Guarantee one-hotness of BTB entries

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Waterman 2016-07-06 15:54:33 -07:00
parent c0e6ecebfc
commit 35a983275e

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@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
val tgts = Reg(Vec(entries, UInt(width=matchBits)))
val tgtPages = Reg(Vec(entries, UInt(width=log2Up(nPages))))
val pages = Reg(Vec(nPages, UInt(width=vaddrBits-matchBits)))
val pageValid = Reg(init = UInt(0, nPages))
val idxPagesOH = idxPages.map(UIntToOH(_)(nPages-1,0))
val tgtPagesOH = tgtPages.map(UIntToOH(_)(nPages-1,0))
@ -157,12 +158,12 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
private def page(addr: UInt) = addr >> matchBits
private def pageMatch(addr: UInt) = {
val p = page(addr)
pages.map(_ === p).toBits
pageValid & pages.map(_ === p).toBits
private def tagMatch(addr: UInt, pgMatch: UInt) = {
val idxMatch = idxs.map(_ === addr(matchBits-1,0))
val idxPageMatch = idxPagesOH.map(_ & pgMatch).map(_.orR)
(idxPageMatch zip idxMatch) map { case (p, i) => p && i }
val idxMatch = idxs.map(_ === addr(matchBits-1,0)).toBits
val idxPageMatch = idxPagesOH.map(_ & pgMatch).map(_.orR).toBits
idxMatch & idxPageMatch
val r_btb_update = Pipe(io.btb_update)
@ -172,16 +173,20 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
val hitsVec = tagMatch(io.req.bits.addr, pageHit)
val hits = hitsVec.toBits
val updatePageHit = pageMatch(r_btb_update.bits.pc)
val updateHits = tagMatch(r_btb_update.bits.pc, updatePageHit)
val updateHit = r_btb_update.bits.prediction.valid
val nextRepl = Reg(UInt(width = log2Ceil(entries)))
when (r_btb_update.valid && !updateHit) { nextRepl := Mux(nextRepl === entries-1 && Bool(!isPow2(entries)), 0, nextRepl + 1) }
val nextPageRepl = Reg(UInt(width = log2Ceil(nPages)))
val updateHits = tagMatch(r_btb_update.bits.pc, updatePageHit)
val updateHit = if (updatesOutOfOrder) updateHits.orR else r_btb_update.bits.prediction.valid
val updateHitAddr = if (updatesOutOfOrder) OHToUInt(updateHits) else r_btb_update.bits.prediction.bits.entry
// guarantee one-hotness of idx after reset
val resetting = Reg(init = Bool(true))
val (nextRepl, wrap) = Counter(resetting || (r_btb_update.valid && !updateHit), entries)
when (wrap) { resetting := false }
val useUpdatePageHit = updatePageHit.orR
val usePageHit = pageHit.orR
val doIdxPageRepl = !useUpdatePageHit
val nextPageRepl = Reg(UInt(width = log2Ceil(nPages)))
val idxPageRepl = Mux(usePageHit, Cat(pageHit(nPages-2,0), pageHit(nPages-1)), UIntToOH(nextPageRepl))
val idxPageUpdateOH = Mux(useUpdatePageHit, updatePageHit, idxPageRepl)
val idxPageUpdate = OHToUInt(idxPageUpdateOH)
@ -199,18 +204,15 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
nextPageRepl := Mux(next >= nPages, next(0), next)
when (r_btb_update.valid) {
assert(io.req.bits.addr === r_btb_update.bits.target, "BTB request != I$ target")
when (r_btb_update.valid || resetting) {
assert(resetting || io.req.bits.addr === r_btb_update.bits.target, "BTB request != I$ target")
val waddr =
if (updatesOutOfOrder) Mux(updateHits.reduce(_|_), OHToUInt(updateHits), nextRepl)
else Mux(updateHit, r_btb_update.bits.prediction.bits.entry, nextRepl)
idxs(waddr) := r_btb_update.bits.pc
val waddr = Mux(updateHit && !resetting, updateHitAddr, nextRepl)
val mask = UIntToOH(waddr)
idxs(waddr) := Mux(resetting, Cat(r_btb_update.bits.pc >> log2Ceil(entries), nextRepl), r_btb_update.bits.pc)
tgts(waddr) := update_target
idxPages(waddr) := idxPageUpdate
tgtPages(waddr) := tgtPageUpdate
val mask = UIntToOH(waddr)
useRAS := Mux(r_btb_update.bits.isReturn, useRAS | mask, useRAS & ~mask)
isJump := Mux(r_btb_update.bits.isJump, isJump | mask, isJump & ~mask)
if (fetchWidth > 1)
@ -227,6 +229,7 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
Mux(idxWritesEven, page(r_btb_update.bits.pc), page(update_target)))
writeBank(1, 2, Mux(idxWritesEven, tgtPageReplEn, idxPageReplEn),
Mux(idxWritesEven, page(update_target), page(r_btb_update.bits.pc)))
pageValid := pageValid | tgtPageReplEn | idxPageReplEn
io.resp.valid := hits.orR