Front/SystemBus: allow naming the intermediate TLNodes that get sprinkled in
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,8 +20,12 @@ case object FrontBusParams extends Field[FrontBusParams]
class FrontBus(params: FrontBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWrapper(params) {
def fromSyncMasters(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, buffers: Int = 1): TLInwardNode = {
def fromSyncMasters(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, buffers: Int = 1, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode =
fromSyncPorts(params, buffers, name)
def fromSyncPorts(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, buffers: Int = 1, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode = {
val buf = List.fill(buffers)(LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params)))
name.foreach { n => buf.zipWithIndex foreach {case (b, i) => b.suggestName(s"FrontBus_${n}_${i}_TLBuffer")}}
for(i<-1 until buffers) {
buf(i).node :=* buf(i-1).node
@ -29,18 +33,8 @@ class FrontBus(params: FrontBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWrap
if(buffers>0) buf(0).node else inwardNode
def fromSyncPorts(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, buffers: Int = 1): TLInwardNode = {
val buf = List.fill(buffers)(LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params)))
for(i<-1 until buffers) {
buf(i).node :=* buf(i-1).node
inwardNode :=* buf(buffers-1).node
if(buffers>0) buf(0).node else inwardNode
def fromSyncFIFOMaster(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, buffers: Int = 1): TLInwardNode = fromSyncPorts(params, buffers)
def fromSyncFIFOMaster(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, buffers: Int = 1, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode =
fromSyncPorts(params, buffers, name)
def toSystemBus : TLOutwardNode = outwardBufNode
@ -52,27 +52,30 @@ class SystemBus(params: SystemBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWr
def fromCoherentChip: TLInwardNode = inwardNode
def fromSyncTiles(params: BufferParams): TLInwardNode = {
def fromSyncTiles(params: BufferParams, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode = {
val buf = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params))
name.foreach{n => buf.suggestName(s"SystemBus_${n}_TLBuffer")}
tile_fixer.node :=* buf.node
def fromRationalTiles(dir: RationalDirection): TLRationalInwardNode = {
def fromRationalTiles(dir: RationalDirection, name: Option[String] = None): TLRationalInwardNode = {
val sink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction = dir))
name.foreach{n => sink.suggestName(s"SystemBus_${n}_TLRationalCrossingSink")}
tile_fixer.node :=* sink.node
def fromAsyncTiles(depth: Int, sync: Int): TLAsyncInwardNode = {
def fromAsyncTiles(depth: Int, sync: Int, name: Option[String] = None): TLAsyncInwardNode = {
val sink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
name.foreach{n => sink.suggestName(s"SystemBus_${n}_TLAsyncCrossingSink")}
tile_fixer.node :=* sink.node
def fromSyncPorts(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode = {
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params))
name.foreach{ n => buffer.suggestName(s"${n}_TLBuffer") }
name.foreach{ n => buffer.suggestName(s"SystemBus_${n}_TLBuffer") }
port_fixer.node :=* buffer.node
@ -81,21 +84,23 @@ class SystemBus(params: SystemBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWr
fromSyncPorts(params, name)
def fromAsyncPorts(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3): TLAsyncInwardNode = {
def fromAsyncPorts(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3, name : Option[String] = None): TLAsyncInwardNode = {
val sink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
name.foreach{ n => sink.suggestName(s"SystemBus_${n}_TLAsyncCrossingSink") }
port_fixer.node :=* sink.node
def fromAsyncFIFOMaster(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3): TLAsyncInwardNode = fromAsyncPorts(depth, sync)
def fromAsyncFIFOMaster(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3, name: Option[String] = None): TLAsyncInwardNode = fromAsyncPorts(depth, sync, name)
def fromRationalPorts(dir: RationalDirection): TLRationalInwardNode = {
def fromRationalPorts(dir: RationalDirection, name: Option[String] = None): TLRationalInwardNode = {
val sink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(dir))
name.foreach{ n => sink.suggestName(s"SystemBus_${n}_TLRationalCrossingSink") }
port_fixer.node :=* sink.node
def fromRationalFIFOMaster(dir: RationalDirection): TLRationalInwardNode = fromRationalPorts(dir)
def fromRationalFIFOMaster(dir: RationalDirection, name: Option[String] = None): TLRationalInwardNode = fromRationalPorts(dir, name)
/** Provides buses that serve as attachment points,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user