debug: Breaking change until FESVR is updated as well.
* Replace v11 Debug Module with v13 module. * Correct all instantiating interfaces. * Rename "Debug Bus" to "DMI" (Debug Module Interface) * Use Diplomacy interrupts for DebugInterrupt * Seperate device for TLDebugROM
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config ((site, here, up) => {
case BuildCore => (p: Parameters) => new Rocket()(p)
case RocketCrossing => Synchronous
case RocketTilesKey => Nil
case DMKey => new DefaultDebugModuleConfig(site(NTiles), site(XLen))
case DMKey => new DefaultDebugModuleConfig(site(XLen))
case NTiles => site(RocketTilesKey).size
case CBusConfig => TLBusConfig(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8)
case L1toL2Config => TLBusConfig(beatBytes = site(XLen)/8) // increase for more PCIe bandwidth
@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ trait CoreplexRISCVPlatform extends CoreplexNetwork {
val module: CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule
val debug = LazyModule(new TLDebugModule())
val debug_rom = LazyModule(new TLDebugModuleROM())
val plic = LazyModule(new TLPLIC(maxPriorities = 7))
val clint = LazyModule(new CoreplexLocalInterrupter)
debug.node := TLFragmenter(cbus_beatBytes, cbus_lineBytes)(cbus.node)
debug_rom.node := TLFragmenter(cbus_beatBytes, cbus_lineBytes)(cbus.node)
plic.node := TLFragmenter(cbus_beatBytes, cbus_lineBytes)(cbus.node)
clint.node := TLFragmenter(cbus_beatBytes, cbus_lineBytes)(cbus.node)
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ trait CoreplexRISCVPlatform extends CoreplexNetwork {
trait CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle extends CoreplexNetworkBundle {
val outer: CoreplexRISCVPlatform
val debug = new AsyncDebugBusIO().flip
val debug = new ClockedDMIIO().flip
val rtcToggle = Bool(INPUT)
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
@ -41,8 +43,14 @@ trait CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule extends CoreplexNetworkModule {
val outer: CoreplexRISCVPlatform
val io: CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle
// Synchronize the debug bus into the coreplex
|||| <> FromAsyncDebugBus(io.debug)
|||| <> io.debug
// TODO in inheriting traits: Set this to something meaningful, e.g. "component is in reset or powered down"
val nDebugComponents = outer.debug.intnode.bundleOut.size
|||| := Vec.fill(nDebugComponents){Bool(false)}
// TODO in inheriting traits: Use these values in your power and reset controls.
// TODO Or move these signals to Coreplex Top Level
// ... :=
// ... :=
// Synchronize the rtc into the coreplex
val rtcSync = ShiftRegister(io.rtcToggle, 3)
@ -33,11 +33,8 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => l1tol2.node.edgesIn(0)
// Hack debug interrupt into a node (future debug module should use diplomacy)
val debugNode = IntInternalInputNode(IntSourcePortSimple())
val intBar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
intBar.intnode := debugNode
intBar.intnode := debug.intnode // Debug Interrupt
intBar.intnode := clint.intnode // msip+mtip
intBar.intnode := plic.intnode // meip
if (c.core.useVM) intBar.intnode := plic.intnode // seip
@ -56,7 +53,6 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
// leave clock as default (simpler for hierarchical PnR)
|||| := UInt(i)
|||| := io.resetVector
debugNode.bundleOut(0)(0) :=
case Asynchronous(depth, sync) => {
@ -75,7 +71,6 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
wrapper.module.reset := io.tcrs(i).reset
|||| := UInt(i)
|||| := io.resetVector
debugNode.bundleOut(0)(0) :=
case Rational => {
@ -94,7 +89,6 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
wrapper.module.reset := io.tcrs(i).reset
|||| := UInt(i)
|||| := io.resetVector
debugNode.bundleOut(0)(0) :=
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class BasePlatformConfig extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case PeripheryBusArithmetic => true
// Note that PLIC asserts that this is > 0.
case IncludeJtagDTM => false
case JtagDTMKey => new JtagDTMKeyDefault()
case ZeroConfig => ZeroConfig(base=0xa000000L, size=0x2000000L, beatBytes=8)
case ExtMem => MasterConfig(base=0x80000000L, size=0x10000000L, beatBytes=8, idBits=4)
case ExtBus => MasterConfig(base=0x60000000L, size=0x20000000L, beatBytes=8, idBits=4)
@ -3,78 +3,227 @@
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import uncore.devices._
import junctions._
import util._
import config._
import jtag._
import uncore.devices.{DMIConsts, DMIIO, DMIReq, DMIResp}
case object IncludeJtagDTM extends Field[Boolean]
/* JTAG-based Debug Transport Module
* and synchronization logic.
* This implements JTAG interface described
* in the RISC-V Debug Specification
* This Module is currently a
* wrapper around a JTAG implementation
* of the Debug Transport Module.
* This is black-boxed because
* Chisel doesn't currently support:
* - Negative Edge Clocking
* - Asynchronous Resets
* (The tristate requirements of JTAG are exported from the
* Chisel domain with the DRV_TDO signal).
* The 'TRST' input is used to asynchronously
* reset the Debug Transport Module and the
* DTM side of the synchronizer.
* This design requires that TRST be
* synchronized to TCK (for de-assert) outside
* of this module. Your top level code should ensure
* that TRST is asserted before the rocket-chip core
* comes out of reset.
* Note that TRST is an optional
* part of the JTAG protocol, but it is not
* optional for interfacing with this logic.
case class JtagDTMConfig (
idcodeVersion : Int, // chosen by manuf.
idcodePartNum : Int, // Chosen by manuf.
idcodeManufId : Int, // Assigned by JEDEC
debugIdleCycles : Int)
class JtagDTMWithSync(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
// io.DebugBusIO <-> Sync <-> DebugBusIO <-> UInt <-> DTM Black Box
case object JtagDTMKey extends Field[JtagDTMConfig]
val io = new Bundle {
val jtag = new JTAGIO(true).flip
val debug = new AsyncDebugBusIO
class JtagDTMKeyDefault extends JtagDTMConfig(
idcodeVersion = 0,
idcodePartNum = 0,
idcodeManufId = 0,
debugIdleCycles = 5) // Reasonable guess for synchronization.
