Merge pull request #382 from ucb-bar/axi4
axi4: diplomacy capable AXI4 with TL2 bridge
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import chisel3.util.Irrevocable
import util.GenericParameterizedBundle
abstract class AXI4BundleBase(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(params)
abstract class AXI4BundleA(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleBase(params)
val id = UInt(width = params.idBits)
val addr = UInt(width = params.addrBits)
val len = UInt(width = params.lenBits) // number of beats - 1
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits) // bytes in beat = 2^size
val burst = UInt(width = params.burstBits)
val lock = UInt(width = params.lockBits)
val cache = UInt(width = params.cacheBits)
val prot = UInt(width = params.protBits)
val qos = UInt(width = params.qosBits) // 0=no QoS, bigger = higher priority
// val region = UInt(width = 4) // optional
// A non-standard bundle that can be both AR and AW
class AXI4BundleARW(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleA(params)
val wen = Bool()
class AXI4BundleAW(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleA(params)
class AXI4BundleAR(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleA(params)
class AXI4BundleW(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleBase(params)
// id ... removed in AXI4
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)
val strb = UInt(width = params.dataBits/8)
val last = Bool()
class AXI4BundleR(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleBase(params)
val id = UInt(width = params.idBits)
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)
val resp = UInt(width = params.respBits)
val last = Bool()
class AXI4BundleB(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleBase(params)
val id = UInt(width = params.idBits)
val resp = UInt(width = params.respBits)
class AXI4Bundle(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleBase(params)
val aw = Irrevocable(new AXI4BundleAW(params))
val w = Irrevocable(new AXI4BundleW (params))
val b = Irrevocable(new AXI4BundleB (params)).flip
val ar = Irrevocable(new AXI4BundleAR(params))
val r = Irrevocable(new AXI4BundleR (params)).flip
object AXI4Bundle
def apply(params: AXI4BundleParameters) = new AXI4Bundle(params)
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
import diplomacy._
object AXI4Imp extends NodeImp[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4Bundle]
def edgeO(pd: AXI4MasterPortParameters, pu: AXI4SlavePortParameters): AXI4EdgeParameters = AXI4EdgeParameters(pd, pu)
def edgeI(pd: AXI4MasterPortParameters, pu: AXI4SlavePortParameters): AXI4EdgeParameters = AXI4EdgeParameters(pd, pu)
def bundleO(eo: Seq[AXI4EdgeParameters]): Vec[AXI4Bundle] = {
require (!eo.isEmpty)
Vec(eo.size, AXI4Bundle(
def bundleI(ei: Seq[AXI4EdgeParameters]): Vec[AXI4Bundle] = {
require (!ei.isEmpty)
Vec(ei.size, AXI4Bundle(
def colour = "#00ccff" // bluish
def connect(bo: => AXI4Bundle, bi: => AXI4Bundle, ei: => AXI4EdgeParameters)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): (Option[LazyModule], () => Unit) = {
(None, () => { bi <> bo })
override def mixO(pd: AXI4MasterPortParameters, node: OutwardNode[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4Bundle]): AXI4MasterPortParameters =
pd.copy(masters = { c => c.copy (nodePath = node +: c.nodePath) })
override def mixI(pu: AXI4SlavePortParameters, node: InwardNode[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4Bundle]): AXI4SlavePortParameters =
pu.copy(slaves = { m => m.copy (nodePath = node +: m.nodePath) })
case class AXI4IdentityNode() extends IdentityNode(AXI4Imp)
case class AXI4OutputNode() extends OutputNode(AXI4Imp)
case class AXI4InputNode() extends InputNode(AXI4Imp)
case class AXI4MasterNode(portParams: AXI4MasterPortParameters, numPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends SourceNode(AXI4Imp)(portParams, numPorts)
case class AXI4SlaveNode(portParams: AXI4SlavePortParameters, numPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends SinkNode(AXI4Imp)(portParams, numPorts)
case class AXI4AdapterNode(
clientFn: Seq[AXI4MasterPortParameters] => AXI4MasterPortParameters,
managerFn: Seq[AXI4SlavePortParameters] => AXI4SlavePortParameters,
numMasterPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1,
numSlavePorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)
