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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.Util._
import cde.Parameters
class L2BroadcastHub(implicit p: Parameters) extends HierarchicalCoherenceAgent()(p) {
// Create TSHRs for outstanding transactions
val irelTrackerList =
(0 until nReleaseTransactors).map(id =>
Module(new BufferedBroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(id)))
val iacqTrackerList =
(nReleaseTransactors until nTransactors).map(id =>
Module(new BufferedBroadcastAcquireTracker(id)))
val trackerList = irelTrackerList ++ iacqTrackerList
// Propagate incoherence flags
|||| foreach { _ := io.incoherent }
// Create an arbiter for the one memory port
val outerList =
val outer_arb = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(outerList.size)
(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(OuterTLId) })))
|||| <> outerList
io.outer <>
// Handle acquire transaction initiation
val irel_vs_iacq_conflict =
io.inner.acquire.valid &&
io.inner.release.valid &&
in = io.inner.acquire,
outs =,
allocs =,
allocOverride = Some(!irel_vs_iacq_conflict))
// Handle releases, which might be voluntary and might have data
in = io.inner.release,
outs =,
allocs =
// Wire probe requests and grant reply to clients, finish acks from clients
class BroadcastXactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends XactTracker()(p) {
val io = new HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
trait BroadcastsToAllClients extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val coh = HierarchicalMetadata.onReset
val inner_coh = coh.inner
val outer_coh = coh.outer
def full_representation = ~UInt(0, width = innerNCachingClients)
abstract class BroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId)(p)
with EmitsVoluntaryReleases
with BroadcastsToAllClients {
val io = new HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
// Checks for illegal behavior
assert(!(state === s_idle && && io.alloc.irel.should && !io.irel().isVoluntary()),
"VoluntaryReleaseTracker accepted Release that wasn't voluntary!")
abstract class BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends AcquireTracker(trackerId)(p)
with EmitsVoluntaryReleases
with BroadcastsToAllClients {
val io = new HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
val alwaysWriteFullBeat = false
val nSecondaryMisses = 1
def iacq_can_merge = Bool(false)
// Checks for illegal behavior
// TODO: this could be allowed, but is a useful check against allocation gone wild
assert(!(state === s_idle && && io.alloc.iacq.should &&
io.iacq().hasMultibeatData() && !io.iacq().first()),
"AcquireTracker initialized with a tail data beat.")
assert(!(state =/= s_idle && pending_ignt && xact_iacq.isPrefetch()),
"Broadcast Hub does not support Prefetches.")
assert(!(state =/= s_idle && pending_ignt && xact_iacq.isAtomic()),
"Broadcast Hub does not support PutAtomics.")
class BufferedBroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends BroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId)(p)
with HasDataBuffer {
// Tell the parent if any incoming messages conflict with the ongoing transaction
routeInParent(irelCanAlloc = Bool(true))
// Start transaction by accepting inner release
innerRelease(block_vol_ignt = pending_orel || vol_ognt_counter.pending)
// A release beat can be accepted if we are idle, if its a mergeable transaction, or if its a tail beat
io.inner.release.ready := state === s_idle || irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact
when( { data_buffer(io.irel().addr_beat) := io.irel().data }
// Dispatch outer release
coh = outer_coh.onHit(M_XWR),
data = data_buffer(vol_ognt_counter.up.idx),
add_pending_send_bit = irel_is_allocating)
quiesce() {}
class BufferedBroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId)(p)
with HasByteWriteMaskBuffer {
// Setup IOs used for routing in the parent
routeInParent(iacqCanAlloc = Bool(true))
// First, take care of accpeting new acquires or secondary misses
// Handling of primary and secondary misses' data and write mask merging
can_alloc = Bool(false),
next = s_inner_probe)
io.inner.acquire.ready := state === s_idle || iacq_can_merge || iacq_same_xact_multibeat
// Track which clients yet need to be probed and make Probe message
// If a writeback occurs, we can forward its data via the buffer,
// and skip having to go outwards
val skip_outer_acquire = pending_ignt_data.andR
inner_coh.makeProbe(curr_probe_dst, xact_iacq, xact_addr_block),
Mux(!skip_outer_acquire, s_outer_acquire, s_busy))
// Handle incoming releases from clients, which may reduce sharer counts
// and/or write back dirty data, and may be unexpected voluntary releases
def irel_can_merge = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
!state.isOneOf(s_idle, s_meta_write) &&
!all_pending_done &&
! &&
! &&
!vol_ignt_counter.pending &&
innerRelease(block_vol_ignt = vol_ognt_counter.pending)
//TODO: accept vol irels when state === s_idle, operate like the VolRelTracker
io.inner.release.ready := irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact
// If there was a writeback, forward it outwards
coh = outer_coh.onHit(M_XWR),
data = data_buffer(vol_ognt_counter.up.idx))
// Send outer request for miss
caching = !xact_iacq.isBuiltInType(),
coh = outer_coh,
data = data_buffer(ognt_counter.up.idx),
wmask = wmask_buffer(ognt_counter.up.idx),
next = s_busy)
// Handle the response from outer memory
// Acknowledge or respond with data
data = data_buffer(ignt_data_idx),
external_pending = pending_orel || ognt_counter.pending || vol_ognt_counter.pending)
when(iacq_is_allocating) {
initDataInner(io.inner.acquire, iacq_is_allocating || iacq_is_merging)
// Wait for everything to quiesce
quiesce() { clearWmaskBuffer() }
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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import cde.Parameters
class BufferlessBroadcastHub(implicit p: Parameters) extends HierarchicalCoherenceAgent()(p) {
// Create TSHRs for outstanding transactions
val irelTrackerList =
(0 until nReleaseTransactors).map(id =>
Module(new BufferlessBroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(id)))
val iacqTrackerList =
(nReleaseTransactors until nTransactors).map(id =>
Module(new BufferlessBroadcastAcquireTracker(id)))
val trackerList = irelTrackerList ++ iacqTrackerList
// Propagate incoherence flags
|||| foreach { _ := io.incoherent }
// Create an arbiter for the one memory port
val outerList =
val outer_arb = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(outerList.size)
(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(OuterTLId) })))
|||| <> outerList
io.outer <>
val iacq = Queue(io.inner.acquire, 1, pipe=true)
val irel = Queue(io.inner.release, 1, pipe=true)
// Handle acquire transaction initiation
val irel_vs_iacq_conflict =
iacq.valid &&
irel.valid &&
in = iacq,
outs =,
allocs =,
allocOverride = Some(!irel_vs_iacq_conflict))
|||| :=
when (io.oacq().hasData()) {
io.outer.acquire.bits.addr_beat := iacq.bits.addr_beat
// Handle releases, which might be voluntary and might have data
in = irel,
outs =,
allocs =
|||| :=
when (io.orel().hasData()) {
io.outer.release.bits.addr_beat := irel.bits.addr_beat
// Wire probe requests and grant reply to clients, finish acks from clients
|||| :=
io.inner.grant.bits.addr_beat := io.outer.grant.bits.addr_beat
class BufferlessBroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends BroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId)(p) {
// Tell the parent if any incoming messages conflict with the ongoing transaction
routeInParent(irelCanAlloc = Bool(true))
// Start transaction by accepting inner release
innerRelease(block_vol_ignt = pending_orel || vol_ognt_counter.pending)
// A release beat can be accepted if we are idle, if its a mergeable transaction, or if its a tail beat
// and if the outer relase path is clear
io.inner.release.ready := Mux(io.irel().hasData(),
(state =/= s_idle) && (irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact) && io.outer.release.ready,
(state === s_idle) || irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact)
// Dispatch outer release
outerRelease(coh = outer_coh.onHit(M_XWR), buffering = Bool(false))
quiesce() {}
class BufferlessBroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId)(p) {
// Setup IOs used for routing in the parent
routeInParent(iacqCanAlloc = Bool(true))
// First, take care of accpeting new acquires or secondary misses
// Handling of primary and secondary misses' data and write mask merging
can_alloc = Bool(false),
next = s_inner_probe)
// We are never going to merge anything in the bufferless hub
// Therefore, we only need to concern ourselves with the allocated
// transaction and (in case of PutBlock) subsequent tail beats
val iacq_can_forward = iacq_same_xact && !vol_ognt_counter.pending
io.inner.acquire.ready := Mux(io.iacq().hasData(),
state === s_outer_acquire && iacq_can_forward && io.outer.acquire.ready,
state === s_idle && io.alloc.iacq.should)
// Track which clients yet need to be probed and make Probe message
inner_coh.makeProbe(curr_probe_dst, xact_iacq, xact_addr_block),
// Handle incoming releases from clients, which may reduce sharer counts
// and/or write back dirty data, and may be unexpected voluntary releases
def irel_can_merge = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
!vol_ignt_counter.pending &&
!(io.irel().hasData() && ognt_counter.pending) &&
(state =/= s_idle)
innerRelease(block_vol_ignt = vol_ognt_counter.pending)
val irel_could_accept = irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact
io.inner.release.ready := irel_could_accept &&
(!io.irel().hasData() || io.outer.release.ready)
// If there was a writeback, forward it outwards
coh = outer_coh.onHit(M_XWR),
buffering = Bool(false),
block_orel = !irel_could_accept)
// Send outer request for miss
caching = !xact_iacq.isBuiltInType(),
block_outer_acquire = vol_ognt_counter.pending,
buffering = Bool(false),
coh = outer_coh,
next = s_busy)
// Handle the response from outer memory
when (ognt_counter.pending && io.ognt().hasData()) {
io.outer.grant.ready := io.inner.grant.ready // bypass data
// Acknowledge or respond with data
external_pending = pending_orel || vol_ognt_counter.pending,
buffering = Bool(false))
when(iacq_is_allocating) { initializeProbes() }
// Wait for everything to quiesce
quiesce() {}
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
abstract class Decoding
def uncorrected: UInt
def corrected: UInt
def correctable: Bool
def uncorrectable: Bool
def error = correctable || uncorrectable
abstract class Code
def width(w0: Int): Int
def encode(x: UInt): UInt
def decode(x: UInt): Decoding
class IdentityCode extends Code
def width(w0: Int) = w0
def encode(x: UInt) = x
def decode(y: UInt) = new Decoding {
def uncorrected = y
def corrected = y
def correctable = Bool(false)
def uncorrectable = Bool(false)
class ParityCode extends Code
def width(w0: Int) = w0+1
def encode(x: UInt) = Cat(x.xorR, x)
def decode(y: UInt) = new Decoding {
def uncorrected = y(y.getWidth-2,0)
def corrected = uncorrected
def correctable = Bool(false)
def uncorrectable = y.xorR
class SECCode extends Code
def width(k: Int) = {
val m = log2Floor(k) + 1
k + m + (if((1 << m) < m+k+1) 1 else 0)
def encode(x: UInt) = {
val k = x.getWidth
require(k > 0)
val n = width(k)
val y = for (i <- 1 to n) yield {
if (isPow2(i)) {
val r = for (j <- 1 to n; if j != i && (j & i) != 0)
yield x(mapping(j))
r reduce (_^_)
} else
def decode(y: UInt) = new Decoding {
val n = y.getWidth
require(n > 0 && !isPow2(n))
val p2 = for (i <- 0 until log2Up(n)) yield 1 << i
val syndrome = p2 map { i =>
val r = for (j <- 1 to n; if (j & i) != 0)
yield y(j-1)
r reduce (_^_)
val s = Vec(syndrome).toBits
private def swizzle(z: UInt) = Vec((1 to n).filter(i => !isPow2(i)).map(i => z(i-1))).toBits
def uncorrected = swizzle(y)
def corrected = swizzle(((y.toUInt << 1) ^ UIntToOH(s)) >> 1)
def correctable = s.orR
def uncorrectable = Bool(false)
private def mapping(i: Int) = i-1-log2Up(i)
class SECDEDCode extends Code
private val sec = new SECCode
private val par = new ParityCode
def width(k: Int) = sec.width(k)+1
def encode(x: UInt) = par.encode(sec.encode(x))
def decode(x: UInt) = new Decoding {
val secdec = sec.decode(x(x.getWidth-2,0))
val pardec = par.decode(x)
def uncorrected = secdec.uncorrected
def corrected = secdec.corrected
def correctable = pardec.uncorrectable
def uncorrectable = !pardec.uncorrectable && secdec.correctable
object ErrGen
// generate a 1-bit error with approximate probability 2^-f
def apply(width: Int, f: Int): UInt = {
require(width > 0 && f >= 0 && log2Up(width) + f <= 16)
def apply(x: UInt, f: Int): UInt = x ^ apply(x.getWidth, f)
class SECDEDTest extends Module
val code = new SECDEDCode
val k = 4
val n = code.width(k)
val io = new Bundle {
val original = Bits(OUTPUT, k)
val encoded = Bits(OUTPUT, n)
val injected = Bits(OUTPUT, n)
val uncorrected = Bits(OUTPUT, k)
val corrected = Bits(OUTPUT, k)
val correctable = Bool(OUTPUT)
val uncorrectable = Bool(OUTPUT)
val c = Counter(Bool(true), 1 << k)
val numErrors = Counter(c._2, 3)._1
val e = code.encode(c._1)
val i = e ^ Mux(numErrors < UInt(1), UInt(0), ErrGen(n, 1)) ^ Mux(numErrors < UInt(2), UInt(0), ErrGen(n, 1))
val d = code.decode(i)
io.original := c._1
io.encoded := e
io.injected := i
io.uncorrected := d.uncorrected
io.corrected := d.corrected
io.correctable := d.correctable
io.uncorrectable := d.uncorrectable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.Parameters
class MMIOTileLinkManagerData(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TLBundle()(p)
with HasClientId
with HasClientTransactionId
class MMIOTileLinkManager(implicit p: Parameters)
extends CoherenceAgentModule()(p) {
val io = new ManagerTLIO
// MMIO requests should never need probe or release
io.inner.probe.valid := Bool(false)
io.inner.release.ready := Bool(false)
val multibeat_fire = && io.oacq().hasMultibeatData()
val multibeat_start = multibeat_fire && io.oacq().addr_beat === UInt(0)
val multibeat_end = multibeat_fire && io.oacq().addr_beat === UInt(outerDataBeats - 1)
// Acquire and Grant are basically passthru,
// except client_id and client_xact_id need to be converted.
// Associate the inner client_id and client_xact_id
// with the outer client_xact_id.
val xact_pending = Reg(init = UInt(0, maxManagerXacts))
val xact_id_sel = PriorityEncoder(~xact_pending)
val xact_id_reg = RegEnable(xact_id_sel, multibeat_start)
val xact_multibeat = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val outer_xact_id = Mux(xact_multibeat, xact_id_reg, xact_id_sel)
val xact_free = !xact_pending.andR
val xact_buffer = Reg(Vec(maxManagerXacts, new MMIOTileLinkManagerData))
io.inner.acquire.ready := io.outer.acquire.ready && xact_free
io.outer.acquire.valid := io.inner.acquire.valid && xact_free
io.outer.acquire.bits := io.inner.acquire.bits
io.outer.acquire.bits.client_xact_id := outer_xact_id
def isLastBeat[T <: TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkBeatId](in: T): Bool =
!in.hasMultibeatData() || in.addr_beat === UInt(outerDataBeats - 1)
def addPendingBitOnAcq[T <: AcquireMetadata](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
Mux( && isLastBeat(in.bits), UIntToOH(in.bits.client_xact_id), UInt(0))
def clearPendingBitOnGnt[T <: GrantMetadata](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
~Mux( && isLastBeat(in.bits) && !in.bits.requiresAck(),
UIntToOH(in.bits.manager_xact_id), UInt(0))
def clearPendingBitOnFin(in: DecoupledIO[Finish]): UInt =
~Mux(, UIntToOH(in.bits.manager_xact_id), UInt(0))
xact_pending := (xact_pending | addPendingBitOnAcq(io.outer.acquire)) &
clearPendingBitOnFin(io.inner.finish) &
when ( && isLastBeat(io.outer.acquire.bits)) {
xact_buffer(outer_xact_id) := io.iacq()
when (multibeat_start) { xact_multibeat := Bool(true) }
when (multibeat_end) { xact_multibeat := Bool(false) }
val gnt_xact = xact_buffer(io.ognt().client_xact_id)
io.outer.grant.ready := io.inner.grant.ready
io.inner.grant.valid := io.outer.grant.valid
io.inner.grant.bits := io.outer.grant.bits
io.inner.grant.bits.client_id := gnt_xact.client_id
io.inner.grant.bits.client_xact_id := gnt_xact.client_xact_id
io.inner.grant.bits.manager_xact_id := io.ognt().client_xact_id
io.inner.finish.ready := Bool(true)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.devices._
import cde.{Parameters, Field, Config}
/** The ManagerToClientStateless Bridge does not maintain any state for the messages
* which pass through it. It simply passes the messages back and forth without any
* tracking or translation.
* This can reduce area and timing in very constrained situations:
* - The Manager and Client implement the same coherence protocol
* - There are no probe or finish messages.
* - The outer transaction ID is large enough to handle all possible inner
* transaction IDs, such that no remapping state must be maintained.
* This bridge DOES NOT keep the uncached channel coherent with the cached
* channel. Uncached requests to blocks cached by the L1 will not probe the L1.
* As a result, uncached reads to cached blocks will get stale data until
* the L1 performs a voluntary writeback, and uncached writes to cached blocks
* will get lost, as the voluntary writeback from the L1 will overwrite the
* changes. If your tile relies on probing the L1 data cache in order to
* share data between the instruction cache and data cache (e.g. you are using
* a non-blocking L1 D$) or if the tile has uncached channels capable of
* writes (e.g. Hwacha and other RoCC accelerators), DO NOT USE THIS BRIDGE.
class ManagerToClientStatelessBridge(implicit p: Parameters) extends HierarchicalCoherenceAgent()(p) {
val icid = io.inner.tlClientIdBits
val ixid = io.inner.tlClientXactIdBits
val oxid = io.outer.tlClientXactIdBits
val innerCoh = io.inner.tlCoh.getClass
val outerCoh = io.outer.tlCoh.getClass
// Stateless Bridge is only usable in certain constrained situations.
// Sanity check its usage here.
require(io.inner.tlNCachingClients <= 1)
require(icid + ixid <= oxid)
require(innerCoh eq outerCoh,
s"Coherence policies do not match: inner is ${innerCoh.getSimpleName}, outer is ${outerCoh.getSimpleName}")
io.outer.acquire.valid := io.inner.acquire.valid
io.inner.acquire.ready := io.outer.acquire.ready
io.outer.acquire.bits := io.inner.acquire.bits
io.outer.acquire.bits.client_xact_id := Cat(io.inner.acquire.bits.client_id, io.inner.acquire.bits.client_xact_id)
io.outer.release.valid := io.inner.release.valid
io.inner.release.ready := io.outer.release.ready
io.outer.release.bits := io.inner.release.bits
io.outer.release.bits.client_xact_id := Cat(io.inner.release.bits.client_id, io.inner.release.bits.client_xact_id)
io.inner.grant.valid := io.outer.grant.valid
io.outer.grant.ready := io.inner.grant.ready
io.inner.grant.bits := io.outer.grant.bits
io.inner.grant.bits.client_xact_id := io.outer.grant.bits.client_xact_id(ixid-1, 0)
io.inner.grant.bits.client_id := io.outer.grant.bits.client_xact_id(icid+ixid-1, ixid)
io.inner.probe.valid := Bool(false)
io.inner.finish.ready := Bool(true)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object L2StoreDataQueueDepth extends Field[Int]
trait HasStoreDataQueueParameters extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val sdqDepth = p(L2StoreDataQueueDepth)*innerDataBeats
val dqIdxBits = math.max(log2Up(nReleaseTransactors) + 1, log2Up(sdqDepth))
val nDataQueueLocations = 3 //Stores, VoluntaryWBs, Releases
class DataQueueLocation(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentBundle()(p)
with HasStoreDataQueueParameters {
val idx = UInt(width = dqIdxBits)
val loc = UInt(width = log2Ceil(nDataQueueLocations))
object DataQueueLocation {
def apply(idx: UInt, loc: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val d = Wire(new DataQueueLocation)
d.idx := idx
d.loc := loc
trait HasStoreDataQueue extends HasStoreDataQueueParameters {
val io: HierarchicalTLIO
val trackerIOsList: Seq[HierarchicalXactTrackerIO]
val internalDataBits = new DataQueueLocation().getWidth
val inStoreQueue :: inVolWBQueue :: inClientReleaseQueue :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nDataQueueLocations)
val usingStoreDataQueue = p.alterPartial({
case TLKey(`innerTLId`) => innerTLParams.copy(overrideDataBitsPerBeat = Some(internalDataBits))
case TLKey(`outerTLId`) => outerTLParams.copy(overrideDataBitsPerBeat = Some(internalDataBits))
// Queue to store impending Put data
lazy val sdq = Reg(Vec(sdqDepth, io.iacq().data))
lazy val sdq_val = Reg(init=Bits(0, sdqDepth))
lazy val sdq_alloc_id = PriorityEncoder(~sdq_val)
lazy val sdq_rdy = !sdq_val.andR
lazy val sdq_enq = t =>
(t.alloc.iacq.should || t.alloc.iacq.matches) &&
|||| &&
lazy val sdqLoc = List.fill(nTransactors) {
DataQueueLocation(sdq_alloc_id, inStoreQueue).toBits
in = io.inner.acquire,
outs =,
allocs =,
dataOverride = Some(sdqLoc),
allocOverride = Some(sdq_rdy && !irel_vs_iacq_conflict))
// Queue to store impending Voluntary Release data
lazy val voluntary = io.irel().isVoluntary()
lazy val vwbdq_enq = && voluntary && io.irel().hasData()
lazy val (rel_data_cnt, rel_data_done) = Counter(vwbdq_enq, innerDataBeats) //TODO Zero width
lazy val vwbdq = Reg(Vec(innerDataBeats, io.irel().data)) //TODO Assumes nReleaseTransactors == 1
lazy val vwbqLoc = (0 until nTransactors).map(i =>
(if(i < nReleaseTransactors) inVolWBQueue
else inClientReleaseQueue)).toBits))
val outer_arb: ClientTileLinkIOArbiter
lazy val outer_data_ptr = new DataQueueLocation().fromBits(
val outer_arb = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(trackerList.size)
(usingStoreDataQueue.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(OuterTLId) })))
|||| <> trackerList
// Get the pending data out of the store data queue
lazy val is_in_sdq = outer_data_ptr.loc === inStoreQueue
lazy val free_sdq = &&
io.outer.acquire.bits.hasData() &&
outer_data_ptr.loc === inStoreQueue
io.outer <>
|||| := MuxLookup(outer_data_ptr.loc, io.irel().data, Array(
inStoreQueue -> sdq(outer_data_ptr.idx),
inVolWBQueue -> vwbdq(outer_data_ptr.idx)))
// Enqueue SDQ data
def sdqEnqueue() {
when (sdq_enq) { sdq(sdq_alloc_id) := io.iacq().data }
when(vwbdq_enq) { vwbdq(rel_data_cnt) := io.irel().data }
// Update SDQ valid bits
def sdqUpdate() {
when (io.outer.acquire.valid || sdq_enq) {
sdq_val := sdq_val & ~(UIntToOH(outer_data_ptr.idx) & Fill(sdqDepth, free_sdq)) |
PriorityEncoderOH(~sdq_val(sdqDepth-1,0)) & Fill(sdqDepth, sdq_enq)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.Util._
import junctions._
import cde.{Field, Parameters}
import scala.math.max
case object EnableL2Logging extends Field[Boolean]
class TrackerAllocation extends Bundle {
val matches = Bool(OUTPUT)
val can = Bool(OUTPUT)
val should = Bool(INPUT)
class TrackerAllocationIO(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCacheBlockAddress {
val iacq = new TrackerAllocation
val irel = new TrackerAllocation
val oprb = new TrackerAllocation
val idle = Bool(OUTPUT)
override val addr_block = UInt(OUTPUT, tlBlockAddrBits)
trait HasTrackerAllocationIO extends Bundle {
implicit val p: Parameters
val alloc = new TrackerAllocationIO
class ManagerXactTrackerIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerTLIO()(p)
with HasTrackerAllocationIO
class HierarchicalXactTrackerIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HierarchicalTLIO()(p)
with HasTrackerAllocationIO
abstract class XactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule()(p)
with HasXactTrackerStates
with HasPendingBitHelpers {
override val s_idle :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_resp :: s_wb_req :: s_wb_resp :: s_inner_probe :: s_outer_acquire :: s_busy :: s_meta_write :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 9)
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
def quiesce(next: UInt = s_idle)(restore: => Unit) {
all_pending_done := !scoreboard.foldLeft(Bool(false))(_||_)
when(state === s_busy && all_pending_done) {
state := next
def pinAllReadyValidLow[T <: Data](b: Bundle) {
b.elements.foreach {
_._2 match {
case d: DecoupledIO[_] =>
if(d.ready.dir == OUTPUT) d.ready := Bool(false)
else if(d.valid.dir == OUTPUT) d.valid := Bool(false)
case v: ValidIO[_] => if(v.valid.dir == OUTPUT) v.valid := Bool(false)
case b: Bundle => pinAllReadyValidLow(b)
case _ =>
trait HasXactTrackerStates {
def state: UInt
def s_idle: UInt = UInt(0)
def s_meta_read: UInt
def s_meta_resp: UInt
def s_wb_req: UInt
def s_wb_resp: UInt
def s_inner_probe: UInt
def s_outer_acquire: UInt
def s_busy: UInt
def s_meta_write: UInt
trait HasPendingBitHelpers extends HasDataBeatCounters {
val scoreboard = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Bool]
val all_pending_done = Wire(Bool())
def addPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](inc: Bool, in: T): UInt =
Fill(in.tlDataBeats, inc) & UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def dropPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt =
~Fill(in.tlDataBeats, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def addPendingBitWhenId[T <: HasClientId](inc: Bool, in: T): UInt =
Fill(in.tlNCachingClients, inc) & UIntToOH(in.client_id)
def dropPendingBitWhenId[T <: HasClientId](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt =
~Fill(in.tlNCachingClients, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.client_id)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T], inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeat( && in.bits.hasData() && inc, in.bits)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasDataAndAllocs(
in: DecoupledIO[AcquireFromSrc],
alloc_override: Bool = Bool(false)): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(in, in.bits.allocate() || alloc_override)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatNeedsRead(in: DecoupledIO[AcquireFromSrc], inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = {
val a = in.bits
val needs_read = (a.isGet() || a.isAtomic() || a.hasPartialWritemask()) || inc
addPendingBitWhenBeat( && needs_read, a)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasPartialWritemask(in: DecoupledIO[AcquireFromSrc]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeat( && in.bits.hasPartialWritemask(), in.bits)
def addPendingBitsFromAcquire(a: SecondaryMissInfo): UInt =
Mux(a.hasMultibeatData(), Fill(a.tlDataBeats, UInt(1, 1)), UIntToOH(a.addr_beat))
def dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenBeat( && in.bits.hasData(), in.bits)
def dropPendingBitAtDest[T <: HasId](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenId(, in.bits)
def dropPendingBitAtDestWhenVoluntary[T <: HasId with MightBeVoluntary](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenId( && in.bits.isVoluntary(), in.bits)
def addPendingBitAtSrc[T <: HasId](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenId(, in.bits)
def addPendingBitAtSrcWhenVoluntary[T <: HasId with MightBeVoluntary](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenId( && in.bits.isVoluntary(), in.bits)
def addOtherBits(en: Bool, nBits: Int): UInt =
Mux(en, Cat(Fill(nBits - 1, UInt(1, 1)), UInt(0, 1)), UInt(0, nBits))
def addPendingBitsOnFirstBeat(in: DecoupledIO[Acquire]): UInt =
addOtherBits( &&
in.bits.hasMultibeatData() &&
in.bits.addr_beat === UInt(0),
def dropPendingBitsOnFirstBeat(in: DecoupledIO[Acquire]): UInt =
trait HasDataBuffer extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val data_buffer = Reg(init=Vec.fill(innerDataBeats)(UInt(0, width = innerDataBits)))
type TLDataBundle = TLBundle with HasTileLinkData with HasTileLinkBeatId
def initDataInner[T <: Acquire](in: DecoupledIO[T], alloc: Bool) {
when( && in.bits.hasData() && alloc) {
data_buffer(in.bits.addr_beat) :=
// TODO: provide func for accessing when innerDataBeats =/= outerDataBeats or internalDataBeats
def mergeData(dataBits: Int)(beat: UInt, incoming: UInt) {
data_buffer(beat) := incoming
def mergeDataInner[T <: TLDataBundle](in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
when( && in.bits.hasData()) {
def mergeDataOuter[T <: TLDataBundle](in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
when( && in.bits.hasData()) {
trait HasByteWriteMaskBuffer extends HasDataBuffer {
val wmask_buffer = Reg(init=Vec.fill(innerDataBeats)(UInt(0, width = innerWriteMaskBits)))
override def initDataInner[T <: Acquire](in: DecoupledIO[T], alloc: Bool) {
when( && in.bits.hasData() && alloc) {
val beat = in.bits.addr_beat
val full = FillInterleaved(8, in.bits.wmask())
data_buffer(beat) := (~full & data_buffer(beat)) | (full &
wmask_buffer(beat) := in.bits.wmask() | wmask_buffer(beat) // assumes wmask_buffer is zeroed
override def mergeData(dataBits: Int)(beat: UInt, incoming: UInt) {
val old_data = incoming // Refilled, written back, or de-cached data
val new_data = data_buffer(beat) // Newly Put data is already in the buffer
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, wmask_buffer(beat))
data_buffer(beat) := ~wmask & old_data | wmask & new_data
def clearWmaskBuffer() {
wmask_buffer.foreach { w => w := UInt(0) }
trait HasBlockAddressBuffer extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val xact_addr_block = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = blockAddrBits))
trait HasAcquireMetadataBuffer extends HasBlockAddressBuffer {
val xact_allocate = Reg{ Bool() }
val xact_amo_shift_bytes = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_op_code = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_addr_byte = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_op_size = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_addr_beat = Wire(UInt())
val xact_iacq = Wire(new SecondaryMissInfo)
trait HasVoluntaryReleaseMetadataBuffer extends HasBlockAddressBuffer
with HasPendingBitHelpers
with HasXactTrackerStates {
def io: HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
val xact_vol_ir_r_type = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_vol_ir_src = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_vol_ir_client_xact_id = Reg{ UInt() }
def xact_vol_irel = Release(
src = xact_vol_ir_src,
voluntary = Bool(true),
r_type = xact_vol_ir_r_type,
client_xact_id = xact_vol_ir_client_xact_id,
addr_block = xact_addr_block)
(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(InnerTLId) }))
trait AcceptsVoluntaryReleases extends HasVoluntaryReleaseMetadataBuffer {
def inner_coh: ManagerMetadata
val pending_irel_data = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = innerDataBeats))
val vol_ignt_counter = Wire(new TwoWayBeatCounterStatus)
def irel_can_merge: Bool
def irel_same_xact: Bool
def irel_is_allocating: Bool = state === s_idle && io.alloc.irel.should && io.inner.release.valid
def irel_is_merging: Bool = (irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact) && io.inner.release.valid
def innerRelease(block_vol_ignt: Bool = Bool(false), next: UInt = s_busy) {
status = vol_ignt_counter,
up = io.inner.release,
down = io.inner.grant,
trackUp = (r: Release) => {
Mux(state === s_idle, io.alloc.irel.should, io.alloc.irel.matches) && r.isVoluntary() && r.requiresAck()
trackDown = (g: Grant) => (state =/= s_idle) && g.isVoluntary())
when(irel_is_allocating) {
xact_addr_block := io.irel().addr_block
// Set all of them to pending in the beginning as a precaution
// If it turns out we don't need some or all of the beats, they will
// be overridden below
pending_irel_data := ~UInt(0, innerDataBeats)
state := next
val irel_fire = (irel_is_allocating || irel_is_merging) && io.inner.release.ready
when (irel_fire) {
when (io.irel().first()) {
when (io.irel().isVoluntary()) {
xact_vol_ir_r_type := io.irel().r_type
xact_vol_ir_src := io.irel().client_id
xact_vol_ir_client_xact_id := io.irel().client_xact_id
// If this release has data, set all the pending bits except the first.
