Merge pull request #266 from ucb-bar/multinode
TL2Node: make it possible for {Identity,Output,Input}Node to pass a Vec
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ class TLBuffer(entries: Int = 2, pipe: Boolean = false) extends LazyModule
object TLBuffer
// applied to the TL source node; connect (TLBuffer(x.node) -> y.node)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, entries: Int = 2, pipe: Boolean = false)(implicit lazyModule: LazyModule, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLBuffer(x.node)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, entries: Int = 2, pipe: Boolean = false)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(entries, pipe))
lazyModule.connect(x -> buffer.node)
buffer.node := x
@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ class TLFragmenter(minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false) exten
object TLFragmenter
// applied to the TL source node; connect (TLFragmenter(x.node, 256, 4) -> y.node)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false)(implicit lazyModule: LazyModule, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLFragmenter(x.node, 256, 4)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
val fragmenter = LazyModule(new TLFragmenter(minSize, maxSize, alwaysMin))
lazyModule.connect(x -> fragmenter.node)
fragmenter.node := x
@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ class TLHintHandler(supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = f
object TLHintHandler
// applied to the TL source node; connect (TLHintHandler(x.node) -> y.node)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = false, passthrough: Boolean = true)(implicit lazyModule: LazyModule, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLHintHandler(x.node)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = false, passthrough: Boolean = true)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
val hints = LazyModule(new TLHintHandler(supportManagers, supportClients, passthrough))
lazyModule.connect(x -> hints.node)
hints.node := x
@ -18,19 +18,13 @@ abstract class LazyModule
// Use as: connect(source -> sink, source2 -> sink2, ...)
def connect[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](edges: (BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B], BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])*)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
edges.foreach { case (source, sink) =>
bindings = (source edge sink) :: bindings
edges.foreach { case (source, sink) => sink := source }
def name = getClass.getName.split('.').last
def line = info match {
case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s" ($filename:$line:$col)"
case _ => ""
def line = sourceLine(info)
def module: LazyModuleImp
implicit val lazyModule = this
protected[tilelink2] def instantiate() = {
children.reverse.foreach { c =>
@ -50,7 +44,8 @@ object LazyModule
// Make sure the user put LazyModule around modules in the correct order
// If this require fails, probably some grandchild was missing a LazyModule
// ... or you applied LazyModule twice
require (!stack.isEmpty && (stack.head eq bc))
require (!stack.isEmpty, s"LazyModule() applied to ${} twice ${sourceLine(sourceInfo)}")
require (stack.head eq bc, s"LazyModule() applied to ${} before ${} ${sourceLine(sourceInfo)}")
stack = stack.tail
|||| = sourceInfo
@ -60,7 +55,7 @@ object LazyModule
abstract class LazyModuleImp(outer: LazyModule) extends Module
// .module had better not be accessed while LazyModules are still being built!
require (LazyModule.stack.isEmpty)
require (LazyModule.stack.isEmpty, s"${}.module was constructed before LazyModule() was run on ${}")
override def desiredName =
@ -29,39 +29,46 @@ class RootNode
class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
private val oFn: Option[Seq[PO] => PO],
private val iFn: Option[Seq[PI] => PI],
private val oFn: (Int, Seq[PO]) => Seq[PO],
private val iFn: (Int, Seq[PI]) => Seq[PI],
private val numPO: Range.Inclusive,
private val numPI: Range.Inclusive) extends RootNode
// At least 0 ports must be supported
require (!numPO.isEmpty)
require (!numPI.isEmpty)
require (numPO.start >= 0)
require (numPI.start >= 0)
def name = + "." + getClass.getName.split('.').last
require (!numPO.isEmpty, s"No number of outputs would be acceptable to ${name}${lazyModule.line}")
require (!numPI.isEmpty, s"No number of inputs would be acceptable to ${name}${lazyModule.line}")
require (numPO.start >= 0, s"${name} accepts a negative number of outputs${lazyModule.line}")
require (numPI.start >= 0, s"${name} accepts a negative number of inputs${lazyModule.line}")
val noOs = numPO.size == 1 && numPO.contains(0)
val noIs = numPI.size == 1 && numPI.contains(0)
require (noOs || oFn.isDefined)
require (noIs || iFn.isDefined)
private val accPO = ListBuffer[BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]]()
private val accPI = ListBuffer[BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]]()
private val accPO = ListBuffer[(Int, BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])]()
private val accPI = ListBuffer[(Int, BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])]()
private var oRealized = false
private var iRealized = false
def name = + "." + getClass.getName.split('.').last
private def reqO() = require(numPO.contains(accPO.size), s"${name} has ${accPO.size} outputs, expected ${numPO}${lazyModule.line}")
private def reqI() = require(numPI.contains(accPI.size), s"${name} has ${accPI.size} inputs, expected ${numPI}${lazyModule.line}")