extends InteriorNode(AXI4Imp)(clientFn, managerFn, numMasterPorts, numSlavePorts)
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import diplomacy._
import scala.math.max
case class AXI4SlaveParameters(
address: Seq[AddressSet],
regionType: RegionType.T = RegionType.GET_EFFECTS,
executable: Boolean = false, // processor can execute from this memory
nodePath: Seq[BaseNode] = Seq(),
supportsWrite: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsRead: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
interleavedId: Option[Int] = None) // The device will not interleave read responses
address.foreach { a => require (a.finite) }
address.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x,y) => require (!x.overlaps(y)) }
val name ="disconnected")
val maxTransfer = max(supportsWrite.max, supportsRead.max)
val maxAddress =
// The device had better not support a transfer larger than it's alignment
address.foreach { case a => require (a.alignment >= maxTransfer) }
case class AXI4SlavePortParameters(
slaves: Seq[AXI4SlaveParameters],
beatBytes: Int)
require (!slaves.isEmpty)
require (isPow2(beatBytes))
val maxTransfer =
val maxAddress =
// Check the link is not pointlessly wide
require (maxTransfer >= beatBytes)
// Check that the link can be implemented in AXI4
require (maxTransfer <= beatBytes * (1 << AXI4Parameters.lenBits))
// Require disjoint ranges for addresses
slaves.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x,y) =>
x.address.foreach { a => y.address.foreach { b =>
require (!a.overlaps(b))
} }
case class AXI4MasterParameters(
id: IdRange = IdRange(0, 1),
nodePath: Seq[BaseNode] = Seq())
val name ="disconnected")
case class AXI4MasterPortParameters(
masters: Seq[AXI4MasterParameters])
val endId =
// Require disjoint ranges for ids
masters.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x,y) => require (! }
case class AXI4BundleParameters(
addrBits: Int,
dataBits: Int,
idBits: Int)
require (dataBits >= 8)
require (addrBits >= 1)
require (idBits >= 1)
require (isPow2(dataBits))
// Bring the globals into scope
val lenBits = AXI4Parameters.lenBits
val sizeBits = AXI4Parameters.sizeBits
val burstBits = AXI4Parameters.burstBits
val lockBits = AXI4Parameters.lockBits
val cacheBits = AXI4Parameters.cacheBits
val protBits = AXI4Parameters.protBits
val qosBits = AXI4Parameters.qosBits
val respBits = AXI4Parameters.respBits
def union(x: AXI4BundleParameters) =
max(addrBits, x.addrBits),
max(dataBits, x.dataBits),
max(idBits, x.idBits))
object AXI4BundleParameters
def apply(master: AXI4MasterPortParameters, slave: AXI4SlavePortParameters) =
new AXI4BundleParameters(
addrBits = log2Up(slave.maxAddress+1),
dataBits = slave.beatBytes * 8,
idBits = log2Up(master.endId))
case class AXI4EdgeParameters(
master: AXI4MasterPortParameters,
slave: AXI4SlavePortParameters)
val bundle = AXI4BundleParameters(master, slave)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import chisel3.util.{Irrevocable, IrrevocableIO}
object AXI4Parameters
// These are all fixed by the AXI4 standard:
val lenBits = 8
val sizeBits = 3
val burstBits = 2
val lockBits = 1
val cacheBits = 4
val protBits = 3
val qosBits = 4
val respBits = 2
val CACHE_RALLOCATE = UInt(8, width = cacheBits)
val CACHE_WALLOCATE = UInt(4, width = cacheBits)
val CACHE_MODIFIABLE = UInt(2, width = cacheBits)
val CACHE_BUFFERABLE = UInt(1, width = cacheBits)
val PROT_PRIVILEDGED = UInt(1, width = protBits)
val PROT_INSECURE = UInt(2, width = protBits)
val PROT_INSTRUCTION = UInt(4, width = protBits)
val BURST_FIXED = UInt(0, width = burstBits)
val BURST_INCR = UInt(1, width = burstBits)
val BURST_WRAP = UInt(2, width = burstBits)
val RESP_OKAY = UInt(0, width = respBits)
val RESP_EXOKAY = UInt(1, width = respBits)
val RESP_SLVERR = UInt(2, width = respBits)
val RESP_DECERR = UInt(3, width = respBits)
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import diplomacy._
import regmapper._
import scala.math.{min,max}
class AXI4RegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true)
extends AXI4SlaveNode(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
address = Seq(address),
supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
interleavedId = Some(0))),
beatBytes = beatBytes))
require (address.contiguous)
// Calling this method causes the matching AXI4 bundle to be
// configured to route all requests to the listed RegFields.