val req_width = io.debug.req.mem(0).getWidth
val resp_width = io.debug.resp.mem(0).getWidth
val jtag_dtm = Module(new DebugTransportModuleJtag(req_width, resp_width))
|||| <> io.jtag
val io_debug_bus = Wire (new DebugBusIO)
io.debug <> ToAsyncDebugBus(io_debug_bus)
val dtm_req =
val dtm_resp =
// Translate from straight 'bits' interface of the blackboxes
// into the Resp/Req data structures.
io_debug_bus.req.valid := dtm_req.valid
io_debug_bus.req.bits := new DebugBusReq(p(DMKey).nDebugBusAddrSize).fromBits(dtm_req.bits)
dtm_req.ready := io_debug_bus.req.ready
dtm_resp.valid := io_debug_bus.resp.valid
dtm_resp.bits := io_debug_bus.resp.bits.asUInt
io_debug_bus.resp.ready := dtm_resp.ready
object dtmJTAGAddrs {
def IDCODE = 0x1
def DTM_INFO = 0x10
def DMI_ACCESS = 0x11
class DebugTransportModuleJtag(reqSize : Int, respSize : Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox {
val io = new Bundle {
val jtag = new JTAGIO(true).flip()
val dtm_req = new DecoupledIO(UInt(width = reqSize))
val dtm_resp = new DecoupledIO(UInt(width = respSize)).flip()
class DMIAccessUpdate(addrBits: Int) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(width = addrBits)
val data = UInt(width = DMIConsts.dmiDataSize)
val op = UInt(width = DMIConsts.dmiOpSize)
override def cloneType = new DMIAccessUpdate(addrBits).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class DMIAccessCapture(addrBits: Int) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(width = addrBits)
val data = UInt(width = DMIConsts.dmiDataSize)
val resp = UInt(width = DMIConsts.dmiRespSize)
override def cloneType = new DMIAccessCapture(addrBits).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class DTMInfo extends Bundle {
val reserved1 = UInt(15.W)
val dmireset = Bool()
val reserved0 = UInt(1.W)
val dmiIdleCycles = UInt(3.W)
val dmiStatus = UInt(2.W)
val debugAddrBits = UInt(6.W)
val debugVersion = UInt(4.W)
class DebugTransportModuleJTAG(debugAddrBits: Int, c: JtagDTMConfig)
(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val dmi = new DMIIO()(p)
val jtag = Flipped(new JTAGIO(hasTRSTn = false))
val jtag_reset = Bool(INPUT)
val fsmReset = Bool(OUTPUT)
// Reg and Wire Declarations
val dtmInfo = Wire(new DTMInfo)
val busyReg = RegInit(Bool(false))
val stickyBusyReg = RegInit(Bool(false))
val stickyNonzeroRespReg = RegInit(Bool(false))
val skipOpReg = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // Skip op because we're busy
val downgradeOpReg = Reg(init = Bool(false)) // downgrade op because prev. failed.
val busy = Wire(Bool())
val nonzeroResp = Wire(Bool())
val busyResp = Wire(new DMIAccessCapture(debugAddrBits))
val nonbusyResp = Wire(new DMIAccessCapture(debugAddrBits))
val dmiReqReg = Reg(new DMIReq(debugAddrBits))
val dmiReqValidReg = Reg(init = Bool(false));
val dmiStatus = Wire(UInt(width = 2))
// DTM Info Chain Declaration
dmiStatus := Cat(stickyNonzeroRespReg, stickyNonzeroRespReg | stickyBusyReg)
dtmInfo.debugVersion := 1.U // This implements version 1 of the spec.
dtmInfo.debugAddrBits := UInt(debugAddrBits)
dtmInfo.dmiStatus := dmiStatus
dtmInfo.dmiIdleCycles := UInt(c.debugIdleCycles)
dtmInfo.reserved0 := 0.U
dtmInfo.dmireset := false.B // This is write-only
dtmInfo.reserved1 := 0.U
val dtmInfoChain = Module (CaptureUpdateChain(gen = new DTMInfo()))
|||| := dtmInfo
// Debug Access Chain Declaration
val dmiAccessChain = Module(CaptureUpdateChain(genCapture = new DMIAccessCapture(debugAddrBits),
genUpdate = new DMIAccessUpdate(debugAddrBits)))
// Debug Access Support
// Busy Register. We become busy when we first try to send a request.
// We stop being busy when we accept a response.
when (io.dmi.req.valid) {
busyReg := Bool(true)
when ( {
busyReg := Bool(false)
// We are busy during a given CAPTURE
// if we haven't received a valid response yet or if we
// were busy last time without a reset.
// busyReg will still be set when we check it,
// so the logic for checking busy looks ahead.
busy := (busyReg & !io.dmi.resp.valid) | stickyBusyReg;
// Downgrade/Skip. We make the decision to downgrade or skip
// during every CAPTURE_DR, and use the result in UPDATE_DR.
// The sticky versions are reset by write to dmiReset in DTM_INFO.
when ( {
skipOpReg := Bool(false)
downgradeOpReg := Bool(false)
when ( {
skipOpReg := busy
downgradeOpReg := (!busy & nonzeroResp)
stickyBusyReg := busy
stickyNonzeroRespReg := nonzeroResp
when ( {
when ( {
stickyNonzeroRespReg := Bool(false)
stickyBusyReg := Bool(false)
// Especially for the first request, we must consider dtmResp.valid,
// so that we don't consider junk in the FIFO to be an error response.
// The current specification says that any non-zero response is an error.
nonzeroResp := stickyNonzeroRespReg | (io.dmi.resp.valid & (io.dmi.resp.bits.resp != UInt(0)))
busyResp.addr := UInt(0)
busyResp.resp := UInt(0)
|||| := UInt(0)
nonbusyResp.addr := dmiReqReg.addr
nonbusyResp.resp := io.dmi.resp.bits.resp
|||| :=
// Debug Access Chain Implementation
|||| := Mux(busy, busyResp, nonbusyResp)
when ( {
skipOpReg := Bool(false)
downgradeOpReg := Bool(false)
when ( {
skipOpReg := busy
downgradeOpReg := (!busy & nonzeroResp)
stickyBusyReg := busy
stickyNonzeroRespReg := nonzeroResp
// Drive Ready Valid Interface
when ( {
when (skipOpReg) {
// Do Nothing
}.otherwise {
when (downgradeOpReg) {
dmiReqReg.addr := UInt(0)
|||| := UInt(0)
dmiReqReg.op := UInt(0)
}.otherwise {
dmiReqReg :=
dmiReqValidReg := Bool(true)
}.otherwise {
when (io.dmi.req.ready) {
dmiReqValidReg := Bool(false)
io.dmi.resp.ready :=
io.dmi.req.valid := dmiReqValidReg
// This is a name-based, not type-based assignment. Do these still work?
