diplomacy: improve PMA circuit QoR
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class TLB(lgMaxSize: Int, nEntries: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters
pmp.io.prv := Mux(Bool(usingVM) && (do_refill || io.req.bits.passthrough /* PTW */), PRV.S, priv)
val legal_address = edge.manager.findSafe(mpu_physaddr).reduce(_||_)
def fastCheck(member: TLManagerParameters => Boolean) =
legal_address && Mux1H(edge.manager.findFast(mpu_physaddr), edge.manager.managers.map(m => Bool(member(m))))
legal_address && edge.manager.fastProperty(mpu_physaddr, member, (b:Boolean) => Bool(b))
val cacheable = fastCheck(_.supportsAcquireB)
val prot_r = fastCheck(_.supportsGet) && pmp.io.r
val prot_w = fastCheck(_.supportsPutFull) && pmp.io.w
@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ case class APBSlavePortParameters(
val maxAddress = slaves.map(_.maxAddress).max
lazy val routingMask = AddressDecoder(slaves.map(_.address))
def findSafe(address: UInt) = Vec(slaves.map(_.address.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
def findFast(address: UInt) = Vec(slaves.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// Require disjoint ranges for addresses
slaves.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x,y) =>
x.address.foreach { a => y.address.foreach { b =>
@ -72,9 +72,12 @@ class AXI4Fragmenter()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val hi = addr >> lgBytes
val alignment = hi(AXI4Parameters.lenBits-1,0)
val allSame = supportedSizes1.filter(_ >= 0).distinct.size <= 1
val dynamic1 = Mux1H(slave.findFast(addr), supportedSizes1.map(s => UInt(max(0, s))))
val fixed1 = UInt(supportedSizes1.filter(_ >= 0).headOption.getOrElse(0))
// We don't care about illegal addresses; bursts or no bursts... whatever circuit is simpler (AXI4ToTL will fix it)
val sizes1 = (supportedSizes1 zip slave.slaves.map(_.address)).filter(_._1 >= 0).groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.flatMap(_._2))
val reductionMask = AddressDecoder(sizes1.values.toList)
val support1 = Mux1H(sizes1.toList.map { case (v, a) => // maximum supported size-1 based on target address
(AddressSet.unify(a.map(_.widen(~reductionMask)).distinct).map(_.contains(addr)).reduce(_||_), UInt(v))
/* We need to compute the largest transfer allowed by the AXI len.
* len+1 is the number of beats to execute.
@ -86,7 +89,6 @@ class AXI4Fragmenter()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val wipeHigh = ~leftOR(~len) // clear all bits in position >= a cleared bit
val remain1 = fillLow | wipeHigh // MSB(a.len+1)-1
val align1 = ~leftOR(alignment) // transfer size limited by address alignment
val support1 = if (allSame) fixed1 else dynamic1 // maximum supported size-1 based on target address
val maxSupported1 = remain1 & align1 & support1 // Take the minimum of all the limits
// Things that cause us to degenerate to a single beat
@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ case class AXI4SlavePortParameters(
require (maxTransfer <= limit,
s"maxTransfer ($maxTransfer) cannot be larger than $limit on a $beatBytes*8 width bus")
lazy val routingMask = AddressDecoder(slaves.map(_.address))
def findSafe(address: UInt) = Vec(slaves.map(_.address.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
def findFast(address: UInt) = Vec(slaves.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// Require disjoint ranges for addresses
slaves.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x,y) =>
x.address.foreach { a => y.address.foreach { b =>
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class TLAtomicAutomata(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, conc
// Don't overprovision the CAM
val camSize = min(domainsNeedingHelp.size, concurrency)
// Compact the fifoIds to only those we care about
val camFifoIds = managers.map(m => UInt(m.fifoId.map(id => max(0, domainsNeedingHelp.indexOf(id))).getOrElse(0)))
def camFifoId(m: TLManagerParameters) = m.fifoId.map(id => max(0, domainsNeedingHelp.indexOf(id))).getOrElse(0)
// CAM entry state machine
val FREE = UInt(0) // unused waiting on Atomic from A
@ -65,11 +65,6 @@ class TLAtomicAutomata(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, conc
val AMO = UInt(2) // AccessDataAck sent up D waiting for A availability
val ACK = UInt(1) // Put sent down A waiting for PutAck from D
def helper(select: Seq[Bool], x: Seq[TransferSizes], lgSize: UInt) =
if (!passthrough) Bool(false) else
if (x.map(_ == x(0)).reduce(_ && _)) x(0).containsLg(lgSize) else
Mux1H(select, x.map(_.containsLg(lgSize)))
val params = TLAtomicAutomata.CAMParams(out.a.bits.params, domainsNeedingHelp.size)
// Do we need to do anything at all?
