Fork 0

tweaks to cache/SRAM interface for TSMC65 SRAMs

This commit is contained in:
Rimas Avizienis 2011-12-02 02:01:08 -08:00
parent e70b41241c
commit c580180b66
2 changed files with 58 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -251,16 +251,18 @@ class rocketDCacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
// val tag_array = new rocketSRAMsp(lines, tagbits);
val tag_array = new TS1N65LPA128X27M4;
tag_array.io.a := tag_addr;
tag_array.io.d := r_cpu_req_ppn;
tag_array.io.web := ~tag_we;
tag_array.io.bweb := Bits(0,tagbits);
tag_array.io.ceb := !(
(io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy) ||
val tag_array_ceb = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !(
(io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy) ||
(state === s_start_writeback) ||
(state === s_writeback));
val tag_rdata = tag_array.io.q;
tag_array.io.tsel := Bits(1,2);
(state === s_writeback)));
val tag_array_web = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !tag_we);
tag_array.io.A := tag_addr;
tag_array.io.D := r_cpu_req_ppn;
tag_array.io.CEB := tag_array_ceb && tag_array_web;
tag_array.io.WEB := tag_array_web;
tag_array.io.BWEB := Bits(0,tagbits);
val tag_rdata = tag_array.io.Q;
tag_array.io.TSEL := Bits(1,2);
// valid bit array
val vb_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, lines));
@ -335,7 +337,7 @@ class rocketDCacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
// data array
// val data_array = new rocketSRAMsp(lines*4, 128);
val data_array = new TS1N65LPA512X128M4;
val data_array_rdata = data_array.io.q;
val data_array_rdata = data_array.io.Q;
val resp_data = Mux(r_cpu_req_idx(offsetlsb).toBool, data_array_rdata(127, 64), data_array_rdata(63,0));
val r_resp_data = Reg(resp_data);
@ -363,36 +365,40 @@ class rocketDCacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
amo_alu.io.rhs := r_amo_data.toUFix;
val amo_alu_out = Cat(amo_alu.io.result,amo_alu.io.result);
data_array.io.a :=
data_array.io.A :=
Mux(drain_store || resolve_store, p_store_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1),
Mux((state === s_writeback) && io.mem.req_rdy, Cat(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), rr_count_next),
Mux((state === s_start_writeback) || (state === s_writeback) || (state === s_refill), Cat(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), rr_count),
Mux((state === s_resolve_miss) || (state === s_replay_load) || (state === s_write_amo), r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1),
io.cpu.req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1))))).toUFix;
data_array.io.d :=
data_array.io.D :=
Mux((state === s_refill), io.mem.resp_data,
Mux((state === s_write_amo), amo_alu_out,
data_array.io.web := !(
val data_array_web = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !(
((state === s_refill) && io.mem.resp_val) ||
(state === s_write_amo) ||
drain_store || resolve_store);
drain_store || resolve_store));
data_array.io.WEB := data_array_web;
data_array.io.bweb := ~(
data_array.io.BWEB := ~(
Mux((state === s_refill), ~Bits(0,128),
Mux((state === s_write_amo), amo_store_wmask,
data_array.io.ceb := !(
val data_array_ceb = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !(
(io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy && (req_load || req_amo)) ||
(state === s_start_writeback) ||
(state === s_writeback) ||
((state === s_resolve_miss) && (r_req_load || r_req_amo)) ||
(state === s_replay_load));
(state === s_replay_load)));
data_array.io.tsel := Bits(1,2);
data_array.io.CEB := data_array_ceb && data_array_web;
data_array.io.TSEL := Bits(1,2);
// signal a load miss when the data isn't present in the cache and when it's in the pending store data register
// (causes the cache to block for 2 cycles and the load or amo instruction is replayed)
val load_miss =