io.dmi.req.bits := dmiReqReg
// Actual JTAG TAP
val tapIO = JtagTapGenerator(irLength = 5,
instructions = Map(dtmJTAGAddrs.DMI_ACCESS -> dmiAccessChain,
dtmJTAGAddrs.DTM_INFO -> dtmInfoChain),
idcode = Some((dtmJTAGAddrs.IDCODE, JtagIdcode(c.idcodeVersion, c.idcodePartNum, c.idcodeManufId))))
tapIO.jtag <> io.jtag
tapIO.control.jtag_reset := io.jtag_reset
// Reset Generation (this is fed back to us by the instantiating module,
// and is used to reset the debug registers).
io.fsmReset := tapIO.output.reset
@ -8,55 +8,64 @@ import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.devices._
import util._
import junctions.JTAGIO
import jtag.JTAGIO
import coreplex._
/// Core with JTAG for debug only
// System with JTAG DTM Instantiated inside. JTAG interface is
// exported outside.
trait PeripheryJTAG extends HasTopLevelNetworks {
val module: PeripheryJTAGModule
trait PeripheryJTAGDTM extends HasTopLevelNetworks {
val module: PeripheryJTAGDTMModule
val coreplex: CoreplexRISCVPlatform
trait PeripheryJTAGBundle extends HasTopLevelNetworksBundle {
val outer: PeripheryJTAG
trait PeripheryJTAGDTMBundle extends HasTopLevelNetworksBundle {
val outer: PeripheryJTAGDTM
val jtag = new JTAGIO(hasTRSTn = false).flip
val jtag_reset = Bool(INPUT)
val jtag = new JTAGIO(true).flip
trait PeripheryJTAGModule extends HasTopLevelNetworksModule {
val outer: PeripheryJTAG
val io: PeripheryJTAGBundle
trait PeripheryJTAGDTMModule extends HasTopLevelNetworksModule {
val outer: PeripheryJTAGDTM
val io: PeripheryJTAGDTMBundle
val dtm = Module (new JtagDTMWithSync)
val dtm = Module (new DebugTransportModuleJTAG(p(DMKey).nDMIAddrSize, p(JtagDTMKey)))
|||| <> io.jtag
|||| <>
dtm.clock := io.jtag.TCK
|||| := io.jtag_reset
dtm.reset :=
|||| <>
|||| := io.jtag.TCK
|||| := ResetCatchAndSync(io.jtag.TCK, io.jtag_reset, "dmiResetCatch")
dtm.clock := io.jtag.TCK
dtm.reset := io.jtag.TRST
/// Core with DTM for debug only
// System with Debug Module Interface Only. Any sort of DTM
// can be connected outside. DMI Clock and Reset must be provided.
trait PeripheryDTM extends HasTopLevelNetworks {
val module: PeripheryDTMModule
trait PeripheryDMI extends HasTopLevelNetworks {
val module: PeripheryDMIModule
val coreplex: CoreplexRISCVPlatform
trait PeripheryDTMBundle extends HasTopLevelNetworksBundle {
val outer: PeripheryDTM
trait PeripheryDMIBundle extends HasTopLevelNetworksBundle {
val outer: PeripheryDMI
val debug = new DebugBusIO().flip
val debug = new ClockedDMIIO().flip
trait PeripheryDTMModule extends HasTopLevelNetworksModule {
val outer: PeripheryDTM
val io: PeripheryDTMBundle
trait PeripheryDMIModule extends HasTopLevelNetworksModule {
val outer: PeripheryDMI
val io: PeripheryDMIBundle
|||| <> ToAsyncDebugBus(io.debug)
|||| <> io.debug
/// Core with DTM or JTAG based on a parameter
// System with DMI or JTAG interface based on a parameter
trait PeripheryDebug extends HasTopLevelNetworks {
val module: PeripheryDebugModule
@ -66,21 +75,30 @@ trait PeripheryDebug extends HasTopLevelNetworks {
trait PeripheryDebugBundle extends HasTopLevelNetworksBundle {
val outer: PeripheryDebug
val debug = (!p(IncludeJtagDTM)).option(new DebugBusIO().flip)
val jtag = (p(IncludeJtagDTM)).option(new JTAGIO(true).flip)
val debug = (!p(IncludeJtagDTM)).option(new ClockedDMIIO().flip)
val jtag = (p(IncludeJtagDTM)).option(new JTAGIO(hasTRSTn = false).flip)
val jtag_reset = (p(IncludeJtagDTM)).option(Bool(INPUT))
trait PeripheryDebugModule extends HasTopLevelNetworksModule {
val outer: PeripheryDebug
val io: PeripheryDebugBundle
io.debug.foreach { dbg => <> ToAsyncDebugBus(dbg) }
io.jtag.foreach { jtag =>
val dtm = Module (new JtagDTMWithSync)
dtm.clock := jtag.TCK
dtm.reset := jtag.TRST
|||| <> jtag
|||| <>
io.debug.foreach { dbg => <> dbg }
val dtm = if (io.jtag.isDefined) Some[DebugTransportModuleJTAG](Module (new DebugTransportModuleJTAG(p(DMKey).nDMIAddrSize, p(JtagDTMKey)))) else None
dtm.foreach { dtm =>
|||| <> io.jtag.get
dtm.clock := io.jtag.get.TCK
|||| := io.jtag_reset.get
dtm.reset :=
|||| <>
|||| := io.jtag.get.TCK
|||| := ResetCatchAndSync(io.jtag.get.TCK, io.jtag_reset.get, "dmiResetCatch")
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import junctions._
import diplomacy._
import coreplex._
import uncore.axi4._
import jtag.JTAGIO
class TestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ class TestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
if (!p(IncludeJtagDTM)) {
val dtm = Module(new SimDTM).connect(clock, reset,, io.success)
} else {
val jtag = Module(new JTAGVPI).connect(, reset, io.success)
val jtag = Module(new JTAGVPI).connect(,, reset, io.success)
val mmio_sim = Module(LazyModule(new SimAXIMem(1, 4096)).module)
@ -62,14 +63,16 @@ class SimDTM(implicit p: Parameters) extends BlackBox {
val io = new Bundle {
val clk = Clock(INPUT)
val reset = Bool(INPUT)
val debug = new uncore.devices.DebugBusIO
val debug = new uncore.devices.DMIIO
val exit = UInt(OUTPUT, 32)
def connect(tbclk: Clock, tbreset: Bool, dutio: uncore.devices.DebugBusIO, tbsuccess: Bool) = {
def connect(tbclk: Clock, tbreset: Bool, dutio: uncore.devices.ClockedDMIIO, tbsuccess: Bool) = {
io.clk := tbclk
io.reset := tbreset
dutio <> io.debug
dutio.dmiClock := tbclk
dutio.dmiReset := tbreset
tbsuccess := io.exit === UInt(1)
when (io.exit >= UInt(2)) {
@ -81,23 +84,18 @@ class SimDTM(implicit p: Parameters) extends BlackBox {
class JTAGVPI(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox {
val io = new Bundle {
val jtag = new JTAGIO(false)
val jtag = new JTAGIO(hasTRSTn = false)
val enable = Bool(INPUT)
val init_done = Bool(INPUT)
def connect(dutio: JTAGIO, tbreset: Bool, tbsuccess: Bool) = {
def connect(dutio: JTAGIO, jtag_reset: Bool, tbreset: Bool, tbsuccess: Bool) = {
dutio <> io.jtag
// To be proper,
// TRST should really be synchronized
// with TCK. But this is a fairly
// accurate representation of how
// HW may drive this signal.