// Otherwise, clear all the pending bits
pending_irel_data := Mux(io.irel().hasMultibeatData(),
} .otherwise {
pending_irel_data := (pending_irel_data & dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release))
if (p(EnableL2Logging)) {
when (io.irel().hasData()) {
printf("[release] addr_block=%x addr_beat=%d data=%x\n",
io.irel().addr_block, io.irel().addr_beat, io.irel().data)
io.inner.grant.valid := state.isOneOf(s_wb_req, s_wb_resp, s_inner_probe, s_busy) &&
vol_ignt_counter.pending &&
!(pending_irel_data.orR || block_vol_ignt)
io.inner.grant.bits := inner_coh.makeGrant(xact_vol_irel)
scoreboard += (pending_irel_data.orR, vol_ignt_counter.pending)
trait EmitsVoluntaryReleases extends HasVoluntaryReleaseMetadataBuffer {
val pending_orel_send = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val pending_orel_data = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = innerDataBeats))
val vol_ognt_counter = Wire(new TwoWayBeatCounterStatus)
val pending_orel = pending_orel_send || pending_orel_data.orR || vol_ognt_counter.pending
val sending_orel = Reg(init = Bool(false))
// Block acceptance of inner releases if we have already started sending
// outer releases, but have not yet sent out the beat corresponding to the
// inner release. This function must be included in io.inner.release.ready
// if it is possible to start accepting a new inner release as the previous
// outer release is still being sent. DO NOT include this in the
// io.inner.release.ready if the releases are not buffered
// (i.e. io.inner.release and io.outer.release combinationally linked).
def blockInnerRelease(rel: ReleaseMetadata = io.irel()): Bool = {
val waiting_to_send = sending_orel && pending_orel_data(rel.addr_beat)
val sending_now = && rel.addr_beat === io.orel().addr_beat
rel.hasData() && (waiting_to_send || sending_now)
def outerRelease(
coh: ClientMetadata,
buffering: Bool = Bool(true),
data: UInt = io.irel().data,
add_pending_data_bits: UInt = UInt(0),
add_pending_send_bit: Bool = Bool(false),
block_orel: Bool = Bool(false)) {
when (state =/= s_idle || io.alloc.irel.should) {
pending_orel_data := (pending_orel_data |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) |
add_pending_data_bits) &
when (add_pending_send_bit) { pending_orel_send := Bool(true) }
when ( {
when (io.outer.release.bits.first()) { sending_orel := Bool(true) }
when (io.outer.release.bits.last()) { sending_orel := Bool(false) }
pending_orel_send := Bool(false)
status = vol_ognt_counter,
up = io.outer.release,
down = io.outer.grant,
trackUp = (r: Release) => r.isVoluntary() && r.requiresAck(),
trackDown = (g: Grant) => g.isVoluntary())
io.outer.release.valid := !block_orel && Mux(buffering,
(state === s_busy) && Mux(io.orel().hasData(),
// only writebacks need to be forwarded to the outer interface
state =/= s_idle && io.alloc.irel.matches &&
io.irel().hasData() && io.inner.release.valid)
io.outer.release.bits := coh.makeVoluntaryWriteback(
client_xact_id = UInt(0), // TODO was tracker id, but not needed?
addr_block = xact_addr_block,
addr_beat = vol_ognt_counter.up.idx,
data = data)
when (vol_ognt_counter.pending) { io.outer.grant.ready := Bool(true) }
scoreboard += (pending_orel, vol_ognt_counter.pending)
trait EmitsInnerProbes extends HasBlockAddressBuffer
with HasXactTrackerStates
with HasPendingBitHelpers {
def io: HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
val needs_probes = (innerNCachingClients > 0)
val pending_iprbs = Reg(UInt(width = max(innerNCachingClients, 1)))
val curr_probe_dst = PriorityEncoder(pending_iprbs)
def full_representation: UInt
def initializeProbes() {
if (needs_probes)
pending_iprbs := full_representation & ~io.incoherent.toBits
pending_iprbs := UInt(0)
def irel_same_xact = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
!io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
state === s_inner_probe
def innerProbe(prb: Probe, next: UInt) {
if (needs_probes) {
val irel_counter = Wire(new TwoWayBeatCounterStatus)
pending_iprbs := pending_iprbs & dropPendingBitAtDest(io.inner.probe)
io.inner.probe.valid := state === s_inner_probe && pending_iprbs.orR
io.inner.probe.bits := prb
status = irel_counter,
up = io.inner.probe,
down = io.inner.release,
max = innerNCachingClients,
trackDown = (r: Release) => (state =/= s_idle) && !r.isVoluntary())
when(state === s_inner_probe && !(pending_iprbs.orR || irel_counter.pending)) {
state := next
} else {
when (state === s_inner_probe) { state := next }
//N.B. no pending bits added to scoreboard because all handled in s_inner_probe
trait RoutesInParent extends HasBlockAddressBuffer
with HasXactTrackerStates {
def io: HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
type AddrComparison = HasCacheBlockAddress => Bool
def exactAddrMatch(a: HasCacheBlockAddress): Bool = a.conflicts(xact_addr_block)
def routeInParent(iacqMatches: AddrComparison = exactAddrMatch,
irelMatches: AddrComparison = exactAddrMatch,
oprbMatches: AddrComparison = exactAddrMatch,
iacqCanAlloc: Bool = Bool(false),
irelCanAlloc: Bool = Bool(false),
oprbCanAlloc: Bool = Bool(false)) {
io.alloc.iacq.matches := (state =/= s_idle) && iacqMatches(io.iacq())
io.alloc.irel.matches := (state =/= s_idle) && irelMatches(io.irel())
io.alloc.oprb.matches := (state =/= s_idle) && oprbMatches(io.oprb())
io.alloc.iacq.can := state === s_idle && iacqCanAlloc
io.alloc.irel.can := state === s_idle && irelCanAlloc
io.alloc.oprb.can := state === s_idle && oprbCanAlloc
io.alloc.addr_block := xact_addr_block
io.alloc.idle := state === s_idle
trait AcceptsInnerAcquires extends HasAcquireMetadataBuffer
with AcceptsVoluntaryReleases
with HasXactTrackerStates
with HasPendingBitHelpers {
def io: HierarchicalXactTrackerIO
def nSecondaryMisses: Int
def alwaysWriteFullBeat: Boolean
def inner_coh: ManagerMetadata
def trackerId: Int
// Secondary miss queue holds transaction metadata used to make grants
lazy val ignt_q = Module(new Queue(
new SecondaryMissInfo()(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(InnerTLId) })),
1 + nSecondaryMisses))
val pending_ignt = Wire(Bool())
val ignt_data_idx = Wire(UInt())
val ignt_data_done = Wire(Bool())
val ifin_counter = Wire(new TwoWayBeatCounterStatus)
val pending_put_data = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = innerDataBeats))
val pending_ignt_data = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = innerDataBeats))
def iacq_same_xact: Bool =
(xact_iacq.client_xact_id === io.iacq().client_xact_id) &&
(xact_iacq.client_id === io.iacq().client_id) &&
def iacq_same_xact_multibeat = iacq_same_xact && io.iacq().hasMultibeatData()
def iacq_can_merge: Bool
def iacq_is_allocating: Bool = state === s_idle && io.alloc.iacq.should && io.inner.acquire.valid
def iacq_is_merging: Bool = (iacq_can_merge || iacq_same_xact) && io.inner.acquire.valid
def innerAcquire(can_alloc: Bool, next: UInt) {
val iacq_matches_head = iacq_same_xact && xact_iacq.addr_beat === io.iacq().addr_beat
// Enqueue some metadata information that we'll use to make coherence updates with later
|||| := iacq_is_allocating ||
(!iacq_matches_head && pending_ignt &&
|||| && io.iacq().first())
|||| := io.iacq()
// Use the outputs of the queue to make further messages
xact_iacq := Mux(,,
xact_addr_beat := xact_iacq.addr_beat
pending_ignt := > UInt(0)
// Track whether any beats are missing from a PutBlock
when (state =/= s_idle || io.alloc.iacq.should) {
pending_put_data := (pending_put_data &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.acquire)) |
// Intialize transaction metadata for accepted Acquire
when(iacq_is_allocating) {
xact_addr_block := io.iacq().addr_block
xact_allocate := io.iacq().allocate() && can_alloc
xact_amo_shift_bytes := io.iacq().amo_shift_bytes()
xact_op_code := io.iacq().op_code()
xact_addr_byte := io.iacq().addr_byte()
xact_op_size := io.iacq().op_size()
// Make sure to collect all data from a PutBlock
pending_put_data := Mux(
pending_ignt_data := UInt(0)
state := next
scoreboard += (pending_put_data.orR)
def innerGrant(
data: UInt = io.ognt().data,
external_pending: Bool = Bool(false),
buffering: Bool = Bool(true),
add_pending_bits: UInt = UInt(0)) {
// Track the number of outstanding inner.finishes
status = ifin_counter,
up = io.inner.grant,
down = io.inner.finish,
max = nSecondaryMisses,
trackUp = (g: Grant) => g.requiresAck())
// Track which beats are ready for response
when(!iacq_is_allocating) {
pending_ignt_data := (pending_ignt_data & dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.grant)) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.outer.grant) |
if (p(EnableL2Logging)) {
when ( && io.ignt().hasData()) {
printf("[get] addr_block=%x addr_beat=%d data=%x\n",
xact_addr_block, io.ignt().addr_beat, io.ignt().data)
// Have we finished receiving the complete inner acquire transaction?
val iacq_finished = !(state === s_idle ||
state === s_meta_read ||
val ignt_from_iacq = inner_coh.makeGrant(
sec =,
manager_xact_id = UInt(trackerId),
data = data)
// Make the Grant message using the data stored in the secondary miss queue
val (cnt, done) = connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter(io.inner.grant,
ignt_data_idx := cnt
ignt_data_done := done
|||| := Bool(false)
when(!vol_ignt_counter.pending) {
|||| := ignt_data_done
io.inner.grant.bits := ignt_from_iacq
io.inner.grant.bits.addr_beat := ignt_data_idx // override based on outgoing counter
when (state === s_busy && pending_ignt) {
io.inner.grant.valid := !external_pending &&
// We must wait for as many Finishes as we sent Grants
io.inner.finish.ready := state === s_busy
scoreboard += (pending_ignt, ifin_counter.pending)
trait EmitsOuterAcquires extends AcceptsInnerAcquires {
val ognt_counter = Wire(new TwoWayBeatCounterStatus)
// Handle misses or coherence permission upgrades by initiating a new transaction in the outer memory:
// If we're allocating in this cache, we can use the current metadata
// to make an appropriate custom Acquire, otherwise we copy over the
// built-in Acquire from the inner TL to the outer TL
def outerAcquire(
caching: Bool,
coh: ClientMetadata,
block_outer_acquire: Bool = Bool(false),
buffering: Bool = Bool(true),
data: UInt = io.iacq().data,
wmask: UInt = io.iacq().wmask(),
next: UInt = s_busy) {
// Tracks outstanding Acquires, waiting for their matching Grant.
status = ognt_counter,
up = io.outer.acquire,
down = io.outer.grant,
beat = xact_addr_beat,
trackDown = (g: Grant) => !g.isVoluntary())
io.outer.acquire.valid :=
state === s_outer_acquire && !block_outer_acquire &&
(xact_allocate ||
// If not buffering, we should only send an outer acquire if
// the ignt_q is not empty (pending_ignt) and the enqueued
// transaction does not have data or we are receiving the
// inner acquire and it is the same transaction as the one enqueued.
pending_ignt && (!xact_iacq.hasData() ||
(io.inner.acquire.valid && iacq_same_xact))))
io.outer.acquire.bits :=
op_code = xact_op_code,
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = xact_addr_block),
a_type = xact_iacq.a_type,
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = xact_addr_block,
addr_beat = ognt_counter.up.idx,
data = data,
addr_byte = xact_addr_byte,
operand_size = xact_op_size,
opcode = xact_op_code,
wmask = wmask,
alloc = Bool(false))
(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(OuterTLId)})))
when(state === s_outer_acquire && ognt_counter.up.done) { state := next }
when (ognt_counter.pending) { io.outer.grant.ready := Bool(true) }
scoreboard += ognt_counter.pending
abstract class VoluntaryReleaseTracker(val trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XactTracker()(p)
with AcceptsVoluntaryReleases
with RoutesInParent {
def irel_can_merge = Bool(false)
def irel_same_xact = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
abstract class AcquireTracker(val trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XactTracker()(p)
with AcceptsInnerAcquires
with EmitsOuterAcquires
with EmitsInnerProbes
with RoutesInParent {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.coherence
import Chisel._
// This class encapsulates transformations on different directory information
// storage formats
abstract class DirectoryRepresentation(val width: Int) {
def pop(prev: UInt, id: UInt): UInt
def push(prev: UInt, id: UInt): UInt
def flush: UInt
def none(s: UInt): Bool
def one(s: UInt): Bool
def count(s: UInt): UInt
def next(s: UInt): UInt
def full(s: UInt): UInt
abstract trait HasDirectoryRepresentation {
val dir: DirectoryRepresentation
class NullRepresentation(nClients: Int) extends DirectoryRepresentation(1) {
def pop(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = UInt(0)
def push(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = UInt(0)
def flush = UInt(0)
def none(s: UInt) = Bool(false)
def one(s: UInt) = Bool(false)
def count(s: UInt) = UInt(nClients)
def next(s: UInt) = UInt(0)
def full(s: UInt) = SInt(-1, width = nClients).toUInt
class FullRepresentation(nClients: Int) extends DirectoryRepresentation(nClients) {
def pop(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = prev & ~UIntToOH(id)
def push(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = prev | UIntToOH(id)
def flush = UInt(0, width = width)
def none(s: UInt) = s === UInt(0)
def one(s: UInt) = PopCount(s) === UInt(1)
def count(s: UInt) = PopCount(s)
def next(s: UInt) = PriorityEncoder(s)
def full(s: UInt) = s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.coherence
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
/** Identifies the TLId of the inner network in a hierarchical cache controller */
case object InnerTLId extends Field[String]
/** Identifies the TLId of the outer network in a hierarchical cache controller */
case object OuterTLId extends Field[String]
/** Base class to represent coherence information in clients and managers */
abstract class CoherenceMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
val co = tlCoh
/** Stores the client-side coherence information,
* such as permissions on the data and whether the data is dirty.
* Its API can be used to make TileLink messages in response to
* memory operations or [[uncore.Probe]] messages.
class ClientMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
/** Actual state information stored in this bundle */
val state = UInt(width = co.clientStateWidth)
/** Metadata equality */
def ===(rhs: ClientMetadata): Bool = this.state === rhs.state
def =/=(rhs: ClientMetadata): Bool = !this.===(rhs)
/** Is the block's data present in this cache */
def isValid(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = co.isValid(this)
/** Does this cache have permissions on this block sufficient to perform op */
def isHit(op_code: UInt): Bool = co.isHit(op_code, this)
/** Does this cache lack permissions on this block sufficient to perform op */
def isMiss(op_code: UInt): Bool = !co.isHit(op_code, this)
/** Does a secondary miss on the block require another Acquire message */
def requiresAcquireOnSecondaryMiss(first_op: UInt, second_op: UInt): Bool =
co.requiresAcquireOnSecondaryMiss(first_op, second_op, this)
/** Does op require a Release to be made to outer memory */
def requiresReleaseOnCacheControl(op_code: UInt): Bool =
co.requiresReleaseOnCacheControl(op_code: UInt, this)
/** Does an eviction require a Release to be made to outer memory */
def requiresVoluntaryWriteback(dummy: Int = 0): Bool =
co.requiresReleaseOnCacheControl(M_FLUSH, this)
/** Constructs an Acquire message based on this metdata and a memory operation
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param op_code a memory operation from [[uncore.constants.MemoryOpConstants]]
def makeAcquire(
op_code: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(false),
a_type = co.getAcquireType(op_code, this),
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
union = Cat(op_code, Bool(true)))(p)
/** Constructs a Release message based on this metadata on cache control op
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being written back
def makeVoluntaryRelease(
op_code: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0)): Release =
voluntary = Bool(true),
r_type = co.getReleaseType(op_code, this),
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data)(p)
/** Constructs a Release message based on this metadata on an eviction
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being written back
def makeVoluntaryWriteback(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0)): Release =
op_code = M_FLUSH,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data)
/** Constructs a Release message based on this metadata and a [[uncore.Probe]]
* @param the incoming [[uncore.Probe]]
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being released
def makeRelease(
prb: Probe,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0)): Release =
voluntary = Bool(false),
r_type = co.getReleaseType(prb, this),
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = prb.addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data)(p)
/** New metadata after receiving a [[uncore.Grant]]
* @param incoming the incoming [[uncore.Grant]]
* @param pending the mem op that triggered this transaction
def onGrant(incoming: Grant, pending: UInt): ClientMetadata =
co.clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming, pending, this)
/** New metadata after receiving a [[uncore.Probe]]
* @param incoming the incoming [[uncore.Probe]]
def onProbe(incoming: Probe): ClientMetadata =
co.clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming, this)
/** New metadata after a op_code hits this block
* @param op_code a memory operation from [[uncore.constants.MemoryOpConstants]]
def onHit(op_code: UInt): ClientMetadata =
co.clientMetadataOnHit(op_code, this)
/** New metadata after op_code releases permissions on this block
* @param op_code a memory operation from [[uncore.constants.MemoryOpConstants]]
def onCacheControl(op_code: UInt): ClientMetadata =
co.clientMetadataOnCacheControl(op_code, this)
/** Factories for ClientMetadata, including on reset */
object ClientMetadata {
def apply(state: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val meta = Wire(new ClientMetadata)
meta.state := state
def onReset(implicit p: Parameters) = ClientMetadata(UInt(0))(p) // TODO: assumes clientInvalid === 0
/** Stores manager-side information about the status
* of a cache block, including whether it has any known sharers.
* Its API can be used to create [[uncore.Probe]] and [[uncore.Grant]] messages.
class ManagerMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
// Currently no coherence policies assume manager-side state information
// val state = UInt(width = co.masterStateWidth) TODO: Fix 0-width wires in Chisel
/** The directory information for this block */
val sharers = UInt(width = co.dir.width)
/** Metadata equality */
def ===(rhs: ManagerMetadata): Bool = //this.state === rhs.state && TODO: Fix 0-width wires in Chisel
this.sharers === rhs.sharers
def =/=(rhs: ManagerMetadata): Bool = !this.===(rhs)
/** Converts the directory info into an N-hot sharer bitvector (i.e. full representation) */
def full(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = co.dir.full(this.sharers)
/** Does this [[uncore.Acquire]] require [[uncore.Probe Probes]] to be sent */
def requiresProbes(acq: HasAcquireType): Bool = co.requiresProbes(acq, this)
/** Does this memory op require [[uncore.Probe Probes]] to be sent */
def requiresProbes(op_code: UInt): Bool = co.requiresProbes(op_code, this)
/** Does an eviction require [[uncore.Probe Probes]] to be sent */
def requiresProbesOnVoluntaryWriteback(dummy: Int = 0): Bool =
co.requiresProbes(M_FLUSH, this)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.ProbeToDst]] for a given [[uncore.Acquire]]
* @param dst Destination client id for this Probe
* @param acq Acquire message triggering this Probe
* @param addr_block address of the cache block being probed
def makeProbe(dst: UInt, acq: HasAcquireType, addr_block: UInt): ProbeToDst =
Probe(dst, co.getProbeType(acq, this), addr_block)(p)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.ProbeToDst]] for a given [[uncore.Acquire]]
* @param dst Destination client id for this Probe
* @param acq Acquire message triggering this Probe
def makeProbe(dst: UInt, acq: AcquireMetadata): ProbeToDst =
Probe(dst, co.getProbeType(acq, this), acq.addr_block)(p)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.ProbeToDst]] for a given mem op
* @param dst Destination client id for this Probe
* @param op_code memory operation triggering this Probe
* @param addr_block address of the cache block being probed
def makeProbe(dst: UInt, op_code: UInt, addr_block: UInt): ProbeToDst =
Probe(dst, co.getProbeType(op_code, this), addr_block)(p)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.ProbeToDst]] for an eviction
* @param dst Destination client id for this Probe
* @param addr_block address of the cache block being probed prior to eviction
def makeProbeForVoluntaryWriteback(dst: UInt, addr_block: UInt): ProbeToDst =
makeProbe(dst, M_FLUSH, addr_block)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.GrantToDst]] to acknowledge an [[uncore.Release]]
* @param rel Release message being acknowledged by this Grant
def makeGrant(rel: ReleaseMetadata with HasClientId): GrantToDst =
dst = rel.client_id,
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.voluntaryAckType,
client_xact_id = rel.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0))(p)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.GrantToDst]] to respond to an [[uncore.Acquire]]
* May contain single or multiple beats of data, or just be a permissions upgrade.
* @param acq Acquire message being responded to by this Grant
* @param manager_xact_id manager's transaction id
* @param addr_beat beat id of the data
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
def makeGrant(
acq: AcquireMetadata with HasClientId,
manager_xact_id: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0)): GrantToDst =
dst = acq.client_id,
is_builtin_type = acq.isBuiltInType(),
g_type = co.getGrantType(acq, this),
client_xact_id = acq.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data)(p)
/** Construct an [[uncore.GrantToDst]] to respond to an [[uncore.Acquire]] with some overrides
* Used to respond to secondary misses merged into this transaction.
* May contain single or multiple beats of data.
* @param sec Secondary miss info
* @param manager_xact_id manager's transaction id
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
def makeGrant(
sec: SecondaryMissInfo,
manager_xact_id: UInt,
data: UInt): GrantToDst = {
dst = sec.client_id,
is_builtin_type = sec.isBuiltInType(),
g_type = co.getGrantType(sec, this),
client_xact_id = sec.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = sec.addr_beat,
data = data)(p)
/** New metadata after receiving a [[uncore.ReleaseFromSrc]]
* @param incoming the incoming [[uncore.ReleaseFromSrc]]
def onRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata with HasClientId): ManagerMetadata =
co.managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming, incoming.client_id, this)
/** New metadata after sending a [[uncore.GrantToDst]]
* @param outgoing the outgoing [[uncore.GrantToDst]]
def onGrant(outgoing: GrantMetadata with HasClientId): ManagerMetadata =
co.managerMetadataOnGrant(outgoing, outgoing.client_id, this)
/** Factories for ManagerMetadata, including on reset */
object ManagerMetadata {
def apply(sharers: UInt, state: UInt = UInt(width = 0))(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val meta = Wire(new ManagerMetadata)
//meta.state := state TODO: Fix 0-width wires in Chisel
meta.sharers := sharers
def apply(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val meta = Wire(new ManagerMetadata)
//meta.state := UInt(width = 0) TODO: Fix 0-width wires in Chisel
meta.sharers :=
def onReset(implicit p: Parameters) = ManagerMetadata(p)
/** HierarchicalMetadata is used in a cache in a multi-level memory hierarchy
* that is a manager with respect to some inner caches and a client with
* respect to some outer cache.
