Added OPV board. Moved Spannungsversorgung.

This commit is contained in:
ht 2018-03-22 15:52:53 +01:00
parent fcfd63250c
commit da2c202057
16 changed files with 995 additions and 0 deletions

boards/OPV/OPV-cache.lib Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3
#encoding utf-8
# CONN_01X07
DEF CONN_01X07 P 0 40 Y N 1 F N
F0 "P" 0 400 50 H V C CNN
F1 "CONN_01X07" 100 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
S -50 -350 50 350 0 1 0 N
S -50 -295 10 -305 0 1 0 N
S -50 -195 10 -205 0 1 0 N
S -50 -95 10 -105 0 1 0 N
S -50 5 10 -5 0 1 0 N
S -50 105 10 95 0 1 0 N
S -50 205 10 195 0 1 0 N
S -50 305 10 295 0 1 0 N
X P1 1 -200 300 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P2 2 -200 200 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P3 3 -200 100 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P4 4 -200 0 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P5 5 -200 -100 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P6 6 -200 -200 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P7 7 -200 -300 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
DEF GND #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
F0 "#PWR" 0 -250 50 H I C CNN
F1 "GND" 0 -150 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
P 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 -50 50 -50 0 -100 -50 -50 0 -50 N
X GND 1 0 0 0 D 50 50 1 1 W N
# LM2902N
DEF LM2902N U 0 20 Y Y 4 F N
F0 "U" 50 200 50 H V C CNN
F1 "LM2902N" 150 -200 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" -50 100 50 H V C CNN
F3 "" 50 200 50 H V C CNN
ALIAS LM324 TLC274 TL074 LM324N LM324AN MCP6004
P 4 0 1 6 -200 200 200 0 -200 -200 -200 200 f
X V+ 4 -100 300 150 D 50 50 0 1 W
X V- 11 -100 -300 150 U 50 50 0 1 W
X ~ 1 300 0 100 L 50 50 1 1 O
X - 2 -300 -100 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X + 3 -300 100 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X + 5 -300 100 100 R 50 50 2 1 I
X - 6 -300 -100 100 R 50 50 2 1 I
X ~ 7 300 0 100 L 50 50 2 1 O
X ~ 8 300 0 100 L 50 50 3 1 O
X - 9 -300 -100 100 R 50 50 3 1 I
X + 10 -300 100 100 R 50 50 3 1 I
X + 12 -300 100 100 R 50 50 4 1 I
X - 13 -300 -100 100 R 50 50 4 1 I
X ~ 14 300 0 100 L 50 50 4 1 O
F0 "#FLG" 0 95 50 H I C CNN
F1 "PWR_FLAG" 0 180 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
X pwr 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 0 0 w
P 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 50 -75 100 0 150 75 100 0 50 N
DEF VCC #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
F0 "#PWR" 0 -150 50 H I C CNN
F1 "VCC" 0 150 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN
C 0 75 25 0 1 0 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 50 N
X VCC 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 1 1 W N
#End Library

boards/OPV/OPV.kicad_pcb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 4) (host pcbnew 4.0.2+dfsg1-stable)
(links 14)
(no_connects 0)
(area 134.591667 92.835 162.588334 120.375)
(thickness 1.6)
(drawings 15)
(tracks 30)
(zones 0)
(modules 3)
(nets 15)
(page A4)
(0 F.Cu signal)
(31 B.Cu signal hide)
(32 B.Adhes user)
(33 F.Adhes user)
(34 B.Paste user)
(35 F.Paste user)
(36 B.SilkS user)
(37 F.SilkS user)
(38 B.Mask user)
(39 F.Mask user)
(40 Dwgs.User user)
(41 Cmts.User user)
(42 Eco1.User user)
(43 Eco2.User user)
(44 Edge.Cuts user)
(45 Margin user)
(46 B.CrtYd user)
(47 F.CrtYd user)
(48 B.Fab user)
(49 F.Fab user)
(last_trace_width 0.25)
(trace_clearance 0.2)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_45_only no)
(trace_min 0.2)
(segment_width 0.2)
(edge_width 0.15)
(via_size 0.6)
(via_drill 0.4)
(via_min_size 0.4)
(via_min_drill 0.3)
(uvia_size 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(uvias_allowed no)
(uvia_min_size 0.2)
(uvia_min_drill 0.1)
(pcb_text_width 0.3)
(pcb_text_size 1.5 1.5)
(mod_edge_width 0.15)
(mod_text_size 1 1)
(mod_text_width 0.15)
(pad_size 2.032 2.032)
(pad_drill 1.016)
(pad_to_mask_clearance 0.2)
(aux_axis_origin 0 0)
(visible_elements FFFFFF7F)
(layerselection 0x00000_00000001)
(usegerberextensions false)
(excludeedgelayer true)
(linewidth 0.100000)
(plotframeref false)
(viasonmask false)
(mode 1)
(useauxorigin false)
(hpglpennumber 1)
(hpglpenspeed 20)
(hpglpendiameter 15)
(hpglpenoverlay 2)
(psnegative false)
(psa4output false)
(plotreference true)
(plotvalue true)
(plotinvisibletext false)
(padsonsilk false)
(subtractmaskfromsilk false)
(outputformat 4)
(mirror true)
