Partial conversion to params. Compiles but does not elaborate. Rocket and uncore conversion complete. FPGA and VLSI config are identical. HwachaConfig and MemoryControllerConfig not yet removed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1b01778c1743d779966829e0edfb904528ac472f
Subproject commit 6beea1debbdd8115f45d02318210df624e67e9f8
@ -21,58 +21,196 @@ class DefaultConfig extends ChiselConfig {
case "NL2_REL_XACTS" => 1
case "NL2_ACQ_XACTS" => 7
case "NMSHRS" => 2
case HasFPU => true
case Coherence => {
val dir = new FullRepresentation(site[Int]("NTILES")+1)
if(site[Boolean]("ENABLE_SHARING")) {
if(site[Boolean]("ENABLE_CLEAN_EXCLUSIVE")) new MESICoherence(dir)
else new MSICoherence(dir)
} else {
if(site[Boolean]("ENABLE_CLEAN_EXCLUSIVE")) new MEICoherence(dir)
else new MICoherence(dir)
//Rocket Constants
// Number of ports into D$: 1 from core, 1 from PTW, maybe 1 from RoCC
case NDCachePorts => 2 + (if(site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 0 else 1)
// Number of ports to outer memory system from tile: 1 from I$, 1 from D$, maybe 1 from Rocc
case NTilePorts => 2 + (if(site(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) 0 else 1)
case BuildRoCC => None
case RetireWidth => 1
case UseVM => true
case FastLoadWord => true
case FastLoadByte => false
case FastMulDiv => true
case DcacheReqTagBits => 7 + log2Up(here(NDCachePorts))
case XprLen => 64
case NXpr => 32
case NXprBits => log2Up(here(NXpr))
case BuildFPU => Some(() => new FPU)
case FPUParams => Alter({
case SFMALatency => 2
case DFMALatency => 3
case RocketDCacheParams => Alter({
//L1 Specific
case StoreDataQueueDepth => 17
case ReplayQueueDepth => 16
case NMSHRs => site[Int]("NMSHRS")
case NTLBEntries => 8
case CoreReqTagBits => site(DcacheReqTagBits)
case CoreDataBits => site(XprLen)
case RowWords => 2
case ECCCode => new IdentityCode
//From uncore/cache.scala
case NSets => 128
case NWays => 4
case IsDM => here(NWays) == 1
case OffBits => log2Up(site(TLDataBits))
case IdxBits => log2Up(here(NSets))
case UntagBits => here(OffBits) + here(IdxBits)
case TagBits => here(PAddrBits) - here(UntagBits)
case WayBits => log2Up(here(NWays))
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
case RowBits => here(RowWords)*here(CoreDataBits)
case WordBits => here(CoreDataBits)
case RefillCycles => site(TLDataBits)/here(RowBits)
case MaxAddrBits => math.max(site(PPNBits),site(VPNBits)+1) + site(PgIdxBits)
case CoreDataBytes => here(CoreDataBits)/8
case WordOffBits => log2Up(here(CoreDataBytes))
case RowBytes => here(RowWords)*here(CoreDataBytes)
case RowOffBits => log2Up(here(RowBytes))
case DoNarrowRead => here(CoreDataBits)*here(NWays) % here(RowBits) == 0
case EncDataBits => here(ECCCode).width(here(CoreDataBits))
case EncRowBits => here(RowWords)*here(EncDataBits)
case LRSCCycles => 32
case RocketFrontendParams => Alter({
case InstBytes => 4
case RowBytes => 16
case NTLBEntries => 8
case ECCCode => new IdentityCode
//From uncore/cache.scala
case NSets => 128
case NWays => 2
case IsDM => here(NWays) == 1
case OffBits => log2Up(site(TLDataBits)/8)
case IdxBits => log2Up(here(NSets))
case UntagBits => here(OffBits) + here(IdxBits)
case TagBits => here(PAddrBits) - here(UntagBits)
case WayBits => log2Up(here(NWays))
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
case RowBits => here(RowBytes)*8
case RefillCycles => site(TLDataBits)/here(RowBits)
case RowOffBits => log2Up(here(RowBytes))
case CoreBTBParams => Alter({
case Entries => 62
case NRAS => 2
case MatchBits => site(PgIdxBits)
case Pages => ((1 max(log2Up(here(Entries))))+1)/2*2
// control logic assumes 2 divides pages
case OpaqueBits => log2Up(here(Entries))
case NBHT => 1 << log2Up(here(Entries)*2)
case "CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES" => 1 << 6 //TODO: How configurable is this really?
