Revert "async_queue: Give names to all the registers which show up in the queue (#390)"

This reverts commit a84a961a3909d4533d9a815339c4e53ee6435d3d.

The changes to RegisterCrossing.scala were unneeded after application of this branch.
The name changes made to the AsyncQueue.scala are reapplied at the end of this branch.
This commit is contained in:
Wesley W. Terpstra 2016-10-08 20:15:45 -07:00
parent b6bc6b7a4d
commit 8c7d469a95
2 changed files with 28 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ class RegisterWriteCrossing[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int = 3) extends Module {
// If the slave is not operational, just drop the write.
val progress = crossing.io.enq.ready || !io.master_allow
val control = Module(new BusyRegisterCrossing(io.master_clock, io.master_reset))
control.io.progress := progress
control.io.request_valid := io.master_port.request.valid
control.io.response_ready := io.master_port.response.ready
val reg = Module(new BusyRegisterCrossing(io.master_clock, io.master_reset))
reg.io.progress := progress
reg.io.request_valid := io.master_port.request.valid
reg.io.response_ready := io.master_port.response.ready
crossing.io.deq.ready := Bool(true)
crossing.io.enq.valid := io.master_port.request.valid && !control.io.busy
io.master_port.request.ready := progress && !control.io.busy
io.master_port.response.valid := progress && control.io.busy
crossing.io.enq.valid := io.master_port.request.valid && !reg.io.busy
io.master_port.request.ready := progress && !reg.io.busy
io.master_port.response.valid := progress && reg.io.busy
// RegField should support connecting to one of these
@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ class RegisterReadCrossing[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int = 3) extends Module {
// If the slave is not operational, just repeat the last value we saw.
val progress = crossing.io.deq.valid || !io.master_allow
val control = Module(new BusyRegisterCrossing(io.master_clock, io.master_reset))
control.io.progress := progress
control.io.request_valid := io.master_port.request.valid
control.io.response_ready := io.master_port.response.ready
val reg = Module(new BusyRegisterCrossing(io.master_clock, io.master_reset))
reg.io.progress := progress
reg.io.request_valid := io.master_port.request.valid
reg.io.response_ready := io.master_port.response.ready
io.master_port.response.valid := progress && control.io.busy
io.master_port.request.ready := progress && !control.io.busy
crossing.io.deq.ready := io.master_port.request.valid && !control.io.busy
io.master_port.response.valid := progress && reg.io.busy
io.master_port.request.ready := progress && !reg.io.busy
crossing.io.deq.ready := io.master_port.request.valid && !reg.io.busy
crossing.io.enq.valid := Bool(true)

View File

@ -4,19 +4,17 @@ package util
import Chisel._
object GrayCounter {
def apply(bits: Int, increment: Bool = Bool(true), name: String = "binary"): UInt = {
def apply(bits: Int, increment: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = {
val incremented = Wire(UInt(width=bits))
val binary = AsyncResetReg(incremented, name)
val binary = AsyncResetReg(incremented, 0)
incremented := binary + increment.asUInt()
incremented ^ (incremented >> UInt(1))
object AsyncGrayCounter {
def apply(in: UInt, sync: Int, name: String = "gray"): UInt = {
val syncv = List.tabulate(sync)(i =>
Module (new AsyncResetRegVec(w = in.getWidth, 0)).suggestName(s"${name}_sync_${i}")
def apply(in: UInt, sync: Int): UInt = {
val syncv = List.fill(sync)(Module (new AsyncResetRegVec(w = in.getWidth, 0)))
syncv.last.io.d := in
syncv.last.io.en := Bool(true)
(syncv.init zip syncv.tail).foreach { case (sink, source) =>
@ -39,16 +37,16 @@ class AsyncQueueSource[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Module
val mem = Reg(Vec(depth, gen)) //This does NOT need to be asynchronously reset.
val widx = GrayCounter(bits+1, io.enq.fire(), "widx_bin")
val ridx = AsyncGrayCounter(io.ridx, sync, "ridx_gray")
val widx = GrayCounter(bits+1, io.enq.fire())
val ridx = AsyncGrayCounter(io.ridx, sync)
val ready = widx =/= (ridx ^ UInt(depth | depth >> 1))
val index = if (depth == 1) UInt(0) else io.widx(bits-1, 0) ^ (io.widx(bits, bits) << (bits-1))
when (io.enq.fire()) { mem(index) := io.enq.bits }
val ready_reg = AsyncResetReg(ready, "ready")
when (io.enq.fire() && !reset) { mem(index) := io.enq.bits }
val ready_reg = AsyncResetReg(ready, 0)
io.enq.ready := ready_reg
val widx_reg = AsyncResetReg(widx, "widx_gray")
val widx_reg = AsyncResetReg(widx, 0)
io.widx := widx_reg
io.mem := mem
@ -65,8 +63,8 @@ class AsyncQueueSink[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Module {
val mem = Vec(depth, gen).asInput
val ridx = GrayCounter(bits+1, io.deq.fire(), "ridx_bin")
val widx = AsyncGrayCounter(io.widx, sync, "widx_gray")
val ridx = GrayCounter(bits+1, io.deq.fire())
val widx = AsyncGrayCounter(io.widx, sync)
val valid = ridx =/= widx
// The mux is safe because timing analysis ensures ridx has reached the register
@ -76,12 +74,11 @@ class AsyncQueueSink[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Module {
val index = if (depth == 1) UInt(0) else ridx(bits-1, 0) ^ (ridx(bits, bits) << (bits-1))
// This register does not NEED to be reset, as its contents will not
// be considered unless the asynchronously reset deq valid register is set.
val data = RegEnable(io.mem(index), valid)
io.deq.bits := data
io.deq.bits := RegEnable(io.mem(index), valid)
io.deq.valid := AsyncResetReg(valid, "valid_reg")
io.deq.valid := AsyncResetReg(valid, 0)
io.ridx := AsyncResetReg(ridx, "ridx_gray")
io.ridx := AsyncResetReg(ridx, 0)
class AsyncQueue[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3) extends Crossing[T] {