* This class makes use of two different sets of TileLink parameters, which are
* applied by contextually mapping [[uncore.TLId]] to one of
* [[uncore.InnerTLId]] or [[uncore.OuterTLId]].
class HierarchicalMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
val inner: ManagerMetadata = new ManagerMetadata()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(InnerTLId)}))
val outer: ClientMetadata = new ClientMetadata()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def ===(rhs: HierarchicalMetadata): Bool =
this.inner === rhs.inner && this.outer === rhs.outer
def =/=(rhs: HierarchicalMetadata): Bool = !this.===(rhs)
/** Factories for HierarchicalMetadata, including on reset */
object HierarchicalMetadata {
def apply(inner: ManagerMetadata, outer: ClientMetadata)
(implicit p: Parameters): HierarchicalMetadata = {
val m = Wire(new HierarchicalMetadata)
m.inner := inner
m.outer := outer
def onReset(implicit p: Parameters): HierarchicalMetadata =
apply(ManagerMetadata.onReset, ClientMetadata.onReset)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.coherence
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.Util._
/** The entire CoherencePolicy API consists of the following three traits:
* HasCustomTileLinkMessageTypes, used to define custom messages
* HasClientSideCoherencePolicy, for client coherence agents
* HasManagerSideCoherencePolicy, for manager coherence agents
abstract class CoherencePolicy(val dir: DirectoryRepresentation)
extends HasCustomTileLinkMessageTypes
with HasClientSideCoherencePolicy
with HasManagerSideCoherencePolicy
/** This API defines the custom, coherence-policy-defined message types,
* as opposed to the built-in ones found in tilelink.scala.
* Policies must enumerate the custom messages to be sent over each
* channel, as well as which of them have associated data.
trait HasCustomTileLinkMessageTypes {
val nAcquireTypes: Int
def acquireTypeWidth = log2Up(nAcquireTypes)
val nProbeTypes: Int
def probeTypeWidth = log2Up(nProbeTypes)
val nReleaseTypes: Int
def releaseTypeWidth = log2Up(nReleaseTypes)
val nGrantTypes: Int
def grantTypeWidth = log2Up(nGrantTypes)
val acquireTypesWithData = Nil // Only built-in Acquire types have data for now
def releaseTypesWithData: Seq[UInt]
def grantTypesWithData: Seq[UInt]
/** This API contains all functions required for client coherence agents.
* Policies must enumerate the number of client states and define their
* permissions with respect to memory operations. Policies must fill in functions
* to control which messages are sent and how metadata is updated in response
* to coherence events. These funtions are generally called from within the
* ClientMetadata class in metadata.scala
trait HasClientSideCoherencePolicy {
// Client coherence states and their permissions
val nClientStates: Int
def clientStateWidth = log2Ceil(nClientStates)
def clientStatesWithReadPermission: Seq[UInt]
def clientStatesWithWritePermission: Seq[UInt]
def clientStatesWithDirtyData: Seq[UInt]
// Transaction initiation logic
def isValid(meta: ClientMetadata): Bool
def isHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = {
meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithWritePermission,
meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithReadPermission)
//TODO: Assumes all states with write permissions also have read permissions
def requiresAcquireOnSecondaryMiss(
first_cmd: UInt,
second_cmd: UInt,
meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = {
isWriteIntent(second_cmd) && !isWriteIntent(first_cmd)
//TODO: Assumes all cache ctrl ops writeback dirty data, and
// doesn't issue transaction when e.g. downgrading Exclusive to Shared:
def requiresReleaseOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): Bool =
meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
// Determine which custom message type to use
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
def getReleaseType(p: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
// Mutate ClientMetadata based on messages or cmds
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
/** This API contains all functions required for manager coherence agents.
* Policies must enumerate the number of manager states. Policies must fill
* in functions to control which Probe and Grant messages are sent and how
* metadata should be updated in response to coherence events. These funtions
* are generally called from within the ManagerMetadata class in metadata.scala
trait HasManagerSideCoherencePolicy extends HasDirectoryRepresentation {
val nManagerStates: Int
def masterStateWidth = log2Ceil(nManagerStates)
// Transaction probing logic
def requiresProbes(acq: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): Bool
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): Bool
// Determine which custom message type to use in response
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getProbeType(acq: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getGrantType(acq: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt
// Mutate ManagerMetadata based on messages or cmds
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): ManagerMetadata
def managerMetadataOnGrant(outgoing: HasGrantType, dst: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
ManagerMetadata(sharers=Mux(outgoing.isBuiltInType(), // Assumes all built-ins are uncached
dir.push(meta.sharers, dst)))(meta.p)
//state = meta.state) TODO: Fix 0-width wires in Chisel
/** The following concrete implementations of CoherencePolicy each provide the
* functionality of one particular protocol.
/** A simple protocol with only two Client states.
* Data is always assumed to be dirty.
* Only a single client may ever have a copy of a block at a time.
class MICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// Message types
val nAcquireTypes = 1
val nProbeTypes = 2
val nReleaseTypes = 4
val nGrantTypes = 1
val acquireExclusive :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nAcquireTypes)
val probeInvalidate :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nProbeTypes)
val releaseInvalidateData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nReleaseTypes)
val grantExclusive :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nGrantTypes)
def releaseTypesWithData = Seq(releaseInvalidateData, releaseCopyData)
def grantTypesWithData = Seq(grantExclusive)
// Client states and functions
val nClientStates = 2
val clientInvalid :: clientValid :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nClientStates)
def clientStatesWithReadPermission = Seq(clientValid)
def clientStatesWithWritePermission = Seq(clientValid)
def clientStatesWithDirtyData = Seq(clientValid)
def isValid (meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = meta.state =/= clientInvalid
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = acquireExclusive
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
MuxLookup(cmd, releaseCopyAck, Array(
M_FLUSH -> Mux(dirty, releaseInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateAck),
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck),
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeCopy -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta)))
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) = meta
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(cmd === M_FLUSH, clientInvalid, meta.state))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid, clientValid))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(incoming.p_type === probeInvalidate,
clientInvalid, meta.state))(meta.p)
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // We don't actually need any states for this protocol
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(cmd, probeCopy, Array(
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate))
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putBlockType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type), grantExclusive)
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxCase(meta, Array(
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped))
/** A simple protocol with only three Client states.
* Data is marked as dirty when written.
* Only a single client may ever have a copy of a block at a time.
class MEICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// Message types
val nAcquireTypes = 2
val nProbeTypes = 3
val nReleaseTypes = 6
val nGrantTypes = 1
val acquireExclusiveClean :: acquireExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nAcquireTypes)
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nProbeTypes)
val releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nReleaseTypes)
val grantExclusive :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nGrantTypes)
def releaseTypesWithData = Seq(releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData)
def grantTypesWithData = Seq(grantExclusive)
// Client states and functions
val nClientStates = 3
val clientInvalid :: clientExclusiveClean :: clientExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nClientStates)
def clientStatesWithReadPermission = Seq(clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithWritePermission = Seq(clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithDirtyData = Seq(clientExclusiveDirty)
def isValid (meta: ClientMetadata) = meta.state =/= clientInvalid
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
Mux(isWriteIntent(cmd), acquireExclusiveDirty, acquireExclusiveClean)
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
MuxLookup(cmd, releaseCopyAck, Array(
M_FLUSH -> Mux(dirty, releaseInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateAck),
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(dirty, releaseDowngradeData, releaseDowngradeAck),
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeDowngrade -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeCopy -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta)))
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, meta.state))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(cmd, meta.state, Array(
M_FLUSH -> clientInvalid,
M_CLEAN -> Mux(meta.state === clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean, meta.state))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean)))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
probeDowngrade -> clientInvalid,
probeCopy -> clientInvalid)))(meta.p)
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // We don't actually need any states for this protocol
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(cmd, probeCopy, Array(
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putBlockType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type), grantExclusive)
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxCase(meta, Array(
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped))
/** A protocol with only three Client states.
* Data is always assumed to be dirty.
* Multiple clients may share read permissions on a block at the same time.
class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// Message types
val nAcquireTypes = 2
val nProbeTypes = 3
val nReleaseTypes = 6
val nGrantTypes = 3
val acquireShared :: acquireExclusive :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nAcquireTypes)
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nProbeTypes)
val releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nReleaseTypes)
val grantShared :: grantExclusive :: grantExclusiveAck :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nGrantTypes)
def releaseTypesWithData = Seq(releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData)
def grantTypesWithData = Seq(grantShared, grantExclusive)
// Client states and functions
val nClientStates = 3
val clientInvalid :: clientShared :: clientExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nClientStates)
def clientStatesWithReadPermission = Seq(clientShared, clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithWritePermission = Seq(clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithDirtyData = Seq(clientExclusiveDirty)
def isValid(meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = meta.state =/= clientInvalid
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
Mux(isWriteIntent(cmd), acquireExclusive, acquireShared)
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
MuxLookup(cmd, releaseCopyAck, Array(
M_FLUSH -> Mux(dirty, releaseInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateAck),
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(dirty, releaseDowngradeData, releaseDowngradeAck),
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeDowngrade -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta),
probeCopy -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta)))
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, meta.state))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(cmd, meta.state, Array(
M_FLUSH -> clientInvalid,
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithWritePermission,
clientShared, meta.state))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
MuxLookup(incoming.g_type, clientInvalid, Array(
grantShared -> clientShared,
grantExclusive -> clientExclusiveDirty,
grantExclusiveAck -> clientExclusiveDirty))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
probeDowngrade -> clientShared,
probeCopy -> clientShared)))(meta.p)
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // TODO: We could add a Shared state to avoid probing
// only a single sharer (also would need
// notification msg to track clean drops)
// Also could avoid probes on outer WBs.
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
Mux(dir.none(meta.sharers), Bool(false),
Mux(, Bool(true), //TODO: for now we assume it's Exclusive
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), a.hasData(), a.a_type =/= acquireShared)))
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(cmd, probeCopy, Array(
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putBlockType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
acquireShared -> probeDowngrade,
acquireExclusive -> probeInvalidate)))
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type),
Mux(a.a_type === acquireShared,
Mux(!dir.none(meta.sharers), grantShared, grantExclusive),
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxCase(meta, Array(
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped))
/** A protocol with four Client states.
* Data is marked as dirty when written.
* Multiple clients may share read permissions on a block at the same time.
class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// Message types
val nAcquireTypes = 2
val nProbeTypes = 3
val nReleaseTypes = 6
val nGrantTypes = 3
val acquireShared :: acquireExclusive :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nAcquireTypes)
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nProbeTypes)
val releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nReleaseTypes)
val grantShared :: grantExclusive :: grantExclusiveAck :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nGrantTypes)
def releaseTypesWithData = Seq(releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData)
def grantTypesWithData = Seq(grantShared, grantExclusive)
// Client states and functions
val nClientStates = 4
val clientInvalid :: clientShared :: clientExclusiveClean :: clientExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nClientStates)
def clientStatesWithReadPermission = Seq(clientShared, clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithWritePermission = Seq(clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithDirtyData = Seq(clientExclusiveDirty)
def isValid(meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = meta.state =/= clientInvalid
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
Mux(isWriteIntent(cmd), acquireExclusive, acquireShared)
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
MuxLookup(cmd, releaseCopyAck, Array(
M_FLUSH -> Mux(dirty, releaseInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateAck),
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(dirty, releaseDowngradeData, releaseDowngradeAck),
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeDowngrade -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta),
probeCopy -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta)))
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, meta.state))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(cmd, meta.state, Array(
M_FLUSH -> clientInvalid,
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithWritePermission,
clientShared, meta.state),
M_CLEAN -> Mux(meta.state === clientExclusiveDirty,
clientExclusiveClean, meta.state))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
MuxLookup(incoming.g_type, clientInvalid, Array(
grantShared -> clientShared,
grantExclusive -> Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean),
grantExclusiveAck -> clientExclusiveDirty))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
probeDowngrade -> clientShared,
probeCopy -> clientShared)))(meta.p)
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // TODO: We could add a Shared state to avoid probing
// only a single sharer (also would need
// notification msg to track clean drops)
// Also could avoid probes on outer WBs.
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
Mux(dir.none(meta.sharers), Bool(false),
Mux(, Bool(true), //TODO: for now we assume it's Exclusive
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), a.hasData(), a.a_type =/= acquireShared)))
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(cmd, probeCopy, Array(
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putBlockType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
acquireShared -> probeDowngrade,
acquireExclusive -> probeInvalidate)))
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type),
Mux(a.a_type === acquireShared,
Mux(!dir.none(meta.sharers), grantShared, grantExclusive),
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxCase(meta, Array(
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped))
class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// Message types
val nAcquireTypes = 3
val nProbeTypes = 4
val nReleaseTypes = 10
val nGrantTypes = 4
val acquireShared :: acquireExclusive :: acquireInvalidateOthers :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nAcquireTypes)
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: probeInvalidateOthers :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nProbeTypes)
val releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: releaseDowngradeDataMigratory :: releaseDowngradeAckHasCopy :: releaseInvalidateDataMigratory :: releaseInvalidateAckMigratory :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nReleaseTypes)
val grantShared :: grantExclusive :: grantExclusiveAck :: grantReadMigratory :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nGrantTypes)
def releaseTypesWithData = Seq(releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData, releaseInvalidateDataMigratory, releaseDowngradeDataMigratory)
def grantTypesWithData = Seq(grantShared, grantExclusive, grantReadMigratory)
// Client states and functions
val nClientStates = 7
val clientInvalid :: clientShared :: clientExclusiveClean :: clientExclusiveDirty :: clientSharedByTwo :: clientMigratoryClean :: clientMigratoryDirty :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), nClientStates)
def clientStatesWithReadPermission = Seq(clientShared, clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty, clientSharedByTwo, clientMigratoryClean, clientMigratoryDirty)
def clientStatesWithWritePermission = Seq(clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty, clientMigratoryClean, clientMigratoryDirty)
def clientStatesWithDirtyData = Seq(clientExclusiveDirty, clientMigratoryDirty)
def isValid (meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = meta.state =/= clientInvalid
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
Mux(meta.state === clientInvalid, acquireExclusive, acquireInvalidateOthers),
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
MuxLookup(cmd, releaseCopyAck, Array(
M_FLUSH -> Mux(dirty, releaseInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateAck),
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(dirty, releaseDowngradeData, releaseDowngradeAck),
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithDirtyData
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> Mux(meta.state isOneOf (clientExclusiveDirty, clientMigratoryDirty),
releaseInvalidateDataMigratory, releaseInvalidateData),
probeDowngrade -> Mux(meta.state === clientMigratoryDirty,
releaseDowngradeDataMigratory, releaseDowngradeData),
probeCopy -> releaseCopyData))
val without_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> Mux(clientExclusiveClean === meta.state,
releaseInvalidateAckMigratory, releaseInvalidateAck),
probeInvalidateOthers -> Mux(clientSharedByTwo === meta.state,
releaseInvalidateAckMigratory, releaseInvalidateAck),
probeDowngrade -> Mux(meta.state =/= clientInvalid,
releaseDowngradeAckHasCopy, releaseDowngradeAck),
probeCopy -> Mux(meta.state =/= clientInvalid,
releaseDowngradeAckHasCopy, releaseDowngradeAck)))
Mux(dirty, with_data, without_data)
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(isWrite(cmd), MuxLookup(meta.state, clientExclusiveDirty, Array(
clientExclusiveClean -> clientExclusiveDirty,
clientMigratoryClean -> clientMigratoryDirty)),
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(cmd, meta.state, Array(
M_FLUSH -> clientInvalid,
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(meta.state isOneOf clientStatesWithWritePermission,
clientShared, meta.state),
M_CLEAN -> MuxLookup(meta.state, meta.state, Array(
clientExclusiveDirty -> clientExclusiveClean,
clientMigratoryDirty -> clientMigratoryClean)))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
MuxLookup(incoming.g_type, clientInvalid, Array(
grantShared -> clientShared,
grantExclusive -> Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean),
grantExclusiveAck -> clientExclusiveDirty,
grantReadMigratory -> Mux(isWrite(cmd),
clientMigratoryDirty, clientMigratoryClean)))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) = {
val downgradeState = MuxLookup(meta.state, clientShared, Array(
clientExclusiveClean -> clientSharedByTwo,
clientExclusiveDirty -> clientSharedByTwo,
clientSharedByTwo -> clientShared,
clientMigratoryClean -> clientSharedByTwo,
clientMigratoryDirty -> clientInvalid))
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
probeInvalidateOthers -> clientInvalid,
probeDowngrade -> downgradeState,
probeCopy -> downgradeState)))(meta.p)
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // TODO: we could add some states to reduce the number of message types
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
Mux(dir.none(meta.sharers), Bool(false),
Mux(, Bool(true), //TODO: for now we assume it's Exclusive
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), a.hasData(), a.a_type =/= acquireShared)))
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(cmd, probeCopy, Array(
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putBlockType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> probeCopy,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> probeInvalidate,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
acquireShared -> probeDowngrade,
acquireExclusive -> probeInvalidate,
acquireInvalidateOthers -> probeInvalidateOthers)))
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type),
MuxLookup(a.a_type, grantShared, Array(
acquireShared -> Mux(!dir.none(meta.sharers), grantShared, grantExclusive),
acquireExclusive -> grantExclusive,
acquireInvalidateOthers -> grantExclusiveAck))) //TODO: add this to MESI for broadcast?
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxCase(meta, Array(
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped,
|||| -> popped))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
package uncore.converters
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.constants._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import HastiConstants._
/* We need to translate TileLink requests into operations we can actually execute on AHB.
* The general plan of attack is:
* get => one AHB=>TL read
* put => [multiple AHB write fragments=>nill], one AHB write=>TL
* getBlock => AHB burst reads =>TL
* putBlock => AHB burst writes=>TL
* getPrefetch => noop=>TL
* putPrefetch => noop=>TL
* putAtomic => one AHB=>TL read, one idle, one AHB atom_write=>nill, one idle
* This requires that we support a pipeline of optional AHB requests with optional TL responses
class AHBRequestIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiMasterIO
with HasGrantType
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId {
val executeAHB = Bool()
val respondTL = Bool()
val latchAtom = Bool()
val firstBurst = Bool()
val finalBurst = Bool()
val cmd = Bits(width = M_SZ) // atomic op
// AHB stage1: translate TileLink Acquires into AHBRequests
class AHBTileLinkIn(supportAtomics: Boolean = false)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new Acquire).flip // NOTE: acquire must be either a Queue or a Pipe
val request = new DecoupledIO(new AHBRequestIO)
// Match the AHB burst with a TileLink {Put,Get}Block
val burstSize = tlDataBeats match {
// case 2 not supported by AHB
case 4 => HBURST_WRAP4
case 8 => HBURST_WRAP8
case 16 => HBURST_WRAP16
case _ => throw new java.lang.AssertionError("TileLink beats unsupported by AHB")
// Bursts start at 0 and wrap-around back to 0
val finalBurst = UInt(tlDataBeats-1, width = log2Up(tlDataBeats)).asUInt
val firstBurst = UInt(0, width = log2Up(tlDataBeats))
val next_wmask = Wire(UInt(width = tlDataBytes)) // calculated below
// State variables for processing more complicated TileLink Acquires
val s_atom_r :: s_atom_idle1 :: s_atom_w :: s_atom_idle2 :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 4)
val atom_state = Reg(init = s_atom_r) // never changes if !supportAtomics
val done_wmask = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = tlDataBytes))
val burst = Reg(init = firstBurst)
// Grab some view of the TileLink acquire
val acq_wmask = io.acquire.bits.wmask()
val isReadBurst =
val isWriteBurst =
val isBurst = isWriteBurst || isReadBurst
val isAtomic = && Bool(supportAtomics)
val isPut =
// Final states?
val last_wmask = next_wmask === acq_wmask
val last_atom = atom_state === s_atom_idle2
val last_burst = burst === finalBurst
// Block the incoming request until we've fully consumed it
// NOTE: the outgoing grant.valid may happen while acquire.ready is still false;
// for this reason it is essential to have a Queue or a Pipe infront of acquire
io.acquire.ready := io.request.ready && MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(true), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.getBlockType -> last_burst, // hold it until the last beat is burst
Acquire.putType -> last_wmask, // only accept the put if we can fully consume its wmask
Acquire.putBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> last_atom, // atomic operation stages complete
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(true)))
// Advance the fragment state
when (io.request.ready && io.acquire.valid && isPut) {
when (last_wmask) { // if this was the last fragment, restart FSM
done_wmask := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
done_wmask := next_wmask
// Advance the burst state
// We assume here that TileLink gives us all putBlock beats with nothing between them
when (io.request.ready && io.acquire.valid && isBurst) {
when (last_burst) {
burst := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
burst := burst + UInt(1)
// Advance the atomic state machine
when (io.request.ready && io.acquire.valid && isAtomic) {
switch (atom_state) {
is (s_atom_r) { atom_state := s_atom_idle1 }
is (s_atom_idle1) { atom_state := s_atom_w } // idle1 => AMOALU runs on a different clock than AHB slave read
is (s_atom_w) { atom_state := s_atom_idle2 }
is (s_atom_idle2) { atom_state := s_atom_r } // idle2 state is required by AHB after hmastlock is lowered
// Returns (range=0, range=-1, aligned_wmask, size)
def mask_helper(in_0 : Bool, range : UInt): (Bool, Bool, UInt, UInt) = {
val len = range.getWidth
if (len == 1) {
(range === UInt(0), range === UInt(1), in_0.asUInt() & range, UInt(0))
} else {
val mid = len / 2
val lo = range(mid-1, 0)
val hi = range(len-1, mid)
val (lo_0, lo_1, lo_m, lo_s) = mask_helper(in_0, lo)
val (hi_0, hi_1, hi_m, hi_s) = mask_helper(in_0 && lo_0, hi)
val out_0 = lo_0 && hi_0
val out_1 = lo_1 && hi_1
val out_m = Cat(hi_m, lo_m) | Fill(len, (in_0 && out_1).asUInt())
val out_s = Mux(out_1, UInt(log2Up(len)), Mux(lo_0, hi_s, lo_s))
(out_0, out_1, out_m, out_s)
val pending_wmask = acq_wmask & ~done_wmask
val put_addr = PriorityEncoder(pending_wmask)
val (wmask_0, _, exec_wmask, put_size) = mask_helper(Bool(true), pending_wmask)
next_wmask := done_wmask | exec_wmask
// Calculate the address, with consideration to put fragments and bursts
val addr_block = io.acquire.bits.addr_block
val addr_beatin= io.acquire.bits.addr_beat
val addr_burst = Mux(isReadBurst, addr_beatin + burst, addr_beatin)
val addr_byte = Mux(isPut, put_addr, io.acquire.bits.addr_byte())
val addr_beat = Mux(isWriteBurst, UInt(0), addr_burst)
val ahbAddr = Cat(addr_block, addr_burst, addr_byte)
val ahbSize = Mux(isPut, put_size, Mux(isBurst, UInt(log2Ceil(tlDataBytes)), io.acquire.bits.op_size()))
val ahbBurst = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, HBURST_SINGLE, Array(
Acquire.getType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.getBlockType -> burstSize,
Acquire.putType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.putBlockType -> burstSize,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> HBURST_SINGLE))
val ahbWrite = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(false), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(false),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Bool(false),
Acquire.putType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> MuxLookup(atom_state, Bool(false), Array(
s_atom_r -> Bool(false),
s_atom_idle1 -> Bool(false), // don't care
s_atom_w -> Bool(true),
s_atom_idle2 -> Bool(true))), // don't care
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(false), // don't care
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(true))) // don't care
val ahbExecute = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(false), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putType -> !wmask_0, // handle the case of a Put with no bytes!
Acquire.putBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> MuxLookup(atom_state, Bool(false), Array(
s_atom_r -> Bool(true),
s_atom_idle1 -> Bool(false),
s_atom_w -> Bool(true),
s_atom_idle2 -> Bool(false))),
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(false),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(false)))
val respondTL = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(false), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putType -> last_wmask,
Acquire.putBlockType -> last_burst,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> MuxLookup(atom_state, Bool(false), Array(
s_atom_r -> Bool(true), // they want the old data
s_atom_idle1 -> Bool(false),
s_atom_w -> Bool(false),
s_atom_idle2 -> Bool(false))),
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(true)))
io.request.valid := io.acquire.valid
io.request.bits.htrans := HTRANS_IDLE // unused/ignored
io.request.bits.haddr := ahbAddr
io.request.bits.hmastlock := isAtomic && atom_state =/= s_atom_idle2
io.request.bits.hwrite := ahbWrite
io.request.bits.hburst := ahbBurst
io.request.bits.hsize := ahbSize
io.request.bits.hprot := HPROT_DATA | HPROT_PRIVILEGED
io.request.bits.hwdata :=
io.request.bits.executeAHB := ahbExecute
io.request.bits.respondTL := respondTL
io.request.bits.latchAtom := isAtomic && atom_state === s_atom_r
io.request.bits.firstBurst := burst === firstBurst
io.request.bits.finalBurst := burst === finalBurst || !isBurst
io.request.bits.cmd := io.acquire.bits.op_code()
io.request.bits.is_builtin_type := Bool(true)
io.request.bits.g_type := io.acquire.bits.getBuiltInGrantType()
io.request.bits.client_xact_id := io.acquire.bits.client_xact_id
io.request.bits.addr_beat := addr_beat
val debugBurst = Reg(UInt())
when (io.request.valid) {
debugBurst := addr_burst - burst
// We only support built-in TileLink requests
assert(!io.acquire.valid || io.acquire.bits.is_builtin_type, "AHB bridge only supports builtin TileLink types")
// Ensure alignment of address to size
assert(!io.acquire.valid || (ahbAddr & ((UInt(1) << ahbSize) - UInt(1))) === UInt(0), "TileLink operation misaligned")
// If this is a putBlock, make sure it moves properly
assert(!io.acquire.valid || !isBurst || burst === firstBurst || debugBurst === addr_burst - burst, "TileLink putBlock beats not sequential")
// We better not get an incomplete TileLink acquire
assert(!io.acquire.valid || isBurst || burst === firstBurst, "TileLink never completed a putBlock")
// If we disabled atomic support, we better not see a request
assert(! || Bool(supportAtomics))
// AHB stage2: execute AHBRequests
class AHBBusMaster(supportAtomics: Boolean = false)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val request = new DecoupledIO(new AHBRequestIO).flip
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new Grant)
val ahb = new HastiMasterIO()
// All AHB outputs are registered (they might be IOs)
val midBurst = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val htrans = Reg(init = HTRANS_IDLE)
val haddr = Reg(UInt())
val hmastlock = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val hwrite = Reg(Bool())
val hburst = Reg(UInt())
val hsize = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = SZ_HSIZE))
val hprot = Reg(UInt())
val hwdata0 = Reg(Bits())
val hwdata1 = Reg(Bits())
val hrdata = Reg(Bits())
io.ahb.htrans := htrans
io.ahb.haddr := haddr
io.ahb.hmastlock := hmastlock
io.ahb.hwrite := hwrite
io.ahb.hburst := hburst
io.ahb.hsize := hsize
io.ahb.hprot := hprot
io.ahb.hwdata := hwdata1 // one cycle after the address phase
// TileLink response data needed in data phase
val respondTL0 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val respondTL1 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val latchAtom0 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val latchAtom1 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val executeAHB0 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val executeAHB1 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val bubble = Reg(init = Bool(true)) // nothing useful in address phase
val cmd = Reg(Bits())
val g_type0 = Reg(UInt())
val g_type1 = Reg(UInt())
val client_xact_id0 = Reg(Bits())
val client_xact_id1 = Reg(Bits())
val addr_beat0 = Reg(UInt())
val addr_beat1 = Reg(UInt())
val grant1 = Reg(new Grant)
// It is allowed to progress from Idle/Busy during a wait state
val addrReady = io.ahb.hready || bubble || (!executeAHB1 && !executeAHB0)
val dataReady = io.ahb.hready || !executeAHB1
// Only accept a new AHBRequest if we have enough buffer space in the pad
// to accomodate a persistent drop in TileLink's grant.ready
io.request.ready := addrReady && io.grant.ready
// htrans must be updated even if no request is valid
when (addrReady) {
when ( && io.request.bits.executeAHB) {
midBurst := !io.request.bits.finalBurst
when (io.request.bits.firstBurst) {
} .otherwise {
htrans := HTRANS_SEQ
} .otherwise {
when (midBurst) {
htrans := HTRANS_BUSY
} .otherwise {
htrans := HTRANS_IDLE
// Address phase, clear repondTL when we have nothing to do
when (addrReady) {
when ( {
respondTL0 := io.request.bits.respondTL
latchAtom0 := io.request.bits.latchAtom
executeAHB0:= io.request.bits.executeAHB
bubble := Bool(false)
} .otherwise {
respondTL0 := Bool(false)
latchAtom0 := Bool(false)
executeAHB0:= Bool(false)
bubble := Bool(true) // an atom-injected Idle is not a bubble!
