rocketchip: re-add AXI4 interface

This commit is contained in:
Wesley W. Terpstra 2016-11-22 16:58:24 -08:00
parent c230580157
commit 13190a5de0
7 changed files with 82 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -12,32 +12,59 @@ import rocket._
trait L2MasterPort extends CoreplexNetwork
val module: L2MasterPortModule
val l2in = TLInputNode()
l1tol2.node := l2in
trait L2MasterPortBundle extends CoreplexNetworkBundle
val outer: L2MasterPort
val l2in = outer.l2in.bundleIn
trait L2MasterPortModule extends CoreplexNetworkModule
val outer: L2MasterPort
val io: L2MasterPortBundle
class DefaultCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
with CoreplexRISCVPlatform
with L2MasterPort
with RocketTiles {
override lazy val module = new DefaultCoreplexModule(this, () => new DefaultCoreplexBundle(this))
class DefaultCoreplexBundle[+L <: DefaultCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BaseCoreplexBundle(_outer)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle
with L2MasterPortBundle
with RocketTilesBundle
class DefaultCoreplexModule[+L <: DefaultCoreplex, +B <: DefaultCoreplexBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BaseCoreplexModule(_outer, _io)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule
with L2MasterPortModule
with RocketTilesModule
class MultiClockCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
with CoreplexRISCVPlatform
with L2MasterPort
with AsyncRocketTiles {
override lazy val module = new MultiClockCoreplexModule(this, () => new MultiClockCoreplexBundle(this))
class MultiClockCoreplexBundle[+L <: MultiClockCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BaseCoreplexBundle(_outer)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformBundle
with L2MasterPortBundle
with AsyncRocketTilesBundle
class MultiClockCoreplexModule[+L <: MultiClockCoreplex, +B <: MultiClockCoreplexBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BaseCoreplexModule(_outer, _io)
with CoreplexRISCVPlatformModule
with L2MasterPortModule
with AsyncRocketTilesModule

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@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class TestHarness(q: Parameters) extends Module {
if (dut.io.mem_axi4.nonEmpty) {
val memSize = p(ExtMem).size
require(memSize % dut.io.mem_axi4.size == 0)
for (axi <- dut.io.mem_axi4) {
Module(LazyModule(new SimAXIMem(memSize / dut.io.mem_axi4.size)).module).io.axi <> axi
for (axi4 <- dut.io.mem_axi4) {
Module(LazyModule(new SimAXIMem(memSize / dut.io.mem_axi4.size)).module).io.axi4 <> axi4

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@ -67,3 +67,13 @@ class BaseTopBundle[+L <: BaseTop](_outer: L) extends BareTopBundle(_outer)
class BaseTopModule[+L <: BaseTop, +B <: BaseTopBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BareTopModule(_outer, _io)
with TopNetworkModule
trait L2Crossbar extends TopNetwork {
val l2 = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
trait L2CrossbarBundle extends TopNetworkBundle {
trait L2CrossbarModule extends TopNetworkModule {

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@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import rocketchip._
abstract class ExampleTop(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTop
with PeripheryExtInterrupts
with PeripheryMasterAXI4Mem
with PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO {
with PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO
with PeripherySlaveAXI4 {
override lazy val module = new ExampleTopModule(this, () => new ExampleTopBundle(this))
@ -19,11 +20,13 @@ class ExampleTopBundle[+L <: ExampleTop](_outer: L) extends BaseTopBundle(_outer
with PeripheryExtInterruptsBundle
with PeripheryMasterAXI4MemBundle
with PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOBundle
with PeripherySlaveAXI4Bundle
class ExampleTopModule[+L <: ExampleTop, +B <: ExampleTopBundle[L]](_outer: L, _io: () => B) extends BaseTopModule(_outer, _io)
with PeripheryExtInterruptsModule
with PeripheryMasterAXI4MemModule
with PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOModule
with PeripherySlaveAXI4Module
class ExampleRocketTop(implicit p: Parameters) extends ExampleTop
with PeripheryBootROM

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOBundle {
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO
} =>
val mmio_axi = outer.mmio_axi4.bundleOut
val mmio_axi4 = outer.mmio_axi4.bundleOut
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOModule {
@ -153,6 +153,29 @@ trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOModule {
// PeripherySlaveAXI4 is an example, make your own cake pattern like this one.
trait PeripherySlaveAXI4 extends L2Crossbar {
private val idBits = 8
val l2_axi4 = AXI4BlindInputNode(AXI4MasterPortParameters(
masters = Seq(AXI4MasterParameters(
id = IdRange(0, 1 << idBits)))))
l2.node := AXI4ToTL()(AXI4Fragmenter()(l2_axi4))
trait PeripherySlaveAXI4Bundle extends L2CrossbarBundle {
val outer: PeripherySlaveAXI4
val l2_axi4 = outer.l2_axi4.bundleIn
trait PeripherySlaveAXI4Module extends L2CrossbarModule {
val outer: PeripherySlaveAXI4
val io: PeripherySlaveAXI4Bundle
// nothing to do
trait PeripheryBootROM {
this: TopNetwork =>
val coreplex: CoreplexRISCVPlatform

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@ -10,22 +10,23 @@ import uncore.devices._
import util._
import coreplex._
trait RocketPlexMaster extends TopNetwork {
trait RocketPlexMaster extends L2Crossbar {
val module: RocketPlexMasterModule
val mem: Seq[TLInwardNode]
val coreplex = LazyModule(new DefaultCoreplex)
coreplex.l2in := l2.node
socBus.node := coreplex.mmio
coreplex.mmioInt := intBus.intnode
(mem zip coreplex.mem) foreach { case (m, c) => m := c }
trait RocketPlexMasterBundle extends TopNetworkBundle {
trait RocketPlexMasterBundle extends L2CrossbarBundle {
val outer: RocketPlexMaster
trait RocketPlexMasterModule extends TopNetworkModule {
trait RocketPlexMasterModule extends L2CrossbarModule {
val outer: RocketPlexMaster
val io: RocketPlexMasterBundle

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@ -22,15 +22,22 @@ class TestHarness(q: Parameters) extends Module {
if (dut.io.mem_axi4.nonEmpty) {
val memSize = p(ExtMem).size
require(memSize % dut.io.mem_axi4.size == 0)
for (axi <- dut.io.mem_axi4) {
Module(LazyModule(new SimAXIMem(memSize / dut.io.mem_axi4.size)).module).io.axi <> axi
for (axi4 <- dut.io.mem_axi4) {
Module(LazyModule(new SimAXIMem(memSize / dut.io.mem_axi4.size)).module).io.axi4 <> axi4
val dtm = Module(new SimDTM).connect(clock, reset, dut.io.debug, io.success)
val mmio_sim = Module(LazyModule(new SimAXIMem(4096)).module)
mmio_sim.io.axi <> dut.io.mmio_axi
mmio_sim.io.axi4 <> dut.io.mmio_axi4
val l2_axi4 = dut.io.l2_axi4(0)
l2_axi4.ar.valid := Bool(false)
l2_axi4.aw.valid := Bool(false)
l2_axi4.w .valid := Bool(false)
l2_axi4.r .ready := Bool(true)
l2_axi4.b .ready := Bool(true)
class SimAXIMem(size: BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
@ -42,7 +49,7 @@ class SimAXIMem(size: BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val axi = node.bundleIn
val axi4 = node.bundleIn