264 lines
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264 lines
10 KiB
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
package rocket
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import config._
import diplomacy._
import coreplex.CacheBlockBytes
import tile.{XLen, CoreModule, CoreBundle}
import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.constants._
import util._
case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevels extends Field[Int]
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int]
class SFenceReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val rs1 = Bool()
val rs2 = Bool()
val asid = UInt(width = asIdBits max 1) // TODO zero-width
class TLBReq(lgMaxSize: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val vaddr = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended)
val passthrough = Bool()
val instruction = Bool()
val store = Bool()
val sfence = Valid(new SFenceReq)
val size = UInt(width = log2Ceil(lgMaxSize + 1))
val cmd = Bits(width = M_SZ)
override def cloneType = new TLBReq(lgMaxSize).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class TLBExceptions extends Bundle {
val ld = Bool()
val st = Bool()
val inst = Bool()
class TLBResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
// lookup responses
val miss = Bool()
val paddr = UInt(width = paddrBits)
val pf = new TLBExceptions
val ae = new TLBExceptions
val ma = new TLBExceptions
val cacheable = Bool()
class TLB(lgMaxSize: Int, nEntries: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val req = Decoupled(new TLBReq(lgMaxSize)).flip
val resp = new TLBResp().asOutput
val ptw = new TLBPTWIO
class Entry extends Bundle {
val ppn = UInt(width = ppnBits)
val tag = UInt(width = asIdBits + vpnBits)
val level = UInt(width = log2Ceil(pgLevels))
val u = Bool()
val g = Bool()
val ae = Bool()
val sw = Bool()
val sx = Bool()
val sr = Bool()
val pw = Bool()
val px = Bool()
val pr = Bool()
val pal = Bool() // AMO logical
val paa = Bool() // AMO arithmetic
val eff = Bool() // get/put effects
val c = Bool()
val totalEntries = nEntries + 1
val normalEntries = nEntries
val specialEntry = nEntries
val valid = Reg(init = UInt(0, totalEntries))
val reg_entries = Reg(Vec(totalEntries, UInt(width = new Entry().getWidth)))
val entries = reg_entries.map(_.asTypeOf(new Entry))
val s_ready :: s_request :: s_wait :: s_wait_invalidate :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 4)
val state = Reg(init=s_ready)
val r_refill_tag = Reg(UInt(width = asIdBits + vpnBits))
val r_refill_waddr = Reg(UInt(width = log2Ceil(normalEntries)))
val r_req = Reg(new TLBReq(lgMaxSize))
val priv = Mux(io.req.bits.instruction, io.ptw.status.prv, io.ptw.status.dprv)
val priv_s = priv(0)
val priv_uses_vm = priv <= PRV.S
val vm_enabled = Bool(usingVM) && io.ptw.ptbr.mode(io.ptw.ptbr.mode.getWidth-1) && priv_uses_vm && !io.req.bits.passthrough
// share a single physical memory attribute checker (unshare if critical path)
val (vpn, pgOffset) = Split(io.req.bits.vaddr, pgIdxBits)
val refill_ppn = io.ptw.resp.bits.pte.ppn(ppnBits-1, 0)
val do_refill = Bool(usingVM) && io.ptw.resp.valid
val invalidate_refill = state.isOneOf(s_request /* don't care */, s_wait_invalidate)
val mpu_ppn = Mux(do_refill, refill_ppn,
Mux(vm_enabled, entries.last.ppn, vpn))
val mpu_physaddr = Cat(mpu_ppn, io.req.bits.vaddr(pgIdxBits-1, 0))
val pmp = Module(new PMPChecker(lgMaxSize))
pmp.io.addr := mpu_physaddr
