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2016-11-29 13:08:44 +01:00
// See LICENSE for license details.
package sifive.blocks.devices.gpio
import Chisel._
import config._
import regmapper._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import rocketchip.PeripheryBusConfig
import util.AsyncResetRegVec
case class GPIOConfig(address: BigInt, width: Int)
trait HasGPIOParameters {
val params: Tuple2[Parameters, GPIOConfig]
implicit val p = params._1
val c = params._2
// YAGNI: Make the PUE, DS, and
// these also optionally HW controllable.
// This is the base class of things you "always"
// want to control from a HW block.
class GPIOCtrl extends Bundle {
val oval = Bool()
val oe = Bool()
val ie = Bool()
// This is the actual IOF interface.
// Add a valid bit to indicate whether
// there is something actually connected
// to this.
class GPIOPinIOFCtrl extends GPIOCtrl {
val valid = Bool()
// By default,
object GPIOPinIOFCtrl {
def apply(): GPIOPinIOFCtrl = {
val iof = Wire(new GPIOPinIOFCtrl())
iof.valid := Bool(false)
iof.oval := Bool(false)
iof.oe := Bool(false)
iof.ie := Bool(false)
// This is the control for a physical
// Pad.
class GPIOPinCtrl extends GPIOCtrl {
val pue = Bool() // Pull-up Enable
val ds = Bool() // Drive Strength
object GPIOPinCtrl {
def apply(): GPIOPinCtrl = {
val pin = Wire(new GPIOPinCtrl())
pin.oval := Bool(false)
pin.oe := Bool(false)
pin.pue := Bool(false)
pin.ds := Bool(false)
pin.ie := Bool(false)
// Package up the inputs and outputs
// for the IOF
class GPIOPinIOF extends Bundle {
val i = new Bundle {
val ival = Bool(INPUT)
val o = new GPIOPinIOFCtrl().asOutput
// Connect both the i and o side of the pin,
// and drive the valid signal for the IOF.
object GPIOPinToIOF {
def apply (pin: GPIOPin, iof: GPIOPinIOF): Unit = {
iof <> pin
iof.o.valid := Bool(true)
// Package up the inputs and outputs
// for the Pin
class GPIOPin extends Bundle {
val i = new Bundle {
val ival = Bool(INPUT)
val o = new GPIOPinCtrl().asOutput
// This is sort of weird because
// the IOF end up at the RocketChipTop
// level, and we have to do the pinmux
// outside of RocketChipTop.
class GPIOPortIO(c: GPIOConfig) extends Bundle {
val pins = Vec(c.width, new GPIOPin)
val iof_0 = Vec(c.width, new GPIOPinIOF).flip
val iof_1 = Vec(c.width, new GPIOPinIOF).flip
// It would be better if the IOF were here and
// we could do the pinmux inside.
trait GPIOBundle extends Bundle with HasGPIOParameters {
val port = new GPIOPortIO(c)
trait GPIOModule extends Module with HasGPIOParameters with HasRegMap {
val io: GPIOBundle
// CSR Declarations
// -------------------------------------------------
// SW Control only.
val portReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val oeReg = Module(new AsyncResetRegVec(c.width, 0))
val pueReg = Module(new AsyncResetRegVec(c.width, 0))
val dsReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val ieReg = Module(new AsyncResetRegVec(c.width, 0))
// Synchronize Input to get valueReg
val inVal = Wire(UInt(0, width=c.width))
inVal := Vec(io.port.pins.map(_.i.ival)).asUInt
val inSyncReg = ShiftRegister(inVal, 3)
val valueReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width), next = inSyncReg)
// Interrupt Configuration
val highIeReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val lowIeReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val riseIeReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val fallIeReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val highIpReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val lowIpReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val riseIpReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
val fallIpReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
// HW IO Function
val iofEnReg = Module(new AsyncResetRegVec(c.width, 0))
val iofSelReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
// Invert Output
val xorReg = Reg(init = UInt(0, c.width))
// CSR Access Logic (most of this section is boilerplate)
// -------------------------------------------------
val rise = ~valueReg & inSyncReg;
val fall = valueReg & ~inSyncReg;
// Note that these are out of order.
