WIP bugfixes: run until corrupted WB data (beats repeated)
This commit is contained in:
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class DCache(maxUncachedInFlight: Int = 2)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends L
val a_address = s2_req.addr
val a_size = s2_req.typ
val a_data = Fill(beatWords, pstore1_storegen.data)
val acquire = edge.Acquire(a_source, a_address, lgCacheBlockBytes, s2_grow_param)._2 // TODO check cacheability
val acquire = edge.Acquire(a_source, a_address, lgCacheBlockBytes, s2_grow_param)._2 // TODO Cacheability already been checked?
val get = edge.Get(a_source, a_address, a_size)._2
val put = edge.Put(a_source, a_address, a_size, a_data)._2
val atomics = if (edge.manager.anySupportLogical) {
@ -305,9 +305,7 @@ class DCache(maxUncachedInFlight: Int = 2)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends L
tl_out.a.valid := grantackq.io.enq.ready && ((s2_valid_cached_miss && !s2_victim_dirty) ||
(s2_valid_uncached && !uncachedInFlight.asUInt.andR))
tl_out.a.bits := Mux(pstore1_amo && s2_write && s2_uncached, atomics,
Mux(s2_write && s2_uncached, put,
Mux(s2_uncached, get, acquire)))
tl_out.a.bits := Mux(!s2_uncached, acquire, Mux(!s2_write, get, Mux(!pstore1_amo, put, atomics)))
// Set pending bits for outstanding TileLink transaction
when (tl_out.a.fire()) {
@ -392,13 +390,20 @@ class DCache(maxUncachedInFlight: Int = 2)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends L
metaReadArb.io.in(1).bits.way_en := ~UInt(0, nWays)
// release
val (writebackCount, writebackDone) = Counter(tl_out.c.fire() && inWriteback, refillCycles) //TODO firstlast?
val releaseDone = writebackDone || (tl_out.c.fire() && !inWriteback)
val (_, c_last, c_address_inc) = edge.firstlast(tl_out.c)
val releaseDone = tl_out.c.fire() && Mux(inWriteback, c_last, Bool(true))
val releaseRejected = tl_out.c.valid && !tl_out.c.ready
val s1_release_data_valid = Reg(next = dataArb.io.in(2).fire())
val s2_release_data_valid = Reg(next = s1_release_data_valid && !releaseRejected)
// TODO refactor these counters
val (writebackCount, _) = Counter(tl_out.c.fire() && inWriteback, refillCycles)
val releaseDataBeat = Cat(UInt(0), writebackCount) + Mux(releaseRejected, UInt(0), s1_release_data_valid + Cat(UInt(0), s2_release_data_valid))
val nackResponseMessage = edge.ProbeAck(
b = probe_bits,
reportPermissions = TLPermissions.NtoN)
val voluntaryReleaseMessage = edge.Release(
fromSource = UInt(maxUncachedInFlight - 1),
toAddress = probe_bits.address,
@ -416,14 +421,14 @@ class DCache(maxUncachedInFlight: Int = 2)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends L
data = s2_data))
tl_out.c.valid := s2_release_data_valid
tl_out.c.bits := voluntaryReleaseMessage // TODO was ClientMetadata.onReset.makeRelease(probe_bits) ... s2_victim_state ok?
tl_out.c.bits := nackResponseMessage // TODO was ClientMetadata.onReset.makeRelease(probe_bits) ... ok?
val newCoh = Wire(init = probeNewCoh)
releaseWay := s2_probe_way
when (s2_victimize && s2_victim_dirty) {
assert(!(s2_valid && s2_hit_valid))
release_state := s_voluntary_writeback
probe_bits.address := Cat(s2_victim_tag, s2_req.addr(idxMSB, idxLSB)) << rowOffBits
probe_bits.address := Cat(s2_victim_tag, s2_req.addr(idxMSB, idxLSB)) << idxLSB
when (s2_probe) {
when (needs_vol_wb) { release_state := s_probe_rep_dirty }
@ -456,7 +461,7 @@ class DCache(maxUncachedInFlight: Int = 2)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends L
dataArb.io.in(2).valid := inWriteback && releaseDataBeat < refillCycles
dataArb.io.in(2).bits.write := false
dataArb.io.in(2).bits.addr := tl_out.c.bits.address | (releaseDataBeat(log2Up(refillCycles)-1,0) << rowOffBits)
dataArb.io.in(2).bits.addr := tl_out.c.bits.address | c_address_inc
dataArb.io.in(2).bits.way_en := ~UInt(0, nWays)
metaWriteArb.io.in(2).valid := release_state.isOneOf(s_voluntary_write_meta, s_probe_write_meta)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class RocketTile(tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => "L1D"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case TileId => tileId // TODO using this messes with Heirarchical P&R
case TileId => tileId // TODO using this messes with Heirarchical P&R: change to io.hartid?