pmp.io.size := io.req.bits.size
pmp.io.pmp := (io.ptw.pmp: Seq[PMP])
pmp.io.prv := Mux(Bool(usingVM) && (do_refill || io.req.bits.passthrough /* PTW */), PRV.S, priv)
val legal_address = edge.manager.findSafe(mpu_physaddr).reduce(_||_)
def fastCheck(member: TLManagerParameters => Boolean) =
legal_address && Mux1H(edge.manager.findFast(mpu_physaddr), edge.manager.managers.map(m => Bool(member(m))))
val cacheable = fastCheck(_.supportsAcquireB)
val prot_r = fastCheck(_.supportsGet) && pmp.io.r
val prot_w = fastCheck(_.supportsPutFull) && pmp.io.w
val prot_al = fastCheck(_.supportsLogical) || cacheable
val prot_aa = fastCheck(_.supportsArithmetic) || cacheable
val prot_x = fastCheck(_.executable) && pmp.io.x
val prot_eff = fastCheck(Seq(RegionType.PUT_EFFECTS, RegionType.GET_EFFECTS) contains _.regionType)
val isSpecial = !(io.ptw.resp.bits.homogeneous || io.ptw.resp.bits.ae)
val lookup_tag = Cat(io.ptw.ptbr.asid, vpn(vpnBits-1,0))
val hitsVec = (0 until totalEntries).map { i => vm_enabled && {
var tagMatch = valid(i)
for (j <- 0 until pgLevels) {
val base = vpnBits - (j + 1) * pgLevelBits
tagMatch = tagMatch && (entries(i).level < j || entries(i).tag(base + pgLevelBits - 1, base) === vpn(base + pgLevelBits - 1, base))
}} :+ !vm_enabled
val hits = hitsVec.asUInt
val level = Mux1H(hitsVec.init, entries.map(_.level))
val partialPPN = Mux1H(hitsVec.init, entries.map(_.ppn))
val ppn = {
var ppn = Mux(vm_enabled, partialPPN, vpn)(pgLevelBits*pgLevels - 1, pgLevelBits*(pgLevels - 1))
for (i <- 1 until pgLevels)
ppn = Cat(ppn, (Mux(level < i, vpn, 0.U) | partialPPN)(vpnBits - i*pgLevelBits - 1, vpnBits - (i + 1)*pgLevelBits))
// permission bit arrays
when (do_refill && !invalidate_refill) {
val waddr = Mux(isSpecial, specialEntry.U, r_refill_waddr)
val pte = io.ptw.resp.bits.pte
val newEntry = Wire(new Entry)
newEntry.ppn := pte.ppn
newEntry.tag := r_refill_tag
newEntry.level := io.ptw.resp.bits.level
newEntry.c := cacheable
newEntry.u := pte.u
newEntry.g := pte.g
// if an access exception occurs during PTW, pretend the page has full
// permissions so that a page fault will not occur, but clear the
// phyiscal memory permissions, so that an access exception will occur.
newEntry.ae := io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.sr := pte.sr() || io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.sw := pte.sw() || io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.sx := pte.sx() || io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.pr := prot_r && !io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.pw := prot_w && !io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.px := prot_x && !io.ptw.resp.bits.ae
newEntry.pal := prot_al
newEntry.paa := prot_aa
newEntry.eff := prot_eff
valid := valid | UIntToOH(waddr)
reg_entries(waddr) := newEntry.asUInt
val plru = new PseudoLRU(normalEntries)
val repl_waddr = Mux(!valid(normalEntries-1, 0).andR, PriorityEncoder(~valid(normalEntries-1, 0)), plru.replace)
val priv_ok = entries.map(_.ae).asUInt | Mux(priv_s, ~Mux(io.ptw.status.sum, UInt(0), entries.map(_.u).asUInt), entries.map(_.u).asUInt)
val r_array = Cat(true.B, priv_ok & (entries.map(_.sr).asUInt | Mux(io.ptw.status.mxr, entries.map(_.sx).asUInt, UInt(0))))
val w_array = Cat(true.B, priv_ok & entries.map(_.sw).asUInt)
val x_array = Cat(true.B, priv_ok & entries.map(_.sx).asUInt)
val pr_array = Cat(Fill(2, prot_r), entries.init.map(_.pr).asUInt)
