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// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import chisel3.util.{Irrevocable, IrrevocableIO, ReadyValidIO}
import diplomacy._
import util.{AsyncQueueSource, AsyncQueueSink, GenericParameterizedBundle}
abstract class TLBundleBase(params: TLBundleParameters) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(params)
// common combos in lazy policy:
// Put + Acquire
// Release + AccessAck
object TLMessages
// A B C D E
val PutFullData = UInt(0) // . . => AccessAck
val PutPartialData = UInt(1) // . . => AccessAck
val ArithmeticData = UInt(2) // . . => AccessAckData
val LogicalData = UInt(3) // . . => AccessAckData
val Get = UInt(4) // . . => AccessAckData
val Hint = UInt(5) // . . => HintAck
val Acquire = UInt(6) // . => Grant[Data]
val Probe = UInt(6) // . => ProbeAck[Data]
val AccessAck = UInt(0) // . .
val AccessAckData = UInt(1) // . .
val HintAck = UInt(2) // . .
//val PutThroughData = UInt(3) // . // future extension ?
val ProbeAck = UInt(4) // .
val ProbeAckData = UInt(5) // .
val Release = UInt(6) // . => ReleaseAck
val ReleaseData = UInt(7) // . => ReleaseAck
val Grant = UInt(4) // . => GrantAck
val GrantData = UInt(5) // . => GrantAck
val ReleaseAck = UInt(6) // .
val GrantAck = UInt(0) // .
def isA(x: UInt) = x <= Acquire
def isB(x: UInt) = x <= Probe
def isC(x: UInt) = x <= ReleaseData
def isD(x: UInt) = x <= ReleaseAck
object TLPermissions
// Cap types (Grant = new permissions, Probe = permisions <= target)
val toT = UInt(0)
val toB = UInt(1)
val toN = UInt(2)
def isCap(x: UInt) = x <= toN
// Grow types (Acquire = permissions >= target)
val NtoB = UInt(0)
val NtoT = UInt(1)
val BtoT = UInt(2)
def isGrow(x: UInt) = x <= BtoT
// Shrink types (ProbeAck, Release)
val TtoB = UInt(0)
val TtoN = UInt(1)
val BtoN = UInt(2)
def isShrink(x: UInt) = x <= BtoN
// Report types (ProbeAck)
val TtoT = UInt(3)
val BtoB = UInt(4)
val NtoN = UInt(5)
def isReport(x: UInt) = x <= NtoN
object TLAtomics
// Arithmetic types
2016-08-30 19:40:14 +02:00
val MIN = UInt(0)
val MAX = UInt(1)
val MINU = UInt(2)
val MAXU = UInt(3)
val ADD = UInt(4)
def isArithmetic(x: UInt) = x <= ADD
// Logical types
2016-08-30 19:40:14 +02:00
val XOR = UInt(0)
val OR = UInt(1)
val AND = UInt(2)
val SWAP = UInt(3)
def isLogical(x: UInt) = x <= SWAP
sealed trait TLChannel extends TLBundleBase {
val channelName: String
sealed trait TLDataChannel extends TLChannel
sealed trait TLAddrChannel extends TLDataChannel
final class TLBundleA(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLAddrChannel
val channelName = "'A' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 3) // amo_opcode || perms || hint
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // from
val addr_hi = UInt(width = params.addrHiBits) // to
// variable fields during multibeat:
val mask = UInt(width = params.dataBits/8)
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)
final class TLBundleB(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLAddrChannel
val channelName = "'B' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 3)
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // to
val addr_hi = UInt(width = params.addrHiBits) // from
// variable fields during multibeat:
val mask = UInt(width = params.dataBits/8)
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)
final class TLBundleC(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLAddrChannel
val channelName = "'C' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 3)
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // from
val addr_hi = UInt(width = params.addrHiBits) // to
val addr_lo = UInt(width = params.addrLoBits) // instead of mask
// variable fields during multibeat:
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)
val error = Bool() // AccessAck[Data]
final class TLBundleD(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLDataChannel
