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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
class IDMapGenerator(numIds: Int) extends Module {
val w = log2Up(numIds)
val io = new Bundle {
val free = Decoupled(UInt(width = w)).flip
val alloc = Decoupled(UInt(width = w))
io.free.ready := Bool(true)
// True indicates that the id is available
val bitmap = RegInit(UInt((BigInt(1) << numIds) - 1, width = numIds))
val select = ~(leftOR(bitmap) << 1) & bitmap
io.alloc.bits := OHToUInt(select)
io.alloc.valid := bitmap.orR()
val clr = Wire(init = UInt(0, width = numIds))
when (io.alloc.fire()) { clr := UIntToOH(io.alloc.bits) }
val set = Wire(init = UInt(0, width = numIds))
when (io.free.fire()) { set := UIntToOH(io.free.bits) }
bitmap := (bitmap & ~clr) | set
assert (!io.free.valid || !(bitmap & ~clr)(io.free.bits)) // No double freeing
object LFSR64
def apply(increment: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt =
val wide = 64
val lfsr = Reg(UInt(width = wide)) // random initial value based on simulation seed
val xor = lfsr(0) ^ lfsr(1) ^ lfsr(3) ^ lfsr(4)
when (increment) {
lfsr := Mux(lfsr === UInt(0), UInt(1), Cat(xor, lfsr(wide-1,1)))
trait HasNoiseMakerIO
val io = new Bundle {
val inc = Bool(INPUT)
val random = UInt(OUTPUT)
class LFSRNoiseMaker(wide: Int) extends Module with HasNoiseMakerIO
val lfsrs = Seq.fill((wide+63)/64) { LFSR64(io.inc) }
io.random := Cat(lfsrs)(wide-1,0)
object LFSRNoiseMaker {
def apply(wide: Int, increment: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt = {
val nm = Module(new LFSRNoiseMaker(wide))
nm.io.inc := increment
/** TLFuzzer drives test traffic over TL2 links. It generates a sequence of randomized
* requests, and issues legal ones into the DUT. TODO: Currently the fuzzer only generates
* memory operations, not permissions transfers.
* @param nOperations is the total number of operations that the fuzzer must complete for the test to pass
* @param inFlight is the number of operations that can be in-flight to the DUT concurrently
* @param noiseMaker is a function that supplies a random UInt of a given width every time inc is true
class TLFuzzer(
nOperations: Int,
inFlight: Int = 32,
noiseMaker: (Int, Bool, Int) => UInt = {
(wide: Int, increment: Bool, abs_values: Int) =>
LFSRNoiseMaker(wide=wide, increment=increment)
noModify: Boolean = false,
overrideAddress: Option[AddressSet] = None,
nOrdered: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val clientParams = if (nOrdered.isDefined) {
val n = nOrdered.get
require(n > 0, s"nOrdered must be > 0, not $n")
require((inFlight % n) == 0, s"inFlight (${inFlight}) must be evenly divisible by nOrdered (${nOrdered}).")
Seq.tabulate(n) {i =>
TLClientParameters(name =s"OrderedFuzzer$i",
sourceId = IdRange(i * (inFlight/n), (i + 1)*(inFlight/n)),
requestFifo = true)
} else {
name = "Fuzzer",
sourceId = IdRange(0,inFlight)
val node = TLClientNode(Seq(TLClientPortParameters(clientParams)))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
2017-07-17 23:59:35 +02:00
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val (out, edge) = node.out(0)
// Extract useful parameters from the TL edge
val maxTransfer = edge.manager.maxTransfer
val beatBytes = edge.manager.beatBytes
val maxLgBeats = log2Up(maxTransfer/beatBytes)
val addressBits = log2Up(overrideAddress.map(_.max).getOrElse(edge.manager.maxAddress))
val sizeBits = edge.bundle.sizeBits
val dataBits = edge.bundle.dataBits
// Progress through operations
val num_reqs = Reg(init = UInt(nOperations, log2Up(nOperations+1)))
val num_resps = Reg(init = UInt(nOperations, log2Up(nOperations+1)))
if (nOperations>0) {
io.finished := num_resps === UInt(0)
} else {
io.finished := Bool(false)
// Progress within each operation
val a = out.a.bits
val (a_first, a_last, req_done) = edge.firstlast(out.a)
val d = out.d.bits
val (d_first, d_last, resp_done) = edge.firstlast(out.d)
// Source ID generation
val idMap = Module(new IDMapGenerator(inFlight))
val src = idMap.io.alloc.bits holdUnless a_first
// Increment random number generation for the following subfields
val inc = Wire(Bool())
val inc_beat = Wire(Bool())
val arth_op_3 = noiseMaker(3, inc, 0)
val arth_op = Mux(arth_op_3 > UInt(4), UInt(4), arth_op_3)
val log_op = noiseMaker(2, inc, 0)