protected def reqE(o: Int, i: Int) = require(i == o, s"${name} has ${i} inputs and ${o} outputs; they must match${lazyModule.line}")
private lazy val oPorts = { oRealized = true; reqO(); accPO.result() }
private lazy val iPorts = { iRealized = true; reqI(); accPI.result() }
private lazy val oParams : Option[PO] =
private lazy val iParams : Option[PI] =
lazy val edgesOut = { n => imp.edgeO(oParams.get, n.iParams.get) }
lazy val edgesIn = { n => imp.edgeI(n.oParams.get, iParams.get) }
private lazy val oParams : Seq[PO] = {
val o = oFn(oPorts.size,{ case (i, n) => n.oParams(i) })
reqE(oPorts.size, o.size)
private lazy val iParams : Seq[PI] = {
val i = iFn(iPorts.size,{ case (o, n) => n.iParams(o) })
reqE(i.size, iPorts.size)
lazy val edgesOut = (oPorts zip oParams).map { case ((i, n), o) => imp.edgeO(o, n.iParams(i)) }
lazy val edgesIn = (iPorts zip iParams).map { case ((o, n), i) => imp.edgeI(n.oParams(o), i) }
lazy val bundleOut = imp.bundleO(edgesOut)
lazy val bundleIn = imp.bundleI(edgesIn)
@ -69,24 +76,26 @@ class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
def connectOut = bundleOut
def connectIn = bundleIn
// source.edge(sink)
protected[tilelink2] def edge(x: BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
require (!noOs)
require (!oRealized)
require (!x.noIs)
require (!x.iRealized)
protected[tilelink2] def := (y: BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
val x = this // x := y
val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "")
require (!LazyModule.stack.isEmpty, s"${} cannot be connected to ${} outside of LazyModule scope" + info)
require (!y.noOs, s"${}${y.lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a source" + info)
require (!y.oRealized, s"${}${y.lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a source after it's .module was used" + info)
require (!x.noIs, s"${}${x.lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a sink" + info)
require (!x.iRealized, s"${}${x.lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a sink after it's .module was used" + info)
val i = x.accPI.size
val o = accPO.size
accPO += x
x.accPI += this
() => {
imp.connect(connectOut(o), edgesOut(o), x.connectIn(i), x.edgesIn(i))
val o = y.accPO.size
y.accPO += ((i, x))
x.accPI += ((o, y))
LazyModule.stack.head.bindings = (() => {
imp.connect(y.connectOut(o), y.edgesOut(o), x.connectIn(i), x.edgesIn(i))
}) :: LazyModule.stack.head.bindings
class IdentityNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])
extends BaseNode(imp)(Some{case Seq(x) => x}, Some{case Seq(x) => x}, 1 to 1, 1 to 1)
extends BaseNode(imp)({case (_, s) => s}, {case (_, s) => s}, 0 to 999, 0 to 999)
class OutputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp)
@ -101,21 +110,21 @@ class InputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) exte
class SourceNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(po: PO, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends BaseNode(imp)(Some{case Seq() => po}, None, num, 0 to 0)
extends BaseNode(imp)({case (n, Seq()) => Seq.fill(n)(po)}, {case (0, _) => Seq()}, num, 0 to 0)
require (num.end >= 1)
require (num.end >= 1, s"${name} is a source which does not accept outputs${lazyModule.line}")
class SinkNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(pi: PI, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends BaseNode(imp)(None, Some{case Seq() => pi}, 0 to 0, num)
extends BaseNode(imp)({case (0, _) => Seq()}, {case (n, Seq()) => Seq.fill(n)(pi)}, 0 to 0, num)
require (num.end >= 1)
require (num.end >= 1, s"${name} is a sink which does not accept inputs${lazyModule.line}")
class InteriorNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])
(oFn: Seq[PO] => PO, iFn: Seq[PI] => PI, numPO: Range.Inclusive, numPI: Range.Inclusive)
extends BaseNode(imp)(Some(oFn), Some(iFn), numPO, numPI)
extends BaseNode(imp)({case (n,s) => Seq.fill(n)(oFn(s))}, {case (n,s) => Seq.fill(n)(iFn(s))}, numPO, numPI)
require (numPO.end >= 1)
require (numPI.end >= 1)
require (numPO.end >= 1, s"${name} is an adapter which does not accept outputs${lazyModule.line}")
require (numPI.end >= 1, s"${name} is an adapter which does not accept inputs${lazyModule.line}")
@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ class TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes: Int) extends LazyModule
object TLWidthWidget
// applied to the TL source node; connect (WidthWidget(x.node, 16) -> y.node)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit lazyModule: LazyModule, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := WidthWidget(x.node, 16)
def apply(x: TLBaseNode, innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLBaseNode = {
val widget = LazyModule(new TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes))
lazyModule.connect(x -> widget.node)
widget.node := x
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.{SourceInfo, SourceLine, UnlocatableSourceInfo}
package object tilelink2
@ -9,4 +10,9 @@ package object tilelink2
def OH1ToUInt(x: UInt) = OHToUInt((x << 1 | UInt(1)) ^ x)
def UIntToOH1(x: UInt, width: Int) = ~(SInt(-1, width=width).asUInt << x)(width-1, 0)
def trailingZeros(x: Int) = if (x > 0) Some(log2Ceil(x & -x)) else None
def sourceLine(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, prefix: String = " (", suffix: String = ")") = sourceInfo match {
case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s"$prefix$filename:$line:$col$suffix"
case _ => ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user