def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = {
val ar = bundleIn(0).ar
val aw = bundleIn(0).aw
val w = bundleIn(0).w
val r = bundleIn(0).r
val b = bundleIn(0).b
val params = RegMapperParams(log2Up((address.mask+1)/beatBytes), beatBytes, ar.bits.params.idBits)
val in = Wire(Decoupled(new RegMapperInput(params)))
// Prefer to execute reads first
in.valid := ar.valid || (aw.valid && w.valid)
ar.ready := in.ready
aw.ready := in.ready && !ar.valid && w .valid
w .ready := in.ready && !ar.valid && aw.valid
val addr = Mux(ar.valid, ar.bits.addr, aw.bits.addr)
val in_id = Mux(ar.valid,,
val mask = uncore.tilelink2.maskGen(ar.bits.addr, ar.bits.size, beatBytes)
|||| := ar.valid
in.bits.index := addr >> log2Ceil(beatBytes)
|||| :=
in.bits.mask := Mux(ar.valid, mask, w.bits.strb)
in.bits.extra := in_id
// Invoke the register map builder and make it Irrevocable
val out = Queue.irrevocable(
RegMapper(beatBytes, concurrency, undefZero, in, mapping:_*),
entries = 1, pipe = true, flow = true)
// No flow control needed
out.ready := Mux(, r.ready, b.ready)
r.valid := out.valid &&
b.valid := out.valid && !
val out_id = if (r.bits.params.idBits == 0) UInt(0) else out.bits.extra
|||| := out_id
|||| :=
r.bits.last := Bool(true)
r.bits.resp := AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
|||| := out_id
b.bits.resp := AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
object AXI4RegisterNode
def apply(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true) =
new AXI4RegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
// These convenience methods below combine to make it possible to create a AXI4
// register mapped device from a totally abstract register mapped device.
abstract class AXI4RegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Int, beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean) extends LazyModule
val node = AXI4RegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
val intnode = uncore.tilelink2.IntSourceNode(interrupts)
case class AXI4RegBundleArg(interrupts: Vec[Vec[Bool]], in: Vec[AXI4Bundle])
class AXI4RegBundleBase(arg: AXI4RegBundleArg) extends Bundle
val interrupts = arg.interrupts
val in =
class AXI4RegBundle[P](val params: P, arg: AXI4RegBundleArg) extends AXI4RegBundleBase(arg)
class AXI4RegModule[P, B <: AXI4RegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: AXI4RegisterRouterBase)
extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
val io = bundleBuilder
val interrupts = if (io.interrupts.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else io.interrupts(0)
def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
class AXI4RegisterRouter[B <: AXI4RegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp]
(val base: BigInt, val interrupts: Int = 0, val size: BigInt = 4096, val concurrency: Int = 0, val beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true)
(bundleBuilder: AXI4RegBundleArg => B)
(moduleBuilder: (=> B, AXI4RegisterRouterBase) => M)
extends AXI4RegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
require (isPow2(size))
// require (size >= 4096) ... not absolutely required, but highly recommended
lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(AXI4RegBundleArg(intnode.bundleOut, node.bundleIn)), this)
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import diplomacy._
class AXI4RAM(address: AddressSet, executable: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4) extends LazyModule
val node = AXI4SlaveNode(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
address = List(address),
regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED,
executable = executable,
supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
interleavedId = Some(0))),
beatBytes = beatBytes))
// We require the address range to include an entire beat (for the write mask)
require ((address.mask & (beatBytes-1)) == beatBytes-1)
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
def bigBits(x: BigInt, tail: List[Boolean] = List.empty[Boolean]): List[Boolean] =
if (x == 0) tail.reverse else bigBits(x >> 1, ((x & 1) == 1) :: tail)
val mask = bigBits(address.mask >> log2Ceil(beatBytes))
val in =
val mem = SeqMem(1 << mask.filter(b=>b).size, Vec(beatBytes, Bits(width = 8)))
val r_addr = Cat((mask zip ( >> log2Ceil(beatBytes)).toBools).filter(_._1).map(_._2).reverse)
val w_addr = Cat((mask zip ( >> log2Ceil(beatBytes)).toBools).filter(_._1).map(_._2).reverse)
|||| := in. w.valid && in.b.ready
in. w.ready := && in.b.ready
in. b.valid := in.w.valid &&
|||| :=
in.b.bits.resp := AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
val wdata = Vec.tabulate(beatBytes) { i =>*(i+1)-1, 8*i) }
when ( {
mem.write(w_addr, wdata, in.w.bits.strb.toBools)
val r_full = RegInit(Bool(false))
val r_id = Reg(UInt())
when (in. { r_full := Bool(false) }
when ( { r_full := Bool(true) }
in. r.valid := r_full
|||| := in.r.ready || !r_full
when ( {
r_id :=
|||| := r_id
in.r.bits.resp := AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
|||| := Cat(,
in.r.bits.last := Bool(true)
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
import diplomacy._
package object axi4
type AXI4OutwardNode = OutwardNode[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4Bundle]
@ -25,28 +25,8 @@ class TLEdge(
// This gets used everywhere, so make the smallest circuit possible ...
