Improve PLIC QoR

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Andrew Waterman 2016-05-10 14:15:47 -07:00
parent e15e9c5085
commit 533b229175

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@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
val maxDevs = Wire(Vec(cfg.nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(pending.size))))
for (hart <- 0 until cfg.nHarts) {
val effectivePriority =
for (((p, en), pri) <- pending zip enables(hart).toBools zip priority)
for (((p, en), pri) <- (pending zip enables(hart).toBools zip priority).tail)
yield Cat(p && en, pri)
val (maxPri, maxDev) = findMax(effectivePriority)
val (_, maxDev) = findMax(Cat(UInt(1), threshold(hart)) +: effectivePriority)
io.harts(hart) := Reg(next = maxPri > Cat(UInt(1), threshold(hart)))
maxDevs(hart) := maxDev
maxDevs(hart) := Reg(next = maxDev)
io.harts(hart) := maxDevs(hart) =/= 0
val acq = Queue(io.tl.acquire, 1)
@ -105,14 +105,11 @@ class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
else (addr - cfg.hartBase)(log2Up(cfg.hartOffset(cfg.nHarts))-1,log2Up(cfg.hartOffset(1)))
val hart = Wire(init = claimant)
val myMaxDev = maxDevs(claimant) + UInt(0) // XXX FIRRTL bug w/o the + UInt(0)
val myThresh = Cat(UInt(0, 16-threshold(0).getWidth), threshold(claimant))
val myEnables = enables(hart) >> 1 << 1
val rdata_fast = Wire(init = myEnables)
val rdata = Wire(init = rdata_fast)
val masked_wdata = (acq.bits.data & acq.bits.full_wmask()) | (rdata_fast & ~acq.bits.full_wmask())
val rdata = Wire(init = Cat(myMaxDev, UInt(0, 16-threshold(0).getWidth), threshold(claimant)))
val masked_wdata = (acq.bits.data & acq.bits.full_wmask()) | (rdata & ~acq.bits.full_wmask())
when (addr >= cfg.hartBase) {
rdata := Cat(myMaxDev, myThresh)
when (read && addr(log2Ceil(cfg.claimOffset))) {
pending(myMaxDev) := false
}.elsewhen (write && acq.bits.wmask()(cfg.claimOffset)) {
@ -123,6 +120,7 @@ class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
when (write) { threshold(claimant) := thresh }
}.elsewhen (addr >= cfg.enableBase) {
rdata := myEnables
if (cfg.nHarts > 1)
hart := (addr - cfg.enableBase)(log2Up(cfg.enableOffset(cfg.nHarts))-1,log2Up(cfg.enableOffset(1)))
require(enables.size <= tlDataBits) // TODO this can be relaxed
@ -133,7 +131,7 @@ class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
if (tlDataBytes >= pending.size) Bool(true)
else addr(log2Up(pending.size)-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes)) === i/tlDataBytes
when (cond) {
rdata_fast := Cat(pending.slice(i, i + tlDataBytes).map(p => Cat(UInt(0, 7), p)).reverse)
rdata := Cat(pending.slice(i, i + tlDataBytes).map(p => Cat(UInt(0, 7), p)).reverse)
for (j <- 0 until (tlDataBytes min (pending.size - i))) {
when (write) { pending(i+j) := masked_wdata(j * 8) }
@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ class PLIC(val cfg: PLICConfig)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
if (regsPerBeat >= priority.size) Bool(true)
else addr(log2Up(priority.size)+regAddrBits-1,log2Up(tlDataBytes)) === i/regsPerBeat
when (cond) {
rdata_fast := Cat(priority.slice(i, i + regsPerBeat).map(p => Cat(UInt(0, 16-p.getWidth), p)).reverse)
rdata := Cat(priority.slice(i, i + regsPerBeat).map(p => Cat(UInt(0, 16-p.getWidth), p)).reverse)
for (j <- 0 until (regsPerBeat min (priority.size - i))) {
when (write) { priority(i+j) := masked_wdata >> (j * (8 << regAddrBits)) }