update to new scala/chisel/Mem
This commit is contained in:
@ -252,9 +252,7 @@ class rocketDpathRegfile extends Component
override val io = new ioRegfile();
val regfile = Mem(32){ Bits(width=64) }
regfile.write(io.w0.addr, io.w0.data, io.w0.en);
when (io.w0.en) { regfile(io.w0.addr) := io.w0.data }
io.r0.data := Mux((io.r0.addr === UFix(0, 5)) || !io.r0.en, Bits(0, 64), regfile(io.r0.addr));
io.r1.data := Mux((io.r1.addr === UFix(0, 5)) || !io.r1.en, Bits(0, 64), regfile(io.r1.addr));
@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ class rocketDTLB(entries: Int) extends Component
val bad_va = r_cpu_req_vpn(VPN_BITS) != r_cpu_req_vpn(VPN_BITS-1);
val tag_cam = new rocketCAM(entries, ASID_BITS+VPN_BITS);
val tag_ram = Mem(entries, io.ptw.resp_val, r_refill_waddr.toUFix, io.ptw.resp_ppn);
val tag_ram = Mem(entries) { io.ptw.resp_ppn.clone }
when (io.ptw.resp_val) { tag_ram(r_refill_waddr) := io.ptw.resp_ppn }
val lookup_tag = Cat(r_cpu_req_asid, r_cpu_req_vpn);
tag_cam.io.clear := io.invalidate;
@ -464,9 +464,8 @@ class rocketFPU(sfma_latency: Int, dfma_latency: Int) extends Component
val fsr_exc = Reg() { Bits(width = 5) }
// regfile
val regfile = Mem(32, load_wb, load_wb_tag, load_wb_data_recoded);
val regfile = Mem(32) { Bits(width = 65) }
when (load_wb) { regfile(load_wb_tag) := load_wb_data_recoded }
val ex_rs1 = regfile.read(ex_reg_inst(26,22))
val ex_rs2 = regfile.read(ex_reg_inst(21,17))
@ -591,7 +590,7 @@ class rocketFPU(sfma_latency: Int, dfma_latency: Int) extends Component
Mux(wsrc === UFix(2), fastpipe.io.exc_d,
val waddr = winfo(0).toUFix >> UFix(2)
regfile.write(waddr(4,0), wdata, wen(0))
when (wen(0)) { regfile(waddr(4,0)) := wdata }
when (wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.toint || wen(0)) {
fsr_exc := fsr_exc |
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ class rocketICache(sets: Int, assoc: Int, co: CoherencePolicyWithUncached) exten
for (i <- 0 until assoc)
val repl_me = (repl_way === UFix(i))
val tag_array = Mem(sets){ r_cpu_miss_tag }
val tag_rdata = tag_array.rw(tag_addr, r_cpu_miss_tag, tag_we && repl_me);
val tag_array = Mem(sets){ Bits(width = tagbits) }
val tag_rdata = Reg() { Bits(width = tagbits) }
when (tag_we && repl_me) { tag_array(tag_addr) := r_cpu_miss_tag }
.otherwise { tag_rdata := tag_array(tag_addr) }
// valid bit array
val vb_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, sets));
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ class rocketICache(sets: Int, assoc: Int, co: CoherencePolicyWithUncached) exten
val hit = valid && (tag_rdata === r_cpu_hit_addr(tagmsb,taglsb))
// data array
val data_array = Mem(sets*REFILL_CYCLES){ io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data }
val data_out = data_array.rw(data_addr, io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data, io.mem.xact_rep.valid && repl_me)
val data_array = Mem(sets*REFILL_CYCLES){ io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data.clone }
val data_out = Reg(){ io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data.clone }
when (io.mem.xact_rep.valid && repl_me) { data_array(data_addr) := io.mem.xact_rep.bits.data }
.otherwise { data_out := data_array(data_addr) }
data_mux.io.sel(i) := hit
data_mux.io.in(i) := (data_out >> word_shift)(databits-1,0);
@ -21,23 +21,24 @@ class ioCAM(entries: Int, addr_bits: Int, tag_bits: Int) extends Bundle {
class rocketCAM(entries: Int, tag_bits: Int) extends Component {