def mask(addr_lo: UInt, lgSize: UInt): UInt = {
val lgBytes = log2Ceil(manager.beatBytes)
val sizeOH = UIntToOH(lgSize, log2Up(manager.beatBytes))
def helper(i: Int): Seq[(Bool, Bool)] = {
if (i == 0) {
Seq((lgSize >= UInt(lgBytes), Bool(true)))
} else {
val sub = helper(i-1)
val size = sizeOH(lgBytes - i)
val bit = addr_lo(lgBytes - i)
val nbit = !bit
Seq.tabulate (1 << i) { j =>
val (sub_acc, sub_eq) = sub(j/2)
val eq = sub_eq && (if (j % 2 == 1) bit else nbit)
val acc = sub_acc || (size && eq)
(acc, eq)
def mask(addr_lo: UInt, lgSize: UInt): UInt =
maskGen(addr_lo, lgSize, manager.beatBytes)
// !!! make sure to align addr_lo for PutPartials with 0 masks
def addr_lo(mask: UInt, lgSize: UInt): UInt = {
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
import diplomacy._
import util.PositionalMultiQueue
import uncore.axi4._
import scala.math.{min, max}
case class TLToAXI4Node(idBits: Int) extends MixedNode(TLImp, AXI4Imp)(
dFn = { case (1, _) =>
// We must erase all client information, because we crush their source Ids
Seq(AXI4MasterPortParameters(Seq(AXI4MasterParameters(id = IdRange(0, 1 << idBits)))))
uFn = { case (1, Seq(AXI4SlavePortParameters(slaves, beatBytes))) =>
val managers = { case (s, id) =>
address = s.address,
sinkId = IdRange(id, id+1),
regionType = s.regionType,
executable = s.executable,
nodePath = s.nodePath,
supportsGet = s.supportsRead,
supportsPutFull = s.supportsWrite,
supportsPutPartial = s.supportsWrite)
// AXI4 is NEVER fifo in TL sense (R+W are independent)
Seq(TLManagerPortParameters(managers, beatBytes, 0))
numPO = 1 to 1,
numPI = 1 to 1)
class TLToAXI4(idBits: Int, combinational: Boolean = true) extends LazyModule
val node = TLToAXI4Node(idBits)
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
val in =
val out = io.out(0)
val edgeIn = node.edgesIn(0)
val edgeOut = node.edgesOut(0)
val slaves = edgeOut.slave.slaves
// All pairs of slaves must promise that they will never interleave data
require (slaves(0).interleavedId.isDefined)
slaves.foreach { s => require (s.interleavedId == slaves(0).interleavedId) }
// We need to keep the following state from A => D: (addr_lo, size, sink, source)
// All of those fields could potentially require 0 bits (argh. Chisel.)
// We will pack as many of the lowest bits of state as fit into the AXI ID.
// Any bits left-over must be put into a bank of Queues.
// The Queues are indexed by as many of the source bits as fit into the AXI ID.
