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// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
object TLXbar
def lowestIndex(requests: Vec[Bool], execute: Bool) = {
// lowest-index first is stateless; ignore execute
val ors = Vec(requests.scanLeft(Bool(false))(_ || _).init) // prefix-OR
Vec((ors zip requests) map { case (o, r) => !o && r })
class TLXbar(policy: (Vec[Bool], Bool) => Seq[Bool] = TLXbar.lowestIndex) extends LazyModule
def mapInputIds (ports: Seq[TLClientPortParameters ]) = assignRanges(ports.map(_.endSourceId))
def mapOutputIds(ports: Seq[TLManagerPortParameters]) = assignRanges(ports.map(_.endSinkId))
def assignRanges(sizes: Seq[Int]) = {
val pow2Sizes = sizes.map(1 << log2Ceil(_))
val tuples = pow2Sizes.zipWithIndex.sortBy(_._1) // record old index, then sort by increasing size
val starts = tuples.scanRight(0)(_._1 + _).tail // suffix-sum of the sizes = the start positions
val ranges = (tuples zip starts) map { case ((sz, i), st) => (IdRange(st, st+sz), i) }
ranges.sortBy(_._2).map(_._1) // Restore orignal order
def relabeler() = {
var idFactory = 0
() => {
val fifoMap = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[Int, Int]
(x: Int) => {
if (fifoMap.contains(x)) fifoMap(x) else {
val out = idFactory
idFactory = idFactory + 1
fifoMap += (x -> out)
val node = TLAdapterNode(
numClientPorts = 1 to 32,
numManagerPorts = 1 to 32,
clientFn = { seq =>
val clients = (mapInputIds(seq) zip seq) flatMap { case (range, port) =>
port.clients map { client => client.copy(
sourceId = client.sourceId.shift(range.start)
managerFn = { seq =>
val fifoIdFactory = relabeler()
val managers = (mapOutputIds(seq) zip seq) flatMap { case (range, port) =>
require (port.beatBytes == seq(0).beatBytes)
val fifoIdMapper = fifoIdFactory()
port.managers map { manager => manager.copy(
sinkId = manager.sinkId.shift(range.start),
fifoId = manager.fifoId.map(fifoIdMapper(_))
TLManagerPortParameters(managers, seq(0).beatBytes)
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
// Grab the port ID mapping
val inputIdRanges = mapInputIds(node.edgesIn.map(_.client))
val outputIdRanges = mapOutputIds(node.edgesOut.map(_.manager))
// We need an intermediate size of bundle with the widest possible identifiers
val wide_bundle = io.in(0).params.union(io.out(0).params)
// Handle size = 1 gracefully (Chisel3 empty range is broken)
def trim(id: UInt, size: Int) = if (size <= 1) UInt(0) else id(log2Ceil(size)-1, 0)
def transpose(x: Seq[Seq[Bool]]) = Vec.tabulate(x(0).size) { i => Vec.tabulate(x.size) { j => x(j)(i) } }
// Transform input bundle sources (sinks use global namespace on both sides)
val in = Wire(Vec(io.in.size, TLBundle(wide_bundle)))
for (i <- 0 until in.size) {
val r = inputIdRanges(i)
in(i) <> io.in(i)
// prefix sources
in(i).a.bits.source := io.in(i).a.bits.source | UInt(r.start)
in(i).c.bits.source := io.in(i).c.bits.source | UInt(r.start)
// defix sources
io.in(i).b.bits.source := trim(in(i).b.bits.source, r.size)
io.in(i).d.bits.source := trim(in(i).d.bits.source, r.size)
// Transform output bundle sinks (sources use global namespace on both sides)
val out = Wire(Vec(io.out.size, TLBundle(wide_bundle)))
for (i <- 0 until out.size) {
val r = outputIdRanges(i)
io.out(i) <> out(i)
// prefix sinks
out(i).d.bits.sink := io.out(i).d.bits.sink | UInt(r.start)
// defix sinks
io.out(i).e.bits.sink := trim(out(i).e.bits.sink, r.size)
// The crossbar cross-connection state; defined later
val grantedAIO = Wire(Vec(in .size, Vec(out.size, Bool())))
val grantedBOI = Wire(Vec(out.size, Vec(in .size, Bool())))
val grantedCIO = Wire(Vec(in .size, Vec(out.size, Bool())))
val grantedDOI = Wire(Vec(out.size, Vec(in .size, Bool())))
val grantedEIO = Wire(Vec(in .size, Vec(out.size, Bool())))
val grantedAOI = transpose(grantedAIO)
val grantedBIO = transpose(grantedBOI)
val grantedCOI = transpose(grantedCIO)
val grantedDIO = transpose(grantedDOI)
val grantedEOI = transpose(grantedEIO)
// Mux1H passes a single-source through unmasked. That's bad for control.
