Bump scala to 2.10.2, sbt to 0.13-RC2, including new launcher. Upgrade reflection in network.scala to 2.10 lib. Constants now obtained from subproject package objects. Give network its own file.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -6,14 +6,16 @@ import Keys._
object BuildSettings extends Build {
val buildOrganization = "berkeley"
val buildVersion = "1.1"
val buildScalaVersion = "2.9.2"
val buildScalaVersion = "2.10.2"
val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq (
//unmanagedBase <<= baseDirectory { base => base / ".." / custom_lib" },
organization := buildOrganization,
version := buildVersion,
scalaVersion := buildScalaVersion,
traceLevel := 15
traceLevel := 15,
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation","-unchecked"),
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value
lazy val chisel = Project("chisel", file("chisel"), settings = buildSettings)
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9ace637d7b28e2aff7289fea094f5d8d8eb83212
Subproject commit 525a41f6f93bf9906c99c04dacaf75fa97723e57
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package referencechip
import Chisel._
import Node._
import uncore.Constants._
import uncore._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
@ -10,203 +8,13 @@ import ReferenceChipBackend._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
object TileLinkHeaderAppender {
def apply[T <: SourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress, U <: SourcedMessage with HasMemData](in: ClientSourcedDataIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T],LogicalNetworkIO[U]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UFix)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) = {
val shim = new TileLinkHeaderAppender(clientId, nBanks, addrConvert)(in.meta.bits.payload.clone, in.data.bits.payload.clone)
shim.io.in <> in
def apply[T <: SourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress](in: ClientSourcedFIFOIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UFix)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) = {
val shim = new TileLinkHeaderAppender(clientId, nBanks, addrConvert)(in.bits.payload.clone, new AcquireData)
shim.io.in.meta <> in
class TileLinkHeaderAppender[T <: SourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress, U <: SourcedMessage with HasMemData](clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UFix)(metadata: => T, data: => U)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val ln = conf.ln
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientSourcedDataIO()((new LogicalNetworkIO){ metadata }, (new LogicalNetworkIO){ data }).flip
val out = new ClientSourcedDataIO()((new LogicalNetworkIO){ metadata }, (new LogicalNetworkIO){ data })
val meta_q = Queue(io.in.meta)
val data_q = Queue(io.in.data)
if(nBanks == 1) {
io.out.meta.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.meta.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.meta.bits.header.dst := UFix(0)
io.out.meta.valid := meta_q.valid
meta_q.ready := io.out.meta.ready
io.out.data.bits.payload := data_q.bits.payload
io.out.data.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.data.bits.header.dst := UFix(0)
io.out.data.valid := data_q.valid
data_q.ready := io.out.data.ready
} else {
val meta_has_data = conf.co.messageHasData(meta_q.bits.payload)
val addr_q = (new Queue(2, pipe = true, flow = true)){io.in.meta.bits.payload.addr.clone}
val data_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val data_cnt_up = data_cnt + UFix(1)
io.out.meta.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.meta.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.meta.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(meta_q.bits.payload.addr)
io.out.data.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.data.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.data.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(addr_q.io.deq.bits)
addr_q.io.enq.bits := meta_q.bits.payload.addr
io.out.meta.valid := meta_q.valid && addr_q.io.enq.ready
meta_q.ready := io.out.meta.ready && addr_q.io.enq.ready
io.out.data.valid := data_q.valid && addr_q.io.deq.valid
data_q.ready := io.out.data.ready && addr_q.io.deq.valid
addr_q.io.enq.valid := meta_q.valid && io.out.meta.ready && meta_has_data
addr_q.io.deq.ready := Bool(false)
when(data_q.valid && data_q.ready) {
data_cnt := data_cnt_up
when(data_cnt_up === UFix(0)) {
addr_q.io.deq.ready := Bool(true)
class MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(qDepth: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val ln = conf.ln
val io = new Bundle {
val uncached = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val mem = new ioMem
val mem_cmd_q = (new Queue(qDepth)){new MemReqCmd}
val mem_data_q = (new Queue(qDepth)){new MemData}
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.valid := io.uncached.acquire.meta.valid
io.uncached.acquire.meta.ready := mem_cmd_q.io.enq.ready
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.rw := conf.co.needsOuterWrite(io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.a_type, UFix(0))
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.tag := io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.client_xact_id
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.addr := io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.addr
mem_data_q.io.enq.valid := io.uncached.acquire.data.valid
io.uncached.acquire.data.ready := mem_data_q.io.enq.ready
mem_data_q.io.enq.bits.data := io.uncached.acquire.data.bits.payload.data
io.uncached.grant.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
io.mem.resp.ready := io.uncached.grant.ready
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.client_xact_id := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.master_xact_id := UFix(0) // DNC
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.g_type := UFix(0) // DNC
io.mem.req_cmd <> mem_cmd_q.io.deq
io.mem.req_data <> mem_data_q.io.deq
class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(endpoints: Seq[CoherenceAgentRole])(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends LogicalNetwork[TileLinkIO](endpoints)(conf.ln) {
implicit val lnConf = conf.ln
type TileLinkType = TileLinkIO
val io = Vec(endpoints.map(_ match { case t:ClientCoherenceAgent => {(new TileLinkType).flip}; case h:MasterCoherenceAgent => {new TileLinkType}})){ new TileLinkType }
implicit val pconf = new PhysicalNetworkConfiguration(conf.ln.nEndpoints, conf.ln.idBits) // Same config for all networks
type FBCIO[T <: Data] = FIFOIO[BasicCrossbarIO[T]]
type FLNIO[T <: Data] = FIFOIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]]
type PBCIO[M <: Data, D <: Data] = PairedDataIO[BasicCrossbarIO[M], BasicCrossbarIO[D]]
type PLNIO[M <: Data, D <: Data] = PairedDataIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M], LogicalNetworkIO[D]]
type FromCrossbar[T <: Data] = FBCIO[T] => FLNIO[T]
type ToCrossbar[T <: Data] = FLNIO[T] => FBCIO[T]
def DefaultFromCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = new FIFOIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(in.bits.payload.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
def CrossbarToMasterShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src - UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def CrossbarToClientShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst - UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def DefaultToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = new FIFOIO()(new BasicCrossbarIO()(in.bits.payload.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
def MasterToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst + UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def ClientToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src + UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def doFIFOInputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T], shim: ToCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(log_io)
phys_in.valid := s.valid
phys_in.bits := s.bits
s.ready := phys_in.ready
phys_out.ready := Bool(false)
def doFIFOOutputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T], shim: FromCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(phys_out)
log_io.valid := s.valid
log_io.bits := s.bits
s.ready := log_io.ready
phys_in.valid := Bool(false)
//TODO: Change all the manifest stuff to use TypeTags in Scala 2.11
def doFIFOHookup[S <: CoherenceAgentRole: ClassManifest, T <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T], inShim: ToCrossbar[T], outShim: FromCrossbar[T]) = {
if(scala.reflect.ClassManifest.fromClass(end.getClass) <:< classManifest[S]) // end.getClass is a subtype of S
doFIFOInputHookup(phys_in, phys_out, log_io, inShim)
else doFIFOOutputHookup(phys_in, phys_out, log_io, outShim)
def doClientSourcedFIFOHookup[T <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T]) =