// The Queues are deep enough that every source has guaranteed space in its Queue.
val sourceBits = log2Ceil(edgeIn.client.endSourceId)
val sinkBits = log2Ceil(edgeIn.manager.endSinkId)
val sizeBits = log2Ceil(edgeIn.maxLgSize+1)
val addrBits = log2Ceil(edgeIn.manager.beatBytes)
val stateBits = addrBits + sizeBits + sinkBits + sourceBits // could be 0
val a_address = edgeIn.address(in.a.bits)
val a_addr_lo = edgeIn.addr_lo(a_address)
val a_source = in.a.bits.source
val a_sink = edgeIn.manager.findIdStartFast(a_address)
val a_size = edgeIn.size(in.a.bits)
val a_isPut = edgeIn.hasData(in.a.bits)
val a_counter = RegInit(UInt(0, width = log2Up(edgeIn.maxTransfer)))
val a_beats1 = edgeIn.numBeats1(in.a.bits)
val a_first = a_counter === UInt(0)
val a_last = a_counter === UInt(1) || a_beats1 === UInt(0)
when ( {
a_counter := Mux(a_first, a_beats1, a_counter - UInt(1))
// Make sure the fields are within the bounds we assumed
assert (a_source < UInt(1 << sourceBits))
assert (a_sink < UInt(1 << sinkBits))
assert (a_size < UInt(1 << sizeBits))
assert (a_addr_lo < UInt(1 << addrBits))
// Carefully pack/unpack fields into the state we send
val baseEnd = 0
val (sourceEnd, sourceOff) = (sourceBits + baseEnd, baseEnd)
val (sinkEnd, sinkOff) = (sinkBits + sourceEnd, sourceEnd)
val (sizeEnd, sizeOff) = (sizeBits + sinkEnd, sinkEnd)
val (addrEnd, addrOff) = (addrBits + sizeEnd, sizeEnd)
require (addrEnd == stateBits)
val a_state = (a_source << sourceOff) | (a_sink << sinkOff) |
(a_size << sizeOff) | (a_addr_lo << addrOff)
val a_id = if (idBits == 0) UInt(0) else a_state
val r_state = Wire(UInt(width = stateBits))
val r_source = if (sourceBits > 0) r_state(sourceEnd-1, sourceOff) else UInt(0)
val r_sink = if (sinkBits > 0) r_state(sinkEnd -1, sinkOff) else UInt(0)
val r_size = if (sizeBits > 0) r_state(sizeEnd -1, sizeOff) else UInt(0)
val r_addr_lo = if (addrBits > 0) r_state(addrEnd -1, addrOff) else UInt(0)
val b_state = Wire(UInt(width = stateBits))
val b_source = if (sourceBits > 0) b_state(sourceEnd-1, sourceOff) else UInt(0)
val b_sink = if (sinkBits > 0) b_state(sinkEnd -1, sinkOff) else UInt(0)
val b_size = if (sizeBits > 0) b_state(sizeEnd -1, sizeOff) else UInt(0)
val b_addr_lo = if (addrBits > 0) b_state(addrEnd -1, addrOff) else UInt(0)
val r_last = out.r.bits.last
val r_id =
val b_id =
if (stateBits <= idBits) { // No need for any state tracking
r_state := r_id
b_state := b_id
} else {
val bankIndexBits = min(sourceBits, idBits)
val posBits = max(0, sourceBits - idBits)
val implicitBits = max(idBits, sourceBits)
val bankBits = stateBits - implicitBits
val numBanks = min(1 << bankIndexBits, edgeIn.client.endSourceId)
def bankEntries(i: Int) = (edgeIn.client.endSourceId+numBanks-i-1) / numBanks
val banks = Seq.tabulate(numBanks) { i =>
// We know there can only be as many outstanding requests as TL sources
// However, AXI read and write queues are not mutually FIFO.
// Therefore, we want to pop them individually, but share the storage.
PositionalMultiQueue(UInt(width=max(1,bankBits)), positions=bankEntries(i), ways=2, combinational=combinational)
val a_bankPosition = if (posBits == 0) UInt(0) else a_source(sourceBits-1, idBits)
val a_bankIndex = if (bankIndexBits == 0) UInt(0) else a_source(bankIndexBits-1, 0)
val r_bankIndex = if (bankIndexBits == 0) UInt(0) else r_id(bankIndexBits-1, 0)
val b_bankIndex = if (bankIndexBits == 0) UInt(0) else b_id(bankIndexBits-1, 0)
val a_bankSelect = UIntToOH(a_bankIndex, numBanks)
val r_bankSelect = UIntToOH(r_bankIndex, numBanks)
val b_bankSelect = UIntToOH(b_bankIndex, numBanks)
banks.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (q, i) =>
// Push a_state into the banks
|||| := && a_last && a_bankSelect(i)
|||| := a_bankPosition
|||| := a_state >> implicitBits
|||| := Mux(a_isPut, UInt(0), UInt(1))
// Pop the bank's ways
|||| := && b_bankSelect(i)
|||| := && r_bankSelect(i) && r_last
// The FIFOs must be valid when we're ready to pop them...