(drillshape 1)
(scaleselection 1)
(outputdirectory ""))
(net 0 "")
(net 1 "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(net 2 "Net-(P1-Pad2)")
(net 3 "Net-(P1-Pad3)")
(net 4 VCC)
(net 5 "Net-(P1-Pad5)")
(net 6 "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(net 7 "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(net 8 "Net-(P2-Pad1)")
(net 9 "Net-(P2-Pad2)")
(net 10 "Net-(P2-Pad3)")
(net 11 GND)
(net 12 "Net-(P2-Pad5)")
(net 13 "Net-(P2-Pad6)")
(net 14 "Net-(P2-Pad7)")
(net_class Default "This is the default net class."
(clearance 0.2)
(trace_width 0.25)
(via_dia 0.6)
(via_drill 0.4)
(uvia_dia 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(add_net GND)
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad5)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(add_net "Net-(P2-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(P2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(P2-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(P2-Pad5)")
(add_net "Net-(P2-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(P2-Pad7)")
(add_net VCC)
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x07 (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5AB3B738) (tstamp 5AB3B634)
(at 157.48 114.3)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5AB3ACB3)
(fp_text reference P2 (at 0 5.1) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value CONN_01X07 (at 0 3.1) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start -1.75 1.75) (end -1.75 -17) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 1.75) (end 1.75 -17) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 1.75) (end 1.75 1.75) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -17) (end 1.75 -17) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 -16.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -16.51) (end -1.27 -16.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -16.51) (end -1.27 -1.27) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 -1.27) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 1.55) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 1.55) (end 1.55 1.55) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 8 "Net-(P2-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 -2.54) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 9 "Net-(P2-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 0 -5.08) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 10 "Net-(P2-Pad3)"))
(pad 4 thru_hole rect (at 0 -7.62) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 11 GND))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 0 -10.16) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 12 "Net-(P2-Pad5)"))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 0 -12.7) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 13 "Net-(P2-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 thru_hole circle (at 0 -15.24) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 14 "Net-(P2-Pad7)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x07.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.3 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x07 (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5AB3B6DD) (tstamp 5AB3B629)
(at 139.7 99.06 180)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5AB3AD07)
(fp_text reference P1 (at 0 5.1 180) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value CONN_01X07 (at 0 3.1 180) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start -1.75 1.75) (end -1.75 -17) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 1.75) (end 1.75 -17) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 1.75) (end 1.75 1.75) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -17) (end 1.75 -17) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 -16.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -16.51) (end -1.27 -16.51) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -16.51) (end -1.27 -1.27) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end -1.27 -1.27) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 1.55) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 1.55) (end 1.55 1.55) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 1 "Net-(P1-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 -2.54 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 2 "Net-(P1-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 0 -5.08 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 3 "Net-(P1-Pad3)"))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 -7.62 180) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 4 VCC))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 0 -10.16 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 5 "Net-(P1-Pad5)"))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 0 -12.7 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 6 "Net-(P1-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 thru_hole circle (at 0 -15.24 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask B.SilkS)