// Neither OpenOCD nor JtagVPI drive TRST.
dutio.TRSTn.foreach{ _:= false.B}
jtag_reset := tbreset
dutio.TRST := tbreset
io.enable := ~tbreset
io.enable := ~tbreset
io.init_done := ~tbreset
// Success is determined by the gdbserver
@ -1,887 +0,0 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import util._
import regmapper._
import tile.XLen
import uncore.tilelink2._
import config._
// *****************************************
// Constants which are interesting even
// outside of this module
// *****************************************
object DbRegAddrs{
def DMRAMBASE = UInt(0x0)
def DMCONTROL = UInt(0x10)
def DMINFO = UInt(0x11)
def AUTHDATA0 = UInt(0x12)
def AUTHDATA1 = UInt(0x13)
def SERDATA = UInt(0x14)
def SERSTATUS = UInt(0x15)
def SBUSADDRESS0 = UInt(0x16)
def SBUSADDRESS1 = UInt(0x17)
def SBDATA0 = UInt(0x18)
def SBDATA1 = UInt(0x19)
def HALTSUM = UInt(0x1B)
//1c - 3b are the halt notification registers.
def SBADDRESS2 = UInt(0x3d)
// 3c
def SBDATA2 = UInt(0x3e)
def SBDATA3 = UInt(0x3f)
/** Constant values used by both Debug Bus Response & Request
object DbBusConsts{
def dbDataSize = 34
def dbRamWordBits = 32
def dbOpSize = 2
def db_OP_NONE = UInt("b00")
def db_OP_READ = UInt("b01")
def db_OP_READ_WRITE = UInt("b10")
def db_OP_READ_COND_WRITE = UInt("b11")
def dbRespSize = 2
def db_RESP_SUCCESS = UInt("b00")
def db_RESP_FAILURE = UInt("b01")
def db_RESP_HW_FAILURE = UInt("b10")
// This is used outside this block
// to indicate 'busy'.
def db_RESP_RESERVED = UInt("b11")
object DsbBusConsts {
def sbAddrWidth = 12
def sbIdWidth = 10
//These are the default ROM contents, which support RV32 and RV64.
// See $RISCV/riscv-tools/riscv-isa-sim/debug_rom/debug_rom.h/S
// The code assumes 64 bytes of Debug RAM.
def xlenAnyRomContents : Array[Byte] = Array(
0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x04, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0xf0, 0xff,
0x6f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f,
0xf3, 0x24, 0x00, 0xf1, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x04, 0x00, 0x83, 0x24, 0xc0, 0x43,
0x6f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x83, 0x34, 0x80, 0x43, 0x23, 0x2e, 0x80, 0x42,
0x73, 0x24, 0x40, 0xf1, 0x23, 0x20, 0x80, 0x10, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b,
0x13, 0x74, 0x84, 0x00, 0x63, 0x12, 0x04, 0x04, 0x73, 0x24, 0x20, 0x7b,
0x73, 0x00, 0x20, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x10, 0x24, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b,
0x13, 0x74, 0x04, 0x1c, 0x13, 0x04, 0x04, 0xf4, 0x63, 0x1e, 0x04, 0x00,
0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0xf1, 0x63, 0x46, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23, 0x2e, 0x90, 0x42,
0x67, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x23, 0x3c, 0x90, 0x42, 0x67, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40,
0x73, 0x24, 0x40, 0xf1, 0x23, 0x26, 0x80, 0x10, 0x73, 0x60, 0x04, 0x7b,
0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x04, 0x02, 0xe3, 0x0c, 0x04, 0xfe,
0x6f, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xfd).map(_.toByte)
// These ROM contents support only RV32
// See $RISCV/riscv-tools/riscv-isa-sim/debug_rom/debug_rom.h/S
// The code assumes only 28 bytes of Debug RAM.
def xlen32OnlyRomContents : Array[Byte] = Array(
0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0xf0, 0xff,
0x6f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f,
0x83, 0x24, 0x80, 0x41, 0x23, 0x2c, 0x80, 0x40, 0x73, 0x24, 0x40, 0xf1,
0x23, 0x20, 0x80, 0x10, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x84, 0x00,
0x63, 0x1a, 0x04, 0x02, 0x73, 0x24, 0x20, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x00, 0x20, 0x7b,
0x73, 0x10, 0x24, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x04, 0x1c,
0x13, 0x04, 0x04, 0xf4, 0x63, 0x16, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23, 0x2c, 0x90, 0x40,
0x67, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x73, 0x24, 0x40, 0xf1, 0x23, 0x26, 0x80, 0x10,
0x73, 0x60, 0x04, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x04, 0x02,
0xe3, 0x0c, 0x04, 0xfe, 0x6f, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xfe).map(_.toByte)
// These ROM contents support only RV64
// See $RISCV/riscv-tools/riscv-isa-sim/debug_rom/debug_rom.h/S
// The code assumes 64 bytes of Debug RAM.
