@ -289,10 +289,6 @@ trait PeripheryCoreplexLocalInterrupter extends LazyModule with HasPeripheryPara
val clint = LazyModule(new CoreplexLocalInterrupter(clintConfig)(innerMMIOParams))
// The periphery bus is 32-bit, so we may need to adapt its width to XLen
clint.node := TLFragmenter(TLWidthWidget(peripheryBus.node, 4), beatBytes, 256)
// TL1 legacy
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("clint", MemRange(clintConfig.address, clintConfig.size, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
trait PeripheryCoreplexLocalInterrupterBundle {
@ -315,12 +311,8 @@ trait PeripheryBootROM extends LazyModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val peripheryBus: TLXbar
val rom = LazyModule(new TLROM(0x1000, 0x1000, GenerateBootROM(p)))
val rom = LazyModule(new TLROM(0x1000, 0x1000, GenerateBootROM(p)) { override def name = "bootrom" })
rom.node := TLFragmenter(peripheryBus.node, 4, 256)
// TL1 legacy address map
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("bootrom", MemRange(0x1000, 4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RX))))
trait PeripheryBootROMBundle {
@ -342,12 +334,8 @@ trait PeripheryTestRAM extends LazyModule {
val ramBase = 0x52000000
val ramSize = 0x1000
val sram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(ramBase, ramSize-1)))
val sram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(ramBase, ramSize-1)) { override def name = "testram" })
sram.node := TLFragmenter(peripheryBus.node, 4, 256)
// TL1 legacy address map
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("testram", MemRange(ramBase, ramSize, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
trait PeripheryTestRAMBundle {
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ abstract class BaseTop(q: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val pBusMasters = new RangeManager
val pDevices = new ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
// Add a peripheral bus
val peripheryBus = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
lazy val peripheryManagers = peripheryBus.node.edgesIn(0).manager.managers
lazy val c = CoreplexConfig(
nTiles = q(NTiles),
nExtInterrupts = pInterrupts.sum,
@ -36,16 +40,14 @@ abstract class BaseTop(q: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
hasExtMMIOPort = true
lazy val genGlobalAddrMap = GenerateGlobalAddrMap(q, pDevices.get)
lazy val genGlobalAddrMap = GenerateGlobalAddrMap(q, pDevices.get, peripheryManagers)
private val qWithMap = q.alterPartial({case GlobalAddrMap => genGlobalAddrMap})
lazy val genConfigString = GenerateConfigString(qWithMap, c, pDevices.get)
lazy val genConfigString = GenerateConfigString(qWithMap, c, pDevices.get, peripheryManagers)
implicit val p = qWithMap.alterPartial({
case ConfigString => genConfigString
case NCoreplexExtClients => pBusMasters.sum})
// Add a peripheral bus
val peripheryBus = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val legacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy()(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "L2toMMIO" })))
peripheryBus.node := TLBuffer(TLWidthWidget(TLHintHandler(legacy.node), legacy.tlDataBytes))
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import uncore.devices._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import coreplex._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ class GlobalVariable[T] {
object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
def apply(p: Parameters, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
def apply(p: Parameters, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry], peripheryManagers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
lazy val intIOAddrMap: AddrMap = {
val entries = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[AddrMapEntry]()
entries += AddrMapEntry("debug", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX)))
@ -64,8 +65,21 @@ object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
new AddrMap(entries)
lazy val tl2AddrMap = new AddrMap(pDevicesEntries, collapse = true)
lazy val extIOAddrMap = new AddrMap(AddrMapEntry("TL2", tl2AddrMap) +: p(ExtMMIOPorts), collapse = true)
lazy val tl2Devices = { manager =>
val attr = MemAttr(
(if (manager.supportsGet) AddrMapProt.R else 0) |
(if (manager.supportsPutFull) AddrMapProt.W else 0) |
(if (manager.executable) AddrMapProt.X else 0))
val multi = manager.address.size > 1