(net 7 "Net-(P1-Pad7)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x07.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.3 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Housings_SOIC:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_Pitch1.27mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54130A77) (tstamp 5AB3B646)
(at 148.59 106.68)
(descr "14-Lead Plastic Small Outline (SL) - Narrow, 3.90 mm Body [SOIC] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049BS.pdf)")
(tags "SOIC 1.27")
(path /5AB3AE31)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U1 (at 0 -5.375) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value LMV824M (at 0 5.375) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.65) (end -3.7 4.65) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.65) (end 3.7 4.65) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.65) (end 3.7 -4.65) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.65) (end 3.7 4.65) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.075 -4.45) (end -2.075 -4.335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.075 -4.45) (end 2.075 -4.335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.075 4.45) (end 2.075 4.335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -2.075 4.45) (end -2.075 4.335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -2.075 -4.45) (end 2.075 -4.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -2.075 4.45) (end 2.075 4.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -2.075 -4.335) (end -3.45 -4.335) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -2.7 -3.81) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 "Net-(P1-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 smd rect (at -2.7 -2.54) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 2 "Net-(P1-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 smd rect (at -2.7 -1.27) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 3 "Net-(P1-Pad3)"))
(pad 4 smd rect (at -2.7 0) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 4 VCC))
(pad 5 smd rect (at -2.7 1.27) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 5 "Net-(P1-Pad5)"))
(pad 6 smd rect (at -2.7 2.54) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 6 "Net-(P1-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 smd rect (at -2.7 3.81) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 7 "Net-(P1-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 smd rect (at 2.7 3.81) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 8 "Net-(P2-Pad1)"))
(pad 9 smd rect (at 2.7 2.54) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 9 "Net-(P2-Pad2)"))
(pad 10 smd rect (at 2.7 1.27) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 10 "Net-(P2-Pad3)"))
(pad 11 smd rect (at 2.7 0) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 11 GND))
(pad 12 smd rect (at 2.7 -1.27) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 12 "Net-(P2-Pad5)"))
(pad 13 smd rect (at 2.7 -2.54) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 13 "Net-(P2-Pad6)"))
(pad 14 smd rect (at 2.7 -3.81) (size 1.5 0.6) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 14 "Net-(P2-Pad7)"))
(model Housings_SOIC.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_Pitch1.27mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(gr_text ▼ (at 145.796 101.6) (layer F.Cu)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.05)))