def xlen64OnlyRomContents : Array[Byte] = Array(
0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x6f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0xf0, 0xff,
0x6f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f,
0x83, 0x34, 0x80, 0x43, 0x23, 0x2e, 0x80, 0x42, 0x73, 0x24, 0x40, 0xf1,
0x23, 0x20, 0x80, 0x10, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x84, 0x00,
0x63, 0x1a, 0x04, 0x02, 0x73, 0x24, 0x20, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x00, 0x20, 0x7b,
0x73, 0x10, 0x24, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x04, 0x1c,
0x13, 0x04, 0x04, 0xf4, 0x63, 0x16, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23, 0x3c, 0x90, 0x42,
0x67, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x73, 0x24, 0x40, 0xf1, 0x23, 0x26, 0x80, 0x10,
0x73, 0x60, 0x04, 0x7b, 0x73, 0x24, 0x00, 0x7b, 0x13, 0x74, 0x04, 0x02,
0xe3, 0x0c, 0x04, 0xfe, 0x6f, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xfe).map(_.toByte)
object DsbRegAddrs{
def CLEARDEBINT = 0x100
def SETHALTNOT = 0x10C
def SERINFO = 0x110
def SERBASE = 0x114
// For each serial, there are
// 3 registers starting here:
// ...
def RAMBASE = 0x400
def ROMBASE = 0x800
// *****************************************
// Configuration & Parameters for this Module
// *****************************************
/** Enumerations used both in the hardware
* and in the configuration specification.
object DebugModuleAuthType extends scala.Enumeration {
type DebugModuleAuthType = Value
val None, Password, ChallengeResponse, Reserved = Value
import DebugModuleAuthType._
object DebugModuleAccessType extends scala.Enumeration {
type DebugModuleAccessType = Value
val Access8Bit, Access16Bit, Access32Bit, Access64Bit, Access128Bit = Value
import DebugModuleAccessType._
/** Parameters exposed to the top-level design, set based on
* external requirements, etc.
* This object checks that the parameters conform to the
* full specification. The implementation which receives this
* object can perform more checks on what that implementation
* actually supports.
* nComponents : The number of components to support debugging.
* nDebugBusAddrSize : Size of the Debug Bus Address
* nDebugRam Bytes: Size of the Debug RAM (depends on the XLEN of the machine).
* debugRomContents: Optional Sequence of bytes which form the Debug ROM contents.
* hasBusMaster: Whether or not a bus master should be included
* The size of the accesses supported by the Bus Master.
* nSerialPorts : Number of serial ports to instantiate
* authType : The Authorization Type
* Number of cycles to assert ndreset when pulsed.
case class DebugModuleConfig (
nComponents : Int,
nDebugBusAddrSize : Int,
nDebugRamBytes : Int,
debugRomContents : Option[Seq[Byte]],
hasBusMaster : Boolean,
hasAccess128 : Boolean,
hasAccess64 : Boolean,
hasAccess32 : Boolean,
hasAccess16 : Boolean,
hasAccess8 : Boolean,
nSerialPorts : Int,
authType : DebugModuleAuthType,
nNDResetCycles : Int
) {
if (hasBusMaster == false){
require (hasAccess128 == false)
require (hasAccess64 == false)
require (hasAccess32 == false)
require (hasAccess16 == false)
require (hasAccess8 == false)
require (nSerialPorts <= 8)
require ((nDebugBusAddrSize >= 5) && (nDebugBusAddrSize <= 7))
private val maxComponents = nDebugBusAddrSize match {
case 5 => (32*4)
case 6 => (32*32)
case 7 => (32*32)
require (nComponents > 0 && nComponents <= maxComponents)
private val maxRam = nDebugBusAddrSize match {
case 5 => (4 * 16)
case 6 => (4 * 16)
case 7 => (4 * 64)
require (nDebugRamBytes > 0 && nDebugRamBytes <= maxRam)
val hasHaltSum = (nComponents > 64) || (nSerialPorts > 0)
val hasDebugRom = debugRomContents.nonEmpty
if (hasDebugRom) {
require (debugRomContents.get.size > 0)
require (debugRomContents.get.size <= 512)
require (nNDResetCycles > 0)
class DefaultDebugModuleConfig (val ncomponents : Int, val xlen:Int)
extends DebugModuleConfig(
nComponents = ncomponents,
nDebugBusAddrSize = 5,
// While smaller numbers are theoretically
// possible as noted in the Spec,
// the ROM image would need to be
// adjusted accordingly.
nDebugRamBytes = xlen match{
case 32 => 28
case 64 => 64
case 128 => 64
debugRomContents = xlen match {
case 32 => Some(DsbBusConsts.xlen32OnlyRomContents)
case 64 => Some(DsbBusConsts.xlen64OnlyRomContents)
hasBusMaster = false,
hasAccess128 = false,
hasAccess64 = false,
hasAccess32 = false,
hasAccess16 = false,
hasAccess8 = false,
nSerialPorts = 0,
authType = DebugModuleAuthType.None,
nNDResetCycles = 1)
case object DMKey extends Field[DebugModuleConfig]
// *****************************************
// Module Interfaces
// *****************************************
/** Structure to define the contents of a Debug Bus Request
class DebugBusReq(addrBits : Int) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(width = addrBits)
val data = UInt(width = DbBusConsts.dbDataSize)
val op = UInt(width = DbBusConsts.dbOpSize)
override def cloneType = new DebugBusReq(addrBits).asInstanceOf[this.type]
/** Structure to define the contents of a Debug Bus Response
class DebugBusResp( ) extends Bundle {
val data = UInt(width = DbBusConsts.dbDataSize)
val resp = UInt(width = DbBusConsts.dbRespSize)
/** Structure to define the top-level DebugBus interface
* of DebugModule.
* DebugModule is the consumer of this interface.
