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package referencechip
import Chisel._
import Node._
import uncore._
import rocket._
import rocket.Constants._
class FPGAUncore(htif_width: Int, tileList: Seq[ClientCoherenceAgent])(implicit conf: UncoreConfiguration) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
2013-01-16 00:57:06 +01:00
val host = new HostIO(htif_width)
val mem = new ioMem
val tiles = Vec(conf.ln.nClients) { new TileLinkIO()(conf.ln) }.flip
val htif = Vec(conf.ln.nClients) { new HTIFIO(conf.ln.nClients) }.flip
val incoherent = Vec(conf.ln.nClients) { Bool() }.asInput
val htif = new rocketHTIF(htif_width)
htif.io.cpu <> io.htif
io.host <> htif.io.host
val lnWithHtifConf = conf.ln.copy(nEndpoints = conf.ln.nEndpoints+1,
idBits = log2Up(conf.ln.nEndpoints+1)+1,
nClients = conf.ln.nClients+1)
val ucWithHtifConf = conf.copy(ln = lnWithHtifConf)
val clientEndpoints = tileList :+ htif
val masterEndpoints = List.fill(lnWithHtifConf.nMasters)(new L2CoherenceAgent(0)(ucWithHtifConf))
val net = new ReferenceChipCrossbarNetwork(masterEndpoints++clientEndpoints)(lnWithHtifConf)
net.io zip (masterEndpoints.map(_.io.client) ++ io.tiles :+ io.htif) map { case (net, end) => net <> end }
masterEndpoints.map{ _.io.incoherent zip (io.incoherent ++ List(Bool(true))) map { case (m, c) => m := c } }
val conv = new MemIOUncachedTileLinkIOConverter(2)(ucWithHtifConf)
if(lnWithHtifConf.nMasters > 1) {
val arb = new UncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(lnWithHtifConf.nMasters)(lnWithHtifConf)
arb.io.in zip masterEndpoints.map(_.io.master) map { case (arb, cache) => arb <> cache }
conv.io.uncached <> arb.io.out
} else {
conv.io.uncached <> masterEndpoints.head.io.master
io.mem.req_cmd <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_cmd)
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(conv.io.mem.req_data, REFILL_CYCLES*2)
conv.io.mem.resp <> Queue(io.mem.resp, REFILL_CYCLES*2)
class FPGATop extends Component {
val htif_width = 16
val io = new Bundle {
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val debug = new DebugIO
val host = new HostIO(htif_width)
val mem = new ioMem
val co = new MESICoherence
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implicit val lnConf = LogicalNetworkConfiguration(4, 3, 1, 3)
implicit val uconf = UncoreConfiguration(co, lnConf)
val resetSigs = Vec(uconf.ln.nClients){ Bool() }
2013-01-16 00:57:06 +01:00
val ic = ICacheConfig(64, 1, co, ntlb = 4, nbtb = 4)
val dc = DCacheConfig(64, 1, co, ntlb = 4,
nmshr = 2, nrpq = 16, nsdq = 17)
val rc = RocketConfiguration(uconf.ln, co, ic, dc,
fastMulDiv = false,
fpu = false, vec = false)
val tileList = (0 until uconf.ln.nClients).map(r => new Tile(resetSignal = resetSigs(r))(rc))
val uncore = new FPGAUncore(htif_width = htif_width, tileList = tileList)
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io.debug.error_mode := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until uconf.ln.nClients) {
val hl = uncore.io.htif(i)
val tl = uncore.io.tiles(i)
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val il = uncore.io.incoherent(i)
resetSigs(i) := hl.reset
val tile = tileList(i)
tile.io.host <> hl
when (tile.io.host.debug.error_mode) { io.debug.error_mode := Bool(true) }
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il := hl.reset
2013-01-22 02:19:07 +01:00
tl.acquire <> Queue(tile.io.tilelink.acquire)
tl.acquire_data <> Queue(tile.io.tilelink.acquire_data)