(gr_text CO (at 159.004 114.3) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C0D4)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text CI- (at 159.004 111.76) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C0C7)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text CI+ (at 159.004 109.22) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C0B2)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text DO (at 159.004 99.06) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C09B)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text DI- (at 159.004 101.6) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C08F)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text DI+ (at 159.004 104.14) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C077)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text "GND\n" (at 159.004 106.68) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3C05B)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text BO (at 136.652 114.3) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3BF57)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text BI- (at 136.652 111.76) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3BF45)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text BI+ (at 136.652 109.22) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3BF32)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text AO (at 136.652 99.06) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3BEEE)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text AI- (at 136.652 101.6) (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 5AB3BEE8)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text AI+ (at 136.652 104.14) (layer F.Cu)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(gr_text VCC (at 136.652 106.68) (layer F.Cu)
(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)) (justify left))
(segment (start 145.89 102.87) (end 143.51 102.87) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 143.51 102.87) (end 139.7 99.06) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 145.89 104.14) (end 142.24 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 142.24 104.14) (end 139.7 101.6) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 145.89 105.41) (end 141.630575 105.41) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 141.630575 105.41) (end 140.360575 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 140.360575 104.14) (end 139.7 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 145.89 106.68) (end 139.7 106.68) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 145.89 107.95) (end 141.632544 107.95) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 141.632544 107.95) (end 140.362544 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 140.362544 109.22) (end 139.7 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 145.89 109.22) (end 142.24 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 142.24 109.22) (end 139.7 111.76) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 145.89 110.49) (end 143.51 110.49) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 143.51 110.49) (end 139.7 114.3) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 151.29 110.49) (end 153.67 110.49) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 153.67 110.49) (end 157.48 114.3) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 151.29 109.22) (end 154.94 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 154.94 109.22) (end 157.48 111.76) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 151.29 107.95) (end 155.582495 107.95) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 10))
(segment (start 155.582495 107.95) (end 156.852495 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 10))
(segment (start 156.852495 109.22) (end 157.48 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 10))
(segment (start 151.29 106.68) (end 157.48 106.68) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 151.29 105.41) (end 155.584463 105.41) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 12))
(segment (start 155.584463 105.41) (end 156.854463 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 12))
(segment (start 156.854463 104.14) (end 157.48 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 12))
(segment (start 151.29 104.14) (end 154.94 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 13))
(segment (start 154.94 104.14) (end 157.48 101.6) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 13))
(segment (start 151.29 102.87) (end 153.67 102.87) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 14))
(segment (start 153.67 102.87) (end 157.48 99.06) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 14))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer F.Cu) (tstamp 0) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0.508))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(fill yes (mode segment) (arc_segments 16) (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