assert ( || !
assert ( || !
val b_bankData = Vec(
val b_bankPos = Vec( ))(b_bankIndex)
val r_bankData = Vec(
val r_bankPos = Vec( ))(r_bankIndex)
def optCat(x: (Boolean, UInt)*) = { Cat(x.toList.filter(_._1).map(_._2)) }
b_state := optCat((bankBits > 0, b_bankData), (posBits > 0, b_bankPos), (idBits > 0, b_id))
r_state := optCat((bankBits > 0, r_bankData), (posBits > 0, r_bankPos), (idBits > 0, r_id))
// We need these Queues because AXI4 queues are irrevocable
val depth = if (combinational) 1 else 2
val out_arw = Wire(Decoupled(new AXI4BundleARW(out.params)))
val out_w = Wire(out.w)
out.w <> Queue.irrevocable(out_w, entries=depth, pipe=combinational, flow=combinational)
val queue_arw = Queue.irrevocable(out_arw, entries=depth, pipe=combinational, flow=combinational)
// Fan out the ARW channel to AR and AW
|||| := queue_arw.bits
|||| := queue_arw.bits
|||| := queue_arw.valid && !queue_arw.bits.wen
|||| := queue_arw.valid && queue_arw.bits.wen
queue_arw.ready := Mux(queue_arw.bits.wen,,
val beatBytes = edgeIn.manager.beatBytes
val maxSize = UInt(log2Ceil(beatBytes))
val doneAW = RegInit(Bool(false))
when ( { doneAW := !a_last }
val arw = out_arw.bits
arw.wen := a_isPut
|||| := a_id // truncated
arw.addr := a_address
arw.len := UIntToOH1(a_size, AXI4Parameters.lenBits + log2Ceil(beatBytes)) >> log2Ceil(beatBytes)
arw.size := Mux(a_size >= maxSize, maxSize, a_size)
arw.burst := AXI4Parameters.BURST_INCR
arw.lock := UInt(0) // not exclusive (LR/SC unsupported b/c no forward progress guarantee)
arw.cache := UInt(0) // do not allow AXI to modify our transactions
arw.prot := AXI4Parameters.PROT_PRIVILEDGED
arw.qos := UInt(0) // no QoS
in.a.ready := Mux(a_isPut, (doneAW || out_arw.ready) && out_w.ready, out_arw.ready)
out_arw.valid := in.a.valid && Mux(a_isPut, !doneAW && out_w.ready, Bool(true))
out_w.valid := in.a.valid && a_isPut && (doneAW || out_arw.ready)
|||| :=
out_w.bits.strb := in.a.bits.mask
out_w.bits.last := a_last
// R and B => D arbitration
val r_holds_d = RegInit(Bool(false))
when ( { r_holds_d := !out.r.bits.last }
// Give R higher priority than B
val r_wins = out.r.valid || r_holds_d
out.r.ready := in.d.ready
out.b.ready := in.d.ready && !r_wins
in.d.valid := Mux(r_wins, out.r.valid, out.b.valid)
val r_error = out.r.bits.resp =/= AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
val b_error = out.b.bits.resp =/= AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
val r_d = edgeIn.AccessAck(r_addr_lo, r_sink, r_source, r_size, UInt(0), r_error)
val b_d = edgeIn.AccessAck(b_addr_lo, b_sink, b_source, b_size, b_error)
in.d.bits := Mux(r_wins, r_d, b_d)
|||| := // avoid a costly Mux
// Tie off unused channels
in.b.valid := Bool(false)
in.c.ready := Bool(true)
in.e.ready := Bool(true)
object TLToAXI4
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLToAXI4(idBits)(x.node)
def apply(idBits: Int, combinational: Boolean = true)(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): AXI4OutwardNode = {
val axi4 = LazyModule(new TLToAXI4(idBits, combinational))
axi4.node := x
@ -17,4 +17,26 @@ package object tilelink2
if (s >= w) x else helper(s+s, x | (x << s)(w-1,0))
helper(1, x)
// This gets used everywhere, so make the smallest circuit possible ...