// Transfer bulk address phase
when ( {
haddr := io.request.bits.haddr
hmastlock := io.request.bits.hmastlock
hwrite := io.request.bits.hwrite
hburst := io.request.bits.hburst
hsize := io.request.bits.hsize
hprot := io.request.bits.hprot
hwdata0 := io.request.bits.hwdata
cmd := io.request.bits.cmd
g_type0 := io.request.bits.g_type
client_xact_id0 := io.request.bits.client_xact_id
addr_beat0 := io.request.bits.addr_beat
// Execute Atomic ops; unused and optimized away if !supportAtomics
val amo_p = p.alterPartial({
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => hastiAddrBits
case AmoAluOperandBits => hastiDataBits
val alu = Module(new AMOALU(rhsIsAligned = true)(amo_p))
|||| := haddr
|||| := cmd
|||| := hsize
|||| := hwdata0
|||| := hrdata
// Transfer bulk data phase
when (dataReady) {
when (addrReady) {
respondTL1 := respondTL0
latchAtom1 := latchAtom0
executeAHB1 := executeAHB0
} .otherwise {
respondTL1 := Bool(false)
latchAtom1 := Bool(false)
executeAHB1 := Bool(false)
hwdata1 := Mux(Bool(supportAtomics),, hwdata0)
g_type1 := g_type0
client_xact_id1 := client_xact_id0
addr_beat1 := addr_beat0
// Latch the read result for an atomic operation
when (dataReady && latchAtom1) {
hrdata := io.ahb.hrdata
// Only issue TL grant when the slave has provided data
io.grant.valid := dataReady && respondTL1
io.grant.bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = g_type1,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id1,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = addr_beat1,
data = io.ahb.hrdata)
// We cannot support errors from AHB to TileLink
assert(!io.ahb.hresp, "AHB hresp error detected and cannot be reported via TileLink")
class AHBBridge(supportAtomics: Boolean = true)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val ahb = new HastiMasterIO()
// Hasti and TileLink widths must agree at this point in the topology
require (tlDataBits == hastiDataBits)
require (p(PAddrBits) == hastiAddrBits)
// AHB does not permit bursts to cross a 1KB boundary
require (tlDataBits * tlDataBeats <= 1024*8)
// tlDataBytes must be a power of 2
require (1 << log2Ceil(tlDataBytes) == tlDataBytes)
// Create the sub-blocks
val fsm = Module(new AHBTileLinkIn(supportAtomics))
val bus = Module(new AHBBusMaster(supportAtomics))
val pad = Module(new Queue(new Grant, 4))
|||| <> Queue(, 2) // Pipe is also acceptable
|||| <>
io.ahb <>
|||| <>
// The pad is needed to absorb AHB progress while !grant.ready
// We are only 'ready' if the pad has at least 3 cycles of space
|||| := <= UInt(1)
|||| :=
|||| :=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
package uncore.converters
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.constants._
import cde.Parameters
import scala.math.min
class IdMapper(val inIdBits: Int, val outIdBits: Int,
val forceMapping: Boolean = false)
(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = new Bundle {
val valid = Bool(INPUT)
val ready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val in_id = UInt(INPUT, inIdBits)
val out_id = UInt(OUTPUT, outIdBits)
val resp = new Bundle {
val valid = Bool(INPUT)
val matches = Bool(OUTPUT)
val out_id = UInt(INPUT, outIdBits)
val in_id = UInt(OUTPUT, inIdBits)
val maxInXacts = 1 << inIdBits
if (inIdBits <= outIdBits && !forceMapping) {
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
io.req.out_id := io.req.in_id
io.resp.matches := Bool(true)
io.resp.in_id := io.resp.out_id
} else {
val nInXacts = 1 << inIdBits
// No point in allowing more out xacts than in xacts
val nOutXacts = min(1 << outIdBits, nInXacts)
val out_id_free = Reg(init = Vec.fill(nOutXacts){Bool(true)})
val in_id_free = Reg(init = Vec.fill(nInXacts){Bool(true)})
val next_out_id = PriorityEncoder(out_id_free)
val id_mapping = Reg(Vec(nOutXacts, UInt(0, inIdBits)))
val req_fire = io.req.valid && io.req.ready
when (req_fire) {
out_id_free(io.req.out_id) := Bool(false)
in_id_free(io.req.in_id) := Bool(false)
id_mapping(io.req.out_id) := io.req.in_id
when (io.resp.valid) {
out_id_free(io.resp.out_id) := Bool(true)
in_id_free(io.resp.in_id) := Bool(true)
io.req.ready := out_id_free.reduce(_ || _) && in_id_free(io.req.in_id)
io.req.out_id := next_out_id
io.resp.in_id := id_mapping(io.resp.out_id)
io.resp.matches := !out_id_free(io.resp.out_id)
class NastiIOTileLinkIOConverterInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
val addr_beat = UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits)
val subblock = Bool()
class NastiIOTileLinkIOConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p)
with HasNastiParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val nasti = new NastiIO
private def opSizeToXSize(ops: UInt) = MuxLookup(ops, UInt("b111"), Seq(
MT_B -> UInt(0),
MT_BU -> UInt(0),
MT_H -> UInt(1),
MT_HU -> UInt(1),
MT_W -> UInt(2),
MT_WU -> UInt(2),
MT_D -> UInt(3),
MT_Q -> UInt(log2Up(tlDataBytes))))
val dataBits = tlDataBits*tlDataBeats
require(tlDataBits == nastiXDataBits, "Data sizes between LLC and MC don't agree") // TODO: remove this restriction
require(tlDataBeats < (1 << nastiXLenBits), "Can't have that many beats")
val has_data =
val is_subblock =
val is_multibeat =
val (tl_cnt_out, tl_wrap_out) = Counter(
|||| && is_multibeat, tlDataBeats)
val get_valid = && !has_data
val put_valid = && has_data
// Reorder queue saves extra information needed to send correct
// grant back to TL client
val roqIdBits = min(tlClientXactIdBits, nastiXIdBits)
val roq = Module(new ReorderQueue(
new NastiIOTileLinkIOConverterInfo, roqIdBits))
val get_id_mapper = Module(new IdMapper(tlClientXactIdBits, nastiXIdBits))
val put_id_mapper = Module(new IdMapper(tlClientXactIdBits, nastiXIdBits))
val get_id_ready =
val put_id_mask = is_subblock || === UInt(0)
val put_id_ready = || !put_id_mask
// For Get/GetBlock, make sure Reorder queue can accept new entry
val get_helper = DecoupledHelper(
val w_inflight = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val w_id = Reg(init = UInt(0, nastiXIdBits))
// For Put/PutBlock, make sure aw and w channel are both ready before
// we send the first beat
val aw_ready = w_inflight ||
val put_helper = DecoupledHelper(
val (nasti_cnt_out, nasti_wrap_out) = Counter(
|||| && !, tlDataBeats)
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := is_subblock
|||| := && (nasti_wrap_out ||
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := && io.nasti.r.bits.last
|||| :=
|||| :=, put_id_mask)
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| :=
// Decompose outgoing TL Acquires into Nasti address and data channels
|||| :=
|||| := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id =,
addr =,
size = Mux(is_subblock,
len = Mux(is_subblock, UInt(0), UInt(tlDataBeats - 1)))
def mask_helper(all_inside_0: Seq[Bool], defsize: Int): (Seq[Bool], UInt, UInt) = {
val len = all_inside_0.size
if (len == 1) {
(Seq(Bool(true)), UInt(0), UInt(defsize))
} else {
val sub_inside_0 = Seq.tabulate (len/2) { i => all_inside_0(2*i) && all_inside_0(2*i+1) }
val (sub_outside_0, sub_offset, sub_size) = mask_helper(sub_inside_0, defsize+1)
val all_outside_0 = Seq.tabulate (len) { i => sub_outside_0(i/2) && all_inside_0(i^1) }
val odd_outside_0 = Seq.tabulate (len/2) { i => all_outside_0(2*i+1) }
val odd_outside = odd_outside_0.reduce (_ || _)
val all_outside = all_outside_0.reduce (_ || _)
val offset = Cat(sub_offset, odd_outside.toBits)
val size = Mux(all_outside, UInt(defsize), sub_size)
(all_outside_0, offset, size)
val all_inside_0 = (
val (_, put_offset, put_size) = mask_helper(all_inside_0, 0)
|||| :=, !w_inflight)
|||| := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id =,
addr = |
Mux(is_multibeat, UInt(0), put_offset),
size = Mux(is_multibeat, UInt(log2Ceil(tlDataBytes)), put_size),
len = Mux(is_multibeat, UInt(tlDataBeats - 1), UInt(0)))
io.nasti.w.valid :=
io.nasti.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
id = w_id,
data =,
strb = Some(,
last = Mux(w_inflight,
tl_cnt_out === UInt(tlDataBeats - 1), !is_multibeat))
|||| := Mux(has_data,
when (!w_inflight && && is_multibeat) {
w_inflight := Bool(true)
w_id :=
when (w_inflight) {
when (tl_wrap_out) { w_inflight := Bool(false) }
// Aggregate incoming NASTI responses into TL Grants
val (tl_cnt_in, tl_wrap_in) = Counter(
|||| &&, tlDataBeats)
val gnt_arb = Module(new LockingArbiter(new GrantToDst, 2,
tlDataBeats, Some((gnt: GrantToDst) => gnt.hasMultibeatData())))
|||| <>
|||| := io.nasti.r.valid
io.nasti.r.ready :=
|||| := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Mux(,
Grant.getDataBeatType, Grant.getDataBlockType),
client_xact_id =,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = Mux(,, tl_cnt_in),
data =
assert(! ||,
"TL -> NASTI converter ReorderQueue: NASTI tag error")
assert(! ||,
"TL -> NASTI ID Mapper: NASTI tag error")
|||| := io.nasti.b.valid
io.nasti.b.ready :=
|||| := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.putAckType,
client_xact_id =,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = UInt(0),
data = Bits(0))
assert(! ||, "NASTI tag error")
assert(!io.nasti.r.valid || io.nasti.r.bits.resp === UInt(0), "NASTI read error")
assert(!io.nasti.b.valid || io.nasti.b.bits.resp === UInt(0), "NASTI write error")
class TileLinkIONastiIOConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p)
with HasNastiParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val nasti = (new NastiIO).flip
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val (s_idle :: s_put :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 2)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
private val blockOffset = tlByteAddrBits + tlBeatAddrBits
val aw_req = Reg(new NastiWriteAddressChannel)
val w_tl_id = Reg(
def is_singlebeat(chan: NastiAddressChannel): Bool =
chan.len === UInt(0)
def is_multibeat(chan: NastiAddressChannel): Bool =
chan.len === UInt(tlDataBeats - 1) && chan.size === UInt(log2Up(tlDataBytes))
def nasti_addr_block(chan: NastiAddressChannel): UInt =
chan.addr(nastiXAddrBits - 1, blockOffset)
def nasti_addr_beat(chan: NastiAddressChannel): UInt =
chan.addr(blockOffset - 1, tlByteAddrBits)
def nasti_addr_byte(chan: NastiAddressChannel): UInt =
chan.addr(tlByteAddrBits - 1, 0)
def nasti_operand_size(chan: NastiAddressChannel): UInt =
MuxLookup(chan.size, MT_Q, Seq(
UInt(0) -> MT_BU,
UInt(1) -> MT_HU,
UInt(2) -> MT_WU,
UInt(3) -> MT_D))
def size_mask(size: UInt): UInt =
(UInt(1) << (UInt(1) << size)) - UInt(1)
def nasti_wmask(aw: NastiWriteAddressChannel, w: NastiWriteDataChannel): UInt = {
val base = w.strb & size_mask(aw.size)
val addr_byte = nasti_addr_byte(aw)
w.strb & (size_mask(aw.size) << addr_byte)
def tl_last(gnt: GrantMetadata): Bool =
!gnt.hasMultibeatData() || gnt.addr_beat === UInt(tlDataBeats - 1)
def tl_b_grant(gnt: GrantMetadata): Bool =
gnt.g_type === Grant.putAckType
assert(! ||
is_singlebeat( || is_multibeat(,
"NASTI read transaction cannot convert to TileLInk")
assert(! ||
is_singlebeat( || is_multibeat(,
"NASTI write transaction cannot convert to TileLInk")
val put_count = Reg(init = UInt(0, tlBeatAddrBits))
val get_id_mapper = Module(new IdMapper(nastiXIdBits, tlClientXactIdBits, true))
val put_id_mapper = Module(new IdMapper(nastiXIdBits, tlClientXactIdBits, true))
when ( {
aw_req :=
w_tl_id :=
state := s_put
when ( {
put_count := put_count + UInt(1)
when (io.nasti.w.bits.last) {
put_count := UInt(0)
state := s_idle
val get_acquire = Mux(is_multibeat(,
client_xact_id =,
addr_block = nasti_addr_block(,
client_xact_id =,
addr_block = nasti_addr_block(,
addr_beat = nasti_addr_beat(,
addr_byte = nasti_addr_byte(,
operand_size = nasti_operand_size(,
alloc = Bool(false)))
val put_acquire = Mux(is_multibeat(aw_req),
client_xact_id = w_tl_id,
addr_block = nasti_addr_block(aw_req),
addr_beat = put_count,
data =,
wmask = Some(io.nasti.w.bits.strb)),
client_xact_id = w_tl_id,
addr_block = nasti_addr_block(aw_req),
addr_beat = nasti_addr_beat(aw_req),
data =,
wmask = Some(nasti_wmask(aw_req, io.nasti.w.bits))))
val get_helper = DecoupledHelper(
|||| :=
||||, state === s_idle)
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := && io.nasti.r.bits.last
val aw_ok = (state === s_idle && !
|||| := aw_ok &&
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := Mux(state === s_put, put_acquire, get_acquire)
|||| :=, state === s_idle) ||
(state === s_put && io.nasti.w.valid)
|||| :=, state === s_idle)
|||| := aw_ok &&
io.nasti.w.ready := (state === s_put &&
val nXacts = tlMaxClientXacts * tlMaxClientsPerPort
io.nasti.b.valid := && tl_b_grant(
io.nasti.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(
id =
assert(!io.nasti.b.valid ||,
"Put ID does not match")
io.nasti.r.valid := && !tl_b_grant(
io.nasti.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(
id =,
data =,
last = tl_last(
assert(!io.nasti.r.valid ||,
"Get ID does not match")
|||| := Mux(tl_b_grant(,
io.nasti.b.ready, io.nasti.r.ready)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// See LICENSE for details
package uncore.converters
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.Parameters
/** Convert TileLink protocol to Smi protocol */
class SmiIOTileLinkIOConverter(val dataWidth: Int, val addrWidth: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl = (new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val smi = new SmiIO(dataWidth, addrWidth)
def decoupledNastiConnect(outer: NastiIO, inner: NastiIO) {
|||| <> Queue(
|||| <> Queue(
outer.w <> Queue(inner.w)
inner.r <> Queue(outer.r)
inner.b <> Queue(outer.b)
val tl2nasti = Module(new NastiIOTileLinkIOConverter())
val nasti2smi = Module(new SmiIONastiIOConverter(dataWidth, addrWidth))
|||| <>
io.smi <>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
package uncore.converters
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.constants._
import cde.Parameters
/** Utilities for safely wrapping a *UncachedTileLink by pinning probe.ready and release.valid low */
object TileLinkIOWrapper {
def apply(tl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOWrapper)
|||| <> tl
def apply(tl: UncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): TileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new TileLinkIOWrapper)
|||| <> tl
def apply(tl: ClientTileLinkIO): ClientTileLinkIO = tl
def apply(tl: TileLinkIO): TileLinkIO = tl
class TileLinkIOWrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new TileLinkIO
io.out.acquire <>
|||| <> io.out.grant
io.out.finish <>
io.out.probe.ready := Bool(true)
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
class ClientTileLinkIOWrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new ClientTileLinkIO
io.out.acquire <>
|||| <> io.out.grant
io.out.probe.ready := Bool(true)
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
class ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val acqArb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(new Acquire, 2, tlDataBeats,
Some((acq: Acquire) => acq.hasMultibeatData())))
val acqRoq = Module(new ReorderQueue(Bool(), tlClientXactIdBits))
val relRoq = Module(new ReorderQueue(Bool(), tlClientXactIdBits))
val iacq =
val irel =
val ognt = io.out.grant.bits
val acq_roq_enq = iacq.first()
val rel_roq_enq = irel.first()
val acq_roq_ready = !acq_roq_enq ||
val rel_roq_ready = !rel_roq_enq ||
val acq_helper = DecoupledHelper(
val rel_helper = DecoupledHelper(
|||| :=, acq_roq_enq)
|||| := iacq.isBuiltInType()
|||| := iacq.client_xact_id
|||| :=
|||| := Acquire(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Mux(iacq.isBuiltInType(),
iacq.a_type, Acquire.getBlockType),
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = iacq.addr_block,
addr_beat = iacq.addr_beat,
data =,
union = Mux(iacq.isBuiltInType(),
iacq.union, Cat(MT_Q, M_XRD, Bool(true))))
|||| :=
|||| :=, rel_roq_enq)
|||| := irel.isVoluntary()
|||| := irel.client_xact_id
|||| :=
|||| := PutBlock(
client_xact_id = irel.client_xact_id,
addr_block = irel.addr_block,
addr_beat = irel.addr_beat,
data =
|||| :=
io.out.acquire <>
val grant_deq_roq = && ognt.last()
|||| := && grant_deq_roq
|||| := ognt.client_xact_id
|||| := ! && grant_deq_roq
|||| := ognt.client_xact_id
assert(!grant_deq_roq || ||,
"TileLink Unwrapper: client_xact_id mismatch")
val gnt_builtin =
val gnt_voluntary =
val acq_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = gnt_builtin,
g_type = Mux(gnt_builtin, ognt.g_type, tlCoh.getExclusiveGrantType),
client_xact_id = ognt.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = ognt.manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = ognt.addr_beat,
data =
assert(! ||, "Unwrapper can only process voluntary releases.")
val rel_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.voluntaryAckType, // We should only every be working with voluntary releases
client_xact_id = ognt.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = ognt.manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = ognt.addr_beat,
data =
|||| := io.out.grant.valid
|||| := Mux(, acq_grant, rel_grant)
io.out.grant.ready :=
|||| := Bool(false)
object TileLinkWidthAdapter {
def apply(in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, outerId: String)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val outerDataBits = p(TLKey(outerId)).dataBitsPerBeat
if (outerDataBits > in.tlDataBits) {
val widener = Module(new TileLinkIOWidener(in.p(TLId), outerId))
|||| <> in
} else if (outerDataBits < in.tlDataBits) {
val narrower = Module(new TileLinkIONarrower(in.p(TLId), outerId))
|||| <> in
} else { in }
def apply(out: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, in: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)(implicit p: Parameters): Unit = {
require(out.tlDataBits * out.tlDataBeats == in.tlDataBits * in.tlDataBeats)
out <> apply(in, out.p(TLId))
class TileLinkIOWidener(innerTLId: String, outerTLId: String)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val paddrBits = p(PAddrBits)
val innerParams = p(TLKey(innerTLId))
val outerParams = p(TLKey(outerTLId))
val innerDataBeats = innerParams.dataBeats
val innerDataBits = innerParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val innerWriteMaskBits = innerParams.writeMaskBits
val innerByteAddrBits = log2Up(innerWriteMaskBits)
val innerMaxXacts = innerParams.maxClientXacts * innerParams.maxClientsPerPort
val innerXactIdBits = log2Up(innerMaxXacts)
val outerDataBeats = outerParams.dataBeats
val outerDataBits = outerParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val outerWriteMaskBits = outerParams.writeMaskBits
val outerByteAddrBits = log2Up(outerWriteMaskBits)
val outerBeatAddrBits = log2Up(outerDataBeats)
val outerBlockOffset = outerBeatAddrBits + outerByteAddrBits
val outerMaxClients = outerParams.maxClientsPerPort
val outerClientIdBits = log2Up(outerParams.maxClientXacts * outerMaxClients)
val outerManagerIdBits = log2Up(outerParams.maxManagerXacts)
val outerBlockAddrBits = paddrBits - outerBlockOffset
require(outerDataBeats <= innerDataBeats)
require(outerDataBits >= innerDataBits)
require(outerDataBits % innerDataBits == 0)
require(outerDataBits * outerDataBeats == innerDataBits * innerDataBeats)
val factor = innerDataBeats / outerDataBeats
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => innerTLId})).flip
val out = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => outerTLId}))
val iacq =
val oacq = io.out.acquire.bits
val ognt = io.out.grant.bits
val ignt =
val shrink = iacq.a_type === Acquire.putBlockType
val stretch = ognt.g_type === Grant.getDataBlockType
val smallget = iacq.a_type === Acquire.getType
val smallput = iacq.a_type === Acquire.putType
val smallgnt = ognt.g_type === Grant.getDataBeatType
val sending_put = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val collecting = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val put_block = Reg(UInt(width = outerBlockAddrBits))
val put_id = Reg(UInt(width = outerClientIdBits))
val put_data = Reg(Vec(factor, UInt(width = innerDataBits)))
val put_wmask = Reg(Vec(factor, UInt(width = innerWriteMaskBits)))
val put_allocate = Reg(Bool())
val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter( && oacq.hasMultibeatData(), outerDataBeats)
val (recv_idx, recv_done) = Counter( && iacq.hasMultibeatData(), factor)
val in_addr = iacq.full_addr()
val out_addr_block = in_addr(paddrBits - 1, outerBlockOffset)
val out_addr_beat = in_addr(outerBlockOffset - 1, outerByteAddrBits)
val out_addr_byte = in_addr(outerByteAddrBits - 1, 0)
val switch_addr = in_addr(outerByteAddrBits - 1, innerByteAddrBits)
val smallget_switch = Reg(Vec(innerMaxXacts, switch_addr))
def align_data(addr: UInt, data: UInt): UInt =
data << Cat(addr, UInt(0, log2Up(innerDataBits)))
def align_wmask(addr: UInt, wmask: UInt): UInt =
wmask << Cat(addr, UInt(0, log2Up(innerWriteMaskBits)))
val outerConfig = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => outerTLId })
val get_acquire = Get(
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = out_addr_block,
addr_beat = out_addr_beat,
addr_byte = out_addr_byte,
operand_size = iacq.op_size(),
alloc = iacq.allocate())(outerConfig)
val get_block_acquire = GetBlock(
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = out_addr_block,
alloc = iacq.allocate())(outerConfig)
val put_acquire = Put(
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = out_addr_block,
addr_beat = out_addr_beat,
data = align_data(switch_addr,,
wmask = Some(align_wmask(switch_addr, iacq.wmask())),
alloc = iacq.allocate())(outerConfig)
val put_block_acquire = PutBlock(
client_xact_id = put_id,
addr_block = put_block,
addr_beat = put_beat,
data = put_data.toBits,
wmask = Some(put_wmask.toBits))(outerConfig)
io.out.acquire.valid := sending_put || (!shrink &&
io.out.acquire.bits := MuxCase(get_block_acquire, Seq(
sending_put -> put_block_acquire,
smallget -> get_acquire,
smallput -> put_acquire))
|||| := !sending_put && (shrink || io.out.acquire.ready)
when ( && shrink) {
when (!collecting) {
put_block := out_addr_block
put_id := iacq.client_xact_id
put_allocate := iacq.allocate()
collecting := Bool(true)
put_data(recv_idx) :=
put_wmask(recv_idx) := iacq.wmask()
when ( && smallget) {
smallget_switch(iacq.client_xact_id) := switch_addr
when (recv_done) { sending_put := Bool(true) }
when (sending_put && io.out.acquire.ready) { sending_put := Bool(false) }
when (put_done) { collecting := Bool(false) }
val returning_data = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val (send_idx, send_done) = Counter(
|||| && returning_data, factor)
val gnt_beat = Reg(UInt(width = outerBeatAddrBits))
val gnt_client_id = Reg(UInt(width = outerClientIdBits))
val gnt_manager_id = Reg(UInt(width = outerManagerIdBits))
val gnt_data = Reg(UInt(width = outerDataBits))
when ( && stretch) {
gnt_data :=
gnt_client_id := ognt.client_xact_id
gnt_manager_id := ognt.manager_xact_id
gnt_beat := ognt.addr_beat
returning_data := Bool(true)
when (send_done) { returning_data := Bool(false) }
def select_data(data: UInt, sel: UInt): UInt =
data >> (sel << log2Up(innerDataBits))
val gnt_switch = smallget_switch(ognt.client_xact_id)
val innerConfig = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => innerTLId })
val get_block_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.getDataBlockType,
client_xact_id = gnt_client_id,
manager_xact_id = gnt_manager_id,
addr_beat = Cat(gnt_beat, send_idx),
data = select_data(gnt_data, send_idx))(innerConfig)
val get_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.getDataBeatType,
client_xact_id = ognt.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = ognt.manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = Cat(ognt.addr_beat, gnt_switch),
data = select_data(, gnt_switch))(innerConfig)
val default_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = ognt.g_type,
client_xact_id = ognt.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = ognt.manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = ognt.addr_beat,
data =
|||| := returning_data || (!stretch && io.out.grant.valid)
|||| := MuxCase(default_grant, Seq(
returning_data -> get_block_grant,
smallgnt -> get_grant))
io.out.grant.ready := !returning_data && (stretch ||
class TileLinkIONarrower(innerTLId: String, outerTLId: String)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val innerParams = p(TLKey(innerTLId))
val outerParams = p(TLKey(outerTLId))
val innerDataBeats = innerParams.dataBeats
val innerDataBits = innerParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val innerWriteMaskBits = innerParams.writeMaskBits
val innerByteAddrBits = log2Up(innerWriteMaskBits)
val outerDataBeats = outerParams.dataBeats
val outerDataBits = outerParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val outerWriteMaskBits = outerParams.writeMaskBits
val outerByteAddrBits = log2Up(outerWriteMaskBits)
val outerBeatAddrBits = log2Up(outerDataBeats)
val outerBlockOffset = outerBeatAddrBits + outerByteAddrBits
val outerMaxClients = outerParams.maxClientsPerPort
val outerIdBits = log2Up(outerParams.maxClientXacts * outerMaxClients)
require(outerDataBeats > innerDataBeats)
require(outerDataBeats % innerDataBeats == 0)
require(outerDataBits < innerDataBits)
require(outerDataBits * outerDataBeats == innerDataBits * innerDataBeats)
val factor = outerDataBeats / innerDataBeats
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => innerTLId})).flip
val out = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => outerTLId}))
val iacq =
val ognt = io.out.grant.bits
val stretch = iacq.a_type === Acquire.putBlockType
val shrink = iacq.a_type === Acquire.getBlockType
val smallput = iacq.a_type === Acquire.putType
val smallget = iacq.a_type === Acquire.getType
val acq_data_buffer = Reg(UInt(width = innerDataBits))
val acq_wmask_buffer = Reg(UInt(width = innerWriteMaskBits))
val acq_client_id = Reg(iacq.client_xact_id)
val acq_addr_block = Reg(iacq.addr_block)
val acq_addr_beat = Reg(iacq.addr_beat)
val oacq_ctr = Counter(factor)
val outer_beat_addr = iacq.full_addr()(outerBlockOffset - 1, outerByteAddrBits)
val outer_byte_addr = iacq.full_addr()(outerByteAddrBits - 1, 0)
val mask_chunks = Vec.tabulate(factor) { i =>
val lsb = i * outerWriteMaskBits
val msb = (i + 1) * outerWriteMaskBits - 1
iacq.wmask()(msb, lsb)
val data_chunks = Vec.tabulate(factor) { i =>
val lsb = i * outerDataBits
val msb = (i + 1) * outerDataBits - 1
||||, lsb)
val beat_sel = Cat( => mask.orR).reverse)
val smallput_data = Mux1H(beat_sel, data_chunks)
val smallput_wmask = Mux1H(beat_sel, mask_chunks)
val smallput_beat = Cat(iacq.addr_beat, PriorityEncoder(beat_sel))
assert(! || !smallput || PopCount(beat_sel) <= UInt(1),
"Can't perform Put wider than outer width")
val read_size_ok = MuxLookup(iacq.op_size(), Bool(false), Seq(
MT_B -> Bool(true),
MT_BU -> Bool(true),
MT_H -> Bool(outerDataBits >= 16),
MT_HU -> Bool(outerDataBits >= 16),
MT_W -> Bool(outerDataBits >= 32),
MT_WU -> Bool(outerDataBits >= 32),
MT_D -> Bool(outerDataBits >= 64),
MT_Q -> Bool(false)))
assert(! || !smallget || read_size_ok,
"Can't perform Get wider than outer width")
val outerConfig = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => outerTLId })
val innerConfig = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => innerTLId })
val get_block_acquire = GetBlock(
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = iacq.addr_block,
alloc = iacq.allocate())(outerConfig)
val put_block_acquire = PutBlock(
client_xact_id = acq_client_id,
addr_block = acq_addr_block,
addr_beat = if (factor > 1)
Cat(acq_addr_beat, oacq_ctr.value)
else acq_addr_beat,
data = acq_data_buffer(outerDataBits - 1, 0),
wmask = Some(acq_wmask_buffer(outerWriteMaskBits - 1, 0)))(outerConfig)
val get_acquire = Get(
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = iacq.addr_block,
addr_beat = outer_beat_addr,
addr_byte = outer_byte_addr,
operand_size = iacq.op_size(),
alloc = iacq.allocate())(outerConfig)
val put_acquire = Put(
client_xact_id = iacq.client_xact_id,
addr_block = iacq.addr_block,
addr_beat = smallput_beat,
data = smallput_data,
wmask = Some(smallput_wmask))(outerConfig)
val sending_put = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val pass_valid = && !stretch
io.out.acquire.bits := MuxCase(Wire(io.out.acquire.bits, init=iacq), Seq(
(sending_put, put_block_acquire),
(shrink, get_block_acquire),
(smallput, put_acquire),
(smallget, get_acquire)))
io.out.acquire.valid := sending_put || pass_valid
|||| := !sending_put && (stretch || io.out.acquire.ready)
when ( && stretch) {
acq_data_buffer :=
acq_wmask_buffer := iacq.wmask()
acq_client_id := iacq.client_xact_id
acq_addr_block := iacq.addr_block
acq_addr_beat := iacq.addr_beat
sending_put := Bool(true)
when (sending_put && io.out.acquire.ready) {
acq_data_buffer := acq_data_buffer >> outerDataBits
acq_wmask_buffer := acq_wmask_buffer >> outerWriteMaskBits
when ( { sending_put := Bool(false) }
val ognt_block = ognt.hasMultibeatData()
val gnt_data_buffer = Reg(Vec(factor, UInt(width = outerDataBits)))
val gnt_client_id = Reg(ognt.client_xact_id)
val gnt_manager_id = Reg(ognt.manager_xact_id)
val ignt_ctr = Counter(innerDataBeats)
val ognt_ctr = Counter(factor)
val sending_get = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val get_block_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.getDataBlockType,
client_xact_id = gnt_client_id,
manager_xact_id = gnt_manager_id,
addr_beat = ignt_ctr.value,
data = gnt_data_buffer.toBits)(innerConfig)
val smallget_grant = ognt.g_type === Grant.getDataBeatType
val get_grant = Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.getDataBeatType,
client_xact_id = ognt.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = ognt.manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = ognt.addr_beat >> UInt(log2Up(factor)),
data = Fill(factor,
|||| := sending_get || (io.out.grant.valid && !ognt_block)
io.out.grant.ready := !sending_get && (ognt_block ||
|||| := MuxCase(Wire(, init=ognt), Seq(
sending_get -> get_block_grant,
smallget_grant -> get_grant))
when (io.out.grant.valid && ognt_block && !sending_get) {
gnt_data_buffer(ognt_ctr.value) :=
when ( {
gnt_client_id := ognt.client_xact_id
gnt_manager_id := ognt.manager_xact_id
sending_get := Bool(true)
when ( && sending_get) {
sending_get := Bool(false)
class TileLinkFragmenterSource(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new Acquire).flip
val out = Decoupled(new Acquire)
val que = Decoupled(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits))
// Pipeline stage with acquire data; needed to ensure in.bits stay fixed when !in.ready
val acq_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val acq_bits = Reg(new Acquire)
// The last beat of generate acquire to send
val acq_last_beat = Reg(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits))
val acq_last = acq_bits.addr_beat === acq_last_beat
// 'in' has the first beat?