def Mux1C(sel: Seq[Bool], ctl: Seq[Bool]) = (sel zip ctl).map{ case (a,b) => a && b }.reduce(_ || _)
// Mux clients to managers
for (o <- 0 until out.size) {
out(o).a.valid := Mux1C(grantedAOI(o), in.map(_.a.valid))
out(o).a.bits := Mux1H(grantedAOI(o), in.map(_.a.bits))
out(o).b.ready := Mux1C(grantedBOI(o), in.map(_.b.ready))
out(o).c.valid := Mux1C(grantedCOI(o), in.map(_.c.valid))
out(o).c.bits := Mux1H(grantedCOI(o), in.map(_.c.bits))
out(o).d.ready := Mux1C(grantedDOI(o), in.map(_.d.ready))
out(o).e.valid := Mux1C(grantedEOI(o), in.map(_.e.valid))
out(o).e.bits := Mux1H(grantedEOI(o), in.map(_.e.bits))
// Mux managers to clients
for (i <- 0 until in.size) {
in(i).a.ready := Mux1C(grantedAIO(i), out.map(_.a.ready))
in(i).b.valid := Mux1C(grantedBIO(i), out.map(_.b.valid))
in(i).b.bits := Mux1H(grantedBIO(i), out.map(_.b.bits))
in(i).c.ready := Mux1C(grantedCIO(i), out.map(_.c.ready))
in(i).d.valid := Mux1C(grantedDIO(i), out.map(_.d.valid))
in(i).d.bits := Mux1H(grantedDIO(i), out.map(_.d.bits))
in(i).e.ready := Mux1C(grantedEIO(i), out.map(_.e.ready))
val requestAIO = Vec(in.map { i => Vec(node.edgesOut.map { o => i.a.valid && o.manager.contains(o.address(i.a.bits)) }) })
val requestBOI = Vec(out.map { o => Vec(inputIdRanges.map { i => o.b.valid && i .contains(o.b.bits.source) }) })
val requestCIO = Vec(in.map { i => Vec(node.edgesOut.map { o => i.c.valid && o.manager.contains(o.address(i.c.bits)) }) })
val requestDOI = Vec(out.map { o => Vec(inputIdRanges.map { i => o.d.valid && i .contains(o.d.bits.source) }) })
val requestEIO = Vec(in.map { i => Vec(outputIdRanges.map { o => i.e.valid && o .contains(i.e.bits.sink) }) })
val beatsA = Vec((in zip node.edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats(i.a.bits) })
val beatsB = Vec((out zip node.edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats(o.b.bits) })
val beatsC = Vec((in zip node.edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats(i.c.bits) })
val beatsD = Vec((out zip node.edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats(o.d.bits) })
val beatsE = Vec((in zip node.edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats(i.e.bits) })
// Which pairs support support transfers
val maskIO = Vec.tabulate(in.size) { i => Vec.tabulate(out.size) { o =>
Bool(node.edgesIn(i).client.anySupportProbe && node.edgesOut(o).manager.anySupportAcquire)
} }
val maskOI = transpose(maskIO)
// Mask out BCE channel connections (to be optimized away) for transfer-incapable pairings
def mask(a: Seq[Seq[Bool]], b: Seq[Seq[Bool]]) =
Vec((a zip b) map { case (x, y) => Vec((x zip y) map { case (a, b) => a && b }) })
grantedAIO := arbitrate( requestAIO, beatsA, out.map(_.a.fire()))
grantedBOI := mask(arbitrate(mask(requestBOI, maskOI), beatsB, in .map(_.b.fire())), maskOI)
grantedCIO := mask(arbitrate(mask(requestCIO, maskIO), beatsC, out.map(_.c.fire())), maskIO)
grantedDOI := arbitrate( requestDOI, beatsD, in .map(_.d.fire()))
grantedEIO := mask(arbitrate(mask(requestEIO, maskIO), beatsE, out.map(_.e.fire())), maskIO)
def arbitrate(request: Seq[Seq[Bool]], beats: Seq[UInt], progress: Seq[Bool]) = {
request foreach { row => require (row.size == progress.size) } // consistent # of resources
request foreach { resources => // only one resource is requested
val prefixOR = resources.scanLeft(Bool(false))(_ || _).init
assert (!(prefixOR zip resources).map{case (a, b) => a && b}.reduce(_ || _))
transpose((transpose(request) zip progress).map { case (r,p) => arbitrate1(r, beats, p) })
def arbitrate1(requests: Vec[Bool], beats: Seq[UInt], progress: Bool) = {
require (requests.size == beats.size) // consistent # of requesters
val beatsLeft = RegInit(UInt(0))
val idle = beatsLeft === UInt(0)
// Apply policy to select which requester wins
val winners = Vec(policy(requests, idle))
// Winners must be a subset of requests
assert ((winners zip requests).map { case (w,r) => !w || r } .reduce(_ && _))
// There must be only one winner
val prefixOR = winners.scanLeft(Bool(false))(_ || _).init
assert ((prefixOR zip winners).map { case (p,w) => !p || !w }.reduce(_ && _))
// Supposing we take the winner as input, how many beats must be sent?
val maskedBeats = (winners zip beats).map { case (w,b) => Mux(w, b, UInt(0)) }
val initBeats = maskedBeats.reduceLeft(_ | _) // no winner => 0 beats
// What is the counter state before progress?
val todoBeats = Mux(idle, initBeats, beatsLeft)
// Apply progress and register the result
beatsLeft := todoBeats - progress.asUInt
assert (!progress || todoBeats =/= UInt(0)) // underflow should be impossible
// The previous arbitration state of the resource
val state = RegInit(Vec.fill(requests.size)(Bool(false)))
// Only take a new value while idle
val muxState = Mux(idle, winners, state)
state := muxState