def maskGen(addr_lo: UInt, lgSize: UInt, beatBytes: Int): UInt = {
val lgBytes = log2Ceil(beatBytes)
val sizeOH = UIntToOH(lgSize, log2Up(beatBytes))
def helper(i: Int): Seq[(Bool, Bool)] = {
if (i == 0) {
Seq((lgSize >= UInt(lgBytes), Bool(true)))
} else {
val sub = helper(i-1)
val size = sizeOH(lgBytes - i)
val bit = addr_lo(lgBytes - i)
val nbit = !bit
Seq.tabulate (1 << i) { j =>
val (sub_acc, sub_eq) = sub(j/2)
val eq = sub_eq && (if (j % 2 == 1) bit else nbit)
val acc = sub_acc || (size && eq)
(acc, eq)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package util
import Chisel._
case class PositionalMultiQueueParameters[T <: Data](gen: T, positions: Int, ways: Int)
class PositionalMultiQueueEntry[T <: Data](params: PositionalMultiQueueParameters[T])
extends GenericParameterizedBundle(params)
val data = params.gen.asOutput
val pos = UInt(width = log2Up(params.positions))
class PositionalMultiQueuePush[T <: Data](params: PositionalMultiQueueParameters[T])
extends PositionalMultiQueueEntry(params)
val way = UInt(width = log2Up(params.ways))
/* A PositionalMultiQueue is like a normal Queue, except that it stores (position, value).
* When you pop it, you get back the oldest (position, value) pushed into it.
* >>>>> You must guarantee that you never enque to an occupied position. <<<<<
* Unlike a normal Queue, a PositionalMultiQueue has multiple deque ports (ways).
* You select which way will deque a given (position, value) when you enque it.
* If combinational, deque ports become valid on the same cycle as the enque.
class PositionalMultiQueue[T <: Data](params: PositionalMultiQueueParameters[T], combinational: Boolean) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val enq = Valid(new PositionalMultiQueuePush(params)).flip
val deq = Vec(params.ways, Decoupled(new PositionalMultiQueueEntry(params)))
val empty = RegInit(Vec.fill(params.ways) { Bool(true) })
val head = Reg(Vec(params.ways, UInt(width = log2Up(params.positions))))
val tail = Reg(Vec(params.ways, UInt(width = log2Up(params.positions))))
val next = Reg(Vec(params.positions, UInt(width = log2Up(params.positions))))
val data = Reg(Vec(params.positions, params.gen))
// optimized away for synthesis; used to confirm invariant
val guard = RegInit(Vec.fill(params.positions) { Bool(false) })
when ( {
data(io.enq.bits.pos) :=
// ensure the user never stores to the same position twice
assert (!guard(io.enq.bits.pos))
guard(io.enq.bits.pos) := Bool(true)
val deq = Wire(io.deq)
io.deq <> deq
val waySelect = UIntToOH(io.enq.bits.way, params.ways)
for (i <- 0 until params.ways) {
val enq = && waySelect(i)
val last = head(i) === tail(i)
when (enq) {
tail(i) := io.enq.bits.pos
when (empty(i)) {
head(i) := io.enq.bits.pos
} .otherwise {
next(tail(i)) := io.enq.bits.pos
if (combinational) {
deq(i).valid := !empty(i) || enq
deq(i).bits.pos := Mux(empty(i), io.enq.bits.pos, head(i))
deq(i) := Mux(empty(i),, data(head(i)))
} else {
deq(i).valid := !empty(i)
deq(i).bits.pos := head(i)
deq(i) := data(head(i))
when (deq(i).fire()) {
head(i) := Mux(last, io.enq.bits.pos, next(head(i)))
guard(deq(i).bits.pos) := Bool(false)
when (enq =/= deq(i).fire()) {
empty(i) := deq(i).fire() && last
object PositionalMultiQueue
def apply[T <: Data](gen: T, positions: Int, ways: Int = 1, combinational: Boolean = true) = {
Module(new PositionalMultiQueue(PositionalMultiQueueParameters(gen, positions, ways), combinational))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user