@ -16,14 +16,22 @@ trait GPIOModule extends HasRegMap
val params: GPIOParams
val io: GPIOBundle
val interrupts: Vec[Bool]
val state = RegInit(UInt(0))
io.gpio := state
val pending = RegInit(UInt(0xf, width = 4))
regmap(0 -> Seq(RegField(params.num, state)))
io.gpio := state
interrupts := pending.toBools
0 -> Seq(
RegField(params.num, state)),
1 -> Seq(
RegField.w1ToClear(4, pending, state)))
// Create a concrete TL2 version of the abstract GPIO slave
class TLGPIO(p: GPIOParams) extends TLRegisterRouter(p.address)(
class TLGPIO(p: GPIOParams) extends TLRegisterRouter(p.address, 4)(
new TLRegBundle(p, _) with GPIOBundle)(
new TLRegModule(p, _, _) with GPIOModule)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.math.max
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
// A potentially empty half-open range; [start, end)
case class IntRange(start: Int, end: Int)
require (start >= 0)
require (start <= end)
def size = end - start
def overlaps(x: IntRange) = start < x.end && x.start < end
def offset(x: Int) = IntRange(x+start, x+end)
object IntRange
implicit def apply(end: Int): IntRange = apply(0, end)
case class IntSourceParameters(device: String, range: IntRange)
case class IntSinkPortParameters()
case class IntSourcePortParameters(sources: Seq[IntSourceParameters])
val num =
// The interrupts mapping must not overlap
|||| { case Seq(a, b) => require (!a.overlaps(b)) }
// The interrupts must perfectly cover the range
require ( == num)
case class IntEdge(source: IntSourcePortParameters, sink: IntSinkPortParameters)
object IntImp extends NodeImp[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
def edgeO(po: IntSourcePortParameters, pi: IntSinkPortParameters): IntEdge = IntEdge(po, pi)
def edgeI(po: IntSourcePortParameters, pi: IntSinkPortParameters): IntEdge = IntEdge(po, pi)
def bundleO(eo: Seq[IntEdge]): Vec[Vec[Bool]] = {
if (eo.isEmpty) Vec(0, Vec(0, Bool())) else
Vec(eo.size, Vec(, Bool()))
def bundleI(ei: Seq[IntEdge]): Vec[Vec[Bool]] = {
require (!ei.isEmpty)
Vec(ei.size, Vec(, Bool())).flip
def connect(bo: Vec[Bool], eo: IntEdge, bi: Vec[Bool], ei: IntEdge)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = {
require (eo == ei)
// Cannot use bulk connect, because the widths could differ
(bo zip bi) foreach { case (o, i) => i := o }
case class IntIdentityNode() extends IdentityNode(IntImp)
case class IntOutputNode() extends OutputNode(IntImp)
case class IntInputNode() extends InputNode(IntImp)
case class IntSourceNode(device: String, num: Int) extends SourceNode(IntImp)(
IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(device, num))),
(if (num == 0) 0 else 1) to 1)
case class IntSinkNode() extends SinkNode(IntImp)(IntSinkPortParameters())
case class IntAdapterNode(
sourceFn: Seq[IntSourcePortParameters] => IntSourcePortParameters,
sinkFn: Seq[IntSinkPortParameters] => IntSinkPortParameters,
numSourcePorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1,
numSinkPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends InteriorNode(IntImp)(sourceFn, sinkFn, numSourcePorts, numSinkPorts)
class IntXbar extends LazyModule
val intnode = IntAdapterNode(
numSourcePorts = 1 to 1, // does it make sense to have more than one interrupt sink?
numSinkPorts = 1 to 128,
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters() },
sourceFn = { seq =>
IntSourcePortParameters((seq zip {
case (s, o) => => z.copy(range = z.range.offset(o)))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = intnode.bundleIn
val out = intnode.bundleOut
val cat = (intnode.edgesIn zip{ case (e, i) => i.take(e.source.num) }.flatten
io.out.foreach { _ := cat }
@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo._
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.{SourceInfo, SourceLine, UnlocatableSourceInfo}
abstract class LazyModule
protected[tilelink2] var bindings = List[() => Unit]()
protected[tilelink2] var children = List[LazyModule]()
protected[tilelink2] var nodes = List[RootNode]()
protected[tilelink2] var info: SourceInfo = UnlocatableSourceInfo
protected[tilelink2] val parent = LazyModule.stack.headOption
@ -16,12 +17,18 @@ abstract class LazyModule
parent.foreach(p => p.children = this :: p.children)
// Use as: connect(source -> sink, source2 -> sink2, ...)
def connect[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](edges: (BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B], BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])*)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
def connect[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](edges: (BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B], BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])*)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
edges.foreach { case (source, sink) =>
bindings = (source edge sink) :: bindings
def name = getClass.getName.split('.').last
def line = info match {
case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s" ($filename:$line:$col)"
case _ => ""
def module: LazyModuleImp
implicit val lazyModule = this
@ -55,6 +62,6 @@ abstract class LazyModuleImp(outer: LazyModule) extends Module
// .module had better not be accessed while LazyModules are still being built!
require (LazyModule.stack.isEmpty)
override def desiredName = outer.getClass.getName.split('.').last
override def desiredName =
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
// PO = PortOutputParameters
// EI = EdgeInput
// EO = EdgeOutput
abstract class NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle]
abstract class NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data]
def edgeO(po: PO, pi: PI): EO
def edgeI(po: PO, pi: PI): EI
@ -19,11 +19,20 @@ abstract class NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle]
def connect(bo: B, eo: EO, bi: B, ei: EI)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit
class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
class RootNode
// You cannot create a Node outside a LazyModule!