if (camSize > 0) {
@ -85,10 +80,10 @@ class TLAtomicAutomata(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, conc
val cam_dmatch = cam_s.map(e => e.state =/= FREE) // D should inspect these entries
// Can the manager already handle this message?
val a_address = edgeIn.address(in.a.bits)
val a_size = edgeIn.size(in.a.bits)
val a_select = edgeOut.manager.findFast(edgeIn.address(in.a.bits))
val a_canLogical = helper(a_select, managers.map(_.supportsLogical), a_size)
val a_canArithmetic = helper(a_select, managers.map(_.supportsArithmetic), a_size)
val a_canLogical = Bool(passthrough) && edgeOut.manager.supportsLogicalFast (a_address, a_size)
val a_canArithmetic = Bool(passthrough) && edgeOut.manager.supportsArithmeticFast(a_address, a_size)
val a_isLogical = in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData
val a_isArithmetic = in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData
val a_isSupported = Mux(a_isLogical, a_canLogical, Mux(a_isArithmetic, a_canArithmetic, Bool(true)))
@ -103,7 +98,7 @@ class TLAtomicAutomata(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, conc
val a_d = a_cam_d.data
// Does the A request conflict with an inflight AMO?
val a_fifoId = Mux1H(a_select, camFifoIds)
val a_fifoId = edgeOut.manager.fastProperty(a_address, camFifoId _, (i:Int) => UInt(i))
val a_cam_busy = (cam_abusy zip cam_a.map(_.fifoId === a_fifoId)) map { case (a,b) => a&&b } reduce (_||_)
// (Where) are we are allocating in the CAM?
@ -101,20 +101,30 @@ case class TLManagerPortParameters(
val anySupportPutPartial = managers.map(!_.supportsPutPartial.none).reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportHint = managers.map(!_.supportsHint.none) .reduce(_ || _)
// Which bits suffice to distinguish between all managers
lazy val routingMask = AddressDecoder(managers.map(_.address))
// These return Option[TLManagerParameters] for your convenience
def find(address: BigInt) = managers.find(_.address.exists(_.contains(address)))
// The safe version will check the entire address
def findSafe(address: UInt) = Vec(managers.map(_.address.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// The fast version assumes the address is valid
def findFast(address: UInt) = Vec(managers.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// The fast version assumes the address is valid (you probably want fastProperty instead of this function)
def findFast(address: UInt) = {
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(managers.map(_.address))
Vec(managers.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// Compute the simplest AddressSets that decide a key
def fastPropertyGroup[K](p: TLManagerParameters => K): Map[K, Seq[AddressSet]] = {
val groups = managers.map(m => (p(m), m.address)).groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.flatMap(_._2))
val reductionMask = AddressDecoder(groups.values.toList)
groups.mapValues(seq => AddressSet.unify(seq.map(_.widen(~reductionMask)).distinct))
// Select a property
def fastProperty[K, D <: Data](address: UInt, p: TLManagerParameters => K, d: K => D): D =
Mux1H(fastPropertyGroup(p).map { case (v, a) => (a.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_||_), d(v)) })
// Note: returns the actual fifoId + 1 or 0 if None
def findFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), managers.map(m => UInt(m.fifoId.map(_+1).getOrElse(0))))
def hasFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), managers.map(m => Bool(m.fifoId.isDefined)))
def findFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = fastProperty(address, _.fifoId.map(_+1).getOrElse(0), (i:Int) => UInt(i))
def hasFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = fastProperty(address, _.fifoId.isDefined, (b:Boolean) => Bool(b))
// Does this Port manage this ID/address?
def containsSafe(address: UInt) = findSafe(address).reduce(_ || _)
Reference in New Issue
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