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2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.devices
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
import cde.Parameters
class GatewayPLICIO extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool(OUTPUT)
val ready = Bool(INPUT)
val complete = Bool(INPUT)
class LevelGateway extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupt = Bool(INPUT)
val plic = new GatewayPLICIO
val inFlight = Reg(init=Bool(false))
when (io.interrupt && io.plic.ready) { inFlight := true }
when (io.plic.complete) { inFlight := false }
io.plic.valid := io.interrupt && !inFlight
case class PLICConfig(nHartsIn: Int, supervisor: Boolean, nDevices: Int, nPriorities: Int) {
def contextsPerHart = if (supervisor) 2 else 1
def nHarts = contextsPerHart * nHartsIn
def context(i: Int, mode: Char) = mode match {
case 'M' => i * contextsPerHart
case 'S' => require(supervisor); i * contextsPerHart + 1
def claimAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = hartBase + hartOffset(context(i, mode)) + claimOffset
def threshAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = hartBase + hartOffset(context(i, mode))
def enableAddr(i: Int, mode: Char) = enableBase + enableOffset(context(i, mode))
def size = hartBase + hartOffset(maxHarts)
def maxDevices = 1023
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
def maxHarts = 15872
def pendingBase = 0x1000
def enableBase = 0x2000
def hartBase = 0x200000
require(hartBase >= enableBase + enableOffset(maxHarts))
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
def enableOffset(i: Int) = i * ((maxDevices+7)/8)
def hartOffset(i: Int) = i * 0x1000
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
def claimOffset = 4
def priorityBytes = 4
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
require(nDevices <= maxDevices)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
require(nHarts > 0 && nHarts <= maxHarts)
require(nPriorities >= 0 && nPriorities <= nDevices)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
/** Platform-Level Interrupt Controller */
class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val devices = Vec(cfg.nDevices, new GatewayPLICIO).flip
val harts = Vec(cfg.nHarts, Bool()).asOutput
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val priority =
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) Reg(Vec(cfg.nDevices+1, UInt(width=log2Up(cfg.nPriorities+1))))
else Wire(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nDevices+1)(UInt(1)))
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val threshold =
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) Reg(Vec(cfg.nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(cfg.nPriorities+1))))
else Wire(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nHarts)(UInt(0)))
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
val pending = Reg(init=Vec.fill(cfg.nDevices+1){Bool(false)})
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val enables = Reg(Vec(cfg.nHarts, Vec(cfg.nDevices+1, Bool())))
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
for ((p, g) <- pending.tail zip io.devices) {
g.ready := !p
g.complete := false
when (g.valid) { p := true }
def findMax(x: Seq[UInt]): (UInt, UInt) = {
if (x.length > 1) {
val half = 1 << (log2Ceil(x.length) - 1)
val lMax = findMax(x take half)
val rMax = findMax(x drop half)
val useLeft = lMax._1 >= rMax._1
(Mux(useLeft, lMax._1, rMax._1), Mux(useLeft, lMax._2, UInt(half) + rMax._2))
} else (x.head, UInt(0))
val maxDevs = Wire(Vec(cfg.nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(pending.size))))
for (hart <- 0 until cfg.nHarts) {
val effectivePriority =
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
for (((p, en), pri) <- (pending zip enables(hart) zip priority).tail)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
yield Cat(p && en, pri)
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val (maxPri, maxDev) = findMax((UInt(1) << priority(0).getWidth) +: effectivePriority)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
2016-05-10 23:15:47 +02:00
maxDevs(hart) := Reg(next = maxDev)
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
io.harts(hart) := Reg(next = maxPri) > Cat(UInt(1), threshold(hart))
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
val acq = Queue(io.tl.acquire, 1)
2016-06-02 22:47:59 +02:00
val read = acq.fire() && acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)
val write = acq.fire() && acq.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType)
assert(!acq.fire() || read || write, "unsupported PLIC operation")
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
val addr = acq.bits.full_addr()(log2Up(cfg.size)-1,0)
val claimant =
if (cfg.nHarts == 1) UInt(0)
else (addr - cfg.hartBase)(log2Up(cfg.hartOffset(cfg.nHarts))-1,log2Up(cfg.hartOffset(1)))
val hart = Wire(init = claimant)
val myMaxDev = maxDevs(claimant)
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val myEnables = enables(hart)
val rdata = Wire(init = UInt(0, tlDataBits))
2016-05-10 23:15:47 +02:00
val masked_wdata = (acq.bits.data & acq.bits.full_wmask()) | (rdata & ~acq.bits.full_wmask())
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
if (cfg.nDevices > 0) when (addr >= cfg.hartBase) {
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val word =
if (tlDataBytes > cfg.claimOffset) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up(cfg.claimOffset),log2Up(tlDataBytes))
rdata := Cat(myMaxDev, UInt(0, 8*cfg.priorityBytes-threshold(0).getWidth), threshold(claimant)) >> (word * tlDataBits)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
when (read && addr(log2Ceil(cfg.claimOffset))) {
pending(myMaxDev) := false
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
when (write) {
when (if (tlDataBytes > cfg.claimOffset) acq.bits.wmask()(cfg.claimOffset) else addr(log2Ceil(cfg.claimOffset))) {
val dev = (acq.bits.data >> ((8 * cfg.claimOffset) % tlDataBits))(log2Up(pending.size)-1,0)
when (myEnables(dev)) { io.devices(dev-1).complete := true }
}.otherwise {
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) threshold(claimant) := acq.bits.data
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
}.elsewhen (addr >= cfg.enableBase) {
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val enableHart =
if (cfg.nHarts > 1) (addr - cfg.enableBase)(log2Up(cfg.enableOffset(cfg.nHarts))-1,log2Up(cfg.enableOffset(1)))
else UInt(0)
hart := enableHart
val word =
if (tlDataBits >= myEnables.size) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Ceil((myEnables.size-1)/tlDataBits+1)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
for (i <- 0 until myEnables.size by tlDataBits) {
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
when (word === i/tlDataBits) {
rdata := Cat(myEnables.slice(i, i + tlDataBits).reverse)
for (j <- 0 until (tlDataBits min (myEnables.size - i))) {
when (write) { enables(enableHart)(i+j) := masked_wdata(j) }
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
}.elsewhen (addr >= cfg.pendingBase) {
val word =
if (tlDataBytes >= pending.size) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up(pending.size)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
rdata := pending.asUInt >> (word * tlDataBits)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
}.otherwise {
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
val regsPerBeat = tlDataBytes >> log2Up(cfg.priorityBytes)
val word =
if (regsPerBeat >= priority.size) UInt(0)
else addr(log2Up(priority.size*cfg.priorityBytes)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes))
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
for (i <- 0 until priority.size by regsPerBeat) {
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
when (word === i/regsPerBeat) {
rdata := Cat(priority.slice(i, i + regsPerBeat).map(p => Cat(UInt(0, 8*cfg.priorityBytes-p.getWidth), p)).reverse)
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
for (j <- 0 until (regsPerBeat min (priority.size - i))) {
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
if (cfg.nPriorities > 0) when (write) { priority(i+j) := masked_wdata >> (j * 8 * cfg.priorityBytes) }
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
priority(0) := 0
pending(0) := false
2016-06-06 05:33:51 +02:00
for (e <- enables)
e(0) := false
2016-05-10 09:25:13 +02:00
io.tl.grant.valid := acq.valid
acq.ready := io.tl.grant.ready
io.tl.grant.bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = acq.bits.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = acq.bits.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = UInt(0),
data = rdata)