val in_multi_put =
val in_multi_get =
val in_first_beat = !in_multi_put || === UInt(0)
// Move stuff from acq to out whenever out is ready
io.out.valid := acq_valid
// When can acq accept a request?
val acq_ready = !acq_valid || (acq_last && io.out.ready)
// Move the first beat from in to acq only when both acq and que are ready
|||| := (!in_first_beat || io.que.ready) && acq_ready
io.que.valid := (in_first_beat && && acq_ready
// moves data from in to acq and (optionally) que
// moves data from acq to out
// Desired flow control results:
assert (! || // 1. =>
assert (!( && in_first_beat) || // 2. && in_first_beat =>
assert (! || acq_valid) // 3. => acq_valid
assert (! || (!acq_valid || ( && acq_last))) // 4. => !acq_valid || ( && acq_last)
// Proofs:
// 1. => que.ready && in.valid && acq_ready => in.ready && in.valid
// 2. && in_first_beat => in.valid && acq_ready && [(!in_first_beat || que.ready) && in_first_beat] =>
// in.valid && acq_ready && que.ready && in_first_beat => que.valid && que.ready
// 3. => out.valid => acq_valid
// 4. => acq_ready => !acq_valid || (acq_last && out.ready) =>
// !acq_valid || (acq_valid && acq_last && out.ready) => !acq_valid || (acq_last &&
val multi_size = SInt(-1, width = tlBeatAddrBits).asUInt // TL2: use in.bits.size()/beatBits-1
val in_sizeMinus1 = Mux(in_multi_get || in_multi_put, multi_size, UInt(0))
val in_insertSizeMinus1 = Mux(in_multi_get, multi_size, UInt(0))
when ( {
// Theorem 4 makes this safe; we overwrite garbage, or replace the final acq
acq_valid := Bool(true)
acq_bits :=
acq_last_beat := + in_insertSizeMinus1
// Replace this with size truncation in TL2:
acq_bits.a_type := Mux(in_multi_put, Acquire.putType, Mux(in_multi_get, Acquire.getType,
} .elsewhen ( {
acq_valid := !acq_last // false => !in.valid || (!que.ready && in_first_beat)
acq_bits.addr_beat := acq_bits.addr_beat + UInt(1)
// acq_last && => acq_last && out.ready && acq_valid => acq_ready
// Suppose in.valid, then ! => !in.ready => !(!in_first_beat || que.ready) => !que.ready && in_first_beat
// Safe by theorem 3
io.out.bits := acq_bits
// Safe by theorem 1
io.que.bits := in_sizeMinus1
class TileLinkFragmenterSink(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new Grant).flip
val out = Decoupled(new Grant)
val que = Decoupled(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits)).flip
val count_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val multi_op = Reg(Bool())
val count_bits = Reg(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits))
val last = count_bits === UInt(0)
val in_put =
val in_get =
val deliver = last || in_get
// Accept the input, discarding the non-final put grant
|||| := count_valid && (io.out.ready || !deliver)
// Output the grant whenever we want delivery
io.out.valid := count_valid && && deliver
// Take a new number whenever we deliver the last beat
io.que.ready := !count_valid || ( && io.out.ready && last)
// Desired flow control results:
assert (! || (count_valid && // 1. => && count_valid
assert (!( && deliver) || // 2. && deliver =>
assert (!( && last) || io.que.ready) // 3. && last => que.ready
assert (! || (!count_valid || // 4. => !count_valid || ( && last)
// Proofs:
// 1. => out.ready && (count_valid && in.valid && deliver) => (count_valid && out.ready) && in.valid =>
// 2. && deliver => in.valid && count_valid && [(out.ready || !deliver) && deliver] =>
// in.valid && count_valid && deliver && out.ready =>
// 3. && last => out.valid && out.ready && last => in.valid && out.ready && last => que.ready
// 4. => que.valid && (!count_valid || (in.valid && out.ready && last))
// => !count_valid || (count_valid && in.valid && out.ready && [last => deliver])
// => !count_valid || (out.valid && out.ready && last)
when ( {
// Theorem 4 makes this safe; we overwrite garbage or last output
count_valid := Bool(true)
count_bits := io.que.bits
multi_op := io.que.bits =/= UInt(0)
} .elsewhen ( {
count_valid := !last // false => !que.valid
count_bits := count_bits - UInt(1)
// Proof: && [last => deliver] =2=> && last =3=> que.ready
// ! && que.ready => !que.valid
// Safe by Theorem 1
io.out.bits :=
io.out.bits.g_type := Mux(multi_op, Mux(in_get, Grant.getDataBlockType, Grant.putAckType),
class TileLinkFragmenter(depth: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
// TL2:
// supportsAcquire = false
// modify all outward managers to supportsMultibeat = true
// assert: all managers must behaveFIFO (not inspect duplicated id field)
val source = Module(new TileLinkFragmenterSource)
val sink = Module(new TileLinkFragmenterSink)
|||| <> Queue(, depth)
|||| <>
io.out.acquire <>
|||| <> io.out.grant
|||| <>
object TileLinkFragmenter {
// Pass the source/client to fragment
def apply(source: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depth: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val fragmenter = Module(new TileLinkFragmenter(depth))
|||| <> source
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import HastiConstants._
class BRAMSlave(depth: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
// For TL2:
// supportsAcquire = false
// supportsMultibeat = false
// supportsHint = false
// supportsAtomic = false
// Timing-wise, we assume the input is coming out of registers
// since you probably needed a TileLinkFragmenter infront of us
// Thus, only one pipeline stage: the grant result
val g_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val g_bits = Reg(new Grant)
// Just pass the pipeline straight through
io.grant.valid := g_valid
io.grant.bits := g_bits
io.acquire.ready := !g_valid || io.grant.ready
val acq_get = io.acquire.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)
val acq_put = io.acquire.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType)
val acq_addr = Cat(io.acquire.bits.addr_block, io.acquire.bits.addr_beat)
val bram = Mem(depth, Bits(width = tlDataBits))
val ren = acq_get &&
val wen = acq_put &&
when ( {
g_valid := Bool(false)
when ( {
g_valid := Bool(true)
g_bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = io.acquire.bits.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = io.acquire.bits.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = io.acquire.bits.addr_beat,
data = UInt(0))
when (wen) {
assert(io.acquire.bits.wmask().andR, "BRAMSlave: partial write masks not supported")
|||| := RegEnable(, ren)
class HastiRAM(depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new HastiSlaveIO
val wdata = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes)(i => io.hwdata(8*(i+1)-1,8*i))
val waddr = Reg(UInt(width = hastiAddrBits))
val wvalid = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val wsize = Reg(UInt(width = SZ_HSIZE))
val ram = SeqMem(depth, Vec(hastiDataBytes, Bits(width = 8)))
val max_size = log2Ceil(hastiDataBytes)
val wmask_lut = MuxLookup(wsize, SInt(-1, hastiDataBytes).asUInt,
(0 until max_size).map(sz => (UInt(sz) -> UInt((1 << (1 << sz)) - 1))))
val wmask = (wmask_lut << waddr(max_size - 1, 0))(hastiDataBytes - 1, 0)
val is_trans = io.hsel && (io.htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ || io.htrans === HTRANS_SEQ)
val raddr = io.haddr >> UInt(max_size)
val ren = is_trans && !io.hwrite
val bypass = Reg(init = Bool(false))
when (is_trans && io.hwrite) {
waddr := io.haddr
wsize := io.hsize
wvalid := Bool(true)
} .otherwise { wvalid := Bool(false) }
when (ren) { bypass := wvalid && (waddr >> UInt(max_size)) === raddr }
when (wvalid) {
ram.write(waddr >> UInt(max_size), wdata, wmask.toBools)
val rdata =, ren)
io.hrdata := Cat( {
case ((rbyte, wsel), wbyte) => Mux(wsel && bypass, wbyte, rbyte)
io.hready := Bool(true)
io.hresp := HRESP_OKAY
* This RAM is not meant to be particularly performant.
* It just supports the entire range of uncached TileLink operations in the
* simplest way possible.
class TileLinkTestRAM(depth: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val ram = Mem(depth, UInt(width = tlDataBits))
val responding = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val acq = io.acquire.bits
val r_acq = Reg(io.acquire.bits)
val acq_addr = Cat(acq.addr_block, acq.addr_beat)
val r_acq_addr = Cat(r_acq.addr_block, r_acq.addr_beat)
when ( && io.acquire.bits.last()) {
r_acq := io.acquire.bits
responding := Bool(true)
when ( {
val is_getblk = r_acq.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getBlockType)
val last_beat = r_acq.addr_beat === UInt(tlDataBeats - 1)
when (is_getblk && !last_beat) {
r_acq.addr_beat := r_acq.addr_beat + UInt(1)
} .otherwise { responding := Bool(false) }
io.acquire.ready := !responding
io.grant.valid := responding
io.grant.bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = r_acq.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = r_acq.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = r_acq.addr_beat,
data = ram(r_acq_addr))
val old_data = ram(acq_addr)
val new_data =
val amo_shift_bits = acq.amo_shift_bytes() << UInt(3)
val amoalu = Module(new AMOALU)
|||| := Cat(acq.addr_block, acq.addr_beat, acq.addr_byte())
|||| := acq.op_code()
|||| := acq.op_size()
|||| := old_data >> amo_shift_bits
|||| := new_data >> amo_shift_bits
val result = Mux(acq.isAtomic(), << amo_shift_bits, new_data)
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, acq.wmask())
when ( && acq.hasData()) {
ram(acq_addr) := (old_data & ~wmask) | (result & wmask)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import junctions.NastiConstants._
import uncore.tilelink._
case object NDmaTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NDmaXacts extends Field[Int]
case object NDmaClients extends Field[Int]
trait HasDmaParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val nDmaTransactors = p(NDmaTransactors)
val nDmaXacts = p(NDmaXacts)
val nDmaClients = p(NDmaClients)
val dmaXactIdBits = log2Up(nDmaXacts)
val dmaClientIdBits = log2Up(nDmaClients)
val addrBits = p(PAddrBits)
val dmaStatusBits = 2
val dmaWordSizeBits = 2
abstract class DmaModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasDmaParameters
abstract class DmaBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) with HasDmaParameters
class DmaRequest(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val xact_id = UInt(width = dmaXactIdBits)
val client_id = UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits)
val cmd = UInt(width = DmaRequest.DMA_CMD_SZ)
val source = UInt(width = addrBits)
val dest = UInt(width = addrBits)
val length = UInt(width = addrBits)
val size = UInt(width = dmaWordSizeBits)
class DmaResponse(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val xact_id = UInt(width = dmaXactIdBits)
val client_id = UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits)
val status = UInt(width = dmaStatusBits)
object DmaRequest {
val DMA_CMD_SZ = 3
val DMA_CMD_COPY = UInt("b000")
val DMA_CMD_PFR = UInt("b010")
val DMA_CMD_PFW = UInt("b011")
val DMA_CMD_SIN = UInt("b100")
val DMA_CMD_SOUT = UInt("b101")
def apply(xact_id: UInt = UInt(0),
client_id: UInt,
cmd: UInt,
source: UInt,
dest: UInt,
length: UInt,
size: UInt = UInt(0))(implicit p: Parameters): DmaRequest = {
val req = Wire(new DmaRequest)
req.xact_id := xact_id
req.client_id := client_id
req.cmd := cmd
req.source := source
req.dest := dest
req.length := length
req.size := size
import DmaRequest._
class DmaIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(new DmaRequest)
val resp = Decoupled(new DmaResponse).flip
class DmaTrackerIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val dma = (new DmaIO).flip
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val mmio = new NastiIO
class DmaManager(outstandingCSR: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends DmaModule()(p)
with HasNastiParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val ctrl = (new NastiIO).flip
val mmio = new NastiIO
val dma = new DmaIO
private val wordBits = 1 << log2Up(addrBits)
private val wordBytes = wordBits / 8
private val wordOff = log2Up(wordBytes)
private val wordMSB = wordOff + 2
val s_idle :: s_wdata :: s_dma_req :: s_wresp :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val nCtrlWords = (addrBits * 4) / nastiXDataBits
val ctrl_regs = Reg(Vec(nCtrlWords, UInt(width = nastiXDataBits)))
val ctrl_idx = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(nCtrlWords)))
val ctrl_done = Reg(Bool())
val ctrl_blob = ctrl_regs.toBits
val ctrl_id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXIdBits))
val sizeOffset = 3 * addrBits
val cmdOffset = sizeOffset + dmaWordSizeBits
val dma_req = new DmaRequest().fromBits(ctrl_blob)
val dma_busy = Reg(init = UInt(0, nDmaXacts))
val dma_xact_id = PriorityEncoder(~dma_busy)
when ( {
ctrl_id :=
ctrl_idx := UInt(0)
ctrl_done := Bool(false)
state := s_wdata
when ( {
when (!ctrl_done) {
ctrl_regs(ctrl_idx) :=
ctrl_idx := ctrl_idx + UInt(1)
when (ctrl_idx === UInt(nCtrlWords - 1)) { ctrl_done := Bool(true) }
when (io.ctrl.w.bits.last) { state := s_dma_req }
dma_busy := (dma_busy |
Mux(, UIntToOH(dma_xact_id), UInt(0))) &
~Mux(, UIntToOH(io.dma.resp.bits.xact_id), UInt(0))
when ( { state := s_wresp }
when ( { state := s_idle }
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := (state === s_idle)
io.ctrl.w.ready := (state === s_wdata)
io.ctrl.r.valid := Bool(false)
io.ctrl.b.valid := (state === s_wresp)
io.ctrl.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = ctrl_id)
io.dma.req.valid := (state === s_dma_req) && !dma_busy.andR
io.dma.req.bits := dma_req
io.dma.req.bits.xact_id := dma_xact_id
val resp_waddr_pending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val resp_wdata_pending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val resp_wresp_pending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val resp_pending = resp_waddr_pending || resp_wdata_pending || resp_wresp_pending
val resp_client_id = Reg(UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits))
val resp_status = Reg(UInt(width = dmaStatusBits))
io.dma.resp.ready := !resp_pending
when ( {
resp_client_id := io.dma.resp.bits.client_id
resp_status := io.dma.resp.bits.status
resp_waddr_pending := Bool(true)
resp_wdata_pending := Bool(true)
resp_wresp_pending := Bool(true)
val addrTable = Vec.tabulate(nDmaClients) { i =>
//UInt(addrMap(s"conf:csr$i").start + outstandingCSR * csrDataBytes)
require(false, "CSR MMIO ports no longer exist")
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := resp_waddr_pending
|||| := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = addrTable(resp_client_id),
size = { require(false, "CSR MMIO ports no longer exist"); UInt(0) })
io.mmio.w.valid := resp_wdata_pending
io.mmio.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(data = resp_status)
io.mmio.b.ready := resp_wresp_pending
io.mmio.r.ready := Bool(false)
when ( { resp_waddr_pending := Bool(false) }
when ( { resp_wdata_pending := Bool(false) }
when ( { resp_wresp_pending := Bool(false) }
class DmaEngine(outstandingCSR: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val ctrl = (new NastiIO).flip
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val mmio = new NastiIO
val manager = Module(new DmaManager(outstandingCSR))
val trackers = Module(new DmaTrackerFile)
|||| <> io.ctrl
|||| <>
val innerIOs =
val outerIOs = :+
val innerArb = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(innerIOs.size))
|||| <> innerIOs
io.mem <>
val outerArb = Module(new NastiArbiter(outerIOs.size))
|||| <> outerIOs
io.mmio <>
assert(!io.mmio.b.valid || io.mmio.b.bits.resp === UInt(0),
"DmaEngine: NASTI write response error")
assert(!io.mmio.r.valid || io.mmio.r.bits.resp === UInt(0),
"DmaEngine: NASTI read response error")
class DmaTrackerFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val dma = (new DmaIO).flip
val mem = Vec(nDmaTransactors, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
val mmio = Vec(nDmaTransactors, new NastiIO)
val trackers = List.fill(nDmaTransactors) { Module(new DmaTracker) }
val reqReadys = Vec(
io.mem <>
io.mmio <>
if (nDmaTransactors > 1) {
val resp_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new DmaResponse, nDmaTransactors))
|||| <>
io.dma.resp <>
val selection = PriorityEncoder(reqReadys)
trackers.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (tracker, i) =>
|||| := io.dma.req.valid && selection === UInt(i)
|||| := io.dma.req.bits
io.dma.req.ready := reqReadys.orR
} else {
io.dma <>
class DmaTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaModule()(p)
with HasTileLinkParameters with HasNastiParameters {
val io = new DmaTrackerIO
private val blockOffset = tlBeatAddrBits + tlByteAddrBits
private val blockBytes = tlDataBeats * tlDataBytes
val data_buffer = Reg(Vec(2 * tlDataBeats, Bits(width = tlDataBits)))
val get_inflight = Reg(UInt(2 * tlDataBeats))
val put_inflight = Reg(Bool())
val put_half = Reg(UInt(width = 1))
val get_half = Reg(UInt(width = 1))
val prefetch_put = Reg(Bool())
val get_done = !get_inflight.orR
val src_block = Reg(UInt(width = tlBlockAddrBits))
val dst_block = Reg(UInt(width = tlBlockAddrBits))
val offset = Reg(UInt(width = blockOffset))
val alignment = Reg(UInt(width = blockOffset))
val shift_dir = Reg(Bool())
val bytes_left = Reg(UInt(width = addrBits))
val streaming = Reg(Bool())
val stream_addr = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXAddrBits))
val stream_len = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXLenBits))
val stream_size = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXSizeBits))
val stream_idx = Reg(UInt(width = blockOffset))
val stream_bytesel = MuxLookup(stream_size, UInt("b11111111"), Seq(
UInt("b00") -> UInt("b00000001"),
UInt("b01") -> UInt("b00000011"),
UInt("b10") -> UInt("b00001111")))
val stream_mask = FillInterleaved(8, stream_bytesel)
val stream_last = Reg(Bool())
val stream_word_bytes = UInt(1) << stream_size
val stream_beat_idx = stream_idx(blockOffset - 1, tlByteAddrBits)
val stream_byte_idx = stream_idx(tlByteAddrBits - 1, 0)
val stream_bitshift = Cat(stream_byte_idx, UInt(0, 3))
val stream_in_beat =
((( & stream_mask) << stream_bitshift)) |
(data_buffer(stream_beat_idx) & ~(stream_mask << stream_bitshift))
val stream_out_word = data_buffer(stream_beat_idx) >> stream_bitshift
val stream_out_last = bytes_left === stream_word_bytes
val acq = io.mem.acquire.bits
val gnt = io.mem.grant.bits
val (s_idle :: s_get :: s_put :: s_prefetch ::
s_stream_read_req :: s_stream_read_resp ::
s_stream_write_req :: s_stream_write_data :: s_stream_write_resp ::
s_wait :: s_resp :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 11)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter(
|||| && acq.hasData(), tlDataBeats)
val put_mask = Vec.tabulate(tlDataBytes) { i =>
val byte_index = Cat(put_beat, UInt(i, tlByteAddrBits))
byte_index >= offset && byte_index < bytes_left
val prefetch_sent = && io.mem.acquire.bits.isPrefetch()
val prefetch_busy = Reg(init = UInt(0, tlMaxClientXacts))
val (prefetch_id, _) = Counter(prefetch_sent, tlMaxClientXacts)
val base_index = Cat(put_half, put_beat)
val put_data = Wire(init = Bits(0, tlDataBits))
val beat_align = alignment(blockOffset - 1, tlByteAddrBits)
val bit_align = Cat(alignment(tlByteAddrBits - 1, 0), UInt(0, 3))
val rev_align = UInt(tlDataBits) - bit_align
def getBit(value: UInt, sel: UInt): Bool =
(value >> sel)(0)
when (alignment === UInt(0)) {
put_data :=
} .elsewhen (shift_dir) {
val shift_index = base_index - beat_align
when (bit_align === UInt(0)) {
put_data :=
} .otherwise {
val upper_bits =
val lower_bits = - UInt(1))
val upper_shifted = upper_bits << bit_align
val lower_shifted = lower_bits >> rev_align
put_data := upper_shifted | lower_shifted
} .otherwise {
val shift_index = base_index + beat_align
when (bit_align === UInt(0)) {
put_data :=
} .otherwise {
val upper_bits = + UInt(1))
val lower_bits =
val upper_shifted = upper_bits << rev_align
val lower_shifted = lower_bits >> bit_align
put_data := upper_shifted | lower_shifted
val put_acquire = PutBlock(
client_xact_id = UInt(2),
addr_block = dst_block,
addr_beat = put_beat,
data = put_data,
wmask = Some(put_mask))
val get_acquire = GetBlock(
client_xact_id = get_half,
addr_block = src_block,
alloc = Bool(false))
val prefetch_acquire = Mux(prefetch_put,
PutPrefetch(client_xact_id = prefetch_id, addr_block = dst_block),
GetPrefetch(client_xact_id = prefetch_id, addr_block = dst_block))
val resp_xact_id = Reg(UInt(width = dmaXactIdBits))
val resp_client_id = Reg(UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits))
io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_get) ||
(state === s_put && get_done) ||
(state === s_prefetch && !prefetch_busy(prefetch_id))
io.mem.acquire.bits := MuxLookup(
state, prefetch_acquire, Seq(
s_get -> get_acquire,
s_put -> put_acquire))
io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true)
io.dma.req.ready := state === s_idle
io.dma.resp.valid := state === s_resp
io.dma.resp.bits.xact_id := resp_xact_id
io.dma.resp.bits.client_id := resp_client_id
io.dma.resp.bits.status := UInt(0)
|||| := (state === s_stream_read_req)
|||| := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = stream_addr,
size = stream_size,
len = stream_len,
burst = BURST_FIXED)
io.mmio.r.ready := (state === s_stream_read_resp)
|||| := (state === s_stream_write_req)
|||| := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = stream_addr,
size = stream_size,
len = stream_len,
burst = BURST_FIXED)
io.mmio.w.valid := (state === s_stream_write_data) && get_done
io.mmio.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
data = stream_out_word,
last = stream_out_last)
io.mmio.b.ready := (state === s_stream_write_resp)
when ( {
val src_off = io.dma.req.bits.source(blockOffset - 1, 0)
val dst_off = io.dma.req.bits.dest(blockOffset - 1, 0)
val direction = src_off < dst_off
resp_xact_id := io.dma.req.bits.xact_id
resp_client_id := io.dma.req.bits.client_id
src_block := io.dma.req.bits.source(addrBits - 1, blockOffset)
dst_block := io.dma.req.bits.dest(addrBits - 1, blockOffset)
alignment := Mux(direction, dst_off - src_off, src_off - dst_off)
shift_dir := direction
offset := dst_off
bytes_left := io.dma.req.bits.length + dst_off
get_inflight := UInt(0)
put_inflight := Bool(false)
get_half := UInt(0)
put_half := UInt(0)
streaming := Bool(false)
stream_len := (io.dma.req.bits.length >> io.dma.req.bits.size) - UInt(1)
stream_size := io.dma.req.bits.size
stream_last := Bool(false)
when (io.dma.req.bits.cmd === DMA_CMD_COPY) {
state := s_get
} .elsewhen (io.dma.req.bits.cmd(2, 1) === UInt("b01")) {
prefetch_put := io.dma.req.bits.cmd(0)
state := s_prefetch
} .elsewhen (io.dma.req.bits.cmd === DMA_CMD_SIN) {
stream_addr := io.dma.req.bits.source
stream_idx := dst_off
streaming := Bool(true)
alignment := UInt(0)
state := s_stream_read_req
} .elsewhen (io.dma.req.bits.cmd === DMA_CMD_SOUT) {
stream_addr := io.dma.req.bits.dest
stream_idx := src_off
streaming := Bool(true)
bytes_left := io.dma.req.bits.length
state := s_stream_write_req
when ( { state := s_stream_read_resp }
when ( {
data_buffer(stream_beat_idx) := stream_in_beat
stream_idx := stream_idx + stream_word_bytes
val block_finished = stream_idx === UInt(blockBytes) - stream_word_bytes
when (block_finished || io.mmio.r.bits.last) { state := s_put }
when ( { state := s_get }
when ( {
stream_idx := stream_idx + stream_word_bytes
bytes_left := bytes_left - stream_word_bytes
val block_finished = stream_idx === UInt(blockBytes) - stream_word_bytes
when (stream_out_last) {
state := s_stream_write_resp
} .elsewhen (block_finished) {
state := s_get
when ( { state := s_resp }
when (state === s_get && io.mem.acquire.ready) {
get_inflight := get_inflight | FillInterleaved(tlDataBeats, UIntToOH(get_half))
src_block := src_block + UInt(1)
when (streaming) {
state := s_stream_write_data
} .otherwise {
val bytes_in_buffer = UInt(blockBytes) - alignment
val extra_read = alignment > UInt(0) && !shift_dir && // dst_off < src_off
get_half === UInt(0) && // this is the first block
bytes_in_buffer < bytes_left // there is still more data left to fetch
get_half := get_half + UInt(1)
when (!extra_read) { state := s_put }
when (prefetch_sent) {
prefetch_busy := prefetch_busy | UIntToOH(prefetch_id)
when (bytes_left < UInt(blockBytes)) {
bytes_left := UInt(0)
state := s_resp
} .otherwise {
bytes_left := bytes_left - UInt(blockBytes)
dst_block := dst_block + UInt(1)
when ( {
when (gnt.g_type === Grant.prefetchAckType) {
prefetch_busy := prefetch_busy & ~UIntToOH(gnt.client_xact_id)
} .elsewhen (gnt.hasData()) {
val write_half = gnt.client_xact_id(0)
val write_idx = Cat(write_half, gnt.addr_beat)
get_inflight := get_inflight & ~UIntToOH(write_idx)
} .otherwise {
put_inflight := Bool(false)
when (put_done) { // state === s_put
when (!streaming) {
put_half := put_half + UInt(1)
offset := UInt(0)
stream_idx := UInt(0)
when (bytes_left < UInt(blockBytes)) {
bytes_left := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
bytes_left := bytes_left - UInt(blockBytes)
put_inflight := Bool(true)
dst_block := dst_block + UInt(1)
state := s_wait
when (state === s_wait && get_done && !put_inflight) {
state := MuxCase(s_get, Seq(
