Bugfix in crossbar ready sigs, added adapter for old hub, removed incoherent sig from tilelink
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package object uncore {
import Chisel._
//TODO: Remove these Networking classes from the package object once Scala bug
//SI-3439 is resolved.
case class PhysicalNetworkConfiguration(nEndpoints: Int, idBits: Int)
class PhysicalHeader(implicit conf: PhysicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Bundle {
@ -22,14 +25,21 @@ class BasicCrossbar[T <: Data]()(data: => T)(implicit conf: PhysicalNetworkConfi
val out = Vec(conf.nEndpoints) { (new BasicCrossbarIO) { data } }
for(i <- 0 until conf.nEndpoints) {
val rdyVecs = List.fill(conf.nEndpoints)(Vec(conf.nEndpoints){Bool()})
io.out.zip(rdyVecs).zipWithIndex.map{ case ((out, rdys), i) => {
val rrarb = new RRArbiter(conf.nEndpoints)(data)
(rrarb.io.in, io.in).zipped.map( (arb, io) => {
arb.valid := io.valid && (io.header.dst === UFix(i))
arb.bits := io.bits
io.ready := arb.ready
io.out(i) <> rrarb.io.out
(rrarb.io.in, io.in, rdys).zipped.map{ case (arb, in, rdy) => {
arb.valid := in.valid && (in.header.dst === UFix(i))
arb.bits := in.bits
rdy := arb.ready && (in.header.dst === UFix(i))
out <> rrarb.io.out
out.header.src := rrarb.io.chosen.toUFix
out.header.dst := UFix(i)
for(i <- 0 until conf.nEndpoints) {
io.in(i).ready := rdyVecs.map(r => r(i)).reduceLeft(_||_)
@ -53,7 +63,7 @@ abstract class LogicalNetworkIO[T <: Data]()(data: => T)(implicit conf: LogicalN
class TileIO[T <: Data]()(data: => T)(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends LogicalNetworkIO()(data)(conf)
class HubIO[T <: Data]()(data: => T)(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends LogicalNetworkIO()(data)(conf){flip()}
class TileLink(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Bundle {
class TileLinkIO(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val xact_init = (new TileIO) { new TransactionInit }
val xact_init_data = (new TileIO) { new TransactionInitData }
val xact_abort = (new HubIO) { new TransactionAbort }
@ -62,7 +72,6 @@ class TileLink(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val probe_rep_data = (new TileIO) { new ProbeReplyData }
val xact_rep = (new HubIO) { new TransactionReply }
val xact_finish = (new TileIO) { new TransactionFinish }
val incoherent = Bool(OUTPUT)
override def clone = { new TileLink().asInstanceOf[this.type] }
override def clone = { new TileLinkIO().asInstanceOf[this.type] }
@ -225,9 +225,47 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends Com
case class CoherenceHubConfiguration(co: CoherencePolicy, ln: LogicalNetworkConfiguration)
class CoherenceHubAdapter(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Component with MasterCoherenceAgent {
val io = new Bundle {
val net = (new TileLinkIO).flip
val hub = Vec(conf.nTiles) { new TileLinkIO }
val netTileProducedSubBundles = io.net.getClass.getMethods.filter( x =>
classOf[TileIO[Data]].isAssignableFrom(x.getReturnType)).map{ m =>
m.invoke(io.net).asInstanceOf[TileIO[Data]] }
val netHubProducedSubBundles = io.net.getClass.getMethods.filter( x =>
classOf[HubIO[Data]].isAssignableFrom(x.getReturnType)).map{ m =>
m.invoke(io.net).asInstanceOf[HubIO[Data]] }
val hubTileProducedSubBundles = io.hub.map{ io => {
io.getClass.getMethods.filter( x =>
classOf[TileIO[Data]].isAssignableFrom(x.getReturnType)).map{ m =>
m.invoke(io).asInstanceOf[TileIO[Data]] }}}.transpose
val hubHubProducedSubBundles = io.hub.map{ io => {
io.getClass.getMethods.filter( x =>
classOf[HubIO[Data]].isAssignableFrom(x.getReturnType)).map{ m =>
m.invoke(io).asInstanceOf[HubIO[Data]] }}}.transpose
hubHubProducedSubBundles.zip(netHubProducedSubBundles).foreach{ case(hub, net) => {
net.header.src := UFix(0)
net.header.dst := Vec(hub.map(_.valid)){Bool()}.indexWhere{s: Bool => s}
net.valid := hub.map(_.valid).fold(Bool(false))(_||_)
net.bits := hub(0).bits
hub.foreach( _.ready := net.ready)
hubTileProducedSubBundles.zip(netTileProducedSubBundles).foreach{ case(hub, net) => {
hub.foreach(_.header := net.header)
hub.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case(h,i) => h.valid := (net.header.src === UFix(i)) && net.valid }
hub.foreach(_.bits := net.bits)
net.ready := hub.map(_.ready).fold(Bool(false))(_||_)
abstract class CoherenceHub(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Component with MasterCoherenceAgent {
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec(conf.nTiles) { new TileLink }.flip
val tiles = Vec(conf.nTiles) { new TileLinkIO }.flip
val incoherent = Vec(conf.nTiles) { Bool() }.asInput
val mem = new ioMem
@ -295,7 +333,7 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends Co
t.p_data.valid := p_data_valid_arr(i)
t.p_rep_cnt_dec := p_rep_cnt_dec_arr(i).toBits
t.p_req_cnt_inc := p_req_cnt_inc_arr(i).toBits
t.tile_incoherent := (Vec(io.tiles.map(_.incoherent)) { Bool() }).toBits
t.tile_incoherent := io.incoherent.toBits
t.sent_x_rep_ack := sent_x_rep_ack_arr(i)
do_free_arr(i) := Bool(false)
sent_x_rep_ack_arr(i) := Bool(false)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user