case "CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES" => 1 << 6
case "OFFSET_BITS" => log2Up(here[Int]("CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES"))
case "PADDR_BITS" => 32
case "VADDR_BITS" => 43
case "PGIDX_BITS" => 13
case "ASID_BITS" => 7
case "PERM_BITS" => 6
case "MEM_TAG_BITS" => 5
case "MEM_DATA_BITS" => 128
case "MEM_ADDR_BITS" => here[Int]("PADDR_BITS") - here[Int]("OFFSET_BITS")
case "MEM_DATA_BEATS" => 4
case "WRITE_MASK_BITS" => 6
case "ATOMIC_OP_BITS" => 4
case PAddrBits => 32
case VAddrBits => 43
case PgIdxBits => 13
case ASIdBits => 7
case PermBits => 6
case PPNBits => here(PAddrBits) - here(PgIdxBits)
case VPNBits => here(VAddrBits) - here(PgIdxBits)
case MIFTagBits => 5
case MIFDataBits => 128
case MIFAddrBits => here(PAddrBits) - here[Int]("OFFSET_BITS")
case MIFDataBeats => 4
//Uncore Constants
case TileLinkL1Params => Alter({
case LNMasters => site[Int]("NBANKS")
case LNClients => site[Int]("NTILES")+1
case LNEndpoints => here(LNMasters) + here(LNClients)
case TLCoherence => site(Coherence)
case TLAddrBits => site[Int]("PADDR_BITS") - site[Int]("OFFSET_BITS")
case TLMasterXactIdBits => log2Up(site[Int]("NL2_REL_XACTS")+site[Int]("NL2_ACQ_XACTS"))
case TLClientXactIdBits => 2*log2Up(site[Int]("NMSHRS")*site[Int]("NTILES")+1)
case TLDataBits => site[Int]("CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES")*8
case TLWriteMaskBits => 6
case TLWordAddrBits => 3
case TLAtomicOpBits => 4
case L2HellaCacheParams => Alter({
case NReleaseTransactors => site[Int]("NL2_REL_XACTS")
case NAcquireTransactors => site[Int]("NL2_ACQ_XACTS")
case NTransactors => here(NReleaseTransactors) + here(NAcquireTransactors)
case NClients => site[Int]("NTILES") + 1
case NSets => 512
case NWays => 8
case IsDM => here(NWays) == 1
case OffBits => 0
case IdxBits => log2Up(here(NSets))
case UntagBits => here(OffBits) + here(IdxBits)
case TagBits => here(PAddrBits) - here(UntagBits)
case WayBits => log2Up(here(NWays))
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
case RowBits => site(TLDataBits)
case WordBits => 64
case RefillCycles => site(TLDataBits)/here(RowBits)
case NTiles => here[Int]("NTILES")
case NBanks => here[Int]("NBANKS")
case BankIdLSB => 5
case BuildDRAMSideLLC => () => {
val refill = site(TLDataBits)/site(MIFDataBits)
if(site[Boolean]("USE_DRAMSIDE_LLC")) {
val tag = Mem(Bits(width = 152), 512, seqRead = true)
val data = Mem(Bits(width = 64), 4096, seqRead = true)
Module(new DRAMSideLLC(sets=512, ways=8, outstanding=16,
refill_cycles=refill, tagLeaf=tag, dataLeaf=data))
} else { Module(new DRAMSideLLCNull(16, refill)) }
case BuildCoherentMaster => (id: Int) => {
if(!site[Boolean]("USE_DRAMSIDE_LLC")) {
Module(new L2CoherenceAgent(id), here(L2HellaCacheParams))
} else {
Module(new L2HellaCache(id), here(L2HellaCacheParams))
//HTIF Constants
case HTIFWidth => 16
case HTIFNSCR => 64
case HTIFOffsetBits => here[Int]("OFFSET_BITS")
case HTIFNCores => here[Int]("NTILES")
case object NTiles extends Field[Int]
case object NBanks extends Field[Int]
case object BankIdLSB extends Field[Int]
case object TileLinkL1Params extends Field[PF]
case object L2HellaCacheParams extends Field[PF]
case object BuildDRAMSideLLC extends Field[() => DRAMSideLLCLike]
case object BuildCoherentMaster extends Field[Int => CoherenceAgent]
case object Coherence extends Field[CoherencePolicyWithUncached]
class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
class OuterMemorySystem extends Module
implicit val (tl, ln, l2, mif) = (,, conf.l2, conf.mif)
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val tiles = Vec.fill(params(NTiles)){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = (new TileLinkIO).flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
val incoherent = Vec.fill(params(LNClients)){Bool()}.asInput
val mem = new MemIO
val mem_backup = new MemSerializedIO(htif_width)
val mem_backup = new MemSerializedIO(params(HTIFWidth))
val mem_backup_en = Bool(INPUT)
val refill_cycles = tl.dataBits/mif.dataBits
val (llc, masterEndpoints) = if(conf.useDRAMSideLLC) {
val llc_tag_leaf = Mem(Bits(width = 152), 512, seqRead = true)
val llc_data_leaf = Mem(Bits(width = 64), 4096, seqRead = true)
val llc = Module(new DRAMSideLLC(sets=512, ways=8, outstanding=16,