tile.io.tilelink.grant <> Queue(tl.grant)
tl.grant_ack <> Queue(tile.io.tilelink.grant_ack)
tile.io.tilelink.probe <> Queue(tl.probe)
tl.release <> Queue(tile.io.tilelink.release)
tl.release_data <> Queue(tile.io.tilelink.release_data)
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//TODO: Set logcal network headers here
io.host <> uncore.io.host
io.mem <> uncore.io.mem
abstract class AXISlave extends Component {
val aw = 5
val dw = 32
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new FIFOIO()(Bits(width = dw)).flip
val out = new FIFOIO()(Bits(width = dw))
val addr = Bits(INPUT, aw)
class Slave extends AXISlave
val top = new FPGATop
val memw = top.io.mem.resp.bits.data.getWidth
val htifw = top.io.host.in.bits.getWidth
val n = 4 // htif, mem req/read data, mem write data, error mode
def wen(i: Int) = io.in.valid && io.addr(log2Up(n)-1,0) === UFix(i)
def ren(i: Int) = io.out.ready && io.addr(log2Up(n)-1,0) === UFix(i)
val rdata = Vec(n){Bits(width = dw)}
val rvalid = Vec(n){Bool()}
val wready = Vec(n){Bool()}
io.in.ready := wready(io.addr)
io.out.valid := rvalid(io.addr)
io.out.bits := rdata(io.addr)
// write r0 -> htif.in (blocking)
wready(0) := top.io.host.in.ready
top.io.host.in.valid := wen(0)
top.io.host.in.bits := io.in.bits
// read cr0 -> htif.out (nonblocking)
rdata(0) := Cat(top.io.host.out.bits, top.io.host.out.valid)
rvalid(0) := Bool(true)
top.io.host.out.ready := ren(0)
require(dw >= htifw + 1)
// read cr1 -> mem.req_cmd (nonblocking)
// the memory system is FIFO from hereon out, so just remember the tags here
val tagq = new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)(top.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.tag.clone)
tagq.io.enq.bits := top.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.tag
tagq.io.enq.valid := ren(1) && top.io.mem.req_cmd.valid && !top.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw
top.io.mem.req_cmd.ready := ren(1)
rdata(1) := Cat(top.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr, top.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw, top.io.mem.req_cmd.valid)
rvalid(1) := Bool(true)
require(dw >= top.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr.getWidth + 1 + 1)
// write cr1 -> mem.resp (nonblocking)
val in_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(memw/dw)))
val rf_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
require(memw % dw == 0 && isPow2(memw/dw))
val in_reg = Reg{top.io.mem.resp.bits.data.clone}
top.io.mem.resp.bits.data := Cat(io.in.bits, in_reg(in_reg.getWidth-1,dw))
top.io.mem.resp.bits.tag := tagq.io.deq.bits
top.io.mem.resp.valid := wen(1) && in_count.andR
tagq.io.deq.ready := top.io.mem.resp.fire() && rf_count.andR
wready(1) := top.io.mem.resp.ready
when (wen(1) && wready(1)) {
in_count := in_count + UFix(1)
in_reg := top.io.mem.resp.bits.data
when (top.io.mem.resp.fire()) {
rf_count := rf_count + UFix(1)
// read cr2 -> mem.req_data (blocking)
val out_count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(memw/dw)))
top.io.mem.req_data.ready := ren(2) && out_count.andR
rdata(2) := top.io.mem.req_data.bits.data >> (out_count * UFix(dw))
rvalid(2) := top.io.mem.req_data.valid
when (ren(2) && rvalid(2)) { out_count := out_count + UFix(1) }
// read cr3 -> error mode (nonblocking)
rdata(3) := top.io.debug.error_mode
rvalid(3) := Bool(true)
// writes to cr2, cr3 ignored
wready(2) := Bool(true)
wready(3) := Bool(true)