* Therefore it has the 'flipped' version of this.
class DebugBusIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = new DecoupledIO(new DebugBusReq(p(DMKey).nDebugBusAddrSize))
val resp = new DecoupledIO(new DebugBusResp).flip()
class AsyncDebugBusIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = new AsyncBundle(1, new DebugBusReq(p(DMKey).nDebugBusAddrSize))
val resp = new AsyncBundle(1, new DebugBusResp).flip
object FromAsyncDebugBus
def apply(x: AsyncDebugBusIO) = {
val out = Wire(new DebugBusIO()(x.p))
out.req <> FromAsyncBundle(x.req)
x.resp <> ToAsyncBundle(out.resp, 1)
object ToAsyncDebugBus
def apply(x: DebugBusIO) = {
val out = Wire(new AsyncDebugBusIO()(x.p))
out.req <> ToAsyncBundle(x.req, 1)
x.resp <> FromAsyncBundle(out.resp)
trait HasDebugModuleParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val cfg = p(DMKey)
/** Debug Module I/O, with the exclusion of the RegisterRouter
* Access interface.
trait DebugModuleBundle extends Bundle with HasDebugModuleParameters {
val db = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip()
val debugInterrupts = Vec(cfg.nComponents, Bool()).asOutput
val ndreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
val fullreset = Bool(OUTPUT)
// *****************************************
// The Module
// *****************************************
/** Parameterized version of the Debug Module defined in the
* RISC-V Debug Specification
* DebugModule is a slave to two masters:
* The Debug Bus -- implemented as a generic Decoupled IO with request
* and response channels
* The System Bus -- implemented as generic RegisterRouter
* DebugModule is responsible for holding registers, RAM, and ROM
* to support debug interactions, as well as driving interrupts
* to a configurable number of components in the system.
* It is also responsible for some reset lines.
trait DebugModule extends Module with HasDebugModuleParameters with HasRegMap {
val io: DebugModuleBundle
// Import constants for shorter variable names
import DbRegAddrs._
import DsbRegAddrs._
import DsbBusConsts._
import DbBusConsts._
// Sanity Check Configuration For this implementation.
require (cfg.nComponents <= 128)
require (cfg.nSerialPorts == 0)
require (cfg.hasBusMaster == false)
require (cfg.nDebugRamBytes <= 64)
require (cfg.authType == DebugModuleAuthType.None)
require((DbBusConsts.dbRamWordBits % 8) == 0)
// Private Classes (Register Fields)
class RAMFields() extends Bundle {
val interrupt = Bool()
val haltnot = Bool()
val data = Bits(width = 32)
override def cloneType = new RAMFields().asInstanceOf[this.type]
class CONTROLFields() extends Bundle {
val interrupt = Bool()
val haltnot = Bool()
val reserved0 = Bits(width = 31-22 + 1)
val buserror = Bits(width = 3)
val serial = Bits(width = 3)
val autoincrement = Bool()
val access = UInt(width = 3)
val hartid = Bits(width = 10)
val ndreset = Bool()
val fullreset = Bool()
override def cloneType = new CONTROLFields().asInstanceOf[this.type]
class DMINFOFields() extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = Bits(width = 2)
val abussize = UInt(width = 7)
val serialcount = UInt(width = 4)
val access128 = Bool()
val access64 = Bool()
val access32 = Bool()
val access16 = Bool()
val accesss8 = Bool()
val dramsize = UInt(width = 6)
val haltsum = Bool()
val reserved1 = Bits(width = 3)
val authenticated = Bool()
val authbusy = Bool()
val authtype = UInt(width = 2)
val version = UInt(width = 2)
override def cloneType = new DMINFOFields().asInstanceOf[this.type]
class HALTSUMFields() extends Bundle {
val serialfull = Bool()
val serialvalid = Bool()
val acks = Bits(width = 32)
override def cloneType = new HALTSUMFields().asInstanceOf[this.type]
// Register & Wire Declarations
// --- Debug Bus Registers
val CONTROLReset = Wire(new CONTROLFields())
val CONTROLWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val CONTROLReg = Reg(new CONTROLFields())
val CONTROLWrData = Wire (new CONTROLFields())
val CONTROLRdData = Wire (new CONTROLFields())
val ndresetCtrReg = Reg(UInt(cfg.nNDResetCycles))
val DMINFORdData = Wire (new DMINFOFields())
val HALTSUMRdData = Wire (new HALTSUMFields())
val RAMWrData = Wire (new RAMFields())
val RAMRdData = Wire (new RAMFields())
// --- System Bus Registers
val SETHALTNOTWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val SETHALTNOTWrData = Wire(UInt(width = sbIdWidth))
val CLEARDEBINTWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val CLEARDEBINTWrData = Wire(UInt(width = sbIdWidth))
// --- Interrupt & Halt Notification Registers
val interruptRegs = Reg(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nComponents){Bool(false)})
val haltnotRegs = Reg(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nComponents){Bool(false)})
val numHaltnotStatus = ((cfg.nComponents - 1) / 32) + 1
val haltnotStatus = Wire(Vec(numHaltnotStatus, Bits(width = 32)))
val rdHaltnotStatus = Wire(Bits(width = 32))
val haltnotSummary = Cat(
// --- Debug RAM
val ramDataWidth = DbBusConsts.dbRamWordBits
val ramDataBytes = ramDataWidth / 8;
val ramAddrWidth = log2Up(cfg.nDebugRamBytes / ramDataBytes)
val ramMem = Reg(init = Vec.fill(cfg.nDebugRamBytes){UInt(0, width = 8)})
val dbRamAddr = Wire(UInt(width=ramAddrWidth))
val dbRamAddrValid = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamRdData = Wire (UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val dbRamWrData = Wire(UInt(width=ramDataWidth))
val dbRamWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamRdEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamWrEnFinal = Wire(Bool())
val dbRamRdEnFinal = Wire(Bool())
require((cfg.nDebugRamBytes % ramDataBytes) == 0)
val dbRamDataOffset = log2Up(ramDataBytes)
// --- Debug Bus Accesses
val dbRdEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbWrEn = Wire(Bool())
val dbRdData = Wire(UInt(width = DbBusConsts.dbDataSize))
val s_DB_READY :: s_DB_RESP :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 2)
val dbStateReg = Reg(init = s_DB_READY)
val dbResult = Wire(io.db.resp.bits)
val dbReq = Wire(io.db.req.bits)
val dbRespReg = Reg(io.db.resp.bits)
val rdCondWrFailure = Wire(Bool())
val dbWrNeeded = Wire(Bool())
// Interrupt Registers
for (component <- 0 until cfg.nComponents) {
io.debugInterrupts(component) := interruptRegs(component)
// Interrupt Registers are written by write to CONTROL or debugRAM addresses
// for Debug Bus, and cleared by writes to CLEARDEBINT by System Bus.