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(xy 150.000678 103.504528) (xy 149.943569 103.58811) (xy 149.89256 103.84) (xy 149.89256 104.44) (xy 149.936838 104.675317)
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(xy 150.000678 106.044528) (xy 149.943569 106.12811) (xy 149.89256 106.38) (xy 149.89256 106.98) (xy 149.936838 107.215317)
(xy 150.000678 107.314528) (xy 149.943569 107.39811) (xy 149.89256 107.65) (xy 149.89256 108.25) (xy 149.936838 108.485317)
(xy 150.000678 108.584528) (xy 149.943569 108.66811) (xy 149.89256 108.92) (xy 149.89256 109.52) (xy 149.936838 109.755317)
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(xy 147.236431 109.77189) (xy 147.28744 109.52) (xy 147.28744 108.92) (xy 147.243162 108.684683) (xy 147.179322 108.585472)
(xy 147.236431 108.50189) (xy 147.28744 108.25) (xy 147.28744 107.65) (xy 147.243162 107.414683) (xy 147.179322 107.315472)
(xy 147.236431 107.23189) (xy 147.28744 106.98) (xy 147.28744 106.38) (xy 147.243162 106.144683) (xy 147.179322 106.045472)
(xy 147.236431 105.96189) (xy 147.28744 105.71) (xy 147.28744 105.11) (xy 147.243162 104.874683) (xy 147.179322 104.775472)
(xy 147.236431 104.69189) (xy 147.28744 104.44) (xy 147.28744 103.84) (xy 147.243162 103.604683) (xy 147.179322 103.505472)
(xy 147.236431 103.42189) (xy 147.28744 103.17) (xy 147.28744 102.57) (xy 147.243162 102.334683) (xy 147.10409 102.118559)
(xy 146.89189 101.973569) (xy 146.765524 101.947979) (xy 146.765524 100.54) (xy 144.826476 100.54) (xy 144.826476 102.017163)
(xy 144.688559 102.10591) (xy 144.685764 102.11) (xy 143.824802 102.11) (xy 141.278516 99.563714) (xy 141.350713 99.389845)
(xy 141.351286 98.733037) (xy 141.100466 98.126005) (xy 140.891825 97.917) (xy 156.28809 97.917)
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(xy 155.828714 101.926963) (xy 155.901669 102.103529) (xy 154.625198 103.38) (xy 154.234802 103.38) (xy 155.828837 101.785965)
(xy 142.945198 103.38) (xy 142.554802 103.38) (xy 141.278516 102.103714) (xy 141.350713 101.929845) (xy 141.350839 101.785641)
(pts (xy 140.891825 97.917) (xy 156.28809 97.917))
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(pts (xy 141.182028 98.3234) (xy 155.998187 98.3234))
(pts (xy 141.265989 98.5266) (xy 155.913811 98.5266))
(pts (xy 141.349949 98.7298) (xy 155.829435 98.7298))
(pts (xy 141.351111 98.933) (xy 155.829111 98.933))
(pts (xy 141.350934 99.1362) (xy 155.828933 99.1362))
(pts (xy 141.350757 99.3394) (xy 155.828756 99.3394))
(pts (xy 141.287283 99.5426) (xy 155.893021 99.5426))
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(pts (xy 141.663802 99.949) (xy 155.516198 99.949))
(pts (xy 141.867002 100.1522) (xy 155.312998 100.1522))
(pts (xy 142.070202 100.3554) (xy 155.109798 100.3554))
(pts (xy 142.273402 100.5586) (xy 144.826476 100.5586))
(pts (xy 146.765524 100.5586) (xy 154.906598 100.5586))
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(pts (xy 146.765524 100.7618) (xy 154.703398 100.7618))
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(pts (xy 146.765524 100.965) (xy 154.500198 100.965))
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(pts (xy 146.765524 101.1682) (xy 154.296998 101.1682))
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(pts (xy 146.765524 101.5746) (xy 153.890598 101.5746))
(pts (xy 143.492602 101.7778) (xy 144.826476 101.7778))
(pts (xy 146.765524 101.7778) (xy 153.687398 101.7778))
(pts (xy 143.695802 101.981) (xy 144.826476 101.981))
(pts (xy 146.902766 101.981) (xy 150.282675 101.981))
(pts (xy 152.302766 101.981) (xy 153.484198 101.981))
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(pts (xy 147.28744 102.5906) (xy 149.89256 102.5906))
(pts (xy 147.28744 102.7938) (xy 149.89256 102.7938))
(pts (xy 147.28744 102.997) (xy 149.89256 102.997))
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(pts (xy 147.28744 104.013) (xy 149.89256 104.013))
(pts (xy 147.28744 104.2162) (xy 149.89256 104.2162))
(pts (xy 147.28744 104.4194) (xy 149.89256 104.4194))
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(pts (xy 147.28744 105.2322) (xy 149.89256 105.2322))
(pts (xy 147.28744 105.4354) (xy 149.89256 105.4354))
(pts (xy 147.28744 105.6386) (xy 149.89256 105.6386))
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(pts (xy 147.28744 106.8578) (xy 149.89256 106.8578))