val icacheParams = p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => "L1I"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class TLBroadcast(lineBytes: Int, numTrackers: Int = 4, bufferless: Boolean = fa
d_normal.bits.param := Mux(d_hasData, Mux(d_what(0), TLPermissions.toT, TLPermissions.toB), UInt(0))
d_normal.bits.sink := OHToUInt(d_trackerOH)
assert (!d_normal.valid || d_trackerOH.orR())
assert (!d_normal.valid || (d_trackerOH.orR() || d_normal.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseAck))
// A tracker response is anything neither dropped nor a ReleaseAck
val d_response = d_hasData || !d_what(1)
@ -53,53 +53,61 @@ object TLMessages
object TLPermissions
val aWidth = 2
val bdWidth = 2
val cWidth = 3
// Cap types (Grant = new permissions, Probe = permisions <= target)
val toT = UInt(0)
val toB = UInt(1)
val toN = UInt(2)
val toT = UInt(0, bdWidth)
val toB = UInt(1, bdWidth)
val toN = UInt(2, bdWidth)
def isCap(x: UInt) = x <= toN
// Grow types (Acquire = permissions >= target)
val NtoB = UInt(0)
val NtoT = UInt(1)
val BtoT = UInt(2)
val NtoB = UInt(0, aWidth)
val NtoT = UInt(1, aWidth)
val BtoT = UInt(2, aWidth)
def isGrow(x: UInt) = x <= BtoT
// Shrink types (ProbeAck, Release)
val TtoB = UInt(0)
val TtoN = UInt(1)
val BtoN = UInt(2)
val TtoB = UInt(0, cWidth)
val TtoN = UInt(1, cWidth)
val BtoN = UInt(2, cWidth)
def isShrink(x: UInt) = x <= BtoN
// Report types (ProbeAck)
val TtoT = UInt(3)
val BtoB = UInt(4)
val NtoN = UInt(5)
val TtoT = UInt(3, cWidth)
val BtoB = UInt(4, cWidth)
val NtoN = UInt(5, cWidth)
def isReport(x: UInt) = x <= NtoN
object TLAtomics
val width = 3
// Arithmetic types
val MIN = UInt(0)
val MAX = UInt(1)
val MINU = UInt(2)
val MAXU = UInt(3)
val ADD = UInt(4)
val MIN = UInt(0, width)
val MAX = UInt(1, width)
val MINU = UInt(2, width)
val MAXU = UInt(3, width)
val ADD = UInt(4, width)
def isArithmetic(x: UInt) = x <= ADD
// Logical types
val XOR = UInt(0)
val OR = UInt(1)
val AND = UInt(2)
val SWAP = UInt(3)
val XOR = UInt(0, width)
val OR = UInt(1, width)
val AND = UInt(2, width)
val SWAP = UInt(3, width)
def isLogical(x: UInt) = x <= SWAP
object TLHints
val width = 1
val PREFETCH_READ = UInt(0, width)
val PREFETCH_WRITE = UInt(1, width)
sealed trait TLChannel extends TLBundleBase {
@ -114,7 +122,7 @@ final class TLBundleA(params: TLBundleParameters)
val channelName = "'A' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 3) // amo_opcode || perms || hint
val param = UInt(width = List(TLAtomics.width, TLPermissions.aWidth, TLHints.width).max) // amo_opcode || grow perms || hint
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // from
val address = UInt(width = params.addressBits) // to
@ -129,7 +137,7 @@ final class TLBundleB(params: TLBundleParameters)
val channelName = "'B' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = TLPermissions.bdWidth) // cap perms
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // to
val address = UInt(width = params.addressBits) // from
@ -144,7 +152,7 @@ final class TLBundleC(params: TLBundleParameters)
val channelName = "'C' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = TLPermissions.cWidth) // shrink or report perms
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // from
val address = UInt(width = params.addressBits) // to
@ -159,7 +167,7 @@ final class TLBundleD(params: TLBundleParameters)
val channelName = "'D' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 2)
val param = UInt(width = TLPermissions.bdWidth) // cap perms
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // to
val sink = UInt(width = params.sinkBits) // from
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.mask := SInt(-1).asUInt
a.mask := mask(toAddress, lgSize)
a.data := UInt(0)
(legal, a)
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class TLEdgeIn(
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.mask := SInt(-1).asUInt
b.mask := mask(fromAddress, lgSize)
b.data := UInt(0)
(legal, b)
