Refactored uncore conf
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ package uncore
import Chisel._
import Constants._
trait CoherenceAgent
trait ClientCoherenceAgent extends CoherenceAgent
trait MasterCoherenceAgent extends CoherenceAgent
object cpuCmdToRW {
def apply(cmd: Bits): (Bool, Bool) = (isRead(cmd) || isPrefetch(cmd), isWrite(cmd))
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class BasicCrossbar[T <: Data]()(data: => T)(implicit conf: PhysicalNetworkConfi
case class LogicalNetworkConfiguration(nEndpoints: Int, idBits: Int, nHubs: Int, nTiles: Int)
abstract class LogicalNetwork[TileLinkType <: Bundle](endpoints: Seq[Component])(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Component {
abstract class LogicalNetwork[TileLinkType <: Bundle](endpoints: Seq[CoherenceAgent])(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Component {
val io: Vec[TileLinkType]
val physicalNetworks: Seq[PhysicalNetwork]
require(endpoints.length == conf.nEndpoints)
@ -63,5 +63,6 @@ class TileLink(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val xact_rep = (new HubIO) { new TransactionReply }
val xact_finish = (new TileIO) { new TransactionFinish }
val incoherent = Bool(OUTPUT)
override def clone = { new TileLink().asInstanceOf[this.type] }
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ package uncore
import Chisel._
import Constants._
class TrackerProbeData(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val tile_id = Bits(width = conf.tile_id_bits)
class TrackerProbeData(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val tile_id = Bits(width = conf.ln.idBits)
class TrackerAllocReq(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Bundle {
class TrackerAllocReq(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends Bundle {
val xact_init = new TransactionInit()
val tile_id = Bits(width = conf.tile_id_bits)
val tile_id = Bits(width = conf.ln.idBits)
override def clone = { new TrackerAllocReq().asInstanceOf[this.type] }
@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ class TrackerDependency extends Bundle {
val global_xact_id = Bits(width = GLOBAL_XACT_ID_BITS)
class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component {
class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends Component {
val co =
val io = new Bundle {
val alloc_req = (new FIFOIO) { new TrackerAllocReq }.flip
val p_data = (new PipeIO) { new TrackerProbeData }.flip
val can_alloc = Bool(INPUT)
val xact_finish = Bool(INPUT)
val p_rep_cnt_dec = Bits(INPUT, conf.ntiles)
val p_req_cnt_inc = Bits(INPUT, conf.ntiles)
val tile_incoherent = Bits(INPUT, conf.ntiles)
val p_rep_cnt_dec = Bits(INPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val p_req_cnt_inc = Bits(INPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val tile_incoherent = Bits(INPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val p_rep_data = (new PipeIO) { new ProbeReplyData }.flip
val x_init_data = (new PipeIO) { new TransactionInitData }.flip
val sent_x_rep_ack = Bool(INPUT)
@ -39,18 +39,18 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
val probe_req = (new FIFOIO) { new ProbeRequest }
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val init_tile_id = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.tile_id_bits)
val p_rep_tile_id = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.tile_id_bits)
val init_tile_id = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.idBits)
val p_rep_tile_id = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.idBits)
val tile_xact_id = Bits(OUTPUT, TILE_XACT_ID_BITS)
val sharer_count = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.tile_id_bits+1)
val sharer_count = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.idBits+1)
val x_type = Bits(OUTPUT, X_INIT_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val push_p_req = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val pop_p_rep = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val pop_p_rep_data = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val pop_p_rep_dep = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val pop_x_init = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val pop_x_init_data = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val pop_x_init_dep = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ntiles)
val push_p_req = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val pop_p_rep = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val pop_p_rep_data = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val pop_p_rep_dep = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val pop_x_init = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val pop_x_init_data = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val pop_x_init_dep = Bits(OUTPUT, conf.ln.nTiles)
val send_x_rep_ack = Bool(OUTPUT)
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_idle)
val xact = Reg{ new TransactionInit }
val init_tile_id_ = Reg{ Bits() }
val p_rep_count = if (conf.ntiles == 1) UFix(0) else Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(conf.ntiles)))
val p_req_flags = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles))
val p_rep_count = if (conf.ln.nTiles == 1) UFix(0) else Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(conf.ln.nTiles)))
val p_req_flags = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles))
val p_rep_tile_id_ = Reg{ Bits() }
val x_needs_read = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val x_init_data_needs_write = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
@ -102,16 +102,16 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
val mem_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val mem_cnt_next = mem_cnt + UFix(1)
val mem_cnt_max = ~UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES))
val p_req_initial_flags = Bits(width = conf.ntiles)
val p_req_initial_flags = Bits(width = conf.ln.nTiles)
p_req_initial_flags := Bits(0)
if (conf.ntiles > 1) {
if (conf.ln.nTiles > 1) {
// issue self-probes for uncached read xacts to facilitate I$ coherence
// TODO: this is hackish; figure out how to do it more systematically
val probe_self = co match {
case u: CoherencePolicyWithUncached => u.isUncachedReadTransaction(io.alloc_req.bits.xact_init)
case _ => Bool(false)