(bytes_left === UInt(0)) -> s_resp,
streaming -> s_stream_read_resp))
when ( { state := s_idle }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.Parameters
class GatewayPLICIO extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool(OUTPUT)
val ready = Bool(INPUT)
val complete = Bool(INPUT)
class LevelGateway extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupt = Bool(INPUT)
val plic = new GatewayPLICIO
val inFlight = Reg(init=Bool(false))
when (io.interrupt && io.plic.ready) { inFlight := true }
when (io.plic.complete) { inFlight := false }
io.plic.valid := io.interrupt && !inFlight
case class PLICConfig(nHartsIn: Int, supervisor: Boolean, nDevices: Int, nPriorities: Int) {
def contextsPerHart = if (supervisor) 2 else 1
def nHarts = contextsPerHart * nHartsIn
def context(i: Int, mode: Char) = mode match {
case 'M' => i * contextsPerHart
case 'S' => require(supervisor); i * contextsPerHart + 1
def claimAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = hartBase + hartOffset(context(i, mode)) + claimOffset
def threshAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = hartBase + hartOffset(context(i, mode))
def enableAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = enableBase + enableOffset(context(i, mode))
def size = hartBase + hartOffset(maxHarts)
def maxDevices = 1023
def maxHarts = 15872
def pendingBase = 0x1000
def enableBase = 0x2000
def hartBase = 0x200000
require(hartBase >= enableBase + enableOffset(maxHarts))
def enableOffset(i: Int) = i * ((maxDevices+7)/8)
def hartOffset(i: Int) = i * 0x1000
def claimOffset = 4
def priorityBytes = 4
require(nDevices > 0 && nDevices <= maxDevices)
require(nHarts > 0 && nHarts <= maxHarts)
require(nPriorities >= 0 && nPriorities <= nDevices)
/** Platform-Level Interrupt Controller */
class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val devices = Vec(cfg.nDevices, new GatewayPLICIO).flip
val harts = Vec(cfg.nHarts, Bool()).asOutput
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val priority =
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) Reg(Vec(cfg.nDevices+1, UInt(width=log2Up(cfg.nPriorities+1))))
else Wire(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nDevices+1)(UInt(1)))
val threshold =
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) Reg(Vec(cfg.nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(cfg.nPriorities+1))))
else Wire(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nHarts)(UInt(0)))
val pending = Reg(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nDevices+1){Bool(false)})
val enables = Reg(Vec(cfg.nHarts, Vec(cfg.nDevices+1, Bool())))
for ((p, g) <- pending.tail zip io.devices) {
g.ready := !p
g.complete := false
when (g.valid) { p := true }
def findMax(x: Seq[UInt]): (UInt, UInt) = {
if (x.length > 1) {
val half = 1 << (log2Ceil(x.length) - 1)
val lMax = findMax(x take half)
val rMax = findMax(x drop half)
val useLeft = lMax._1 >= rMax._1
(Mux(useLeft, lMax._1, rMax._1), Mux(useLeft, lMax._2, UInt(half) + rMax._2))
} else (x.head, UInt(0))
val maxDevs = Wire(Vec(cfg.nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(pending.size))))
for (hart <- 0 until cfg.nHarts) {
val effectivePriority =
for (((p, en), pri) <- (pending zip enables(hart) zip priority).tail)
yield Cat(p && en, pri)
val (maxPri, maxDev) = findMax((UInt(1) << priority(0).getWidth) +: effectivePriority)
maxDevs(hart) := Reg(next = maxDev)
io.harts(hart) := Reg(next = maxPri) > Cat(UInt(1), threshold(hart))
val acq = Queue(, 1)
val read = && acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)
val write = && acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType)
assert(! || read || write, "unsupported PLIC operation")
val addr = acq.bits.full_addr()(log2Up(cfg.size)-1,0)
val claimant =
if (cfg.nHarts == 1) UInt(0)
else (addr - cfg.hartBase)(log2Up(cfg.hartOffset(cfg.nHarts))-1,log2Up(cfg.hartOffset(1)))
val hart = Wire(init = claimant)
val myMaxDev = maxDevs(claimant) + UInt(0) // XXX FIRRTL bug w/o the + UInt(0)
val myEnables = enables(hart)
val rdata = Wire(init = UInt(0, tlDataBits))
val masked_wdata = ( & acq.bits.full_wmask()) | (rdata & ~acq.bits.full_wmask())
when (addr >= cfg.hartBase) {
val word =
if (tlDataBytes > cfg.claimOffset) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up(cfg.claimOffset),log2Up(tlDataBytes))
rdata := Cat(myMaxDev, UInt(0, 8*cfg.priorityBytes-threshold(0).getWidth), threshold(claimant)) >> (word * tlDataBits)
when (read && addr(log2Ceil(cfg.claimOffset))) {
pending(myMaxDev) := false
when (write) {
when (if (tlDataBytes > cfg.claimOffset) acq.bits.wmask()(cfg.claimOffset) else addr(log2Ceil(cfg.claimOffset))) {
val dev = ( >> ((8 * cfg.claimOffset) % tlDataBits))(log2Up(pending.size)-1,0)
when (myEnables(dev)) { io.devices(dev-1).complete := true }
}.otherwise {
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) threshold(claimant) :=
}.elsewhen (addr >= cfg.enableBase) {
val enableHart =
if (cfg.nHarts > 1) (addr - cfg.enableBase)(log2Up(cfg.enableOffset(cfg.nHarts))-1,log2Up(cfg.enableOffset(1)))
else UInt(0)
hart := enableHart
val word =
if (tlDataBits >= cfg.nHarts) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up((cfg.nHarts+7)/8)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
for (i <- 0 until cfg.nHarts by tlDataBits) {
when (word === i/tlDataBits) {
rdata := Cat(myEnables.slice(i, i + tlDataBits).reverse)
for (j <- 0 until (tlDataBits min (myEnables.size - i))) {
when (write) { enables(enableHart)(i+j) := masked_wdata(j) }
}.elsewhen (addr >= cfg.pendingBase) {
val word =
if (tlDataBytes >= pending.size) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up(pending.size)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
rdata := pending.toBits >> (word * tlDataBits)
}.otherwise {
val regsPerBeat = tlDataBytes >> log2Up(cfg.priorityBytes)
val word =
if (regsPerBeat >= priority.size) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up(priority.size*cfg.priorityBytes)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
for (i <- 0 until priority.size by regsPerBeat) {
when (word === i/regsPerBeat) {
rdata := Cat(priority.slice(i, i + regsPerBeat).map(p => Cat(UInt(0, 8*cfg.priorityBytes-p.getWidth), p)).reverse)
for (j <- 0 until (regsPerBeat min (priority.size - i))) {
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) when (write) { priority(i+j) := masked_wdata >> (j * 8 * cfg.priorityBytes) }
priority(0) := 0
pending(0) := false
for (e <- enables)
e(0) := false
|||| := acq.valid
acq.ready :=
|||| := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = acq.bits.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = acq.bits.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = UInt(0),
data = rdata)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import junctions._
import junctions.NastiConstants._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
/** Number of tiles */
case object NTiles extends Field[Int]
class PRCIInterrupts extends Bundle {
val meip = Bool()
val seip = Bool()
val debug = Bool()
class PRCITileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val reset = Bool(OUTPUT)
val id = UInt(OUTPUT, log2Up(p(NTiles)))
val interrupts = new PRCIInterrupts {
val mtip = Bool()
val msip = Bool()
override def cloneType: this.type = new PRCITileIO().asInstanceOf[this.type]
object PRCI {
def msip(hart: Int) = hart * msipBytes
def timecmp(hart: Int) = 0x4000 + hart * timecmpBytes
def time = 0xbff8
def msipBytes = 4
def timecmpBytes = 8
def size = 0xc000
/** Power, Reset, Clock, Interrupt */
class PRCI(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupts = Vec(p(NTiles), new PRCIInterrupts).asInput
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val tiles = Vec(p(NTiles), new PRCITileIO)
val rtcTick = Bool(INPUT)
val timeWidth = 64
val timecmp = Reg(Vec(p(NTiles), UInt(width = timeWidth)))
val time = Reg(init=UInt(0, timeWidth))
when (io.rtcTick) { time := time + UInt(1) }
val ipi = Reg(init=Vec.fill(p(NTiles))(UInt(0, 32)))
val acq = Queue(, 1)
val addr = acq.bits.full_addr()(log2Ceil(PRCI.size)-1,0)
val read = acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)
val rdata = Wire(init=UInt(0))
|||| := acq.valid
acq.ready :=
|||| := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = acq.bits.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = acq.bits.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = UInt(0),
data = rdata)
when (addr(log2Floor(PRCI.time))) {
require(log2Floor(PRCI.timecmp(p(NTiles)-1)) < log2Floor(PRCI.time))
rdata := load(Vec(time + UInt(0)), acq.bits)
}.elsewhen (addr >= PRCI.timecmp(0)) {
rdata := store(timecmp, acq.bits)
}.otherwise {
rdata := store(ipi, acq.bits) & Fill(tlDataBits/32, UInt(1, 32))
for ((tile, i) <- io.tiles zipWithIndex) {
tile.interrupts := io.interrupts(i)
tile.interrupts.msip := ipi(i)(0)
tile.interrupts.mtip := time >= timecmp(i)
|||| := UInt(i)
// TODO generalize these to help other TL slaves
def load(v: Vec[UInt], acq: Acquire): UInt = {
val w = v.head.getWidth
val a = acq.full_addr()
require(isPow2(w) && w >= 8)
if (w > tlDataBits) {
(v(a(log2Up(w/8*v.size)-1,log2Up(w/8))) >> a(log2Up(w/8)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes)))(tlDataBits-1,0)
} else {
val row = for (i <- 0 until v.size by tlDataBits/w)
yield Cat(v.slice(i, i + tlDataBits/w).reverse)
if (row.size == 1) row.head
else Vec(row)(a(log2Up(w/8*v.size)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes)))
def store(v: Vec[UInt], acq: Acquire): UInt = {
val w = v.head.getWidth
require(isPow2(w) && w >= 8)
val a = acq.full_addr()
val rdata = load(v, acq)
val wdata = ( & acq.full_wmask()) | (rdata & ~acq.full_wmask())
if (w <= tlDataBits) {
val word =
if (tlDataBits/w >= v.size) UInt(0)
else a(log2Up(w/8*v.size)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
for (i <- 0 until v.size) {
when (acq.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType) && word === i/(tlDataBits/w)) {
val base = i % (tlDataBits/w)
v(i) := wdata >> (w * (i % (tlDataBits/w)))
} else {
val i = a(log2Up(w/8*v.size)-1,log2Up(w/8))
val mask = FillInterleaved(tlDataBits, UIntToOH(a(log2Up(w/8)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))))
v(i) := (wdata & mask) | (v(i) & ~mask)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
class ROMSlave(contents: Seq[Byte])(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val acq = Queue(io.acquire, 1)
val single_beat = acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)
val multi_beat = acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getBlockType)
assert(!acq.valid || single_beat || multi_beat, "unsupported ROMSlave operation")
val addr_beat = Reg(UInt())
when ( { addr_beat := addr_beat + UInt(1) }
when ( { addr_beat := io.acquire.bits.addr_beat }
val byteWidth = tlDataBits / 8
val rows = (contents.size + byteWidth - 1)/byteWidth
val rom = Vec.tabulate(rows) { i =>
val slice = contents.slice(i*byteWidth, (i+1)*byteWidth)
UInt(slice.foldRight(BigInt(0)) { case (x,y) => (y << 8) + (x.toInt & 0xFF) }, byteWidth*8)
val raddr = Cat(acq.bits.addr_block, addr_beat)
val rdata = rom(if (rows == 1) UInt(0) else raddr(log2Up(rom.size)-1,0))
val last = !multi_beat || addr_beat === UInt(tlDataBeats-1)
io.grant.valid := acq.valid
acq.ready := io.grant.ready && last
io.grant.bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = acq.bits.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = acq.bits.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = rdata)
class NastiROM(contents: Seq[Byte])(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new NastiIO().flip
val ar = Queue(, 1)
// This assumes ROMs are in read-only parts of the address map.
// Reuse b_queue code from NastiErrorSlave if this assumption is bad.
when (ar.valid) { assert(ar.bits.len === UInt(0), "Can't burst-read from NastiROM") }
assert(!( || io.w.valid), "Can't write to NastiROM")
|||| := Bool(false)
io.w.ready := Bool(false)
io.b.valid := Bool(false)
val byteWidth = io.r.bits.nastiXDataBits / 8
val rows = (contents.size + byteWidth - 1)/byteWidth
val rom = Vec.tabulate(rows) { i =>
val slice = contents.slice(i*byteWidth, (i+1)*byteWidth)
UInt(slice.foldRight(BigInt(0)) { case (x,y) => (y << 8) + (x.toInt & 0xFF) }, byteWidth*8)
val rdata_word = rom(if (rows == 1) UInt(0) else ar.bits.addr(log2Up(contents.size)-1,log2Up(byteWidth)))
val rdata = new LoadGen(Cat(UInt(1), ar.bits.size), ar.bits.addr, rdata_word, Bool(false), byteWidth).data
io.r <> ar
io.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(, rdata)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
package uncore.tilelink
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
/** Utility functions for constructing TileLinkIO arbiters */
trait TileLinkArbiterLike extends HasTileLinkParameters {
// Some shorthand type variables
type ManagerSourcedWithId = ManagerToClientChannel with HasClientTransactionId
type ClientSourcedWithId = ClientToManagerChannel with HasClientTransactionId
type ClientSourcedWithIdAndData = ClientToManagerChannel with HasClientTransactionId with HasTileLinkData
val arbN: Int // The number of ports on the client side
// These abstract funcs are filled in depending on whether the arbiter mucks with the
// outgoing client ids to track sourcing and then needs to revert them on the way back
def clientSourcedClientXactId(in: ClientSourcedWithId, id: Int): Bits
def managerSourcedClientXactId(in: ManagerSourcedWithId): Bits
def arbIdx(in: ManagerSourcedWithId): UInt
// The following functions are all wiring helpers for each of the different types of TileLink channels
def hookupClientSource[M <: ClientSourcedWithIdAndData](
clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M]]],
mngr: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M]]) {
def hasData(m: LogicalNetworkIO[M]) = m.payload.hasMultibeatData()
val arb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(mngr.bits, arbN, tlDataBeats, Some(hasData _)))
||||{ case ((req, id), arb) => {
arb.valid := req.valid
arb.bits := req.bits
arb.bits.payload.client_xact_id := clientSourcedClientXactId(req.bits.payload, id)
req.ready := arb.ready
mngr <>
def hookupClientSourceHeaderless[M <: ClientSourcedWithIdAndData](
clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[M]],
mngr: DecoupledIO[M]) {
def hasData(m: M) = m.hasMultibeatData()
val arb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(mngr.bits, arbN, tlDataBeats, Some(hasData _)))
||||{ case ((req, id), arb) => {
arb.valid := req.valid
arb.bits := req.bits
arb.bits.client_xact_id := clientSourcedClientXactId(req.bits, id)
req.ready := arb.ready
mngr <>
def hookupManagerSourceWithHeader[M <: ManagerToClientChannel](
clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M]]],
mngr: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M]]) {
mngr.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
clts(i).valid := Bool(false)
when (mngr.bits.header.dst === UInt(i)) {
clts(i).valid := mngr.valid
mngr.ready := clts(i).ready
clts(i).bits := mngr.bits
def hookupManagerSourceWithId[M <: ManagerSourcedWithId](
clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M]]],
mngr: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M]]) {
mngr.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
clts(i).valid := Bool(false)
when (arbIdx(mngr.bits.payload) === UInt(i)) {
clts(i).valid := mngr.valid
mngr.ready := clts(i).ready
clts(i).bits := mngr.bits
clts(i).bits.payload.client_xact_id := managerSourcedClientXactId(mngr.bits.payload)
def hookupManagerSourceHeaderlessWithId[M <: ManagerSourcedWithId](
clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[M]],
mngr: DecoupledIO[M]) {
mngr.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
clts(i).valid := Bool(false)
when (arbIdx(mngr.bits) === UInt(i)) {
clts(i).valid := mngr.valid
mngr.ready := clts(i).ready
clts(i).bits := mngr.bits
clts(i).bits.client_xact_id := managerSourcedClientXactId(mngr.bits)
def hookupManagerSourceBroadcast[M <: Data](clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[M]], mngr: DecoupledIO[M]) {
||||{ _.valid := mngr.valid }
||||{ _.bits := mngr.bits }
mngr.ready :=
def hookupFinish[M <: LogicalNetworkIO[Finish]]( clts: Seq[DecoupledIO[M]], mngr: DecoupledIO[M]) {
val arb = Module(new RRArbiter(mngr.bits, arbN))
|||| <> clts
mngr <>
/** Abstract base case for any Arbiters that have UncachedTileLinkIOs */
abstract class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(val arbN: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with TileLinkArbiterLike {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(arbN, new UncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val out = new UncachedTileLinkIO
hookupClientSource(, io.out.acquire)
hookupFinish(, io.out.finish)
hookupManagerSourceWithId(, io.out.grant)
/** Abstract base case for any Arbiters that have cached TileLinkIOs */
abstract class TileLinkIOArbiter(val arbN: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with TileLinkArbiterLike {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(arbN, new TileLinkIO).flip
val out = new TileLinkIO
hookupClientSource(, io.out.acquire)
hookupClientSource(, io.out.release)
hookupFinish(, io.out.finish)
hookupManagerSourceBroadcast(, io.out.probe)
hookupManagerSourceWithId(, io.out.grant)
/** Appends the port index of the arbiter to the client_xact_id */
trait AppendsArbiterId extends TileLinkArbiterLike {
def clientSourcedClientXactId(in: ClientSourcedWithId, id: Int) =
Cat(in.client_xact_id, UInt(id, log2Up(arbN)))
def managerSourcedClientXactId(in: ManagerSourcedWithId) = {
/* This shouldn't be necessary, but Chisel3 doesn't emit correct Verilog
* when right shifting by too many bits. See
* */
if (in.client_xact_id.getWidth > log2Up(arbN))
in.client_xact_id >> log2Up(arbN)
def arbIdx(in: ManagerSourcedWithId) = in.client_xact_id(log2Up(arbN)-1,0).toUInt
/** Uses the client_xact_id as is (assumes it has been set to port index) */
trait PassesId extends TileLinkArbiterLike {
def clientSourcedClientXactId(in: ClientSourcedWithId, id: Int) = in.client_xact_id
def managerSourcedClientXactId(in: ManagerSourcedWithId) = in.client_xact_id
def arbIdx(in: ManagerSourcedWithId) = in.client_xact_id
/** Overwrites some default client_xact_id with the port idx */
trait UsesNewId extends TileLinkArbiterLike {
def clientSourcedClientXactId(in: ClientSourcedWithId, id: Int) = UInt(id, log2Up(arbN))
def managerSourcedClientXactId(in: ManagerSourcedWithId) = UInt(0)
def arbIdx(in: ManagerSourcedWithId) = in.client_xact_id
// Now we can mix-in thevarious id-generation traits to make concrete arbiter classes
class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatAppendsArbiterId(val n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(n)(p) with AppendsArbiterId
class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatPassesId(val n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(n)(p) with PassesId
class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatUsesNewId(val n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(n)(p) with UsesNewId
class TileLinkIOArbiterThatAppendsArbiterId(val n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkIOArbiter(n)(p) with AppendsArbiterId
class TileLinkIOArbiterThatPassesId(val n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkIOArbiter(n)(p) with PassesId
class TileLinkIOArbiterThatUsesNewId(val n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkIOArbiter(n)(p) with UsesNewId
/** Concrete uncached client-side arbiter that appends the arbiter's port id to client_xact_id */
class ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(val arbN: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with TileLinkArbiterLike with AppendsArbiterId {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(arbN, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val out = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
if (arbN > 1) {
hookupClientSourceHeaderless(, io.out.acquire)
hookupManagerSourceHeaderlessWithId(, io.out.grant)
} else { io.out <> }
/** Concrete client-side arbiter that appends the arbiter's port id to client_xact_id */
class ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(val arbN: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with TileLinkArbiterLike with AppendsArbiterId {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(arbN, new ClientTileLinkIO).flip
val out = new ClientTileLinkIO
if (arbN > 1) {
hookupClientSourceHeaderless(, io.out.acquire)
hookupClientSourceHeaderless(, io.out.release)
hookupManagerSourceBroadcast(, io.out.probe)
hookupManagerSourceHeaderlessWithId(, io.out.grant)
} else { io.out <> }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.coherence.CoherencePolicy
import uncore.Util._
import scala.math.max
import uncore.constants._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object CacheBlockOffsetBits extends Field[Int]
case object AmoAluOperandBits extends Field[Int]
case object TLId extends Field[String]
case class TLKey(id: String) extends Field[TileLinkParameters]
/** Parameters exposed to the top-level design, set based on
* external requirements or design space exploration
* Coherency policy used to define custom mesage types
* Number of manager agents
* Number of client agents that cache data and use custom [[uncore.Acquire]] types
* Number of client agents that do not cache data and use built-in [[uncore.Acquire]] types
* Maximum number of unique outstanding transactions per client
* Maximum number of clients multiplexed onto a single port
* Maximum number of unique outstanding transactions per manager
* Width of cache block addresses
* Total amount of data per cache block
* Number of data beats per cache block
case class TileLinkParameters(
coherencePolicy: CoherencePolicy,
nManagers: Int,
nCachingClients: Int,
nCachelessClients: Int,
maxClientXacts: Int,
maxClientsPerPort: Int,
maxManagerXacts: Int,
dataBits: Int,
dataBeats: Int = 4,
overrideDataBitsPerBeat: Option[Int] = None
) {
val nClients = nCachingClients + nCachelessClients
val writeMaskBits: Int = ((dataBits / dataBeats) - 1) / 8 + 1
val dataBitsPerBeat: Int = overrideDataBitsPerBeat.getOrElse(dataBits / dataBeats)
/** Utility trait for building Modules and Bundles that use TileLink parameters */
trait HasTileLinkParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val tlExternal = p(TLKey(p(TLId)))
val tlCoh = tlExternal.coherencePolicy
val tlNManagers = tlExternal.nManagers
val tlNCachingClients = tlExternal.nCachingClients
val tlNCachelessClients = tlExternal.nCachelessClients
val tlNClients = tlExternal.nClients
val tlClientIdBits = log2Up(tlNClients)
val tlManagerIdBits = log2Up(tlNManagers)
val tlMaxClientXacts = tlExternal.maxClientXacts
val tlMaxClientsPerPort = tlExternal.maxClientsPerPort
val tlMaxManagerXacts = tlExternal.maxManagerXacts
val tlClientXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxClientXacts*tlMaxClientsPerPort)
val tlManagerXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxManagerXacts)
val tlBlockAddrBits = p(PAddrBits) - p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val tlDataBeats = tlExternal.dataBeats
val tlDataBits = tlExternal.dataBitsPerBeat
val tlDataBytes = tlDataBits/8
val tlWriteMaskBits = tlExternal.writeMaskBits
val tlBeatAddrBits = log2Up(tlDataBeats)
val tlByteAddrBits = log2Up(tlWriteMaskBits)
val tlMemoryOpcodeBits = M_SZ
val tlMemoryOperandSizeBits = MT_SZ
val tlAcquireTypeBits = max(log2Up(Acquire.nBuiltInTypes),
val tlAcquireUnionBits = max(tlWriteMaskBits,
(tlByteAddrBits +
tlMemoryOperandSizeBits +
tlMemoryOpcodeBits)) + 1
val tlGrantTypeBits = max(log2Up(Grant.nBuiltInTypes),
tlCoh.grantTypeWidth) + 1
/** Whether the underlying physical network preserved point-to-point ordering of messages */
val tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering = false
val tlNetworkDoesNotInterleaveBeats = true
val amoAluOperandBits = p(AmoAluOperandBits)
val amoAluOperandBytes = amoAluOperandBits/8
abstract class TLModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters
abstract class TLBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends junctions.ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasTileLinkParameters
/** Base trait for all TileLink channels */
abstract class TileLinkChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
/** Directionality of message channel. Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports */
abstract class ClientToManagerChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkChannel()(p)
/** Directionality of message channel. Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports */
abstract class ManagerToClientChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkChannel()(p)
/** Directionality of message channel. Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports */
abstract class ClientToClientChannel(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkChannel()(p) // Unused for now
/** Common signals that are used in multiple channels.
