It was expanding to AMOADD.W, which is clearly not an illegal instruction.
169 lines
6.7 KiB
169 lines
6.7 KiB
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
class ExpandedInstruction extends Bundle {
val bits = UInt(width = 32)
val rd = UInt(width = 5)
val rs1 = UInt(width = 5)
val rs2 = UInt(width = 5)
val rs3 = UInt(width = 5)
class RVCDecoder(x: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters) {
def inst(bits: UInt, rd: UInt = x(11,7), rs1: UInt = x(19,15), rs2: UInt = x(24,20), rs3: UInt = x(31,27)) = {
val res = Wire(new ExpandedInstruction)
res.bits := bits
res.rd := rd
res.rs1 := rs1
res.rs2 := rs2
res.rs3 := rs3
def rs1p = Cat(UInt(1,2), x(9,7))
def rs2p = Cat(UInt(1,2), x(4,2))
def rs2 = x(6,2)
def rd = x(11,7)
def addi4spnImm = Cat(x(10,7), x(12,11), x(5), x(6), UInt(0,2))
def lwImm = Cat(x(5), x(12,10), x(6), UInt(0,2))
def ldImm = Cat(x(6,5), x(12,10), UInt(0,3))
def lwspImm = Cat(x(3,2), x(12), x(6,4), UInt(0,2))
def ldspImm = Cat(x(4,2), x(12), x(6,5), UInt(0,3))
def swspImm = Cat(x(8,7), x(12,9), UInt(0,2))
def sdspImm = Cat(x(9,7), x(12,10), UInt(0,3))
def luiImm = Cat(Fill(15, x(12)), x(6,2), UInt(0,12))
def addi16spImm = Cat(Fill(3, x(12)), x(4,3), x(5), x(2), x(6), UInt(0,4))
def addiImm = Cat(Fill(7, x(12)), x(6,2))
def jImm = Cat(Fill(10, x(12)), x(8), x(10,9), x(6), x(7), x(2), x(11), x(5,3), UInt(0,1))
def bImm = Cat(Fill(5, x(12)), x(6,5), x(2), x(11,10), x(4,3), UInt(0,1))
def shamt = Cat(x(12), x(6,2))
def x0 = UInt(0,5)
def ra = UInt(1,5)
def sp = UInt(2,5)
def q0 = {
def addi4spn = {
val opc = Mux(x(12,5).orR, UInt(0x13,7), UInt(0x1F,7))
inst(Cat(addi4spnImm, sp, UInt(0,3), rs2p, opc), rs2p, sp, rs2p)
def ld = inst(Cat(ldImm, rs1p, UInt(3,3), rs2p, UInt(0x03,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def lw = inst(Cat(lwImm, rs1p, UInt(2,3), rs2p, UInt(0x03,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def fld = inst(Cat(ldImm, rs1p, UInt(3,3), rs2p, UInt(0x07,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def flw = {
if (p(XLen) == 32) inst(Cat(lwImm, rs1p, UInt(2,3), rs2p, UInt(0x07,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
else ld
def unimp = inst(Cat(lwImm >> 5, rs2p, rs1p, UInt(2,3), lwImm(4,0), UInt(0x3F,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def sd = inst(Cat(ldImm >> 5, rs2p, rs1p, UInt(3,3), ldImm(4,0), UInt(0x23,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def sw = inst(Cat(lwImm >> 5, rs2p, rs1p, UInt(2,3), lwImm(4,0), UInt(0x23,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def fsd = inst(Cat(ldImm >> 5, rs2p, rs1p, UInt(3,3), ldImm(4,0), UInt(0x27,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
def fsw = {
if (p(XLen) == 32) inst(Cat(lwImm >> 5, rs2p, rs1p, UInt(2,3), lwImm(4,0), UInt(0x27,7)), rs2p, rs1p, rs2p)
else sd
Seq(addi4spn, fld, lw, flw, unimp, fsd, sw, fsw)
def q1 = {
def addi = inst(Cat(addiImm, rd, UInt(0,3), rd, UInt(0x13,7)), rd, rd, rs2p)
def addiw = {
val opc = Mux(rd.orR, UInt(0x1B,7), UInt(0x1F,7))
inst(Cat(addiImm, rd, UInt(0,3), rd, opc), rd, rd, rs2p)
def jal = {
if (p(XLen) == 32) inst(Cat(jImm(20), jImm(10,1), jImm(11), jImm(19,12), ra, UInt(0x6F,7)), ra, rd, rs2p)
else addiw
def li = inst(Cat(addiImm, x0, UInt(0,3), rd, UInt(0x13,7)), rd, x0, rs2p)
def addi16sp = {
val opc = Mux(addiImm.orR, UInt(0x13,7), UInt(0x1F,7))