// It is "unspecified" what should happen if both
// SET and CLEAR happen at the same time. In this
// implementation, the SET wins.
for (component <- 0 until cfg.nComponents) {
when (CONTROLWrEn) {
when (CONTROLWrData.hartid === UInt(component)) {
interruptRegs(component) := interruptRegs(component) | CONTROLWrData.interrupt
}.elsewhen (dbRamWrEn) {
when (CONTROLReg.hartid === UInt(component)){
interruptRegs(component) := interruptRegs(component) | RAMWrData.interrupt
}.elsewhen (CLEARDEBINTWrEn){
when (CLEARDEBINTWrData === UInt(component, width = sbIdWidth)) {
interruptRegs(component) := Bool(false)
// Halt Notification Registers
// Halt Notifications Registers are cleared by zero write to CONTROL or debugRAM addresses
// for Debug Bus, and set by write to SETHALTNOT by System Bus.
// It is "unspecified" what should happen if both
// SET and CLEAR happen at the same time. In this
// implementation, the SET wins.
for (component <- 0 until cfg.nComponents) {
when (SETHALTNOTWrData === UInt(component, width = sbIdWidth)) {
haltnotRegs(component) := Bool(true)
} .elsewhen (CONTROLWrEn) {
when (CONTROLWrData.hartid === UInt(component)) {
haltnotRegs(component) := haltnotRegs(component) & CONTROLWrData.haltnot
}.elsewhen (dbRamWrEn) {
when (CONTROLReg.hartid === UInt(component)){
haltnotRegs(component) := haltnotRegs(component) & RAMWrData.haltnot
for (ii <- 0 until numHaltnotStatus) {
haltnotStatus(ii) := Cat(haltnotRegs.slice(ii * 32, (ii + 1) * 32).reverse)
// Other Registers
CONTROLReset.interrupt := Bool(false)
CONTROLReset.haltnot := Bool(false)
CONTROLReset.reserved0 := Bits(0)
CONTROLReset.buserror := Bits(0)
CONTROLReset.serial := Bits(0)
CONTROLReset.autoincrement := Bool(false)
CONTROLReset.access := UInt(
CONTROLReset.hartid := Bits(0)
CONTROLReset.ndreset := Bool(false)
CONTROLReset.fullreset := Bool(false)
// Because this version of DebugModule doesn't
// support authentication, this entire register is
// Read-Only constant wires.
DMINFORdData.reserved0 := Bits(0)
DMINFORdData.abussize := UInt(0) // Not Implemented.
DMINFORdData.serialcount := UInt(cfg.nSerialPorts)
DMINFORdData.access128 := Bool(cfg.hasAccess128)
DMINFORdData.access64 := Bool(cfg.hasAccess64)
DMINFORdData.access32 := Bool(cfg.hasAccess32)
DMINFORdData.access16 := Bool(cfg.hasAccess16)
DMINFORdData.accesss8 := Bool(cfg.hasAccess8)
DMINFORdData.dramsize := Bits((cfg.nDebugRamBytes >> 2) - 1) // Size in 32-bit words minus 1.
DMINFORdData.haltsum := Bool(cfg.hasHaltSum)
DMINFORdData.reserved1 := Bits(0)
DMINFORdData.authenticated := Bool(true) // Not Implemented.
DMINFORdData.authbusy := Bool(false) // Not Implemented.
DMINFORdData.authtype := UInt(
DMINFORdData.version := UInt(1) // Conforms to RISC-V Debug Spec
HALTSUMRdData.serialfull := Bool(false) // Not Implemented
HALTSUMRdData.serialvalid := Bool(false) // Not Implemented
HALTSUMRdData.acks := haltnotSummary
// Debug RAM Access (Debug Bus ... System Bus can override)
dbReq := io.db.req.bits
// Debug Bus RAM Access
// From Specification: Debug RAM is 0x00 - 0x0F
// 0x40 - 0x6F Not Implemented
dbRamAddr := dbReq.addr( ramAddrWidth-1 , 0)
dbRamWrData :=
dbRamAddrValid := (dbReq.addr(3,0) <= UInt((cfg.nDebugRamBytes/ramDataBytes)))
val dbRamRdDataFields = List.tabulate(cfg.nDebugRamBytes / ramDataBytes) { ii =>
val slice = ramMem.slice(ii * ramDataBytes, (ii+1)*ramDataBytes)
slice.reduce[UInt]{ case (x: UInt, y: UInt) => Cat(y, x)}
dbRamRdData := dbRamRdDataFields(dbRamAddr)
when (dbRamWrEnFinal) {
for (ii <- 0 until ramDataBytes) {
ramMem((dbRamAddr << UInt(dbRamDataOffset)) + UInt(ii)) := dbRamWrData((8*(ii+1)-1), (8*ii))
// Debug Bus Access
// 0x00 - 0x0F Debug RAM
// 0x10 - 0x1B Registers
// 0x1C - 0x3B Halt Notification Registers
// 0x3C - 0x3F Registers
// 0x40 - 0x6F Debug RAM
// -----------------------------------------
// DB Access Write Decoder
CONTROLWrData := new CONTROLFields().fromBits(
RAMWrData := new RAMFields().fromBits(
dbRamWrEn := Bool(false)
dbRamWrEnFinal := Bool(false)
CONTROLWrEn := Bool(false)
when ((dbReq.addr >> 4) === Bits(0)) { // 0x00 - 0x0F Debug RAM
dbRamWrEn := dbWrEn
when (dbRamAddrValid) {
dbRamWrEnFinal := dbWrEn
}.elsewhen (dbReq.addr === DMCONTROL) {
}.otherwise {
//Other registers/RAM are Not Implemented.
when (reset) {
ndresetCtrReg := UInt(0)
}.elsewhen (CONTROLWrEn) {
// interrupt handled in other logic
// haltnot handled in other logic
if (cfg.hasBusMaster){
// buserror is set 'until 0 is written to any bit in this field'.
