
315 lines
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// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import config._
import junctions._
import junctions.NastiConstants._
import diplomacy._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.axi4._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.util._
import util._
2016-09-16 07:06:39 +02:00
import rocket.XLen
import scala.math.max
import coreplex._
/** Specifies the size of external memory */
case class MasterConfig(base: Long, size: Long, beatBytes: Int, idBits: Int)
case object ExtMem extends Field[MasterConfig]
case object ExtBus extends Field[MasterConfig]
case class SlaveConfig(beatBytes: Int, idBits: Int, sourceBits: Int)
case object ExtIn extends Field[SlaveConfig]
/** Specifies the number of external interrupts */
case object NExtTopInterrupts extends Field[Int]
/** Source of RTC. First bundle is TopIO.extra, Second bundle is periphery.io.extra **/
case object RTCPeriod extends Field[Int]
/* Specifies the periphery bus configuration */
case object PeripheryBusConfig extends Field[TLBusConfig]
case object PeripheryBusArithmetic extends Field[Boolean]
/* Specifies the SOC-bus configuration */
case object SOCBusConfig extends Field[TLBusConfig]
/** Utility trait for quick access to some relevant parameters */
trait HasPeripheryParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
lazy val peripheryBusConfig = p(PeripheryBusConfig)
lazy val socBusConfig = p(SOCBusConfig)
lazy val cacheBlockBytes = p(CacheBlockBytes)
lazy val peripheryBusArithmetic = p(PeripheryBusArithmetic)
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryExtInterrupts {
this: TopNetwork =>
2016-10-29 06:20:49 +02:00
val extInterrupts = IntBlindInputNode(p(NExtTopInterrupts))
val extInterruptXing = LazyModule(new IntXing)
intBus.intnode := extInterruptXing.intnode
extInterruptXing.intnode := extInterrupts
trait PeripheryExtInterruptsBundle {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryExtInterrupts
} =>
2016-10-29 06:20:49 +02:00
val interrupts = outer.extInterrupts.bundleIn
trait PeripheryExtInterruptsModule {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryExtInterrupts
val io: PeripheryExtInterruptsBundle
} =>
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4Mem {
this: TopNetwork =>
val module: PeripheryMasterAXI4MemModule
private val config = p(ExtMem)
private val channels = p(BankedL2Config).nMemoryChannels
val mem_axi4 = Seq.tabulate(channels) { i =>
val c_size = config.size/channels
val c_base = config.base + c_size*i
slaves = Seq(AXI4SlaveParameters(
address = List(AddressSet(c_base, c_size-1)),
2016-11-15 00:19:39 +01:00
regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED, // cacheable
executable = true,
supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, 256), // The slave supports 1-256 byte transfers
supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, 256),
interleavedId = Some(0))), // slave does not interleave read responses
beatBytes = config.beatBytes))
val mem = mem_axi4.map { node =>
val foo = LazyModule(new TLToAXI4(config.idBits))
node := foo.node
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MemBundle {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryMasterAXI4Mem
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
} =>
val mem_axi4 = outer.mem_axi4.map(_.bundleOut).toList.headOption // !!! remove headOption when Seq supported
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MemModule {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryMasterAXI4Mem
val io: PeripheryMasterAXI4MemBundle
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
} =>
// PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO is an example, make your own cake pattern like this one.
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO {
this: TopNetwork =>
private val config = p(ExtBus)
val mmio_axi4 = AXI4BlindOutputNode(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
slaves = Seq(AXI4SlaveParameters(
address = List(AddressSet(BigInt(config.base), config.size-1)),
executable = true, // Can we run programs on this memory?
supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, 256), // The slave supports 1-256 byte transfers
supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, 256),
interleavedId = Some(0))), // slave does not interleave read responses
beatBytes = config.beatBytes))
mmio_axi4 :=
// AXI4Fragmenter(lite=false, maxInFlight = 20)( // beef device up to support awlen = 0xff
TLToAXI4(idBits = config.idBits)( // use idBits = 0 for AXI4-Lite
TLWidthWidget(socBusConfig.beatBytes)( // convert width before attaching to socBus
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOBundle {
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO
} =>
2016-11-23 01:58:24 +01:00
val mmio_axi4 = outer.mmio_axi4.bundleOut
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOModule {
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIO
val io: PeripheryMasterAXI4MMIOBundle
} =>
// nothing to do
2016-11-23 01:58:24 +01:00
// PeripherySlaveAXI4 is an example, make your own cake pattern like this one.