refill_cycles=refill_cycles, tagLeaf=llc_tag_leaf, dataLeaf=llc_data_leaf))
val mes = (0 until ln.nMasters).map(i => Module(new L2CoherenceAgent(i)))
(llc, mes)
} else {
val llc = Module(new DRAMSideLLCNull(16, refill_cycles))
val mes = (0 until ln.nMasters).map(i => Module(new L2HellaCache(i)))
(llc, mes)
val refill_cycles = params(TLDataBits)/params(MIFDataBits)
val llc = params(BuildDRAMSideLLC)()
val masterEndpoints = (0 until params(NBanks)).map(params(BuildCoherentMaster))
val net = Module(new ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork)
|||| zip (io.tiles :+ io.htif) map { case (net, end) => net <> end }
@ -80,8 +218,8 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) ext
||||{ zip io.incoherent map { case (m, c) => m := c } }
val conv = Module(new MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(2))
if(ln.nMasters > 1) {
val arb = Module(new UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatAppendsArbiterId(ln.nMasters))
if(params(NBanks) > 1) {
val arb = Module(new UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatAppendsArbiterId(params(NBanks)))
|||| zip map { case (arb, cache) => arb <> cache }
|||| <>
} else {
@ -92,7 +230,7 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) ext
|||| <>
// mux between main and backup memory ports
val mem_serdes = Module(new MemSerdes(htif_width))
val mem_serdes = Module(new MemSerdes(params(HTIFWidth)))
val mem_cmdq = Module(new Queue(new MemReqCmd, 2))
|||| <>
|||| := Mux(io.mem_backup_en,, io.mem.req_cmd.ready)
@ -116,22 +254,22 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) ext
io.mem_backup <>
case class UncoreConfiguration(l2: L2CacheConfig, tl: TileLinkConfiguration, mif: MemoryIFConfiguration, nTiles: Int, nBanks: Int, bankIdLsb: Int, nSCR: Int, offsetBits: Int, useDRAMSideLLC: Boolean)
class Uncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
class Uncore extends Module
implicit val (tl, mif) = (, conf.mif)
require(params(BankIdLSB) + log2Up(params(NBanks)) < params(MIFAddrBits))
val htif_width = params(HTIFWidth)
val io = new Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(htif_width)
val mem = new MemIO
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new HTIFIO(conf.nTiles)}.flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){Bool()}.asInput
val tiles = Vec.fill(params(NTiles)){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = Vec.fill(params(NTiles)){new HTIFIO}.flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(params(NTiles)){Bool()}.asInput
val mem_backup = new MemSerializedIO(htif_width)
val mem_backup_en = Bool(INPUT)
val htif = Module(new HTIF(htif_width, CSRs.reset, conf.nSCR, conf.offsetBits))
val outmemsys = Module(new OuterMemorySystem(htif_width))
val htif = Module(new HTIF(CSRs.reset))
val outmemsys = Module(new OuterMemorySystem)
val incoherentWithHtif = (io.incoherent :+ Bool(true).asInput)
|||| := incoherentWithHtif
|||| <> io.htif
@ -140,21 +278,20 @@ class Uncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
// Add networking headers and endpoint queues
def convertAddrToBank(addr: Bits): UInt = {
require(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) < conf.mif.addrBits, {println("Invalid bits for bank multiplexing.")})
addr(conf.bankIdLsb + log2Up(conf.nBanks) - 1, conf.bankIdLsb)
addr(params(BankIdLSB) + log2Up(params(NBanks)) - 1, params(BankIdLSB))
( :+ :+ {
case ((outer, client), i) =>
outer.acquire <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.acquire, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _))
outer.release <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.release, i, conf.nBanks, convertAddrToBank _))
outer.acquire <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.acquire, i, params(NBanks), convertAddrToBank _))
outer.release <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.release, i, params(NBanks), convertAddrToBank _))
outer.finish <> Queue(TileLinkHeaderOverwriter(client.finish, i, true))
client.grant <> Queue(outer.grant, 1, pipe = true)
client.probe <> Queue(outer.probe)
// pad out the HTIF using a divided clock
val hio = Module((new SlowIO(512)) { Bits(width = htif_width+1) })
val hio = Module((new SlowIO(512)) { Bits(width = params(HTIFWidth)+1) })