doFIFOHookup[ClientCoherenceAgent, T](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim)
def doMasterSourcedFIFOHookup[T <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T]) =
doFIFOHookup[MasterCoherenceAgent, T](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim)
def doPairedDataHookup[S <: CoherenceAgentRole : ClassManifest, T <: Data, R <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: PBCIO[T,R], phys_out: PBCIO[T,R], log_io: PLNIO[T,R], inShim: ToCrossbar[T], outShim: FromCrossbar[T], inShimD: ToCrossbar[R], outShimD: FromCrossbar[R]) = {
if(scala.reflect.ClassManifest.fromClass(end.getClass) <:< classManifest[S]) {
doFIFOInputHookup[T](phys_in.meta, phys_out.meta, log_io.meta, inShim)
doFIFOInputHookup[R](phys_in.data, phys_out.data, log_io.data, inShimD)
} else {
doFIFOOutputHookup[T](phys_in.meta, phys_out.meta, log_io.meta, outShim)
doFIFOOutputHookup[R](phys_in.data, phys_out.data, log_io.data, outShimD)
def doClientSourcedPairedHookup[T <: Data, R <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: PBCIO[T,R], phys_out: PBCIO[T,R], log_io: PLNIO[T,R]) =
doPairedDataHookup[ClientCoherenceAgent, T, R](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim)
def doMasterSourcedPairedHookup[T <: Data, R <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: PBCIO[T,R], phys_out: PBCIO[T,R], log_io: PLNIO[T,R]) =
doPairedDataHookup[MasterCoherenceAgent, T, R](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim)
def acqHasData(acq: BasicCrossbarIO[Acquire]) = conf.co.messageHasData(acq.payload)
val acq_net = new PairedCrossbar(REFILL_CYCLES, acqHasData _)(new Acquire, new AcquireData)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doClientSourcedPairedHookup(end, acq_net.io.in(id), acq_net.io.out(id), io.acquire) }
def relHasData(rel: BasicCrossbarIO[Release]) = conf.co.messageHasData(rel.payload)
val rel_net = new PairedCrossbar(REFILL_CYCLES, relHasData _)(new Release, new ReleaseData)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doClientSourcedPairedHookup(end, rel_net.io.in(id), rel_net.io.out(id), io.release) }
val probe_net = new BasicCrossbar()(new Probe)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doMasterSourcedFIFOHookup(end, probe_net.io.in(id), probe_net.io.out(id), io.probe) }
val grant_net = new BasicCrossbar()(new Grant)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doMasterSourcedFIFOHookup(end, grant_net.io.in(id), grant_net.io.out(id), io.grant) }
val ack_net = new BasicCrossbar()(new GrantAck)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doClientSourcedFIFOHookup(end, ack_net.io.in(id), ack_net.io.out(id), io.grant_ack) }
val physicalNetworks = List(acq_net, rel_net, probe_net, grant_net, ack_net)
object DummyTopLevelConstants extends uncore.constants.CoherenceConfigConstants {
val NTILES = 2
val NBANKS = 1
val HTIF_WIDTH = 16
val HAS_VEC = true
object ReferenceChipBackend {
@ -277,14 +85,13 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int, clientEndpoints: Seq[ClientCoherenceAge
val mem = new ioMem
import rocket.Constants._
val lnWithHtifConf = conf.ln.copy(nEndpoints = conf.ln.nEndpoints+1,
idBits = log2Up(conf.ln.nEndpoints+1)+1,
nClients = conf.ln.nClients+1)
val ucWithHtifConf = conf.copy(ln = lnWithHtifConf)
require(clientEndpoints.length == lnWithHtifConf.nClients)
val masterEndpoints = (0 until lnWithHtifConf.nMasters).map(new L2CoherenceAgent(_)(ucWithHtifConf))
val incoherentWithHtif = io.incoherent :+ Bool(true)
val llc_tag_leaf = Mem(512, seqRead = true) { Bits(width = 152) }
val llc_data_leaf = Mem(4096, seqRead = true) { Bits(width = 64) }
@ -294,7 +101,7 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int, clientEndpoints: Seq[ClientCoherenceAge
val net = new ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(masterEndpoints++clientEndpoints)(ucWithHtifConf)
net.io zip (masterEndpoints.map(_.io.client) ++ io.tiles :+ io.htif) map { case (net, end) => net <> end }
masterEndpoints.map{ _.io.incoherent zip (io.incoherent ++ List(Bool(true))) map { case (m, c) => m := c } }
masterEndpoints.map{ _.io.incoherent zip incoherentWithHtif map { case (m, c) => m := c } }
val conv = new MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(2)(ucWithHtifConf)
if(lnWithHtifConf.nMasters > 1) {
@ -415,13 +222,6 @@ class TopIO(htif_width: Int) extends Bundle {
val mem = new ioMem
object DummyTopLevelConstants extends _root_.uncore.constants.CoherenceConfigConstants {
val NTILES = 2
val NBANKS = 1
val HTIF_WIDTH = 16