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@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ class ioICacheDM extends Bundle()
// single port SRAM i/o
class ioSRAMsp (width: Int, addrbits: Int) extends Bundle {
val a = UFix(addrbits, 'input); // address
val d = Bits(width, 'input); // data input
val bweb = Bits(width, 'input); // bit write enable mask
val ceb = Bool('input); // chip enable
val web = Bool('input); // write enable
val q = Bits(width, 'output); // data out
val tsel = Bits(2, 'input);
val A = UFix(addrbits, 'input); // address
val D = Bits(width, 'input); // data input
val BWEB = Bits(width, 'input); // bit write enable mask
val CEB = Bool('input); // chip enable
val WEB = Bool('input); // write enable
val Q = Bits(width, 'output); // data out
val TSEL = Bits(2, 'input);
// single ported SRAM
@ -51,9 +51,10 @@ class TS1N65LPA128X27M4 extends Component {
val width = 27;
val entries = 128;
val io = new ioSRAMsp(width, addrbits);
val sram = Mem(entries, ~io.web, io.a, io.d, wrMask = ~io.bweb, resetVal = null);
val rdata = Reg(Mux(~io.ceb, sram.read(io.a), Bits(0,width)));
io.q := rdata;
val wmask = ~io.BWEB;
val sram = Mem(entries, !io.WEB, io.A, io.D, wrMask = wmask, resetVal = null);
val rdata = Reg(Mux(!io.CEB, sram.read(io.A), Bits(0,width)));
io.Q := rdata;
class TS1N65LPA512X128M4 extends Component {
@ -61,9 +62,10 @@ class TS1N65LPA512X128M4 extends Component {
val width = 128;
val entries = 512;
val io = new ioSRAMsp(width, addrbits);
val sram = Mem(entries, ~io.web, io.a, io.d, wrMask = ~io.bweb, resetVal = null);
val rdata = Reg(Mux(~io.ceb, sram.read(io.a), Bits(0,width)));
io.q := rdata;
val wmask = ~io.BWEB;
val sram = Mem(entries, !io.WEB, io.A, io.D, wrMask = wmask, resetVal = null);
val rdata = Reg(Mux(!io.CEB, sram.read(io.A), Bits(0,width)));
io.Q := rdata;
class rocketSRAMsp(entries: Int, width: Int) extends Component {
@ -127,13 +129,15 @@ class rocketICacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
Mux((state === s_refill_wait), r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1,offsetbits),
val tag_we = (state === s_refill_wait) && io.mem.resp_val;
tag_array.io.a := tag_addr;
tag_array.io.d := r_cpu_req_ppn;
tag_array.io.web := ~tag_we;
tag_array.io.tsel := Bits(1,2);
tag_array.io.bweb := Bits(0,tagbits);
tag_array.io.ceb := !(io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy);
val tag_rdata = tag_array.io.q;
val tag_array_ceb = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !(io.cpu.req_val && io.cpu.req_rdy));
val tag_array_web = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !tag_we);
tag_array.io.A := tag_addr;
tag_array.io.D := r_cpu_req_ppn;
tag_array.io.CEB := tag_array_ceb && tag_array_web;
tag_array.io.WEB := tag_array_web;
tag_array.io.TSEL := Bits(1,2);
tag_array.io.BWEB := Bits(0,tagbits);
val tag_rdata = tag_array.io.Q;
// valid bit array
val vb_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, lines));
@ -150,16 +154,18 @@ class rocketICacheDM(lines: Int) extends Component {
// data array
// val data_array = new rocketSRAMsp(lines*4, 128);
val data_array = new TS1N65LPA512X128M4;
data_array.io.a :=
val data_array_ceb = Mux(reset, Bool(true), !((io.cpu.req_rdy && io.cpu.req_val) || (state === s_resolve_miss)));
val data_array_web = Mux(reset, Bool(true), ~io.mem.resp_val);
data_array.io.A :=
Mux((state === s_refill_wait) || (state === s_refill), Cat(r_cpu_req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetbits), refill_count),
io.cpu.req_idx(PGIDX_BITS-1, offsetmsb-1)).toUFix;
data_array.io.d := io.mem.resp_data;
data_array.io.web := ~io.mem.resp_val;
data_array.io.bweb := Bits(0,128);
data_array.io.tsel := Bits(1,2);
data_array.io.ceb := !((io.cpu.req_rdy && io.cpu.req_val) || (state === s_resolve_miss));
data_array.io.D := io.mem.resp_data;
data_array.io.CEB := data_array_ceb && data_array_web;
data_array.io.WEB := data_array_web;
data_array.io.BWEB := Bits(0,128);
data_array.io.TSEL := Bits(1,2);
val data_array_rdata = data_array.io.q;
val data_array_rdata = data_array.io.Q;
// output signals
io.cpu.resp_val := !io.cpu.itlb_miss && (state === s_ready) && r_cpu_req_val && tag_valid && tag_match;