|||| := && === 63
|||| :=
|||| :=
@ -183,12 +320,12 @@ class Uncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Module
|||| :=
class TopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(htifWidth)
class TopIO extends Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(params(HTIFWidth))
val mem = new MemIO
class VLSITopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends TopIO(htifWidth)(conf) {
class VLSITopIO extends TopIO {
val mem_backup_en = Bool(INPUT)
val in_mem_ready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val in_mem_valid = Bool(INPUT)
@ -196,58 +333,27 @@ class VLSITopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends To
val out_mem_valid = Bool(OUTPUT)
class MemDessert extends Module {
implicit val mif = MemoryIFConfiguration(params[Int]("MEM_ADDR_BITS"), params[Int]("MEM_DATA_BITS"), params[Int]("MEM_TAG_BITS"), params[Int]("MEM_DATA_BEATS"))
val io = new MemDesserIO(params[Int]("HTIF_WIDTH"))
val x = Module(new MemDesser(params[Int]("HTIF_WIDTH")))
val io = new MemDesserIO(params(HTIFWidth))
val x = Module(new MemDesser(params(HTIFWidth)))
io.narrow <>
io.wide <>
class Top extends Module {
val dir = new FullRepresentation(params[Int]("NTILES")+1)
val co = if(params[Boolean]("ENABLE_SHARING")) {
if(params[Boolean]("ENABLE_CLEAN_EXCLUSIVE")) new MESICoherence(dir)
else new MSICoherence(dir)
} else {
if(params[Boolean]("ENABLE_CLEAN_EXCLUSIVE")) new MEICoherence(dir)
else new MICoherence(dir)
implicit val ln = LogicalNetworkConfiguration(log2Up(params[Int]("NTILES"))+1, params[Int]("NBANKS"), params[Int]("NTILES")+1)
implicit val as = AddressSpaceConfiguration(params[Int]("PADDR_BITS"), params[Int]("VADDR_BITS"), params[Int]("PGIDX_BITS"), params[Int]("ASID_BITS"), params[Int]("PERM_BITS"))
implicit val tl = TileLinkConfiguration(co = co, ln = ln,
addrBits = as.paddrBits-params[Int]("OFFSET_BITS"),
clientXactIdBits = log2Up(params[Int]("NL2_REL_XACTS")+params[Int]("NL2_ACQ_XACTS")),
masterXactIdBits = 2*log2Up(params[Int]("NMSHRS")*params[Int]("NTILES")+1),
dataBits = params[Int]("CACHE_DATA_SIZE_IN_BYTES")*8,
writeMaskBits = params[Int]("WRITE_MASK_BITS"),
wordAddrBits = params[Int]("SUBWORD_ADDR_BITS"),
atomicOpBits = params[Int]("ATOMIC_OP_BITS"))
implicit val l2 = L2CacheConfig(512, 8, 1, 1, params[Int]("NL2_REL_XACTS"), params[Int]("NL2_ACQ_XACTS"), tl, as)
implicit val mif = MemoryIFConfiguration(params[Int]("MEM_ADDR_BITS"), params[Int]("MEM_DATA_BITS"), params[Int]("MEM_TAG_BITS"), params[Int]("MEM_DATA_BEATS"))
implicit val uc = UncoreConfiguration(l2, tl, mif, params[Int]("NTILES"), params[Int]("NBANKS"), bankIdLsb = 5, nSCR = 64, offsetBits = params[Int]("OFFSET_BITS"), useDRAMSideLLC = params[Boolean]("USE_DRAMSIDE_LLC"))
//val vic = ICacheConfig(sets = 128, assoc = 1, tl = tl, as = as, btb = BTBConfig(as, 8))
//val hc = hwacha.HwachaConfiguration(as, vic, dc, 8, 256, ndtlb = 8, nptlb = 2)
val ic = ICacheConfig(sets = 128, assoc = 2, ntlb = 8, tl = tl, as = as, btb = BTBConfig(as, 64, 2))
val dc = DCacheConfig(sets = 128, ways = 4,
tl = tl, as = as,
ntlb = 8, nmshr = params[Int]("NMSHRS"), nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17,
reqtagbits = -1, databits = -1)
val vic = ICacheConfig(sets = 128, assoc = 1, tl = tl, as = as, btb = BTBConfig(as, 8))
val hc = hwacha.HwachaConfiguration(as, vic, dc, 8, 256, ndtlb = 8, nptlb = 2)
val rc = RocketConfiguration(tl, as, ic, dc
// rocc = (c: RocketConfiguration) => (new hwacha.Hwacha(hc, c))
val nTiles = params(NTiles)
val io = new VLSITopIO
val io = new VLSITopIO(params[Int]("HTIF_WIDTH"))
val resetSigs = Vec.fill(nTiles){Bool()}
val tileList = (0 until nTiles).map(r => Module(new Tile(resetSignal = resetSigs(r))))
val uncore = Module(new Uncore)
val resetSigs = Vec.fill(uc.nTiles){Bool()}
val tileList = (0 until uc.nTiles).map(r => Module(new Tile(resetSignal = resetSigs(r))(rc)))
val uncore = Module(new Uncore(params[Int]("HTIF_WIDTH")))
for (i <- 0 until uc.nTiles) {
for (i <- 0 until nTiles) {
val hl =
val tl =
val il =
@ -6,17 +6,15 @@ import rocket._
import DRAMModel._
import DRAMModel.MemModelConstants._
class FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: FPGAUncoreConfiguration)
extends Module {