val amo_size = UInt(2) + noiseMaker(1, inc, 0) // word or dword
val size = noiseMaker(sizeBits, inc, 0)
val rawAddr = noiseMaker(addressBits, inc, 2)
val addr = overrideAddress.map(_.legalize(rawAddr)).getOrElse(rawAddr) & ~UIntToOH1(size, addressBits)
val mask = noiseMaker(beatBytes, inc_beat, 2) & edge.mask(addr, size)
val data = noiseMaker(dataBits, inc_beat, 2)
// Actually generate specific TL messages when it is legal to do so
val (glegal, gbits) = edge.Get(src, addr, size)
val (pflegal, pfbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportPutFull) {
edge.Put(src, addr, size, data)
} else { (glegal, gbits) }
val (pplegal, ppbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportPutPartial) {
edge.Put(src, addr, size, data, mask)
} else { (glegal, gbits) }
val (alegal, abits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportArithmetic) {
edge.Arithmetic(src, addr, size, data, arth_op)
} else { (glegal, gbits) }
val (llegal, lbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportLogical) {
edge.Logical(src, addr, size, data, log_op)
} else { (glegal, gbits) }
val (hlegal, hbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportHint) {
edge.Hint(src, addr, size, UInt(0))
} else { (glegal, gbits) }
val legal_dest = edge.manager.containsSafe(addr)
// Pick a specific message to try to send
val a_type_sel = noiseMaker(3, inc, 0)
val legal = legal_dest && MuxLookup(a_type_sel, glegal, Seq(
UInt("b000") -> glegal,
UInt("b001") -> (pflegal && !Bool(noModify)),
UInt("b010") -> (pplegal && !Bool(noModify)),
UInt("b011") -> (alegal && !Bool(noModify)),
UInt("b100") -> (llegal && !Bool(noModify)),
UInt("b101") -> hlegal))
val bits = MuxLookup(a_type_sel, gbits, Seq(
UInt("b000") -> gbits,
UInt("b001") -> pfbits,
UInt("b010") -> ppbits,
UInt("b011") -> abits,
UInt("b100") -> lbits,
UInt("b101") -> hbits))
// Wire up Fuzzer flow control
val a_gen = if (nOperations>0) num_reqs =/= UInt(0) else Bool(true)
out.a.valid := a_gen && legal && (!a_first || idMap.io.alloc.valid)
idMap.io.alloc.ready := a_gen && legal && a_first && out.a.ready
idMap.io.free.valid := d_first && out.d.fire()
idMap.io.free.bits := out.d.bits.source
out.a.bits := bits
out.b.ready := Bool(true)
out.c.valid := Bool(false)
out.d.ready := Bool(true)
out.e.valid := Bool(false)
// Increment the various progress-tracking states
inc := !legal || req_done
inc_beat := !legal || out.a.fire()
if (nOperations>0) {
when (out.a.fire() && a_last) {
num_reqs := num_reqs - UInt(1)
when (out.d.fire() && d_last) {
num_resps := num_resps - UInt(1)
object TLFuzzer
def apply(
nOperations: Int,
inFlight: Int = 32,
noiseMaker: (Int, Bool, Int) => UInt = {
(wide: Int, increment: Bool, abs_values: Int) =>
LFSRNoiseMaker(wide=wide, increment=increment)
noModify: Boolean = false,
overrideAddress: Option[AddressSet] = None,
nOrdered: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLOutwardNode =
LazyModule(new TLFuzzer(nOperations, inFlight, noiseMaker, noModify, overrideAddress, nOrdered)).node
/** Synthesizeable integration test */
import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
class TLFuzzRAM(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val model = LazyModule(new TLRAMModel("TLFuzzRAM"))
2016-09-18 01:13:46 +02:00
val ram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x800, 0x7ff)))
val ram2 = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0, 0x3ff), beatBytes = 16))
2016-09-13 06:41:36 +02:00
val gpio = LazyModule(new RRTest1(0x400))
val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
2016-09-18 01:13:46 +02:00
val xbar2= LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val fuzz = LazyModule(new TLFuzzer(txns))
2017-10-27 10:13:19 +02:00
xbar2.node := TLAtomicAutomata() := model.node := fuzz.node
ram2.node := TLFragmenter(16, 256) := xbar2.node
xbar.node := TLWidthWidget(16) := TLHintHandler() := xbar2.node
ram.node := TLFragmenter(4, 256) := TLBuffer() := xbar.node
gpio.node := TLFragmenter(4, 32) := TLBuffer() := xbar.node
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) with UnitTestModule {
io.finished := fuzz.module.io.finished
class TLFuzzRAMTest(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLFuzzRAM(txns)).module)
io.finished := dut.io.finished