import DummyTopLevelConstants._
class MemDessert extends Component {
@ -450,7 +250,7 @@ class Top extends Component {
val dc = DCacheConfig(128, 4, co, ntlb = 8,
nmshr = 2, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17)
val rc = RocketConfiguration(lnConf, co, ic, dc,
fpu = true, vec = true)
fpu = true, vec = HAS_VEC)
val tileList = (0 until NTILES).map(r => new Tile(resetSignal = resetSigs(r))(rc))
val uncore = new Uncore(HTIF_WIDTH, tileList)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Chisel._
import Node._
import uncore._
import rocket._
import rocket.Constants._
class FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int, clientEndpoints: Seq[ClientCoherenceAgent])(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
@ -16,8 +15,6 @@ class FPGAOuterMemorySystem(htif_width: Int, clientEndpoints: Seq[ClientCoherenc
val mem = new ioMem
import rocket.Constants._
val lnWithHtifConf = conf.ln.copy(nEndpoints = conf.ln.nEndpoints+1,
idBits = log2Up(conf.ln.nEndpoints+1)+1,
nClients = conf.ln.nClients+1)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
package referencechip
import Chisel._
import uncore._
import scala.reflect._
object TileLinkHeaderAppender {
def apply[T <: SourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress, U <: SourcedMessage with HasMemData](in: ClientSourcedDataIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T],LogicalNetworkIO[U]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UFix)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) = {
val shim = new TileLinkHeaderAppender(clientId, nBanks, addrConvert)(in.meta.bits.payload.clone, in.data.bits.payload.clone)
shim.io.in <> in
def apply[T <: SourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress](in: ClientSourcedFIFOIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]], clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UFix)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) = {
val shim = new TileLinkHeaderAppender(clientId, nBanks, addrConvert)(in.bits.payload.clone, new AcquireData)
shim.io.in.meta <> in
class TileLinkHeaderAppender[T <: SourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress, U <: SourcedMessage with HasMemData](clientId: Int, nBanks: Int, addrConvert: Bits => UFix)(metadata: => T, data: => U)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val ln = conf.ln
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientSourcedDataIO()((new LogicalNetworkIO){ metadata }, (new LogicalNetworkIO){ data }).flip
val out = new ClientSourcedDataIO()((new LogicalNetworkIO){ metadata }, (new LogicalNetworkIO){ data })
val meta_q = Queue(io.in.meta)
val data_q = Queue(io.in.data)
if(nBanks == 1) {
io.out.meta.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.meta.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.meta.bits.header.dst := UFix(0)
io.out.meta.valid := meta_q.valid
meta_q.ready := io.out.meta.ready
io.out.data.bits.payload := data_q.bits.payload
io.out.data.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.data.bits.header.dst := UFix(0)
io.out.data.valid := data_q.valid
data_q.ready := io.out.data.ready
} else {
val meta_has_data = conf.co.messageHasData(meta_q.bits.payload)
val addr_q = (new Queue(2, pipe = true, flow = true)){io.in.meta.bits.payload.addr.clone}
val data_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val data_cnt_up = data_cnt + UFix(1)
io.out.meta.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.meta.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.meta.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(meta_q.bits.payload.addr)
io.out.data.bits.payload := meta_q.bits.payload
io.out.data.bits.header.src := UFix(clientId)
io.out.data.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(addr_q.io.deq.bits)
addr_q.io.enq.bits := meta_q.bits.payload.addr
io.out.meta.valid := meta_q.valid && addr_q.io.enq.ready
meta_q.ready := io.out.meta.ready && addr_q.io.enq.ready
io.out.data.valid := data_q.valid && addr_q.io.deq.valid
data_q.ready := io.out.data.ready && addr_q.io.deq.valid
addr_q.io.enq.valid := meta_q.valid && io.out.meta.ready && meta_has_data
addr_q.io.deq.ready := Bool(false)
when(data_q.valid && data_q.ready) {
data_cnt := data_cnt_up
when(data_cnt_up === UFix(0)) {
addr_q.io.deq.ready := Bool(true)
//Adapter betweewn an UncachedTileLinkIO and a mem controller MemIO
class MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(qDepth: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val ln = conf.ln