implicit val (tl, ln, l2, mif) = (,, conf.l2, conf.mif)
class FPGAOuterMemorySystem extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val tiles = Vec.fill(params(NTiles)){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = (new TileLinkIO).flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
val incoherent = Vec.fill(params(LNClients)){Bool()}.asInput
val mem = new MemIO
val master = Module(new L2CoherenceAgent(0))
val master = Module(new L2CoherenceAgent(0), params(L2HellaCacheParams))
val net = Module(new ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork)
|||| zip (io.tiles :+ io.htif) map { case (net, end) => net <> end }
|||| <>
@ -25,24 +23,21 @@ class FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: FPGAUncoreConfigurat
val conv = Module(new MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(2))
|||| <>
io.mem.req_cmd <> Queue(, 2)
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(, tl.dataBits/mif.dataBits)
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(, params(TLDataBits)/params(MIFDataBits))
|||| <> Queue(io.mem.resp)
case class FPGAUncoreConfiguration(l2: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration, tl: TileLinkConfiguration, mif: MemoryIFConfiguration, nTiles: Int, nSCR: Int, offsetBits: Int)
class FPGAUncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: FPGAUncoreConfiguration)
extends Module {
implicit val (tl, ln, mif) = (,, conf.mif)
class FPGAUncore extends Module {
val (htifw, nTiles) = (params(HTIFWidth),params(NTiles))
val io = new Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(htif_width)
val host = new HostIO(htifw)
val mem = new MemIO
val tiles = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){new HTIFIO(conf.nTiles)}.flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(conf.nTiles){Bool()}.asInput
val tiles = Vec.fill(nTiles){new TileLinkIO}.flip
val htif = Vec.fill(nTiles){new HTIFIO}.flip
val incoherent = Vec.fill(nTiles){Bool()}.asInput
val htif = Module(new HTIF(htif_width, CSRs.reset, conf.nSCR, conf.offsetBits))
val outmemsys = Module(new FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width))
val htif = Module(new HTIF(CSRs.reset))
val outmemsys = Module(new FPGAOuterMemorySystem)
val incoherentWithHtif = (io.incoherent :+ Bool(true).asInput)
|||| := incoherentWithHtif
|||| <> io.htif
@ -62,13 +57,13 @@ class FPGAUncore(htif_width: Int)(implicit conf: FPGAUncoreConfiguration)
|||| <>
class FPGATopIO(htifWidth: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends TopIO(htifWidth)(conf)
class FPGATopIO extends TopIO
class FPGATop extends Module {
val ntiles = 1
val nmshrs = 2
val htif_width = 16
val co = new MESICoherence(new FullRepresentation(ntiles+1))
implicit val ln = LogicalNetworkConfiguration(log2Up(ntiles)+1, 1, ntiles+1)
implicit val as = AddressSpaceConfiguration(params[Int]("PADDR_BITS"), params[Int]("VADDR_BITS"), params[Int]("PGIDX_BITS"), params[Int]("ASID_BITS"), params[Int]("PERM_BITS"))
@ -88,14 +83,18 @@ class FPGATop extends Module {
val dc = DCacheConfig(64, 1, ntlb = 4, nmshr = 2, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17, tl = tl, as = as, reqtagbits = -1, databits = -1)
val rc = RocketConfiguration(tl, as, ic, dc,
fastMulDiv = false)
val io = new FPGATopIO(htif_width)
val nTiles = params(NTiles)
val io = new FPGATopIO
val resetSigs = Vec.fill(uc.nTiles){Bool()}
val tileList = (0 until uc.nTiles).map(r => Module(new Tile(resetSignal = resetSigs(r))(rc)))
val uncore = Module(new FPGAUncore(htif_width))
for (i <- 0 until uc.nTiles) {
val resetSigs = Vec.fill(nTiles){Bool()}
val tileList = (0 until nTiles).map(r => Module(new Tile(resetSignal = resetSigs(r))))
val uncore = Module(new FPGAUncore)
for (i <- 0 until nTiles) {
val hl =
val tl =
val il =
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object TileLinkHeaderOverwriter {
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, passThrough: Boolean)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, passThrough: Boolean): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = in.clone.asDirectionless
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
@ -15,29 +15,26 @@ object TileLinkHeaderOverwriter {
in.ready := out.ready