trait PeripherySlaveAXI4 extends L2Crossbar {
private val config = p(ExtIn)
2016-11-23 01:58:24 +01:00
val l2_axi4 = AXI4BlindInputNode(AXI4MasterPortParameters(
masters = Seq(AXI4MasterParameters(
id = IdRange(0, 1 << config.idBits)))))
l2.node :=
TLSourceShrinker(1 << config.sourceBits)(
2016-11-23 01:58:24 +01:00
trait PeripherySlaveAXI4Bundle extends L2CrossbarBundle {
val outer: PeripherySlaveAXI4
val l2_axi4 = outer.l2_axi4.bundleIn
trait PeripherySlaveAXI4Module extends L2CrossbarModule {
val outer: PeripherySlaveAXI4
val io: PeripherySlaveAXI4Bundle
// nothing to do
// Add an external TL-UL slave
trait PeripheryMasterTLMMIO {
this: TopNetwork =>
private val config = p(ExtBus)
val mmio_tl = TLBlindOutputNode(TLManagerPortParameters(
managers = Seq(TLManagerParameters(
address = List(AddressSet(BigInt(config.base), config.size-1)),
executable = true,
supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, cacheBlockBytes),
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, cacheBlockBytes),
supportsPutPartial = TransferSizes(1, cacheBlockBytes))),
beatBytes = config.beatBytes))
mmio_tl :=
trait PeripheryMasterTLMMIOBundle {
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryMasterTLMMIO
} =>
val mmio_tl = outer.mmio_tl.bundleOut
trait PeripheryMasterTLMMIOModule {
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryMasterTLMMIO
val io: PeripheryMasterTLMMIOBundle
} =>
// nothing to do
// NOTE: this port is NOT allowed to issue Acquires
trait PeripherySlaveTL extends L2Crossbar {
private val config = p(ExtIn)
val l2_tl = TLBlindInputNode(TLClientPortParameters(
clients = Seq(TLClientParameters(
sourceId = IdRange(0, 1 << config.idBits)))))
l2.node :=
TLSourceShrinker(1 << config.sourceBits)(
trait PeripherySlaveTLBundle extends L2CrossbarBundle {
val outer: PeripherySlaveTL
val l2_tl = outer.l2_tl.bundleIn
trait PeripherySlaveTLModule extends L2CrossbarModule {
val outer: PeripherySlaveTL
val io: PeripherySlaveTLBundle
// nothing to do
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryBootROM {
this: TopNetwork =>
val coreplex: CoreplexRISCVPlatform
private val bootrom_address = 0x1000
private val bootrom_size = 0x1000
private lazy val bootrom_contents = GenerateBootROM(p, bootrom_address, coreplex.configString)
val bootrom = LazyModule(new TLROM(bootrom_address, bootrom_size, bootrom_contents, true, peripheryBusConfig.beatBytes))
bootrom.node := TLFragmenter(peripheryBusConfig.beatBytes, cacheBlockBytes)(peripheryBus.node)
trait PeripheryBootROMBundle {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryBootROM
} =>
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryBootROMModule {
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryBootROM
val io: PeripheryBootROMBundle
} =>
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryTestRAM {
this: TopNetwork =>
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
val testram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x52000000, 0xfff), true, peripheryBusConfig.beatBytes))
testram.node := TLFragmenter(peripheryBusConfig.beatBytes, cacheBlockBytes)(peripheryBus.node)
trait PeripheryTestRAMBundle {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryTestRAM
} =>
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryTestRAMModule {
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryTestRAM
val io: PeripheryTestRAMBundle
} =>
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
trait PeripheryTestBusMaster {
this: TopNetwork =>
val fuzzer = LazyModule(new TLFuzzer(5000))
peripheryBus.node := fuzzer.node
trait PeripheryTestBusMasterBundle {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkBundle {
val outer: PeripheryTestBusMaster
} =>
trait PeripheryTestBusMasterModule {
2016-10-29 07:30:13 +02:00
this: TopNetworkModule {
val outer: PeripheryTestBusMaster
val io: PeripheryTestBusMasterBundle
} =>