val io = new Bundle {
val uncached = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val mem = new ioMem
val mem_cmd_q = (new Queue(qDepth)){new MemReqCmd}
val mem_data_q = (new Queue(qDepth)){new MemData}
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.valid := io.uncached.acquire.meta.valid
io.uncached.acquire.meta.ready := mem_cmd_q.io.enq.ready
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.rw := conf.co.needsOuterWrite(io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.a_type, UFix(0))
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.tag := io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.client_xact_id
mem_cmd_q.io.enq.bits.addr := io.uncached.acquire.meta.bits.payload.addr
mem_data_q.io.enq.valid := io.uncached.acquire.data.valid
io.uncached.acquire.data.ready := mem_data_q.io.enq.ready
mem_data_q.io.enq.bits.data := io.uncached.acquire.data.bits.payload.data
io.uncached.grant.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
io.mem.resp.ready := io.uncached.grant.ready
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.client_xact_id := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.master_xact_id := UFix(0) // DNC
io.uncached.grant.bits.payload.g_type := UFix(0) // DNC
io.mem.req_cmd <> mem_cmd_q.io.deq
io.mem.req_data <> mem_data_q.io.deq
class ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(endpoints: Seq[CoherenceAgentRole])(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends LogicalNetwork[TileLinkIO](endpoints)(conf.ln) {
implicit val lnConf = conf.ln
val io = Vec(endpoints.map(_ match { case t:ClientCoherenceAgent => {(new TileLinkIO).flip}; case h:MasterCoherenceAgent => {new TileLinkIO}})){ new TileLinkIO }
implicit val pconf = new PhysicalNetworkConfiguration(conf.ln.nEndpoints, conf.ln.idBits) // Same config for all networks
// Aliases for the various network IO bundle types
type FBCIO[T <: Data] = FIFOIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]]
type FLNIO[T <: Data] = FIFOIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]]
type PBCIO[M <: Data, D <: Data] = PairedDataIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[M], PhysicalNetworkIO[D]]
type PLNIO[M <: Data, D <: Data] = PairedDataIO[LogicalNetworkIO[M], LogicalNetworkIO[D]]
type FromCrossbar[T <: Data] = FBCIO[T] => FLNIO[T]
type ToCrossbar[T <: Data] = FLNIO[T] => FBCIO[T]
// Shims for converting between logical network IOs and physical network IOs
//TODO: Could be less verbose if you could override subbundles after a <>
def DefaultFromCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = new FIFOIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(in.bits.payload.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
def CrossbarToMasterShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src - UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def CrossbarToClientShim[T <: Data](in: FBCIO[T]): FLNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst - UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def DefaultToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = new FIFOIO()(new PhysicalNetworkIO()(in.bits.payload.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.header := in.bits.header
out.bits.payload := in.bits.payload
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
def MasterToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst + UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
def ClientToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: FLNIO[T]): FBCIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToCrossbarShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src + UFix(conf.ln.nMasters)
// Make an individual connection between virtual and physical ports using
// a particular shim. Also seal the unused FIFO control signal.
def doFIFOInputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T], shim: ToCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(log_io)
phys_in.valid := s.valid
phys_in.bits := s.bits
s.ready := phys_in.ready
phys_out.ready := Bool(false)
def doFIFOOutputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T], shim: FromCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(phys_out)
log_io.valid := s.valid
log_io.bits := s.bits
s.ready := log_io.ready
phys_in.valid := Bool(false)
// Use reflection to determine whether a particular endpoint should be
// hooked up as an [input/output] for a FIFO nework that is transmiitting
// [client/master]-sourced messages.