val pw_array = Cat(Fill(2, prot_w), entries.init.map(_.pw).asUInt)
val px_array = Cat(Fill(2, prot_x), entries.init.map(_.px).asUInt)
val paa_array = Cat(Fill(2, prot_aa), entries.init.map(_.paa).asUInt)
val pal_array = Cat(Fill(2, prot_al), entries.init.map(_.pal).asUInt)
val eff_array = Cat(Fill(2, prot_eff), entries.init.map(_.eff).asUInt)
val c_array = Cat(Fill(2, cacheable), entries.init.map(_.c).asUInt)
val misaligned = (io.req.bits.vaddr & (UIntToOH(io.req.bits.size) - 1)).orR
val bad_va = vm_enabled &&
(if (vpnBits == vpnBitsExtended) Bool(false)
else vpn(vpnBits) =/= vpn(vpnBits-1))
val lrscAllowed = Mux(Bool(usingDataScratchpad), 0.U, c_array)
val ae_array =
Mux(misaligned, eff_array, 0.U) |
Mux(Bool(usingAtomics) && io.req.bits.cmd.isOneOf(M_XLR, M_XSC), ~lrscAllowed, 0.U)
val ae_ld_array = Mux(isRead(io.req.bits.cmd), ae_array | ~pr_array, 0.U)
val ae_st_array =
Mux(isWrite(io.req.bits.cmd), ae_array | ~pw_array, 0.U) |
Mux(Bool(usingAtomics) && isAMOLogical(io.req.bits.cmd), ~pal_array, 0.U) |
Mux(Bool(usingAtomics) && isAMOArithmetic(io.req.bits.cmd), ~paa_array, 0.U)
val ma_ld_array = Mux(misaligned && isRead(io.req.bits.cmd), ~eff_array, 0.U)
val ma_st_array = Mux(misaligned && isWrite(io.req.bits.cmd), ~eff_array, 0.U)
val pf_ld_array = Mux(isRead(io.req.bits.cmd), ~r_array, 0.U)
val pf_st_array = Mux(isWrite(io.req.bits.cmd), ~w_array, 0.U)
val tlb_hit = hits(totalEntries-1, 0).orR
val tlb_miss = vm_enabled && !bad_va && !tlb_hit && !io.req.bits.sfence.valid
when (io.req.valid && !tlb_miss && !hits(specialEntry)) {
plru.access(OHToUInt(hits(normalEntries-1, 0)))
// Superpages create the possibility that two entries in the TLB may match.
// This corresponds to a software bug, but we can't return complete garbage;
// we must return either the old translation or the new translation. This
// isn't compatible with the Mux1H approach. So, flush the TLB and report
// a miss on duplicate entries.
val multipleHits = PopCountAtLeast(hits(totalEntries-1, 0), 2)
io.req.ready := state === s_ready
io.resp.pf.ld := (bad_va && isRead(io.req.bits.cmd)) || (pf_ld_array & hits).orR
io.resp.pf.st := (bad_va && isWrite(io.req.bits.cmd)) || (pf_st_array & hits).orR
io.resp.pf.inst := bad_va || (~x_array & hits).orR
io.resp.ae.ld := (ae_ld_array & hits).orR
io.resp.ae.st := (ae_st_array & hits).orR
io.resp.ae.inst := (~px_array & hits).orR
io.resp.ma.ld := (ma_ld_array & hits).orR
io.resp.ma.st := (ma_st_array & hits).orR
io.resp.ma.inst := false // this is up to the pipeline to figure out
io.resp.cacheable := (c_array & hits).orR
io.resp.miss := do_refill || tlb_miss || multipleHits
io.resp.paddr := Cat(ppn, pgOffset)
io.ptw.req.valid := state === s_request
io.ptw.req.bits <> io.ptw.status
io.ptw.req.bits.addr := r_refill_tag
if (usingVM) {
val sfence = io.req.valid && io.req.bits.sfence.valid
when (io.req.fire() && tlb_miss) {
state := s_request
r_refill_tag := lookup_tag
r_refill_waddr := repl_waddr
r_req := io.req.bits
when (state === s_request) {
when (sfence) { state := s_ready }
when (io.ptw.req.ready) { state := Mux(sfence, s_wait_invalidate, s_wait) }
when (state === s_wait && sfence) {
state := s_wait_invalidate
when (io.ptw.resp.valid) {
state := s_ready
when (sfence) {
valid := Mux(io.req.bits.sfence.bits.rs1, valid & ~hits(totalEntries-1, 0),
Mux(io.req.bits.sfence.bits.rs2, valid & entries.map(_.g).asUInt, 0))
when (multipleHits) {
valid := 0