* These traits are useful for type parameterizing bundle wiring functions.
/** Address of a cache block. */
trait HasCacheBlockAddress extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val addr_block = UInt(width = tlBlockAddrBits)
def conflicts(that: HasCacheBlockAddress) = this.addr_block === that.addr_block
def conflicts(addr: UInt) = this.addr_block === addr
/** Sub-block address or beat id of multi-beat data */
trait HasTileLinkBeatId extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val addr_beat = UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits)
/* Client-side transaction id. Usually Miss Status Handling Register File index */
trait HasClientTransactionId extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val client_xact_id = Bits(width = tlClientXactIdBits)
/** Manager-side transaction id. Usually Transaction Status Handling Register File index. */
trait HasManagerTransactionId extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val manager_xact_id = Bits(width = tlManagerXactIdBits)
/** A single beat of cache block data */
trait HasTileLinkData extends HasTileLinkBeatId {
val data = UInt(width = tlDataBits)
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
def first(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = !hasMultibeatData() || addr_beat === UInt(0)
def last(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = !hasMultibeatData() || addr_beat === UInt(tlDataBeats-1)
/** An entire cache block of data */
trait HasTileLinkBlock extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val data_buffer = Vec(tlDataBeats, UInt(width = tlDataBits))
val wmask_buffer = Vec(tlDataBeats, UInt(width = tlWriteMaskBits))
/** The id of a client source or destination. Used in managers. */
trait HasClientId extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val client_id = UInt(width = tlClientIdBits)
trait HasManagerId extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val manager_id = UInt(width = tlManagerIdBits)
trait HasAcquireUnion extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val union = Bits(width = tlAcquireUnionBits)
// Utility funcs for accessing subblock union:
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool
val opCodeOff = 1
val opSizeOff = tlMemoryOpcodeBits + opCodeOff
val addrByteOff = tlMemoryOperandSizeBits + opSizeOff
val addrByteMSB = tlByteAddrBits + addrByteOff
/** Hint whether to allocate the block in any interveneing caches */
def allocate(dummy: Int = 0) = union(0)
/** Op code for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operations */
def op_code(dummy: Int = 0) = Mux(
isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType) || isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType),
M_XWR, union(opSizeOff-1, opCodeOff))
/** Operand size for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] */
def op_size(dummy: Int = 0) = union(addrByteOff-1, opSizeOff)
/** Byte address for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operand */
def addr_byte(dummy: Int = 0) = union(addrByteMSB-1, addrByteOff)
def amo_offset(dummy: Int = 0) =
if (tlByteAddrBits > log2Up(amoAluOperandBytes)) addr_byte()(tlByteAddrBits-1, log2Up(amoAluOperandBytes))
else UInt(0)
/** Bit offset of [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operand */
def amo_shift_bytes(dummy: Int = 0) = UInt(amoAluOperandBytes)*amo_offset()
/** Write mask for [[uncore.Put]], [[uncore.PutBlock]], [[uncore.PutAtomic]] */
def wmask(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = {
val is_amo = isBuiltInType(Acquire.putAtomicType)
val amo_mask = if (tlByteAddrBits > log2Up(amoAluOperandBytes))
FillInterleaved(amoAluOperandBytes, UIntToOH(amo_offset()))
else Acquire.fullWriteMask
val is_put = isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType) || isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType)
val put_mask = union(tlWriteMaskBits, 1)
Mux(is_amo, amo_mask, Mux(is_put, put_mask, UInt(0)))
/** Full, beat-sized writemask */
def full_wmask(dummy: Int = 0) = FillInterleaved(8, wmask())
/** Is this message a built-in read message */
def hasPartialWritemask(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = wmask() =/= Acquire.fullWriteMask
trait HasAcquireType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val a_type = UInt(width = tlAcquireTypeBits)
/** Message type equality */
def is(t: UInt) = a_type === t //TODO: make this more opaque; def ===?
/** Is this message a built-in or custom type */
def isBuiltInType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = is_builtin_type
/** Is this message a particular built-in type */
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool = is_builtin_type && a_type === t
/** Does this message refer to subblock operands using info in the Acquire.union subbundle */
def isSubBlockType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && a_type.isOneOf(Acquire.typesOnSubBlocks)
/** Is this message a built-in prefetch message */
def isPrefetch(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() &&
(is(Acquire.getPrefetchType) || is(Acquire.putPrefetchType))
/** Is this message a built-in atomic message */
def isAtomic(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && is(Acquire.putAtomicType)
/** Is this message a built-in read message */
def isGet(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && (is(Acquire.getType) || is(Acquire.getBlockType))
/** Does this message contain data? Assumes that no custom message types have data. */
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && a_type.isOneOf(Acquire.typesWithData)
/** Does this message contain multiple beats of data? Assumes that no custom message types have data. */
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) && isBuiltInType() &&
/** Mapping between each built-in Acquire type and a built-in Grant type. */
def getBuiltInGrantType(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(this.a_type)
trait HasProbeType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val p_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.probeTypeWidth)
def is(t: UInt) = p_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
trait MightBeVoluntary {
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
trait HasReleaseType extends HasTileLinkParameters with MightBeVoluntary {
val voluntary = Bool()
val r_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.releaseTypeWidth)
def is(t: UInt) = r_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = r_type.isOneOf(tlCoh.releaseTypesWithData)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) &&
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0) = voluntary
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0) = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering)
trait HasGrantType extends HasTileLinkParameters with MightBeVoluntary {
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val g_type = UInt(width = tlGrantTypeBits)
// Helper funcs
def isBuiltInType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = is_builtin_type
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool = is_builtin_type && g_type === t
def is(t: UInt):Bool = g_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = Mux(isBuiltInType(),
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool =
Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) && Mux(isBuiltInType(),
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && (g_type === Grant.voluntaryAckType)
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering) && !isVoluntary()
/** TileLink channel bundle definitions */
/** The Acquire channel is used to intiate coherence protocol transactions in
* order to gain access to a cache block's data with certain permissions
* enabled. Messages sent over this channel may be custom types defined by
* a [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]] for cached data accesse or may be built-in types
* used for uncached data accesses. Acquires may contain data for Put or
* PutAtomic built-in types. After sending an Acquire, clients must
* wait for a manager to send them a [[uncore.Grant]] message in response.
class AcquireMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasAcquireType
with HasAcquireUnion {
/** Complete physical address for block, beat or operand */
def full_addr(dummy: Int = 0) =
Cat(this.addr_block, this.addr_beat,
Mux(isBuiltInType() && this.a_type.isOneOf(Acquire.typesWithAddrByte),
this.addr_byte(), UInt(0, tlByteAddrBits)))
/** [[uncore.AcquireMetadata]] with an extra field containing the data beat */
class Acquire(implicit p: Parameters) extends AcquireMetadata
with HasTileLinkData
/** [[uncore.AcquireMetadata]] with an extra field containing the entire cache block */
class BufferedAcquire(implicit p: Parameters) extends AcquireMetadata
with HasTileLinkBlock
/** [[uncore.Acquire]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class AcquireFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Acquire
with HasClientId
/** [[uncore.BufferedAcquire]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class BufferedAcquireFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedAcquire
with HasClientId
/** Used to track metadata for transactions where multiple secondary misses have been merged
* and handled by a single transaction tracker.
class SecondaryMissInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasClientId
with HasAcquireType
/** Contains definitions of the the built-in Acquire types and a factory
* for [[uncore.Acquire]]
* In general you should avoid using this factory directly and use
* [[uncore.ClientMetadata.makeAcquire]] for custom cached Acquires and
* [[uncore.Get]], [[uncore.Put]], etc. for built-in uncached Acquires.
* @param is_builtin_type built-in or custom type message?
* @param a_type built-in type enum or custom type enum
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being put outwards
* @param union additional fields used for uncached types
object Acquire {
val nBuiltInTypes = 7
//TODO: Use Enum
def getType = UInt("b000") // Get a single beat of data
def getBlockType = UInt("b001") // Get a whole block of data
def putType = UInt("b010") // Put a single beat of data
def putBlockType = UInt("b011") // Put a whole block of data
def putAtomicType = UInt("b100") // Perform an atomic memory op
def getPrefetchType = UInt("b101") // Prefetch a whole block of data
def putPrefetchType = UInt("b110") // Prefetch a whole block of data, with intent to write
def typesWithData = Vec(putType, putBlockType, putAtomicType)
def typesWithMultibeatData = Vec(putBlockType)
def typesOnSubBlocks = Vec(putType, getType, putAtomicType)
def typesWithAddrByte = Vec(getType, putAtomicType)
/** Mapping between each built-in Acquire type and a built-in Grant type. */
def getBuiltInGrantType(a_type: UInt): UInt = {
MuxLookup(a_type, Grant.putAckType, Array(
Acquire.getType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
Acquire.getBlockType -> Grant.getDataBlockType,
Acquire.putType -> Grant.putAckType,
Acquire.putBlockType -> Grant.putAckType,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Grant.prefetchAckType,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Grant.prefetchAckType))
def makeUnion(
a_type: UInt,
addr_byte: UInt,
operand_size: UInt,
opcode: UInt,
wmask: UInt,
alloc: Bool)
(implicit p: Parameters): UInt = {
val tlExternal = p(TLKey(p(TLId)))
val tlWriteMaskBits = tlExternal.writeMaskBits
val tlByteAddrBits = log2Up(tlWriteMaskBits)
// These had better be the right size when we cat them together!
val my_addr_byte = (UInt(0, tlByteAddrBits) | addr_byte)(tlByteAddrBits-1, 0)
val my_operand_size = (UInt(0, MT_SZ) | operand_size)(MT_SZ-1, 0)
val my_opcode = (UInt(0, M_SZ) | opcode)(M_SZ-1, 0)
val my_wmask = (UInt(0, tlWriteMaskBits) | wmask)(tlWriteMaskBits-1, 0)
MuxLookup(a_type, UInt(0), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Cat(my_addr_byte, my_operand_size, my_opcode, alloc),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Cat(my_operand_size, my_opcode, alloc),
Acquire.putType -> Cat(my_wmask, alloc),
Acquire.putBlockType -> Cat(my_wmask, alloc),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> Cat(my_addr_byte, my_operand_size, my_opcode, alloc),
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Cat(M_XRD, alloc),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Cat(M_XWR, alloc)))
def fullWriteMask(implicit p: Parameters) = SInt(-1, width = p(TLKey(p(TLId))).writeMaskBits).toUInt
// Most generic constructor
def apply(
is_builtin_type: Bool,
a_type: Bits,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0),
union: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
val acq = Wire(new Acquire)
acq.is_builtin_type := is_builtin_type
acq.a_type := a_type
acq.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
acq.addr_block := addr_block
acq.addr_beat := addr_beat
|||| := data
acq.union := union
// Copy constructor
def apply(a: Acquire): Acquire = {
val acq = Wire(new Acquire()(a.p))
acq := a
object BuiltInAcquireBuilder {
def apply(
a_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0),
addr_byte: UInt = UInt(0),
operand_size: UInt = MT_Q,
opcode: UInt = UInt(0),
wmask: UInt = UInt(0),
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = a_type,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
union = Acquire.makeUnion(a_type, addr_byte, operand_size, opcode, wmask, alloc))
/** Get a single beat of data from the outer memory hierarchy
* The client can hint whether he block containing this beat should be
* allocated in the intervening levels of the hierarchy.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param addr_byte sub-block address (which byte)
* @param operand_size {byte, half, word, double} from [[uncore.MemoryOpConstants]]
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object Get {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.getType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
opcode = M_XRD,
alloc = alloc)
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
addr_byte: UInt,
operand_size: UInt,
alloc: Bool)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.getType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
addr_byte = addr_byte,
operand_size = operand_size,
opcode = M_XRD,
alloc = alloc)
/** Get a whole cache block of data from the outer memory hierarchy
* The client can hint whether the block should be allocated in the
* intervening levels of the hierarchy.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object GetBlock {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt = UInt(0),
addr_block: UInt,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.getBlockType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
opcode = M_XRD,
alloc = alloc)
/** Prefetch a cache block into the next-outermost level of the memory hierarchy
* with read permissions.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
object GetPrefetch {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.getPrefetchType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block)
/** Put a single beat of data into the outer memory hierarchy
* The block will be allocated in the next-outermost level of the hierarchy.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
* @param wmask per-byte write mask for this beat
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object Put {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
data: UInt,
wmask: Option[UInt]= None,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.putType,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
data = data,
wmask = wmask.getOrElse(Acquire.fullWriteMask),
alloc = alloc)
/** Put a whole cache block of data into the outer memory hierarchy
* If the write mask is not full, the block will be allocated in the
* next-outermost level of the hierarchy. If the write mask is full, the
* client can hint whether the block should be allocated or not.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat of several)
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
* @param wmask per-byte write mask for this beat
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object PutBlock {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
data: UInt,
wmask: Option[UInt] = None,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.putBlockType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
wmask = wmask.getOrElse(Acquire.fullWriteMask),
alloc = alloc)
/** Prefetch a cache block into the next-outermost level of the memory hierarchy
* with write permissions.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
object PutPrefetch {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.putPrefetchType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block)
/** Perform an atomic memory operation in the next-outermost level of the memory hierarchy
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (within which beat)
* @param addr_byte sub-block address (which byte)
* @param atomic_opcode {swap, add, xor, and, min, max, minu, maxu} from [[uncore.MemoryOpConstants]]
* @param operand_size {byte, half, word, double} from [[uncore.MemoryOpConstants]]
* @param data source operand data
object PutAtomic {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
addr_byte: UInt,
atomic_opcode: UInt,
operand_size: UInt,
data: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
a_type = Acquire.putAtomicType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
addr_byte = addr_byte,
operand_size = operand_size,
opcode = atomic_opcode)
/** The Probe channel is used to force clients to release data or cede permissions
* on a cache block. Clients respond to Probes with [[uncore.Release]] messages.
* The available types of Probes are customized by a particular
* [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]].
class Probe(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasProbeType
/** [[uncore.Probe]] with an extra field stating its destination id */
class ProbeToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends Probe()(p) with HasClientId
/** Contains factories for [[uncore.Probe]] and [[uncore.ProbeToDst]]
* In general you should avoid using these factories directly and use
* [[uncore.ManagerMetadata.makeProbe(UInt,Acquire)* makeProbe]] instead.
* @param dst id of client to which probe should be sent
* @param p_type custom probe type
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
object Probe {
def apply(p_type: UInt, addr_block: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters): Probe = {
val prb = Wire(new Probe)
prb.p_type := p_type
prb.addr_block := addr_block
def apply(dst: UInt, p_type: UInt, addr_block: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters): ProbeToDst = {
val prb = Wire(new ProbeToDst)
prb.client_id := dst
prb.p_type := p_type
prb.addr_block := addr_block
/** The Release channel is used to release data or permission back to the manager
* in response to [[uncore.Probe]] messages. It can also be used to voluntarily
* write back data, for example in the event that dirty data must be evicted on
* a cache miss. The available types of Release messages are always customized by
* a particular [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]]. Releases may contain data or may be
* simple acknowledgements. Voluntary Releases are acknowledged with [[uncore.Grant Grants]].
class ReleaseMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasReleaseType {
def full_addr(dummy: Int = 0) = Cat(this.addr_block, this.addr_beat, UInt(0, width = tlByteAddrBits))
/** [[uncore.ReleaseMetadata]] with an extra field containing the data beat */
class Release(implicit p: Parameters) extends ReleaseMetadata
with HasTileLinkData
/** [[uncore.ReleaseMetadata]] with an extra field containing the entire cache block */
class BufferedRelease(implicit p: Parameters) extends ReleaseMetadata
with HasTileLinkBlock
/** [[uncore.Release]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class ReleaseFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Release
with HasClientId
/** [[uncore.BufferedRelease]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class BufferedReleaseFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedRelease
with HasClientId
/** Contains a [[uncore.Release]] factory
* In general you should avoid using this factory directly and use
* [[uncore.ClientMetadata.makeRelease]] instead.
* @param voluntary is this a voluntary writeback
* @param r_type type enum defined by coherence protocol
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat beat id of the data
* @param data data being written back
object Release {
def apply(
voluntary: Bool,
r_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
data: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Release = {
val rel = Wire(new Release)
rel.r_type := r_type
rel.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
rel.addr_block := addr_block
rel.addr_beat := addr_beat
|||| := data
rel.voluntary := voluntary
def apply(
src: UInt,
voluntary: Bool,
r_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters): ReleaseFromSrc = {
val rel = Wire(new ReleaseFromSrc)
rel.client_id := src
rel.voluntary := voluntary
rel.r_type := r_type
rel.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
rel.addr_block := addr_block
rel.addr_beat := addr_beat
|||| := data
/** The Grant channel is used to refill data or grant permissions requested of the
* manager agent via an [[uncore.Acquire]] message. It is also used to acknowledge
* the receipt of voluntary writeback from clients in the form of [[uncore.Release]]
* messages. There are built-in Grant messages used for Gets and Puts, and
* coherence policies may also define custom Grant types. Grants may contain data
* or may be simple acknowledgements. Grants are responded to with [[uncore.Finish]].
class GrantMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasManagerTransactionId
with HasGrantType {
def makeFinish(dummy: Int = 0): Finish = {
val f = Wire(new Finish)
f.manager_xact_id := this.manager_xact_id
/** [[uncore.GrantMetadata]] with an extra field containing a single beat of data */
class Grant(implicit p: Parameters) extends GrantMetadata
with HasTileLinkData
/** [[uncore.Grant]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class GrantToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends Grant
with HasClientId
/** [[uncore.Grant]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class GrantFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Grant
with HasManagerId {
override def makeFinish(dummy: Int = 0): FinishToDst = {
val f = Wire(new FinishToDst)
f.manager_xact_id := this.manager_xact_id
f.manager_id := this.manager_id
/** [[uncore.GrantMetadata]] with an extra field containing an entire cache block */
class BufferedGrant(implicit p: Parameters) extends GrantMetadata
with HasTileLinkBlock
/** [[uncore.BufferedGrant]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class BufferedGrantToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedGrant
with HasClientId
/** Contains definitions of the the built-in grant types and factories
* for [[uncore.Grant]] and [[uncore.GrantToDst]]
* In general you should avoid using these factories directly and use
* [[uncore.ManagerMetadata.makeGrant(uncore.AcquireFromSrc* makeGrant]] instead.
* @param dst id of client to which grant should be sent
* @param is_builtin_type built-in or custom type message?
* @param g_type built-in type enum or custom type enum
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param manager_xact_id manager's transaction id
* @param addr_beat beat id of the data
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
object Grant {
val nBuiltInTypes = 5
def voluntaryAckType = UInt("b000") // For acking Releases
def prefetchAckType = UInt("b001") // For acking any kind of Prefetch
def putAckType = UInt("b011") // For acking any kind of non-prfetch Put
def getDataBeatType = UInt("b100") // Supplying a single beat of Get
def getDataBlockType = UInt("b101") // Supplying all beats of a GetBlock
def typesWithData = Vec(getDataBlockType, getDataBeatType)
def typesWithMultibeatData= Vec(getDataBlockType)
def apply(
is_builtin_type: Bool,
g_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
manager_xact_id: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt,
data: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Grant = {
val gnt = Wire(new Grant)
gnt.is_builtin_type := is_builtin_type
gnt.g_type := g_type
gnt.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
gnt.manager_xact_id := manager_xact_id
gnt.addr_beat := addr_beat
|||| := data
def apply(
dst: UInt,
is_builtin_type: Bool,
g_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
manager_xact_id: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters): GrantToDst = {
val gnt = Wire(new GrantToDst)
gnt.client_id := dst
gnt.is_builtin_type := is_builtin_type
gnt.g_type := g_type
gnt.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
gnt.manager_xact_id := manager_xact_id
gnt.addr_beat := addr_beat
|||| := data
/** The Finish channel is used to provide a global ordering of transactions
* in networks that do not guarantee point-to-point ordering of messages.
* A Finsish message is sent as acknowledgement of receipt of a [[uncore.Grant]].
* When a Finish message is received, a manager knows it is safe to begin
* processing other transactions that touch the same cache block.
class Finish(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel()(p)
with HasManagerTransactionId {
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
/** [[uncore.Finish]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class FinishToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends Finish
with HasManagerId
/** Complete IO definition for incoherent TileLink, including networking headers */
class UncachedTileLinkIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Acquire))
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
val finish = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish))
/** Complete IO definition for coherent TileLink, including networking headers */
class TileLinkIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends UncachedTileLinkIO()(p) {
val probe = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Probe)).flip
val release = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Release))
/** This version of UncachedTileLinkIO does not contain network headers.
* It is intended for use within client agents.
* Headers are provided in the top-level that instantiates the clients and network,
* probably using a [[uncore.ClientTileLinkNetworkPort]] module.
* By eliding the header subbundles within the clients we can enable
* hierarchical P-and-R while minimizing unconnected port errors in GDS.
* Secondly, this version of the interface elides [[uncore.Finish]] messages, with the
* assumption that a [[uncore.FinishUnit]] has been coupled to the TileLinkIO port
* to deal with acking received [[uncore.Grant Grants]].
class ClientUncachedTileLinkIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new Acquire)
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new Grant).flip
/** This version of TileLinkIO does not contain network headers.
* It is intended for use within client agents.
class ClientTileLinkIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new Acquire)
val probe = new DecoupledIO(new Probe).flip
val release = new DecoupledIO(new Release)
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new GrantFromSrc).flip
val finish = new DecoupledIO(new FinishToDst)
/** This version of TileLinkIO does not contain network headers, but
* every channel does include an extra client_id subbundle.
* It is intended for use within Management agents.
* Managers need to track where [[uncore.Acquire]] and [[uncore.Release]] messages
* originated so that they can send a [[uncore.Grant]] to the right place.
* Similarly they must be able to issues Probes to particular clients.
* However, we'd still prefer to have [[uncore.ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort]] fill in
* the header.src to enable hierarchical p-and-r of the managers. Additionally,
* coherent clients might be mapped to random network port ids, and we'll leave it to the
* [[uncore.ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort]] to apply the correct mapping. Managers do need to
* see Finished so they know when to allow new transactions on a cache
* block to proceed.
class ManagerTileLinkIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p) {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new AcquireFromSrc).flip
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new GrantToDst)
val finish = new DecoupledIO(new Finish).flip
val probe = new DecoupledIO(new ProbeToDst)
val release = new DecoupledIO(new ReleaseFromSrc).flip
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
package uncore.tilelink
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
import uncore.util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
/** PortedTileLinkNetworks combine a TileLink protocol with a particular physical
* network implementation.
* Specifically, they provide mappings between ClientTileLinkIO/
* ManagerTileLinkIO channels and LogicalNetwork ports (i.e. generic
* TileLinkIO with networking headers). Channels coming into the network have
* appropriate networking headers appended and outgoing channels have their
* headers stripped.
* @constructor base class constructor for Ported TileLink NoC
* @param addrToManagerId a mapping from a physical address to the network
* id of a coherence manager
* @param sharerToClientId a mapping from the id of a particular coherent
* client (as determined by e.g. the directory) and the network id
* of that client
* @param clientDepths the depths of the queue that should be used to buffer
* each channel on the client side of the network
* @param managerDepths the depths of the queue that should be used to buffer
* each channel on the manager side of the network
abstract class PortedTileLinkNetwork(
addrToManagerId: UInt => UInt,
sharerToClientId: UInt => UInt,
clientDepths: TileLinkDepths,
managerDepths: TileLinkDepths)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val nClients = tlNClients
val nManagers = tlNManagers
val io = new Bundle {
val clients_cached = Vec(tlNCachingClients, new ClientTileLinkIO).flip
val clients_uncached = Vec(tlNCachelessClients, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val managers = Vec(nManagers, new ManagerTileLinkIO).flip
val clients = (io.clients_cached ++ io.clients_uncached) {
case (io, idx) => {
val qs = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(clientDepths))
io match {
case c: ClientTileLinkIO => {
val port = Module(new ClientTileLinkNetworkPort(idx, addrToManagerId))
|||| <> c
|||| <>
case u: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO => {
val port = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkNetworkPort(idx, addrToManagerId))
|||| <> u
|||| <>
val managers = {
case (m, i) => {
val port = Module(new ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort(i, sharerToClientId))
val qs = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(managerDepths))
|||| <> m
|||| <>
/** A simple arbiter for each channel that also deals with header-based routing.