val myflag = Mux(probe_self, Bits(0), UFixToOH(io.alloc_req.bits.tile_id(log2Up(conf.ntiles)-1,0)))
val myflag = Mux(probe_self, Bits(0), UFixToOH(io.alloc_req.bits.tile_id(log2Up(conf.ln.nTiles)-1,0)))
p_req_initial_flags := ~(io.tile_incoherent | myflag)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
io.init_tile_id := init_tile_id_
io.p_rep_tile_id := p_rep_tile_id_
io.tile_xact_id := xact.tile_xact_id
io.sharer_count := UFix(conf.ntiles) // TODO: Broadcast only
io.sharer_count := UFix(conf.ln.nTiles) // TODO: Broadcast only
io.x_type := xact.x_type
io.mem_req_cmd.valid := Bool(false)
@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
io.probe_req.bits.p_type := co.getProbeRequestType(xact.x_type, UFix(0))
io.probe_req.bits.global_xact_id := UFix(id)
io.probe_req.bits.addr := xact.addr
io.push_p_req := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.pop_p_rep := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.pop_p_rep_data := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.pop_p_rep_dep := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.pop_x_init := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.pop_x_init_data := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.pop_x_init_dep := Bits(0, width = conf.ntiles)
io.push_p_req := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.pop_p_rep := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.pop_p_rep_data := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.pop_p_rep_dep := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.pop_x_init := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.pop_x_init_data := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.pop_x_init_dep := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.nTiles)
io.send_x_rep_ack := Bool(false)
switch (state) {
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
p_w_mem_cmd_sent := Bool(false)
x_w_mem_cmd_sent := Bool(false)
io.pop_x_init := UFix(1) << io.alloc_req.bits.tile_id
if(conf.ntiles > 1) {
if(conf.ln.nTiles > 1) {
p_rep_count := PopCount(p_req_initial_flags)
state := Mux(p_req_initial_flags.orR, s_probe, s_mem)
} else state := s_mem
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
when(io.p_rep_cnt_dec.orR) {
val dec = PopCount(io.p_rep_cnt_dec)
io.pop_p_rep := io.p_rep_cnt_dec
if(conf.ntiles > 1) p_rep_count := p_rep_count - dec
if(conf.ln.nTiles > 1) p_rep_count := p_rep_count - dec
when(p_rep_count === dec) {
state := s_mem
@ -223,16 +223,16 @@ class XactTracker(id: Int)(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
case class UncoreConfiguration(ntiles: Int, tile_id_bits: Int, co: CoherencePolicy)
case class CoherenceHubConfiguration(co: CoherencePolicy, ln: LogicalNetworkConfiguration)
abstract class CoherenceHub(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component {
abstract class CoherenceHub(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Component with MasterCoherenceAgent {
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec(conf.ntiles) { new ioTileLink }.flip
val tiles = Vec(conf.nTiles) { new TileLink }.flip
val mem = new ioMem
class CoherenceHubNull(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends CoherenceHub
class CoherenceHubNull(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends CoherenceHub()(conf.ln)
val co =[ThreeStateIncoherence]
@ -261,24 +261,24 @@ class CoherenceHubNull(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends CoherenceHub
class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends CoherenceHub
class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: CoherenceHubConfiguration) extends CoherenceHub()(conf.ln)
val co =
val trackerList = (0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS).map(new XactTracker(_))
val busy_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val addr_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=PADDR_BITS-OFFSET_BITS) }
val init_tile_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=conf.tile_id_bits) }
val init_tile_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=conf.ln.idBits) }
val tile_xact_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=TILE_XACT_ID_BITS) }
val x_type_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=X_INIT_TYPE_MAX_BITS) }
val sh_count_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=conf.tile_id_bits) }
val sh_count_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=conf.ln.idBits) }
val send_x_rep_ack_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val do_free_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val p_rep_cnt_dec_arr = VecBuf(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Vec(conf.ntiles){ Bool()} }
val p_req_cnt_inc_arr = VecBuf(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Vec(conf.ntiles){ Bool()} }
val p_rep_cnt_dec_arr = VecBuf(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Vec(conf.ln.nTiles){ Bool()} }
val p_req_cnt_inc_arr = VecBuf(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Vec(conf.ln.nTiles){ Bool()} }
val sent_x_rep_ack_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val p_data_tile_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=conf.tile_id_bits) }
val p_data_tile_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=conf.ln.idBits) }
val p_data_valid_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS) {
@ -299,19 +299,19 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
t.sent_x_rep_ack := sent_x_rep_ack_arr(i)
do_free_arr(i) := Bool(false)
sent_x_rep_ack_arr(i) := Bool(false)
p_data_tile_id_arr(i) := Bits(0, width = conf.tile_id_bits)
p_data_tile_id_arr(i) := Bits(0, width = conf.ln.idBits)
p_data_valid_arr(i) := Bool(false)
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles) {
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles) {
p_rep_cnt_dec_arr(i)(j) := Bool(false)
p_req_cnt_inc_arr(i)(j) := Bool(false)
val p_rep_data_dep_list = List.fill(conf.ntiles)((new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)){new TrackerDependency}) // depth must >= NPRIMARY
val x_init_data_dep_list = List.fill(conf.ntiles)((new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)){new TrackerDependency}) // depth should >= NPRIMARY
val p_rep_data_dep_list = List.fill(conf.ln.nTiles)((new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)){new TrackerDependency}) // depth must >= NPRIMARY