GPIOCtrlRegs.value -> Seq(RegField.r(c.width, valueReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.output_en -> Seq(RegField.rwReg(c.width, oeReg.io)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.rise_ie -> Seq(RegField(c.width, riseIeReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.rise_ip -> Seq(RegField.w1ToClear(c.width, riseIpReg, rise)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.fall_ie -> Seq(RegField(c.width, fallIeReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.fall_ip -> Seq(RegField.w1ToClear(c.width, fallIpReg, fall)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.high_ie -> Seq(RegField(c.width, highIeReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.high_ip -> Seq(RegField.w1ToClear(c.width, highIpReg, valueReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.low_ie -> Seq(RegField(c.width, lowIeReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.low_ip -> Seq(RegField.w1ToClear(c.width,lowIpReg, ~valueReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.port -> Seq(RegField(c.width, portReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.pullup_en -> Seq(RegField.rwReg(c.width, pueReg.io)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.iof_en -> Seq(RegField.rwReg(c.width, iofEnReg.io)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.iof_sel -> Seq(RegField(c.width, iofSelReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.drive -> Seq(RegField(c.width, dsReg)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.input_en -> Seq(RegField.rwReg(c.width, ieReg.io)),
GPIOCtrlRegs.out_xor -> Seq(RegField(c.width, xorReg))
// Actual Pinmux
// -------------------------------------------------
val swPinCtrl = Wire(Vec(c.width, new GPIOPinCtrl()))
// This strips off the valid.
val iof0Ctrl = Wire(Vec(c.width, new GPIOCtrl()))
val iof1Ctrl = Wire(Vec(c.width, new GPIOCtrl()))
val iofCtrl = Wire(Vec(c.width, new GPIOCtrl()))
val iofPlusSwPinCtrl = Wire(Vec(c.width, new GPIOPinCtrl()))
for (pin <- 0 until c.width) {
// Software Pin Control
swPinCtrl(pin).pue := pueReg.io.q(pin)
swPinCtrl(pin).oval := portReg(pin)
swPinCtrl(pin).oe := oeReg.io.q(pin)
swPinCtrl(pin).ds := dsReg(pin)
swPinCtrl(pin).ie := ieReg.io.q(pin)
// Allow SW Override for invalid inputs.
iof0Ctrl(pin) <> swPinCtrl(pin)
when (io.port.iof_0(pin).o.valid) {
iof0Ctrl(pin) <> io.port.iof_0(pin).o
iof1Ctrl(pin) <> swPinCtrl(pin)
when (io.port.iof_1(pin).o.valid) {
iof1Ctrl(pin) <> io.port.iof_1(pin).o
// Select IOF 0 vs. IOF 1.
iofCtrl(pin) <> Mux(iofSelReg(pin), iof1Ctrl(pin), iof0Ctrl(pin))
// Allow SW Override for things IOF doesn't control.
iofPlusSwPinCtrl(pin) <> swPinCtrl(pin)
iofPlusSwPinCtrl(pin) <> iofCtrl(pin)
// Final XOR & Pin Control
val pre_xor: GPIOPinCtrl = Mux(iofEnReg.io.q(pin), iofPlusSwPinCtrl(pin), swPinCtrl(pin))
io.port.pins(pin).o := pre_xor
io.port.pins(pin).o.oval := pre_xor.oval ^ xorReg(pin)
// Generate Interrupts
interrupts(pin) := (riseIpReg(pin) & riseIeReg(pin)) |
(fallIpReg(pin) & fallIeReg(pin)) |
(highIpReg(pin) & highIeReg(pin)) |
(lowIpReg(pin) & lowIeReg(pin))
// Send Value to all consumers
io.port.iof_0(pin).i.ival := inSyncReg(pin)
io.port.iof_1(pin).i.ival := inSyncReg(pin)
object GPIOOutputPinCtrl {
def apply( pin: GPIOPin, signal: Bool,
pue: Bool = Bool(false),
ds: Bool = Bool(false),
ie: Bool = Bool(false)
): Unit = {
pin.o.oval := signal
pin.o.oe := Bool(true)
pin.o.pue := pue
pin.o.ds := ds
pin.o.ie := ie
def apply(pins: Vec[GPIOPin], signals: Bits,
pue: Bool, ds: Bool, ie: Bool
): Unit = {
for ((signal, pin) <- (signals.toBools zip pins)) {
apply(pin, signal, pue, ds, ie)
def apply(pins: Vec[GPIOPin], signals: Bits): Unit = apply(pins, signals,
Bool(false), Bool(false), Bool(false))
object GPIOInputPinCtrl {
def apply (pin: GPIOPin, pue: Bool = Bool(false)): Bool = {
pin.o.oval := Bool(false)
pin.o.oe := Bool(false)
pin.o.pue := pue
pin.o.ds := Bool(false)
pin.o.ie := Bool(true)
def apply (pins: Vec[GPIOPin], pue: Bool): Vec[Bool] = {
val signals = Wire(Vec.fill(pins.size)(Bool(false)))
for ((signal, pin) <- (signals zip pins)) {
signal := GPIOInputPinCtrl(pin, pue)
def apply (pins: Vec[GPIOPin]): Vec[Bool] = apply(pins, Bool(false))
// Magic TL2 Incantation to create a TL2 Slave
class TLGPIO(p: Parameters, c: GPIOConfig)
extends TLRegisterRouter(c.address, interrupts = c.width, beatBytes = p(PeripheryBusConfig).beatBytes)(
new TLRegBundle(Tuple2(p, c), _) with GPIOBundle)(
new TLRegModule(Tuple2(p, c), _, _) with GPIOModule)