inst(Cat(addi16spImm, rd, UInt(0,3), rd, opc), rd, rd, rs2p)
def lui = {
val opc = Mux(addiImm.orR, UInt(0x37,7), UInt(0x3F,7))
val me = inst(Cat(luiImm(31,12), rd, opc), rd, rd, rs2p)
Mux(rd === x0 || rd === sp, addi16sp, me)
def j = inst(Cat(jImm(20), jImm(10,1), jImm(11), jImm(19,12), x0, UInt(0x6F,7)), x0, rs1p, rs2p)
def beqz = inst(Cat(bImm(12), bImm(10,5), x0, rs1p, UInt(0,3), bImm(4,1), bImm(11), UInt(0x63,7)), rs1p, rs1p, x0)
def bnez = inst(Cat(bImm(12), bImm(10,5), x0, rs1p, UInt(1,3), bImm(4,1), bImm(11), UInt(0x63,7)), x0, rs1p, x0)
def arith = {
def srli = Cat(shamt, rs1p, UInt(5,3), rs1p, UInt(0x13,7))
def srai = srli | UInt(1 << 30)
def andi = Cat(addiImm, rs1p, UInt(7,3), rs1p, UInt(0x13,7))
def rtype = {
val funct = Seq(0.U, 4.U, 6.U, 7.U, 0.U, 0.U, 2.U, 3.U)(Cat(x(12), x(6,5)))
val sub = Mux(x(6,5) === UInt(0), UInt(1 << 30), UInt(0))
val opc = Mux(x(12), UInt(0x3B,7), UInt(0x33,7))
Cat(rs2p, rs1p, funct, rs1p, opc) | sub
inst(Seq(srli, srai, andi, rtype)(x(11,10)), rs1p, rs1p, rs2p)
Seq(addi, jal, li, lui, arith, j, beqz, bnez)
def q2 = {
def slli = inst(Cat(shamt, rd, UInt(1,3), rd, UInt(0x13,7)), rd, rd, rs2)
def ldsp = inst(Cat(ldspImm, sp, UInt(3,3), rd, UInt(0x03,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
def lwsp = inst(Cat(lwspImm, sp, UInt(2,3), rd, UInt(0x03,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
def fldsp = inst(Cat(ldspImm, sp, UInt(3,3), rd, UInt(0x07,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
def flwsp = {
if (p(XLen) == 32) inst(Cat(lwspImm, sp, UInt(2,3), rd, UInt(0x07,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
else ldsp
def sdsp = inst(Cat(sdspImm >> 5, rs2, sp, UInt(3,3), sdspImm(4,0), UInt(0x23,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
def swsp = inst(Cat(swspImm >> 5, rs2, sp, UInt(2,3), swspImm(4,0), UInt(0x23,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
def fsdsp = inst(Cat(sdspImm >> 5, rs2, sp, UInt(3,3), sdspImm(4,0), UInt(0x27,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
def fswsp = {
if (p(XLen) == 32) inst(Cat(swspImm >> 5, rs2, sp, UInt(2,3), swspImm(4,0), UInt(0x27,7)), rd, sp, rs2)
else sdsp
def jalr = {
val mv = inst(Cat(rs2, x0, UInt(0,3), rd, UInt(0x33,7)), rd, x0, rs2)
val add = inst(Cat(rs2, rd, UInt(0,3), rd, UInt(0x33,7)), rd, rd, rs2)
val jr = Cat(rs2, rd, UInt(0,3), x0, UInt(0x67,7))
val reserved = Cat(jr >> 7, UInt(0x1F,7))
val jr_reserved = inst(Mux(rd.orR, jr, reserved), x0, rd, rs2)
val jr_mv = Mux(rs2.orR, mv, jr_reserved)
val jalr = Cat(rs2, rd, UInt(0,3), ra, UInt(0x67,7))
val ebreak = Cat(jr >> 7, UInt(0x73,7)) | UInt(1 << 20)
val jalr_ebreak = inst(Mux(rd.orR, jalr, ebreak), ra, rd, rs2)
val jalr_add = Mux(rs2.orR, add, jalr_ebreak)
Mux(x(12), jalr_add, jr_mv)
Seq(slli, fldsp, lwsp, flwsp, jalr, fsdsp, swsp, fswsp)
def q3 = Seq.fill(8)(passthrough)
def passthrough = inst(x)
def decode = {
val s = q0 ++ q1 ++ q2 ++ q3
s(Cat(x(1,0), x(15,13)))
class RVCExpander(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasCoreParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = UInt(INPUT, 32)
val out = new ExpandedInstruction
val rvc = Bool(OUTPUT)
if (usingCompressed) {
io.rvc := io.in(1,0) =/= UInt(3)
io.out := new RVCDecoder(io.in).decode
} else {
io.rvc := Bool(false)
io.out := new RVCDecoder(io.in).passthrough