val addr_bits = ceil(log(entries)/log(2)).toInt;
val io = new ioCAM(entries, addr_bits, tag_bits);
val cam_tags = Mem(entries, io.write, io.write_addr, io.write_tag);
val cam_tags = Vec(entries) { Reg() { Bits(width = tag_bits) } }
val mux = (new Mux1H(entries)) { Bits(width = addr_bits) }
val vb_array = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, entries));
when (io.write) {
vb_array := vb_array.bitSet(io.write_addr, Bool(true));
cam_tags(io.write_addr) := io.write_tag
when (io.clear) {
vb_array := Bits(0, entries);
.elsewhen (io.clear_hit) {
vb_array := vb_array & ~mux.io.sel.toBits
.elsewhen (io.write) {
vb_array := vb_array.bitSet(io.write_addr, Bool(true));
var l_hit = Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 to entries-1) {
val my_hit = vb_array(UFix(i)).toBool && (cam_tags(UFix(i)) === io.tag)
val my_hit = vb_array(UFix(i)).toBool && (cam_tags(i) === io.tag)
l_hit = l_hit || my_hit
mux.io.in(i) := Bits(i)
mux.io.sel(i) := my_hit
@ -136,7 +137,8 @@ class rocketITLB(entries: Int) extends Component
val bad_va = r_cpu_req_vpn(VPN_BITS) != r_cpu_req_vpn(VPN_BITS-1);
val tag_cam = new rocketCAM(entries, ASID_BITS+VPN_BITS);
val tag_ram = Mem(entries, io.ptw.resp_val, r_refill_waddr.toUFix, io.ptw.resp_ppn);
val tag_ram = Mem(entries) { io.ptw.resp_ppn.clone }
when (io.ptw.resp_val) { tag_ram(r_refill_waddr) := io.ptw.resp_ppn }
val lookup_tag = Cat(r_cpu_req_asid, r_cpu_req_vpn);
tag_cam.io.clear := io.cpu.invalidate;
@ -321,9 +321,8 @@ class MSHRFile(co: CoherencePolicy) extends Component {
val sdq_rdy = !sdq_val.andR
val (req_read, req_write) = cpuCmdToRW(io.req.bits.cmd)
val sdq_enq = io.req.valid && io.req.ready && req_write
val sdq = Mem(NSDQ, sdq_enq, sdq_alloc_id, io.req.bits.data)
val sdq = Mem(NSDQ) { io.req.bits.data.clone }
when (sdq_enq) { sdq(sdq_alloc_id) := io.req.bits.data }
val tag_mux = (new Mux1H(NMSHR)){ Bits(width = TAG_BITS) }
val wb_probe_mux = (new Mux1H(NMSHR)) { new WritebackReq }
@ -406,7 +405,9 @@ class MSHRFile(co: CoherencePolicy) extends Component {
val sdq_free = replay.valid && replay.ready && replay_write
sdq_val := sdq_val & ~((UFix(1) << replay.bits.sdq_id) & Fill(sdq_free, NSDQ)) |
PriorityEncoderOH(~sdq_val(NSDQ-1,0)) & Fill(NSDQ, sdq_enq && io.req.bits.tag_miss)
io.data_req.bits.data := sdq.read(Mux(replay.valid && !replay.ready, replay.bits.sdq_id, replay_arb.io.out.bits.sdq_id))
val sdq_rdata = Reg() { io.req.bits.data.clone }
sdq_rdata := sdq(Mux(replay.valid && !replay.ready, replay.bits.sdq_id, replay_arb.io.out.bits.sdq_id))
io.data_req.bits.data := sdq_rdata
io.cpu_resp_val := Reg(replay.valid && replay.ready && replay_read, resetVal = Bool(false))
io.cpu_resp_tag := Reg(replay.bits.cpu_tag)
@ -602,18 +603,23 @@ class MetaDataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val permissions_array = Mem(lines){ UFix(width = 2) }
permissions_array.write(io.state_req.bits.idx, io.state_req.bits.data.state, io.state_req.valid && io.state_req.bits.rw)
permissions_array.write(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data.state, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw)
val raddr = Reg() { Bits() }
when (io.req.valid && !io.req.bits.rw) { raddr := io.req.bits.idx }
val permissions_rdata1 = permissions_array.read(raddr)
when (io.state_req.valid && io.state_req.bits.rw) {
permissions_array(io.state_req.bits.idx) := io.state_req.bits.data.state
when (io.req.valid) {