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
def apply[T <: ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress](in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = apply(in, clientId, false)
out.bits.header.dst := (if(nBanks > 1) addrConvert(in.bits.payload.addr) else UInt(0))
class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration)
extends LogicalNetwork[TileLinkIO]()(conf.ln) {
implicit val (ln, co) = (conf.ln,
class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork extends LogicalNetwork {
val io = new Bundle {
val clients = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){(new TileLinkIO).flip}
val masters = Vec.fill(ln.nMasters){new TileLinkIO}
val clients = Vec.fill(params(LNClients)){(new TileLinkIO).flip}
val masters = Vec.fill(params(LNMasters)){new TileLinkIO}
implicit val pconf = new PhysicalNetworkConfiguration(ln.nEndpoints, ln.idBits) // Same config for all networks
val n = params(LNEndpoints)
// Actually instantiate the particular networks required for TileLink
val acqNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Acquire))
val relNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Release))
val prbNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Probe))
val gntNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Grant))
val ackNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(new Finish))
val acqNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Acquire))
val relNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Release))
val prbNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Probe))
val gntNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Grant))
val ackNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Finish))
// Aliases for the various network IO bundle types
type FBCIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]]
@ -57,16 +54,16 @@ class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration)
def CrossbarToMasterShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src - UInt(ln.nMasters)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src - UInt(params(LNMasters))
def CrossbarToClientShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst - UInt(ln.nMasters)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst - UInt(params(LNMasters))
def DefaultToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = Decoupled(new PhysicalNetworkIO(in.bits.payload)).asDirectionless
val out = Decoupled(new PhysicalNetworkIO(n,in.bits.payload)).asDirectionless
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
@ -75,12 +72,12 @@ class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration)
def MasterToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst + UInt(ln.nMasters)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst + UInt(params(LNMasters))
def ClientToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src + UInt(ln.nMasters)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src + UInt(params(LNMasters))
@ -112,11 +109,11 @@ class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration)
typeTag[T].tpe match{
case t if t <:< typeTag[ClientSourcedMessage].tpe => {
||||{ case (i, id) => doFIFOHookup[T](false,, physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim) }
||||{ case (i, id) => doFIFOHookup[T](true,, physIO.out(id+ln.nMasters), getLogIO(i), ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim) }
||||{ case (i, id) => doFIFOHookup[T](true,, physIO.out(id+params(LNMasters)), getLogIO(i), ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim) }
case t if t <:< typeTag[MasterSourcedMessage].tpe => {
||||{ case (i, id) => doFIFOHookup[T](true,, physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim) }
||||{ case (i, id) => doFIFOHookup[T](false,, physIO.out(id+ln.nMasters), getLogIO(i), MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim) }
||||{ case (i, id) => doFIFOHookup[T](false,, physIO.out(id+params(LNMasters)), getLogIO(i), MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim) }
case _ => require(false, "Unknown message sourcing.")
@ -1 +1 @@
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Subproject commit e2f3606041d97eedb10964e48e57b4b093ab73c6
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