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import uncore.constants.MemoryOpConstants
object ClientStates {
val width = 2
val Nothing = UInt(0)
val Branch = UInt(1)
val Trunk = UInt(2)
val Dirty = UInt(3)
val Nothing = UInt(0, width)
val Branch = UInt(1, width)
val Trunk = UInt(2, width)
val Dirty = UInt(3, width)
def hasReadPermission(state: UInt): Bool = state > Nothing
def hasWritePermission(state: UInt): Bool = state > Branch
@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ object MemoryOpCategories extends MemoryOpConstants {
val wi = Cat(Bool(false), Bool(true)) // Future op will write
val rd = Cat(Bool(false), Bool(false)) // Op only reads
def categorize(cmd: UInt): UInt = Cat(isWrite(cmd), isWriteIntent(cmd))
def categorize(cmd: UInt): UInt = {
val cat = Cat(isWrite(cmd), isWriteIntent(cmd))
assert(cat.isOneOf(wr,wi,rd), "Could not categorize command.")
/** Stores the client-side coherence information,
@ -49,7 +53,8 @@ class ClientMetadata extends Bundle {
import MemoryOpCategories._
import TLPermissions._
import ClientStates._
MuxTLookup(Cat(categorize(cmd), state), (Bool(false), UInt(0)), Seq(
val c = categorize(cmd)
MuxTLookup(Cat(c, state), (Bool(false), UInt(0)), Seq(
//(effect, am now) -> (was a hit, next)
Cat(rd, Dirty) -> (Bool(true), Dirty),
Cat(rd, Trunk) -> (Bool(true), Trunk),
@ -71,7 +76,9 @@ class ClientMetadata extends Bundle {
import MemoryOpCategories._
import TLPermissions._
import ClientStates._
MuxLookup(Cat(categorize(cmd), param), UInt(0), Seq(
val c = categorize(cmd)
assert(c === rd || param === toT, "Client was expecting trunk permissions.")
MuxLookup(Cat(c, param), Nothing, Seq(
//(effect param) -> (next)
Cat(rd, toB) -> Branch,
Cat(rd, toT) -> Trunk,
@ -79,7 +86,6 @@ class ClientMetadata extends Bundle {
Cat(wr, toT) -> Dirty))
/** Does a secondary miss on the block require another Acquire message */
def requiresAcquireOnSecondaryMiss(first_cmd: UInt, second_cmd: UInt): Bool = {
import MemoryOpCategories._
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class TLMonitor(gen: () => TLBundleSnoop, edge: () => TLEdge, sourceInfo: Source
assert (bundle.size >= UInt(log2Ceil(edge.manager.beatBytes)), "'A' channel Acquire smaller than a beat" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel Acquire address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (TLPermissions.isGrow(bundle.param), "'A' channel Acquire carries invalid grow param" + extra)
assert (~bundle.mask === UInt(0), "'A' channel Acquire contains invalid mask" + extra)
assert (bundle.mask === mask, "'A' channel Acquire contains invalid mask" + extra)
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.Get) {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class TLMonitor(gen: () => TLBundleSnoop, edge: () => TLEdge, sourceInfo: Source
assert (bundle.size >= UInt(log2Ceil(edge.manager.beatBytes)), "'B' channel Probe smaller than a beat" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'B' channel Probe address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (TLPermissions.isCap(bundle.param), "'B' channel Probe carries invalid cap param" + extra)
assert (~bundle.mask === UInt(0).asUInt, "'B' channel Probe contains invalid mask" + extra)
assert (bundle.mask === mask, "'B' channel Probe contains invalid mask" + extra)
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.Get) {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class TLMonitor(gen: () => TLBundleSnoop, edge: () => TLEdge, sourceInfo: Source
assert (address_ok, "'B' channel Get carries unmanaged address" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'B' channel Get address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (bundle.param === UInt(0), "'B' channel Get carries invalid param" + extra)
assert (bundle.mask === mask, "'A' channel Get contains invalid mask" + extra)
assert (bundle.mask === mask, "'B' channel Get contains invalid mask" + extra)
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.PutFullData) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user