require (!LazyModule.stack.isEmpty)
val lazyModule = LazyModule.stack.head
lazyModule.nodes = this :: lazyModule.nodes
class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
private val oFn: Option[Seq[PO] => PO],
private val iFn: Option[Seq[PI] => PI],
private val numPO: Range.Inclusive,
private val numPI: Range.Inclusive)
private val numPI: Range.Inclusive) extends RootNode
// At least 0 ports must be supported
require (!numPO.isEmpty)
@ -42,8 +51,12 @@ class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
private var oRealized = false
private var iRealized = false
private lazy val oPorts = { oRealized = true; require (numPO.contains(accPO.size)); accPO.result() }
private lazy val iPorts = { iRealized = true; require (numPI.contains(accPI.size)); accPI.result() }
def name = + "." + getClass.getName.split('.').last
private def reqO() = require(numPO.contains(accPO.size), s"${name} has ${accPO.size} outputs, expected ${numPO}${lazyModule.line}")
private def reqI() = require(numPI.contains(accPI.size), s"${name} has ${accPI.size} inputs, expected ${numPI}${lazyModule.line}")
private lazy val oPorts = { oRealized = true; reqO(); accPO.result() }
private lazy val iPorts = { iRealized = true; reqI(); accPI.result() }
private lazy val oParams : Option[PO] =
private lazy val iParams : Option[PI] =
@ -72,34 +85,34 @@ class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
class IdentityNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])
class IdentityNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])
extends BaseNode(imp)(Some{case Seq(x) => x}, Some{case Seq(x) => x}, 1 to 1, 1 to 1)
class OutputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp)
class OutputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp)
override def connectOut = bundleOut
override def connectIn = bundleOut
class InputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp)
class InputNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]) extends IdentityNode(imp)
override def connectOut = bundleIn
override def connectIn = bundleIn
class SourceNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(po: PO, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
class SourceNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(po: PO, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends BaseNode(imp)(Some{case Seq() => po}, None, num, 0 to 0)
require (num.end >= 1)
class SinkNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(pi: PI, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
class SinkNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(pi: PI, num: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends BaseNode(imp)(None, Some{case Seq() => pi}, 0 to 0, num)
require (num.end >= 1)
class InteriorNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Bundle](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])
class InteriorNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])
(oFn: Seq[PO] => PO, iFn: Seq[PI] => PI, numPO: Range.Inclusive, numPI: Range.Inclusive)
extends BaseNode(imp)(Some(oFn), Some(iFn), numPO, numPI)
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ object RegField
trait HasRegMap
def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*): Unit
val interrupts: Vec[Bool]
// See GPIO.scala for an example of how to use regmap
@ -75,29 +75,39 @@ object TLRegisterNode
// register mapped device from a totally abstract register mapped device.
// See GPIO.scala in this directory for an example
abstract class TLRegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Option[Int], beatBytes: Int) extends LazyModule
abstract class TLRegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Option[Int], beatBytes: Int) extends LazyModule
val node = TLRegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes)
val intnode = IntSourceNode(name + s" @ ${address.base}", interrupts)
class TLRegBundle[P](val params: P, val in: Vec[TLBundle]) extends Bundle
case class TLRegBundleArg(interrupts: Vec[Vec[Bool]], in: Vec[TLBundle])
class TLRegModule[P, B <: Bundle](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: TLRegisterRouterBase)
class TLRegBundleBase(arg: TLRegBundleArg) extends Bundle
val interrupts = arg.interrupts
val in =
class TLRegBundle[P](val params: P, arg: TLRegBundleArg) extends TLRegBundleBase(arg)
class TLRegModule[P, B <: TLRegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: TLRegisterRouterBase)
extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
val io = bundleBuilder
val interrupts = if (io.interrupts.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else io.interrupts(0)
def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
class TLRegisterRouter[B <: Bundle, M <: LazyModuleImp]
(base: BigInt, size: BigInt = 4096, concurrency: Option[Int] = None, beatBytes: Int = 4)
(bundleBuilder: Vec[TLBundle] => B)
class TLRegisterRouter[B <: TLRegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp]
(base: BigInt, interrupts: Int = 0, size: BigInt = 4096, concurrency: Option[Int] = None, beatBytes: Int = 4)
(bundleBuilder: TLRegBundleArg => B)
(moduleBuilder: (=> B, TLRegisterRouterBase) => M)
extends TLRegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), concurrency, beatBytes)
extends TLRegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes)
require (size % 4096 == 0) // devices should be 4K aligned
require (isPow2(size))
require (size >= 4096)
lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(node.bundleIn), this)
lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(TLRegBundleArg(intnode.bundleOut, node.bundleIn)), this)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Chisel._
package object tilelink2
type TLBaseNode = BaseNode[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLEdgeOut, TLEdgeIn, TLBundle]
type IntBaseNode = BaseNode[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
def OH1ToUInt(x: UInt) = OHToUInt((x << 1 | UInt(1)) ^ x)
def UIntToOH1(x: UInt, width: Int) = ~(SInt(-1, width=width).asUInt << x)(width-1, 0)
def trailingZeros(x: Int) = if (x > 0) Some(log2Ceil(x & -x)) else None
Reference in New Issue
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