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(pts (xy 147.28744 107.8738) (xy 149.89256 107.8738))
(pts (xy 147.28744 108.077) (xy 149.89256 108.077))
(pts (xy 147.281324 108.2802) (xy 149.898242 108.2802))
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(pts (xy 147.243523 108.6866) (xy 149.939825 108.6866))
(pts (xy 147.281758 108.8898) (xy 149.898676 108.8898))
(pts (xy 147.28744 109.093) (xy 149.89256 109.093))
(pts (xy 147.28744 109.2962) (xy 149.89256 109.2962))
(pts (xy 147.28744 109.4994) (xy 149.89256 109.4994))
(pts (xy 147.250462 109.7026) (xy 149.926918 109.7026))
(pts (xy 147.211707 109.9058) (xy 149.965646 109.9058))
(pts (xy 147.272199 110.109) (xy 149.908963 110.109))
(pts (xy 147.28744 110.3122) (xy 149.89256 110.3122))
(pts (xy 147.28744 110.5154) (xy 149.89256 110.5154))
(pts (xy 147.28744 110.7186) (xy 149.89256 110.7186))
(pts (xy 147.260749 110.9218) (xy 149.917359 110.9218))
(pts (xy 147.179644 111.125) (xy 150.000982 111.125))
(pts (xy 143.746602 111.3282) (xy 144.802886 111.3282))
(pts (xy 146.97627 111.3282) (xy 150.202886 111.3282))
(pts (xy 152.37627 111.3282) (xy 153.433398 111.3282))
(pts (xy 143.543402 111.5314) (xy 153.636598 111.5314))
(pts (xy 143.340202 111.7346) (xy 153.839798 111.7346))
(pts (xy 143.137002 111.9378) (xy 154.042998 111.9378))
(pts (xy 142.933802 112.141) (xy 154.246198 112.141))
(pts (xy 142.730602 112.3442) (xy 154.449398 112.3442))
(pts (xy 142.527402 112.5474) (xy 154.652598 112.5474))
(pts (xy 142.324202 112.7506) (xy 154.855798 112.7506))
(pts (xy 142.121002 112.9538) (xy 155.058998 112.9538))
(pts (xy 141.917802 113.157) (xy 155.262198 113.157))
(pts (xy 141.714602 113.3602) (xy 155.465398 113.3602))
(pts (xy 141.511402 113.5634) (xy 155.668598 113.5634))
(pts (xy 141.308202 113.7666) (xy 155.871798 113.7666))
(pts (xy 141.349949 113.9698) (xy 155.829435 113.9698))
(pts (xy 141.351111 114.173) (xy 155.829111 114.173))
(pts (xy 141.350934 114.3762) (xy 155.828933 114.3762))
(pts (xy 141.350757 114.5794) (xy 155.828756 114.5794))
(pts (xy 141.287283 114.7826) (xy 155.893021 114.7826))
(pts (xy 141.202907 114.9858) (xy 155.976982 114.9858))
(pts (xy 141.118531 115.189) (xy 156.060942 115.189))
(pts (xy 140.942798 115.3922) (xy 156.237463 115.3922))
(pts (xy 154.234802 109.98) (xy 154.625198 109.98))
(pts (xy 154.438002 110.1832) (xy 154.828398 110.1832))
(pts (xy 154.641202 110.3864) (xy 155.031598 110.3864))
(pts (xy 154.844402 110.5896) (xy 155.234798 110.5896))
(pts (xy 155.047602 110.7928) (xy 155.437998 110.7928))
(pts (xy 155.250802 110.996) (xy 155.641198 110.996))
(pts (xy 155.454002 111.1992) (xy 155.844398 111.1992))
(pts (xy 155.657202 111.4024) (xy 155.840812 111.4024))
(pts (xy 142.554802 109.98) (xy 142.945198 109.98))
(pts (xy 142.351602 110.1832) (xy 142.741998 110.1832))
(pts (xy 142.148402 110.3864) (xy 142.538798 110.3864))
(pts (xy 141.945202 110.5896) (xy 142.335598 110.5896))
(pts (xy 141.742002 110.7928) (xy 142.132398 110.7928))
(pts (xy 141.538802 110.996) (xy 141.929198 110.996))
(pts (xy 141.335602 111.1992) (xy 141.725998 111.1992))
(pts (xy 141.338628 111.4024) (xy 141.522798 111.4024))
(pts (xy 155.828837 101.785965) (xy 155.828837 101.785965))
(pts (xy 155.625637 101.989165) (xy 155.854415 101.989165))
(pts (xy 155.422437 102.192365) (xy 155.812833 102.192365))
(pts (xy 155.219237 102.395565) (xy 155.609633 102.395565))
(pts (xy 155.016037 102.598765) (xy 155.406433 102.598765))
(pts (xy 154.812837 102.801965) (xy 155.203233 102.801965))
(pts (xy 154.609637 103.005165) (xy 155.000033 103.005165))
(pts (xy 154.406437 103.208365) (xy 154.796833 103.208365))
(pts (xy 141.350839 101.785641) (xy 141.350839 101.785641))
(pts (xy 141.326215 101.988841) (xy 141.554039 101.988841))
(pts (xy 141.366843 102.192041) (xy 141.757239 102.192041))
(pts (xy 141.570043 102.395241) (xy 141.960439 102.395241))
(pts (xy 141.773243 102.598441) (xy 142.163639 102.598441))
(pts (xy 141.976443 102.801641) (xy 142.366839 102.801641))
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(pts (xy 142.382843 103.208041) (xy 142.773239 103.208041))

boards/OPV/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
update=Do 22 Mär 2018 14:07:34 CET

boards/OPV/OPV.sch Normal file
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EESchema Schematic File Version 2
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documents/OPV-F.Cu.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.