val x_init_data_dep_list = List.fill(conf.ln.nTiles)((new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)){new TrackerDependency}) // depth should >= NPRIMARY
// Free finished transactions
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles ) {
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles ) {
val finish = io.tiles(j).xact_finish
when (finish.valid) {
do_free_arr(finish.bits.global_xact_id) := Bool(true)
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
// Forward memory responses from mem to tile or arbitrate to ack
val mem_idx = io.mem.resp.bits.tag
val ack_idx = PriorityEncoder(send_x_rep_ack_arr.toBits)
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles ) {
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles ) {
val rep = io.tiles(j).xact_rep
rep.bits.x_type := UFix(0)
rep.bits.tile_xact_id := UFix(0)
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(
// Handle probe replies, which may or may not have data
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles ) {
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles ) {
val p_rep = io.tiles(j).probe_rep
val p_rep_data = io.tiles(j).probe_rep_data
val idx = p_rep.bits.global_xact_id
@ -382,10 +382,10 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data.valid := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id).probe_rep_data.valid
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data.bits := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id).probe_rep_data.bits
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data_dep.valid := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id, p_rep_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.valid, (0 until conf.ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.valid))
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data_dep.bits := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id, p_rep_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.bits, (0 until conf.ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.bits))
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data_dep.valid := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id, p_rep_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.valid, (0 until conf.ln.nTiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.valid))
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data_dep.bits := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id, p_rep_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.bits, (0 until conf.ln.nTiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.bits))
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles) {
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles) {
val p_rep = io.tiles(j).probe_rep
p_rep_cnt_dec_arr(i)(j) := p_rep.valid && (p_rep.bits.global_xact_id === UFix(i))
@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
// Nack conflicting transaction init attempts
val s_idle :: s_abort_drain :: s_abort_send :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val abort_state_arr = Vec(conf.ntiles) { Reg(resetVal = s_idle) }
val want_to_abort_arr = Vec(conf.ntiles) { Bool() }
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles ) {
val abort_state_arr = Vec(conf.ln.nTiles) { Reg(resetVal = s_idle) }
val want_to_abort_arr = Vec(conf.ln.nTiles) { Bool() }
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles ) {
val x_init = io.tiles(j).xact_init
val x_init_data = io.tiles(j).xact_init_data
val x_abort = io.tiles(j).xact_abort
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
// Only one allocation per cycle
// Init requests may or may not have data
val alloc_arb = (new Arbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { Bool() }
val init_arb = (new Arbiter(conf.ntiles)) { new TrackerAllocReq }
val init_arb = (new Arbiter(conf.ln.nTiles)) { new TrackerAllocReq }
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS ) {
|||| := !trackerList(i).io.busy
trackerList(i).io.can_alloc :=
@ -449,10 +449,10 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data.bits := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id).xact_init_data.bits
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data.valid := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id).xact_init_data.valid
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data_dep.bits := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id, x_init_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.bits, (0 until conf.ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.bits))
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data_dep.valid := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id, x_init_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.valid, (0 until conf.ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.valid))
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data_dep.bits := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id, x_init_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.bits, (0 until conf.ln.nTiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.bits))
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data_dep.valid := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id, x_init_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.valid, (0 until conf.ln.nTiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.valid))
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles ) {
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles ) {
val x_init = io.tiles(j).xact_init
val x_init_data = io.tiles(j).xact_init_data
val x_init_data_dep = x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq
@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ class CoherenceHubBroadcast(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Coherenc
// Handle probe request generation
// Must arbitrate for each request port
val p_req_arb_arr = List.fill(conf.ntiles)((new Arbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { new ProbeRequest() })
for( j <- 0 until conf.ntiles ) {
val p_req_arb_arr = List.fill(conf.ln.nTiles)((new Arbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { new ProbeRequest() })
for( j <- 0 until conf.ln.nTiles ) {
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS ) {
val t = trackerList(i).io
p_req_arb_arr(j) := t.probe_req.bits
Reference in New Issue
Block a user