CONTROLReg.buserror := Mux(CONTROLWrData.buserror.andR, CONTROLReg.buserror, UInt(0))
CONTROLReg.autoincrement := CONTROLWrData.autoincrement
CONTROLReg.access := CONTROLWrData.access
if (cfg.nSerialPorts > 0){
CONTROLReg.serial := CONTROLWrData.serial
CONTROLReg.hartid := CONTROLWrData.hartid
CONTROLReg.fullreset := CONTROLReg.fullreset | CONTROLWrData.fullreset
when (CONTROLWrData.ndreset){
ndresetCtrReg := UInt(cfg.nNDResetCycles)
}.otherwise {
ndresetCtrReg := Mux(ndresetCtrReg === UInt(0) , UInt(0), ndresetCtrReg - UInt(1))
}.otherwise {
ndresetCtrReg := Mux(ndresetCtrReg === UInt(0) , UInt(0), ndresetCtrReg - UInt(1))
// -----------------------------------------
// DB Access Read Mux
CONTROLRdData.interrupt := interruptRegs(CONTROLReg.hartid)
CONTROLRdData.haltnot := haltnotRegs(CONTROLReg.hartid)
CONTROLRdData.ndreset := ndresetCtrReg.orR
RAMRdData.interrupt := interruptRegs(CONTROLReg.hartid)
RAMRdData.haltnot := haltnotRegs(CONTROLReg.hartid)
|||| := dbRamRdData
dbRdData := UInt(0)
// Higher numbers of numHaltnotStatus Not Implemented.
// This logic assumes only up to 128 components.
rdHaltnotStatus := Bits(0)
for (ii <- 0 until numHaltnotStatus) {
when (dbReq.addr(1, 0) === UInt(ii)) {
rdHaltnotStatus := haltnotStatus(ii)
dbRamRdEn := Bool(false)
dbRamRdEnFinal := Bool(false)
when ((dbReq.addr >> 4) === Bits(0)) { // 0x00 - 0x0F Debug RAM
dbRamRdEn := dbRdEn
when (dbRamAddrValid) {
dbRdData := RAMRdData.asUInt
dbRamRdEnFinal := dbRdEn
}.elsewhen (dbReq.addr === DMCONTROL) {
dbRdData := CONTROLRdData.asUInt
}.elsewhen (dbReq.addr === DMINFO) {
dbRdData := DMINFORdData.asUInt
}.elsewhen (dbReq.addr === HALTSUM) {
if (cfg.hasHaltSum){
dbRdData := HALTSUMRdData.asUInt
} else {
dbRdData := UInt(0)
}.elsewhen ((dbReq.addr >> 2) === UInt(7)) { // 0x1C - 0x1F Haltnot
dbRdData := rdHaltnotStatus
} .otherwise {
//These Registers are not implemented in this version of DebugModule:
// 0x20 - 0x3B haltnot
// Upper bytes of Debug RAM.
dbRdData := UInt(0)
// Conditional write fails if MSB is set of the read data.
rdCondWrFailure := dbRdData(dbDataSize - 1 ) &&
(dbReq.op === db_OP_READ_COND_WRITE)
dbWrNeeded := (dbReq.op === db_OP_READ_WRITE) ||
((dbReq.op === db_OP_READ_COND_WRITE) && ~rdCondWrFailure)
// This is only relevant at end of s_DB_READ.
dbResult.resp := Mux(rdCondWrFailure,
|||| := dbRdData
// -----------------------------------------
// DB Access State Machine Decode (Combo)
io.db.req.ready := (dbStateReg === s_DB_READY) ||
(dbStateReg === s_DB_RESP &&
io.db.resp.valid := (dbStateReg === s_DB_RESP)
io.db.resp.bits := dbRespReg
dbRdEn :=
dbWrEn := dbWrNeeded &&
// -----------------------------------------
// DB Access State Machine Update (Seq)
when (dbStateReg === s_DB_READY){
when ({
dbStateReg := s_DB_RESP
dbRespReg := dbResult
} .elsewhen (dbStateReg === s_DB_RESP){
when ({
dbStateReg := s_DB_RESP
dbRespReg := dbResult
}.elsewhen ({
dbStateReg := s_DB_READY
// Debug ROM
val romRegFields = if (cfg.hasDebugRom) {
|||| x => RegField.r(8, UInt(x.toInt & 0xFF)))
} else {
// System Bus Access
// Local reg mapper function : Notify when written, but give the value.
def wValue (n: Int, value: UInt, set: Bool) : RegField = {
RegField(n, value, RegWriteFn((valid, data) => {set := valid ; value := data; Bool(true)}))
RAMBASE -> => RegField(8, x)),
ROMBASE -> romRegFields
// Misc. Outputs
io.ndreset := ndresetCtrReg.orR
io.fullreset := CONTROLReg.fullreset
/** Create a concrete TL2 Slave for the DebugModule RegMapper interface.
class TLDebugModule(address: BigInt = 0)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TLRegisterRouter(address, "debug", Nil, beatBytes=p(XLen)/8, executable=true)(
new TLRegBundle((), _ ) with DebugModuleBundle)(
new TLRegModule((), _, _) with DebugModule)
/** Synchronizers for DebugBus
object AsyncDebugBusCrossing {
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain to the 'to' clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DebugBusIO, to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, depth: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3) = {
val to_sink = Wire(new DebugBusIO()(from_source.p))
to_sink.req <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source.req, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
from_source.resp <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(to_clock, to_reset, to_sink.resp, from_clock, from_reset, depth, sync)
to_sink // is now to_source
object AsyncDebugBusFrom { // OutsideClockDomain
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain and puts it into your clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3): DebugBusIO = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncDebugBusCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source, scope.clock, scope.reset, depth, sync)
object AsyncDebugBusTo { // OutsideClockDomain
// takes source from your clock domain and puts it into the 'to' clock domain
def apply(to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 1, sync: Int = 3): DebugBusIO = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncDebugBusCrossing(scope.clock, scope.reset, source, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -45,13 +45,14 @@ module JTAGVPI
parameter CMD_DELAY = 2 // 1000
output jtag_TMS,
output jtag_TCK,
output jtag_TDI,
input jtag_TDO,
input jtag_TRST, // unused
input enable,
input init_done);
output jtag_TMS,
output jtag_TCK,
output jtag_TDI,
input jtag_TDO_data,
input jtag_TDO_driven,
input enable,
input init_done);
reg tms;
reg tck;
@ -61,9 +62,8 @@ module JTAGVPI
assign jtag_TMS = tms;
assign jtag_TCK = tck;
assign jtag_TDI = tdi;
assign tdo = jtag_TDO;
assign tdo = jtag_TDO_driven ? jtag_TDO_data : 1'bz;
integer cmd;
integer length;
integer nb_bits;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user