val channelName = "'D' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)
val param = UInt(width = 2)
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val source = UInt(width = params.sourceBits) // to
val sink = UInt(width = params.sinkBits) // from
val addr_lo = UInt(width = params.addrLoBits) // instead of mask
// variable fields during multibeat:
val data = UInt(width = params.dataBits)
val error = Bool() // AccessAck[Data], Grant[Data]
final class TLBundleE(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLChannel
val channelName = "'E' channel"
val sink = UInt(width = params.sinkBits) // to
class TLBundle(params: TLBundleParameters) extends TLBundleBase(params)
val a = Irrevocable(new TLBundleA(params))
val b = Irrevocable(new TLBundleB(params)).flip
val c = Irrevocable(new TLBundleC(params))
val d = Irrevocable(new TLBundleD(params)).flip
val e = Irrevocable(new TLBundleE(params))
2016-08-24 22:50:11 +02:00
object TLBundle
def apply(params: TLBundleParameters) = new TLBundle(params)
final class IrrevocableSnoop[+T <: Data](gen: T) extends Bundle
val ready = Bool()
val valid = Bool()
val bits = gen.asOutput
def fire(dummy: Int = 0) = ready && valid
override def cloneType: this.type = new IrrevocableSnoop(gen).asInstanceOf[this.type]
object IrrevocableSnoop
def apply[T <: Data](i: IrrevocableIO[T]) = {
val out = Wire(new IrrevocableSnoop(i.bits))
out.ready := i.ready
out.valid := i.valid
out.bits := i.bits
class TLBundleSnoop(params: TLBundleParameters) extends TLBundleBase(params)
val a = new IrrevocableSnoop(new TLBundleA(params))
val b = new IrrevocableSnoop(new TLBundleB(params))
val c = new IrrevocableSnoop(new TLBundleC(params))
val d = new IrrevocableSnoop(new TLBundleD(params))
val e = new IrrevocableSnoop(new TLBundleE(params))
object TLBundleSnoop
def apply(x: TLBundle) = {
val out = Wire(new TLBundleSnoop(x.params))
out.a <> IrrevocableSnoop(x.a)
out.b <> IrrevocableSnoop(x.b)
out.c <> IrrevocableSnoop(x.c)
out.d <> IrrevocableSnoop(x.d)
out.e <> IrrevocableSnoop(x.e)
final class AsyncBundle[T <: Data](val depth: Int, gen: T) extends Bundle
require (isPow2(depth))
val ridx = UInt(width = log2Up(depth)+1).flip
val widx = UInt(width = log2Up(depth)+1)
val mem = Vec(depth, gen)
val source_reset_n = Bool()
val sink_reset_n = Bool().flip
override def cloneType: this.type = new AsyncBundle(depth, gen).asInstanceOf[this.type]
object FromAsyncBundle
def apply[T <: Data](x: AsyncBundle[T], sync: Int = 3): IrrevocableIO[T] = {
val sink = Module(new AsyncQueueSink(x.mem(0), x.depth, sync))
x.ridx := sink.io.ridx
sink.io.widx := x.widx
sink.io.mem := x.mem
sink.io.source_reset_n := x.source_reset_n
x.sink_reset_n := !sink.reset
val out = Wire(Irrevocable(x.mem(0)))
out.valid := sink.io.deq.valid
out.bits := sink.io.deq.bits
sink.io.deq.ready := out.ready
object ToAsyncBundle
def apply[T <: Data](x: ReadyValidIO[T], depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3): AsyncBundle[T] = {
val source = Module(new AsyncQueueSource(x.bits, depth, sync))
source.io.enq.valid := x.valid
source.io.enq.bits := x.bits
x.ready := source.io.enq.ready
val out = Wire(new AsyncBundle(depth, x.bits))
source.io.ridx := out.ridx
out.mem := source.io.mem
out.widx := source.io.widx
source.io.sink_reset_n := out.sink_reset_n
out.source_reset_n := !source.reset
class TLAsyncBundleBase(params: TLAsyncBundleParameters) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(params)
class TLAsyncBundle(params: TLAsyncBundleParameters) extends TLAsyncBundleBase(params)
val a = new AsyncBundle(params.depth, new TLBundleA(params.base))
val b = new AsyncBundle(params.depth, new TLBundleB(params.base)).flip
val c = new AsyncBundle(params.depth, new TLBundleC(params.base))
val d = new AsyncBundle(params.depth, new TLBundleD(params.base)).flip
val e = new AsyncBundle(params.depth, new TLBundleE(params.base))