def doFIFOHookup[S <: CoherenceAgentRole: ClassTag, T <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T], inShim: ToCrossbar[T], outShim: FromCrossbar[T]) = {
// Is end's type a subtype of S, the agent type associated with inputs?
doFIFOInputHookup(phys_in, phys_out, log_io, inShim)
doFIFOOutputHookup(phys_in, phys_out, log_io, outShim)
def doClientSourcedFIFOHookup[T <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T]) =
doFIFOHookup[ClientCoherenceAgent, T](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim)
def doMasterSourcedFIFOHookup[T <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: FBCIO[T], phys_out: FBCIO[T], log_io: FLNIO[T]) =
doFIFOHookup[MasterCoherenceAgent, T](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim)
// Use reflection to determine whether a particular endpoint should be
// hooked up as an [input/output] for a Paired nework that is transmiitting
// [client/master]-sourced messages.
def doPairedDataHookup[S <: CoherenceAgentRole : ClassTag, T <: Data, R <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: PBCIO[T,R], phys_out: PBCIO[T,R], log_io: PLNIO[T,R], inShim: ToCrossbar[T], outShim: FromCrossbar[T], inShimD: ToCrossbar[R], outShimD: FromCrossbar[R]) = {
// Is end's type a subtype of S, the agent type associated with inputs?
if(classTag[S].runtimeClass.isInstance(end)) {
doFIFOInputHookup[T](phys_in.meta, phys_out.meta, log_io.meta, inShim)
doFIFOInputHookup[R](phys_in.data, phys_out.data, log_io.data, inShimD)
} else {
doFIFOOutputHookup[T](phys_in.meta, phys_out.meta, log_io.meta, outShim)
doFIFOOutputHookup[R](phys_in.data, phys_out.data, log_io.data, outShimD)
def doClientSourcedPairedHookup[T <: Data, R <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: PBCIO[T,R], phys_out: PBCIO[T,R], log_io: PLNIO[T,R]) =
doPairedDataHookup[ClientCoherenceAgent, T, R](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim, ClientToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToMasterShim)
def doMasterSourcedPairedHookup[T <: Data, R <: Data](end: CoherenceAgentRole, phys_in: PBCIO[T,R], phys_out: PBCIO[T,R], log_io: PLNIO[T,R]) =
doPairedDataHookup[MasterCoherenceAgent, T, R](end, phys_in, phys_out, log_io, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim, MasterToCrossbarShim, CrossbarToClientShim)
// Actually instantiate the particular networks required for TileLink
def acqHasData(acq: PhysicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) = conf.co.messageHasData(acq.payload)
val acq_net = new PairedCrossbar(REFILL_CYCLES, acqHasData _)(new Acquire, new AcquireData)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doClientSourcedPairedHookup(end, acq_net.io.in(id), acq_net.io.out(id), io.acquire) }
def relHasData(rel: PhysicalNetworkIO[Release]) = conf.co.messageHasData(rel.payload)
val rel_net = new PairedCrossbar(REFILL_CYCLES, relHasData _)(new Release, new ReleaseData)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doClientSourcedPairedHookup(end, rel_net.io.in(id), rel_net.io.out(id), io.release) }
val probe_net = new BasicCrossbar()(new Probe)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doMasterSourcedFIFOHookup(end, probe_net.io.in(id), probe_net.io.out(id), io.probe) }
val grant_net = new BasicCrossbar()(new Grant)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doMasterSourcedFIFOHookup(end, grant_net.io.in(id), grant_net.io.out(id), io.grant) }
val ack_net = new BasicCrossbar()(new GrantAck)
endpoints.zip(io).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((end, io), id) => doClientSourcedFIFOHookup(end, ack_net.io.in(id), ack_net.io.out(id), io.grant_ack) }
val physicalNetworks = List(acq_net, rel_net, probe_net, grant_net, ack_net)
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cd75291f2969e46fc6cf62c9519e675c27c06eb4
Subproject commit a456695526f4d2b35d017841b4fe14d2ba97d8f4
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