when (io.req.bits.rw) { permissions_array(io.req.bits.idx) := io.req.bits.data.state }
.otherwise { raddr := io.req.bits.idx }
val tag_array = Mem(lines){ Bits(width=TAG_BITS) }
val tag_rdata = tag_array.rw(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data.tag, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw, cs = io.req.valid)
val tag_rdata = Reg() { Bits() }
when (io.req.valid) {
when (io.req.bits.rw) { tag_array(io.req.bits.idx) := io.req.bits.data.tag }
.otherwise { tag_rdata := tag_array(io.req.bits.idx) }
io.resp.state := permissions_rdata1.toUFix
io.resp.state := permissions_array(raddr)
io.resp.tag := tag_rdata
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
@ -652,12 +658,15 @@ class DataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, io.req.bits.wmask)
val addr = Cat(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.offset)
val rdata = Reg() { Bits() }
val array = Mem(lines*REFILL_CYCLES){ Bits(width=MEM_DATA_BITS) }
val addr = Cat(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.offset)
val rdata = array.rw(addr, io.req.bits.data, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw, wmask, cs = io.req.valid)
when (io.req.valid) {
when (io.req.bits.rw) { array.write(addr, io.req.bits.data, wmask) }
.otherwise { rdata := array(addr) }
io.resp := rdata
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
@ -50,9 +50,12 @@ class queue[T <: Data](entries: Int, pipe: Boolean = false, flushable: Boolean =
val ram = Vec(entries) { Reg() { data } }
when (do_enq) { ram(enq_ptr) := io.enq.bits }
io.deq.valid := maybe_full || enq_ptr != deq_ptr
io.enq.ready := !maybe_full || enq_ptr != deq_ptr || (if (pipe) io.deq.ready else Bool(false))
io.deq.bits <> Mem(entries, do_enq, enq_ptr, io.enq.bits).read(deq_ptr)
io.deq.bits <> ram(deq_ptr)
object Queue
@ -76,8 +79,11 @@ class pipereg[T <: Data]()(data: => T) extends Component
// bits := io.enq.bits
val reg = Reg() { io.enq.bits.clone }
when (io.enq.valid) { reg := io.enq.bits }
io.deq.valid := Reg(io.enq.valid, resetVal = Bool(false))
io.deq.bits <> Mem(1, io.enq.valid, UFix(0), io.enq.bits).read(UFix(0))
io.deq.bits <> reg
object Pipe
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import Node._;
import Constants._;
import collection.mutable._
class ioTop(htif_width: Int) extends Bundle {
val debug = new ioDebug();
@ -82,28 +83,31 @@ class Top extends Component
object top_main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val design_args = args.slice(5, 10)
var i = 0
while (i < design_args.length) {
val arg = design_args(i)
val top = args(0)
val chiselArgs = ArrayBuffer[String]()
var i = 1
while (i < args.length) {
val arg = args(i)
arg match {
case "--NUM_PVFB" => {
hwacha.Constants.NUM_PVFB = design_args(i+1).toInt
hwacha.Constants.NUM_PVFB = args(i+1).toInt
i += 1
case "--WIDTH_PVFB" => {
hwacha.Constants.WIDTH_PVFB = design_args(i+1).toInt
hwacha.Constants.DEPTH_PVFB = design_args(i+1).toInt
hwacha.Constants.WIDTH_PVFB = args(i+1).toInt
hwacha.Constants.DEPTH_PVFB = args(i+1).toInt
i += 1
case "--CG" => {
hwacha.Constants.coarseGrained = true
case any => println("UNKNOWN: " + arg)
case any => chiselArgs += arg
i += 1
chiselMain(args.slice(1,5), () => Class.forName(args(0)).newInstance.asInstanceOf[Component])
chiselMain(chiselArgs.toArray, () => Class.forName(top).newInstance.asInstanceOf[Component])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user