|||| { case (address, i) =>
require (!address.strided) // TL1 can't do this
val name = + (if (multi) ".%d".format(i) else "")
AddrMapEntry(name, MemRange(address.base, address.mask+1, attr))
lazy val tl2AddrMap = new AddrMap(tl2Devices, collapse = true)
lazy val extIOAddrMap = new AddrMap(AddrMapEntry("TL2", tl2AddrMap) +: (p(ExtMMIOPorts) ++ pDevicesEntries), collapse = true)
val memBase = 0x80000000L
val memSize = p(ExtMemSize)
@ -80,7 +94,7 @@ object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
object GenerateConfigString {
def apply(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
def apply(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry], peripheryManagers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
val addrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap)
val plicAddr = addrMap("io:int:plic").start
val clint = CoreplexLocalInterrupterConfig(0, addrMap("io:ext:TL2:clint").start)
@ -136,12 +150,13 @@ object GenerateConfigString {
res append "};\n"
pDevicesEntries foreach { entry =>
val region = addrMap("io:ext:TL2:" +
val region = addrMap("io:ext:" +
res append s"${} {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${region.start.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" size 0x${region.size.toString(16)}; \n"
res append "}\n"
peripheryManagers.foreach { manager => res append manager.dts }
res append '\u0000'
@ -87,3 +87,6 @@ class CoreplexLocalInterrupter(c: CoreplexLocalInterrupterConfig)(implicit val p
extends TLRegisterRouter(c.address, 0, c.size, None, c.beatBytes, false)(
new TLRegBundle((c, p), _) with CoreplexLocalInterrupterBundle)(
new TLRegModule((c, p), _, _) with CoreplexLocalInterrupterModule)
override def name = "clint" // defaul is "CoreplexLocalInterrupter"
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ abstract class NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data]
def bundleO(eo: Seq[EO]): Vec[B]
def bundleI(ei: Seq[EI]): Vec[B]
def connect(bo: B, eo: EO, bi: B, ei: EI)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit
// If you want to track parameters as they flow through nodes, overload these:
def mixO(po: PO, node: BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]): PO = po
def mixI(pi: PI, node: BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]): PI = pi
class RootNode
@ -59,12 +62,12 @@ class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
private lazy val oParams : Seq[PO] = {
val o = oFn(oPorts.size,{ case (i, n) => n.oParams(i) })
reqE(oPorts.size, o.size)
||||, this))
private lazy val iParams : Seq[PI] = {
val i = iFn(iPorts.size,{ case (o, n) => n.iParams(o) })
reqE(i.size, iPorts.size)
||||, this))
lazy val edgesOut = (oPorts zip oParams).map { case ((i, n), o) => imp.edgeO(o, n.iParams(i)) }
@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ case class TLManagerParameters(
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsHint: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
// If fifoId=Some, all accesses sent to the same fifoId are executed and ACK'd in FIFO order
fifoId: Option[Int] = None)
fifoId: Option[Int] = None,
customDTS: Option[String]= None)
address.combinations(2).foreach({ case Seq(x,y) =>
require (!x.overlaps(y))
@ -143,6 +144,18 @@ case class TLManagerParameters(
// Generate the config string (in future device tree)
lazy val name ="disconnected")
lazy val dts = customDTS.getOrElse {
val header = s"${name} {\n"
val middle = { a =>
require (!a.strided) // Config String does not support this
" addr 0x%x;\n size 0x%x;\n".format(a.base, a.mask+1)
val footer = "}\n"
header + middle.reduce(_ + _) + footer
// The device had better not support a transfer larger than it's alignment
address.foreach({ case a =>
require (a.alignment1 >= maxTransfer-1)
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ object TLImp extends NodeImp[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TL
TLMonitor.legalize(bo, eo)
bi <> bo
override def mixO(po: TLClientPortParameters, node: TLBaseNode): TLClientPortParameters =
po.copy(clients = { c => c.copy (nodePath = node +: c.nodePath) })
override def mixI(pi: TLManagerPortParameters, node: TLBaseNode): TLManagerPortParameters =
pi.copy(managers = { m => m.copy (nodePath = node +: m.nodePath) })
case class TLIdentityNode() extends IdentityNode(TLImp)
Reference in New Issue
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