* Assumes a single manager agent. */
class PortedTileLinkArbiter(
sharerToClientId: UInt => UInt = (u: UInt) => u,
clientDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0),
managerDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0))
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends PortedTileLinkNetwork(u => UInt(0), sharerToClientId, clientDepths, managerDepths)(p)
with TileLinkArbiterLike
with PassesId {
val arbN = nClients
require(nManagers == 1)
if(arbN > 1) {
hookupClientSource(, managers.head.acquire)
hookupClientSource(, managers.head.release)
hookupFinish(, managers.head.finish)
hookupManagerSourceWithHeader(, managers.head.probe)
hookupManagerSourceWithHeader(, managers.head.grant)
} else {
managers.head <> clients.head
/** Provides a separate physical crossbar for each channel. Assumes multiple manager
* agents. Managers are assigned to higher physical network port ids than
* clients, and translations between logical network id and physical crossbar
* port id are done automatically.
class PortedTileLinkCrossbar(
addrToManagerId: UInt => UInt = u => UInt(0),
sharerToClientId: UInt => UInt = u => u,
clientDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0),
managerDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0))
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends PortedTileLinkNetwork(addrToManagerId, sharerToClientId, clientDepths, managerDepths)(p) {
val n = p(LNEndpoints)
val phyHdrWidth = log2Up(n)
val count = tlDataBeats
// Actually instantiate the particular networks required for TileLink
val acqNet = Module(new BasicBus(CrossbarConfig(n, new Acquire, count, Some((a: PhysicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) => a.payload.hasMultibeatData()))))
val relNet = Module(new BasicBus(CrossbarConfig(n, new Release, count, Some((r: PhysicalNetworkIO[Release]) => r.payload.hasMultibeatData()))))
val prbNet = Module(new BasicBus(CrossbarConfig(n, new Probe)))
val gntNet = Module(new BasicBus(CrossbarConfig(n, new Grant, count, Some((g: PhysicalNetworkIO[Grant]) => g.payload.hasMultibeatData()))))
val ackNet = Module(new BasicBus(CrossbarConfig(n, new Finish)))
// Aliases for the various network IO bundle types
type PNIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]]
type LNIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]]
type FromCrossbar[T <: Data] = PNIO[T] => LNIO[T]
type ToCrossbar[T <: Data] = LNIO[T] => PNIO[T]
// Shims for converting between logical network IOs and physical network IOs
def crossbarToManagerShim[T <: Data](in: PNIO[T]): LNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromPhysicalShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src - UInt(nManagers)
def crossbarToClientShim[T <: Data](in: PNIO[T]): LNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromPhysicalShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst - UInt(nManagers)
def managerToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: LNIO[T]): PNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToPhysicalShim(n, in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst + UInt(nManagers, phyHdrWidth)
def clientToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: LNIO[T]): PNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToPhysicalShim(n, in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src + UInt(nManagers, phyHdrWidth)
// Make an individual connection between virtual and physical ports using
// a particular shim. Also pin the unused Decoupled control signal low.
def doDecoupledInputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: PNIO[T], phys_out: PNIO[T], log_io: LNIO[T], shim: ToCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(log_io)
phys_in.valid := s.valid
phys_in.bits := s.bits
s.ready := phys_in.ready
phys_out.ready := Bool(false)
def doDecoupledOutputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: PNIO[T], phys_out: PNIO[T], log_io: LNIO[T], shim: FromCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(phys_out)
log_io.valid := s.valid
log_io.bits := s.bits
s.ready := log_io.ready
phys_in.valid := Bool(false)
//Hookup all instances of a particular subbundle of TileLink
def doDecoupledHookups[T <: Data](physIO: BasicCrossbarIO[T], getLogIO: TileLinkIO => LNIO[T]) = {
|||| match {
case c: ClientToManagerChannel => {
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledOutputHookup(, physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), crossbarToManagerShim[T])
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledInputHookup(, physIO.out(id+nManagers), getLogIO(i), clientToCrossbarShim[T])
case m: ManagerToClientChannel => {
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledInputHookup(, physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), managerToCrossbarShim[T])
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledOutputHookup(, physIO.out(id+nManagers), getLogIO(i), crossbarToClientShim[T])
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.acquire)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.release)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.probe)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.grant)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.finish)
class ClientUncachedTileLinkIORouter(
nOuter: Int, routeSel: UInt => UInt)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = (new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val out = Vec(nOuter, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
val acq_route = routeSel(
|||| := Bool(false)
io.out.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (out, i) =>
out.acquire.valid := && acq_route(i)
out.acquire.bits :=
when (acq_route(i)) { := out.acquire.ready }
val gnt_arb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(
new Grant, nOuter, tlDataBeats, Some((gnt: Grant) => gnt.hasMultibeatData())))
|||| <>
|||| <>
assert(! || acq_route.orR, "No valid route")
class TileLinkInterconnectIO(val nInner: Int, val nOuter: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val in = Vec(nInner, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val out = Vec(nOuter, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
class ClientUncachedTileLinkIOCrossbar(
nInner: Int, nOuter: Int, routeSel: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule {
val io = new TileLinkInterconnectIO(nInner, nOuter)
if (nInner == 1) {
val router = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIORouter(nOuter, routeSel))
|||| <>
io.out <>
} else {
val routers = List.fill(nInner) {
Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIORouter(nOuter, routeSel)) }
val arbiters = List.fill(nOuter) {
Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(nInner)) }
for (i <- 0 until nInner) {
routers(i) <>
for (i <- 0 until nOuter) {
arbiters(i) <> =>
io.out(i) <> arbiters(i).io.out
abstract class TileLinkInterconnect(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val nInner: Int
val nOuter: Int
lazy val io = new TileLinkInterconnectIO(nInner, nOuter)
class TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect(val nInner: Int, addrMap: AddrMap)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkInterconnect()(p) {
def port(name: String) = io.out(addrMap.port(name))
val nOuter = addrMap.numSlaves
val routeSel = (addr: UInt) =>
Cat( => addrMap(
val xbar = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOCrossbar(nInner, addrMap.length, routeSel))
|||| <>
io.out <> {
case (entry, xbarOut) => {
entry.region match {
case submap: AddrMap if submap.isEmpty =>
xbarOut.acquire.ready := Bool(false)
xbarOut.grant.valid := Bool(false)
case submap: AddrMap =>
val ic = Module(new TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect(1, submap))
|||| <> xbarOut
case _ =>
class TileLinkMemoryInterconnect(
nBanksPerChannel: Int, nChannels: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkInterconnect()(p) {
val nBanks = nBanksPerChannel * nChannels
val nInner = nBanks
val nOuter = nChannels
def connectChannel(outer: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, inner: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO) {
outer <> inner
outer.acquire.bits.addr_block := inner.acquire.bits.addr_block >> UInt(log2Ceil(nChannels))
for (i <- 0 until nChannels) {
/* Bank assignments to channels are strided so that consecutive banks
* map to different channels. That way, consecutive cache lines also
* map to different channels */
val banks = (i until nBanks by nChannels).map(j =>
val channelArb = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(nBanksPerChannel))
|||| <> banks
/** Allows users to switch between various memory configurations. Note that
* this is a dangerous operation: not only does switching the select input to
* this module violate TileLink, it also causes the memory of the machine to
* become garbled. It's expected that select only changes at boot time, as
* part of the memory controller configuration. */
class TileLinkMemorySelectorIO(val nBanks: Int, val maxMemChannels: Int, nConfigs: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TileLinkInterconnectIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels) {
val select = UInt(INPUT, width = log2Up(nConfigs))
override def cloneType =
new TileLinkMemorySelectorIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels, nConfigs).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class TileLinkMemorySelector(nBanks: Int, maxMemChannels: Int, configs: Seq[Int])
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TileLinkInterconnect()(p) {
val nInner = nBanks
val nOuter = maxMemChannels
val nConfigs = configs.size
override lazy val io = new TileLinkMemorySelectorIO(nBanks, maxMemChannels, nConfigs)
def muxOnSelect[T <: Data](up: DecoupledIO[T], dn: DecoupledIO[T], active: Bool): Unit = {
when (active) { dn.bits := up.bits }
when (active) { up.ready := dn.ready }
when (active) { dn.valid := up.valid }
def muxOnSelect(up: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, dn: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, active: Bool): Unit = {
muxOnSelect(up.acquire, dn.acquire, active)
muxOnSelect(dn.grant, up.grant, active)
def muxOnSelect(up: Vec[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO], dn: Vec[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO], active: Bool) : Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until up.size)
muxOnSelect(up(i), dn(i), active)
/* Disconnects a vector of TileLink ports, which involves setting them to
* invalid. Due to Chisel reasons, we need to also set the bits to 0 (since
* there can't be any unconnected inputs). */
def disconnectOuter(outer: Vec[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO]) = {
outer.foreach{ m =>
m.acquire.valid := Bool(false)
m.acquire.bits := m.acquire.bits.fromBits(UInt(0))
m.grant.ready := Bool(false)
def disconnectInner(inner: Vec[ClientUncachedTileLinkIO]) = {
inner.foreach { m =>
m.grant.valid := Bool(false)
m.grant.bits := m.grant.bits.fromBits(UInt(0))
m.acquire.ready := Bool(false)
/* Provides default wires on all our outputs. */
/* Constructs interconnects for each of the layouts suggested by the
* configuration and switches between them based on the select input. */
configs.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (nChannels, select) =>
val nBanksPerChannel = nBanks / nChannels
val ic = Module(new TileLinkMemoryInterconnect(nBanksPerChannel, nChannels))
muxOnSelect(,, === UInt(select))
muxOnSelect(, io.out, === UInt(select))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink
import Chisel._
import uncore.util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object LNEndpoints extends Field[Int]
case object LNHeaderBits extends Field[Int]
class PhysicalHeader(n: Int) extends Bundle {
val src = UInt(width = log2Up(n))
val dst = UInt(width = log2Up(n))
class PhysicalNetworkIO[T <: Data](n: Int, dType: T) extends Bundle {
val header = new PhysicalHeader(n)
val payload = dType.cloneType
override def cloneType = new PhysicalNetworkIO(n,dType).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class BasicCrossbarIO[T <: Data](n: Int, dType: T) extends Bundle {
val in = Vec(n, Decoupled(new PhysicalNetworkIO(n,dType))).flip
val out = Vec(n, Decoupled(new PhysicalNetworkIO(n,dType)))
abstract class PhysicalNetwork extends Module
case class CrossbarConfig[T <: Data](n: Int, dType: T, count: Int = 1, needsLock: Option[PhysicalNetworkIO[T] => Bool] = None)
abstract class AbstractCrossbar[T <: Data](conf: CrossbarConfig[T]) extends PhysicalNetwork {
val io = new BasicCrossbarIO(conf.n, conf.dType)
class BasicBus[T <: Data](conf: CrossbarConfig[T]) extends AbstractCrossbar(conf) {
val arb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(, conf.n, conf.count, conf.needsLock))
|||| <>
|||| := io.out(
for ((out, i) <- io.out zipWithIndex) {
out.valid := && === UInt(i)
out.bits :=
class BasicCrossbar[T <: Data](conf: CrossbarConfig[T]) extends AbstractCrossbar(conf) {
|||| { _.ready := Bool(false) }
||||{ case (out, i) => {
val rrarb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(, conf.n, conf.count, conf.needsLock))
(,{ case (arb, in) => {
val destined = in.bits.header.dst === UInt(i)
arb.valid := in.valid && destined
arb.bits := in.bits
when (arb.ready && destined) { in.ready := Bool(true) }
out <>
abstract class LogicalNetwork extends Module
class LogicalHeader(implicit p: Parameters) extends junctions.ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val src = UInt(width = p(LNHeaderBits))
val dst = UInt(width = p(LNHeaderBits))
class LogicalNetworkIO[T <: Data](dType: T)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val header = new LogicalHeader
val payload = dType.cloneType
override def cloneType = new LogicalNetworkIO(dType)(p).asInstanceOf[this.type]
object DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOWrapper {
def apply[T <: Data](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
src: UInt = UInt(0),
dst: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = Wire(Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits)))
out.valid := in.valid
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.dst := dst
out.bits.header.src := src
in.ready := out.ready
object DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper {
def apply[T <: Data](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]])
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val out = Wire(Decoupled(in.bits.payload))
out.valid := in.valid
out.bits := in.bits.payload
in.ready := out.ready
object DefaultFromPhysicalShim {
def apply[T <: Data](in: DecoupledIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]])
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = Wire(Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits.payload)))
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
object DefaultToPhysicalShim {
def apply[T <: Data](n: Int, in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]])
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = Wire(Decoupled(new PhysicalNetworkIO(n, in.bits.payload)))
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
/** A helper module that automatically issues [[uncore.Finish]] messages in repsonse
* to [[uncore.Grant]] that it receives from a manager and forwards to a client
class FinishUnit(srcId: Int = 0, outstanding: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p)
with HasDataBeatCounters {
val io = new Bundle {
val grant = Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
val refill = Decoupled(new Grant)
val finish = Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish))
val ready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val g = io.grant.bits.payload
if(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering) {
io.finish.valid := Bool(false)
io.refill.valid := io.grant.valid
io.refill.bits := g
io.grant.ready := io.refill.ready
io.ready := Bool(true)
} else {
// We only want to send Finishes after we have collected all beats of
// a multibeat Grant. But Grants from multiple managers or transactions may
// get interleaved, so we could need a counter for each.
val done = if(tlNetworkDoesNotInterleaveBeats) {
} else {
val entries = 1 << tlClientXactIdBits
def getId(g: LogicalNetworkIO[Grant]) = g.payload.client_xact_id
assert(getId(io.grant.bits) <= UInt(entries), "Not enough grant beat counters, only " + entries + " entries.")
connectIncomingDataBeatCountersWithHeader(io.grant, entries, getId).reduce(_||_)
val q = Module(new FinishQueue(outstanding))
|||| := && g.requiresAck() && (!g.hasMultibeatData() || done)
|||| := g.makeFinish()
|||| := io.grant.bits.header.src
io.finish.bits.header.src := UInt(srcId)
io.finish.bits.header.dst :=
io.finish.bits.payload :=
io.finish.valid :=
|||| := io.finish.ready
io.refill.valid := ( || !g.requiresAck()) && io.grant.valid
io.refill.bits := g
io.grant.ready := ( || !g.requiresAck()) && io.refill.ready
io.ready :=
class FinishQueue(entries: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Queue(new FinishToDst()(p), entries)
/** A port to convert [[uncore.ClientTileLinkIO]].flip into [[uncore.TileLinkIO]]
* Creates network headers for [[uncore.Acquire]] and [[uncore.Release]] messages,
* calculating header.dst and filling in header.src.
* Strips headers from [[uncore.Probe Probes]].
* Passes [[uncore.GrantFromSrc]] and accepts [[uncore.FinishFromDst]] in response,
* setting up the headers for each.
* @param clientId network port id of this agent
* @param addrConvert how a physical address maps to a destination manager port id
class ClientTileLinkNetworkPort(clientId: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val client = new ClientTileLinkIO().flip
val network = new TileLinkIO
val acq_with_header = ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator(io.client.acquire, clientId, addrConvert)
val rel_with_header = ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator(io.client.release, clientId, addrConvert)
val fin_with_header = ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator(io.client.finish, clientId)
val prb_without_header = DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper(
val gnt_without_header = DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper(
|||| <> acq_with_header
|||| <> rel_with_header
|||| <> fin_with_header
io.client.probe <> prb_without_header
io.client.grant.bits.manager_id :=
io.client.grant <> gnt_without_header
/** A port to convert [[uncore.ClientUncachedTileLinkIO]].flip into [[uncore.TileLinkIO]]
* Creates network headers for [[uncore.Acquire]] and [[uncore.Release]] messages,
* calculating header.dst and filling in header.src.
* Responds to [[uncore.Grant]] by automatically issuing [[uncore.Finish]] to the granting managers.
* @param clientId network port id of this agent
* @param addrConvert how a physical address maps to a destination manager port id
class ClientUncachedTileLinkNetworkPort(clientId: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val client = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val network = new TileLinkIO
val finisher = Module(new FinishUnit(clientId))
|||| <>
|||| <>
val acq_with_header = ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator(io.client.acquire, clientId, addrConvert)
val gnt_without_header =
|||| := acq_with_header.bits
|||| := acq_with_header.valid &&
acq_with_header.ready := &&
io.client.grant <> gnt_without_header
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := Bool(false)
object ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator {
def apply[T <: ClientToManagerChannel with HasManagerId](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
clientId: Int)
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = Wire(new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits)))
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.manager_id
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
def apply[T <: ClientToManagerChannel with HasCacheBlockAddress](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
clientId: Int,
addrConvert: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = Wire(new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits)))
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
out.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(in.bits.addr_block)
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
/** A port to convert [[uncore.ManagerTileLinkIO]].flip into [[uncore.TileLinkIO]].flip
* Creates network headers for [[uncore.Probe]] and [[uncore.Grant]] messagess,
* calculating header.dst and filling in header.src.
* Strips headers from [[uncore.Acquire]], [[uncore.Release]] and [[uncore.Finish]],
* but supplies client_id instead.
* @param managerId the network port id of this agent
* @param idConvert how a sharer id maps to a destination client port id
class ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort(managerId: Int, idConvert: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val manager = new ManagerTileLinkIO().flip
val network = new TileLinkIO().flip
|||| <> ManagerTileLinkHeaderCreator(io.manager.grant, managerId, (u: UInt) => u)
|||| <> ManagerTileLinkHeaderCreator(io.manager.probe, managerId, idConvert)
io.manager.acquire <> DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper(
io.manager.acquire.bits.client_id :=
io.manager.release <> DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper(
io.manager.release.bits.client_id :=
io.manager.finish <> DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper(
object ManagerTileLinkHeaderCreator {
def apply[T <: ManagerToClientChannel with HasClientId](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
managerId: Int,
idConvert: UInt => UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = Wire(new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits)))
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(managerId)
out.bits.header.dst := idConvert(in.bits.client_id)
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.util
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.Parameters
import uncore.constants._
class StoreGen(typ: UInt, addr: UInt, dat: UInt, maxSize: Int) {
val size = typ(log2Up(log2Up(maxSize)+1)-1,0)
def misaligned =
(addr & ((UInt(1) << size) - UInt(1))(log2Up(maxSize)-1,0)).orR
def mask = {
var res = UInt(1)
for (i <- 0 until log2Up(maxSize)) {
val upper = Mux(addr(i), res, UInt(0)) | Mux(size >= UInt(i+1), UInt((BigInt(1) << (1 << i))-1), UInt(0))
val lower = Mux(addr(i), UInt(0), res)
res = Cat(upper, lower)
protected def genData(i: Int): UInt =
if (i >= log2Up(maxSize)) dat
else Mux(size === UInt(i), Fill(1 << (log2Up(maxSize)-i), dat((8 << i)-1,0)), genData(i+1))
def data = genData(0)
def wordData = genData(2)
class StoreGenAligned(typ: UInt, addr: UInt, dat: UInt, maxSize: Int) extends StoreGen(typ, addr, dat, maxSize) {
override def genData(i: Int) = dat
class LoadGen(typ: UInt, addr: UInt, dat: UInt, zero: Bool, maxSize: Int) {
private val t = new StoreGen(typ, addr, dat, maxSize)
private val signed = typ.toSInt >= SInt(0)
private def genData(logMinSize: Int): UInt = {
var res = dat
for (i <- log2Up(maxSize)-1 to logMinSize by -1) {
val pos = 8 << i
val shifted = Mux(addr(i), res(2*pos-1,pos), res(pos-1,0))
val doZero = Bool(i == 0) && zero
val zeroed = Mux(doZero, UInt(0), shifted)
res = Cat(Mux(t.size === UInt(i) || doZero, Fill(8*maxSize-pos, signed && zeroed(pos-1)), res(8*maxSize-1,pos)), zeroed)
def wordData = genData(2)
def data = genData(0)
class AMOALU(rhsIsAligned: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val operandBits = p(AmoAluOperandBits)
val blockOffBits = p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
require(operandBits == 32 || operandBits == 64)
val io = new Bundle {
val addr = Bits(INPUT, blockOffBits)
val cmd = Bits(INPUT, M_SZ)
val typ = Bits(INPUT, MT_SZ)
val lhs = Bits(INPUT, operandBits)
val rhs = Bits(INPUT, operandBits)
val out = Bits(OUTPUT, operandBits)
val storegen =
if(rhsIsAligned) new StoreGenAligned(io.typ, io.addr, io.rhs, operandBits/8)
else new StoreGen(io.typ, io.addr, io.rhs, operandBits/8)
val rhs = storegen.wordData
val sgned = io.cmd === M_XA_MIN || io.cmd === M_XA_MAX
val max = io.cmd === M_XA_MAX || io.cmd === M_XA_MAXU
val min = io.cmd === M_XA_MIN || io.cmd === M_XA_MINU
val word = io.typ === MT_W || io.typ === MT_WU || // Logic minimization:
io.typ === MT_B || io.typ === MT_BU
val adder_out =
if (operandBits == 32) io.lhs + rhs
else {
val mask = ~UInt(0,64) ^ (io.addr(2) << 31)
(io.lhs & mask).toUInt + (rhs & mask)
val less =
if (operandBits == 32) Mux(io.lhs(31) === rhs(31), io.lhs < rhs, Mux(sgned, io.lhs(31), io.rhs(31)))
else {
val cmp_lhs = Mux(word && !io.addr(2), io.lhs(31), io.lhs(63))
val cmp_rhs = Mux(word && !io.addr(2), rhs(31), rhs(63))
val lt_lo = io.lhs(31,0) < rhs(31,0)
val lt_hi = io.lhs(63,32) < rhs(63,32)
val eq_hi = io.lhs(63,32) === rhs(63,32)
val lt = Mux(word, Mux(io.addr(2), lt_hi, lt_lo), lt_hi || eq_hi && lt_lo)
Mux(cmp_lhs === cmp_rhs, lt, Mux(sgned, cmp_lhs, cmp_rhs))
val out = Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_ADD, adder_out,
Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_AND, io.lhs & rhs,
Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_OR, io.lhs | rhs,
Mux(io.cmd === M_XA_XOR, io.lhs ^ rhs,
Mux(Mux(less, min, max), io.lhs,
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, storegen.mask)
io.out := wmask & out | ~wmask & io.lhs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package uncore.util
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.Parameters
// Produces 0-width value when counting to 1
class ZCounter(val n: Int) {
val value = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Ceil(n)))
def inc(): Bool = {
if (n == 1) Bool(true)
else {
val wrap = value === UInt(n-1)
value := Mux(Bool(!isPow2(n)) && wrap, UInt(0), value + UInt(1))
object ZCounter {
def apply(n: Int) = new ZCounter(n)
def apply(cond: Bool, n: Int): (UInt, Bool) = {
val c = new ZCounter(n)
var wrap: Bool = null
when (cond) { wrap = }
(c.value, cond && wrap)
object TwoWayCounter {
def apply(up: Bool, down: Bool, max: Int): UInt = {
val cnt = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(max+1)))
when (up && !down) { cnt := cnt + UInt(1) }
when (down && !up) { cnt := cnt - UInt(1) }
class BeatCounterStatus extends Bundle {
val idx = UInt()
val done = Bool()
class TwoWayBeatCounterStatus extends Bundle {
val pending = Bool()
val up = new BeatCounterStatus()
val down = new BeatCounterStatus()
/** Utility trait containing wiring functions to keep track of how many data beats have
* been sent or recieved over a particular [[uncore.TileLinkChannel]] or pair of channels.
* Won't count message types that don't have data.
* Used in [[uncore.XactTracker]] and [[uncore.FinishUnit]].
trait HasDataBeatCounters {
type HasBeat = TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkBeatId
type HasId = TileLinkChannel with HasClientId
/** Returns the current count on this channel and when a message is done
* @param inc increment the counter (usually .valid or .fire())
* @param data the actual channel data
* @param beat count to return for single-beat messages
def connectDataBeatCounter[S <: TileLinkChannel](inc: Bool, data: S, beat: UInt) = {
val multi = data.hasMultibeatData()
val (multi_cnt, multi_done) = Counter(inc && multi, data.tlDataBeats)
val cnt = Mux(multi, multi_cnt, beat)
val done = Mux(multi, multi_done, inc)
(cnt, done)
/** Counter for beats on outgoing [[chisel.DecoupledIO]] */
def connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter[T <: TileLinkChannel](
out: DecoupledIO[T],
beat: UInt = UInt(0)): (UInt, Bool) =
connectDataBeatCounter(, out.bits, beat)
/** Returns done but not cnt. Use the addr_beat subbundle instead of cnt for beats on
* incoming channels in case of network reordering.
def connectIncomingDataBeatCounter[T <: TileLinkChannel](in: DecoupledIO[T]): Bool =
connectDataBeatCounter(, in.bits, UInt(0))._2
/** Counter for beats on incoming DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[]]s returns done */
def connectIncomingDataBeatCounterWithHeader[T <: TileLinkChannel](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]]): Bool =
connectDataBeatCounter(, in.bits.payload, UInt(0))._2
/** If the network might interleave beats from different messages, we need a Vec of counters,
* one for every outstanding message id that might be interleaved.
* @param getId mapping from Message to counter id
def connectIncomingDataBeatCountersWithHeader[T <: TileLinkChannel with HasClientTransactionId](
in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]],
entries: Int,
getId: LogicalNetworkIO[T] => UInt): Vec[Bool] = {
Vec((0 until entries).map { i =>
connectDataBeatCounter( && getId(in.bits) === UInt(i), in.bits.payload, UInt(0))._2
/** Provides counters on two channels, as well a meta-counter that tracks how many
* messages have been sent over the up channel but not yet responded to over the down channel
* @param status bundle of status of the counters
* @param up outgoing channel
* @param down incoming channel
* @param max max number of outstanding ups with no down
* @param beat overrides cnts on single-beat messages
* @param track whether up's message should be tracked
* @return a tuple containing whether their are outstanding messages, up's count,
* up's done, down's count, down's done
def connectTwoWayBeatCounters[T <: TileLinkChannel, S <: TileLinkChannel](
status: TwoWayBeatCounterStatus,
up: DecoupledIO[T],
down: DecoupledIO[S],
max: Int = 1,
beat: UInt = UInt(0),
trackUp: T => Bool = (t: T) => Bool(true),
trackDown: S => Bool = (s: S) => Bool(true)) {
val (up_idx, up_done) = connectDataBeatCounter( && trackUp(up.bits), up.bits, beat)
val (dn_idx, dn_done) = connectDataBeatCounter( && trackDown(down.bits), down.bits, beat)
val cnt = TwoWayCounter(up_done, dn_done, max)
status.pending := cnt > UInt(0)
status.up.idx := up_idx
status.up.done := up_done
status.down.idx := dn_idx
status.down.done := dn_done
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package uncore.util
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import cde.Parameters
/** Struct for describing per-channel queue depths */
case class TileLinkDepths(acq: Int, prb: Int, rel: Int, gnt: Int, fin: Int)
/** Optionally enqueues each [[uncore.TileLinkChannel]] individually */
class TileLinkEnqueuer(depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val client = new TileLinkIO().flip
val manager = new TileLinkIO
io.manager.acquire <> (if(depths.acq > 0) Queue(io.client.acquire, depths.acq) else io.client.acquire)
io.client.probe <> (if(depths.prb > 0) Queue(io.manager.probe, depths.prb) else io.manager.probe)
io.manager.release <> (if(depths.rel > 0) Queue(io.client.release, depths.rel) else io.client.release)
io.client.grant <> (if(depths.gnt > 0) Queue(io.manager.grant, depths.gnt) else io.manager.grant)
io.manager.finish <> (if(depths.fin > 0) Queue(io.client.finish, depths.fin) else io.client.finish)
object TileLinkEnqueuer {
def apply(in: TileLinkIO, depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters): TileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(depths))
|||| <> in
def apply(in: TileLinkIO, depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): TileLinkIO = {
apply(in, TileLinkDepths(depth, depth, depth, depth, depth))
class ClientTileLinkEnqueuer(depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val inner = new ClientTileLinkIO().flip
val outer = new ClientTileLinkIO
io.outer.acquire <> (if(depths.acq > 0) Queue(io.inner.acquire, depths.acq) else io.inner.acquire)
io.inner.probe <> (if(depths.prb > 0) Queue(io.outer.probe, depths.prb) else io.outer.probe)
io.outer.release <> (if(depths.rel > 0) Queue(io.inner.release, depths.rel) else io.inner.release)
io.inner.grant <> (if(depths.gnt > 0) Queue(io.outer.grant, depths.gnt) else io.outer.grant)
io.outer.finish <> (if(depths.fin > 0) Queue(io.inner.finish, depths.fin) else io.inner.finish)
object ClientTileLinkEnqueuer {
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO, depths: TileLinkDepths)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val t = Module(new ClientTileLinkEnqueuer(depths))
|||| <> in
def apply(in: ClientTileLinkIO, depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
apply(in, TileLinkDepths(depth, depth, depth, depth, depth))
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.util
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
class FlowThroughSerializer[T <: Bundle with HasTileLinkData](gen: T, n: Int) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(gen).flip
val out = Decoupled(gen)
val cnt = UInt(OUTPUT, log2Up(n))
val done = Bool(OUTPUT)
val narrowWidth = / n
require( % narrowWidth == 0)
if(n == 1) {
io.out <>
io.cnt := UInt(0)
io.done := Bool(true)
} else {
val cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, width = log2Up(n)))
val wrap = cnt === UInt(n-1)
val rbits = Reg{}
val active = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val shifter = Wire(Vec(n, Bits(width = narrowWidth)))
(0 until n).foreach {
i => shifter(i) :=*narrowWidth-1,i*narrowWidth)
io.done := Bool(false)
io.cnt := cnt
|||| := !active
io.out.valid := active ||
io.out.bits :=
when(!active && {
when( {
cnt := Mux(io.out.ready, UInt(1), UInt(0))
rbits :=
active := Bool(true)
io.done := !
when(active) {
io.out.bits := rbits
|||| := shifter(cnt)
when(io.out.ready) {
cnt := cnt + UInt(1)
when(wrap) {
cnt := UInt(0)
io.done := Bool(true)
active := Bool(false)
object FlowThroughSerializer {
def apply[T <: Bundle with HasTileLinkData](in: DecoupledIO[T], n: Int): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val fs = Module(new FlowThroughSerializer(in.bits, n))
|||| := in.valid
|||| := in.bits
in.ready :=
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